The Olunyala (K) is a sub-dialect of Luhya language spoken by the Abanyala of Kakamega. The Language is internationally coded as ISO 939-3 nle. In Olunyala (K) fish is known as eng'eni in both plural and singular. The following are names for different types of fish. a) Names of different types of fish in Olunyala (K) Efulu - it is a small fish which has a forked tail fin; the haplochromis sp Embiri - largest type of tilapia or dolphin species over 2m that are found in slightly deep waters. Also a name for the biggest fish that was believed to have the ability to swallow people. Echachu - arapaima Ekhunga - eel; anguilla sp Emanje ya omufumu - Red tilapia Emanje y'omufumu Emanje embwiru - dark tilapia. Emanje Emirye - shark Emonye - marbed lungfish Emputa - Nile perch Endere - similar to tilapia Eningu- Gregoris labeo Esemenye - Clarote Esemenye Eseu - young catfish Esibambala - dried and openned fish Esipalapapa - Esire - ripp...