ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language- One word; different pronunciations.

In Olunyala (K), there are many words written in the same way but with two or more different pronunciations and meanings.

The change in pronunciation can be due to three factors:

  1. Olunyala syllable stress, 
  2. Olunyala vowel lengthening, 
  3. Olunyala tone shifts- according to Ochwaya-Oluoch (2013) A Study of the Phonology and Morphology of Lunyala, she says: "The Olunyala tone is primarily used for making both grammatical and lexical distinctions. She says it is quite common to find lexical minimal pairs differentiated by tone alone. Thus tone is both phonemically and lexically distinctive." Hovever, she gave a few words to illustrate this.

The following is a comprehensive list of the words.
  1. Abachi 1. The cowardly. Abachi bahindira. 2. Those to go. Abachi ba amachi bali?
  2. Abakesi 1. Those with wisdom:  Abakakesi ba sisamuye. 2. Those making it to walk: Abakesi ba eng'ombe mbabo. 3. Those harvesting: Abakesi benukhire.
  3. Abaka 1. Is skinning. Abaka embusi nje anu? 2. Those weeding. Abaka amatolotolo nje abanu? 3. Those who weeded. Abaka emikachi bali nje abanu?
  4. Abeka 1. Those lerning. Abeka basoma embabulo. 2. Those who learned. Abeka bamala banyola emilimo.
  5. Abeba 1. Those stealing. 2. Those who stole.
  6. Akha 1. This small one here: Akha khange nikho. 2. Interjection to show disgust: Akha, okwiye ekera?
  7. Akhafula 1. Some small drizzle of rain. Akhafula khamonya. 2. A small one producig water or ink from inside. Akhakalamu akhafula khano khanu?
  8. Akhakali 1. A small tent. 2. The big one out of the many small ones. 
  9. Akhakanda: 1. Small bean seed: Akhakanda khamulokheye. 2. A small group: Akhakanda khali nende owikhalo. 3. A small clitoris.
  10. Akhani: 1. A little quantity of vegetable. 2. Small quantiry of liver.
  11. Akhasanda- 1. A small calabash, 2. A small one left without the owner.
  12. Akhasiri 1. Worn out hoe 2. Small one that has not 
  13. Akhasoko 1. A small weaver bird. 2. A small market.
  14. Akhasolo 1. A small animal. 2. Some minor disagreement. 
  15. Akhatuli 1. A small tummy, 2. A small group of things.
  16. Akhawa 1. Small dog 2. Small one that got finished.
  17. Akhawaawa 1. A small firewood split. 2. Some little boowing
  18. Akhekho 1. A small relative, 2. A small cooking stick.
  19. Alaka 1. Is promising 2. Last born
  20. Amabere. 1. Milk: Nywa amabere. 2. Sorghum. Seesa amabere.
  21. Amakeni 1. Amalgamation of left overovers. 2. News
  22. Amala 1. Interstine 2. Is finishing now.
  23. Amalesi 1. Madicine: Mira amalesi. 2. Clouds: Amalesi kakhingire enyanga.
  24. Amalulu 1. Bitter taste: Amirire amalesi amalulu. 2. Fruits: Khuliye amalulu.
  25. Amani 1. Complete liver 2. Energy or force.
  26. Amola 1. Barks 2. Is crowling
  27. Bacha 1. to escape or miss, 2. to chop
  28. Bachie 1. How are they? 2. They go
  29. Baola 1. They are rotten 2. They are saying.
  30. Berera 1. Be on daily basis 2. Be in bad moods
  31. Beya 1. Be unsettled 2. To cheat 3. Domesticate
  32. Chuma 1. Send 2. Jump
  33. Ebikesi 1. Small bright ones. 2' Small havester 
  34. Echumbi 1. Work place 2. Salt
  35. Efukho 1. Animal 2. Crossing point on river
  36. Ekhala 1. To cut across once 2. A crab
  37. Ekhanu 1. Sinuses 2. Simsim
  38. Ekhola 1. I am doing 2. Banana fibre
  39. Ekhula 1. I am uprooting 2. I am growing 3. Growth style
  40. Ekhwe 1. Dirt on body 2. Dowry.
  41. Ekombe 1. Spirit world 2.  Place of seclusion for initiates. 
  42. Ekonge 1. Sisal 2. Seminal fluid
  43. Emali 1. Black 2. Wealth (borrowed from Kiswahili)
  44. Emba 1. I will be 2. Soil clots.
  45. Embaka 1. Same ages 2. An opening in a wall 3. Present tebae for first person skinning. 4. Not able to fit in.
  46. Embakha 1. I am farmenting 2. A chat or story
  47. Embakukha 1. To go off from where it was held and fall. 2. Gap between teeth tiwards the sides.
  48. Embala 1. A scar caused by cutting 2. I am counting 3. Small finger size opening.
  49. Embasa 1. I warm. 2. I iron 
  50. Embeka 1. Style of shaving 2. General directions
  51. Embenya 1. I am opening my mouth 2. Gap between teeth.
  52. Embi 1. Slaps 2. A bad one.
  53. Embiro 1. Soot on surface of cooking utencils. 2. Abilily to run.
  54. Embola 1. I rot 2. I say
  55. Embolo 1. Rotten one 2. Penis
  56. Embosi 1. Objective in a message 2. Free wife given to create truce.
  57. Embuka 1. I cover with soil 2. I marvel.
  58. Embala 1. I am counting 2. Scar.
  59. Embola 1. I am rotting 2. I am saying.
  60. Embulu 1. Rotten: Enjuku yino embulu. 2. Monitor: Yino embulu namwe ekwena?
  61. Embuma 1. I don't have 2. Playing boots.
  62. Embuna 1. I pierce 2. I come early.
  63. Embuma 1. I dont have 2. I produce vehicle sound.
  64. Embusa 1. Am collecting together 2. Am making sound to scare.
  65. Embusi 1. Something grey. 2. A goat.
  66. Emburukha 1. I grey up. 2. I fly
  67. Emesa 1. A table, 2.  Am growing pubic hair
  68. Emiayo 1. Yawn 2. Many big grazers
  69. Emise 1. Plural for arena 2. Mucus blown out of the nose.
  70. Emisi 1. Roots 2. A loat of feaces.
  71. Emondo 1. Tiger 2. Gizzard
  72. Enchenga 1. Am  trembling 2. Some residue from maize flour.
  73. Enda 1. Stomach 2. Louse
  74. Endacha 1. I am bleeding 2. I kick
  75. Endachi 1. A plant 2. That which kicks
  76. Endalo 1. Days: Keniya endalo chibiri. 2. Farm: Khuchie khulime endalo.
  77. Endayi 1. A good one 2. A basket
  78. Endeke 1. I dispise now 2. leg bells 3. Aeroplane
  79. Endekha 1. I am leaving it 2. I am cooking
  80. Endia 1. I am eating 2. His way of eating
  81. Endira 1. I am holding 2. I am crying
  82. Endire 1. couse self to cry 2. Cause self to hold.
  83. Endoba 1. I am refusing 2. I am fishing.
  84. Endocha 1. I am dreaming 2. I am getting wet.
  85. Endukha 1. I scold 2. I weave
  86. Enduse 1. Bile 2. I vomit
  87. Enjaba 1. I am digging 2. Tobacco
  88. Enjekho 1.  I put on top 2. Laughter.
  89. Enjukha 1. Snake 2. Am pouring
  90. Engerekha 1. I am adding 2. Other side of the river.
  91. Engisa 1. I hide 2. Loang for.
  92. Engosa 1. I am returning 2. I am making mistake
  93. Engunya 1. I am walking first 2. I rummage through.
  94. Engwe 1. I fall 2. A leopard
  95. Enyanya 1. I am chewing 2. Tomato
  96. Enyenje 1. Cricket 2. Dancing straps
  97. Enjoli 1. Big legendar elephant: Nanjakambira kakona khu mwanda kwa enjoli. 2. Tablet: Mira enjoli chibiri.
  98. Eria 1. Fear out of respect. 2. Marriage.
  99. Esa. 1. A watch. Esa ya tisiko yange. 2. Caterpillar: Esa limamire Kwachi.
  100. Esaka 1. Branch 2. Black nightshade.
  101. Esala 1. Prayer 2. Plural of stick. 3. I am praying 2. One birth occassion for an animal.
  102. Esi 1. Fly: Esi yikwiye mu mabeere. 2. That near you: Esi siosi esiri khusifulia?
  103. Esia 1. Many strings, 2. I am grinding
  104. Esibale 1. The bottom of plate 2. Sandy soil
  105. Esibeere 1. Sorghum plantation, 2. An udder
  106. Esibikhwa 1. A white ant house 2. That stored
  107. Esifwa 1. That which is dying. 2. Hernia of the testis 3. I am still dieing
  108. Esika 1. Tear, 2. I am roasting
  109. Esikaye 1. Pot for farmenting brew 2. That which has been left without owner
  110. Esike 1. roasted one, 2. locust
  111. Esikeke 1. That which is being carried by a small thing. 2. A small anthill.
  112. Esikhole 1. A small goat: Esikhole siyokera. 2. Action: Okholire esikhole esibi.
  113. Esikhongo 1. A cow peg 2. That which is big
  114. Esikoko 1. Small banana plantation 2. Part of animal meat
  115. Esikombe 1. A small cattle 2. A small cup
  116. Esikoye 1. That which has come back, 2. A small rope
  117. Esikuli, 1. A school 2. A hit by head
  118. Esikulu 1. School: Chia khu sikulu. 2. Hill or Island: Khunina khu sikulu.
  119. Esikumba 1. A borne 2. A thing that cannot give birth.
  120. Esilama 1. Roof of a granary 2. That with is salvaged
  121. Esilundu 1. Garden 2. Small part of a shrub of tree called Olulundu.
  122. Esimba 1. Lion: Esimba yiriye entuyu. 2. Mongoose: Esimba lya Nalikekhe liliye engokho. 3. Cottage: Kombakhire esimba. 4. I am swelling: Ese endikho esimba.
  123. Esinini- 1. gums 2. Spirit of dead usually belied to remain where one dued. 3. A small climber.
  124. Esio 1. That one: Esio nche esianu. 2. Grinding stone disc: Esio yiri khu lukina.
  125. Esiraka 1. A small youth 2. A patch on cloth
  126. Esiri 1. Am not yet. 2. An ant hill.
  127. Esiro 1. To be at night 2. The king post
  128. Esisa 1. I rub 2. Sorrowful mood.
  129. Esisanda 1. A callabash 2. That wich has no owner
  130. Esise 1. I will rub 2. Opportune time
  131. Esisiri 1. A small jembe 2. For that which is still 3. A eunach
  132. Esisisiro 1. The heel 2. That to rub with
  133. Esoko 1. Wiverbird 2. A market
  134. Esoma 1. I am learning 2. I am pocking
  135. Esuna 1. I am reaching menopause 2. A mosquito 3. I am jumping
  136. Eswa 1. A white ant 2. Single body hair
  137. Eteche 1. A nail 2. One sorghum husk
  138. Eteka 1. Truthfulness 2. A fishing rod
  139. Etete 1. A grasshopper 2. That which is cut
  140. Etondo 1. Albino 2 Navel
  141. Fwana 1. Parhaps 2. Look like
  142. Halala 1. Together 2. Stiffen
  143. Hasi 1. Down 2. Not at all
  144. Kala 1. Those one 2. Behave stupidly
  145. Kali 1. Be big 2. Which ones 2. That which was
  146. Kesa 1. To havest, 2. To walk it around
  147. Khane 1. Four times 2. Maybe 3. That is how it was
  148. Khina 1. Dance 2. Waylay 3. Gift while ants.
  149. Khocha 1. To pluck a branch from tree. 2. An uncle
  150. Khoma 1. Hammer a peg or nail 2. That which is hard or dry
  151. Khosa 1. Remove maize from stem 2. Light
  152. Khula 1. Uproot 2. Grow up
  153. Khunda 1. On top of stomach 2. Play sex
  154. Kula 1. Buy 2. That one.
  155. Kusa 1. Sell 2. Big caterpillar.
  156. Kuya 1. A big one that is burning 2. To remove chaff from farm using rake
  157. Lasa 1. Throw 2. Behave deviantly
  158. Loba 1. Refuse 2. Demand your debt daily.
  159. Mala 1. Smear 2. Finish 3. Intestine
  160. Male 1. You smear up. 2 You finush up.
  161. Malulu 1. Bitter ones 2. A type of fruit
  162. Mana 1. Mud a circumcision candidate 2. Then 3. Then
  163. Mama 1 mother 2. Scorch.
  164. Muno 1. Inside here 2. Greatly.
  165. Musa 1. Name for Moses 2. To mortgage animals 
  166. Musi 1. A root 2. Noon time
  167. Musiteche 1. Be in the nail, 2. Be during day
  168. Nyala 1. Be able 2. Cause pain in an alread paining area
  169. Okhuamukha 1. To be in the morning 2. Fruits or fruits to fall off tree.
  170. Okhubachukha 1. To dislocate hip 2. To be easily chopped during curving
  171. Okhubakala 1. To dry 2. To sharpen
  172. Okhubala 1.To be warm, 2. To count
  173. Okhubalikha 1. To marry second wife 2. Be countable
  174. Okhubasa 1. To twist 2. To warm 
  175. Okhubayira 1. To get married 2. To graze for them.
  176. Okhubeya 1. To hoover, 2. Cheat
  177. Okhubiya 1. To wipe. 2. To get bad
  178. Okhufucha 1. to spit, 2. to destroy
  179. Okhuhaka 1. to tempt, 2. to be tight
  180. Okhukoba 1. To say it is better, 2. to escort
  181. Okhulala 1. To be many, 2. To smoke up
  182. Okhulalukha 1. to be mad, 2. to be a be accustomed to
  183. Okhulikula 1. To start it, 2. to buy it
  184. Okhuloba 1. To refuse, 2. To fish 
  185. Okhumanya 1. To know 2. To pluck feathers from chicken
  186. Okhumera 1. To germinate 2. To be drunk
  187. Okhumonya 1. To drop lightly 2. To backbite
  188. Okhumwenya 1. To smile, 2. To want somebody
  189. Okhunoka 1. To pluck, 2. To mix in right ratio
  190. Okhusicha 1. to fence, 2. to make string
  191. Okhusimbira 1. To swell with anger 2. To be fat
  192. Okhusimikha 1. To be liked, 2. To put in ground
  193. Okhusira. 1. To prop up. 2. To refuse
  194. Okhusola. 1. To play, 2. to revenge
  195. Okhusomekha 1. to be readable, 2. to push shap 
  196. Okhuwa 1. One to give you 2. Get finished
  197. Okhwirula 1. Weed the second time 2. Carry a pot off rhe fire
  198. Olufu 1. dust, 2. death
  199. Olukosi 1. Long necked 2. A lot of royalty in treatment
  200. Olula 1. To become bitter: Olula kho bakhuria. 2. Interstine: Abana ba olula lulala.
  201. Olume 1. Dew 2. You bite
  202. Oluya 1. A tribe 2. Sweat
  203. Olwafwa 1. that which is dead, 2. crack
  204. Olwala 1. Finger, 2. One who is sick
  205. Olwana 1. Childish behaviour 2. One in a struggle
  206. Olwasa 1. One nursing the sick, 2. Gap in mouth
  207. Omucholi 1. A type of tree 2. A witch who uses items used by the target person to bewitch
  208. Omukasa 1. A leader 2. Copper bracelet
  209. Omukesi 1. The bright one 2. One who harvest 
  210. Omukhala 1.  business person, 2.  A gore
  211. Omukhosi 1. Direction 2. Eluminator
  212. Omukoko 1. A sister 2. A banana stem
  213. Omukongo 1. Back 2. A person from Congo
  214. Omukulo 1. A roofing pole, 2. One's relative whom they can talk freely.
  215. Omusumba 1. wifeless 1. Member of the clan of Abasumba
  216. Omuya 1. Air, 2. Guy
  217. Owoya 1. Hair skin, 2. seduce
  218. Omuyini 1. Long tool wooden handle. 2. One who abuses others.
  219. Owukeni 1. left over, 2. visit
  220. Owukesi 1. brain, 2. havesting style
  221. Owukhana 1. dance, 2. girlhood
  222. Owukusi 1. price, 2. selling style
  223. Parana 1. Think about each other. 2. Do shoddy work.
  224. Saba 1. Wash hands 2. Ask for
  225. Sala. 1. Pray 2. To be in plenty and free for anybody 3. Sticks.
  226. Sera 1. Provoke 2. Shimmer
  227. Serere 1. Saduce them 2. Seduce me. 3. Type of cassava.
  228. Sikha 1. Bury 2. Get extinct
  229. Sima 1. Extinguish  fire 2. like
  230. Sinya 1. press down, 2. bore
  231. Sira 1. Refuse completely 2. That one over there
  232. Soma 1. Pull muscles from inside 2. Read.
  233. Suna 1. Jump, 2. Reach menopouse
  234. Tasa 1. To add, 2. To collect water from roof
  235. Taya. 1. Scoop 2. Demand payback of a deb
  236. Teta 1. Cut 2. Eat seed of millet
  237. Tima 1. Run 2. Deviate form norm
  238. Timatima 1. Run aimlessly 2. Get lost in finding direction
  239. Tisa 1. Hand over 2. Nine 3. Slaughter a sheep for cultural function.
  240. Tosya 1. Make wet 2. Satisfy
  241. Tuma 1. Rumble 2. Come out and fly off
  242. Tumukha 1. Light object flying away 2. Have manyblisters at one point
  243. Wola  1. Say 2. Rot
  244. Wolera 1. To tell 2. Keep quiet
  245. Woya- 1. Tie 2. Woo
  246. Yera 1. Conceive 2. Breath
  247. Yirira 1. Make boiling sound 2. It is crying
  248. Some verbs change meanin to give the aspect of "do it to me now" and "do it to them now" by tone shift khupe, mbosie, mbakhe, ndire
  249. Some verb with kha~ and ba~ to indicate pesent and pasent tense.  The distinctions comes out due to tone shift.
  1. Kaweye 1. It has ended. 2. It ended some time back
  2. Khalia (tense) 1. Small one is eating 2. Small one ate
  3. Khalima (tenses)  1. Small one is digging 2. Small one dug
  4. Khalira (Tense) 1. The small pne cried: Akhana khalira mu Nyongesa. 2. Pluck vegetable: Khalira eliani ochole.
  5. Khamira 1. A small one is swallowing 2. A small one swallowed
  6. Khaya (Tense) 1. Small one is burning 2. small one burned


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