ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: List of Adverbs in Olunyala (K)

Olunyala (K) is a dialect SO 939-3 nie of Luhya spoken by Abanyala ba Mukhamba found in Navakholo Sub-County within Kakamega County. 

The dialect has many adverbs. The following is list of common adverbs.

All of them are derived from verbs, nouns and adjectives using Olunyala (K) affixes of manner: 'khu~', 'lu~', 'ma~', 'me~, 'mu~', 'ne~',  'nga~', 'o~' and 'si~' then '~chi', and '~chio'.
  1. ~chi (a~, ba~, bi~, chi~, chu~, ha~, ka~, ki~, ku~, li~, lu~, mu~ , o~, si~, wu~, yi)- in a manner like this; thus. Akingire achi, Nenyakho ebiteru biri bichi, Ekhupanga ochuwa chuli chuchi
  2. ~chio (a~, ba~, bi~, chi~, chu~, ha~, ka~, ku~, li~, lu~, mu~ , o~, si~, wu~, yi)- in a manner like that. Tira omukoye ochio, Lomba bibe bichio, Tira ochio
  3. ~kho- in a reasonable/fair manner Amukhupire wubikho. Chiayo ni wimwenyeresakho. Mbulira ni balirakho.
  4. ~ene (abe~, ebi~, akhe~, eki~, enye~ esi~ ochwe~, okwe~, olwe~, omwe~) - done in a manner of ~self towards ~self. Abasacha bayetana abeene. Also realised as ~ene khu ~ene.
  5. ~eng'ene (bi~, bo~, kho~, khwo~, kio~, ko~, kwo~, lio~, lwo~, se~, sio, we~, wo~, ye~, yo)  done in a manner of ~self alone. Balia owusuma bong'ene.
  6. Khululwe- for his/her part, on his/her account, or behalf; independently. Achie ewukhwe khululwe.
  7. Khululwo- for your (sg.) part, on your account. Saba owuyeti khululwo.
  8. Khulwachwo- for its (diminutive) part; on its account. Ochwana chwichire ewefwe khulwachwo.
  9. Khulwakho- on his or her (diminutive) own account. Khachiye musisichu khulwakho.
  10. Khulwakio- for their (big) own part; on theirthe own account. Kisaba amachi khulwakio.
  11. Khulwakwo- for its (big) part; on its (big) account. Okusacha kwichire khulwakwo.
  12. Khulwange- for my part; on my account. Ese newutuma khulwange.
  13. Khulwawe- for their part, on their account. Bawerese enyama khulwawe.
  14. Khulwefwe- for our part; on our account. Enywe lie; efwe khuli okhulia khulwefwe.
  15. Khulwenywe- for your (pl.) part; on your account. Chieyo bamukabe enyama khulwenywe.
  16. Lukali- in a manner with great intensity. Lira likali.
  17. Lukano- in a different mamnner; differently. Ainea akhupire Ang'ara lukano.
  18. Luwunchu- walk in sideway manner. OnoI akenda luwunju.
  19. Maakanira- in a chorus manner. Kemberesa nabo bayaasa maakanira.
  20. Maangalala- to die in an abrupt manner. Sokisi afwiye maangalala.
  21. Maata- in a manner of breaking through and out. Aseka abichire maata.
  22. Mabaaba- in ga groping manner. Khukenda musirima mabaaba.
  23. Mabaasa- in a manner of touching lightly. Atiye khu mkha Kwoba mabaasa.
  24. Mabetiabetia- in a manner of carrying a heavy load with hands stretched down ad difficult in walking. Akingire echemwa mabetiabetia.
  25. Machabachia- in a manner of carrying an item placed at the rib side. Akingire omwana machabachia.
  26. Machabirisa- In an unprepared manner; unexpectedly. Emunyola machabirisa emba endi okhumuwa esikhupo.
  27. Machambakira- in a manner like a child learning to walk; toddle. Omwana akenda machambakira.
  28. Machengecha- in a manner of broken sleep; half asleep half awake; in a sleepy manner. Engonire machengecha.
  29. Macherecha- in a manner of going to and fro. Rasoa akenda macherecha.
  30. Maechera- in a panting manner with short breath. Ahera maechera. 
  31. Machwayirisa- in a goading manner by attempting to belittle one of themthe. Alomaloma machwayirisa.
  32. Maendekherera- in a fearful and scared manner. Kekhaye maendekherera.
  33. Mafufuyasa- in a secretive manner with an aim of hiding the truth. Balosa embosi eyo mafufuyasa.
  34. Mafulama- in a bend manner with buttocks raised. Yinama mafulama.
  35. Mafulukhana- in a bussy manner. Akekha mafulukhana.
  36. Mafumaye- sleep in a manner on ones face. Kona mafumaye.
  37. Mafumba- in a folded manner. Abikhire emirungeti mafumba.
  38. Mafumberera- in a bend embracing manner; with wings bend protectively around an object. Engokho yikonire mafumberera. 
  39. Mafumaye- in a face down manner. Akwiye mafumaye.
  40. Mafumbukha- to start off in a quick manner without prior plans. Akhebire omwana mafumbukha.
  41. Mafumia- in a praising manner. Alomaloma mafumia.
  42. Mafumula- beat in a heavy manner. Amukhupire mafumula.
  43. Mafuyusa- to fart in a manner with no sound. Kenyambire mafuyusia.
  44. Mafwabi- in a reckless awkward manner. Akhina mafwabi.
  45. Mafwanirisa- in a manner of taking the others lightly. Awukuye abakhwe mafwanirisa.
  46. Mahalaba- in an angry manner: angrily. Alomaloma mahalaba.
  47. Mahamba- in a tight manner such that there is no escape or struggle. Atiye engokho mahamba.
  48. Mahandiakula- in a manner such that it leads to coarse particles. Olukina lusia mahandiakula.
  49. Makaaka- in a massaging manner.
  50. Makabangaba- dress in lose waistband manner. Afwaye elong'i makabangaba.
  51. Makabangabania- in a manner thatof make it be free for all. Bakabanire enyama makabangabania.
  52. Makacha- sit on ground in a cross legged manner. Abasoliri bekhaye makacha. 
  53. Makacho- in a manner that is unusual; unusually. Omwami afwiye makacho.
  54. Makachula- in a casual joking manner. Asabire amatumwa makachula.
  55. Makalama (makalamiriye)- in a manner such that it is on ones back, recumbent. Kona makalama.
  56. Makarangachana- lost in a joking manner. Endika yikochire wusa makarangachana.
  57. Makerakera- in an advising manner.
  58. Makesi- in a clever manner. Onywe amalwa makesikesi.
  59. Makesikesi- in a tricky wicked manner. Abanyala bamenya makesikesi.
  60. Makhacha- eating vegetable in a manner of taking a lot at a time. Awukula eliani makhacha.
  61. Makhalaka- in a manner via a short cut. Khuchie olukendo makhalaka.
  62. Makhandaka- in a manner of walking by feet. Khuchie olukendo makhandaka.
  63. Makhandulukha- talk in a bittermanner rpugh and furious manner. Kokoti alomaloma makhandulukha.
  64. Makhayaka- eating ugali in a manner with less on no vegetable. Khukhayiswe eliani khualia owusuma makhayaka.
  65. Makhendiukha- sighted in manner of a passing blurred vision. Abayeho makhendiukha.
  66. Makherengecha- in a manner of rolling downhill. Khutimia ekomakoma makherengecha.
  67. Makhikha- in a manner that it is sideways or unexpected. Wukula omwana makhikha.
  68. Makhina- in a dancing manner. Akenda makhina.
  69. Makhirikhinya- cut in a manner with a blund knife. Akhenga enyama makhirikhinya.
  70. Makhumbalikha- in briskly proud manner. Akendanga makhumbalikha.
  71. Makomangoma- in a manner of rolling over and over in an irregular way. Ekorokocho litima makomangoma.
  72. Makonire- lying down or in lying position. Alia makonire.
  73. Makonera- in a biased manner. Achukire omupira makonera.
  74. Makoyakoya- talk in a manner aimed at changing the subject to avade the question. Omwana alomaloma makoyakoya.
  75. Makukuna- in a gnawing manner. Esinju silie owusuma makukuna.
  76. Makumirisa- in an encouraging manner. Uhuru sialomalomakho makumirisa ta.
  77. Makunguna- walk in slow manner while bending forward. Kukhu akendanga makunguna.
  78. Makunja- sitting on ground in a relaxed manner with leg bend back at the knees and one elbow touching the ground. Abakhaye balala bekhaye makunja nabo abandi malambisa.
  79. Makunukha- fall in a tired or sleepy manner. Awinja awunguye kakwa makunukha.
  80. Makusuti (swahili)- in an entitled manner. Aliye echemwa makusuti.
  81. Malacha- to kick using back kick manner. Amukhupire eteki malacha.
  82. Malala-mene- in the same manner. Okholire malalamene.
  83. Malambira- in a fully stretched manner as if dead. Akonire malambira.
  84. Malambisa- in a manner with legs horizontally stretched. Mama, yikhala malambisa.
  85. Malambula- in an exporing manner. Akenda malambula..
  86. Malebaleba- dress in loose wide clothed manner. Afwaye ebilacho malebaleba.
  87. Malimbiriye- in a manner with eyes closed. Petero akenda malimbiriye.
  88. Malira- in a manner as if to cry. Achekha malira.
  89. Mamamira- in a manner to cover and spread over something. Owuchwasi wingiye mamamira.
  90. Mamitiukha- in a slinking or subliming manner. Omukhebi aweyeho mamitiukha.
  91. Mamokheera- look in a miserable manner. Amoka mamokheera.
  92. Mamoona- In a segregating manner. Mwalikhwa alomaloma mamoona.
  93. Mamwemwenda- in a manner with small or dimming light or shiny tears in the eyes. Esiochero siatukha mamwemwenda.
  94. Mananiamba- in a precarious hanging manner; upside down a like bat. Wambundo chiemire mananiamba khu machu.
  95. Mandaba- in an extreme tired manner after long toiling. Akenda mandaba.
  96. Mang'ong'ofula- in speech that is in a slow, nonsensical and stupid manner. Alomaloma mang'ong'ofula.
  97. Manioniofula- in a direct reporting manner. Omuwoleye manioniofula.
  98. Manoneresa- eat in a sparing manner. Lia eliani manoneresa.
  99. Manyakhana- in a problematic manner. Kamenya manyakhana.
  100. Manyirira- in a drizzling manner. Efula yikwa manyirira.
  101. Manyololokha- move in a stealthy manner; stealthly. Aweyekho manyololokha.
  102. Manyonyola- in detailed explanation manner. Mwirwachire manyonyola.
  103. Maochama- sitting in manner with raised knees. Kekhaye hasiochero maochama. 
  104. Maombokha- in an extremely slow sickly manner. Akenda maombokha.
  105. Maondiokhera- in a tired cooly manner. Amoka maondiokhera.
  106. Mapafula- to slap in a sweeping wide palmed manner. Wakhungu akhupire Oyweri mapafula.
  107. Mapalakatia- in a less artistic or aesthetic manner than expected. Alombire esiaki mapalakatia.
  108. Mapatapata- walk in bold loudstepp manner.Omusimbukha akenda mapatapata.
  109. Masaba- in a pleading or begging manner. Alomaloma masaba.
  110. Masaya- in a prayerful manner; prayerfully. Senge alomaloma masaya.
  111. Masendebala- in a manner of moving back in fear. Akenda masendebala.
  112. Masekenya- in a gyrating manner. Roda akhina masekenya.
  113. Maseketia- talk in a manner to to convince one to betray the other. Wangira alomalomire Nambande maseketia.
  114. Maseya- in a manner of talking ill in a belittling way against somebody else. Alomaloma maseya.
  115. Masichoma- in a squatting manner. Awocha eswa masichoma. 
  116. Masiena- look in a haunting manner. Amoka masiena.
  117. Masikama- in a kneeling manner. Sala masikama.
  118. Masira- to take in a begrudging manner. Awukuye masira.
  119. Masiukhira- in a ghost like manner; ghostly. Ochekha masiukhira.
  120. Masonia- in a mannermanner of goading two groups of two animals to fight. Kaula kaya eng'ombe masonia.
  121. Masuliana- in a revelling manner. Abasakhulu bakhina masuliana.
  122. Matandamira-  in a wobbling manner. Akenda matandamira.
  123. Matekherana- in an ailing manner. Amenyanga matekherana.
  124. Matemberesia- in a soothing gentle manner; gently. Lera omwana matemberesia.
  125. Matendeya- in a loose manner; loosely. Woha moukoye matendeya.
  126. Matetekhana- in a hurried way; hurriedly. Tekha matetekhana.
  127. Matiekera- in a limping manner. Sara akenda matiekera.
  128. Matindibikha- accidentally. Amusukumire matindibikha.
  129. Matitikhana- serve people in a less special manner.
  130. Matikitia- in a tickling manner. Amutiyekho matikitia.
  131. Matima- in a running manner. Kengiye munyumba matima.the
  132. Matulukhana- in a thunderous manner. Efula yikwa matulukhana.
  133. Matutukira- walk with short energetic steps. Omwana akenda matutukira.
  134. Mawewecha- in a whispering manner.
  135. Mawungula- in a sleepy manner; sleepily. Asoma mawungula.
  136. Mawuya- in a migrating manner. Akingire emikuku mawuya.
  137. Mawuyira- in an exaggerating manner. Alomaloma mawuyira.
  138. Mayayana- in a manner if struggling over something as you attempt to sharethe. Bakabanire enyama mayayana.
  139. Mayeyera- half running half walking manner. Akenda mayeyera.
  140. Mayingana- in an arguing manner. Alomaloma mayingana.
  141. Mayirisa- in a manner to find fault and punish. Achuleba mayirisa.
  142. Mayobeyobe- hurriedly without any plan. Amutiye mayobeyobe.
  143. Mayuyukhana- hurriedly. Owanywa mayuyukhana, kaya ameno.
  144. Mebaya- in manner of being at a distance. Enjukha okhupa mebaya.
  145. Mechuba- in an oath taking manner. Alomaloma mechiba.
  146. Mechukhanira- in an unexpected and unintended manner. Amukutire mechukhanira.
  147. Mefwamba- in an embrasing manner with both hands. Luka akingire omwana mefwamba.
  148. Mekekera- in a learning experimental manner. Kemba mekekera.
  149. Mekhaye- In a sitting manner. Alia owusuma mekhaye.
  150. Mekisa- In a hiding manner. Lekha okhukenda mekisa.
  151. Mekolokotia- write in a scribblingmanner manner. Onyikhinyire mekolokotia?
  152. Mekomba- in a manner of great desire; coveting manner. Akhondiola mekomba.
  153. Mekongola- talking in a mannermanner to dissociate oneself with something. Alomaloma mekongola.
  154. Memire- In a standing manner. Alia owusuma memire.
  155. Menyikikania- in a manner of forcing to fit. Bosita kekhaye ano menyikikania.
  156. Menyola- walk in a stealthy proud manner. Omweya akenda menyola.
  157. Mepatasa- to sit in a quick manner where you are unwelcome. Kekhaye mepatasa.
  158. Mesanya- talk in a careless and irrelevant manner. Kelomalomia mesanya.
  159. Mesikha- in a sobbing manner. Sanjamolu alomaloma mesikha.
  160. Mesuba- In a swaying or swinging manner. Kekhae mesuba.
  161. Meso- awake, alert. Nafula okona meso.
  162. Mesungwacha- In a hanging and swinging  manner. Woyakania omukoye mesungwacha.
  163. Mesweta- moving in a manner using your buttocks. Omwana asutire mesweta.
  164. Meunira (mapema)- in an earlyembarrassment manner. Wichakho meunira.
  165. Meyakaakania- strongly and aggressively provoking in a manner  to get reasonreason to act contrary. Akhandulukhana meyakaakania kho akhwimane?
  166. Meyayirisa- provoking in a light manner to get reason to act contrary. Alomaloma meyayirisa.
  167. Meyula- in a swooping manner. Asikhupi siwukuye engokho meyula.
  168. Mubikha- In sets-like manner. Wukula mubikha.
  169. Muemanya (mumanya)- in a knowledgeable manner; knowledgeably.
  170. Mukhukochwa- in an innocent manner. Akholire amaraba mukhukochwa.
  171. Mukhuisindukha- in a shocking or surprising manner. Alira mukhuisindukha.
  172. Mukhumanya- knowingly. Mukhumanya, Lana asenire omwana.
  173. Mukhwilasya- in a immodest manner. Okenda mukhuilasya.
  174. Mukhwimolamola- in an embarrassed manner. Ekina akeniyanga mukhwimolamola wusa.
  175. Mukhwisumirisa- in an enduring manner. Nikhaye mukhwesumirisa.
  176. Mukiminiaye- in a manner with a lot of impunity. Awukula asoya mukiminiaye wusa.
  177. Muliewona- in a proud manner; proudly. Akenda muliewona.
  178. Mumakoso- in an errorempty manner; erroneously. Amulangire mumakoso.
  179. Mumaofu- in a manner resulting from longing. Akhesise omukhaye mumaofu.
  180. Mumaundu- in a manner with great urge, desire for a new thing. Atimia endika mumaundu.
  181. Mumbotokha- in a jealous manner. Akaba mumbotokha.
  182. Mumilembe- in safe peaceful manner. Kolireyo mumilembe.
  183. Mumwekholyo- in a manner with a lot of dislike pretence. Lekha okhulia elyani mumwikholio
  184. Mumwekhoyo- in a joyful manner; joyfully. Lomaloma mumwekhoyo.
  185. Musibeera- in mourning manner; sadly, melancholically. Alomaloma mu sibera.
  186. Musiewoyo- In a slow manner; slowly. Kenda musiewoyo.
  187. Musikhondekha- in a vengeful or revenging manner manner. Alomaloma musikhondekha.
  188. Musikoosio- fondly. Mulange musikoosio.
  189. Musileka- in a rude manner; rudely. Alomaloma musileka.
  190. Musinani- in a determined manner; determinedly. Atimire musinani.
  191. Musisa- in a merciful manner. Alomaloma musisa.
  192. Musiwoyo- in a less hurried manner. Lia musiwoyo.
  193. Muug'ali- In a true manner; truthfully. Muwolere echomo muung'ali.
  194. Muwangu- In a light manner; lightly. Owukuliye embosi chino muwangu.
  195. Muwikisi- In a secrete manner; secretly, privately. Basererana muwikisi.
  196. Muwilasi- in an immoral manner showing sexual desire. Anyesi ahina muwilasi.
  197. Muwimani- in a mean manner. Olia enyama muwimani.
  198. Muwuba- in a jealous manner. Amakabire muwuba.
  199. Muwubeyi- in a cheating manner. Amilomalomirekho muwubeyi.
  200. Muwuchi- in a fearful manner; fearfully. Omukhupire muwuchi.
  201. Muwulianga- in a coning manner. Akholire musango muwulianga.
  202. Muwukutu- in brief manner. Muwolere muwukutu.
  203. Muwusangafu- in a happy manner; happily. Chekha muwusangafu.
  204. Ne~ (na~) - in a manner of the verb attached. Ne'chima, ne'rya, ne'sinani, na'mani, na'maundu. Akhuwaye ne'olukhono. 
  205. Nga~-  in the manner of the verb; somewhat like. Ngaomwibi, ngaeng'ombe, ngaekondi, ngasirima. Yichakho ngasiro.
  206. Sia~- in the manner of the verb; somehow like. Sie'mbwa, sie'khutu, sie'fukho, sie'ngokho. Alia amatiumwa siengokho.
  207. Siababiribabiri- in the manner of two by two. Bengiye siababiribabiri.
  208. Sialalo- in a helping manner because you had none. Amukabire sialalo.
  209. Siami- in the manner of a king; king like. Ameka omukhenye siami.
  210. Siakanirifu- in an equal manner; equally or evenly. Kaba enyama siakanirifu.
  211. Siamulala- in the manner of one by one. Wukula siamulala.
  212. Siasio- duty done in a manner that has division ofof labour.
  213. Sibacha- in a deceitful manner. Olomaloma sibacha.
  214. Sibachio- In an opposite manner; not in right order in a manner against. Achie sibacho nende endakano.
  215. Sibambali- with broadened side facing up. Chao olupawu sibambali.
  216. Sibatanio- in a manner of wilking at a far as you hide. Akenda sibatanio achie?
  217. Sibayufu- in a stretched manner. Khoma esero sibayufu.
  218. Sibichirifu- done beyond normal way. Amutukhanisie sibichirifu.
  219. Sibukusu- im a Bukusu manner. Atekhire owusuma sibukusu.
  220. Sichaami- in a betraying manner. Yuda alengera sichaami.
  221. Sicheberesa- talk in a continuous nagging manner. Omusomi alomaloma sicheberesa. 
  222. Sichekerefu- in a keen manner; keenly. Kekhaye sichejerefu.
  223. Sichimisi- dimly. Yatusia etaa sichimisi.
  224. Sichokichoki - in a manner without discrimination; indiscriminately. Ndamukhupa sichokichoki.
  225. Sicholovya- in a reproofing manner. Alomaloma sicholovywa.
  226. Sichomerefu- in a purposeful manner. Omulomalomirekho sichomerefu.
  227. Sichongolofu- in a straight virtical manner. Yemesa omusala sichongolofu.
  228. Sichufu- in a complete full manner; fully. Chioniofula amakhuwa sichufu.
  229. Sichula- in a naked manner; nakedly. Chia sichula.
  230. Sichunula- in a manner that it can be untied easily. Woha omukoye sichunula.
  231. Sichwichwifu- in an insightful manner. Muchuoniofulire embosi sichwichwifu.
  232. Sichwichwiso- In a forced manner; grudgingly. Akholeye sichwichwiso.
  233. Sierere- in a manner without paymenta; free. Amuwaye eng'ombe sierere.
  234. Sifubi- in an orphaned-like manner. Kamenya sifubi.
  235. Sifula- in a quick rain like manner. Amukhupire sifula.
  236. Sifulumutyu- in a head over heels rolling manner. Akwiye sifulumutyu.
  237. Sifumundule- in a scrumbled manner. Atekha amayu sifumundule.
  238. Sifuru- in a rudemanner manner. Alomaloma sifuru.
  239. Sifutuma- cooked that which is cooked using sha salt in a manner without the traditional ash salt. Atekhire ekhubi sifutuma.
  240. Sifwabakani- in an awkward manner; awkwardly. Akhinamga sifwabakani.
  241. Sifwotifwoti- in a French like mannera. Alomaloma sifwotifwoti.
  242. Sihalang'anyu- in a manner to show expertise of being used to doing it. Akhupa omupira sihalang'anyu. 
  243. Sihere- in childish manner. Alira sihere.
  244. Sihiburania- in the Jewish or Hebrew style. Alomaloma sihibrania
  245. Sihindi- in the Indian manner. Akhina Sihindi.
  246. Siholerefu- in a silent manner. Kenda siholelefu.
  247. Siholo- in a meek manner. Akenda siholo.
  248. Sihombiefu- in a calmmanner fearful manner. Saba sihombiefu.
  249. Sihonjekhu- in a still manner. Yema sihonjekhu.
  250. Sikangala- in a manner that you have nothingpaid to give out. Akeniyire wusa sikangala.
  251. Sikarakacha (Eng)- in the manner advised by agriculturalists. Alima sikarakacha.
  252. Sikato- in a circumlocuting manner. Alomaloma sikato.
  253. Sikeni- in a new manner. Akenda sikeni.
  254. Sikerano- in a manner of being besides the other. Bakenda sikeranio.
  255. Sikero- in a manner dfullof of proverbs and wise saying. Alomaloma sigero.
  256. Sikesi- in a manner of being clever; cleverly. Wikhala sikesi.
  257. Sikesikesi- in a cunning manner. Alomaloma sikesikesi.
  258. Sikhala- in a crab walking manner. Omusolili amola sikhala. 
  259. Sikhale- in a manner as it was in the past. Alomaloma sikhale.
  260. Sikhana- in a girl-like manner. Akenda sikhana.
  261. Sikhanyukhu- in an arrogant manner; arrogantly. Otukhana sikhanyukhu.
  262. Sikhasi- in a female-like manner. Atima sikhasi.
  263. Sikhatalalafu- in a relactant manner manner. Achiye yibamuchumire sikhatalalafu.
  264. Sikhaye- In a queen-like manner. Afukire owusuma sikhaye.
  265. Sikhikha- in breadth manner; widthwise. Khoma olukheti sikhikha.
  266. Sikhuuli- in a manner of taking it once as if uprooting. Awukuye amang'ondo sikhuuli.
  267. Sikhuniu- in a mean manner. Alia sikhuniu.
  268. Sikwalafu- in a pure manner. Emukabire sikwalafu.
  269. Sikhwasianio- in a head on manner. Khutanakho sikhwasanio, oba olakawona.
  270. Sikhwe- in a manner of honour associated with children-in laws. Akenda sikhwe.
  271. Sikirimiti (Eng)- in a manner agreed with no payment. Akholire emirimo sikirimiti.
  272. Sikofu- in an elderly manner. Kenda sikofu.
  273. Sikololamukhira- in a manner where you blame nobody; blamelessly. Fwa sikololamukhira.
  274. Sikololofu-  in a straight or straight forward manner. Yema sikololofu.
  275. Sikolongolo- in germany manner. Alomaloma sikolongolo.
  276. Sikondi- in a sheep like manner. Fwa sikondi.
  277. Sikongo- in a backward walking manner. Kola sikongo.
  278. Sikoosi- In an honourable dear manner. Olia sikoosi.
  279. Sikorosia- in a manner with lines parallel to each other. Asukire efwiri sikorosia.
  280. Sikotiombofu- in a bend or zigzag manner. Abakha amanda sikotiombofu.
  281. Sikoyanu- in a disorganized manner. Osomia sikoyanu.
  282. Sikulo- in a free talking manner. Alomaloma sikulo.
  283. Sikuru- hit a ballmanner in a manner that it goes spirat using the sidefootboy instead on the instep. Akhupire omupira sikuru.
  284. Sikulumu- I a reproaching manner. Mulomalomekho sikulumu.
  285. Sikumba- In a barren woman's manner. Bamusikha sikumba.
  286. Sikuwa- in a manner of a tick. Akhukhayiyekho sikuwa.
  287. Sikwalafu- in a level manner. Mala oweru sikwalafu.
  288. Sikwane- befittingly. Ono akenda sikwane.
  289. Sikwangwasiano- in an agreeable manner. Lomaloma sikwangwasiano.
  290. Sikwe- in a manner like that of a leopard. Olia sikwe; achalia sinani.
  291. Silahocha- in a less docile manner. Kenda silahocha.
  292. Silakusi- in a manner full of premonitional predictions. Akhupa eng'oma sifumu.
  293. Silalu- in a mad manner; madly. Ndi okhumukhupa silalu.
  294. Silandasio- talk in a manner to help spread the news. Olomaloma silandasio.
  295. Silekhuule- in a manner full of freedom; freely. Yikhala silekhule.
  296. Silehi- in a manner along the length. Pima silehi.
  297. Sileme- ln a cripple's manner. Akenda sileme.
  298. Siliangalianga- in a cheating manner; deceitful manner. Asaba siliangalianga.
  299. Silosi- in a wicked manner, a manner of a witch. Akenda silosi.
  300. Silumirifu- in an insisting manner. Asaba silumirifu.
  301. Sisumirifu- in a persevering manner. Awuleye sisumirifu.
  302. Silungi- talk in an open manner or move straight to the target. Kenda silungi.
  303. Silungifu- in a righteous manner; righteously. Kechire silungirifu.
  304. Silungulirifu- directly. Kachire wusa silungulirifu.
  305. Silung'umu- in a bitter solemn manner. Achiye silung'umu.
  306. Simanani- in a poor persons manner. Kuka kamenya simanani.
  307. Simanyirifu- in a wise and expertly manner. Bara amaparo simanyirifu.
  308. Simanyule- in a manner of having all that was yours taken; miserably. Beba wuli sinchu nawawo simanyule.
  309. Simayanu- in a cruel wicked manner; wickedly. Ono alokanga simayanu.
  310. Simbabasi- mercifully. Losa simbabasi.
  311. Simbembe- in a manner of being slightly open; ajar. Yikula omuliango simbembe.
  312. Simbembesi- in a up down diagonal manner; diagonally. Laa amakina simbembesi.
  313. Simesi- in a manner of the drank; drunkenly. Alomaloma simesi.
  314. Simiku- in a ram like manner. Akenda simiku.
  315. Simisoho- picking big junks of ugali from a plate  in the manner of people from Abamisoho clan. Amekire owusuma simisoho.
  316. Simiufu- in a smooth manner. Maala enyumba simiufu.
  317. Simocherefu- in a belittling manner. Kambukuye simocherefu.
  318. Simoni-ka- to look at somebody with winking lovely manner. Omukhana amoka simoni-ka.
  319. Simuna- in a manner full of trickery. Asaba simuna.
  320. Sinani- in an ogre like manner. Ono achikhirisia sinani.
  321. Singunyi- in a regretful and stressful manner. Alomaloma singunyi.
  322. Sing'anga'fu- in an absent minded manner; absendmindedly. Kekhaye sing'ang'afu.
  323. Sing'osi- in prophetic manner. Alomaloma sing'osi.
  324. Sing'u- in a wolf like manner. Omwana alia owusuma sing'u.
  325. Sinjalu- in a British manner. Alomaloma sinjalu.
  326. Sinialilira- persistently and unrelentingly. Asaba omunyu sinialilira.
  327. Sinoka- in a thorough manner. Mukhupe sinoka.
  328. Sinukirisi- in a habitual manner; habitually. Akhola sinukirisi?
  329. Sinyaka- in a robber's manner. Kekekire eng'ombe sinyaka.time
  330. Sinyaalu- in a manner meant to painthe somebody. Amutukhanisie sinyaalu.
  331. Sinyaola- in an imbecile; idiot's manner. Alengera sinyaola.
  332. Sinyike- in a manner close to each other; closely. Bano bakenda sinyike nga abeya.
  333. Sinyonyi- in manner showing great interest and enjoyment. Alondire khu wusuma sinyonyi.
  334. Sinyukhe- in a manner of one following the other in a run. Khutimire sinyukhe.
  335. Siocherefu- in an obedient manner; obediently. Menya siocherefu.
  336. Siofu- in a blind manner; blindly. Ochia siofu?
  337. Siomakanu- in a physcally firm manber. Yema khulwanyi siomakanu.
  338. Sipaapi- in a manner of using the flat side. Amukhupire nende olupanga sipaapi.
  339. Sipayopayo- in a guessing manner. Kamboleye sipayopayo.
  340. Sipenda- in a manner to steal; suspiciously. Alengeta sipenda.
  341. Sipumula- to fart in a laud manner. Kenyambire sipumula.
  342. Sipwoka- in a manner without informing; incognito. Keniyasipwoka.
  343. Siraka- in a youthful manner; youthfully. Akendana siraka.
  344. Sirie- in a respectful mammer; respectfully. Amukhesise sirie.
  345. Sirondo- to sit with legs bend on one side of the body. Mama kekhaye sirondo.
  346. Sisaambo- in a beautiful manner; beautifully. Kenda sisaambo.
  347. Sisacha- in a manly way, bravely. Fwa sisacha.
  348. Sisalulusa- cook in a frying manner. Tekha lusero sisalulusa.
  349. Sisangafu- in a happy manner; happily. Achekha sisangafu.
  350. Sisimbifu- give share in a manner that makes it slightly more. Kaba enyama sisimbifu. 
  351. Sisimisi- in a manner full of secrecy; privately, secretly. Achiyeyo sisimisi.
  352. Sisirusiru- In a stupid manner; stupidly. Alomaloma sisirusiru.
  353. Sisisira- in a manner of a virgin. Kamenya sisisira.
  354. Sisoliri- in a mannermanner of a boygirl. Kemire sisolili.
  355. Sisolo- in a beastly manner. Akonanga sisolo.
  356. Sisubirifu- in a faithful manner; faithfully. Akhola emirimo sisibirifu.
  357. Sisumba- in a bachelor's manner. Afwiye sisumba.
  358. Sisungu- In European style. Kamenya sisungu.
  359. Sitaling'u- in a manner without a home. Kokoto kamenya sitaling'u.
  360. Sitambi- pauper manner. Kamenya sitambi.
  361. Sitaywa- in a cock like manner. Akholanga sitaywa.
  362. Sitekefu- rightfully, plainly, exactly, correctly. Wola sitekefu.
  363. Sitekhere- in a weak mannermanner. Akenda sitekhere.
  364. Siterwa-  in an only child manner. Katong'a siterwa.
  365. Sitimbiti- in a manner where you cannot see or hear. Akenda sitimbiti.
  366. Sitiringifu- in an average manner. Akabanga enyama sitiringifu.
  367. Sitofu- in a lazy manner; lazily. Asamula sitofu.
  368. Sitondobanu- in a hurried, bad and disorganized manner. Akabire sitondobanu.
  369. Sitotia- in a spying manner with aim of trapping. Acheba amacheba sitotia.
  370. Sitube - in a mixed up manner; haphazardly. Yikhale sitube.
  371. Situndeni- in a vertical lonely manner; vertically. Yema situndeni.
  372. Situngerere- in a vertical overhead manner; vertically overhead. Kinga situngerere.
  373. Situngetunge- in an alone, singly, oneness manner. Katong'a situngetunge.
  374. Siuchawucha- in an incestuous manner. Omwana akenda siuchawucha.
  375. Siunchu- in a manner where you sleep on the side of your body. Eng'ombe ikone siunchu.
  376. Siungukhira- in a manner as if you are waking up from a dream; dreamily. Olomaloma ochie siwungukhira?
  377. Siwotia- in a less calm arrogant manner; calmly. Lia enyama siwotia.
  378. Siwooywa- in a gentle less docile manner. Yikhala siwoywa.
  379. Siwulunguchu- to cookswear tea or porridgea in a manner withoutof suger. Tekha omuchafwa (echai) siwulunguchu.
  380. Siwunjefu- in a calm manner. Amachi kapakhaye siwunjefu.
  381. Siwuba- in a manner full of jealous; jealously. Okhola siuba.
  382. Siwunwa- in a bull like manner. Yokumia siunwa.
  383. Siyindafu- in a courageous and forceful manner; fiercely, courageously. Kechire siyindafu.
  384. Siyingwa- in an extremely stupid manner; stupidity, ignorance, dumbness, feeble-mindedness. Chekha siyingwa.
  385. Siyobiyobi- in a haphazard hurried manner; haphazardly. Atetekhana siyobiyobi.
  386. Siyonjosi- in a manner full of echoes. Alomaloma siyonjosi.
  387. Siyungubafu- mischeviously impatient. Kenguye siyungubafu.
  388. Sio~- in the manner of the verb to which it is attachedcalled.
  389. Sio'choma- in a piercing manner. Wuna sio'choma.
  390. Sio'kholiokha- in a crowing manner. Kemba olwimbo sio'kholiokha.
  391. Sio'firirira- in a manner of losing hope. Alomaloma sio'firirira
  392. Sio'kachula- in a joking manner. Kembire sio'kachula.
  393. Sio'khaka- in a tempting manner. Olomaloma sio'khaka abanchu.
  394. Sio'khina- in a dancing manneror style. Akenda sio'khina.
  395. Sio'konyola- in a twisting manner. Atiye siokonyola.
  396. Sio'techera- in a manner of a chicken. Olomaloma sio'techera.
  397. Sio'purukha- in a manner as if to fly. Akhina sio'purukha.
  398. Sio'yingana- in a refuting manner. Alomaloma sio'yingana.
  399. Wuangu- in a quick manner; at once, quickly, immediately. Tima wuangu.
  400. Wubi- in a bad manner; badly. Amukhupire wuubi.
  401. Wubichikani- in a fatal way; fatally. Akwiye wubichikani.
  402. Wulahi- in a manner that is proper or well; properly. Mutire wulahi.
  403. Wululu- in a bitter manner; bitterly. Tukhana wululu.
  404. Wusa- in a manner without reasona or cause. Amukhupire engumi wusa.
  405. Wusiba- in a painful manner; painfully. Amukhupe wusiba.
All adverbs of place make use of place marker prefix ena~, khu~, mu~, si, ha' or 'he''.

At times, the modern speakers of Olunyala have killed the /h/ in 'ha' and 'he' such that they come out in a weak manner as /a/ or /e/. In such case, the place marker 'aha' or 'aho' is used to stress the place and distinguish it from adjective form of the word. Furthermore, minimal pairs such halala (one specific place) and alala (sometimes) are distinguished by thea 'h'. The /h/ is vital in questions such as , 'Ochomo achieye hehe?'
  1. Hena (Ena~)- refering to a place that nears another that is far. Enamwalo, enanyumba, enanyanja, enabikulu, enasiaki, enalwanda, enaweru, enamakulu, enamuchwe, enamusala, enamusala etc. Chia enamasika.
  2. Haangi (aangi aha)- At many different places. Eswa chituma haangi.
  3. Habalahi (abalahi aha)- At one wide place. Khukhwasanire habalayi.
  4. Habambali (abambali aha) at a wide spaced place. Alimire ahambali.
  5. Hanyiki (anyiki aha)- at a narrow spaced place. Khunyolaniye hanyiki.
  6. Habiri- At two specific places. Wabayira habiri?
  7. Hachanu- At five specific places. Akhuye embama hachanu.
  8. Hachi- At a place like this place. Khwilale hachi?
  9. Hachio- At one place like that other place. Nomberekho hachio.
  10. Haha (aha)- At a place over there; nearby. Abayiye haha.
  11. Haha naha- at a place from all sides, in all directions nearby. Akendana haha naha.
  12. Hahambi- at a place that is near. Tupa efumo ahambi.
  13. Hahandi- at a place somewhere else. Chiakho hahandi.
  14. Haho- At that place over there. Bakire embusi haho.
  15. Hakachi- at a place in the middle. Khupa omupira hakachi.
  16.  Hakali- At a bigger place nearby. Lima hakali.
  17. Hakali- At one bigger place. Mukabe hakali.
  18. Hala- at that specific area over there. Tirira hala.
  19. Halafu- at a bright place nearby. Yombakha halafu.
  20. Halala- at one place together. Sikala halala.
  21. Haleyi- at a place far away. Chia aleyi.
  22. Hali- where. Wikhaye hali?
  23. Halubafu- At a place on the side. Yikhala halubafu.
  24. Halubeka- at the other near side, on one near side, near but aside. Chengekha halubeka.
  25. Halukano- At a different place. Khola halukano; ne khukocha.
  26. Halukulu- at a near up-country place. Achiye halukulu aha.
  27. Halwalo- At a place underneath, below. Lengeta halwalo.
  28. Halwanyi- At the open space in the center of the village, in the courtyard. Yema halwanyi- Stand at the courtyard.
  29. Hamanino- at an up climb place. Nindire hamaninio.
  30. Hambotokha- At near place just behind the house. Achiye hambotokha.
  31. Hamukulu- At a place up, above. Lengera hamukulu.
  32. Hamwalo- At a place below, down there near; near a river. Chengekha hamwalo.
  33. Hanamukuchu- At the back of the house nearby.
  34. Hane- At four specific places. Akoko alie hane.
  35. Hangerekha- at a place on the other side (of ), across (), e.g.,  the valley or river. Lengerekha hangerekha.
  36. Hanjulo- At a place near the edge. Yema hanjulo.
  37. Hano- At a place here on or near here. Yich hano.
  38. Hanyiki- At a tight place. Emunyoye hanyiki.
  39. Hasi- At a place down, below. Chengekha amalwa hasi.
  40. Hasibayo- at short distance. Yasini kemire hasibayo.
  41. Hatachu- At three specific places. Bamusalake haunchu hatachu.
  42. Hatiti- At one small place. Kompakha hatiti.
  43. Hawawe- at his/her (their) home (always in pl.) nearby. Kamenya hawawe.
  44. Hawefwe- at our home nearby. Wukhupire hawefwe?
  45. Hawene- At a precise place, just there, on that very spot, just then, at that moment. Chia hawene.
  46. Haweneaho- At the exact place right there, just there nearby. Nindire hawenaho
  47. Hawenywe- At the your home; nearby. Abaye keba hawenywe.
  48. Hawulafu- At an an open plain place, publicly, openly. Lecha owusuma awulafu.
  49. Hawumali- At a place that is near and dark.
  50. He- Prefix for a place that is slightly far or place of. Also as 'e'. Mbo he?
  51. Heena- At unknown place where something or someone is supposed to be. Achiye akhusoka heena?
  52. Hela-  at a specific wide place over there. Lengera hela.
  53. Helubeka- At the far other side, on one far side, far aside. Achiye helubeka si?
  54. Helukulu- At far up-country. Kachieye esichumo helukulu.
  55. Helwanyi- At far end outside. Chia helwanyi.
  56. Hemberi- At slightly far place ahead. Khunyolanire hemberi.
  57. Hembotokha- At slightly far place behind the house. Echiriye hembotokha.
  58. Hemukongo- At a place slightly for behind the back. Chengekha owusuma hemukongo.
  59. Hemukuchu- At a place slightly far at the back of the house's skirting area. Akisise amalwa hemukuchu.
  60. Hemukulu- at a placefrequency slightly farabove and raised. Yema hemukulu.
  61. Hemwalo- At a place slightly far below, down there. Taya amachi hemwalo.
  62. Hengerekha- At a place slightly far on the other side (of ), across (), e.g.,  the valley or river. Tupa ekina hengerekha.
  63. Heno- At a place slightly far towards here, to this place. Eyoyo lichulire heno.
  64. Henyuma- At a place slightly far behind. Lengera enyuma.
  65. Hewawe- At a place slightly far but within his/her (their) home (always in pl.) Achiye hewawe.
  66. Hewefwe- At a place slightly far but within our home.
  67. Hewene- At the place itself over there. Chia ewene.
  68. Heweneyo- At the known place over there, just there. Kamenya heweneyo.
  69. Heweni- At a slightly far place in front. Lengera heweni.
  70. Hewenywe- At a place slightly far but within your home. Akendanga hewenywe.
  71. Hewu- in a place slightly far towards given direction. Chia ewukanda, 
  72. Hewukanda (Ewukanda)- in a placemanner towards Uganda
  73. Hewuikwe (Ewuikwe)- in a place towards East. 
  74. Hewumasaba (Ewumasaba)- in a placemanner torwards North. Abamasaba bachie ewumasaba.
  75. Hewumatioli (Ewumatioli)- in a place towards the South. Lengera ewumatioli.
  76. Hewunamumbo (Ewunamumbo)- in a place towards the West. Achula Ewunamumbo.
  77. Hewuyundo (Ewuyundo)- in a place towards the direction South of Abayundo.
  78. Hewulafu- At a place slightly far within the exterior, outside, outdoor of another place. Kendangakho hewulafu.
  79. Heyi- At a place that is over this slightly far side. Kola heyi embiche.
  80. Heyo- At a place at the other far side; over there. Chia heyo.
  81. Heyoheyo- At a placedefinite at the extremetop far side. Chia heyoheyo.
  82. Homu- At that place inside over here. Yingisa embako homu.
  83. Homwo- At that place inside over there. Yingikha embako homwo.
  84. Hosi- At any place, all places, anywhere. Chaka omatolotolo hosi.
  85. Hosihosi- At every place; everywhere. Solere hosihosi.
  86. Khumatoche- At a place on the surface of the wall under the eaves of the house, close to the house, on the veranda. Chengekha eswa khumatoche.
  87. Khumukuchu- At a place on the surface of the floor under the eaves of the house, close to the house. Chengekha esio khumukuchu.
  88. Khumukulu- At a place on the top surface. Asokirenge khumukulu.
  89. Khumuliango- At a place on the door surface. Bakha khumuliango.
  90. Khunchulo- At a place on surface towards the edge. Kendera khunjulo.
  91. Mula- at a place inside there. Chia mula.
  92. Mumaywaywe- at a flatland place. Tima mumaywaywe.
  93. Mumbaka- At a place in the gap or space on side. Chengekha omusala mumbeka.
  94. Mumoni- At a place in front the face. Nchule mumoni emoke.
  95. Mumuliango- At a place on the veranda, near the doorway. Chusa amachi mumuliango.
  96. Muno- at a place inside hereth. Yingira muno.
  97. Musiambukho- At a place yonder. Omuliro kwatukha musiambukho.
  98. Musikata- At a place right into the thorny bushes. Luka akwiye musikata.
  99. Musirege - At a place in place of, instead of. 
  100. Simbi- at a place near. Yema simbi.
  101. Sinaho- at a slight distance. Yema sinaho.
  102. Sivacho- at a place besidenear. Yema sivacho abiche.
Most are formed using prfixes of time e~, ha~, kha~, mu~, olu~, olwa~ and owu~.
  1. Ha...ye- from that time till now. Hakhulimiye sikhuha. Hamwembeye; simuwaho. Hamufukiye; simwomola; 
  2. Haho- abruptly. Tirira haho.
  3. Hawamukhira - By the time light appears.  Tekha okhwola hawamukhira.
  4. Hawanukhira- By the the time of morning light. Hawanukhira, olikhukhupwa.
  5. Hawirira- By the time of darkness falls. Ndi okhuleche eliani hawirira.
  6. Hawusiera- By the time of downing. Hausiera, ndikhuba ekhupire.
  7. Khaba- At no time; not at any time. Achinga engo khaba.
  8. Khale- At a time before, formerly, a long time ago, or a long time hence, early, early. Aliye omukhenye khale.
  9. Khanu- At present time; now. Mukhupe khanu.
  10. Muakhanu- During the day of today. Chiayo akhanu- Go ther today. Akola muakhanu?
  11. Mubise- During the present right time. Chiayo mubise.
  12. Muchonekha- during the day after tomorrow. Lecha owule muchonekha.
  13. Muchuli- During the dawning hours of the next day; tomorrow. Lecha amatumwa muchuli.
  14. Muhachi- During such other time like the present time. Iliba muhachi khuminya.
  15. Mukhafula- During the time of light rain. KakoyeS engo mukhafula.
  16. Mukhase - During most of the time. Mukhase, amukhupanga.
  17. Mukherima- During the time of light darkness. Kakingire owuliri mukherima.
  18. Mukhuchaka- During the planting time. Linda mukhuxhaka.
  19. Mukhuchaka- during thethe start time. Kamboleye mukhuchaka.
  20. Mukhuchelewa- late. Kechire ewefwe mukhuchelewa.
  21. Mukhuwuna- early. Kechire ewefwe mukhuwuna.
  22. Mukulo- During the immediate recent time. Mukulo muno, kali omukhomefu.
  23. Muliaka- During the time of weeding. Kang'anya mu liaka.
  24. Muliruucha- During the time of second weeding. Kewulwa muliruucha.
  25. Mulubeko- during the time of cultural shavingof shaving ceremony after burial. Kachire enfo mulubeko.
  26. Mulwalero- During the days of today, either this very day, or in these days, present times. Mulwalero, befwala makacho.
  27. Mumachakiro- During the start; first; in the first place. Mumachakiro, muhalabye.
  28. Mumakaniro- during welcoming time. Bamusangaliye mumakaniro.
  29. Mumakatukho- During the time when it has just stopped raining. Ochayola mumakatukho.
  30. Mumakhenerera- During that last moment. Wichire mumakhenerera.
  31. Mumakherebende- During the dyeing moments of darkness. Alechire ekondi mumakherebende.
  32. Mumakola- during the time of the return journey. Efula yakwa mumakola.
  33. Mumalula- During the time of hatching. Kakusise ewuli mumalula.
  34. Mumasewula- during the time of biding farewell. Bamutukire mumasewula.
  35. Mumaucho- during the time of story chatting. Kamboleye esiri mumaucho.
  36. Mumaweriweri- During early times at break of dawn; indistinctly (of seeing), catch a fleeting glimpse. Achulire mumaweriweri.
  37. Mumawiiwi- During the time just before sunrise. Nywa owusera mumawiwi.
  38. Mumberi- During the time before, in front, first, leading to. Mumberi, walecha embusi.
  39. Mumenukha- During the last hours or time of completing a task; end. Khuli okhulia owusuma mumenukha.
  40. Mumenyoka- during the time of waking up. Nawulira owusiba mumenyokha.
  41. Mumulengala- during the short time dry days that occur during the rainy season. Achukhiranga embolera mumulengela.
  42. Mumusi- During noon hours. Okenda mumusi; aberwa.
  43. Mundalo- During specified days. Kasoma mundalo chia khale. Bakhupananga mundalo chino.
  44. Mungolobe- During early evening hours, 4 - 6 p.m. Kaliye eng'eni mungolobe.
  45. Munjala- During the time of scarcity of food. Keniya ewuwe munjala. Achundiranga Nakhuba munjala.
  46. Munjikucha- During the time of plenty of food. Bayira abakhasi munjikucha.
  47. Munyuma- During the time in the future. Linda kali munyuma.
  48. Musiamukho- During the time there is some clear visibility. Kola musiamukho.
  49. Musibiru- During the time of confinement after giving birth. Kekeniya omwiwi musibiru.
  50. Musichiambo- During the afternoon. Konyekho musichiambo.
  51. Musikherekhano- towards the end of specied period. Yicha esichiambo musikherekhano.
  52. Musikumunye- During the time of odd years. Bamukheba musikumunye.
  53. Musimocho- During the time there is scarcity of food. Keniya munjikucha ochakeniya mu simocho.
  54. Musiro- During the night. Abinanga musiro.
  55. Musisanya- During the morning hours between 8 a.m. - 10 a.m. Lecha owusera musisanya.
  56. Musisinja- During half of the stated time. Yicha engolobe musisinja.
  57. Musiswamiro- during the timetime one is experiencing monthly periods. Kangeniya musiswamiro.
  58. Musiteche- During noon time, the middle of the day. Ochanywa amalwa musiteche.
  59. Muweha- during the time of having newlyall married. Akhweye omukhasi muweha.
  60. Muwire- During the late evening hours. Yikala omuliango muwire.
  61. Muwufulu- During the time between circimcision and end of seclusion. Okonire elwanyi muwufulu muno?
  62. Muwukofu- during the time of old age. Owuleme wumunyoye muwukofu.
  63. Muwusakhulu- during the period on a man's old age. Ayirire omukhasi muwusakhulu?
  64. Muwusiere- duringthe period one is an old woman. Anyoye enda muwusiere.
  65. Muwungi- generally; most of the time. Muwungi, asomianga esau.
  66. Olulondakho- During another specified next day after the action in question. Lecha eliani olulondakho.
  67. Olundi- Another time for the repeat. Amukhupire olundi.
  68. Oluono- for a long time. Akhipire embwa oluono.
  69. Olwabaye- on onother day that was. Olwabaye, wamukhupire.
  70. Olwabarasa- Another unspecified time on the day when the day is on a Monday. Ngeniye olwomubara. 
  71. Olwaechuli- Another specified morning from the time in question. Khuwonane nawe olwaechuli.
  72. Olwaengolove- Another specified evening from the time in question. Longa esobere olwengolobe.
  73. Olwaeonga- Another unspecified time on the day when the day is on a Sunday. Keniya kuka olwaeonga.
  74. Olwaesichiambo- Another specified afternoon from the time in question. Kakochire olwaesichiambo.
  75. Olwaesiro- Another specified night time from the time in question. Anyalaye olwaesiro.
  76. Olwali- Another specified day from the recent day or event. Kombakhire enyumba olwali.
  77. Olwamberi- Another specified day at first, in the first place. Olwamberi, weba ekomakoma.
  78. Olwamuhonga- Another unspecified time on the day when the day is a Sunday. Bamukheye mulwaeonga.
  79. Olwamukibiri- Another unspecified time on the day when the day is on a Tuesday. Chia ewa senge olwamukibiri. 
  80. Olwamukichanu- Another unspecified time on the day when the day is on a Friday
  81. Olwamukine- Another unspecified time on the day when the day is on a Thursday. Olwomukine, khuli okhuminya.
  82. Olwamukitachu- Another unspecified time on the day when the day is on a Wednesday. Olwamukitach, endi okhumusa.
  83. Olwamunyongesa- Another specified day when on Saturday. Engola engo olwamunyongesa.
  84. Olwanyuma- Another specified day afterwards. Olwanyuma, wamukhupakho?
  85. Olwesiteche- Another specified day time from the time in question. Ndi okhwiyoka olwaesiteche.             
  86. Owukhale- Kolera muwukhale. Oli okhukhina owukhale.
  87. Owuyakha- Another time anew. Lima owuyakha.
All of them make use of the prefix of frequency kha~, kho~ and na. The 'na~' is an ellipsis of 'wuli na~' as in Amukhupire khakhumi or "Nawusia; enda yinchuna."
  1. Alala- sometimes
  2. Asibalalira- rare countable times. Kechangayo hasibalalira.
  3. Ata~esi- even once to. Muwekho ata yesi.
  4. Khabata- At no frequency at all; never. Achianga yo khabata.
  5. Khabiri- At a definite frequency of two; twice. Amukhupire khabiri.
  6. Khachanu- At a definite frequency of five. Aliye omukhenye khachanu.
  7. Khane- At a definite frequency of four. Omuchundiye amabere khane.
  8. Khangi- At many other times. Alangire Tuteya khangi.
  9. Khasasaba- At a definitefrequency of six. Chekula olukina khasasaba.
  10. Khasekhase- At a high frequency; regularly. Akendangayo khasekhase.
  11. Khatachu- At a definated frequency frequency of three; thrice. Achemire echemwa khatachu.
  12. Khombiri- at two a frequency of  two times. Achiye ewa Tundo khombiri?
  13. Khondachu- at a frequency of three. Amuchemire khondachu.
  14. Khosi- at a frequency of every occasion. Nachiayo mumilukha khosi.
  15. Khubise- every exact time. Vamuwaye khubise
  16. Khuwene- exactly periods. Bamulipanga khuwene.
  17. Khuludalo- every day. Muweresinge amatumwa khulutalo.
  18. Nalukwa- every day of such events. Nalukwa, khukhuwa enyama?
  19. Khumwesi- every month. Bamulipanga khumwesi.
  20. Khuhonga- every week. Achiangayo khuhonga .
  21. Nabise- Regularly at every moment, every hour. Nabise, amulanga.
  22. Nalukwa- every time it happens. Nalukwa, asaba owuyeti. 
  23. Nalwosi- every time. Nalwosi, kewulanga abasolili.
  24. Nahonga- happening at least once in every other week. Nahonga, akolanga
  25. Nakhubalukha- Happening at least once in a whilemanner or  at the beginning of season. Nakhubalukha, efula yikwangwa.
  26. Nalunaku- every special day. Nalunaku, bamuwanga enya.
  27. Naluse- Taking place at least once in every other generation. Naluse, nende abakeraki balwo.
  28. Namuyika- Taking place at least once in every other year. Namuyika; nende ekhengo.
  29. Namwesi- Taking place at least once in every other month. Namwesi, ang'anyanga.
  30. Nandala- Especially. Omukhasi; nandala omulafu, abangamo oubacha.
  31. Naserukho- Happening in every other age group. Naserukho, nende omwifualo kwayo.
  32. Nasibalilira- Happening at least once in every other occasionally. Keniya nasibalira.
  33. Nasikhewo- Happening at least once in very other circumcision period. Nasikhewo, nende eba liawe.
  34. Nasikuminye- happening at least once in every other non-circumcision year. Nasikumunye, akolanga.
  35. Nawanukha- Taking place every other down. Nawanukha, achi embewo yimbucha.
  36. Nawire- Taking place at least once in every other evening. Nawire, achi mberekese.
  37. Nawuli- every. At times shortened as na~ and used as prefix with verbs or nouns to mean 'every'  such as nayikwa ya'swa, (every timeplace it rain), nakhukhupwa (every time he is beaten), nakhutu (every tortoise) nakhulangwa (every time he is called. Amukhupanga nawuli nyingo.
  38. Nawusia- Taking place at least once in every other new morning. Nawusia, achi enda yinchuna.
They allow doubling to bring out varying degrees. Most of them are either interjections or idiophones as explained here.
  1. Aho- true degree, exact degree, correctly degree. Lekhera aho.
  2. Asaabi-  more. Wikhula asaabi.
  3. Atiti- a little, slightly. Wikhula hatiti. Khusimire atiti.
  4. Atutu- with more gratitudes. Wanyala hatutu. Okoneho atutu koo.
  5. Aundi- maybe, perhaps, probably, possibly. Aundi mulosi niye.
  6. Awene- intensifying the degreetime of truth, reality, plainness, exactness, correctness. Owoye hawene.
  7. Chalu- intensifying words denoting some degree of stoping complely. Chalukha ewefwe chalu.
  8. chi- intensifying words denoting some degree of silence, degree of coldness, etc. Wulera chi.
  9. Chunu- intensifying degree of scald. Achunukhire chunu. 
  10. Chwe- intensifying some degree of whiteness, degree of cleanness, etc. Libia chwe.
  11. Elala- absolutely, indeed, completely. Malira elala.
  12. Fwana- suppose. Fwana kafwa muchuli.
  13. Fyu- completely, absolutely, e.g., be all gone, eat up completely. Amalire fyu.
  14. ~ingi- many or a lot. Nywa amachi amangi.
  15. Kabisa- profpundly, hugely, thoroughly, absolutely, totaly, utterly, fantastically. Amukhupe kabisa.
  16. Kachio- that level. Muwolere amakhuwa kachio?
  17. Kalaha- slowly, carefully, quietly, gently. Khwesa kalaha.
  18. Kali (a, ba, chu, e, kha, ku, lu, mu, si, wu)- With more; with a lot of intensity. Kinga wukali.
  19. Kitu- used to give degree of completeness wirg kitukha. Omukoye kukitukhire kitu.
  20. Kochio- absolutely, intensifying such verbs as okhumira, okhumirikha, and possibly others meaning to swallow, absorb, etc. Luka amirikhire  kochio.
  21. Kuru- a degree of  complete emptiness. Amalire kuru.
  22. Mie- stress the degree of sharpness. Omubano kumemire mie.
  23. Muno- a degree of much, excessively, very much. Mulembe muno.
  24. osi (bo, bi, chi, ko, li, lwo, mwo, si, wo, ye, yo)- everything. Mbetese siosi.
  25. ~g'ene (bi, bo, chio, kio, kho, ko, kwo, lio, lwo, mwe, mwo, se, sio, we, ye,  By ~selves in lone number; not more,  Kinga bino biong'ene,  Khupa bano bongene, Khwa chino chiong'ene, Wukula kino kiong'ene, Tira khano khong'ene, Mbe kanao kong'ene, Kinga eondo liong'ene,  Tekhera olukhwi luno lwong'ene. Chie mweng'ene, Woma muno mwong'ene, Esamuye seng'ene, Wukula sino siong'ene, Yicha weng'ene, Alima yeng'ene.
  26. Myu- stress degree of smoothness. Myusa myu.
  27. Para- completely dry. Embetetie chiomire para.
  28. Pie- intensifying -lulu, bitter, etc. Alulire wusa pie.
  29. Pitia- completely. Alhalikhire pitia.
  30. Po po- very much. Amukhupire po.
  31. Sana- very. Kamusima sana.
  32. Sio- completely. Amalire sio.
  33. Tamotamo- better. Embulira tamotamo.
  34. Tatata- intensifying the degree verb tinya or tie or its derivatives. Anyikisisie tatata.
  35. Ti- intensifying dark, black. Maliyisia ti.
  36. Tipo- completely lostdry. Eng'ombe yingiye mu matosi tipo.
  37. Timbo- intensifying degree verb wofula; completely. Kawofuye wusa timbo.
  38. Tiong'otiong'o- Least. Mukabe sitiong'otiong'o.
  39. Tipo tipo- intensifier of verbs meaning to swallow or to absorb. Wunamo tipo.
  40. Titi titi (a, ba, bi, chu - little. Lia sititi sititi.
  41. Tula- intensifier of of verb to mean explode or implode comply. Omupira kuchundukhikhire futu.


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