ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language 3- Proverbs in Olunyala

By Balovera Edwin Ongacho

The following are proverbs found in Olunyala ((K). The Olunyala (K) is a sub-dialect of Luhya language spoken by the Abanyala of Kakamega. The Language is internationally coded as ISO 939-3 nle.

The following is a collection of proverbs and their translations. The translations have been attempted with an element of direct translation in a manner to help retain the aesthetic value of the original proverb in terms of flavour, content and form.
  1. Abachachaka; bosi baumeka (balia). Even those who never planted; also partake in the eating.
  2. Abachi b'olufu; bekesa ebirindwa bya abayindafu. The cowardly lived to show the graves of the war-mongers. The cowardly live longer.
  3. Abafwa abasiikhe; bawuma olusekhe. The forefathers who died and are burried have no physical drinking straw. Always respect them and give sacrifices without waiting for them to show signs of demanding. They have no straw to shake as a sign of giving a signal in demand of an offering.
  4. Abakamanya babiri abakesi, sibakabana omuchwe kw'embusi. Two clever people cannot share the head of a goat. Each will want the best part- which is the tongue.
  5. Abakesi; basisamuye. The expert are out there working. Never do something and boast around that it is only you who knows how to do it since others may be silent but better than you.
  6. Abamakachwa; bachekhana amakachwa. Two men with bowed legs laughed at each other's disability.
  7. Abamanani balira, bamala bamwenyanira. Even the poor will cry but end up smiling at each other. The poor shall comfort each other.
  8. Aba'mani bachia mwihe. The strong go to war. Never claim to be strong where peace is prevailing.
  9. Abana ba esi (esiriyi); sibafwa elisi. The children of a house fly (cockroach) do not die of smoke.
  10. Abangi sikulu; babanga abalulu. Many are like a hill; though there is false courage in numbers.
  11. Abangi bakhulimira; bachakhuliira. It is better the many to work on your behalf than eat on your behalf.
  12. Abasira mbere, baliyo balinda abahere. Not all men love breasts (women) in the same way. Be wise in your selection of a spouse.
  13. Abasumi batukhanira khu khuhalakacha omwikho. Beggers will fight over the remains on the cooking stick. Beggers have no choice.
  14. Abebi beba nende esiabalia. Thieves stole whatever ate them.
  15. Abekho bali nga amalasire khu lulimi- malala omira akandi wafucha. Relatives are like blood in one's saliva though you spit some openly, you have swallow some. Never expose all your dirty linen in public.
  16. Achania baye, ochi yicha ekhubiye? If it (baby) hasn't excreted; please, why dare to wipe its behind? Never attempt to correct where there is no mess.
  17. Achi, 'Bawola bachi-bachi koo, aba nje mwene nako.'  Whoever says 'they have said' may be the originator.
  18. Achi 'Endi okhulia eyi basikire' aba ali nende esikesikire. If one says shall only eat roasted meat on a given day then has another good meal for that day. 
  19. Aha basinjira; si nche aha babakira. Skinning is never done at the same spot you do the cutting of the throat.
  20. Aha engokho chiwocha, wakhanikhaho eswa? Can you dry you white-ants where we have many chicken? Never reveal a secret where were have many people.
  21. Aha esikali sikwa; abanchu bakwa. Where something big has fallen (funeral), people gather.
  22. Aha esiswa situma; nche aha baochama baocha. Where we have white ants is where people will bend to pick then. People will always stay at a place of benefit.
  23. Aha ewe ofwira; nje aha niye ahonokokhera. One mans death place is another man's place of prosperity.
  24. Aha omukhono kwola; nche aha wiyakala. The hand (of a fat person) scratches an itch on the body up to a point where it reaches. Never stretch people beyond the power of what they can afford.
  25. Aha siali nche aha basitakha. You search for something where it was last seen. A good leader can come from the family that ruled before.
  26. Aha siali nche aha basitakha. Where there was once plenty is where there comes scarcity.
  27. Aha silakhakha; nje ha basitalha. Where it falls is where they search for it.
  28. Aha wiyokera; si nche aha womera. Do not sit to dry up from where you have taken a shower.
  29. Aha yisamira; si nche aha yilumira. The place at which a dog barks from is not the point from which it bites you.
  30. Akachundukha (analwa) kachakira enakhupaakha (mu embakhiro). Bear that will brew badly starts at the earliest time of preparing. Prevention is better than cure.
  31. Akachundukhire; (amalwa) kakhoya onakhuywere. Brew that has been brewed badly calls for drinkers who can sympathize and drink to save your face. If require true friends to cover you up or sort you out when you have caused a problem.
  32. Akakhaire kakira embusi yeyakira omunwa. Lack of hands and long tail made a goat to sooth an itch on its body using its mouth. When the going gets tough, begin solving a problem using the little resources you have.
  33. Akali khu sisanda; si okalangira esekhe. The brew on the calabash does not require one to call others to come with straws.
  34. Akasisanakho sikakhaywamo oluuya. Two (buttocks) rubbing against each other will never lack sweat. Two friends will at times pick a quarrel.
  35. Akha oleka nche akhakonia mayiwo. You can despise a person only to find that he is the one who beds your mother upon your father's death. Never despise your uncles or your father's age mates.
  36. Akha tie-tie khalira khachi 'nalukolamo'. Tie tie the bird wished to give birth to live chicks since they looked smaller than its egg but fate had it that it had to lay the bigger eggs again. Never hope beyond expectations for a difficult situation to go away by itself; it may still present itself.
  37. Akhadwasi bakhakusira omwima. A heifer is sold during huggling because of its (bad) behaviour
  38. Akhakokho kha halukongo (khomunyumba) si okhalangira esimba ta. Never call a mongoose to devour your neighbour's chicken. The same chicken can be given to you when you are in need.
  39. Akhalayi khowasio sikhakhumala ekhwe khu mukongo ta. That which is good for another person can turn out not to be that good when given to you.
  40. Akhalefu kha ekhole mutala khekhuluba, khalechera ewunwa ewuba. The beard of a he-goat made a bull to feel jealousy. Achievements  by a despised person make the egocentric people to be pained at heart.
  41. Akha-mbusi khekhupa mu chichia mu wukhwe. A goat followed cattle being taken for dowry. Main blessing comes with other unexpected minor blessings. 
  42. Akha-kondi akh'omumanani; sikhakhusa omusiembe. A poor man's sheep does not stay with a tail for long.
  43. Akhaminyu khongola okhalanga omulengaala, ne khane siminyu sieyongula. You may call it a  short dry spell yet is a full dry season. Never ignore symptoms of deviancy at beginning for that may turn into the beginning of full blown deviancy.
  44. Akhanakhabe akhendo khamanyikhira khu-lukhunja. A guard that will have a good handle for making good calabash is seen from the stalk. A person (thing) that will be good in life shows signs of the goodness while still young.
  45. Akhaondo khasisia munane, owakhachaka kali omwene. The pumpkin that killed the eight children was planted by the ownwer of the children.
  46. Akhasiembe kha ekondi kheyanga awakho. The tail of a sheep sweeps where the sheep sleeps. Charity begins from home.
  47. Akhasiembe khalondanga khu ekondi. The tail follows the sheep.
  48. Akhasimba khomumikachi sikhamanya emikachi ni minulu ta. The mongoose that stays inside sugarcane farms never discovers that the sugarcane is sweet. A good thing is never appreciated by those who are used to its presence.
  49. Akhatuluku khosi kheri. Even a raised ground has qualities of an ant hill. Never belittle little things.
  50. Akhayuni khalayi; khaonokokha khuluchio. A good bird is removed from the many others earmarked for roasting. Good character can save you from trouble.
  51. Akhayuni khakeraka okuyuni. A small bird advised the big bird. The small bird flew from an enemy in a hurry making the big bird to notice the danger.
  52. Akhayuni khekhoyera akhayuni khasye. A bird prides in another bird. Used to call for a person's support toward one who belongs to that person's group and not another group.
  53. Akhakhayuni khemire khusikeke, khachi kekekeke nola khusikulu. A bird on an small anthill thought it was on a mountain.
  54. Akhendo akhasulula; khakhira akhatikha. A royal calabash that drips water is better than one that is broken. 
  55. Akhukhondiola si akhumala olukondo. Whoever admires without talking anything does not affect your beauty.
  56. Akhukhondiola ne si awola eparo, kachumwa amachi kamalwa kesiserero. Whoever admires the beauty of a girl without sending a word was invited to fetch water during the girl's wedding. 
  57. Akhulanga okhulia; olunyuma kakhutukha endia. One can call you to eat a meal then comment badly on your bad eating habits to others.
  58. Akononokha bakacheresera mumasika. It is funeral that brings peace. At times, consensus and reconciliation is reached when there is no peace.
  59. Ali esambo; nche ali owulimbo. Where there is beauty is where there is a trap.
  60. Ali nende amani akalira. Whoever has the power uses it. Never attempt to struggle over something with one who has powers more than yours.
  61. Ali omwana kho nche ali engira? Is the path always besides the children? Does it mean that it is the children who are target in order to get what you desire from the elderly? 
  62. Amaani ka-engwe, mukhira. To tame a leopard then get hold of its tail. Ones children or people are his helpers at time of need. 
  63. Amabeyeresio kabanga komu'simba. There is much falsehood in boys' huts before marriage.
  64. Amachi kawuma omwoyo mubi. Bath water in a river cannot stop whoever wants to shower.
  65. Amachwi si kakona enjala. Ears never sleep hungry. 
  66. Amahalamba kakhupanga nende mwene siaki. Wasps sting even the owner of the granary. If you give refuge to an evil person, the person may still harm you.
  67. Amake karia embewo. The wingless ants fear cold breeze. The ill advisors fear the presence pf tjose who will make their antics known.  
  68. Amake masenda 'swa!' Wingless ants goaded the winged white-ants only for the winged white-ants to come out of their holes and be eaten. Never follow advice from others who may be out to set you up.
  69. Amakenda machabi. Never despise or harm a person because that person is foreigner in your teritory. You will need his help when you visit or meet somewhere else.
  70. Amakesi amaangi konoona namususuni omunwa. Too much brains destroyed the sunbirds beak. We should be wary of modifications of that which is already good.
  71. Amakhanga sikapurukhiranga khulala ta. Guinea fowls never take off from the ground at the same time.
  72. Amakhino mabi sikecha amalia ta. A bad dance cannot prevent one from winning a lady. Once the heart loves something, any deviancy in lifestyle or strange appearance is always overlooked.
  73. Amakulu kalacha; khonuwo emikhono kesungwacha. The hands swing when the legs make a move.
  74. Amani matiti, kakira wania n'omukuku khumuchwe. Little strength makes you deficate with a load on your head.
  75. Amalasire kalondanga esalake. Blood flows along the cut scar line. Like father like son.
  76. Amalesi ka ekhuwa nje ekhuwa lindi. The cure of a word is another word. Never have a physical confrontation in situations where dialogue can help to solve.
  77. Amangi (amakhuwa) sibwoni. Talking took much is like a harvesting sweet potato from a plantation- you can't finish everything and some will still sprout. Thus, from whatever you say, some can be used against you. Be short and clear.
  78. Amasaka amabisi; kaonananga. Green tree branches see each other. Those still depending on a common resource will see each other.
  79. Amasechere katuma esiro mana bakamanya. The giant white ants came out at night yet they were discovered. That done in the dark will always come to light.
  80. Amasika amayakha kechulisa amakhale. A new bad deed makes you remember old bad deeds.
  81. Amasingo amoomu kabeyeresia amabisi kachi khuchie khusoke. Dry cow dung cunningly requested the raw ones to join them for swimming. The raw dung disintegrated in water as dry ones floated. Never follow advice from others without thinking of repercussions.
  82. Amasingo k'emboko koma khumukulu; nemukachi kakhupa owulu. The dung of a buffalo can be dry on surface but smelly inside.
  83. Amekhaliro (amatakho) masiru, amakulu kakhuwa si olia. Better be on your feet searching for daily meal than on your sitting apparatus. Never sit idle, be on your feet to fend for yourself.
  84. Amatemo kecha embogo. Whoever merely attempted to spear a buffalo is the one who coincidentally succeeded in killing it. We should not fear attempting to ventures into a beneficial activity.
  85. Amayika aka omwami sikamakho olume. A leader's cooking stone never develops due. the home is always cooking.
  86. Amemire kakwisa olwoba. Stagnation caused the fall of  a mushroom. Remaining at one point can make you a target of evil planners.
  87. Ameno  ka engiri sikakisikha ta. You can never hide a warthog's teeth.
  88. Ameno masiru, kachekha masalao nafwa. Laughter comes even at the wrong time and place.
  89. Amenyambe kachulanga khu mania. Whoever passes wind must be having the hard staff inside. A bad word to somebody is a sign of hard feelings inside.
  90. Amolu kafundeera; omunwa kwaheera. When the nose blocks; the mouth helps it to breath. we should help our neighbours.
  91. Babiri abakesi; basamba esi. Two wise men roasted a house fly. Unity among people full of wisdom can make them achieve greatness that is otherwise believed impossible by each of them.
  92. Babiri bantu (banchu). Two (man and woman) gave rise to a group of people.
  93. Bakhubalira amalia- mbo, bachakhubalira emilambo. Better they say you have divorced many times than say you have killed many husbands.
  94. Bakhubisiakho akhasiri, bachakhubisiakho esiteru. Better they by-pass you with a hoe going to the farm than a plate with food 
  95. Bakhubisiakho embako, bachakhubisiakho esimwero. Better they by-pass you with a jembe going to the farm than a basket with food.
  96. Bakimbira Wana-wule; Wana-mboka kawoneraho. The rainmaker brought rain to save his millet; but the weeds also benefited.
  97. Bikhukhumukha; wabitakha. They can be many but you be spitlt of choices.
  98. Chikhaywa omunyu; chialungirwa ekokhe. Even if there is lack of salt, you can cook it with ash.
  99. Ebaye liaholera olule lichi 'mu'liaka niwungisa'; ndikhukisa mu'kesa. Goose-grass told finger millet that hide me during weeding and I will hide you during harvesting.
  100. Ebilahi sibiliwa. The best things in life will always be there.
  101. Ebilayi mawerereele. The the best things in life can at time be scarce before their onset again. 
  102. Ebinaona napolia; bikhira ebinalia. Whatever one has peeped on are always more than what the person has eaten. We can also learn from the experience of others more that self experience.
  103. Ebinchu makhuyu. Wealth is fig fruits.
  104. Ebiuli bikwa bakabakabania. The chicken basket can fall and break making the mean owner to give out some chicken. The death of a leader can make others to claim stake on the leadership.
  105. Echia omutambo; chiekhombanakho. Cattle that have nobody to take care of them licks at each other.
  106. Echiaya mwi'tuuli, eyinyalala yibaamo. When many are grazing in the field, we have the one that is passing watery dung. In any group, there must be a person who has a problem.
  107. Echikholiokha chiosi chiali amaki. The proud crowing chicken were once eggs. 
  108. Echikhombana amachumba nche echiwunana. Cattles that are seen lovely licking at each other are the same that are seen goring each other after some time. Even friends gave small differences among them.
  109. Echofu; lyecha enjofu. A small thorn killed an elephant. The elephant removed it then returned it in itself on realizing it was so small compared to its big size.
  110. Echu liaolera esanja lichi koo, 'Oyokeranga sina?' Esanja nalio liola lichi koo, 'Mwana ewe, kali emberi wesi kalikhunyola." A green banana leaves laughed at the noise made by the dry leaf but it had no idea it was soon going to dry and make the same noise.
  111. Efula yekhunga; yakwa haleyi ne yalecha ekhungu. It can rain far but still causes outbreak of army warm in your place. A calamity at a distant place can still cause effects to those at far place.
  112. Efula yachocha; owayiwona niyicha. It rained on whoever saw it coming bother t never prepared.
  113. Efula yakhupa oweyikala amasanja. It rained even on whoever covered himself using banana leaves. Never claim you are prepared for a calamity.
  114. Efula yolukeka olufuchirisa, siwitecha amasanja ta. Even if you are well prepared in life, never wish away a looming calamity.
  115. Efunikhe yosi yikholiokhanga. Even the cock covered in a bucket (to be slaughtered) can still crow.
  116. Ekhabi ekhira olukondo. Fate overpowers beauty.
  117. Ekhabi ay'akhaliba akhendo; siyikoba olukondo. Fate of the blessed good one, never lies in beauty.
  118. Ekhere lyokhulukongo lyawolera elyokhumaji lichi koo, 'Wesi nyanga iribao amachi komerera.' A frog from dryland area told the one in a wetland area never to feel proud for there can come a time when the wetland can dry. Never satirize those who do not have the resources that you seem to posses by virtue of your natural environment.
  119. Ekhupa siyikolanga khumusala khabiri ta. Lightning never strikes a tree twice.
  120. Ekhutu ekofu liolera ekhuyi etocho lichi koo, 'Lungenda kalaa singolanga enyuma ta.' An old tortoise told young bird that even if it walks slowly, it does not walk going backward the way that bird does during migrations. That focus and being economical are the most important thing in all that we do. The bird wastes a lot of energy moving in cycles.
  121. Ekhwi chiwulanga ekokhe. Firewood begot ash.
  122. Ekhwi enyembera-nyuni chiahambia amakenga. Small firewood made the big logs to burn up.
  123. Eki liawolera enyuni. The small one that saw something happening can report to the elders. 
  124. Ekifwa kialaalana. Those facing a common problem attempt to help each other.
  125. Ekifwa kikhualaala. Death can benefit the living.
  126. Ekina liokhulukongo liaolera eliomumaji mbo koo, 'Lumenya mumaji, okalukhana wakwa ekhutu tawe.' A stone on land told the one in water that it should never imagine of turning into a tortoise by virtue of staying in water for long.
  127. Ekindi lu kinama okhunywa, ekindi kibanga kiemire. When the mouth of the cow is drinking, the horns are up in air. Never believe that nobody has seen you commit a crime even if you thought they were not looking at you.
  128. Ekokwa yikhoya owenywe. When you are to face judgement from a jury, you need one who understands you.
  129. Ekondi ekhasi mukhukochwa; liachekha akhesiembe kh'embusi nilichaechwa. A nanny laughed at the tail of a goat before it reached its time for mating.
  130. Ekondi likendera mutuuli lya esukhiri (epunda), lilayanga lichi liachisia namunyu. A sheep that walks in the midist donkeys may think it has defeated hyenas.
  131. Ekonjio elia omutambi lioneera olume. The wound of a pauper is cured by dew
  132. Eli owola; nje elikhuyala. Whatever you say is what can be used against you.
  133. Emakombe nche engo. Only the dead can claim to have arrived in their home. All human being will die at a time.
  134. Emakombe eyo; olusambu luwumayo. There is no bushland in the lands of the spirits.
  135. Emakombe yiwuma abakeni. The spirit world has no visitor. Never wish to die for you will never come back to tell the story.
  136. Embakha chakira amekhaliro kakawukhana. Stories brought enemty among people.
  137. Embakha esaacha; esibala yombakha. Stories empty of childishness brings progress.
  138. Embako siyibeyanga ta. A jembe never lies. If you go to the farm, you will always have something to eat.
  139. Embako yomusiro yikhira eyomusiteche. (Vulgar) At times children (product of night jembe) can help the parents more than the help the same parent would get through farming.
  140. Embala yakhaba niyawona, yimuchuna nakuwona. A scar can heal but it pains upon seeing whoever caused it.
  141.  Embeba yechichina; niyemire ha wina. A rat laughs (at a cat only) if it is near a hole.
  142. Embemba; sichiacha ekumba. Words alone won't break the bone.
  143. Embosi chialekha Kasango ewukhwe hiawuuna engo. Before kasango had arrived home from his in-laws home, hearsays had already arrived.
  144. Ewmboolerwa embi. It is bad to base on hearsay. Never just base on what you have been told but not witness to tale a tale unless you too witnessed. 
  145. Embolerwa yalemasa omwoyo. Hearsays makes the heart sorrowful. 
  146. Embulu esacha yawolera ekhasi yichi koo, 'Chebangakho amakhuwa ni ochawuliye koo.' A husband monitor told its wife to be asking if it has not heard yet the two are believed to have same hearing problems. Never blame another person for a mistake that involves both of you.
  147. Embulu yerukha efula yinyirira yachia okhwiyikama mumachi komumwalo. A monitor ran away from a drizzle to take shelter in water. Running from the frying pan into the fire.
  148. Embulu yikhoma khu lwanda; esero lyayo lialomba eng'oma. A monitor that does not move off the rock on a sunny day has its skin used to make a drum.
  149. Embulu yokhumaji yachekherera eyokhulukongo yichi koo, 'Wesi sokangakho wuli nyanga.' The monitor that dwells at the riverbank sarcastically told the one that stay far away from the river to be swimming daily. Never satirize those who lack the resources that you may be having because of your environmental set up..
  150. Embulukuji chiekondo chino, echindi ekhungu nichio. So colourful are the butterflies that turn into destructive army-worms.
  151. Embwa ekhasi yachisia esacha. A female dog always defeat the male dog in a fight. Use a woman (wife) and you will get something from a man.
  152. Embwa enjibi yechulilisanga. A dog that has stolen behaves suspiciously. One who has made a mistake will always behave in a suspicious manner.
  153. Embwa enjibi halukongo; yesika omukongo. A dog that has a trait of stealing in the village must have a strong back.
  154. Embwa enchi nche eyisamanga lukali. A cowardly dog barks loudest.
  155. Embwa yiesolia solia nende esero; olunyuma yalilia. A dog may play around with a skin and later eats it.
  156. Embwa yikhuwuuna; omubacha achakhuwuuna. Beter a dog to visit you in the morning than a trickster. The intention of the dog is seen on the face but a trickster hides it.
  157. Embwa yiri nesikumba mumunwa yiwulukhuma, siyikhuluma. A dog carrying a borne in its mouth rarely bite.
  158. Embune yabene. A wounded animal belongs to the hunter who bruised it.
  159. Emiandu lume. Wealth is dew. Today you might be rich; tomorrow you are poor.
  160. Emusa wayirakho akhakho. Always have your own small calf grazing with a borrowed one.
  161. Hera; emiero si wusera. Beware, war is not porridge.
  162. Emilembe michumwa sikimala amaofu ta. It is good to go by yourself and visit than sending a person to greet another.
  163. Emoni chiri ne'njala, chikhondiolanga ena'siaki. Hungry eyes will alway look at the grannary side.
  164. Emonyo likinganga esilinyala. A small ant will carry a load propotional to its size.
  165. Emosi yananga nende owunyasi mumumwa. A calf moos with grass in the mouth. It is not aware that the same grass is the best food for cattle.
  166. Enani etocho liacheba ekofu mbo koo, 'Oyenyanga ameno ka sina?' Enani ekofu liawola lichi koo, 'Ewe cheba, wesi olikofula.' A young hyena wondered why the old hyena walks with open mouth and it was told it just come by age.
  167. Enani liawola lichi; okhuisindikha si'wuchi. The hyena said that getting an ambush-shock is not cowadice.
  168. Enani nililia omulwaye; abalamu mukona mekhaye. If the hyena eats the sick; those alive learn to close their doors.
  169. Enju yali yiyya; esiolo yichi nanala eliisi liwuya. The house was on fire and the lizard thought it was the smoke it was used to. It neglected timely warning and suffered,
  170. Enda yiwuma amachwi. Stomach (pregnancy) has no ears. Hunger (desire for sex) does not listen to advice.
  171. Endaalo chiamala owooya khu seero. Old age made the skin to loose its beautiful youth hair.
  172. Endalu yifwa, abaana bekhala munjika. If a fierce bull dies, children may sit between the horns.
  173. Endia yecha esuna. It is the urge to eat that caused the death of a mosquito.
  174. Endubi yomuleme; yikhira eya owafwa. A small bucket full of food from the disabled is better than wishing the disabled person was dead. Better one who is disabled than one who is dead.
  175. Enduyu engofu yi nunanga mu nyana. A very old hare suckles from the youthful one. It is the youth to help the elderly.
  176. Engira yakamanga ewa omulebe. A path ends at a relative's home. It is the relative who can help you at a time of need.
  177. Eng'ombe endalu yosi yiri nende oyikhama. Even that cow that gores has the one who peacefully milks it.
  178. Eng'ombe niyiri endalu oyiwonakho emikhala. A cattle that gores others never lacks gores on its skin.
  179. Engerania yecha amachukhu. Immitations killed the lungs. Immitations of what others do may tax your efforts beyond your ability.
  180. Engira si yiwolera okenda. The path never directs the one walking on it.
  181. Engokho luyichakholiokha; esialo siamuukha. Even if the cock does not crow, morning will still come.
  182. Engokho yatima nende amala keyasye. A chicken ran around with the intestine of another slaughtered chicken. It never knew a time was coming for it to be slaughtered too.
  183. Engokho yesakulira kho yalia. A chicken scratches the ground to fend for itself. Never wait for free things in life.
  184. Enguwa y'oluke; yafwira khu eseero ebaake. Small yellow ticks died on a skinned skin.
  185. Engwe yali esiru, abachia enamwalo bayikesiyisia. The leopard was foolish but those who went to fetch water made it bright.
  186. Eninga iwochanga; ne irengera enyanga. A wild dove searches for food while watching the sun for time.
  187. Eninga yayanga haleyi. Wild dove does not search for food from within. Never claim your child may not have participated in a given alleged activity by fact that it was at far place.
  188. Enjala eyilikhuluma; yichekukha mu erima. The hunger that will harm you greatly starts at planting time.
  189. Enjala yiwuma oukhwe. A hungry man knows no taboos.
  190. Enjala yakira Masakhwe; kasaka ekhwi ewukhwe. Poverty made Masakhwe to split firewood at his in-laws home
  191. Enjekeche yikhola esisa niyiri mumubaso; yakhukhupa amawa ni oyambula. A porcupine can look harmless and sorrowful when trapped but turn violent when set free.
  192. Enjofu yasena omusindikise. An elephant can only trample on the cursed. Whoever sees a big problem coming and does not attempt to avoid it must be cursed.
  193. Enjukha yiba niyichalumanga; abachenyi bakhawoweye ekhwi. If a snake could not bite; it would have been used to tie firewood. If actions had no repercussion; people would have dared do what can affect others.
  194. Enjukha yikanyulukha kho yengira muwina. A snake stretches itself before entering a hole.
  195. Enjukhi si oyikhomba. A bee is never kissed. Never court a problem.
  196. Enjukhi wakhupa ndala, si okenda wachia. If you provoke people who are united then you have to escape auickly and not lazy around.
  197. Enjulanjula chiba ng'ombe, nakhachitoye nachia nakhwa. If sodom apple were cattle, I would have picked enough and paid dowry. If wishes were horses then beggers could ride.
  198. Enungiro eyatekha namasaka siyiwangamo esyuya. A pot that cooked black-night-shade will smell of it for long.
  199. Enungiro yatekhakho; oyibikha ewa omwikho. A pot that has been used for cooking before is never stored at a non-relative. A wife is never hidden at at the home of a non relative.
  200. Enyama yakhanula; wemana omusambi? Even if the roasted meat is sweet, can the one who roasted miss a share?
  201. Enyende ndala; yakira oluoba lwaola. Only one maggot made the mushroom to rot.
  202. Enyende eyiwewaba, oyilira mulwoba. A maggot is eaten together with mushroom. At time a bad thing can hide among the good ones.
  203. Enyungu yiyirira nende eyitutuma, chiosi chitekha. Whether the pot is boiling loudly or silently, the food will still be cooked.
  204. Enyuni yema khu'siswa, yacheva 'Musaala kwamera eswa?' The bird on an anthill asked whether a tree grew white-ants. You cannot play the carrot and stick game with those who are informed of your intention.
  205. Ese embolakhomo wusa, endia emuma ta. Where those with wisdom are seated, the final decision rests with them all and not with one speaker.
  206. Esero lioma, khonuwo amamonyo kema. The skin becomes dry for the ants to stop biting on it.
  207. Eseula ndayi, yalekha omukwano. Leaving each other in peace builds a relationship.
  208. Esinakhukwe mumoni silinda nibalikhaho. Whatever is determined to fall in ones eye times when cooking has started.
  209. Esingi; siwera amayota mangi. What may seem to be a lot may get finished by frequent testing.
  210. Esi mukhasi achundire, osilia nende mayino. Whatever a woman has fended for you is eaten without peace (if the man of the house makes no effort to provide for the family)
  211. Esi mulimba kunalie, kukhupayo omukongo. Mulimba the bird faces away from the insect it is targeting as its meal. Be wary of those who are cunningly patient.
  212. Esi okisa wamwo; osilia nende embeba. Whatever you hide from others can be eaten by rats.
  213. Esi oliyekho nche esisio. Whatever you have eaten is what you can claim is yours.
  214. Esi si yikwanga khu malwa kachundukhire. Even the fly knows what is bad for it.
  215. Esi wasama omunwa khoyakwamo, ne nuchasamire siyakhakwamo. A fly never falls in a closed mouth.
  216. Esi yeng'oni, yalonda omulambo bayisikhira mung'ani. A fly followed a corpse to the grave.
  217. Esi yifwiranga mukoonjio. A fly dies right in he wound. At times the things we love are those that bring our downfall.
  218. Esi ochalia, owa abasio balia. Whatever meal that you do not eat; give to those who eat to eat.
  219. Esi-osukunira engokho hasi, osukunirakho ekhanga lyosi. Throw for the guinea fowl whatever you give your chicken. Remember those not close to you as  you help those close to you.
  220. Esia muwenywe osira wusa; si wichuba wewaba. You can never disown your brother.
  221. Esia omukesikesi; osilia nende amakesi. That from the cunning is eaten when you have analyzed well.
  222. Esiabene syamoni, basibikha ne omwoyo kulikho. What you have been denied can be stored in your presence even if you see and yearn for it.
  223. Esialo siuma olwalo. The word has no underneath space. Never claim that death will lessen your problems.
  224. Esiamani silia esindi. Survival is for the fittest. 
  225. Esiambakache si unya. That which has been touched by many smells.
  226. Esiamenya khu machi nche esifwa ouluho. It dies of thirst that which stays near water source.
  227. Esianduya; wesi silikhuluya. Whatever made me lack interest will also make you do the same.
  228. Esiatima siong'ene sielanga esiembiro. Whoever ran alone thought was the fastest runner.
  229. Esibi sya enda, efumo. The only bad thing for the stomach is a spear. Never pretend that you cannot eat specific food unless such food can kill or make you sick.
  230. Esibikhe, silye. Whatever is stored shall be eaten.
  231. Esichakoche siangalwa nende owang'ina wuwo. That which is getting lost is always brought back by a relative. 
  232. Esichiriri sisika embaha mu'siro; ekhere lisika ekokobiro. A cricket depends of its feathers for music at night; the toad depends on its throat. Each has a way of attracting a mate.
  233. Esiecha engokho; basinyola musakhiro. Whatever killed the chicken is found in  the crop.
  234. Esienya owuliro (okhulia), sisaamukha amekhaliro. One that yearns to eat must accept to get dirty or bend law.
  235. Esiewoya sinula. Food that is cooked slowly is sweet. Slow but sure wins the race.
  236. Esiketera siekisa mu siyula. The loincloth hides in the loin-skirt.
  237. Esikhaya wanambwa siba sibi. That which a dog cannot chew (meat) must be bad. That which has been left by the needy must be useless.
  238. Esikhayire siwuma amalesi. That which has reached its death point can never be saved by whatever kind of medication.
  239. Esikhayisweho sisichanga olwikho. If a share that rightfully belongs to a relative is missing during a function, it does not mean the relation dies.
  240. Esikhaywa ehaywa okhuhala, omwolo kwakhanyala? Whatever has defeated an axe to scratch cannot be fell by a sickle.
  241. Esikhoba si'esuna; siomera khu siaba. The skin of a mosquito dries on the palm. It is insignificant to be followed up.
  242. Esikhomba khu simuka sierere; siba sinywanga amabeere. That seen licking on an empty milk guard; drinks the milk. 
  243. Esikhong'onda khumukuchu, sitakhatakha oli mu'nchu. That knocking on the house wall is targeting whoever is in the house.
  244. Esikhukhaya sichula mumunwa sialakakha. Food that does not want to be swallowed drops from the mouth by itself. Never force fate.
  245. Esikhukhuuso (oluwuungu) sia haleyi; si osichekhera. Never laugh at a wail heard from far for it can end up to death of your dear one. 
  246. Esikhula sichia enchu. Change comes with age.
  247. Esikhuniala; sikhuluma. One which has the ability to bite and keeps on following you can end up biting you.
  248. Esikolonjio sialinda ekunda. A broken piece of a pot, that is known to be useless item, in a farm was enough sign to visitors that the farm had an owner before. 
  249. Esikusi sisalamata. It (calf) dances around once it is satisfied.
  250. Esili haleyi, sikhoya owuwo. Whatever that is at a place you cannot reach or influence requires you to have a friend you can bank on to get it.
  251. Esilia ekhere; silianga nenga. Whatever eats a toad; eats a frog.
  252. Esilia embwa; silia nende esikhuli. Whatever eats the dog is said to eat with the jingles. Whoever is determined to take what does not belong to him ensures he leaves no evidence. Also, whoever takes what is part of the other, takes the parts too. If you marry a lady who has a baby, be ready to take the baby too.
  253. Esimba yikona abakwane. Only those who understand each other and share a lot of traits can live under the same roof.
  254. Esimwero siewula esindi. A basket begot another one. When you receive help at your time of need; be ready to help others at their time of need.
  255. Esinakhukwe mumoni silinda nibalikhao. An object falls in the eyes when cooking has just started.
  256. Esinani, sikhira amaani. Persistence is better that using force.
  257. Esinatume owonera khu make. If you will harvest white ants, then you will see it from the behaviour of the wingless ants. 
  258. Esingi siawera oluyeko. That which was a lot got finished by being constantly tested.
  259. Esingiriri syanula esiene ekhombe. The intruder became the owner of the cave.
  260. Esinia-muliro sibaho nende esisiwocha. The bombardier insect has it eater too.
  261. Esio si wikomba osilira mu lukeendo. Whatever you yearn to eat can be eaten during a visit.
  262. Esio yakhaba engali okhubicha olukina? Can the disk stone  main be bigger than the grinding stone? Never claim to be the boss to your boss.
  263. Esiole si'embusi; sibanga khu'makhumbo asi. The bald of a he-goat is found on the knee.
  264. Esionekha siosi bakhosa nende emuli? You do not need any other form of light to see what is being seen in broad daylight.
  265. Esibi siri ahambi; wekesera omunwa. A bad thing close to you is pointed at using your mouth. Pointing by hand may lead to being seen.
  266. Esiri nende embewo, si osiekesa omuliro. The one feeling cold does not need to be shown the fire to warm itself for it makes a personal decision to move near the fire.
  267. Esirima siakira esiriyi liabicha engokho khumunwa. Darkness made a cockroach to pass a chicken near the mouth. At times ignorance and lack of information made people to miss opportunities.
  268. Esisieno siokhulia, sisichanga. The spirit of our forefathers that is demanding for recognition or sacrifce does not kill the target person.
  269. Esisieno syasira omwikho. A spirit of our forefathers will always haunt the relatives.
  270. Esisio nche esikhumala amahofu. Only that which is yours is the best.
  271. Esisio nche esumika niwinyala. That which belongs to you is the one that you can do whatever you want with.
  272. Esita sirimo esikheenyi, sikwisiranga (eswa). Wealth goes into families that have one who knows how to destroy it.
  273. Esititi siwula esikali. A small thing can cause a big effect.
  274. Esibala ngacha. For you  to live in the world well (carry the world) you need a good foundation just the way a pot can balance well on a good ring. (Engacha). Or, it can mean that living is like controlling a steering wheel of a car for nobody can claim to be an expert beyond measure.
  275. Esichwi sichawulira wulayi; siaketa oluyi. An ear that does not listen is the one that received the pain of the slap.
  276. Esirekeresi sichakira ewukhwe. It is your in-laws who are the first to start belittling you. Your wife may tell your in-laws little secrets that you would rather like they be hidden. 
  277. Esifwa enchikucha; sisimulumunya. That which dies of hunger does not complain.
  278. Esiri mu'sisichu sikhoya embwa. To get what is hidden in the bush; you need dedicated dog.
  279. Esiswa esiokhungira; situma ne bawocha. An ant hill near the path has its ants eaten by anybody.
  280. Esiwaliakho sikhulechiranga amaloocho. You always dream of that which you once ate.
  281. Esiwimana omwana aba anakhasilie khale, ne nasio esiwimana omukhulunchu abanga kasilia khale. If you deny to give a child some good food, he will grow to eat it and if you deny a mature person, then he may have eaten it.
  282. Esongo, yatikhiranga aha muliango. A pot breaks at the threshold of the door.
  283. Esyomunda nche esikinganga esyokhumuchwe. It is that which goes into the stomach that helps to provide energy carry that which you put on the head. It emphasizes the value of food during work.
  284. Esyomwimani muhalala, olia nali khulusanja/ khululala. What a mean person has been denying people can surprisingly be availed when he is bedridden.
  285. Esyomwimani muhalala, sikwa wangala? A miser is always keen with his resources.
  286. Esyowibi, wakhechwikha khumchwe bakhuwone? What is stolen is never carried openly on the head.
  287. Esyunalie sikona siong'ene. Ones fate for the next day remains unknown to the person.
  288. Etete siringirira ofuka; kalirekha liachia. A person doing the cooking cannot leave a locust that attacks him to go away. A person can not leave what he has been yearning for to go once he chances on it.
  289. Ewa ochusira ewa. A thorn in the flesh is removed by another thorn. Set a thief to catch a thief.
  290. Ewabene ni wikhala, wikhalira elikhaliro elala. Never demand to sit on both buttock when helped where to sit by a neighbour.
  291. Ewunwa yifwanga nende uwunyasi mukhanwa. A bull dies with grass in its mouth.
  292. Eyaana yaaniringa chiosi. If one cattle in need moos then others will share the benefit that comes with the mooing when the farmer reacts.
  293. Eyabene oyikhama nukhupa amakhemo. A cow that does not belong to you is milked while you peep from side to side for the owner may be coming for it any time.
  294. Eyachula khumunyali yichi kulikho amawa yakwa khumunyanya! A bird moved from one tree claiming it was thorny only for it to perch on one which had more thorns. The bird got from the frying pan into the fire.
  295. Eya'moya mangi; siyibakho enyama nyingi. That (bird) with many feathers does not yield a lot of meat.
  296. Eyeyemeye mu machi; si ocheba niyinyweye. If a cattle is still standing in the river; you cannot ask whether it has drunk the water or not.
  297. Eyenya okhuchera, yitechera eyeene. A chicken that is ready to lay eggs will make noise to attract the cock by itself.
  298. Eyibakhama; nje eyikwama. The one that is milk is thekey one that is befallen by calamity.
  299. Eyieyemberasa misiyonjo, yabeheresa eyieluanyi. The quail singing in a trap basket cheated the free one in the bush.
  300. Eyifumbusiswe siyichichikananga olume. The one cornered during hunting does not fear to take off due to the presence of dew.
  301. Eyifwa yisambakala. That which is dying has to give its last kicks. 
  302. Eyifwaanya amawa yimanya singa yinyanya. That which eats thorns knows how it will chew them.
  303. Eyikhomba emosi, yikhira eyikhomba omulikho asi. A cow licking a calf is better than a cow that licks on its afterbirth.
  304. Eyikhurucha oubi, yakhupa esibi. A cat that makes gluttal noise, never gets to catch a rat.
  305. Eyikocha siyiwulira; eyi echindi chianira. The cattle that is on the wrong track toward getting lost does not hear the moos from the others.
  306. Eyilikhuluma; yikhuchaka mwirima. The hunger that will consume you starts at ploughing time. 
  307. Eyisambakala lukali, nche eyibakhama amakali. A cow that kicks a lot is the one that is milked a lot of milk.
  308. Eyitekha ebiya, yikhupa omuya. A boiling pot never stops to release pressure. Used as an excuse when one has passed wind.
  309. Eyitoloola niyaana, yikholelera echilwana. One that bellows goaded other cattle to fight.
  310. Eyiwocha khu lwanda yesika omunwa. That chicken that pick on the rock must have strong mouth.
  311. Eyiwunya yiwunyiranga omusaambi kho yiwunyira abaandi. The one who roasts the meat is the first to know if it was rotting.
  312. Eyiyitire/ eyolukeka nche eyibicha. The clouds that comes with a high probability of raining is the same that never rains.
  313. Eyokhwehayahaya na mahaka, syimeranga enjika. The cattle that disturbs others from time to time never grow sharp horns. Nature does not provide destructive people with opportunities and means to carry out their destructive nature.
  314. Eyoluswa bechanga eyene. The animal that causes a felony due to its deviancy is the same that is sacrificed to correct the situation.
  315. Kali mumwoyo amene, kamanya mwene. Nobody can know what is in another person's heart.
  316. Kenda kalaha kola ewunyolo (Ewuyundo) Whoever walked slowly by slowly reached among the Abanyolo or Luoland. Slow but sure won the race.
  317. Kenda kalaha kola ewunyolo. Whoever was slow and sure reached where people get what makes them rich.
  318. Kenda nikaha (elyani) akhira naliwene. Whoever walks around while picking vegetable is better than whoever sees it and plans to come latter. On coming, she may find it taken by somebody else.
  319. Kenyamba omuyufu; babeyera omupukhufu. The clean one farted and they claimed it was the dirty one.
  320. Kesungwacha; kereecha. Issues worth solving in life are like a swing, they can still swing and come to your side. Do not rush to get stories about issue; let those issues come by themselves.
  321. Khupaka chikale oketere enamukhono. If white ant are in the 'hand' part of the trap and have refused to move to the pot part of the trap, you continue hitting the stick for the nice melody and then quickly catch them while still at the 'hand' area.
  322. Kulekha wa anjie (Wanjie) kwabalukhira wa atulo (Watulo). It can spare the one within the arena and accidentally befalls the one watching by the hillside. 
  323. Kunaka nje kunaka, okoba kwapumula erisi. Smoking part of a smoking-pipe does not matter; what matters is whether it can pass smoke through it. Any woman is worth being turned into a good wife provided she can light fire and cook. All women are the same.
  324. Kwakhaba nikuli haulafu nga okwa embusi, si wusiru okhwola ekhole yasaba. Even if an item that belongs to another has been left at a position where it is easily accessible, it is good manners to request.
  325. Kwakhaba okwefula; enjala si bayisewula. Even if it is rain season, nobody says goodbye to hunger.
  326. Kwamanga kwamulukha. A tree has a season for fruits and a season for no fruits.
  327. Makesi kandi, kakwa mukandi. A clever person may also find another clever person.
  328. Mayiwo nachali ahambi, ow'owasio akhubiya nesaambi. If your mother is not around, another person's mother may wipe your dirt using stinging leaves.
  329. Mayi wowasio siakhwoka; wachwenukha wanoka. Another person's mother may not was you clean.
  330. Mbe ekhombekho, kamalira omunyu khu lunikho. Testing the soup made the cook to finish the soup.
  331. Mukha bakokiwo oketa nuli nende esimbo. Your age mate's wife is brought back to that age mate while you have a tool suggesting war and not love.
  332. Nabalekwa kecha embongo (embogo). The one who was despised is the one who killed an antelope (bufallo)
  333. Namukha kuunya musiminyu, nundi kuunya mufula. Namukha the insect that smells during dry season will still smell in wet season. Never enter a love relationship with a person expecting to change the behaviour of the person.
  334. Namukha kuwunya nikuchafwa, ne naina kwafwa? If an insect smells badly before its death, what smell will waft off if it dies? If something is proving to be bad when it is supposed to be good, what if its natural time comes for it to be bad.
  335. Namukhalanga embande akhalangiranga aba'meno- Whoever wants to give something to a specific person out of the rest will peg the qualifications on the qualities of the person he has those qualities in mind.
  336. Namukhokhome kafucha esa. Though the gecko loves eating all species of caterpillars as the main food, it reaches a time when it says no to what it loves. That a gecko once tried swallowing a caterpillar. But the little insect was a spiky one. Not the usual caterpillar that this particular gecko had been used to gobbling up. For that particular day, the gecko was feeding at a place far off his usual beat. And so the story goes that the caterpillar refused to go down the gecko’s gullet. It put up such a fight that the gecko's throat was hurt, occasioning it to spit out the cattarppillar. 
  337. Namukungune kulia munda; kwalekha esikhokhone. At times that which was good can be destroyed to leave an empty shell of former self.
  338. Namunyu (Namunguba) kikendera musike. Other non eatable insects come together with locusts. Bad thing come mixed together with good ones.
  339. Namunyu kalia owamukisa. The hyena ate whoever hid it.
  340. Namunyu kaolera ekina achi luulera ouliye. The hyena told the stone that it had heard even if it kept quiet.
  341. Nandakaywa kachia ninako eukhwe. Whoever does not listen to advice went with it (soiled cloth) to the in laws.
  342. Nandakaywa kakona khu kwa enjoli. Whoever refused to listen to advise slept on the path of herds of elephants.
  343. Nandakaywa kaseera oweyikikhire ehaywa. Whoever refused to listen to advice provoked one prepared for war armed with an axe.
  344. Nanjakenda katesia owang'ina. Whoever does not walk around ended up marrying a relative. It is good to know relatives.
  345. Nanjaolerwa; kelangira abarwa. Whoever refused to be informed welcomed enemies by himself.
  346. Nayikwa ya 'swa? Not every instance of rain brings opportunity to harvest white-ants.
  347. Ngise mu liaka; ndikhukisa mu kesa. Help me at my hour of need; I will help you at your hour of need.
  348. Ni otayira omwikho; otayiramo nende omukhuchi. If you are giving cereals to a relative, include the chaff too. (For him to know that it is not in abundance.
  349. Nukhaywa omwana, ochuma echango. If you have no child then send a thigh. Whoever hides the private parts will never beget a child.
  350. Nusukuna esiwunya; esi chiekunya. Throw away the smelly item and flies will go away.
  351. Nyonjule okwo khumuchwe hamukulu; nyanga ndikhonjula okwa amakulu. Help me the present problem I have and I will one day help you to sort a problem you may one day walk into.
  352. Obiringisa ekhutu; aliongusa olukendo. Whoever rolls a tortoise over in anger helps it to move faster. At times our actions can be a blessing in disguise to our enemies. 
  353. Ochachia eukhwe musirima, esirima sikhunyolayo (onyola masalao nikeyoka) Never visit your in-laws house at night; better the night to get you thereAlways give time to people to prepare before putting them to a given task.
  354. Ochafumia owamuchwikhula ha'muliango, walekha owakenda nende esongo. Never praise whoever helped the other to put a pot down and forget whoever carried the pot.
  355. Ochakachekhera ni osiri okhwambukha. Do not laugh at a river before crossing it.
  356. Ochakhulerera; akhupa ebikumba. Whoever refuses to touch the child may have evil eyes.
  357. Ochakhwenyera amalayi; okoba owicha okhukhubanja. Whoever dislikes you will escort your creditor to your home.
  358. Ochamanyire; amanyanga achi siamanyire? Does whoever does not know, know that he does not know?
  359. Ochamenya nende ekina; awola achi lilimo oluya. Whoever has never stayed with a stone will always think it is warm.
  360. Ochamuliira esilulu, omunwa kwa omunchu si okwa eng'ombe. Never defend a person saying he can never say something; the mouth of a man is not like that of a cow.
  361. Ochangiriye ewami ali nende akaake, owicha enyuma ali nende akaake. Both the complainant and the suspect have a story to tell. Better listen to the two sides before making a judgment.
  362. Ochaona ng'ina owukhana awola achi echibakhwa mama chiali chiwuma omulimo. Whoever did not see the mother during hey days will always say the father wasted dowry.
  363. Ochaona olubembe nulukhinakhina, wesi wakhinakhina. Never dance on seeing the top of a long  grass blade shaking for you never know what is hidden below it.
  364. Ochasaba okhocha omuliro; wasitia eyika. Never ask to warm yourself near the fire and end up pushing the cooking stone.
  365. Ocharia maying'ene; si aria masalang'ene. She who dies not respect her mother cannot respect the mother-in-law. 
  366. Ochasonjola oku wemirekho ta. Never sit on a branch and start cutting the same.
  367. Ochatukhania ekwena ni osiri mu mwalo. Do not abuse the crocodile while still in water.
  368. Ochatukhania ekwena amekhaliro nikasiri mu machi. Never abuse the crocodile while your behind is still in water.
  369. Ochaulira embindo; werukha omukeni. The intensity of the footsteps should never make you run away from a visitor.
  370. Ochekha omulinga; achekha owakulukha. Whoever loughs at the beehive; loughs at whoever made it.
  371. Ochekucha wasamba esiaki tawe. Never get satisfied after a meal to an extent of entertaining a thought of  burning the granary.
  372. Ochemawo nilicha; ochi lisamanga nilierikicha. A ram does not bark when it comes to attack you.
  373. Ocheulwa nekhabi, kakhaba amanyifu kamusamba. Whoever was born unlucky will even be burned by lukewarm water.
  374. Ocheba ochie esiliye ekondi; namumunyu niyakhalusa esero? Why ask what ate the sheep when the hyena that ate the same has vomited the skin of the same sheep?
  375. Ochia embasi; kesika enjasi. You have to trust in the strength of your leg muscles if you go for wrestling.
  376. Ochia enamwalo nche okhwasania nende ekwena. You can never meet a crocodile if you do no go to the river.
  377. Ocheenya echia amawa; amanya nga kekekenya olukhanya. Whoever collects firewood with thorns; has to know how to carry the bundle.
  378. Ochombakhire esisie, bamukhiina echia amake. Whoever has not made his own snare for trapping white-ants is gifted the ones full of woker ants.
  379. Ochuka eng'ombe, ochuka nende ekhaande. If you domesticate cattle then make sure you have a knife  At times you will be called upon to skin it.
  380. Ochuma embichi musipwoni; kechekekha owoni. Whoever sends a wild pig in a potato fiels must be ready for the sinful destruction.
  381. Ochundira mayi wuwo, amukhupa ni oliwo. One who provides for your mother (and family) can cause chaos to your mother in your presence yet you remain quiet about it.
  382. Ochunga ekobi; khoniwo wawola ochi wachuka etuli. You pay your debts before claiming you ownmany cattle.
  383. Ochusa khu muchwe; wasicha khu ebeka. It can be removed from head and be put on shoulder.
  384. Ochya Ewuyundo, kererechia. If you go to Abayundo, be fearful. If you go to Rome; do what they do. Abayundo were very fierce people during migration of Abanyala.
  385. Ofuka owubisi; abeyera ekhwi nende eliisi. Whoever cooks raw ugali will say firewood was not enough.
  386. Ofwa afwa olulwe. Each person dies of his own disease.
  387. Ofwa si akisa owukhwe. A person on brink of death does not hide the nakedness.
  388. Ofwa enjikucha; si asiukha. Whoever dies because of eating too much cannot haunt the one who gave him the meal. 
  389. Okaya okhayire, okaya nende esimbo. If you attempt separating an adamantly fighting person then go with your own fighting stick (for he may turn against you.)
  390. Okenda emberi, akhuwa olukeri. Whoever walks ahead of you; paves the way for you.
  391. Okenda musi (musiteche) aberwa. If you tress-pass during daylight then you can be forgiven (upon explaining than if you do the same at night.)
  392. Okenda nende esikanda, akandaala. Whoever depends on a group for everything will never develops an independent mind.
  393. Okenda nende omwami, akhira omulimi. Whoever escorts a leader around may get something of benefit than one going to farm. Used to insist on loyalty towards leaders.
  394. Okerakira omuyingwa; ochangirira okhuikula amachwi. you teach a fool, start by opening his ears.
  395. Okha oleka nche akhalimo owukhino. The best dancer is that who was despised at first.
  396. Okhatalala okhulia esiomusumba, amwalaala. One who resufes to partake in the eating of what is prepared by a bachelor does it to the bachelor's advantage.
  397. Okhololera mu'siriwa, kechusakho oluwa. Whoever coughed while coming back home saved himself from committing a felony. He may have killed a man who sexually steals the wife.
  398. Okholola akhira owiyaka. The one who coughs is better than the one who keeps quiet and indicates his desires non verbally by scratching himself. If you would like to be given something, better ask for it than keep quite and expect to be given.
  399. Okhuchamanya khwakira amekhaliro kakawukhana. Illiteracy made two friends who depend on each other for survival to part ways. Even if there is noise and friction between them, they will be buried together.
  400. Okhuchia ewomwana si makoso, akachaali, ochiayo sibalira. It is not bad to visit your child's house but never make it a habit. You may find yourself a subject of a taboo discussion.
  401. Okhuchikhirisiria mungo, omusewulira hamuliango. Whoever frightens you in your home is never escorted beyond the door.
  402. Okhulanga mawewecha, ofukirira mawewecha. One who calls you quietly answer him quietly.
  403. Okhukhira amani, akhukhupa ne'simbo yiyo. The stronger one beats you with your walking stick.
  404. Okhukhira ekhwi; okhukhira ekokhe. Whoever has more firewood than you, will beget more ash than you.
  405. Okhuekesa okhucheka omubaso; ni otira omukabakho olubaso. One who teaches you how to make a trap deserves gratitude.
  406. Okhumekera akhwaya khu moni. He who has given you something will always want to control you.
  407. Okhupa esichalira, olunyuma omwene alira. Whoever beats that which does not cry ends up crying.
  408. Okhupa khu sikwero, aba akhuseka emiero. Whoever hits on your walking stick, provokes you to a fight.
  409. Okhupa owuwe ni kebire, akhuba nawuleye. Whoever is punishing her thieving child, does it without shouting that the child is a thief. Corrects without announcing the ills to everybody.
  410. Okhutikitia akhuwa enda. Whoever tickles you around can infect you with lice. Also 'enda' means pregnancy hence: one who makes you happy can make you to agree (impregnant your mind with an idea) even if you wanted to refuse.
  411. Okhuwa sititi nche onakhuwe esikali. One who gives you a little of something is the one who can give you enough of it another day.
  412. Okhwimana eng'eni okhuwonia ekhe. Whoever denies you fish, saves you from its ammoniac after-meal smell.
  413. Okhwimana okakakhire akhuwonia olwomunda. Whoever denies you spoiled beans helps you not to suffer diarrhoea.
  414. Okhwiwula khukhira okhulima. At times, successful children can be a blessing to one future in terms of pooling resources than searching for the resources through faming. Used to praise responsible children who remember to care for their parents.
  415. Okona khu esero asi, ochakonera amakesi. It is better you die the body than to die the brain.
  416. Okuangala kukwa ekhombe. A tree that has overstayed its usefulness develops a hole within its stem. 
  417. Okubi kwosi kuli nende mwenekwo. Even the bad one has one who owns it.
  418. Okucheka oubi nekukhaire olekha kwacheka, nikutira kukhuwa ta. Let whoever refuses advice while making a snare do it; if he catches the prey, he won't give you. Let the sleeping dog lie.
  419. Okulia kwanala, okucheka nende olukhola. If you want to trap a clever bird, let it it eat for it to get used to the eating, then you can even trap it using a simple snare- like one made from banana fibre.
  420. Okwa nga esitubi, ochakwa nga esongo. It is better to fall like a woven basket (that does not break) than to fall like a water pot (which breaks.)
  421. Okwendaha wochera haleyi. When the source of fire is of the hot embered tree (omulaha) telhen warm yourself at a distance.
  422. Okwimbo kubi kukhinwa nende mwene. Even if the song is bad, its singer will dance to it.
  423. Okwomukhuchi ochi kusimire nekhane kulimo. Fire after burning bean chaff may seem as if extinguished yet it is still burning at the core.
  424. Okhunyola nutemire mu masanyangira abara achi kho oli khu lukendo. Whoever meets you stranded at a crossroad thinks you are still going on well.
  425. Olakhusabe akhwichulisa nakhufumia esi wamuwa. He reminds you of your good deeds he who wants another fevour.
  426. Olakhusindikhire omusango, akhukhupira etungu ewukhwe. Whoever would like to invite you into a felony plays good music for you at your mother-in-law's home.
  427. Olakhuyine alanga embenya yiyo achi olwasa. Whoever would like to satirize you will claim that your nice diastema is a gap. Whoever would like people to be against you will magnify your flaws or turn your good deed into mistakes.
  428. Oli nende ng'ina bamukerakera; omufubi naye yesi kawulira. When they advise a child who has a mother, the orphan will also learn.
  429. Oli nende omunwa, siakocha tawe. If you have a mouth that can talk; you shouldn't get lost.
  430. Olia esilulu; kakhawukhira amaluulu? Can one who feed on butter things fail to eat the sweet ones?
  431. Olilira ha'masika akhira olilira khu'lukaka. One moaning at the funeral vanue is better than one doing it at a distance.
  432. Olufu nende omufu; biwuma amaofu. Nobody yearns for a funeral and those who die never yearn to see the living.
  433. Oli nende embwa, si afuba ebikumba. Whoever has a dog, does not throw away bones.
  434. Olimira mumbeo; asambira hamuliro. Whoever goes planting maize in cold; will roast them at fireplace.
  435. Olinda omunwa; ochalinda eliisi. The presence of smoke in the kitchen may not signal that cooking is taking place. Have hope that there is a meal  only if you have been promised.
  436. Olinda wunyiche kalya nende abakeni. If you wait for the food to cool, then be ready to share with the visitors.
  437. Olisia emoni amukulu; kenguwa amolu. If you make the eyes to cry the nose will sniff in anger. Two neighbours will always feel for each other.
  438. Oluchuna mwalikhwao; silukhukayira okhualao. Whatever pains your co-wife cannot stop you from making your bed.
  439. Oluchwasi luchi ' ndifwira khu'sikali' ne luluma okwala okukali. The safari ant predicted its death by biting on the big toe which killed it.
  440. Olukeka lwamirie, lwalira eweni. It can start as a light storm and become strong as you progress.
  441. Olukendo lwekhere lukutu. The frog's journey (even if you will see it actively jumping) is normally a short one.
  442. Olukondo lubi; silukhukayira okhukona. An ugly face does not stop you from sleeping.
  443. Olukhayiro lwakhaha amakhande. A sickle (hack saw) cut the metal of a knife. Whoever believes is tough can meet another tougher one.
  444. Olukhwi luchenyire nche olukhuchusa amasika. The firewood that you pick willingly is the same that produces a lot of smoke to make your eyes to water.
  445. Olukhwi lwokhunungo lwachekha oluli mumaika. The firewood on the firewood store laughed at that in the fire (not waware it was the next in fire).
  446. Olukhwi silulosa. Forewood cannot defend itself or advise on how it should be burned.
  447. Olumbe waasio. Sickness is like prearranged duty.
  448. Olusaanga esi oliiye. You throw up or vomit that staff which you have eaten.
  449. Olusiba lukhoya owenywe. Crossing deep end of a river requires a helper you trust.
  450. Olusu lw'omwene; siluwunyira omwene. The smell from a person does not affect the same person.
  451. Olusulo luchusa amalafu; ibao lwachusa amatumbufu. The water source that produces clear water may at times give dirty water.
  452. Oluwukawuka lwakerakira esoko. The small nocturnal silent nightjar bird advised the noisy weaver bird.
  453. Oluyeenga olwa'makhere; silukhaywamo enenga. A procession of toads cannot lack frogs. 
  454. Olwaasa omulwaye; ochamulaka okhukoosa omukhaye. Whoever help to nurse a sick man should never be promised inheritance. He can kill to inherit.
  455. Olwikho luli munda. Relationship is in the stomach. True relative is one who gives you a meal.
  456. Olwikho si olwiyoka ta. You can never wash away blood relation.
  457. Olwimbo lulayi lukhunyola nuli sichula. The climax of a good song gets when the situation does not allow you to dance.
  458. Omama (esimbo) chibiri, ndala yilala. If you prepare two walking sticks using the fire at ago, one of them gets a wrong burn. Whoever aims at two targets will never hit them at once successfully.
  459. Omira esikumba, kesika ekokopiro. He trusts his tough gullet he who attempts to swallow a borne.
  460. Omubaso kutira eki; esiri nende ekosi sisihonokokha. A trap that traps an egg cannot fail to trap that with a neck. 
  461. Omubiri ekobi; olichunga owubi? Our body is a debt; will you pay badly. Use your body well knowing it will die from what you do.
  462. Omucherere kuninwa nende owakumanya. It is only the experienced who can climb a slippery tree.
  463. Omuchiatikha nche muchilama. In a potter's kiln, we get pots that break and those that withstand the fire. A family produces a mixture of successful and unsuccessful children.
  464. Omuchii ayindira. Cowards live longer.
  465. Omuchumwa alianga esiekisise. One who accepts to be send will always be given the best share.
  466. Omuchumwa si akhupwa olukuma ta. A messenger is never killed.
  467. Omuchwe omunchu, esiuno banchu. The mind is what controls the body; so, if you do not use your mind well, you may find yourself impregnanted (at the wrong time)
  468. Omufu; awuma amaofu. The dead have no longing for a visit. 
  469. Omufubi owuliraanga aha lwiki. An orphan eats from near the door. 
  470. Omufubi sibamwekesa okhulira ta. Nobody teaches an orphan how to cry.
  471. Omuinda kwicha engokho babehera oyifunikhirekho. The one who covered a chicken in a bucket is at times the one blamed even when it is the bucket that killed the chicken. At times people are blamed for mistakes which are not theirs.
  472. Omukeni emakombe; kekhalira ha'khombe. A visitor in a new place sat near danger. Never knew the danger points.
  473. Omukeni kangala esya embwa. A visitor picked what was for the dog. At times a visitor may visit at a time a family is in wrangles only for the visitor to turn out as the target of injustice. 
  474. Omukeni omubi, kakhubia omulungi esibi. A bad visitor who accompanied the good one made the good one to suffer for not for not being cooked for. 
  475. Omukeni muhuyi, achamwachira esibaange. Never break the visitor's dish plates as a sign of telling him he has overstayed his visit for it is you who will go at a loss.
  476. Omukesi omwayira. A fellow herbalist is given prepared herbal medicine but never told the name of the herb.
  477. Omukhasi akhuchira ewawe, achakhufwira ewe. When there is a conflict in a family, it is better your wife makes a visit to their home than to die.
  478. Omukhasi akhufwira, wangira achakhufwira. It is better for the wife to die than your go-between. Better lose what you got than lose the skill you used to get it.
  479. Omukhasi nguo; echemwa wakira. The beauty of a woman lies in how you take care of her- just the way a banana is weeded and pruned.
  480. Omukhasi nyanja niyo, wasena wulayi wonchulamo owa akhendo. A woman is like a sea; you can sire in a king if you are lucky.
  481. Omukhasi omutofu aliranga achi koo, "Kubakho muyini nga okwewefwe' A lazy woman wishes for the hoe she left at their home.
  482. Omukhenerera kahaka omwami. The last person to pick may get the best.
  483. Omukhini mulahyi akhina mumuse lulala. A good dancer dances once in the arena. 
  484. Omukhola embi, kelanga omusule. An evil person may claim that he or she is hated for nothing yet the bad deed are the cause of suffering.
  485. Omukhula kubichanga mumaywaywe. Rain water flows down the gradient of the slop and never goes up raised grounds.
  486. Omukhulunchu kenyamba babehera omuhere. When an elder passes wind, he blames it on the children.
  487. Omukumba otakha engo, achuma echango. The childless woman in search of a home sends her thigh 
  488. Omukutu siakeraka enungo? Does it mean a short person cannot advise on the right height of a firewood store? (Placed above the fireplace.)
  489. Omulongi alira khu luchio. A potter may eat from the main cooking pot's piece for lack of small important utencils.
  490. Omulosi aloka nende eyi mweene akhama. The witch bewitched a cow that he is milking.
  491. Omulosi omulangira mubangi. Never point out a wizard by name but generalized among others. (for he can bewitch you.)
  492. Omululu mulala si wa okhwisika. There is power in the voice of many than one person you depend on.
  493. Omumanani n'akusia; sianyola omukusia; ne naye ni'a kula sianyola omukusia. When the poor sells, his price is made law; when he bys, the seller makes the price high.
  494. Omunchu olobanga esiakhulia sikakhombakho/ esikaliakho. You can only say you do not eat that which you once ate.
  495. Omung'ina kulia khu make.  The queen termite eats from the ants.
  496. Omunwa kukhira olunwa. He who promises you is better than he who abuses and frowns at you.
  497. Omunwa kwaliye siosi; nche okucheba kuchi kunachake si. The mouth that ate is the same that asks what to plant.
  498. Omunwa mulala kukhira omulusi. Being given just a mouthful of something is better than being denied until you whistle in despair.
  499. Omunyufu afuyuusa babehera omusafu. If a smart one farts; they suspect the unkempt one.
  500. Omuofu kema, siachichikana esirima. Once a blind has made a decision to walk in the dark, he never fears darkness.
  501. Omumanani sikangala emere; nikangala bachi kebire. A poor man cannot own something valuable (cereals); if he owns, people will say he has stolen.
  502. Omusacha bamwombakhira namuima; omukhasi bamulombera etokho. A male is dedicated to male shrine while a female is dedicated to a female shrine.
  503. Omusala kukhulira khu kundi. A valuable tree grows when close to other trees.
  504. Omusango lume. A crime is like dew for you cannot walk through it and remain dry. Always avoid moving to crime scenes since you can easily be affected or be made part of it.
  505. Omusango sikwelecha, kuba nende okulecha. A felony does not come by itself; it has the cause.
  506. Omusiru kenyokha; esialo nisiamukha.  A fool wakes up when it is already dawn.
  507. Omutambo kwakira Omusebei kalia owoba. Scarcity forced the meat eaters to eat mushroom.
  508. Omwalo okuchambukhamo, okeramo eteka. Test the depth of a stream with a stick before stepping in it.
  509. Omwami akendanga nende abenyaambi. A leader is escorted by those to pass wind on his behalf. A leader must have supporters or those to take the blame on his behalf.
  510. Omwami bamumonyera khusiswa. To back bite a king, go to a place that he cannot come to eavesdrop- like at the snare for white-ants.
  511. Omwami mulungi; mwikho wa abaangi. A straight forward person is a relative to many. Ech person wants to associate with the person.
  512.  ochamuleka nacheyikala ta. Never despise a king before he closes the door. Never look down at somebody since you never know what the person is capable of doing.
  513. Omwana akolanga aha kakhula olwoba. A child will always go back to the place he uprooted a mushroom (with hope that he will get another one.)
  514. Omwana oli ning'ina, siakhinda okhuchuna abasie. A child whose mother is around may pinch others.
  515. Omwana awunyanga esyaliye. A child reeks of what he has eaten (hence no need of asking) However, mature people will wash the smell off. That it is very hard for children to cheat and hide the truth forever.
  516. Omwana kechanga ng'ina. It is the mother who dies at childbirth.
  517. Omwana ochakendanga, awola achi ng'ina nche owamanya okhulunga. A child who never visits others will always say its mother the best cook.
  518. Omwana okenda, akhira ng'ina amakesi. An exposed child can be knowledgeable than the parents who is not exposed.
  519. Omwana omuchengu lukali; siania esibika sikali. A child who refuses to be send never excrete a lot of feaces. Gets nothing to eat hence his waste litt
  520. Omwana omulahi oyo; yiba enda niyo. A child is only good if he is satisfied or if he makes elders satisfied.
  521. Omwana wuliro. A child is a source of a meal.
  522. Omwanjo kwabeyeresa eswa. The musical voice of the white-ant harvesting sticks goaded the white ants out of their hiding place in the soil only for them to be eaten.
  523. Omwayi nje okhupanga emoni. It is the one who looks after the animal who my end up beating the animal's eye.
  524. Omwene mufu nje otira awunya. It is the owner of the corpse who holds the smelly part.
  525. Omweya natekha, embwa chiewunja. Dogs keenly observe when a new wife is cooking. There is always uncertainity when a new leader takes over power.
  526. Omwembi afumianga owamufuwa. A singer praises whoever gives him a gift.
  527. Omwichanyi omweka; kamalira amanda mu maika. A blacksmith who is still learning will overuse the charcaol.
  528. Omwikale kwabene, omwikule nche okukwo. A closed door is not for you but the open one is the one for you. It was used to warn boys to respect married women and not request a relationship with them but go for unmarried girls.
  529. Omwiwunire sikusubanga ta. The earliest bird catches the warm.
  530. Omwononi; sikesisa mu'sipwoni. A destructive person cannot hide in a potato fiel. Will still be seen and his destructive nature will sell him out.
  531. Omwoyo mulahyi; kwakonia engwe khumukuchu. Good heart made one to allow a leopard to sleep next to the house. Never trust an enemy near you even if you have a good heart.
  532. Onakhuwe achakalala. Whoever is receptive assumes a receptive posture.
  533. Onakhuwe sialinda wekhala. Whoever is willing to give you will not wait for you to sit and waite.
  534. Onia khungira si aniakho lulala. Whoever goes for long call on the path never does it onceWhoever engages in a bad act and is not known will always be tempted to repeat.
  535. Ong'anya mu'lung'anyo, ang'enyia.  Whoeve moves away in protest during second birial creates more divisions in the family
  536. Onula omwana engeso, amuweresa olusala. If you take away a sickle from a child, then give him a stick. After taking something good from another, give the person a substitute to cool down the paining heart.
  537. Osaba akhira owiba. Better to ask and be given than to steal
  538. Osaba eia'muchi, asaba n'awukula. One requesting something from a coward; requests while taking it.
  539. Osunga okhuocha omuliro; si asutia eyika. One who has requested  to warm next to the another person's fire does not adjust the cooking stones.
  540. Osilekha ahambi wasienda hale. You can leave it or ignore it when it is near only to be in need of it when it is far.
  541. Osinjire eyiye; achanikhira okhubakira khu mukongongo ne muwuleye. The one who has offered a bull for slaughter dictates how it should be skinned.
  542. Osola nende enguke; akesa makata. If you joke around with baboons you will harvest nothing, 
  543. osola nende omudwi, kumubakha amasi. Whoever plays with the sitting apparatus has to be ready to be soiled.
  544. Oswala muwawe, kesaaba. Even the one who has worked in making mudding soil for his own parents' house has a right to wash his hands and eat with the other visitors.
  545. Otakha enyende mu-wuli lwoba si ayikhaywamo khaba. If you aim is to search for a maggot in every mushroom, then you cannot miss to get one.
  546. Otakhatakha esaachi kho watakhatakha engabiro. Search fir the main brewing pot before searching for scooping calabash.
  547. Oteberesa akhendo; khosa olukendo. A royal calabash is never hurried.
  548. Otekha khu mwima; ochatekha khu lulimi. Always look for the trait and not sweet words in selecting a marriage partners.
  549. Otemberesa, kekeka. One who persuaded, carries it away.
  550. Otima echiichye si aluha ta. If you do something out of your own choice, you can't tire easily. Determination goes with intrinsic motivation.
  551. Otira khulubisi khowanyola olwomu. Before you aim at getting the dry firewood, you start by touching on those that are not dry.
  552. Owa akhasero khakhe si akhaywa aha akona. One with his own skin can never lack where to sleep.
  553. Owa miima milahi; atekha hangerekha. A good mannered girl marries near.
  554. Owa enjala si achumwa mu siaki tawe. Never send one with hunger in the granary.
  555. Owa esikingi waya akhira owa olwanda. Better to have a hilly grazing land than a rock land.
  556. Owa esikufu n'akwa; omwene amanya singa akwa. The one with a hunchback knows how to fall.
  557. Owa ndala yesi kakhwera owasye. Even one cattle helped one with more to pay dowry.
  558. Owa olusaya; akhira owa okhuseya. One who talks openly is better than one who despises behind your back.
  559. Owa oluyoka ochamukuwa; awuma olukhuwa. A noisy is never beaten for the person is harmless.
  560. Owa omukhomefu akhinia, owa omutiti yesi akhinia. One with a slender partner and one with a fat one are both enjoying the same dance.
  561. Owafulamira omuliro, kwamusamba omwene. If you attempt to curse fire by pointing at it with your naked behind, then expect to get burned.
  562. Owakania kebirira, owakaswalamo kechulira. Whoever went for a long call in the bush may forget but whoever stepped in will never forget.
  563. Owakisa olwaala, amaliro kamuwula. If you hide a sick person then moaning that comes out upon the person's death will reveal that the person was sick. Never hide facts.
  564. Owakonaho; akhira owawunaho. Whoever kept you company during night vigil is better than whoever came early and went. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  565. Owamakachwa si; ayima ekhisi. Those with rickets should never hunt a dik-dak for it can pass though the legs and escape.
  566. Owa'mayoba; eng'oma sikeba. The impatient one cannot steal a drum. He will play it emediately.
  567. Owasira enyama kahamba amachukhu. Whoever refused little steak of meat ended up getting the despised lungs.
  568. Owaya ndala, akhira owola mbo, 'Ndakhachuke.' One who domesticates one animal is better than whoever says he will own many in future.
  569. Owe'chwikha engacha; aba awene ekhwi. Whoever puts a soft pad ring on the head; has seen what to carry.
  570. Owekana emiero; kocha esikwero (esimbo). Whoever says he will not fight any more burns the fighting stick.
  571. Owekana omuchwe, nje owakukinga khu muchwe. Whoever refused to perform a responsibility of carrying a head of a slaughtered cow (eng'ombe ya omuchwe) is the same who was forced by the situation to carry it openly.
  572. Owekumula atandamira, otandamira kesutira. Whoever stumbles staggers ahead and whoever staggers ahead moves forward.
  573. Owembenya; kachekha owolwasa nayenya. One with a beautiful diastema laughed at the one with a gap not knowing the diastema can create a bigger gap if only a tooth goes missing.
  574. Owemwenyeresa musirima, akhuchekha esiteche. Whoever smiles at you in darkness is the one who laughs at yo during the day in secrecy.
  575. Owenjala ya'omunyu; siateba omunyu. Whoever is hungry for soup does not bother about the salt.
  576. Owenya okhulia esini, kecha eyiye. If you want to eat the whole liver, then slaughter your own cattle.
  577. Ow'esileka; alia mu'sileka. Choices have consequences.
  578. Owesisye; asinchira aha kenyeye. Whoever own an animal can slaughter it any time he wishes.
  579. Owiba eng'oma; amanya nga alayikhupe nikakhekhuuma? Whoever steals a drum knows how to drum it after stealing.
  580. Owicha wukhira esipupu. One major friend is better than many acquintances.
  581. Owicha nende omuyumbu, wuli nga ewumbu
  582. Owikusi si amanya owenjala. Those who have eaten do not care about the hungry.
  583. Owimani wo'mulio; loko nilio. Being mean meals is self bewitching.
  584. Owiwula oba nende embako (yokhuyabira). If you give birth to children, ensure you owns a jembe. At times you may be the one to burry them.
  585. Owoba ni wicha; wumera munjikucha. Mushroom comes at a time when there is plenty. What you yearn for comes when its alternative meal is in plenty.
  586. Owokukwe okwo; akenda ninakwo. Nobody leaves his behavour behind.
  587. Owoluswa kewikhulaka; kabeyera omuyaka. A bad mannered one will flip up the cloth to expose the nakedness only to claim it was caused by the wind.
  588. Ow'omukhasi mulala; analwiki munjengekho nje kekhala. A man with one wife sits near the door at the drinking place (he may unceremoniously run out breaking the pot and jumping over drinking straws on hearing of the wife's death).
  589. Owonera owaWere okwoyo kubi, amwongesa ekhabi. One who feels envy for the blessed one by God creates more blessings for them. 
  590. Owonia owekonjo alakhubare, wawonia owenjala alakhwibirire. If you treat one with a wound he can remember you on seeing the scar than treating one who is hungry by giving food for he will forget easily and use the energy from the food to attack you.
  591. Owukhino wa olulefu; owuwonera enakhunyaanya. The dance of a beard is seen when chewing food.
  592. Owukhino w'omulalu, omuchende owonamo owunulu. The dance of a madman is sweet to non relatives.
  593. Owukoosi wukhira owululu. Politeness is better than harshness.
  594. Owukula olukina lwosi; awukula nende esio yosi. If you take the big grinding stone, then you cannot leave the disc stone that goes with it. 
  595. Owukula emuka; awukula nende esikwata. Whoever takes a gourd takes with its lid.
  596. Owunulu w'olunyala wuli mukhukera engero. The flavour of Olunyala is found in the use of proverbs.
  597. Owulayi wa ekondo; wakira eng'ombe chiakocha. Beauty let to loss of cattle.
  598. Owulayi wa omukachi; nche omunchinchi kwomukachi. The goodness of sugarcane lies in the inside sap.
  599. Owusera wunakhusambe owubi; wuchakho oluwubi. Hot porridge has a cool coat.
  600. Owusia, wusia nak'owusia. Every morning comes with its own storyline.
  601. Owusiru wuchuna nga enjala, abangi bakhakesiala. If stupidity was painful like hunger, few would be fools.
  602. Oyima ekwena nalikhaywa, kachania amawuyu. A hunter who misses the crocodile will break its eggs. An enemy to somebody's parents is still an enemy to the children.
  603. Oyo eyi enyumba yisululira; nche owuna okhukhebera. Whoever has a leaking roof is he who goes early to the grass field.
  604. Oyo okhinia eyoyo; amanya nga asenayo. If you opt to dance a duck; learn how to step well.
  605. Oyo owalikha, akhira owembakha. Better one preparing to cook for you than one with sweet storsto.
  606. Siakhaba nisilelecha, siisye nisyo. Even if it is hung, it belongs to the owner. Never take something belonging to another person just because it looks as if it has no use to him.
  607. Siakhaba sitiiti, siosi bakabana. Even the little that one has can still be shared. We have to show generosity even with minimal resources one may be having.
  608. Siba aha; siakhaywa okhuha. Whatever you would like to borrow may be present there but whoever to give it to you may not be around. Even if you can see what you have gone to borrow you have to wait for one who has the mandate to give it out.
  609. Sikhaywa ehaywa okhuchemaka; siakwiswa nende omuyaka. It can prove hard to be fell by an axe can only for it to be brought down by mere wind.
  610. Sikhokhochole khene; sikhalakasa lioya! A treasure is never easily picked.
  611. Sirikhaya owelanga owamani; kakenda khu kwa amanani. The rude obstinate person walked on ogres's path.
  612. Wakhaba owachichuka etuli; ibao nyanga kasaba omululi. Even the one who has a lot of chicken can yearn for a meal of a chicken's leg. The rich also cry.
  613. Wakhasinja yanula; siwebakira wemanula. After slaughtering never take the responsibility to skin it yourself.
  614. Wakhaywa okhwemerera nakhuwonera musiayo, eyiyo bayira amakina. If you have nobody to take care of your amimals at the grazing field, those in charge use stones to control it during grazing.
  615. Walonda esi-engokho yilia; khaba wakhayilia. You can never eat chicken if you mind what it eats.
  616. Walunabe kola; kalia owamwiwula. The small red ant reached a point and ate its mother. At times a person can turn against whoever taught him the skills of living.
  617. Wangira kekhola mwene wukhwe. The one who was send by the bridegroom betrayed him. At times it is dagerouus to over trust people.
  618. Wangu wakhulia, achangirira okhusaaba. Whoever is in need of eating starts by washing hands. If a child washes his hands, he can dine with the kings.
  619. Wawuna khu echabe, enjekeche chikhulia. If spear on a king's clothing, be ready to suffer arrow pain. Soldiers will always protect a leader.
  620. Wechekekha owembenya; ni owona owolwasa nayenya. If you have a diastema know that a gap may be on its way to your mouth.
  621. Wekesa omwana ochi 'ala ala'; ne naye ang'ang'ira khu'lwala. You can point something for a child saying 'it is right there' but he gazes at yourthe finger.
  622. Were omulongi akhira eyikekire. God has power than an animal that wants to calve.
  623. Were omulongi nikalikha okhutekha; si owona elisi nilitukha. When God starts cooking for you; you cannot see sign of smoke.
  624. Weyikala omunju; ocheyikala ekaka. You better build friendship and not live egocentric life.
  625. Wiwusakho okhenyakho! It is only the one pushing by herself who can be helped to give birthWhen being helped to perform a task, our personal efforts towards achieving the same are important.
  626. Wulayi amachi ketikha, esiongo yichatikha. It is better for the water to spill that a pot to break for you can use the pot to fetch water again.
  627. Wulayi wekhuyu okhupepera; khane munda enyende chisera. What a beauty of the fig fruit yet full of maggots. The appearance is not the reality.
  628. Wuli enani nende owukhino walyo. Every hyena has got its own limping-style dance. No two bad fellows have same behavour.
  629. Wuli luosi; sisilianga omukhosi. At times it is not the one who searches for something that benefits from his or her efforts.
  630. Wuli lwosi; silianga ow'emuli. It is the one who is on frontline of iluminating that suffers the consequences of that fierce one in darkness. It is the whistle blower or one with information that is targeted.
  631. Wuli yibachira nibalondana; si biri mbo basimana. Not all who follow each other love each other.
  632. Wuli mwaka nakhengo lyakwo. Every year comes with its own cracks on the toes. Problems are not the same each year.
  633. Wuli sibabi nende ekabya lyakhwo. Each foot has its own pattern of cracks and prints. Every calamity is unique.
  634. Wuli yikwa ya'swa? Not every instance of rain shower is followed by white ants coming out for one to eat.


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