ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: List of Adverbs in Olunyala (K)

O lunyala (K) is a dialect SO 939-3 nie of Luhya spoken by Abanyala ba Mukhamba found in Navakholo Sub-County within Kakamega County. The dialect has many adverbs. The following is list of common adverbs. A] ADVERBS OF MANNER IN OLUNYALA (K). All of them are derived from verbs, nouns and adjectives using Olunyala (K) affixes of manner: 'khu~', 'lu~', 'ma~', 'me~, 'mu~', 'ne~', 'nga~', 'o~' and 'si~' then '~chi', and '~chio'. ~chi (a~, ba~, bi~, chi~, chu~, ha~, ka~, ki~, ku~, li~, lu~, mu~ , o~, si~, wu~, yi)- in a manner like this; thus. Akingire achi, Nenyakho ebiteru biri bichi, Ekhupanga ochuwa chuli chuchi ~chio (a~, ba~, bi~, chi~, chu~, ha~, ka~, ku~, li~, lu~, mu~ , o~, si~, wu~, yi)- in a manner like that. Tira omukoye ochio, Lomba bibe bichio, Tira ochio ~kho - in a reasonable/fair manner Amukhupire wubikho. Chiayo ni wimwenyeresakho. Mbulira ni balirakho. ~ene (abe~, ebi~, akhe~, eki~, ...