ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Meals and Food crops

Abanyala ba Kakamega had a variety of indegenous cooked food. The following are some of the key names of the meals. Amakira - Amabeere- milk. There were other milk products such as amasalule (fat), amabere amayu, amabeere amawiwu, embuu, omutokha, eonda etc Amachemwa- bananas. There were different types of bananas: echemwa lya engocha (cooked), echemwa lya esilimi (brew making), echemwa lya omunchinchi or switi, echemwa lya panianiamba (panana), echemwa esumwe, echemwa lya bokoya and echemwa lya nalandwe. We have the following banana meals: amachemwa amasamba (roasted bananas), amachemwa amasinde (unpeeled and boiled bananas), amachemwa amatekhe (peeled and boiled bananas) and amachemwa amalabire (ripe bananas) Amachemwa ka esinyala Amachuku (eseebe) - air potatoes or Discorea minutiflora. They were roasted and then boiled. Most people considered them as the poor man's food since they were readily available. Amachuku Amaengere- succotash. A mixture of beans and maize...