ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: The Story of the Clan of Abasenya
The story of the origin of Abasenya in Abanyala ba Kakamega is the story of a great legendary man called Simbuchi. I have to point out that I cannot tell the story of Origin of Abasenya- The story of Simbuchi, without recognising the work done by Masakha et al (2018) in his book Abanyala ba Kakamega : A Cultural and Historical Perspective . Genesis of Abasenya At the begining of Abasenya among the Abanyala of Kakamega, it is recorded that they came into existance via assimilation of a man called Simbuchi. The assimilation rituals and oaths was so binding that there was no going back- one became a member of the new sub-tribe and acquired equal status as other tribes. The ritual will be explained elsewhere on this blog. Simbuchi was a son of Ole Kiseinya and grand son of the Arap Ronos from the present Narok County. Simbuchi moved out of his father's home in Narok in search of pasture-upon becoming a Masaai moran . From Narok area, he moved towards Mt Elgon through the l...