ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Funeral Rites- Part 2

Abanyala ba Kakamega have many funeral rites observed during mourning time. Mourning period is called amasika . Each funeral has its own specific funeral rites depending on various factors: age of the dead, physical nature of the dead, sex of the dead, status of the dead, type of death and place of death. a) How old is the culture of burial and mourning in Abanyala? Unlike some other communities that did not bury their dead, Abanyala seemed to have acquired the culture of burying their dead relatives slightly earlier albeit in shallow graves. The following are some of the reasons that add validity to this assertion: Their third leader of Abanyala ba Kakamega called Maero wa Masiribayi asked to be taken back to Maero Forest for burial where his father was buried. This was long before the 1900 in Maero Forest- presently found in Eastern Uganda. The Abanyala ba Kakamega have many elaborate burial rites which is an indication of a long established tradition passed on from one generati...