ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA- Language: Names of Edible birds

By Balovera Edwin Ongacho Olunyala (K) language has names for many indigenous edible birds that are natives of their environment. The following are the names of birds which are eaten among the Abanyala of Kakamega. Most of the grain and fruit eating birds were edible. The type of beak, past meal experiences after eating the bird and the bird's feeding habits helped Abanyala identify edible birds. Edible birds include the following: A) SIZABLE EDIBLE BIRDS Amburuku Amburuku Ebongobongo - Olive pigeon Eito- Ostrich. Its meat is red. It was hunted using spears. Eito Ekhanga- general name for any species of guinea fowl. Ekhanga enyange- white guinea fowl. Ekhanga lya ekutusi- Crested guinea Fowl. They were slightly big and easy to hunt. Ekhanga lya ekutusi Ekhanga lya esileesi- vulturine Guinea fowl. Has nice tasting meat. Ekhanga lya esilesi Ekhanga lya olwika- helmeted guinea fowl. It has tasty white meat. Ekhanga lya olwika Ekhoocho- Cape Francolin. Usualy dark g...