
Showing posts from April, 2018

ABANYALA: The Story of the Unsung Heroes- Miriri wa Nambengere and Miriri wa Musiondo

Among the Abanyala of Kakamega, there lives a story of two unsung heroes: Miriri wa Nambengere and Miriri Omusiondo. The two are from the clan of Abasiondo who pride themselves in the praise phrase Omusiondo Namaliro owa-mumbo  translated as the Abasiondo of the couragious cry who lead others from Mumbo. 1. Omwami Miriri wa Nambengere. This was a leader, omwsmi wa efumo, of Abanyala. Miriri wa Nambengere took over power from Kiminyi Munyala wa Namakangala. He helped Abanyala to unite with Abaongo. Unfortunately, when his brother, Nachicha, was killed in a battle, he went against the rule that omwami should never go to the battlefield by stepping down as a leader in fevour of going to a revenge mission together with other worriors. He died in the war.  When Miriri wa Nambengere died, Munyala okhwa Mukhamba lead a revolution that split the unity of Abanyala ba Kakamega and Abanyala Baongo.  That is why Abanyala of Kakamega are at times refered to as Abanyala ba Mukhamba....

ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Abanyala Music, Dances and Clothing

Abanyala ba Kakamega have songs and dances during most of their cultural activities. The singing and dancing comprise of key elements: the dancing arena (omuse), authentic songs melodies ( emienya ), the singers ( ab'embi ), the authentic dance styles ( oukhino ), the authentic costumes and decor ( emiefwalo ) and authentic instrumentation ( amakhana ). Abanyala dances are usually fast paced dances. Their main indigenous dance is called chilumbe. A] SONGS AND DANCE IN CULTURAL SETTING Most cultural activities have an accompanying song. Abanyala sing during any of the following situations: a) During the following ceremonial rites, songs and dance were performed:  Funeral (emienya kya esibera) sang during and, after funeral occassions. Marriage (emienya kya emitialo) sang before, during and imediately after a marriage ceremony. Child naming (emienya kya okhukulikha),  After-baby-birth celebrations (emienya kya okhutucha) Circumcision (emienya kya okhuminya) sang before, durin...


Welcome to the Story. This is the story of the origin of Abairifuma. Abayirifuma is a clan found among the Abanyala ba Kakamega. A story is told and retold that towards the onset of the 18th Century, the Abanyala ba Mukhamba  (now living in Kakamega, Bungoma and Tranzoia counties) lived in Uganda Bukwe under the leadership of Mukhamba wa Munyala Mukhe Mukangu of Abayemba clan. Mukhamba wa Munyala Mukhe Mukangu handed over power to Nasookho of Abayemba-Abasaya. After some time, Nasookho was peacefully removed from power by his people. The people then installed Masiribayi . The story of the rise of Masiribayi to the seat of power among Abanyala Ba Kakamega is the same as the story of the origin of Abayirifuma among Abanyala. Story starts by stating that Masiribayi was of the Masaai subgroup of Ilporko . Masiribayi was a son of Ngau . Ngau was a son to Muleria . Muleria was a son of Sani .  He separated from his brothers (and was believed to have got lost) after circum...