ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language 1- Olunyala Idioms and Phrasal Verb.

The Olunyala (K), the language by Abanyala ba Kakamega, is very rich in idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs. The following is a comprehensive list of these. The verb form 'to be" has been used making all the verbs herein to start with the prefix 'okh~'. Okhu abasa khu muya wa esiole- to have ugali meal. Okhuba esiswa sya khungira- to be free for any person to make use of but without picking to go with it. A common resource for all. Okhuba khombe'ngesi- to bebe extremely alert. Okhuaba sichie- to cry for help but nobody comes. Okhuababa mu siirima- to try finding a solution to a problem by guessing. Okhuacha enyungu (amalwa)- [brew almost breaking the pot]- to be earger to pertake a meal and yet being delayed by talks. Okhuamba esoni- to be ashamed. Okhuambia ekhira- to bring a curse, especially to the young children, due to elicit sexual activity. Okhuambia okwa endaha- to cause a great problem which people fear coming around to help. They only ad...