Adjectives are descriptive words which tell us the characteristics of nouns. In Olunyala (K), to make something well known is okhufumia. Therefore, adjective can be called esifumia (ebifumia pl)

Olunyala (K) adjectives are usually placed after a noun they modify in a noun phrase. There is always concord between the noun and its adjective based on word class. The concord (pre)-prefixes in adjectives make adjectives to accept to function like nouns in sentences- as subjects or objects.


The following are the various colours in Olunyala (K). Some colours are specific to specific items.

  1. ~efuliefu- that which is dull coloured. Afwaye elong'i efuliefu.
  2. ~kokhakokhe- that which is grey. Engokho engokhakokhe yange yilia esiakhulia sikokhakokhe.
  3. ~kokhakokhekokhakokhe- that which is greyish. Ekina ekokhakokhekokhakokhe lilio?
  4. ~kubiria- that (cattle) which is dark brown. Eng'ombe engubiria yiliye esawuni.
  5. ~labirire- that which is yellow. Epera alabirire liwolire.
  6. ~lafu- that which is white, light in color, clean, pale. Amabala malafu kaliye amakanda.
  7. ~lafulafu- that which is whitish. Amakanda malafulafu kawolire.
  8. ~lobaloba- dark brown. Amakanda malobaloba kaweye?
  9. ~mali- that which is black. Enungiro emali yatikhire.
  10. ~malimali- that which blackish or darkish or dark green or dark green. Omusweta mumalimali kukwo?
  11. ~mbesemu- that which is red. Omutoka mubesemu kukingire emito mibesemu.
  12. ~besemubesemu- that which is redish. Esilacho sibesemubesemu siange.
  13. ~meramera- that (goat) which has black and white. Embusi emeramera yiriye owule.
  14. ~nasikhindu- that (snake) which is green. Enjukha nasikhindu yimulumire.
  15. ~nasileesi- that which is blue. Enguo naluleese yiri hena?
  16. ~ndafu- light coloured. Afwale enguo endafu.
  17. ~ndafundafu- that which is lightish. Mbekho enguo endafundafu.
  18. ~nyange- that which is white. Engokho enyange ya senge.
  19. ~pala- that which is spotted. Embusu yamapala yikonire.
  20. ~ukulu- that (chicken) which has black with white spot. Etaywa embukulu yifwiye.
  21. ~wokha- that which is light green. Amasafu maokha malayi.
  22. ~wokhawokha- that which is greenish. Esibeti esiwokhawokha sia Betha.
  23. ~wusi- that which is black with white spots. Omutoka omuusi kusenire emicho.
The following are examples of adjectives which use the noun concord prefix and the adjectivising final vowel ~u.
  1. ~alang'anyu- that who is experienced. Abasoli abahalang’anyu banywesise ekoli.
  2. ~handakhanu- that which is sticky. Amachemwa mahandakhanyu kano kachulire ewanu?
  3. ~angu- that which is light in weight. Mbe ekina liangu.
  4. ~angu- that which is quick, easy, light, cheap. Amacheba mangu kaweye.
  5. ~ayu- that which is warm, fresh. Amebere mayu kaweye.
  6. ~bachanu- that who is corrupt. Omwami mubachanu akwe ekura.
  7. ~chakhanu- that which is acidic and sticky. Amakanda machakhanu kano batekha bachie?
  8. ~chamu- that which is tasty. Esiakhuli sichamu siweye?
  9. ~chohu- that who has grown, matured, developed, grown up. Abana bachohu basolira mu’lufu.
  10. ~chokanu- that which is mixed with, blended with, united with. Awule wuchokanu wuweye.
  11. ~chwanjwanu- that who is always inciting. Omusomi omuchwanjwanu aweyeho.
  12. ~chwanu- that which is acidic. Khuliye ekhomeri enchwanu.
  13. ~chwenukhu- that (object) which is clean. Abana bachwenukhu bano babo?
  14. ~fotomu- that which is dome shaped at bottom or sides. Esifulia sifotomu sili hena?
  15. ~fuhu- that which is blunt. Olupanga lufuhu lwanu?
  16. ~kakhanu- that which tastes stale. Amakanda makekhanu kano mabi.
  17. ~kekhenu- that which is rusty. Olupanga lukekhanu luno lukonire elwanyi?
  18. ~kalangachanu- that which smooth and hard to hold. Esini sikalangachanu sikwiye.
  19. ~keranu - that which is sizeable. Mbekho enyama engeranu.
  20. ~khambalafu- that which is banana sap in taste. Amachemwa makhambalafu kano kayiye?
  21. ~khananu- that which is adamant. Abasolili bakhananu sibeyamanga tawe.
  22. ~khaniamu- that which is slimy. Eliani ekhaniamu lino muchere nikwo?
  23. ~kherekhanu- that which is partly full. Esongo ekherekhanu chino chiefwe.
  24. ~khulunchu- that which is the chief, biggest, eldest, senior. Omwana mukhulunchu achiye mu’mwalo.
  25. ~kofu- that which is old, aged. Abasiere abakofu balechire enjuku.
  26. ~koyanu- that who is confused, disorganised, messed about. Omuraka omukoyanu amirire akhamuka.
  27. ~kukhunu- that which is mouldy. Omukati mukukhunu kulechanga owulwaye. 

  28. ~kukumu- that who is mean. Omwiwusi mukukumu si ahindira tawe.
  29. ~kulumu- that which is disciplined. Abana abakulumu balayi nibo.
  30. ~kumu- that which is less watery. Enduma engumu chili?
  31. ~kutu- that which is short. Omusacha omukutu akochire.
  32. ~laafu (also lafu)- that which is holy, sacred, pure, saint, sunctified. Roho mulaafu yimutiye.
  33. ~lafu- that which devoid of naivity. Nasio katekha musialo silafu.
  34. ~lalu- that which is mad, insane, furious, angry, obstinate, dangerous. Omusach mululu afwiye.
  35. ~lamu- that who is alive, well, living. Engokho enamu yinyolekhire mumachi?
  36. ~lekhanu- that which is of average size, shape, number etc. Omukhasi omulekhanu kechire engo.
  37. ~lemukhu- that which is less, insufficient, lacking. Amachi malemu kano mukusia.
  38. ~lukhumu- that who is frowning. Omusamo omulukhumu akeniyire kuka.
  39. ~lulu- that which is sour, bitter, peppery. Amasalire malulu kano mabisi niko.
  40. ~lulu- that who is fierce, brave, strong, powerful, troublesome, dangerous. Embwa endulu yiri?
  41. ~lung'umu- that which is sad faced. Omwana mulung’umu ono wa Mandila?
  42. ~mayanu- that which is bad, evil, wicked. Omwana mumayanu ono wanu?
  43. ~memu- that which is sharp, pointed. Olupanga olumemu luno lwefwe.
  44. ~miufu- that which is smooth. Ekina emiufu liri hena?
  45. ~miukhanu- that which is slimy. Omuchunde omumiukhanu kuli hena?
  46. ~ndakhanu- that which rare. Amasalire amatakhanu kano kachulire hena?
  47. ~ndekhaanu- that of apt length, size or weight. Akulire enguwo endekhaanu.
  48. ~ngakhanu- that which has stale taste. Amakanda makakhanu kano kefwe?
  49. ~ng'ahu- that which is thin, weak and ill. Engombe eng’awu y’anu?
  50. ~ng'etulufu- that which is juicy. Eyembe eng’etulufu liri hena.
  51. ~niang'u- that which is melted or claylike. Lecha eloba eniang’u khulonge enyungu.
  52. ~nulu- that which is yummy; sweet. Amakanda manulu kana kanu?
  53. ~nunulu- that which is sweet. Amafwocho manulunulu kali ewefwe.
  54. ~nyifu- that which is cold, wet, damp. Keyoka amachi amanyifu?
  55. ~omakanu- that which is slightly dry, hard, firm. Omukati mwomakanu kuno kukwe?
  56. ~omakanu- that which is hard, stubborn. Omusacha mwomakanu akhupe Tito.
  57. ~omiranu- that which is stable, firm. Abasakhulu bomiranu balwana amawi.
  58. ~omu- that which is dry. Mberese enguwo enyomu.
  59. ~omu- that which is hard, firm. Kano masingo momu niko. 
  60. ~randu- that who is unseparable from the other or place. Amusacha omurandu alobire okhuwuya.
  61. ~siru- that which is stupid, dumb, deaf and dumb, mentally deficient.
  62. ~sitowu- that which is heavy. Esimwero sisitou sino sianu? 
  63. ~sitowu- that which is thick and viscous. Omunyu musitowu kuno kwanu?
  64. ~sukhumu- that who is incorrigible. Wafula ayirire omukhana musukhumu.
  65. ~sunu- that which is barren. Nafuna akusise eng’ombe esunu.
  66. ~tekheranu- that which is weakened and ailing. Omusakhulu mutekheranu akhupa khusi?
  67. ~tendewu- that which is loose, relaxed, slack. Esia entendewu chilombanga etungu?
  68. ~tinyu- that which is hard, stubborn, difficult. Esawu endinyu chino chichula hena?
  69. ~tofu- that who is lazy, weak, Omusacha mutofu alechanga enjala.
  70. ~tondobanu- that which is confused, meddled, disorderly. Embusi endondobanu chifwiye.
  71. ~tundumu- that which is lukewarm, warm. Amachi amatundumu kali hano.
  72. ~titi- that which is little, small, few. Asiakhulia situtu siweye.
  73. ~wofu- that which is blind, sightless. Kusa engokho embofu.
  74. ~wohu- that which is thick viscous and slimy. Akhombire owukhu owuhowu.
  75. ~wolu- that which is rotten. Amatumwa maholu kalimo.
  76. ~wulu- that which is smelly. Amisi apumuye amasi mawulu?
  77. ~wulunguchu- that (porridge) which is unfermented and sugarless. Nyeye owusera wuwulunguchu.
  78. ~yiu- that which is fresh. Mbekho amalasire mayiu.
  79. ~fu- that which is dead. Abanju abafu baliyo. 
  80. ~halang'anyu- that who is experienced. Abalimu bahalang’anyu baliho.
  81. ~siru- that which is stupid, dumb, mentally deficient, foolish. Abana basiru bamirire ebifungo.
After taking the noun concord prefix depending on the noun class, they end in ~fu. The following are the common ones.
  1. ~ labirifu- that which is yellowish. Ebimba elabirifu lichundulwanga.
  2. ~angafu- that which is mature. Abakhana abahangafu babayiye.
  3. ~angalafu- that which is dry and granular. Mbe amalwa amahangalafu.
  4. ~balakafu- that which has no water on the surface. Mbe esifulia esibalakafu.
  5. ~bayufu- that which is hollow and spread out. Ali nende omunwa omubayufu.
  6. ~berefu- that which is moarningful. Amasika amaberefu kabaye ewuwe.
  7. ~bererefu- that who is merciful. Were omubererefu chukhonye.
  8. ~chachafu- that which is lively. Abana bachachafu bakingire enyama.
  9. ~chalafu- that which is insipid, tasteless, flavourless. Echai enchalafu yino yanu?
  10. ~chekerefu- that who is keen, considerate. Omukhasi muchekerefu anyoye esihanwa.
  11. ~chekerefu- that who is a good listener. Akabire omwana muchekerefu.
  12. ~chinjibafu- that which is insipid, watery. Eondo echinjibafu lino lianu?
  13. ~chonchobafu- that which is sharp and curved. Namususuni yirikho omunwa omuchonchobafu.
  14. ~chongolofu- that which is vertically strsight. Akulire omukulo omuchongolofu.
  15. ~chwenufu- that (liquid) which is clean, clear, distilled, refined. Enyweye amachi machwenufu.
  16. ~engerefu- that which is unstable and swinging. Esialo siengerefu sino sibi.
  17. ~fundefu- that which is partially air tight or water tight. Enyumba efundefu yino yanu?
  18. ~fuliefu - that (weather) which is not clear. Ewawe khuli nende esialo sifuliefu.
  19. ~fwonofu- that which is comfortable to touch or sit on. Sino sisala esifwonofu. 
  20. ~fwototofu- that which is soft pillowed. Akulire omurungeti omufwototofu.
  21. ~handalafu- that which is coarse. Amabale amahandalafu kali ewefwe.
  22. ~hangalafu- that (ugali) which is very dry. Owusuma owuhandalafu wuno wanu?
  23. ~ichufu- that which is full or adequate. Kakhuye embakha enchichufu.
  24. ~kalafu- that who is momentarily subdued of awareness. Omusacha omukalafu atong'ire mu'sisichu.
  25. ~khalafu- that which is serrated, sandpaper-like, rough on touch. Atekhire eliani ekhalafu.
  26. ~khamiufu- that who is rarely found. Omusacha mukhamiufu akoye?
  27. ~khandialafu- that which is of tough masterial and stretches. Enyama ekhandalafu yino yanu.
  28. ~khatalafu- that which is not easily torn and does not stretch. Enguo ekhatalafu yiri hano.
  29. ~khomefu- that which fat, plump, thick. Embichi ekhomefu yirie amapwoni.
  30. ~khomofu- that which is long faced. Omukhasi mukhomofu oyu wanu?
  31. ~kololofu- that which is straightened out, stretched out. Omusala omukololofu kukwiye.
  32. ~kololofu- that who honest, straight-forward, righteous. Chuma omwana omukololofu.
  33. ~konerefu- that which is always absent. Omusomi mukonerefu akwiye ekera.
  34. ~kotofu~ that which is perforated. Esikoto esikotofu sikwiye hasi.
  35. ~kumbafu- that who is nincompoop. Omwana mukumbafu ono wanu?
  36. ~kungumirifu- that which is ridged. Ebati ekungumirifu li'etuko.
  37. ~kwalafu- that (land) which is level. Omukunda omukwalafu kuli Musidi.
  38. ~kwalafu- that which is clear. Anyweye amachi amakwalafu.
  39. ~kwanirifu- that which is necessary for, well fitted, deserved. Ono mukhasi omukwanirifu.
  40. ~lalafu (la'afu)- that who is persistently stupid. Omufulu mulalafu akhupwe.
  41. ~lekhefu-'that who is forgiven. Abawoywe abalekhefu baweyeho.
  42. ~lembefu- that who is peaceful. Embwa endembefu yino okusia?
  43. ~lialiafu- that who is cunningly egocentric, selfish. Omwami mliafu afwiye.
  44. ~lembufu- that (mouth) which wide and hanging loosely.
  45. ~liembufu- that who is a rumour monger. Omwana muliembufu alechire emiero.
  46. ~lumirifu- that who is determined, persevering. Omusach mulunirifu katira eng'eni.
  47. ~lungifu- that which is straightened out, stretched. Olupau lulungufu lwange.
  48. ~lungifu- that which is righteous. Ab’erwachi balungufu bachia hena?
  49. ~manyirifu- that who is knowledgeable. Abalimu bamanyirifu balayi nibo.
  50. ~mocherefu- that which is despised or belittled. Owusuma owumicherefu wuno njanu olia?
  51. ~miufu- that which is fine in material, sleek, smooth, soft. Aseka afwaye olubala olumyufu.
  52. ~mocherefu- that who is despised. Omusacha mumocherefu oyu tawe.
  53. ~serebendefu- that who is skilled. Omukhebi omuserebendefu akhebire Kubi.
  54. ~ng'ang'afu- that which is momentarily stupid, dull and indiscisive. Omukhana mung’ang’afu alekhire enguo.
  55. ~ng'eng'efu- that which is glowing open. Ameso mang'eng'efu kalimo amake.
  56. ~ng'etulufu- that which is juicy. Eyembe lino eng'etulufu.
  57. ~niafu- that which has withered, faded, drooped, dried out. Esikhoba siniafu
  58. ~niofu- that which is sauashed. Omukhenye muniofu kuweye?
  59. ~nonerefu- that who eats small amount of vegetable. Omwana munonerefu alia owusuma.
  60. ~nyekenyefu- that who is understanding. Omusakhulu munyekenyefu achuwaye echemwa.
  61. ~nyiririfu~ that which is in fine sprinkles. Efula enyiririfu yikwa.
  62. ~nyonyerefu- that which is pleasing. Olwimbo olunyonyerefu olwo lwange?
  63. ~nywanifu- that which is salty. Eliani lino enywanifu.
  64. ~pakhafu- that which is wide and level. Khukhupiye omupira mu’sikuri esipakhafu.
  65. ~piringifu- that which is cylindrical. Omulinga mupiringifu kwa Wanimo.
  66. ~pukhufu- that which is dusty. Ali nende esikhoba esipukhufu.
  67. ~purufu - that who is rough skinned. Amina akingire omwana omupurufu.
  68. ~sangafu- that who is happy. Abasangi basangafu banyanga echai.
  69. ~sakalafu- that which is ruffled. Esitanda esisakalafu sino sianu?
  70. ~sakatalafu- that which is uneven and shapelessly madethe. Esiswi esisakatalafu siri hano.
  71. ~sang'alafu- that which is scattered, as teeth widely spaced. Ali nende ameno amasang’alafu.
  72. ~subafu~ that who is less talkative nut keen.
  73. ~simbifu- that which is of fair size. Mbekho eliandasi esimbifu.
  74. ~simbifu- that which is sizeble. Bamuwaye enyama esimbifu.
  75. ~simbirifu- that which is firm or steadfast. Abaraka abasimbirifu bakhupire Tuteya.
  76. ~subirifu- that which is trustworthy, faithful, reliable
  77. ~subisifu- that who is hopeful. Abaraka basubisibu bachungire amaecho.
  78. ~swererefu- that which is inclined. Omukunda omuswererefu kwa kuka.
  79. ~tekenyelafu- that which is wet. Omwana mutekenyalafu ono wefwe?
  80. ~temberefu- that who is obedient, faithful, law-abiding, docile. Ewunwa endemberefu yifwiye.
  81. ~tienufu- that which has a cut of a large portion. Ofwaye enguo entienufu.
  82. ~tingirifu- that which is physcally healthy. Omusolili omutiringifu aliye emondo.
  83. ~tinyirifu- that who is firm, dependable, determined. Abasacha batinyiru bandakire eng'ombe.
  84. ~tiokefu- that which is adhessive. Enguwo endiokefu yino yanu?
  85. ~titiafu- that who is sarcastically noisy. Omukhasi mutiatiafu akoye?
  86. ~tocherefu- that who is bedridden. Omulwaye omutocherefu alia eng'eni?
  87. ~toniafu- that who is a hypocrite. Abemeresi batoniafu baliho.
  88. ~tumbefu- that which is full. Epinika endumbefu chiange.
  89. ~tumbufu- that which is unclear, unclean (of water). Alukwe asoka mumachi matumbufu.
  90. ~twekhefu- that which has internal light; shiny. Makokha ali nende emoni endwekhefu.
  91. ~twekhefu- that which has badly pitched loud sound. Omulele omutwekhefu oku kukwo?
  92. ~salalafu- that which is pappery in taste. Piliili esalalafu yiri?
  93. ~sangafu- that which is happy. Abakhana abasangafu balia eswa.
  94. ~sekhefu- that which is pluffed up. Omupira omusekhefu oku kwanu?
  95. ~wolerefu- that who is quiet, ease, silent. Omwana omuwolerefu akhina?
  96. ~wubafu- that with low reasoning power who keeps on repeating mistakes. Embwa embubafu yino yanu?
  97. ~wundefu- that who is indifferent due to idiocy. Omulwaye muwundefu afwiye.
  98. ~wunjefu- that which is still, calm. Asha asokire mu'machi mawunjefu.
  99. ~wuyirifu- that who is praised or adored. Omukhupi muwuyirifu anywesise ekoli.
  100. ~yindiafu- that who is rich, wealthy. Abasach bayindiafu bahalikhire.
  101. ~yiririfu- that who is meditative, thoughtful. Omusacha muyiririfu anyoye esifune.
  102. ~yungubafu- that who mischevious, restless, impatient. Omwana muyungubafu ono wanu.
  1. ~atulukhani- that which thunders. Efula enjiatulukhani ekwiye.
  2. ~balayi- that which is wide. Kewikhire esero balayi.
  3. ~bambali- that which is broad, wide, vast. Fwala omukawuti mubambali.
  4. ~bi- that which is bad, wrong, evil, ugly, unpleasant, dirty, offensive. Alangire omukhebi mubi.
  5. ~bisi- that which is unripe. Aliye enjuli mbisi.
  6. ~chami- that who betrays. Yuda omuchami kemika?
  7. ~chasi- that which is a bully. Omusolili muchasi angukhire endukhu.
  8. ~chekhichekhi- that whio laughs pleased anyhow. Omusiere muchekhachekhi ali?
  9. ~chwanchwani- that who is an inciter. Omuraka muchwanchwanu aweyeho?
  10. ~echanyi- that whowhich does blacksmithing. Omusacha omwichanyi akulire omukuba.
  11. ~ekusi- that which is satisfied for having eaten enough. Langa abalimi bekusi.
  12. ~emberi- that which is before, in front, first, leading. Esikhewo siemberi siweye.
  13. ~esi- that which is whole. Etumwa liosi lilalire
  14. ~esiesi- that which is any. Mberese embako yosiyosi.
  15. ~hani- that who is generous. Abasangi bahani bali?
  16. ~hasi- that which is down or below. Amatumwa akahasi kawumbwa.
  17. ~ichanyi- that who does blacksmithing. Omusacha mwichanyi aliho.
  18. ~ilasi- that which leads into evil sexual ways. Omusolili mwilasi alangire Tuta.
  19. ~imani- that who is mean on belongings. Omusacha mwimani kekaye omuliango.
  20. ~ingi- that which is many. Eng'ombe engingi chilianga esauni.
  21. ~kalangachani- that which is hard and slippery. Ekina ekalangachani likochire.
  22. ~kali- that which is large or big. Ewuyu ekali liatikhire.
  23. ~kani- that who can tell a story. Omusakhulu omukani kemba.
  24. ~kayi- that who is a peacemaker. Omukhana mukayi akhupirwe.
  25. ~kayikayi- that which is slightly better. Akhasura kayikayi khakhira kanyolekha.
  26. ~kendani- that who wanders aimlessly or promiscous. Omukhana mukendani anyoye enda.
  27. ~keni- that which is foreign, strange, novel, unusual. Omusakhulu mukeni akochire.
  28. ~kesi- that who is intelligent, clever, bright. Omusomi mukesi asoma.
  29. ~kesikesi- that who is cunning. Omukusi mukesikesi bamutiye.
  30. ~khundani- that who likes playing sex with the young girls. Omusacha mukhundani akhupwe.
  31. ~koyi- that who brews. Ousiere mukoyi ameye.
  32. ~lahi- that which is good, right, pretty, nice, pleasing. Amachemwa malahi kaweye.
  33. ~landa- that which grows by greeping. Ekhubi elanda lirikho ewenywe?
  34. ~lehi- that which is longer, taller, higher. Omusala mulehi kufunikhire.
  35. ~londani- that which lies alongside, goes together. Abana abalondani basolera mukokhe.
  36. ~losi- that who is a witch. Amunyala mulosi afwiye?
  37. ~lungi- that which is straight or right. Mbe olukhwi olulungi.
  38. ~malakani- that who goes blindly ahead regardless of obstacles. Abasangi mamalakani baliye ewefwe.
  39. ~mali- that which is dark, black, dirty, darken, blacken. Ekofia emali yiri ano.
  40. ~malilikhi- that which comes last. Enyanga emaliliri yiri lina?
  41. ~mamani- that who is poor, needy, lacking. Abalimu abamanani baliye emberenge.
  42. ~mesi- that who is always drunk. Omusolili mumesi ang'ukhire.
  43. ~monyi- that who backbites. Abakhasi bamonyi bekhaye khu siiri.
  44. ~mosi- that which is a calf. Engombe emosi yino yanu? 
  45. ~mosoti- that (bullock) which has not reached stage pf mpunting cows in life. Eng'ombe emosoti yikochire.
  46. ~ndi- that which is other or certain. Omukhana wundi kengiye muwange.
  47. ~ndwani- that which always wrestle, struggle, fight. Omusolili mulwani kakhola.
  48. ~ng'ali- that which is true, right, correct, truthful. Amakhuwa kang'ali kawolekhe.
  49. ~sabisabi- that which is a little bit more. Amukhupire engumi esabisabi.
  50. ~sambi- that who roasts. Abasolili basambi bali?
  51. ~sangirisi- thatin who attacks others in unity. Abasomi basangirisi bakhupire Khaoya.
  52. ~sayirisi- that who is prayerful. Abasangi basayirisi bakhawulukha.
  53. ~seyi- that who incites others against another. Omusolili museyi aweho.
  54. ~soloki- that who is an aimless walker. Abakhana basoloki bakhupwe.
  55. ~sotani- that who likes playing illicit sex with age mates. Omwana musotani ali?
  56. ~susumi- that who is an extreme pauper. Omusakhulu mususumi akoye?
  57. ~tambi- that who is a pauper. Omukhwe mutambi akeniyire.
  58. ~tanyani- that who is a homosexual. Omusolili mutanyani achie ewaye.
  59. ~teeki- that who is always right, speaks truly, makes a right judgment. Kuka omuteeki akhulanga.
  60. ~tikini- that which is concentrated; deep. Echai tikini yiri hano.
  61. ~tanyani- that who likes playing sex with young girls.
  62. ~titi- that who is smaller, fewer, less. Embere enditi endayi.
  63. ~tulani- that who is accusatory. Abasakhulu batulani baweyewo.
  64. ~twakani- that who is a sexmaniac. Abasolili batwakani baweho.
  65. ~twasi- that cow that has sired in its life. Eng'ombe esitwasi basikura omwima.
  66. ~weni- that which is before, in front, first, leading. Esikhewo sieweni siweye.
  67. ~wuyi- that who migrates or emigrates. Omukeni muwuyi ochamwachira esibange.
  68. ~wuyiri- that who advertises or exaggerates. Abakusi bawuyiri bakhola.
  69. ~yayani- that who struggles over items. Abasakhulu bayayani bayayire enyama.
  70. ~yeyi- that male castrated cattle. Eng'ombe eyeyi yikoye.
  71. ~yingani- that who argues (with one another), disputes, debates. Omukhasi muyingani kekusi.
  72. ~yiyani- that which is restless, footloose. Omukhana muyiyani anyoye enda.
  73. ~yokani- that with no permanent resting place. Omusacha muwokani kachia he?
  74. ~yukirisi- that who walk quickly, run slowly. Abayimi bayukirisi baluyire.
  75. ~yuyukhani- that who is always in unplanned haste; hurry. Abasacha bayuyukhani baya ameno.
  76. ~sambi- that who roasts. Abasolili basambi bali.
These adjectives are tone marked to distinguished them from their verb or noun homographs. For example, the difference between chemaka for ‘cut into pieces’ and chemaka for ‘the dug up harvest’ is in the tone used. 
  1. ~akula- that which is brought down from a height. Amapayipayi maakula kano kako?
  2. ~batisa- that which is baptized. Elicha ebatisa likhusanga?
  3. ~chaka- that which has been planted; not the common wild one. Enderema enjaka ndayi niyo.
  4. ~chabirisa- that which is got abruptly. Akhupire embichi enchabirisa.
  5. ~chaka- that which is planted. Owoba wuchaka wuli ewawe Luka?
  6. ~chanwa~ that (porridge) which is made acidic by adding fruits. Enywa owusera wuchwanwa.
  7. ~mboywa- that (animal) which is not docile and can be tied by anybody. Ewunwa emboywa yaya.
  8. ~ichanya- that which is locally made by the blacksmith. Omubano mwichanya mulayi.
  9. ~chemachaka- that which is dug up or cut. Omapwoni machemachaka kaliyo?
  10. ~chonga- that which is dipped in soup or tea. Omukati muchonga kuli?
  11. ~khwana- that which is twined. Aliye echemwa ekhwana.
  12. ~choosa- that which is collected as tax. Amatumwa machosa kechuye musiaki.
  13. ~chuka- that which expired. Epwoni echuka liwunya owubi.
  14. ~chuka- that which is ruled, governed, controlled, managed, tamed and kept (animals). Esimba echuka liliye engokho.
  15. ~chuma- that which is send. Ekulu echuma lisambire esitioli.
  16. ~chumwa- that who is send. Omwana muchumwa akhupirwe?
  17. ~engama- that (animal) which is gifted by one's uncles. Eng'ombe engama yikhoya yalama.
  18. ~enyamba- that which is farted. Amenyamba kachulanga khu mania.
  19. ~ewona - that who is proud. Omukhana kewona katikhire ewange.
  20. ~findulula- that which is enlarged or made bigger. Esita sifundulule siri khu'nchu ya kuka.
  21. ~chanula- that (accodion) played by stretching . Esinanda sichanula siri ewanu?
  22. ~fuma- that which is tied in banana fibres. Omunyu mufuma kuli ewefwe.
  23. ~fumba- that which is usually folded or bend. Lecha ebisala bifumba.
  24. ~fumula- that which is beaten heavily as with a club. Owusuma wufumula wuyiye.
  25. ~fumundula- that which is scrambled like an egg in water. Aliye ewuyu efumundula.
  26. ~futuma- that (vegetable) which is cooked without soda ash.
  27. ~futuma- that which is cooked by steaming. Eliani efutuma elayi po.
  28. ~halaba - that which is fierce, scolding, angered, bad tempered. Omwalimu muhalaba ali?
  29. ~ikinwa - that which is dependable. Omwana yibetikina akulire esitanda.
  30. ~kaba- that which was gifted. Enguo engaba yibanga wusa yicho.
  31. ~kachia- that which is made into a circular shape. Olusala lukachia luno luli?
  32. ~kala- that which is whole. Nakhayo amilire owumwo owukala.
  33. ~kalikania- that which is confusing. Amakhwana makalikania kano kanu?
  34. ~kawula- that which has been shared (ugali). Alianga owusuma wukawula.
  35. ~kenula- that (ugali) which has been refined and recooked. Waliakho uwusuma wukenula.
  36. ~khalaka- that which is a short cut. Engira ekhalaka yiri?
  37. ~khalira- that (vegetable) which is picked from stems at first twig age. Asanda asaba eliani ekhalilisa.
  38. ~khayaka- that which eaten without vegetable. Owusuma wukhayaka wuli hano.
  39. ~khayaka- that which is eaten without vegetable. Owusuma wukhayaka wuli?
  40. ~khocha- that (stick) which is pulled from the main stem by hand. Omusukuni mikhocha kuli?
  41. ~khomba- that which is licked. Amalesi makhomba kaliho?
  42. ~khosa- that (maize) harvested by pulling it with husk from stem. Amatumwa makhosa kali?
  43. ~khulililisa- that (vegetable) which is harvested by thinning. Eliani ekhulilisa lirimo oloba.
  44. ~kina- that with imperforated hymen. Kuka asirikhire omukhasi omukina.
  45. ~kosa- that (wife) who is inherited. Omukhasi mukosa alwala?
  46. ~kosa- that which was returned. Omwana mukosa ali hena.
  47. ~kosa- that which is returmed. Omwana mukosa ali?
  48. ~kota- that which is crooked. Omusala kwekota kukwiye khu'ngira.
  49. ~kotiombola- that which is made zigzag. Abana basola omukoye mukotiombola.
  50. ~kufwa- that which is shining. Omumwi kufwa kwomisie amatumwa.
  51. ~kulania- that which is bought. Ebikombe bikulania biri?
  52. ~kulasania- that which is batter exchanged. Eng'ombe engulasania yiriho?
  53. ~lamba- that of sound mind, whole. Mwalimu omulamba kebire esikwasi?
  54. ~laya- that which is praised. Elicha elaya likhusanga.
  55. ~lokota- that picked as remnants after harvest. Aonda akula amatumwa malokota.
  56. ~longa- that which has been created from soil. Esikombe silonga siri?
  57. ~lunga- that which is flavour cooked, seasoned. Eliani elunga lino lianu?
  58. ~manusia- that which is gifted to a visitor, in return for bigger gift. Bamuwaye engokho emanusa.
  59. ~fuma- that which falls with thud. Omunyikha mufuma mubi.
  60. ~makanya- that (cattle) which is very old. Engombe makanya yino yanu?
  61. ~mupima- that is measured, examined, weighted. Enjaba embima yiri hena?
  62. ~musa- that which is lend out. Engombe emusa yiri?
  63. ~naaba- that got using a net. Eng'eni enaaba chiriho?
  64. ~nokola - that which is pulled or plucked out. Amakanda manokola kano manulu.
  65. ~nyala- that which is indigenous. Amaondo manyala kali ewefwe.
  66. ~ongolera- that which happened out of it timeframe. Omulengala mwongolera kelecha esimiyu.
  67. ~oyerera- that who was dedicated to spirits by waist beads. Omwana omuwoyerera okhulanga.
  68. ~pwoka - that which comes incognito or cooked in hurry without salt. Abakeni abapwoka bali ewange.
  69. ~saba- that which is borrowed. Enguwa esaba yiri?
  70. ~sikwa- that who is trustworthy, faithful, reliable. Abasolili abesikwa basiri okhulecha esende.
  71. ~sisira- that which is awhitish virgin. Omukhana omusisira akhina sikhaye.
  72. ~sokota - that which has been made by folding. Enjaba esokota yiri ewenywe?
  73. ~suwa- that which is sniffed. Enjaba esuwa yiri mu'lukirao.
  74. ~tindibikha- that which happens accidentally. Amaraba matindibikha kali khu'mwanda.
  75. ~sunga- that which is borrowed to be returned. Embako esunga yikosisweyo.
  76. ~tuma- that which rises in clouds. Eswa enduma endayi po.
  77. ~wololosa- that (porridge) which has been refined and recooked. Wanywakho owusera wuwololosa.
  78. ~wolola- that who was officially divorced. Omukhasi muwolola ali hena?
  79. ~wunwa- that which is a bullcalf. Eng'ombe ewunwa yange?
  80. ~yaba- that which has been dug up peacemeal. Amapwoni mayaba kaliyo?


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