ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA- Relatives and Marriages

"Am the real aunt to the father of your father's mother. Respect me!" That is how extended the relationships are among Abanyala ba Kakamega. Abanyala ba Kakamega have a web relationships called olwikho. There is blood paternal-relationship called ekholo, non blood relatives due to marriages called abalebe and distant relatives known as esichokhe . Olwikho helped to shape interaction and bring social order. Any relative had a right to discipline a child. A] RELATIVES AND RELATIONS IN OLUNYALA (K) The following are the main names for main relations among the Abanyala. Abakhocha (Ewukhocha)- general namr for all members of the clan of your mother. Abakuka (Ewukuka)- general name of clan where one's father is uncled. Abakukhu (Ewukukhu)- general name of clan where your mother is uncled. Basakwa- one you have married with from the same family. Also the husband to your wife's cousin. Esianang'ina- ones half brother; share only one of the biological mo...