
Showing posts from January, 2019

ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Chronology of Leadership and chieftainship.

Abanyala ba Kakamega were under leadership of various leaders from time immemorial. Most of the clans of Abanyala live side by side with Abasamia Bagwe of Uganda and common but stratified leadership. Each of the leaders was called omwami wa efumo. It is worth noting that these leaders are wrongly refered to as fathers of the clans creating an impression that they are those who started the clans yet they were only leaders of clan clusters. For example, when Abanyala were ruled by Ndombi wa Namusia, they became known as Abanyala ba Ndombi. This has created a wrong impression that they all belonged to Ndombi's family tree. However, the truth is that Ndombi is not the forefather of the generation that exist as Abanyala ba Kakamega. He was only a leader of the various clans during his era. ABANYALA LEADERSHIP IN CONTEXT. The people called Abanyala did not live in isolation during their migration. It is narrated that they were  together with other communities that subscribed to the ...

ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Leadership Structure

Abanyala ba Kakamega had an all inclusive leadership structure that was a hybrid of hereditory and selection. 1. Leadership of the Abanyala. The leadeship structure started at family level up to subtribe level. It was mandatory for a leader at any level of leadershipto have a wife. T he first lady was called   Omukhaye wa Olukosi-  a lady of honour and pride. Any second or other wives were called Abakhaye Abawootia. In case of polygamy, the first lady always remained the first wife. All activities related to leadership were organised with the first wife in picture.  A leader never married a first lady who had given birth before ( Nasikoko ), who was a twin ( ekhwana ), who had been divorrced ( omuwolole ), who was inherited ( Namulekhwa ), who is a product of incest ( owa oluswa ) and who had namukasa (first born in a family of another leader's family). Upon the death of a leader, it was the first lady ( omukhaye wa olukoosi)   who  kept the royal item...


Abaengele is one of the clans among Abanyala ba Kakamega. The members of this clan are found among the Babukusu in Bungoma and Trans Nzoia, among Abasamia in Busia, among the Tachon in Lugari and among the Abanyala of Navakholo in Kakamega. There is a general consensus that Abaengele were originally Abanyala. Abaengele in early leadership of Abanyala After Munyala Mareba, an Abaengele clansman called Munyala-I wa Naukhamba was the ruler of Abanyala. He handed over to his son Kiminyi Munyala (Kimi Munyala) who stepped down latter in fevour of a leader from Abaongo. During the ensing confision, a son of Abasiondo uncled among Abaengele called Miriri- I wa Nambengere took over. Miriri- I, being a warrior, died in a war and Mukhamba of Abayemba took over. Mukhamba handed over to Munyala Mukhekhe who passed on the button to Mukhamba wa Nabakholo. Mukhamba wa Navakholo passed the batton of leadership to Nasookho wa Nalukuo. Nasookho became a victim of the peaceful coup by members of the...

ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: The Clan of Abasonge.

Abasonge is one of the clans among the Abanyala ba Kakameka. This Abasonge clan of the Abanyala is one among the six Abasonge sub-clans found among six sub-tribes of Western Kenya. It is with a lot of curiosity to note that Basonge or Abasonge or Abasonje in Kenya do share a name with the Basonge (originally Songye) in Zaire. However, they may be a different people or same people who separated centuries ago. 1. The six family groups of Abasonge. Though seen as six various groups, the Abasonge in Abanyala do not intermary with any of other Abasonge because they believe they were originally one people from the leneage of Songe se Songiek. They exist as below: Abasonge found among the Ugandan The Abasonge family among the Tachon The Basonge among the Bukusu in Lugari and Bungoma Some of the Abasonge family of Abasonga among the Luos in Nyadorera of Alego Usonga. They are the Abasonge Abarecheya. (Aba-Leitia) The Abasonje family among the Abakabras of Malava. Abasonge family am...