ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language 1- Olunyala Idioms and Phrasal Verb.
The Olunyala (K), the language by Abanyala ba Kakamega, is very rich in idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs.
The following is a comprehensive list of these. The verb form 'to be" has been used making all the verbs herein to start with the prefix 'okh~'.
- Okhu abasa khu muya wa esiole- to have ugali meal.
- Okhuba esiswa sya khungira- to be free for any person to make use of but without picking to go with it. A common resource for all.
- Okhuba khombe'ngesi- to bebe extremely alert.
- Okhuaba sichie- to cry for help but nobody comes.
- Okhuababa mu siirima- to try finding a solution to a problem by guessing.
- Okhuacha enyungu (amalwa)- [brew almost breaking the pot]- to be earger to pertake a meal and yet being delayed by talks.
- Okhuamba esoni- to be ashamed.
- Okhuambia ekhira- to bring a curse, especially to the young children, due to elicit sexual activity.
- Okhuambia okwa endaha- to cause a great problem which people fear coming around to help. They only advise from afar.
- Okhuana enda (to give out a stomach)- to make someone pregnant.
- Okhuana nende olukhono (to give out with a small hand)- to give out something grudgingly.
- Okhuana wusa (to give out like that)- to give out something freely.
- Okhuandika emirimo- to employ somebody.
- Okhuandika hasi- to put something in written.
- Okhuandikira amachi- to draw up a fake contract agreement.
- Okhuandika mu siaba- to take note of something as it happens such that you do not forget.
- Okhuasaka esiiro- to declare that a wife is free of the spirit of a dead husband as part of culture where the window's house is pushed down and a beam post split.
- Okhuatisia esibange- to send a visitor away violently after denying him or her food.
- Okhuba aba amala malala- to share a father.
- Okhuba aba enda ndala- to share a mother.
- Okhuba akhasanyi kha Idakho- to be a romour monger.
- Okhuba amachi mangu- to be the easy target for cruelty in a given group.
- Okhuba amachi koka amabwoni- to be of lesser value in the society.
- Okhuba amalasire malala- to be relatives.
- Okhuba echai (omuchafwa) engutu- to be that tea with high concentration of milk.
- Okhuba echango lya enchofu- to be strong, sufficient and welcoming to visitors. Ready to make vistors to beecome part of your family without any discrimination.
- Okhuba echago lya tie-tie- to be weak, very needy and unwelcoming to visitors.
- Okhuba ekaka- to become untouchable.
- Okhuba ekhere lia namakanda- to be one who does not take a shower.
- Okhuba ekina lyomumachi- to be in plenty of resources yet you do not use them.
- Okhuba embirambika- to be the young one who is suffering among the experienced elderly people.
- Okhuba enda- to be visibly pregnant.
- Okhuba engira yichia mu mwalo- to be less discriminative in serving society and also a persevering person in life.
- Okhuba enjala chiakanisa omunwa- to help others succeed without receiving direct benefits from thise you help.
- Okhuba enjukha- to be tricky and one who likes slinking away from meetings.
- Okhuba enyende mu lwoba- to be the only bad one among the good one.
- Okhuba evya mumalasire- to be a trait passed on by inheritance.
- Okhuba esiangala amachuka- to be the lowest in status in a society.
- Okhuba esikhumbuti- to be the stumbling block on the path to sucess.
- Okhuba esing'eng'e- to be noisy and destructive.
- Okhuba esipangalia- to be a useless person
- Okhuba epwengwe (to be an eg shell)- to outlive your usefulness.
- Okhuba etalang'i- to be energetic and cruel.
- Okhuba khacherenge enamunwa- to be egocentric and abusive.
- Okhuba khu kina (omwesi)- to have a full moon.
- Okhuba khu kina (omukhasi)- to be ready to conceive just before visible menstrial periods kick off.
- Okhuba khu lunika- to be on the brink of turning bad or trurning yourself into self destruction.
- Okhuba khu seero (to be on the skin)- to be dead awaiting burial.
- Okhuba luwumbu- to be a virgin or naive or newly married.
- Okhuba mbo chakichakichaki- to be completely broken.
- Okhuba mbo chechecheche (efula)- to rain in small amount for a long time.
- Okhuba mbo chwechweche (oukondo)- to be absolutely white.
- Okhuba mbo chichichichi- to be very wuiet or very cold.
- Okhuba mbo churuchuruchuru (esinchu) - to be very light.
- Okhuba mbo chwichwichwichwi- to be very tight.
- Okhuba mbo fwofwofwofwo (omunchu)- to be certified dead.
- Okhuba mbo futufutufutu- to be completely filled with holes.
- Okhuba mbo kakakaka- to be very hard.
- Okhuba mbo kitukitukitu- to be completly snapped.
- Okhuba mbo kochokocho- to be lost completely.
- Okhuba mbo kurukurukuru- to be completly empty.
- Okhuba mbo paraparapra- to be completely dry.
- Okhuba mbo pepepepe-to be red
- Okhumba mbo pwokipwokipwoki- to be unexpectedly raw.
- Okhuba mbo pyepyepyepye- to be very hot or bitter
- Okhuba mbo tyeketyeketyeke- to be wet and watery.
- Okhuba mbo titititi- to be extremely black or dark.
- Okhuba mbo tutututu- to be full to the brim.
- Okhuba mbo tumbetumbetumbe- to be full with water to the brim.
- Okhuba moni- to be vigilant.
- Okhuba mu lubangachi- to be freshly dead in a coffin or burrying casket.
- Okhuba mu naku- to be in mourning mood.
- Okhuba nakholo mu nyuni- to be one who does not discriminate in terms of age, size, shape colour or status when seducing ladies.
- Okhuba namakhala wa omwami- to be a vice or an assistant to somebody in leadership.
- Okhuba namukha mu eswa- to be the bad one among the good people
- Okhuba namunguba kikendera mu esike- to be the unwanted that forms part of the good ones hence accepted by the other group.
- Okhuba nende amache- to have great desire for everything good in life.
- Okhuba nende amakesi amonganie- to be a tricky and untrustworthy person
- Okhuba nende amakesi ka engiri- to have a very short memory.
- Okhuba nende amakesi ka namususuni- to be always demanding perfection to and extent of being destructive.
- Okhuba nende amakesi ka Wanakhamuna- to turn into a cunning person.
- Okhuba nende efumo (woman)- to be carrying a pregnancy. In such cases, no dowry discussions can be held until the wuman gives birth.
- Okhuba nende esae- to be fertile and give birth to many children.
- Okhuba nende esyo- they have a child you gave birth to before wedlock.
- Okhuba nende olukhono- to be mean.
- Okhuba nende olulimi- to have the ability to convince by words.
- Okhuba nende olulimi lwang- be quick to scold or abuse others.
- Okhuba nende olulimi lwa amasaka- to be less trustworth.
- Okhuba nende omukhono mulayi- to be one whose efforts leads to success.
- Okhuba nende omukhono omuleyi- to be a thief.
- Okhuba nende omukhono omusicho- to be mean.
- Okhuba nende omusiko- to be pregnant.
- Okhuba nga ekhere ne njukha- to be two people; each never accepting defeat from the other.
- Okhuba oluteru lumaale- to be of great use in the society.
- Okhuba omubisi- to be naive, young or new at a place.
- Okhuba omukhasi wa embo-sii- to be the woman given out as wife to create peace pact between clans.
- Okhuba omukongo- to be the one the other depend on in a group.
- Okhuba omusicho- to be pregnant.
- Okhuba omusicho enamuchwe- to lack ability to understand things fast.
- Okhuba omusungu- to be good and generous to somebody.
- Okhuba omwana enyaanya- to be beautiful
- Okhuba omwikule (omuliango)- to be an unmaried lady.
- Okhuba omwikale (omuliango)- to be a married lady.
- Okhuba omwoki- to be bright.
- Okhuba onyala okhuchuna omulambo- to be mean and greedy. You can confirm if a debtor is dead by pinching.
- Okhuba owa eyi ne eyi- yo have no firm stand over issues in life. One who is easily swayed.
- Okhuba owa okhukenda erwanyi- to have extra marital affair.
- Okhuba owa olula lulala- to share a mother or father.
- Okhuba owusera wunyichire- to be one whao was volatile but situation have made you humbled.
- Okhuba pumbu-mu-muyekhe- to be a fool.
- Okhuba tamotamo- to be in a slightly better position.
- Okhuba wusa ochio- to ba naked.
- Okhuba 'wusolo wutochire- to think it is not a serious issue when it is.
- Okhubaakira aha osinjiye- to subject yourself to danger by remaing at one point after gaining something admired by many.
- Okhubaakira omufuhu- use wrong procedure to get some results.
- Okhubakho esisieno. To have bad omen in all that one does.
- Okhubayira nende efumo- to get married while pregnant.
- Okhubayira ni akenda- to live with one man after the other in make shift marriages.
- Okhubakala mu amakhuwa (to spread in words)- to contribute to an idea without making a decision.
- Okhubakala omunchu- to betray and leave the other in treuble before fulfilling an agreement.
- Okhubakha esifwabi- to talk foolishly about a person.
- Okhubakha etosi- to malign or blackmail.
- Okhubakha eloba- to smear wet soil on lady or man during mudding as part of house building rites.
- Okhubakha omukhasi (to paint a wife)- to give out a relative lady to man for quick marriage arr
- Okhubala amalia (to count marriages)- to divorce severally.
- Okhubala amachio- to have been officially inherited more than once.
- Okhubala engulo- to be dead awaiting burial.
- Okhubalaisa ebikhumbo- to elbow away those you perceive as rivals.
- Okhubalira mu biakocha- to incure a loss, accept and move on.
- Okhubalira mu lolooti (to count from the wallet)- to be mean.
- Okhubalukhura Watulo- to have consensequences of a given issue affecting one who was not involved.
- Okhubasa amakhuwa (to plait words)-
- Okhubasira omunchu okwa enyiru- to do all you can to make a person loyal or submissive.
- Okhubasira omunchu omubaso- to scheme and trap a person.
- Okhubekera hamukulu- to attempt cooling down effects of a problem but not solving it.
- Okhubekera olufuhu (to shave with a blunt razor) - to subject a person to suffering.
- Okhubekera olukhalafu (to shave using the rough razor)- to subject a person to some soffering as you try to help.
- Okhubeka omunchu- to con somebody.
- Okhubeka omunchu ebikiye (to shave ones eyebrows)- to cheat.
- Okhubeyeresa amasingo mabisi- to cheat another to suffer.
- Okhubicha omulalu ni asisamuye- they benefit before the situation become volatile.
- Okhubicha omuntu emukongo (to pass a person at the back)- to have a secret affair with a friend's partner.
- Okhubichana oluse- to be of two different generations with a noticeble generation gap.
- Okhubiha owemire- to help a person who is not putting in any personal efforts.
- Okhubiita ekhabi- to bless.
- Okhubiita omusambwa- to participate in one's hobby in case an opportunity comes by.
- Okhubikha enasibecho- to store for future use.
- Okhubikha esikhondi- to bear grudge.
- Okhubikha omubiri- to burry.
- Okhubisia efula (to make rain pass) - to use charms to make it not rain on a given day.
- Okhubisiamo emoni (to pass eyes through somebody)- to belittle something.
- Okhubisiria khu engeso- to remove six lower teeth.
- Okhubisiria khu kwatukha- to make a person suffer consequences
- Okhubichira khu mubano- to undergo an operation due to birth complication.
- Okhubisiria khu mubano- to circumcise
- Okhubisiria khu mumemu- to circumcise by force.
- Okhubiyila eyalemala- to select the weaker one and dare it for a duel.
- Okhuboha amakhola mu siuno- to avoid conjugal duties diring baby nursing.
- Okhuboha emipira- to pretent you are circumcised when you are not.
- Okhuboha ekhola mukosi- to tie a tie.
- Okhuboha enyinja- to make yourself ready for an activity.
- Okhuboha esikhulu- to grow love handles.
- Okhuboha omubiri (to tie ones body)- to grow fat and be ready for marriage
- Okhuboha omuntu (to tie a person)- to put a person in prison.
- Okhuboha omuntu khu sikhuulu (to tie a person on the hip)- to have total control over somebody.
- Okhuboha omunchu mu enchu- to prevent a person from moving out of the house forfors some days as part of culture.
- Okhuboherera omunchu- to make herbs for a baby before birth to prevent death incase the first birth died during infancy
- Okhucha ekokwa (to to to parliament)- to go for long call.
- Okhucha embula mu machwi (to put beewax in the ears)- to refuse to heed advice.
- Okhucha khu lebe wa lebe- to get married to so and so.
- Okhucha omunwa khu kundi- to remain quiet.
- Okhucha khu muntu esikoko- to keep on testing somebody to see if he or she is fit for a given task.
- Okhuchaka akhaondo- to plant seeds of discord or cause a breach of peace in a group hence leading to subdivision. The herbal chams that separated Luhya into eighteen subtribes was planted by Kasawa who took pff from the tribe to Mumbo.
- Okhuchakho esikoko- to be determined
- Okhuchakho esinani- to be determined
- Okhuchakho etiko- to complete a given task.
- Okhuchakho omukhono- to bless or to support.
- Okhuchaakho omwoyo- to be determined.
- Okhuchaakho esirifu- to be determined by forceful act.
- Okhuchaakho wusa emoni- to observe from afar without getting involved.
- Okhuchaka ebimuli khu ekina- to set up a white elephant project.
- Okhuchaka olusiola (to plant makhamia lutea)- to declare that you want peace.
- Okhuchanuwa omunchu (to comb a person)- to cunningly use ones naivety to benefit self.
- Okhucheba omukhana- to seduce a lady
- Okhucheba omusala kwamera eswa?- to ask if generosity cannot come with a hidden agenda.
- Okhucheera ewoyawooye- to have efforts towards a given task seen but still unsuccessful.
- Okhucheera omusango- to commit a crime or a felony.
- Okhucheka eduli- to wait and woo an ugly lady
- Okhucheka amachwi- to listen keenly
- Okhucheka eya musiyonjo- to seduce a married lady.
- Okhucheka eyiwona- to make a snare for the bright one
- Okhuchekula omunyalasia- to switch on a machine gun.
- Okhuchema ebichemo- to scorn and despise.
- Okhuchema emisi- to weaken something.
- Okhuchema okuwemirekho- to abuse your source of livelihood.
- Okhuchengekha amalwa- to start drinking.
- Okhuchenya enyembera-nyuni- pick small size firewood that catches fire easily.
- Okhuchenya olubisi- to prepare to wait for some more time before seeing the benefits.
- Okhuchia amakhuwa ha weru- to put all deals in the open.
- Okhuchia elia- to get married.
- Okhuchia emakombe- to die
- Okhuchia ematibira- to die
- Okhuchia emiayu- to yawn.
- Okhuchia enchu- to leave childish behaviour by learning from experience.
- Okhuchia ewa Nasimolo- to go to the pitpioilet latrine
- Okhuchia eyi bachakobola- to die.
- Okhuchia khu mbalikha- to get married as second wife.
- Okhuchia khu luhya olusenjule- to get married to one who has a wife.
- Okhuchia mekhaye- to travel by vehicles.
- Okhuchia mu njeko- to go to the resting place after day's work.
- Okhuchia mu njengekho- to go for bear drinking.
- Okhuchia okhuhulukha- to die after a long period of sickness.
- Okhuchia okhusuma ekokhe- to request for something until your I'll motives are discovered.
- Okhuchia okhuhulukha- to die.
- Okhuchia okhwaya (amachi)- to experience low tide at the sea.
- Okhuchia okhwaya (ebiayo)- to go out to look after animals.
- Okhuchia olukhasi- to get married.
- Okhuchia mu mahulukho- to go fo holiday
- Okhuchira omunchu mu bakesi- to consult witches
- Okhuchia omunyukhe- to go on for long without one accepting to give up.
- Okhuchia si nywani- to go as planned or in a way that pleases all who are involved.
- Okhuchonga wusa khu-muunyu- to depend on what belongs to you and respect that which belongs to those in authority.
- Okhuchukha amachi- to pass urine
- Okhuchukha amakhuwa- to talk nonstop
- Okhuchukha munda- to suffer running stomach.
- Okhuchula khu munyaali yikwe khu munyanya- to move from frying pan intothe fire.
- Okhuchula khu simachamacha- to be handed down from forefather.
- Okhuchulayo kakwayo- to be unware of what can befall those you have left bahind.
- Khuchuma echango- to engage in intentional acts of making babies.
- Okhuchuma ekhuwa- to send a message.
- Okhuchuma ekulu- to send thunder by use of charms.
- Okhuchuma omwiwo mu ningiro- to send one who is needy to get something that thethe same person is in need ofof.
- Okhuchunda embwa- to engage in an activity that may bring poverty.
- Okhuchundula amalwa- to make brew to be badly brewed and tasteless.
- Okhuchundula ebimba- to put an end to a problem or give lasting solution.
- Okhuchundula omuntsu- to overwork a person.
- Okhuchunwa omukongo- to miss sex for long.
- Okhuchusa amabasa- to bring out twins out of seclusion for the first time
- Okhuchusa echya amakata- to make pay before elders listen to a case
- Okhuchusa echya olume- to give the first payment after receiving herbal medicine
- Okhuchusa ekhere khu makauli- to have courage to face small challenges.
- Okhuchusa elako- to give an order
- Okhuchusa oluya (to remve sweat from a person)- to achieve after great struggle.
- Okhuchusa mu bafu- to make one get well after sickness.
- Okhuchusa mu mukoye- to save from suffering.
- Okhuchusa mu meno ka ekwena- to save from danger.
- Okhuchusa omuntsu esiko- to overwork somebody.
- Okhuchusa omuntsu esinchu mumoni- to persistently ask for something you are owed.
- Okhuchusa omwana- to carry out an abortion.
- Okhuchusa omwana/ omufulu- to move an initiate to adulthood.
- Okhuchusa omwoyo- to be taxing to perform.
- Okhuchusakho omwoyo- to give up.
- Okhuchusawo oluchio- to remove the cause of contentition.
- Okhuchuuma amakhuwa- to ignore what you are told.
- Okhuchuuma esyeyo- to forget visiting parents after getting married.
- Okhuchuunga ekobi (omusinde)- to get circumcised.
- Okhuchuwula omuliro- to make a tense moment spark into fight.
- Okhuchwikha omunchu esio- to give a man a baby who does not belong to him upon marrying a lady who is the child's mother.
- Okhuchwikha omuntsu olukina- to make another to face a problem.
- Okhuchwikha omuntsu olukina nende esio- to take a wife as well as her child born out of wedlock.
- Okhuecha esirimba- to win a beautiful and decorated lady.
- Okhuecha mu sibecho- to woo a lady who has not officially moved out of a marriage.
- Okhufubia ekhabi- to misuse ones luck or opportunity and gain nothing out of it.
- Okhufucha amache ne malala omira- to accept to put up with a relative's misbehaviour.
- Okhufucha khu muntsu- to despise a person comppetly.
- Okhufucha mu siaba- to make a final decision about a task before you and be ready to act
- Okhufucha omuntsu- to condemn a person's bad behaviour.
- Okhufucha owuke- to produce slimy liquid from private parts because of being sexually excited.
- Okhufuchakho amache- to bless something
- Okhufuchirisa amaraba- to wish away impending evil
- Okhufuka amakhuwa kefukire- to make hard issues to become complicated
- Okhufuka esialo- to lead others
- Okhufulamira ekwena- to invite trouble.
- Okhufulamira omuntsu- to curse
- Okhufulamira omuliro- to provoke a cruel person.
- Okhufulamirwa nende esialo- to be unsuccessful in life.
- Okhufuluka esialo- to rule ruthlessly.
- Okhufuluka owusera owubisi- to be less experienced in sexual knowledge.
- Okhufulukira omulwaye owusera- to accept conjugal duties to prove that the husband is not extremely sick.
- Okhufumbikha engulikho- to name a person who is not worth being named by naming the other person that the bad person had been named after.
- Okhufumikha singa namukhira [to have moteor fame]- to have short lived fame.
- Okhufumula esingo- to excrete in an open place.
- Okhufumula owusuma- to cook and serve a lot of ugali.
- Okhufumbusa ekhisi- to be the whistle blower.
- Okhufwa amanakasi- to become numb
- Okhufwa makacho- to feign in order to lay a trap for somebody.
- Okhufwa nende efumo- to die while visibly expectant.
- Okhufwa omwoyo- to feel disheartened
- Okhufwa si chemwa (die banana style)- to be killed without offering any resistance.
- Okhufwa sikoondi- to die or suffer without complaining
- Okhufwa sikhole- to suffer couragiously but noisily.
- Okhufwa sikolola mukhira- to die without blaming anybody.
- Okhufwa sisaacha- to persevere
- Okhufwala ekutwa- to graduate.
- Okhufwala ekutwa- to make one a leader.
- Okhufwala kiba-miima!- to claim that appearance is not the reality.
- Okhufwala malikopo- to wear a condom.
- Okhufwala namuniokooso- to dress in very tight clothing.
- Okhufwala sisolo (to dress like a wild animal)- to be naked.
- Okhufwala olula (to wear an intestine)- to wear a condom.
- Okhufwala omukasa- to get annointed as a leader.
- Okhufwala omutembete- to bless an initiate.
- Okhufwalamo esikhutu- to make a person do what he ir she was scared of at the start.
- Okhufwalula omuyoki- to move to freedom.
- Okhufwala omwami- to ordain a ruler.
- Okhufwalulira khu lukuku- to be proud of what you have and expose shamelessly.
- Okhufwalulira omuntsu ekutwa- to respect another's authority
- Okhufwalulira omuntsu enguo- to curse somebody.
- Okhufwanania omuntsu- to belittle a person or to take as less important.
- Okhufwira khu muntsu- to demand that a person helps you out of a given problem.
- Okhufwira mu konjio- to pass on while doing something bad that you liked doing.
- Okhufwira mu sisanya- to die during child birth.
- Okhufwira owasio- to defend by bearing the cross on another person's behalf.
- Okhufwirwa enganga- to get a loss or miss benefits.
- Okhuhakikha amatumwa khu sukhiri- to start engaging in conjugal duties at night.
- Okhuhambira ekhasi- to have strong sex drive towards female
- Okhuhana enda- to impregnant.
- Okhuhana omunwa- to permit.
- Okhuhana ouloli- to eulogise somebody.
- Okhuhanda- to contract a terminal desease
- Okhuhanda mu lunani- to find youself in temptations that can cause a big problem.
- Okhuhanda mu lutende- to be in trouble
- Okhuhanda mu sikomboti- to be in great problems.
- Okhuhanda olulimi- to talk by stammering.
- Okhuhandalala omwoyo- to become reluctant.
- Okhuhandika khu maachi- to trick a person into an agreement that you cannot honour.
- Okhuhanikha embako- to retire from conjugal duties due to age or ailment.
- Okhuhanikha omwoyo- to hope against hope.
- Okhuhesa enda- to impregnant a lady.
- Okhuhera enda- to become pregnant.
- Okhuhonokekhera khu eteche- to escape narrowly.
- Okhuicha amachukhu- to suffer due to trying to immitate of copy somebody else's style.
- Okhuicha echio- to officialize a marriage by slaughtering a cattle or goat.
- Okhuikala ebioo- to ignore
- Okhuikala omubiri- to become healthy and fat.
- Okhuikala omuliango- to be the last born.
- Okhuikala omuliango- to perform the ceremony of first closing of the door after the death of an elderly person.
- Okhuikangisa wamwene- to steal
- Okhuikhalira omuntsu- to backbite somebody.
- Okhuikhalira elikhaliro elala- to be into marriage on group but you are not fully accepted in the arrangement.
- Okhuikhengerakho amateche- to pride in something or somebody
- Okhuikikha amayika- to be given powers to start cooking your own meals away from the parents' house after marriage.
- Okhuikikha etepe- to start a disco dance.
- Okhuikikha olukina- to start engaging in conjugal duties at night.
- Okhuikunya mu bilaha- to go for short call
- Okhulinda elisi- to wait and hope to receive something out of good luck.
- Okhulinda omunwa- to hope to get something after being promised
- Okhuimanusa wamwene- to steal something.
- Okhuingira emiliango- to become polygamous.
- Okhuingira enchu- to marry
- Okhuingira mu wuliba- to get into a trap
- Okhuingisa ebewusi- to hold a ceremony allowing parents to partake meals in ones house as part of culture.
- Okhwingisa embusi mu lukoba- to bring a lady home for commencement of marriage.
- Okhuingisa omukasa- to officially receive the copper bracelet as symbol of being an annointed leader.
- Okhuingisa omusambwa- to harness beneficial spirit to by putting it under control.
- Okhuitisa owusie- to loose a job or source of livelihood.
- Okhuiwuna mu nguo- to dress smartly
- Okhuhira owukeni ewukeni- to dictate what you have to eat at visting place
- Okhukabana eteche- to share a bribe.
- Okhukaama echai- to bribe
- Okhukabana embwi- to fight.
- Okhukacha engacha (to make a headpad for carrying an item)- to execute a plan and catch somebody involving in an elicit love affair.
- Okhukachusia etungu (to chat out lyre)- to play a lyregiven well.
- Okhukakula- to have breakfast.
- Okhukakula esiryo- to have puddings.
- Okhukalamirira- to die
- Okhukalamisya- to kill
- Okhukalangasa mu munwa- to have a drink after the main meal.
- Okhukalangasirakho emoni- to enjoy watching.
- Okhukaliyisa omukasa- to increase wealth.
- Okhukambusia omunwa- to rudely answer back.
- Okhukeesa olukhaye- to pride in being the only wife or the first lady
- Okhukeesa olukhaana- to enjoy your youthful days as a lady.
- Okhukeesa olukoondo,- to take advantage of your beauty to benefit from society or cut deals.
- Okhukeesa olusoliili- to enjoy your youth days as a man.
- Okhukeesa echango- to be a prosititute.
- Okhukeesa esiondo- to play well coordinated football.
- Okhukeesa owutembete- to graduated as an initiate and start visiting relatives as part of culture.
- Okhukenda amalia- to move from one husband to the other.
- Okhukenda mu basacha- to get married to married men one after the other as you take off.
- Okhukenda mu basolili- to get married to one bachelor afterafter the other as you take off.
- Okhukenda olukendo olusumba- to be unsuccessful in your efforts searchng for something.
- Okhukenderanga olukendo lukhasi- to be one who believeabelieves you will have good luck if the first thing you meet on setting off is of female sex.
- Okhukenderanga olukendo olusacha- to be one who believes you will have good luck pnly if the first thing you meet on setting off is of malefemale sex.
- Okhukenda oubi- to live an evil life.
- Okhukera mu makhuwa- to test or weigh situations before acting.
- Okhukhaaya amakhande- to succeed in winning against those believed to be the best.
- Okhukhaaywa khu mwoyo- to become irritated or nauseated.
- Okhukhaaywa munda- to have stomachache
- Okhukhaka omuntsu- to subject a person to temptations
- Okhukhalaka amuntsu amakesi- to think out a better counter plan
- Okhukhalaka amakhola- to have the first sex after birth of a baby.
- Okhukhalaka emikoye- to have first cleansing sex with somebody out of clan after the death of the husband sex as part of cultureculture.
- Okhukhalaka olufukuchi (to cut the umbilical chord)- to declare yourself independent from the rest.
- Okhukhalaka olukaka- to go out of control
- Okhukhalaka olukala- to migrate from home to a new place.
- Okhukhalaka olunyali- to give against the queue by going at it front
- Okhukhalaka oluwumbu- to break virginity.
- Okhukhalaka omusango- to give a final verdict or ruling in a case.
- Okhukhalaka omuse- to pass a judgement and disperse the perties involved.
- Okhukhama embooywe- to pride in achieving something that was started for you.
- Okhukhama enani- to persevere in doing something.
- Okhukhama eya beene- to use a borrowed item.
- Okhukhaya ebisieno embiro- to be a cruel and adamant person who does everything with impunity.
- Okhukhaywa echango- to lack the ability to conceive or sire a child.
- Okhukheba omunyu- to cut grass used for making salt.
- Okhukhebera olukoko (to circumcise using sisal fibre)- to subject a petson to a lot of sufferinglies.
- Okhukheesa abakuka- to die
- Okhukheesa embulu- to play dumb
- Okhukheesa enyanja- [to greet a scorpion]- to invite trouble.
- Okhukherekha amakina- to do unproductive activity.
- Okhuchekhera amayika- to rush into marriage unprepared.
- Okhukherekhera khu luchio- to do something without keenness because it will be given out.
- Okhukherekha omuntsu- to bewitch somebody such that the effects come in bits.
- Okhukhewerwa khu lupao (to be circumcised on the bench)- to undergo circumcision at the hospital.
- Okhukhewerwa khu makasi- to undergo circumcision at the hospital.
- Okhukhinga efula- to make it not rain on a given day using charm.
- Okhukhinga owufira- to bewitch by placing charms on one's path
- Okhukhinia esinanyenje- to provoke the dead
- Okhukhinia esisiko- to engage in a useless activity.
- Okhukhinira eyokhukhaango- to foolishly rejoice at an impending danger.
- Okhukhinira eyomuliso (dance for the white ant in the hole)- to celebrate before your success.
- Okhukhira Nambutu- to be only better than one who is known to be the worst.
- Okhukhola aka Nawekhole- to behave in a deviant manner.
- Okhukhola chwi-chwi- to dare another perspn to act.
- Okhukhola ekia kirimiti- to work based on an agreement of not being paid. (Kirimiti for agreement)
- Okhukhola embalikha- to be jealous
- Okhukhola enjeekanjeka- to plan.
- Okhukhola enjekheresi- to joke about something that is serious.
- Okhukhola esambo- to hold a celebration.
- Okhukhola esibeera- to be sorrowfull due to loss.
- Okhukhola esisa- to be sorrowful due to one being left alone in a sorrowing situation.
- Okhukhola evya nalukhasikhasi- to engage in childish activities.
- Okhukhola kalabaya- to trick another.
- Okhukhola siwotia- to do something with impunity.
- Okhukhola okwa Songa ni Wanami- to joyfully do a useless job.
- Okhukholera owusuma- to get no pay, only the meal, after working.
- Okhukhoma endalo- to plant seeds in a farm.
- Okhukhomamo emisumari- to incite a person against another
- Okhukhomba amachekhe- to take local brew using straws.
- Okhukhomba amachi- to booze
- Okhukhomba enjukhi- to court trouble.
- Okhukhomba esifu- to drink local brew using cups.
- Okhukhomba mu yakoya- to get the best after hoping for the same.
- Okhukhomba mu yapaakha- to get nothing of benefit after strong hope.
- Okhukhombana amachumba- to be in great love.
- Okhukhombana amatondo- to engage in oral sex.
- Okhukhoola ameno- to extract teeth as part of culture.
- Okhukhoonya owa ekonjia- to help one who shows gratitude forever
- Okhukhoonya owa enjala- to help one who shows no gratitude after some short time
- Okhukhosa mu makhuwa- to ascertain the validity or truth.
- Okhukhosa mu weeywe- to give evidance that ones wife had an extramarital affair.
- Okhukhosa nende emuli- to search for the reason by analysing a situation.
- Okhukhuula ameno- to be ripe for marriage after removing some teethtime. It was part if cultureall borrowed from Luos when Abanyala were neighbors inin Busia.
- Okhukhunyukha enduukhu- to suffer by overworking.
- Okhukhupa amabeka- to refuse a request.
- Okhukhupa amafwefwe- to proudly twerk ones body especially the love handles.
- Okhukhupa amachi- to ejaculate
- Okhukhupa amakata- to say that a child is not ready for circumcision
- Okhukhupa amakhana- to dance.
- Okhukhupa amakhanya mu moni- to grow wrinkles in face.
- Okhukhupa amakhemo- to keep on looking backward while moving forward
- Okhukhupa amakhwaana- to give birth to twins.
- Okhukhupa amapala- to become sported due to dirt.
- Okhukhupa amatepe- to celebrate something especially the return of a wife by drumming.
- Okhukhupa amayi- to clap.
- Okhukhupa chimula- to circumcise by cutting the inner and outer foresking all in one cutting.
- Okhukhupa ebikhokho- to have evil eyes
- Okhukhupa ebisiera- to leave unploughed or unweeded portions in a farm.
- Okhukhupa edepe- to dance
- Okhukhupa efukhe- to dust before circumcision
- Okhukhupa ekalamu- to retrench a worker.
- Okhukhupa ekanya- to coil up
- Okhukhupa ekengele- to ring a bell.
- Okhukhupa ekholo-kholo- to be possessed by fear.
- Okhukhupa ekono- to talk in booming bass.
- Okhukhupa ekhuli- to shoot using a grenade.
- Okhukhupa ekonga (to beat seminal fluid)- to ejaculate fluid without sperms or functionless sperms.
- Okhukhupa elia patiri- to make a holly sign of the cross.
- Okhukhupa amasaala- to give birth several times.
- Okhukhupa emba- to dig a large area im a farm.
- Okhukhupa embao- to cure madness by slaping using some special piece of timber and herbs.
- Okhukhupa embakha chia mumayika- to chart grapevine stories
- Okhukhupa embi- to slap.
- Okhukhupa embindo- to clump ones feet
- Okhukhupa embakha (to beat a story)- to chat
- Okhukhupa embwi- to hit and cause a swelling on the forehead
- Okhukhupa emiayu (to beat a yown)- to yawn.
- Okhukhupa emiluku- to go by feet.
- Okhukhupa emuga- to shake guard shakers
- Okhukhupa endeverende- to have dry rust
- Okhukhupa endifu- to dive into water.
- Okhukhupa endung'u- to miss what you were sure of getting.
- Okhukhupa engekhene- to have wet rust
- Okhukhupa engeye- to dance in great excitment.
- Okhukhupa enyengo- to send wizardry waves in order to influence somebody's behaviour or life.
- Okhukhupa enyimba- ring bells
- Okhukhupa epasi (to beat an iron)- to iron
- Okhukhupa epimbi- to suspect and talk about a person.
- Okhukhupa epombo- to deliver a baby through an operation or to have an operation of the stomach.
- Okhukhupa esipuria munguwo- go for long call in your cloth.
- Okhukhupa esifwananane- to take a photo
- Okhukhupa esikwabi- to be an addicted bang smoker.
Esikwabi. - Okhukhupa etoma- to impoverish by causing a loss.
- Okhukhupa esale- to vaccinate.
- Okhukhupa esasi- to shoot by gun
- Okhukhupa esiaki- to make a granary
- Okhukhupa esibanga- to open a gap in the hedge
- Okhukhupa esibohe- to have bad breath
- Okhukhupa esichiko- to fry
- Okhukhupa esikakati- to greet by use of a stick; done by nitiate
- Okhukhupa esimbi- to gamble
- Okhukhupa esindani- to give an injection.
- Okhukhupa esiondo- to play football well
- Okhukhupa etole- to play sex while still uncircumcised.
- Okhukhupa etumbi- to kick your legs up and down durin swiming.
- Okhukhupa kabiri- to give birth to second set of twins
- Okhukhupa kafumbo- to give a forceful goodbye due to other demanding activities
- Okhukhupa khuchiee- to be determined to succeed
- Okhukhupa mahamba- to trap a ciminal unexpectedly.
- Okhukhupa ochio-muno- to say thank you
- Okhukhupa olubasi- to kick
- Okhukhupa olubini (to beat a small hoe handle)- to have ability to satisfactorily play sex with a woman.
- Okhukhupa olukacha- to sit cross legged on floor
- Okhukhupa olukaka- to fence
- Okhukhupa olukato- to beat around the bush.
- Okhukhupa olukato- to use fugurative language in speech.
- Okhukhupa olukero- to use parables.
- Okhukhupa olukito- to take ans use what belongs to another person.
- Okhukhupa olukukhu- to go mouldy
- Okhukhupa olukhanya- to carry a bundle of firewood
- Okhukhupa olukho- to play drauft
- Okhukhupa olukhoba mundalo- to sell land.
- Okhukhupa olukuma- to cause a bleeding scar ion a body
- Okhukhupa olukukhu- to have cereals becoming damp then dry and dusty.
- Okhukhupa olute- to rape.
- Okhukhupa oluwucho- to chat idling at ones home.
- Okhukhupa olwakho- to draw a boundary
- Okhukhupa olwala khu luundi- to swear to avenge.
- Okhukhupa olwang'a- to give a shrill cry
- Okhukhupa olwika- to call people for a meeting
- Okhukhupa omuchombo- to become self reliant.
- Okhukhupa omukhala- to gore or hurt a person emotionally.
- Okhukhupa omukongo (to beat the back)- to face away.
- Okhukhupa omukunjo- to make a cloth have bleats using an iron.
- Okhukhupa omulaasi- to make a call for help.
- Okhukhupa omulusi- to whistle
- Okhukhupa omunae- to have a riddle
- Okhukhupa omunwa- to give a premonition of bad luck.
- Okhukhupa omunwa kwa owuchi- to have an ice breaker talk
- Okhukhupa omusukuni mu makhaanga- suggest something that will make the others to take off.
- Okhukhupa omuuya- to fart.
- Okhukhupa omuyini- to weed well
- Okhukhupa omuyini- to engage in conjugal relationship with young girls.
- Okhukhupa owubeeyi- to cheat
- Okhukhupa owuchwanda- to cheat.
- Okhukhupa owufira- to cause harm by using charms
- Okhukhupa owukulo- to joke with grandchildren freely on various subject matters
- Okhukhupa owukusi- to haggle
- Okhukhupa owulaalo- to make a makeshift bridge.
- Okhukhupa owulalo- to make a trap for somebody.
- Okhukhupa siambe- to loot.
- Okhukhupa sikone- to enjoy an event to the fullest or perform an activity for a longer time than expected.
- Okhukhupa siunye emuka- to create firework and a lot of exitment in an activity.
- Okhukhupaka amakhuwe- to attempt to do a difficult task which people know that you won't succeed.
- Okhukhupaka chikaale- to start an engagement in an activity by being a trickster in you early dealings.
- Okhukhupakho eliokhukhola- to be desperate
- Okhukhupakho eliokhuwola- to become tongue-tied.
- Okhukhupana embasi- to wrestle.
- Okhukhupanira eyika (to fight over the cooking stones)- to have two or more people refusing to take roles by saying it is the other person's responsibility
- Okhukhupao omuchembe (to beat there a flame tree)- to bewitch a wrong doer openly
- Okhukhupia esibi- to intentionally make another person to suffer.
- Okhukhupira okwa hamukulu- to hike the price.
- Okhukhupiakho emoni- to see somebody or something by accident
- Okhukhupiayo lufutu- to prevent
- Okhukhupira engwe omukhinga- to court trouble
- Okhukhupwa nende oluengera lwa Were- to go as per God's plan and against human wihes.
- Okhukhupwa nende ekulu- to be struck by lightning.
- Okhukhupwa nende ekhurarwe (to be beaten by landslide)- to be affected by landslide.
- Okhukhupwa nende oluse- to yield to and adapt to generation change in society.
- Okhukhuunia omukhono- to reduce ones share.
- Okhukhupwa omutala- to be a victim of trickery.
- Okhukhwasianisira mu sirongo (to meet at the salt lick)- to have to men who woo the same ladygenetic meeting at same point for the same lady.
- Okhukwa (efula) amakhonge katuume- to rain cats and dogs.
- Okhukhwa eyasuuna- to play trickery in getting spmething.
- Okhukwa mu maraba matindibikha- to be involved in an accident.
- Okhukwa mu sikata (to fall in thethe millet plantation)- to escape.
- Okhukwa omunyikha omuumbe- to slide such that one leg sweeps the other off ground.
- Okhukhwerwa eya olwika lulala- to have ones wife belittled by the father in lawa.
- Okhukina olwanda (to shave a rock)- to do a worthless unproductive work.
- Okhukinga amasafu- to carry out a demonstration protest.
- Okhukinga amolu ha mukulu- to be rude among loyal ones.
- Okhukinga omuchwe- to become rude.
- Okhukinga omuchwe- to carry out a responsibility after refusing at start.
- Okhukisa amakesi- to feign or avoid exposing your trick.
- Okhukisa amateche- to pretend to be good yet you are cruel
- Okhukona ebifuwo- to involve in illicit conjugal activities in the bush.
- Okhukona enjala- to have no source of meal for days.
- Okhukona khumuanda kwa enjofu (enjoli)- to invite treuble
- Okhukona machengecha- to keep awake most of the time.
- Okhukona nende ewa mu khulenge- to relate with onea ploting your downfallusefulness.
- Okhukona omufwale (sleep dressed) t dead.
- Okhukona si-nduyu- to sleep but be keen.
- Okhukonera oka musongo (amachi)- to have no supper due to lack of food.
- Okhukonera ebiri mu enda- to have no supper.
- Okhukonera engola- to perform an activity then stop it to start it the next day.
- Okhukonera omunchu- to be biased against a person.
- Okhukonia amachwi- to ignore and avoid talking about what you have heard.
- Okhukonia engwe khu mukuchu- to be excessively friendly to enemies.
- Okhukonia omukunda- to avoid cultivating a given farm due to lack of capital for a season.
- Okhukooba omubiri- to bury.
- Okhukoola mu kubiri- to inherit a widow.
- Okhukoolwa nende emongo- to receive poetic justice
- Okhukoosa akhandubi kha edaala- to return the fevour.
- Okhukoosa esiniini- to visit a place where a person died away from home to fulfill a custom of bringing back his shadow.
- Okhukoosa Nalulingo- to bring back leadership to the clan or that which was snatched from you.
- Okhukoosa omukhasi- to inherit a wife
- Okhukoosa omuntu Misri- to send a person back into suffering
- Okhukoosa omwana- to bring back a child born out of wedlock.
- Okhukosia eng'ombe- to base on appearancethe or beauty pnly to marry ill manered lady.
- Okhukoyola omwana- to operate and remove a baby due to birth complication.
- Okhukovya oulamu- to get a living through thick and thin
- Okhukula esialo- to grow milk teeth
- Okhukula esialo sia abasimbukha- to grow hair at the groin
- Okhukulikha walaka- to give birth to last born.
- Okhukumya omwoyo- to encourage.
- Okhukusya abaasyo- to betray others
- Okhukutulira amakguwa- to give little infomation leaving others in suspense.
- Okhukutulwa olusekhe- to undergo vasectomy.
- Okhukwa amachwi- to be made loyal and submissive
- Okhukwa ekacha- become paralysed
- Okhukwa ekhongoiko- to become stupid
- Okhukwa ekura- to be voted out.
- Okhukwa embungamasingo- to be determined to perform a hard task
- Okhukwa engacha- to be hard to know how some issue started and how it will end.
- Okhukwa enjami nende omwikho- to have both the good and the bad
- Okhukwa esichiri- to become impotent an unable to sire a child.
- Okhukwa esikulama- to be unproductive after being taken great care of.
- Okhukwa esing'ang'a- to become adamant and dificult to control
- Okhukwa esolo- to be wild.
- Okhukwa khayongo omucha enimo- to become one who targets the good in society and destroy.
- Okhukwa khu lwanda- to get unproductive
- Okhukwa khu ngira (to fall on the road)- to walk up to a given path.
- Okhukwa makacho- to turn out to be vice versato.
- Okhukwa makhikha- to turn out to be ironical.
- Okhukwa mu fubo- to be enticed then get trapped.
- Okhukwa mu lukhaanda- to get into another person's trap after long attempt to trapdo you.
- Okhukwa mu machi- to give out something then the person refuses to give it back.
- Okhukwa mu mauko (to fall in tsetse flies)- to find yourself in trouble.
- Okhukwa mu munwa- to hear and openly talk about something.
- Okhukwa mu mwombe- to jump on the bandwagon.
- Okhukwa mu sikata- to escape from custody
- Okhukwa mu sikhabiri- to pay dowry twice
- Okhukwa mu sikhenyi- to store something only for it to get stolen away
- Okhukwa mu situngu- to land in serious trouble
- Okhukwa mu wiina- to get lost by hiding.
- Okhukwa nende amakhuwa- to spread rumours.
- Okhukwa nende ekunia- to become impotent.
- Okhukwa ngala- to be of less quantity below the expected ration.
- Okhukwa olubasi- to end in a draw in any duel.
- Okhukwa olumyu- to have a hypersensitive penis crown due to failure treat it with soot.
- Okhukwa oluwukawuka- to become active pnly when it is dark.
- Okhukwa olwanda- to have a medical condition of having it hard to break the hymen.
- Okhukwa olungeye- to develop a very hairy penis
- Okhukwa sibaala- to turn out the opposite of what is expected.
- Okhukwa wachaacha- to stagnate at one point yet very proud.
- Okhukwalala omwoyo- to reduce anger.
- Okhukwira ekhabi- to be lucky by accident
- Okhukwira omukhono omulayi- to be blessed by getting something.
- Okhukwira omukhono omubi- to have bad omen.
- Okhukwisa amakhuwa ngoroti- to make issues under discussion to go on for long.
- Okhukwisa omunchu owulaala (to make somebody a bridge)- to identify a person as the easy target in starting to attack a group.
- Okhulaba emoni- to be enlightened
- Okhulaba omubiri- to turn pale
- Okhulaba oweni- to discard naivity
- Okhulalingira mu lwiisi (to take refuge among white ants)- to join a group destined to fail
- Okhulambasa omuntu- to kill
- Okhulasa mu njukhi- to cause trouble knowingly
- Okhulasa omurundu- to shoot
- Okhuleba echiemunwa- to ask questions with a hidden agenda.
- Okhulecha amakhuwa akalimo amawa- to ignore wisdom from the old and bring destructive modernity.
- Okhulecha engombe- to pay dowry.
- Okhulecha omukhaye-'to marry first wiferuler.
- Okhuleecha owusera- to take youself to a husbandgiven staying away for sexual visits.
- Okhuleka echia abalomi- to dispise wisdom or advise from others.
- Okhuleka omulwaye- to loose hope in the sick recovering
- Okhulekha ekondi lilie efwiri- to expose yourself to be in position to be bewitched
- Okhulekha okhuchenya wasaake olwokhunungo- to use the little you have to accomplish a task.
- Okhulekha owusie- to die
- Okhulekhula ekina mu machi- to fart.
- Okhulekhula embwa- to accept blame and cause harm to others
- Okhulekhuula endefu- to keep a long beard
- Okhulekhula esimbo yikende- to fight
- Okhulekhuula omukhono- to become generous
- Okhulekhuula omukhono- to start to fight.
- Okhulekhwa mu lukhuubo (to be left in the corridors)- to be left unattended to by the host.
- Okhulekhwa mu luteende- to be left in a difficult situation.
- Okhulengerera mu ng'ani- be on deathbed.
- Okhulera esiaba- to be lazy.
- Okhulia akhaondo- to attempt taking over leadership unprocedurally without the bessings of those who were in power before.
- Okhulia amakhuwe- to be deaf
- Okhulia ebiaki ebingi- to be old
- Okhulia ebichombakiri- to be excluded from the sharing of main resources for one to get the rejects
- Okhulia echoka- to teach
- Okhulia embeba- to involve yourself in extra marital affair
- Okhulia embwa- to reconcile with an enemy and have a peace pact through a ceremony.
- Okhulia emuuma- to make a final decision in a discession.
- Okhulia endolio- to be shot with bullets
- Okhulia esabo- to receive sacrament
- Okhulia esilulu- to take an oath
- Okhulia esing'ang'a- to become bewildered
- Okhulia esitabu- to be excellent in studies
- Okhulia mana okakule- to eat the main meal then add more extra drinks
- Okhulia mekhaaye- to enjoy benefits of hard work
- Okhulia mu sireka- to suffer consequences of being adamant to change ones opinion or being rude.
- Okhulia olubaka- to take an oath as an age sets as partpart of culturethe.
- Okhulia olukhoba (embwa)- to swear never to participate in something after suffering.
- Okhulia owulingiri- to pretent to be dumb
- Okhulia silala- to be great friend
- Okhulia si-ndukusi- to spend and save for future use.
- Okhulia si kokho ne weyakira omunwa- to benefit from someone then pretentent to have got nothing.
- Okhulia si-ng'u- to eat gluttonously
- Okhulia olwehyo- to plan to betray a member of a group.
- Okhulia omukhana- to play sex with lady
- Okhulia omunchu esinchu- to defraud somebody.
- Okhulikula omuntu- to make one to cry by beating.
- Okhuliira esilulu- to defend a wrong doer or suspect.
- Okhuliira esimemu- to use meat as part of the meal
- Okhuuliira khu lweero- to live a poor life.
- Okhuliira khu siiri- to be proud of your achievement
- Okhuliira mu maywaaye- to be ashamed after falling from grace to grass.
- Okhulira engunyi- to suffer lost opportunities.
- Okhulira kawemo- to suffer for long
- Okhulira olwonda- to weep in search of sympathy.
- Okhulirira mu liisi- to suffer another problem while you are in the middle of another bigger problem.
- Okhulirira mu liisi lyo musirima- to suffer three problems at ago.
- Okhuloba mu machi komumukhula- to perform an unproductive work.
- Okhuloba okhwingirana - to be enemies.
- Okhulobera enjulanjula- to perform a task using the wrong way
- Okhulobera okwa kirimiti- to improvise and accomplish a task
- Okhulomaloma ni okhama musibere- to do a taboo act of responding or giving instructions to somebody else away while still engaged in sexual act.
- Okhulonda khu esi- to follow something bad and expect the worst.
- Okhulomba amakhuwa kefuluke- to make simple issues to become complicated
- Okhuloosya omwana- to give birth to the next child
- Okhuluma ameno- to persevere.
- Okhuluma omwoyo- to be cauragious in the face of danger.
- Okhulumia olubeere- to subject ones nipples to water beetle bites at time of adolescence. It was believed to make them grow bigger.
- Okhulumia owukhebe- to remove watery sap from the wound after circumcision.
- Okhulumisa olukumba- to receive the last blessing from the circumciser accompanied by being given a meal by him.
- Okhulumwa nende esalire- to have after-circumcision pain as the neves that had been numbed start becoming sensitive.
- Okhulumwa nende omwana- to have labour pains.
- Okhulungira wamwo omunyu omululu- to do upleasant things to provoke the husband.
- Okhunyolwa nende akonyala embichi mu sipwoni- to be in trouble caused by yourself.
- Okhunywalwa nende akanyola esimba nilichia wukhwe- to suffer consequences caused bythe mistaken identity..
- Okhuluta omunwa- to sulk
- Okhulwala omumwi- to be anaemic
- Okhulwala omwoyo- to live sorrowing
- Okhumaanya embiro- to run very fast
- Okhumala amaani- to dishearten somebody
- Okhumala amaofu- to meet a person you have been yearning to see.
- Okhumala omusango- to perform a sacrifice
- Okhumama chibiri- to do two activities at ago.
- Okhumanya amalesi ka emoni- to get wisdom fom elders on howthe toto live well in society
- Okhumanya ebikolakole- to become an adolescent girl
- Okhumeka si Misoho- to pick large chunks of ugali. Believed to be a character of people from the Abamisoho clan.
- Okhumera amoya- to become self reliant.
- Okhumera echumba- to become rude
- Okhumera enjika- to be rude
- Okhumera olumekero- to attain a ripe age of marrying.
- Okhumera omuntu khu mwoyo- to cause somebody to hate another.
- Okhumera owoba khu mubiri- to be very dirty.
- Okhumeta amamera mu makhuwa- to incite
- Okhumikira amakhuwa- to be economical with the truth.
- Okhumira amache- to pause in speech
- Okhumira ehaywa- to be immune to evil wishes from people
- Okhumira esikapu- to die.
- Okhumira omuuya- to die.
- Okhumira owukala- to swallow without chewingnaming.
- Okhumirira amache- to admire, yearn for or lust for something.
- Okhumoka si Monika- to have erotic or sexy eyes.
- Okhumoka si Penda- to behave in holly manner by face.
- Okhumokera hasi singa esuna- to pretend to be quiet and loyal yet noisy and disruptive.
- Okhumokera mu bikiye- to keenly look at something or somebody with an evil thought.
- Okhumokolera mu kachi- to be put in prison after being proved guilty.
- Okhumokolera mu lumaale- to be put behind bars after arrest.
- Okhumokera khu lukiri- to be apprehended.
- Okhumulikha efwiri- to grow grey hair.
- Okhumwenyera mu sirima- perform a good task to which nobody seem to notice or appreciates.
- Okhunaaha ekosi- to copy from a neighbour.
- Okhunaaha omukhono- to steal
- Okhunia khu lwaanyi- to show signs of fear during circumcision.
- Okhunia khu mukhebi- to be cowardly during circumcision.
- Okhunia khu sibaange- to cut the hand that feeds you.
- Okhunia khu sirindwa- to do an aboninable thing.
- Okhunia omusango- to commit a felony
- Okhuniala mu ekonjo- to remind a person bad deed done to him or her.
- Okhuniina khu muchwe- to undermine somebody
- Okhuniinira mu lweni- to go up a building by using a lift.
- Okhunusia hosi (omulinga)- to take good care of parents and in-law from both partners in a marriage.
- Okhunyalala embaha- to have a baby excreating the first feaces.
- Okhunyanya amachi- to take alcoholic drinks in copious amount.
- Okhunyanya ekamuulo- to chew the cud.
- Okhunyanyamo ekamuulo- to think and discuss over an issue.
- Okhunyicha (to become cold)- to faint or pass out.
- Okhunyola enchu- to marry.
- Okhunyola ni namera ameno- to be old enough not able to change old habits.
- Okhunywa enjaka- to smoke bhang.
- Okhunywa amachi- to have a short break when doing something.
- Okhunywa esichuuru- to be one ready to cause treauble everywhere you go.
- Okhunywa omuyuke- to abuse a variety of drugs.
- Okhunyweesa hosi- to support both sides in a duel.
- Okhunyweesa mu wenywe- to cause damage to your own group.
- Okhunyikhinya endakano khu machi- to sign a fake agreement.
- Okhunyola amalesi ka esiole- to get something that is hard to come by.
- Okhunyoonya omuimo- to make a function to be exciting.
- Okhunywesa hosihosi- to support both sides of a game
- Okhunywesa amakhuwa- to cunningly convince somebody.
- Okhuona ebimwemwe- to be dazed
- Okhupaakha amakhuwa- to leave making a decision in order to think about it
- Okhupaakha nundi sifuluke- to have the one send to help represent another taking over what belongs to the one who has send.
- Okhupaara eparo lia okhuchala ekondi- to lack a meal and desire to to what is despised in order to get a meal.
- Okhupatikha elicha- to give a nickname.
- Okhupiima omuntu amakesi- to test somebody wit
- Okhupiimira omunchu emyuya- to control when and how a person should talk in a given situation.
- Okhupongola olwika- to make one less fearce or less brave.
- Okhurira emoni- to fear without attempting
- Okhusaaba amakhono- to stop being involved in a given issue anymore.
- Okhusaaba lulala- to have only one meal per day.
- Okhusaaba olume- to start a journey in the wee hours.
- Okhusaaba omupira- to causebe handball mistake in football.
- Okhusaba emicho- to fart
- Okhusaba omunwa (to ask for a mouth)- ask permission
- Okhusabira emoni- to admire or lust for something but not air ones wishes
- Okhusalaka ewuyu (to tatoobe an egg)- to destroy in the process of beautifying something the same as physcally attempting to tattoo an egg.
- Okhusaamba efwiri- to keep long well made hair
- Okhusaamba ekubiri- to declare that nobody will inherit you after the death of the husband.
- Okhusaamba esiaki- to show no gratitude
- Okhusaamba owasio- to betray and receive what your friend was supposed to be given.
- Okhusaba owiyangu- to ask for permission to be part of a group.
- Okhusakatalala embiro- to joyfully run very fast.
- Okhusalulusa omwoyo (to fry ones heart)- to excite somebody.
- Okhusamba olukina- to attempt doing what is prohibited as a taboo.
- Okhusamba olusanja- to burn thre bedding used by the corpse as part of the culture.
- Okhusamba owasio- to betray and take what belonged to him or her.
- Okhusambikha omwoyo- to feel jealous
- Okhusamula mu bilaha- to go for long call
- Okhuseecha ekwena- to suffer consequences of provoking the mighty ones.
- Okhuseesa akhanama- to point a pistolleader at a person.
- Okhuseesa omunwa- to involve oneself in hot argument with somebody.
- Okhusena enjukha khu mukhira- to provokebe somebody.
- Okhusena khu mafucha- to start a journey
- Okhusena khu mukhira (toto step on the tail)- to provoke a person
- Okhusena khu musenjule- to be declared unwanted in a place then told to go away.
- Okhusena khu eyika- to get married to a nightrunner.
- Okhusena khu luchio- to be engaged in serious productive work.
- Okhusena mu make- to contract a terminal illness via sexual activities.
- Okhusena mu masiingo- to meet bad omen
- Okhusena omutocho- to do a baddifficult act at a place until. You are declared unwanted in that place.
- Okhusenda mu mokhuwa- to incite.
- Okhusia wasia ni nako- to have each new day having its own newsrules.
- Okhusiera omunchu- to turn out to be one's day of reckoning.
- Okhusiira emukongo- to support somebody.
- Okhusikama mu lusambu- to have a short call outside.
- Okhusikha omulabi- to sweep issues under the carpet that will end up causing great herm by reoccurring
- Okhusinjira omunchu eya echumba- to be great bossom friends and honour each other by feast.
- Okhusimia echitumira munjulo- to have one mission and purpose.
- Okhusimia omukuba- to become less fierce or bring peace.
- Okhusimikha enchu- to start a foundation of a house
- Okhusimikha esikheo- to be the first ege set in an age setor generation. For example, thethabasawa first group of abasawa.
- Okhusindikisa omunchu- to bewitch somebody by directing his mind to involve in evils or life threatening activity.
- Okhusira abatocho/ omusira batocho- to refuse to sire a child yet you have the ability.
- Okhusira embako/ omusira mbako- to be lazy.
- Okhusira emondo/ omusira mondo- to send away the wife and refuse to visit in-law
- Okhusira enyimba/ omusira nyimba- to refuse to undergo circumcision.
- Okhusira enyumba/ omusira nyumba- to refuse to get married.
- Okhusira embeere/ omusira mbeere- to be of male gender.
- Okhusira embeere/omusira mbeere- to be one who fears approaching women for a relationship or who mistreats women in marriage.
- Okhusira enyumba/ omusira nyumba- to refuse getting married.
- Okhusitaka ekondi- to commit a felony that may need a sheep's sacrifice.
- Okhusitaaka engokho- to commit a felony that may need a chicken's sacrifice.
- Okhusitaaka omuchwe- to get drunk.
- Okhusitaaka enjala- to harvest a lot or have a meal.
- Okhusoba omunwa- to be accusative
- Okhusoka mu luchwasi- to wallow in problems.
- Okhusokera enamuyekhe- to pride in accomplishing simple issues.
- Okhusola nende enguke- to invite poor harvest.
- Okhusola sichie omunyukhe- to play until no winner is found.
- Okhusoma lufatia- to read out the basic rules.
- Okhusoma ofwalwe ekutwa- to graduate as an undergraduate.
- Okhusoma okhwola engerekha - to graduate with any degree or diploma certificate from any foreign university.
- Okhusoma okhwola okalule- to graduate with a masters degree.
- Okhusoma okhwola wiruuche- to graduate with any other certificate beyond the undergraduate one.
- Okhusoma okhwola witire khu eta- to graduate with a PHD.
- Okhuswaka amachi mu siwiri- to involve in naive activities.
- Okhuswala mu wenywe- to perform a task together with visiting workers in ones home.
- Okhuswala mu wenywe- to participate in giving an important decision or advice during a family gathering.
- Okhuswala omuse- to talk with excellent oratory skills during an after burial eulogising ceremony.
- Okhusyula amayika- to divorce.
- Okhusyula olusiola- to go against a peaceperson agreement.
- Okhusyuula ekonge (to uproot the sisal) - to move one's fence or boundary
- Okhutakha enyende mu lwoba (to search for a maggot in a mushroom)- to look for trivial issues.
- Okhutakha owusie- to search for a living.
- Okhutekha eyikhupa omuya- to fart quietly.
- Okhutekha omutumuulo- to put charms in food to make a person hate something and go away.
- Okhutekulula olukina- to destroy a beneficial project
- Okhutekula omubaso- to discover the trick and solve a puzzle
- Okhutekula omwoyo- to shock somebody
- Okhutembusa omwoyo- to soften the heart
- Okhutiekula amala-to instill horror
- Okhutiira embako- to go to job and work hard.
- Okhutiira omuntu mu khwaha- to offer support
- Okhutiira omusukuni- to be circumcised at home as opposed to going to hospital.
- Okhutiira engira- to be on the way away from a place.
- Okhutiira nende owulwaye- to become sickcold.
- Okhutiirira aha nyiki- to get a wrong doer in a sticky situation and punish him or her severely.
- Okhutikitia ekina- to attempt making a naturally gloomy person to be happy.
- Okhutimania omubeni mu wukhino- to send away the most important person from an event.
- Okhutira amabamga- to conceive.
- Okhutira endiasi- to get hold of one who is destructive and teach him or her a bitter lesson.
- Okhutira engacha- to start leadership
- Okhutira engira- to start a journey
- Okhutira esikhondi- to have a feeling to avenge.
- Okhutira esipande- to be above eighteen.
- Okhutira esuruali mu makhono- to be a prositute.
- Okhutira khu ebiimba lyomukhwaha- to discover the hidden reason that a given person does not like mentioned.
- Okhutira khu endolero- to declare another person as completely inferior to you
- Okhutira khu lubisi- to say something indirectly as you prop for the truth
- Okhutira khu lwoomu- to hit the nail on the head.
- Okhutira mu mbala- to prove something physically
- Okhutira mu ya Tomasi- to prove something physcally
- Okhutira khu lukukutwa (to touch on the mane)- to provoke somebody.
- Okhutira oluwusi- be on same subject matter in a discussion.
- Okhutira oluwusi- to be in the rigth wavelength.
- Okhutira omubiri- to grow fat.
- Okhutirira amala- to get some food to help reduce hanger pangs
- Okhutirira khu siteru- to trap a child who escaped after making a mistake when he or she comes for help.
- Okhutirwa nende Nawekulo- to run away from parents' punishment then arrive back in the evening
- Okhutitiyisia omunwa- to humble a person.
- Okhutoha nalutoha- to win a sweetheart.
- Okhutong'a aha mwoyo- to be almost declared dead.
- Okhutong'a khu sibecho- to continue suffering when others you were with gets relieved.
- Okhutong'a akhamanyule- remain alone after the death of siblings
- Okhutong'a perekete (to remain a drmerdrum)- to have nothing else more.
- Okhutotola olwanda- to do a hard task.
- Okhutonya amakhuwa- to gossip.
- Okhutotola amawulu- to take traditional brew usually made from maize.
- Okhutotola embosi- to chat humourously.
- Okhutotola omuntu- to box up somebody
- Okhutotolwa nende enjala- to be extremely hungry.
- Okhutubania amachango- to have conjugal love with manya women.
- Okhutupira embwa esoni,,- to be shameless in your dealings.
- Okhutuma eswa khu muchwe- to suffer consequences of ones rudeness or misbehaviour.
- Okhutuma nende entocho- to go out in large numbers including the children.
- Okhutupa amaloba mumoni- to deceive.
- Okhutupa ekhutu mu machi- to be given an opportunity to do what one loves most or be at one's best environment.
- Okhutupa olufu mumoni- to deceive
- Okhutupirakho ekhaanga- to help those who are not very close relatives.
- Okhutuunya omwoyo (to have smouldering heart)- to posses hidden anger.
- Okhuwamo amani- to give upagainst.
- Okhuwamo omuya- to die.
- Okhuwanda mu luteende- to be in trouble
- Okhuwoha enyimba- to become ready for a task.
- Okhuwoha omukoye munda- to help the other in grieving.
- Okhuwolwa efwe-chiachulia- to be in great problems.
- Okhuwolwa esindia-sikhulia- to be ready to dieconceive for each other.
- Okhuwolwa siri-nyuni siri-eswa- to be said that it is fireworks of fifty fifty where any of the parties involved can make the objective to be achieved
- Okhuwona engokhho nichinukha nende ekhwi- to witness an impossibility
- Okhuwona esialo ni sikherekhana- to see darkness coming
- Okhuwona esialo nisikhupa olumuli- have a solar eclipse or sigh a large comet
- Okhuwoyera khu siketera (khu situweya)- to be henpecked.
- Okhuwukula embongi- to take vintaye position.
- Okhuwukulira omuntu khu sijiko- to belittle somebody.
- Okhuwulirisira aha maika- to reveal a secrete hence leading to failure of the plan.
- Okhuwukula ebikhe- to take time or opportunity.
- Okhuwukula epuki- to have a group dance.
- Okhuwukula esisala- to win an election.
- Okhuwukula owiyangu- to get a chance or an opportunitu.
- Okhuwuna eya musifwa- to pride in what belongs to a group as if is owned by you.
- Okhuwuna khu chale- to invite treuble.
- Okhuwuna ni okhomba- to reprimand with great love in heart.
- Okhuwunya omulambo khu munwa- to sit next to a dead husband. To be one who was morally upright.
- Okhuwunya eng'oli- to become chaotic
- Okhuwunya emuka- to become chaotic
- Okhuwunya esikhubo- to be on the brink of receiving a beating for discipline purposes
- Okhuwunya khu lianda (to sniff at a glowing charcoal)- to involve in an activity that has consequences.
- Okhuwunya omulaambo- to be on the brink of death.
- Okhuyaba embiro emame- to bolt off
- Okhuyaba esipwoni syabene- to involve in extramarital affair with somebody's wife
- Okhuyaba omunchu- to plan for a person's downfall
- Okhuyenya owuchichi- to laugh at a problem befalling the elderly
- Okhuyikikha amayika- to start cooking your own food after marrying.
- Okhuyikikha owukhino- to climax a dancepoem.
- Okhuyima efwa- to involve in evil acts that can lead to problems.
- Okhuyinga ekosi- to become adamant
- Okhuyinga esaya- be very argumentative.
- Okhuyoola ebichookhi- to receive a mouthful of abuse.
- Okhuyoola ekokhe- to be the first wife in a home.
- Okhwacha esianyi- to give a temporary portion to a son for use thefore final land demacation.
- Okhwachania amawuyu- to cause harm to the child of somebody who hurt you.
- Okhwachania enyimba- to do a good thing excessive until you destroy.
- Okhwakanira amabanga- to conceive
- Okhwala amasanja- to keep vigil.
- Okhwalikhira omukhaye- to marry second wife.
- Okhwama kwamulukhe- to be rich then turn poor.
- Okhwama enguwa- to getbe nothing after mucha struggle after that which you got is taken away.
- Okhwambula omunchu- to helpbe a person at a time of need.
- Okhwambula olubicha- to came face to face with somebody else's misfortune.
- Okhwanikhirisa omulwaye- to take care of the terminally ill.
- Okhwanira eyibicha- to seek for help from one who one who is less concerned.
- Okhwanira mu sibeere- to complain of scarcity amid plenty of resources.
- Okhwasaka amakeko- to laugh
- Okhwasaka oluyi- to give a thunderous slap
- Okhwatikha emoni- to give birth while still unmarried at parents' home.
- Okhwatisia akhendo- to ceremoniously declare that there is nobody against the swearing in of a leader by breaking a gerbal guard.
- Okhwatisia omuchwe- to get drunk
- Okhwaya mu mwoka -(to graze in young grass) to benefit from plenty of supply.
- Okhwaya ni okenda- to take chance of opportunies as they present themselves
- Okhwayira omukesi- to do something for another such that he cannot know how to do it
- Okhwayira omunchu khumoni- to have total conly over a person and keenly watch their next move.
- Okhwayira esaafu- to rule by giving enough freedom to people
- Okhwayira omunchu amalesi- to do what will make a person to fear you.
- Okhwechakho olukaka- to protect yourself against evil.
- Okhwefuba mu munchu- to start a fight.
- Okhwefumba embiro- to run away without looking back.
- Okhweikikha ehaywa- to be ready for any eventuality
- Okhwekalangasa simulung'unyo- to strike and protest.
- Okhwekangulula- to give birth.
- Okhwekera mu enguo ya papawo- to attempt a sexual relation with ones mother.
- Okhwekera mu makulu- to imitate
- Okhwekesa omufubi okhulira- to teach pne who has a better experience than yours.
- Okhwekesa omuntu esilefu- to declare your superiority
- Okhwekhaanda (to knife your intestines) - to fast.
- Okhwekhola aka Nawekhole- to behave in silly childish manner
- Okhwekhola ekhuwa- to harm yourself after a conflictlong
- Okhwekhola olukano- to become a memorable event.
- Okhwekholamo amakhuwa (to turntwist youself into wordseighteen)- to become agitated and actleft maddly
- Okhwekhoonyera esyayo- to practice bestiality.
- Okhwekhupa mu lubembe- to take off from crime scene and hide among cruel fellows.
- Okhwekhupa hasi- to ask for clemency.
- Okhwekhupa mu mawiiwi- to start as early as 4.00 am
- Okhwekhupa omubiri- to become thin
- Okhwekomba nga mulimba- to desire something but feign disinterest
- Okhwekumula khu mwaandu- to unexpectedly get rich
- Okhwekumula khu sikhoongo- to encounter a powerful person than you are.
- Okhwekumula enganakani- to go insane
- Okhwelengeramo- to examine your behaviour or thughts.
- Okhwema ekura- to vie for a seat
- Okhwemesa eyalukusi- to have an erection
- Okhwemenyia wamwene- to live alone as an unmarried lady.
- Okhwenaha esyabene- to steal.
- Okhwenda esiniini- to visit a place where the seat person used to live for a ceremony of bringing back the person's 'shadow.'other
- Okhwenya okhulia- to be in need of a bribe or in need of ones rightfully dues.
- Okhwesenda ahambi khu efuwo- be close to the power that be.
- Okhwesiera mu khatongole (to grind in your department)- to work for the rich in a department but receive no benefits.
- Okhwetacha wamwene (to bleed oneself)- to give a self praise including your blood geneology
- Okhweteecha amateche- (cover yourself with sorghum husks) to prevent a problem using simple unsuccessful means.
- Okhweteecha enyinja/ amasanja- to prevent a problem using unsuccessful means.
- Okhwetikha omwenge- to drink brew made from bananas.
- Okhwewona wamwene- to be very proud.
- Okhwewonera khu mubiri- to learn from worst experience
- Okhweya amasika- to help in moaning
- Okhweya omunwa hasi- to pretent that you have not benefited from given help.
- Okhweyakira esikolonjio- to be poor.
- Okhweyakira esisokori- to be in dire suffering.
- Okhweyemiayemia khu lialiriro- to prevent others from benefiting just because you are suffering.
- Okhweyikina olusiba- to do an action because you have close fruends or relatives in power.
- Okhwicha omusoki- to bebe hard even for the expert.
- Okhwichuba okhombe khu embako- to sweqr and refuse completelyto.
- Okhwikhala khu sisokoro- to go for a meeting but sit in for short time due to othet duties.
- Okhwikhala siunchu- sit with hands between the legs making no movement
- Okhwilimia emika- to spend a lot of energy or resources doing a simple thing.
- Okhwola khu sisikhiisa- to get the main reason
- Okhwola mu makhuyu- to becomedo rich.
- Okhwosukha esunge- to pass the amniotic fluid just before the birth process.
- Okhweyakira omunwa- to be poor and live within your means.
- Okhweyomolera wamwene- to do what you ought to be helped to do because of greed
- Okhwibasa mu makhuwa- to sabotage.
- Okhwibira mu kalamu- to be corrupt through paperwork.
- Okhwibira mu makesi- to extort money
- Okhwibiyira esaambi/ omuyuke- to inflict a problem on yourself.
- Okhwiboha khu munchu- to become an intimate friend to a person
- Okhwiboha olukhoba munda- to be ready to go without food forto some days.
- Okhwicha amalia- to stop a love relationship
- Okhwicha makhikha- to act unpredictably bringing out worst.
- Okhwifumundula enda- to develop a cylindrical belly
- Okhwikala mubiri- to grow fat.
- Okhwikhala khu luteru- to invite trouble.
- Okhwikhala khu yika- to be given a temporal and worse refuge.
- Okhwikhala khu nchebe- to be the chair or the leader.
- Okhwikhasa museebe- to create peace.
- Okhwimana embwa owusuma- to develop a small painful boil on the eyelid.
- Okhwimana wamwo owuliri- to deny your husband his conjugal rights.
- Okhwingisa omukasa- to be crowned as leader.
- Okhwingira erumbi- to undergo circumcision
- Okhwinyamba akaelisi (to fart the smoky one)- to cause a problem secretely but leave symptoms to betray you.
- Okhwinyambira khu siswa- to cause misfortunes in an activity that was moving on successfully
- Okhwinyokha Ebwukwe ni yikheba- to wake up early morning
- Okhwinyokhera khulala (onubiri)- to be heatlthy, tall and fat.
- Okhwinyosa amang'anyu- to cause fear in somebody.
- Okhwinyosa omubiri- to have an erection.
- Okhwipakhira khu biryo- to be greedy.
- Okhwirula mu makhuwa- to give a summary of the headlines.
- Okhwisa emindira- to demote from high rank..
- Okhwisika omukongo- to make mistakes because you can withstand consensences.
- Okhuwiyikala kho olia- to be mean.
- Okhwola eyi walakwa- to benefit from fate.
- Okhwo khukhupa efukhe- to claim that what one is facing is a lighter problem
- Okhwocha omuliro kwa amatefwe- [to warm using reeds fire] to enjoy a short lived activity
- Okhwoka abaana- to visit a daughter's home to give prizes to grand children as part of culture.
- Okhwoka omulambo- to do final cleaning and dressing of the corps before it is burriedpoliticians as part of culture.
- Okhwoka omusinde- to wet a boy before circumcision.
- Okhwola aha machi kawera khu-ng'eni- to be no longer active in a given activity after having had a vigorous start.
- Okhwola aha omulalu kasabira epera- to reach that point when things become very difficult or you become tired
- Okhwola Ebukwe ekhande- to arrive in thr promised land or live in a placedifficult full pf plty.
- Okhwola mu nyingo- to reach transition stage.
- Okhwoma emoni- to be shameless.
- Okhwombakha esiaki nuwene amalokota- to hope against hope.
- Okhwombakha mu mukhula- to have a weak basis in a given issue.
- Okhwomera aha wiyokeye- to overstay after being given what you wanted
- Okhwomia omuchwe- (to make the head dry) to be unable to crack a given difficult issue
- Okhwoma omunwa- to regret
- Okhwonga khu embeo- to do night running
- Okupapasa engokho- to reconcile
- Omulukha okhwasimula- to ma an activity to abort
- Omwana muikikhe- child sired by another man as part of another family.
- Omwana wa erwanyi- child born out of wedlock from any of the married parents
- Omwana wa esichola- first child born from an inherited woman
- Omwana wa esimba- child born before mother or father married.
- Omwana wa oluswa- child born out of incest or from relatives.
- Okhuba amachi akoka amabwoni- (to be water for washing potatoes) be so useless person to be given useless tasks in society
- Okhuba amachi mangu- (to be easy water) to be judged as weak by many
- Okhuba ekhunjwe- (to be an african parrot) to be talkative and noisy
- Okhuba ekore- to be bitter, noisy yet harmless
- Okhuba embwa ne kondi- to become enemies
- Okhuba esikhokhochole- to be mean and proud
- Okhuba khalinjola wa omuntu- to be identified as wife material
- Okhuba Labu eyokhulia khu kayalima- to be a dad courting a daughter
- Okhuba makata-njekhupekho- to muzzle into other people's affairs
- Okhuba moni- to be keenly watchful and awake
- Okhuba nende amalasire aka esusi- to be easily identified as a criminal once a criminal activity happens anywhere
- Okhuba nende amalasire amaangu- to be weak and easily moved emotionally. Mostly in sexual aspects.
- Okhuba nende emoni endafu- to be mature in thought or virtuous
- Okhuba nende endika yikoye khu musaala- to get an unexpected erection
- Okhuba nende olukendo lwa ekhere- to go for a short journey
- Okhuba nende olukhono- be mean
- Okhuba nende omwima- to be antisocial.
- Okhuba njwenjwe- to be cunning
- Okhuba oyu engokho chilombera esikhasio- walking bare feet
- Okhuba tietie musichakha- to be noisy but hard to be identified
- Okhubala amachuuka- to count your losses
- Okhubala enguulo- to die
- Okhubeera embabasi- to have mercy on somebody
- Okhubekwa nende embako- to suffer consequences of your mistakes
- Okhuberekha omwana- to conceive
- Okhubiikha ekhobo- to bear grudge
- Okhubiikha esihango- to keep for future use
- Okhubiikha omunchu mu lwiika- to chill as you plan to revenge against a person.
- Okhubiita ekhabi- to wish good luck
- Okhubikha mu-masaayo- to pray dedicated prayers
- Okhubiikha omubiri- to burry
- Okhuboha enyinja- to be ready to face a task
- Okhucha owasio olwala mu munua- to be belittle somebody
- Okhuchamo esitata- to poison one through food
- Okhucheenya olwa khunungo- to seduce a married lady
- Okhucheka etiatiasi- to make a snare for the harsh or cruel one
- Okhuchekera olukhoola- to trap or get something easily from someone after creating cunning familiarity until the person gets used to it
- Okhuchekera omudoto- to scheme to get by using wrobg process
- Okhuchekerakho esi- to keep something valuable that you are not putting in use for the purpose of hurting admires
- Okhuchekula owasio- to tell news that are shocking
- Okhuchia mu mwesi- to menistrate
- Okhuchia okhwelekhula- to go for short call
- Okhuchia sikhale- to compare with the past trends
- Okhuchiira omunchu mu bakesi- to bewitch
- Okhuchukha embosi- to talk non stop
- Okhuchukha eyi engokho chikona- to despise somebody as completely useless
- Okhuchukha muunda- to pass weak stool
- Okhuchula omuntu mumoni amoke- go away from somebody's space
- Okhuchuma echango- to involve in an activity to make you conceive or get that which is hard to get
- Okhuchumbula ebasa- to be vulga in talk
- Okhuchundula edwesi- to overwork somebody
- Okhuchusa namulekhwa mu-kubiri- to inherit a widow officially
- Okhufuba ekhere mu maachi- to help a person when the intention was to hurt
- Okhufuba omuntu owasio- to be no longer intimate
- Okhufucha uwufwisi- to talk bitterly
- Okhufulamira omuliro- to invite trouble
- Okhufulamira omunchu- to curse
- Okhufumula amahoso- to give an antidote to sorcery
- Okhufundikha omuntu- to bewitch to make a person unsuccessful
- Okhufunikhira omulambo- to notice that an elderly person has died but stop morning till evening.
- Okhufuwa omubeni- to seek for praise
- Okhufwa chitachu- to faint or have epilepsy and colapse
- Okhufwa sikolola mukhira- to blame nobody as you suffer
- Okhufwala ekutwa- to bless a person by giving the cloth of leadership for those who have sired a boy in life.
- Okhufwalulira omuntu enguo- to curse by exposing private parts.
- Okhuhaka mu long'i- to become fat for men
- Okhuhakikha amatumwa khu sukhiri- to be in middle of a sexual act.
- Okhuhanda olulimu- to become mute at a time you are supposed to talk
- Okhuhanikha embako- to be on strike and stop an activity
- Okhuhanikha omwoyo- to prepare for the worst
- Okhuhonokokha khu luchyo- to be out of trouble
- Okhukabana emondo- to rival on a lady.
- Okhukenda khu munchu- to give a thorough beating.
- Okhukenda makhikha- to involve in deviancy.
- Okhukendera vyosi- to posses a trait of stealing.
- Okhukendia esisero- to play football well
- Okhukhalaka amala- to be smitten by beauty of a lady.
- Okhukhalaka embusi okhulenge- to make a young girl pregnant by accident
- Okhukhalaka oluwumbu- break virginity for girls
- Okhukhalaka omunchu- to fine a person.
- Okhukhalanga olule- to persevere living with a night runner
- Okhukhalangira ahatikha- to get nothing beneficial after too much effort
- Okhukhama enani- to do an act through persevere
- Okhukhama eyabheene- to have a extra marital affair with a married lady
- Okhukhesa ekhala- to invite trouble by yourself
- Okhukhinia ngoroti- to pretend you do not want to give in to something before going for it
- Okhukhinira embowe- to desire that which belongs to another and you have no powers to get
- Okhukhinira eyo khwikhaango- to play with time bomb snare
- Okhukhinira olubembe- to happily court treuble
- Okhukhola okwa Songa ni Wanami- to participate in an unproductive useless activity
- Okhukhomba mu eyakoya- to strike a jackpot
- Okhukhombana amachumba- to be in honeymoon-like love or relation
- Okhukhombwa nende embwa mu makulu- to be foot loose
- Okhukhoomba mu yapakha- to get nothing from where you expected to get something
- Okhukhosa nende emuli- to look into an issue deeply
- Okhukhunyula omunchu ebikiye- o demand for ones debt on daily basis.
- Okhukhupa amabeka- to refuse by gestures
- Okhukhupa tirii- to retreat or reverse
- Okhukhupa ebikumba- to have powers of evil eyes
- Okhukhupa embakha- to chat
- Okhukhupa endifu- to swim
- Okhukhupa endung'u- to gain nothing out of something
- Okhukhupa enjukkha e-muchwe- to silence by revealing the truth about somebody
- Okhukhupa esaala- to pray loudly
- Okhukhupa esikiingi- to play rough in football
- Okhukhupa esiuno- to gyrate waist
- Okhukhupa etoma- to impoverish somebody
- Okhukhupa nababa- to make noise cursing evil spirits
- Okhukhupa olukobio- to pretend you do not want when you are in dire need
- Okhukhupa olwang'a- to scream
- Okhukhupa omuchwe khu dekisi- to become mad
- Okhukhupa omukhono mufuwo- to loot a common resource
- Okhukhupa omukoye- to be the first in a race
- Okhukhupa omulaasi- to call out for help
- Okhukhupa posi- to gulp down bear at once.
- Okhukhupaka echia amakhuwe- to do unproductive work
- Okhukhupayo omukongo- to be less concerned
- Okhukhupira owaasio okwa hamukulu- to deceive by being cunning
- Okhucheka owubeyi- to cheat
- Okhukhwa mungo- to remain indoors in life and seduce relatives
- Okhukiinga esiumo- to become rude
- Okhukinga esiuno/ esikhuulu- to walk proudly
- Okhukinga omunwa- to talk desrespectly, especially, when answering back
- Okhukisa owang'i- to attempt to hide what cannot be hidden
- Okhukola mu-kubiri- to inherit a widow officially
- Okhukololosa amakumba- to stroll around
- Okhukona echio-mulwika- to be in dead slumber
- Okhukona khumayika-to spend sleepless nights
- Okhukona khuseero- to be on death bed
- Okhukona meso- to sleep while you are ready for any eventualities
- Okhukona mu kachi- to spend in jail.
- Okhukona omulengala- to skip raining on a given day during rain season
- Okhukona omulengala (omunchu)- to skip going for a drink and sleep sober
- Okhukona sisolo- to sleep stark naked
- Okhukonera akafubha- to do an unproductive task
- Okhukonera amachi- to have no meal for supper
- Okhukonera omuntu- to fervour a person against another
- Okhukonera omusango- to hide a falony
- Okhukonera wusa embakha- to have no meal for supper
- Okhukosia omunchu- to die
- Okhukotia omukhono- to attemp not to give the rightful share to somebody
- Okhukula esipana- to get a gap in your mouth especially for children
- Okhukwa esichiri- to be impotent
- Okhukwa esikulama- to turn into dwarfism in groundnuts
- Okhukwa esimbikhira- to become an indisciminative prositute.
- Okhukwa khu wasio- to rape
- Okhukwa mu lusambu- to escape
- Okhukwa mu mubaso- to be in trouble
- Okhukwa mumakulu- to ask for forgiveness
- Okhukwa nende ekunia-to become impotent
- Okhukwa nende amakhuwa- to be a rumour monger
- Okhukwa Nga esitubi-to fail then never give up
- Okhukwa nga esoongo- to fail completely never to attempt again
- Okhukwa olwandwa- to be red thigh lady or fail to grow groin hair
- Okhukwa omusala omucherere- to become hard to achieve
- Okhukwa owasio mumoni- to be useless or valueless
- Okhukhwesera omunchu hasi- to offer an item at very high price to a custmer or get an item at very high price from the seller.
- Okhulaba emoni- to move out of nativity
- Okhulakana edakano chio-musimba- to give false courtship promises
- Okhulangwa emakombe- to die
- Okhuleba e chiemunwa- to talk investigativelly
- Okhulekha owusuma- to die
- Okhulengera omunchu emoni endayi- to be hospitable and helpful to one among many in need.
- Okhulibwa amakulu nende embeba- to be left alone in old age or n sickness.
- Okhulwekhwa mu chiaya- to have your hopes dasshed
- Okhulia ebiaki ebingi- to be old
- Okhulia ekhanu- to be argumentative
- Okhulia embwa nende esikhuli-to create peace and make those who incite violence to be quiet.
- Okhulia esilulu- to take an oath
- Okhulia esolo na-ngwe- to sire no child to inherit your property hence taken by others.
- Okhulia si kokho- to benefit from something then claim you did not benefit from it
- Okhulia si-kwe- to eat but make some saving for future use
- Okhulia si-Namunyu- to eat make no saving for future use.
- Okhulia silala- to unite
- Okhulia/ okhukhupwa/etc wituukhe- to do something until you get satisfied of the act
- Okhulisa emoni- to watch something
- Okhuliwa nende engunyi- to suffer consequences of ones actions.
- Okhuloma elala- to summarise speech in onea fact.
- Okhulomaloma nende eta- to withdraw from an ATM
- Okhulomba etolondo- to plan something for others
- Okhulonga omuntu- to willingly play sex with a purpose of conceiving
- Okhuluma ameno- to persevere
- Okhuluma ne ofuhaho- to blow hot and cold.
- Okhulumira olufwiro- to cause great harm and be ready to suffer consequences.
- Okhulwania echa kumo- to practice lesbianism
- Okhulya mu sileka- to miss something because of one's rudeness or adamant behaviour.
- Okhumaliyisia emesa- to buy many alcoholic drinks in one sitting.
- Okhumema omunwa- to be talkative and abusive.
- Okhumemeya omunwa- to be very abusive.
- Okhumenya khu-nuungo- to differ with wife and suffer staying in one house but separate beds.
- Okhumera amoya- to be proudly self reliant
- Okhumera enjika- to become rude
- Okhumera khu waasio- to be in bad blppd with somebody every timelecturer.
- Okhumera owoba khu makulu- to fail to shower and become dirty.
- Okhumikira amakhuwa- to be economical with the truth.
- Okhumina ekhere- to fart
- Okhumina eteche- to bribe.
- Okhumina eteche- to bribe somebody privately
- Okhumina emoni-'to show interestno in spmebodya
- Okhuminanira emoni- to show interest in each other oror have a secrete deal
- Pkhuminira khu eta- to explait another person.
- Okhumira akha-radio/ endangasi- to be talkative and noisy.
- Okhumira ehaywa- to protect yourself against evils
- Okhumira omuuya- to die
- Okhumoka siMonica- to have bedroom eyes
- Okhumoka sipenda-to have facial suggesting great desire for something
- Okhung'eng'a esiroongo- to get part of a common resource
- Okhunia enduli- to cause trouble that will make you part of those suffering
- Okhunia khu mukhebi- to show cawadice during circumcision.
- Okhunia omuliro- to cause trouble for others
- Okhunia omunchu khu mwoyo- to make one to have contemptuous attitude towards you.
- Okhunia omusango- to commit a fellony
- Okhunina ebiiri- to engage in sex
- Okhunyanyakhomo ekamulo- to think over an issue
- Okhunyicha- to be physcally dead
- Okhunyola ekorokoro- to manage to fend for the family.
- Okhunyola esinch sia emoni- to get a reasonable quantity of something.
- Okhunywa akakone mu keene- to be extremely addicted to drinking.
- Okhunywa aka owutukhulu-to be the last and get the rejects from common resource
- Okhuona esi olwasa- to attempt waiting to see the imposible happening
- Okhupaka esichaulira- to perform a fruitless task
- Okhupapasa engokho- to reconcile
- Okhupara mbo chakacha ekhira eswa- to leave a good thing you have hoping the other is good only to discover it is the worst
- Okhuruka omuchwe- to become mad
- Okhuseesa akhanama- to point a pistol at a person
- Okhusena khu-yika- to move out of marriage in protest
- Okhusena mu make- to contract STD
- Okhusena mu masingo- to have bad omen
- Okhusenayo omutocho- do something bad that make you fear visiting a place you frequented
- Okhusenjula omukuchu- to shave at the groin
- Okhuserera enani- to court trouble
- Okhusesa owasio omunwa- to provoke verbally
- Okhusiira e-mukongo- to support somebody
- Okhusiisa oluhengera- to find out the truth by divination
- Okhusika omubiri- to take a dead bodydifficult for preservation at a funeral home.
- Okhusikha omuntu balekha engobi- to say somebody is useless.
- Okhusimula omuse- to be the first to attempt.
- Okhusitaka omuchwe- to go out and get drunk
- Okhutaasa eyikatukhire- to be less focused in timing an opportunity.
- Okhutana echango (to advertise your thgh)- to be a prostitute
- Okhutachira munda- to suffer quietly.
- Okhutaya khu-kene- to playing sex in lieu of payment a woman was to make to you.
- Okhutechukha embiro- to bolt off
- Okhutiira oluwuusi- to get the gist of the subject matter
- Okhutira omusiembe- to be the last in
- Okhutikitia ekulu- to do the impossible and save a situation or perfarm an act to cause trouble
- Okhutimira amachi- to put a vehicle in free gear
- Okhutira esuruali (olulera) mu makhono- to be a prostitute of the highest order
- Okhutira khu syo-khumbako- to eat a meal after working.
- Okhutira olulimi- to know a secret but hold yourself from revealing it.
- Okhutira omusiembe- to be the last
- Okhutira owasio khu khuchwi- to provoke a person to a fight.
- Okhutirana amasiati- to fight.
- Okhutirana amaloko- to suspect others for bewitching.
- Okhutirira amala- to eat some little food as you wait for the main meal.
- Okhutirira awasio enguo- to defend by giving evidence against accusations
- Okhutirira omubiri- to take food and eat.
- Okhutong'a mu chiaya- to be left in a dilemma.
- Okhutong'a omwoyo kwong'ene- to be almost dead.
- Okhutoola eng'ala- to suddenly turn lucky
- Okhutoola omunchu- to bewitch.
- Okhutosia omuntu- to convince completely especially a lady
- Okhutundumia amayika- to beat a wife for the first time after marriage.
- Okhutupa ekhutu mu woba- to put somebody in a place he will benefit most.
- Okhutupa e-miluku- to walk around aimlessly.
- Okhutupa mu simwero- to store something for future use.
- Okhutupa omusukuni mu makhanga- say something and weigh the reaction of the group of respondent.
- Okhuwa amachi mu moni- to be fluent and confident
- Okhuwikhakho esafu- to betroth something
- Okhuwocha khu lwanda- to try a hard task that you cannot succeed.
- Okhuwola emina- to be bad mannered
- Okhuwolakho wusa- to say with a light touch or as a by the way.
- Okhuwona ekombe lya Mahero mulukaka- to be very old.
- Okhuwona oulafu- to get civilized.
- Okhuwoola ochi chwii- to provoke another person's anger by answering back
- Okhuwowa owasio khu-siwuno- to have total control over a person
- Okhuwulira mbo namukha kufwiye- to the hear that worst is nearing to happen
- Okhuwulungula amawulu- to drink drink busaa
- Okhuwunya esikhupo- to be itching for a beating.
- Okhuya amala munda- to feel unease
- Okhuya omukhira- to learn from bitter experience
- Okhuyaba wachonge- to persevere and search for a lasting medicinal solution.
- Khuyaba enduma chya beene- to involve in an elicit conjugal relation with a lady.
- Okhuyalwa nende amoya ka engokho- to reach a point where those taken as weak gets powers to control or decide
- Okhuyiisa omulwaye- to do th8 may make the sickchild to detororiate.
- Okhwachula amakhuwa- to lay facts bare
- Okhwachula esombo- to give the awaited verdict.
- Okhwamula olume- to be the pioneer in doing something
- Okhwanikha esibambala- to sit exposing private parts
- Okhwasaka ameno- to laugh loudly
- Okhwatikha omuchwe- to be very drunk.
- Okhwawulana enda- to practice segregation basing on uterus.
- Okhwayira owasio amalesi nende esisikha- to teach one how to get resources and make him or her never to come back for the same help
- Okhweboha omukoye munda- to persevere in accomplishing a hard task by encouraging yourselff.
- Okhwebohamo omukoye- to commit suicide.
- Okhwechuba esikwa sikwe- to swear that come what maymay; one is readyready for anything.
- Okhweka nende owasio- to consult
- Okhwekhupa esirifu- to claim to be couragious and cruel
- Okhwema amachwi- to be keen in listening
- Okhwema efwiiri khu muchwe- to be scared of the unknown
- Okhwema khu haywa- to brave the circumcision knife.
- Okhwema khu lwanyi- to couragiously face the circumcision knife at home.
- Okhwemba khwa amakhanga- to start cries in the home of the berieved.
- Okhwemera okhulenge khulala- to be uncertain.
- Okhwemesa amalasire mumubiri- to shock
- Okhwemesa ayalukusi- to get an erection
- Okhwemikira olukhoola- to regret
- Okhweyakira esikolonjio- to be poor and in problems.
- Okhweyanguya- to walk quickly.
- Okhweyanguya mu bilaha- to go for a callrelationship of nature.
- Okhwiba endika ya beene- to take off with somebody's wife
- Okhwicha amakulu- to reduce strides and walk slowly
- Okhwicha amalesi khu kandi- to get a solution to a problem from person of samesame trait as the person who caused the problem.
- Okhwichira mu khumba- to be a child whose mother got married whileas pregnant from another man.
- Okhwichula esiiri- to become a quorum
- Okhwichwikha olukina- to bear the cross
- Okhwiitukha endukhu- to suffer beyond measure
- Okhwikala omubiri- to grow fat
- Okhwikangisa wamwene- to steal
- Okhwikangulula omusiko- to paturate or give birth
- Okhwikhala khu fumo- to court trouble
- Okhwikhala khu yika- to be in treublesome position
- Okhwikhalira omunchu khu yika- to kill by bewitching.
- Okhwikhengerakho amateche- to pride in something
- Okhwikhoomba mulwasa- to regret
- Okhwikhupa khu mukhasi- to marry without planning
- Okhwikhupa omubiri- to thin
- Okhwikhupa omubiri- to thin up
- Okhwikunya mu bisaala- go for shot call
- Okhwingira emiriango- to become a polygamist
- Okhwingira enchu- to marry
- Okhwing'uha esihobe- to weep and sigh after crying.
- Okhwinyokha nende engokho- to wake early in the morning.
- Okhwinyokhera omukhono mubi- to have bad luck.
- Okhwirusia eng'ombe- to make a bull to serve a cow.
- Okhwitisia owusie- to lose a job
- Okhwiwikha engumi/ oluyi- to cover yourself with no blanket
- Okhwiwula erambo- to sire many successful children
- Okhwiwusa ochakhenya- to help one who is not putting in personal efforts
- Okhwiyaka endukhu- to wallow in poverty
- Okhwoka esikong'o- to play sex after long dry spell
- Okhwoonga khu mbeo- to night run
- Okhwoma emoni- to be defiant in facing situations
- Okhoma omuchwe- to be rude and stupid
- Okhwombakha esichunda halala- to be partners in beneficial activity
- Okhwomera khu seero- to overstay before burial.
- Okhwuwulira enyuni ni chiemba- to say that somebody will die
- Okhwitira khu muchwe- to regret.
- Okhwitira khwita- to do something to the last bit of it
- Olwimbo okhufundikha- song to climax
- Omulembe mu sukuna- to visit to greet without carrying any prize
- Omunchu akona khu-ewe- to be of great help at time of need
- Omunchu okhuanda- to contract a terminal illness
- Omunchu okhukholiokha- to be famous or popular
- Owachisia omukhasi- to be a senior bachelor
- Owu kalia wu muchula- to regret
- Owusuma wukwiye khu siteru- to get a blessing in disguise
Okhuambia esoni = to shame
ReplyDeleteYour are right omwami. However, the main verb is okhuamba. Therefore, in form of 'to be', the key phrase is okhuamba esoni. From it, we can inflect the verb to have:
1. Okhuambia esoni
2. Okhuambiana esoni
3. Okhweambia esoni
5. Okhuambisiria esoni
6. Okhuambisiriana esoni
7. Okhweambiria esoni
8. Etc