ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Reduplication in Nouns

The Olunyala (K) is a sub-dialect of Luhya language spoken by the Abanyala of Kakamega. The Language is internationally coded as ISO 939-3 nle. CONCEPT OF REDUPLICATION Reduplication is a word forming process in Olunyala (K). “Given a word with a phonological form X, then reduplication refers to XX or xX (where x is part of X and x can appear either just before X, just after X, or inside X). Conditions: (i) XX or xX must be semantically related to X. (ii) XX or xX must be productive.” (Kiyomi 1995:2). The following reduplication in verbs illustrates this phonetic phonomenon. Okhuliolioma- <okhu> + < lio > + < lio > + <ma> The reduplication of the sound /lio/ occures before the word <lioma> Namukhokhome- <na> + <mu> + < kho > + < kho > +<me> The reduplication of the sound /xo/ occurs inside the word <namu......me>. Okhubeyabeya- <okhu> +beya> + < beya >. The reduplication...