Adjectives are descriptive words which tell us the characteristics of nouns. In Olunyala (K), to make something well known is okhufumia. Therefore, an adjective can be called esifumia (ebifumia pl) Olunyala (K) adjectives are usually placed after the nouns they modify in noun phrases. There is always concord between the noun and its adjective based on the Olunyala word classes. The concord (pre)-prefixes in adjectives make adjectives to accept to function like nouns in sentences- as subjects or objects. A] ADJECTIVES DESCRIBING COLOURS The following are the various colours in Olunyala (K). Some colours are specific to specific items. ~efuliefu- that which is dull coloured. Afwaye elong'i efuliefu . ~kokhakokhe- that which is grey. Engokho engokhakokhe yange yilia esiakhulia sikokhakokhe . ~kokhakokhekokhakokhe- that which is greyish. Ekina ekokhakokhekokhakokhe lilio? ~kubiria- that (cattle) which is dark brown. Eng'ombe engubiria yiliye esawuni. ~labirire- that whic...