ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language- Names of animals' young ones.

Balovera Edwin Ongacho Olunyala (K) has names for young ones of animals. The following are some of the names. Amaana - young of bees, wasps; larvae. Amasibili - young ones of dung beetle; grubs. Amawuyiani - young ones of ants; antling. Ebikekhe - young ones of crown crane. Ekhungu - young ones of an armywarm moths. Children born during their outbreak are called Wakhungu and Nakhungu. Embere - young ones of white ants. Ememe - young of a goat, sheep Emosi - young one of cattle, antelope, buffalo, giraffe, zebra, donkey, wildebeest. Endaana - young one of human at infant stage. Also the young of some primates such as baboon, monkey, gorilla, chimpanzee. Enjololi - young one of elephants. Enyende - young of flies; maggots. Enyende ya'basochi - young of human botfly that host itself in human skin. Enyana - young ones of a pig (piglet) and wild birds; hatchlings. Esiwekera - young one of lion or leopard. Enywinywi - young one of a chic...