ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Chronology of Leadership and chieftainship.
Abanyala ba Kakamega were under leadership of various leaders from time immemorial. Most of the clans of Abanyala live side by side with Abasamia Bagwe of Uganda and common but stratified leadership. Each of the leaders was called omwami wa efumo. It is worth noting that these leaders are wrongly refered to as fathers of the clans creating an impression that they are those who started the clans yet they were only leaders of clan clusters. For example, when Abanyala were ruled by Ndombi wa Namusia, they became known as Abanyala ba Ndombi. This has created a wrong impression that they all belonged to Ndombi's family tree. However, the truth is that Ndombi is not the forefather of the generation that exist as Abanyala ba Kakamega. He was only a leader of the various clans during his era. ABANYALA LEADERSHIP IN CONTEXT. The people called Abanyala did not live in isolation during their migration. It is narrated that they were together with other communities that subscribed to the ...