
Showing posts from June, 2018

ABANYALA: History of the Chronology of Famines

Nobody from Abanyala has ever died of famine. No wonder they always said ' embako si ibeyanga ta ,' that is: 'a hoe never lies'. However, that does not mean they have lived in plenty all the years. Among the Abanyala, famine is defined in term of widespread scarcity of staple food; especially, ugali made from millet flour. Most of the boys born during such seasons were called Wanjala while the girls were called Nanjala. The following major seasons of famine are documented among the people. 1. Enjala Saba-lulala This was a minor one that swept across most families in Bunyala in 1997. It was characterised by people eating only one meal in a day. 2. Enjala ya Ekorokoro It affected Abanyala in 1980. It was at this time that the government imported yellow maize. It was marked by the introduction of the new method of measuring cereals using a two-kilogram tin called ekorokoro. It was caused by drought and economic instability in the region. The same phenomenon ...

ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: The Clan of Abakwangwachi

Abakwangwachi is one of the clans among the Luhya subtribe of Abanyala ba Kakamega found in Kenya and Uganda. The Abakwangwachi speak Olunyala (K) as their first language with a few others speaking Olubukusu, Olutachoni and Oluwanga. 1. The first traceable ancestor of Abakwangwachi The first traceable ancestor of Abakwangwachi is called  Wire Wirecha.  Wire's father is strongly believed was from Bakwangwa and his mother was from Basikulu.  Wire Wirecha broke off from  Bakwangwa  clan when he differed with his clansmen over installation of family heir when his father died. The stakes were high on family leadership since the heir was poised to became one of the clan leaders of Bakwangwa. By the time of his father's death, Wire Wirecha had not yet married despite being old enough to do so. Therefore, his younger brother, who had married earlier, was given the leadership mantle. In protest, Wire threatened to commit suicide. He took off armed with a rope in re...