Adjectives are descriptive words which tell us the characteristics of nouns. In Olunyala (K), to make something well known is okhufumia. Therefore, an adjective can be called esifumia (ebifumia pl)

Olunyala (K) adjectives are usually placed after the nouns they modify in noun phrases. 

There is always concord between the noun and its adjective based on the Olunyala word classes. The concord (pre)-prefixes in adjectives make adjectives to accept to function like nouns in sentences- as subjects or objects.


The following are the various colours in Olunyala (K). Some colours are specific to specific items.

  1. ~efuliefu- that which is dull coloured. Afwaye elong'i efuliefu.
  2. ~kokhakokhe- that which is grey. Engokho engokhakokhe yange yilia esiakhulia sikokhakokhe.
  3. ~kokhakokhekokhakokhe- that which is greyish. Ekina ekokhakokhekokhakokhe lilio?
  4. ~kubiria- that (cattle) which is dark brown. Eng'ombe engubiria yiliye esawuni.
  5. ~labirire- that which is yellow. Epera alabirire liwolire.
  6. ~lafu- that which is white, light in color, clean, pale. Amabala amalafu kaliye amakanda.
  7. ~lafulafu- that which is whitish. Amakanda amalafulafu kawolire.
  8. ~lobaloba- dark brown. Amakanda amalobaloba kaweye?
  9. ~mali- that which is black. Enungiro emali yatikhire.
  10. ~malimali- that which blackish or darkish or dark green or dark green. Omusweta omumalimali kukwo?
  11. ~mbesemu- that which is red. Omutoka mubesemu kukingire emito mibesemu.
  12. ~besemubesemu- that which is redish. Esilacho esibesemubesemu siange.
  13. ~meramera- that (goat) which has black and white. Embusi emeramera yiriye owule.
  14. ~nasikhindu- that (snake) which is green. Enjukha nasikhindu yimulumire.
  15. ~nasileesi- that which is blue. Enguo naluleese yiri hena?
  16. ~ndafu- light coloured. Afwale enguo endafu.
  17. ~ndafundafu- that which is lightish. Mbekho enguo endafundafu.
  18.  ~ngobe- that which is purple. Omusala kumulikhire ebimupi ebikobe.
  19. ~nyange- that which is white. Engokho enyange ya senge.
  20. ~pala- that which is spotted. Embusu eyamapala yikonire.
  21. ~ukulu- that (chicken) which has black with white spot. Etaywa embukulu yifwiye.
  22. ~wokha- that which is light green. Amasafu amaokha malayi.
  23. ~wokhawokha- that which is greenish. Esibeti esiwokhawokha sia Betha.
  24. ~wusi- that which is black with white spots. Omutoka omuusi kusenire emicho.


  1. Na+(clan name)- that (lady) who acts s from that clan. For example, Namusia, Natecho, Nambirifuma, Namwaya, Namakwangwachi, Namisoho etc. Omukhana namisoho akeniyire ewefwe.
  2. Naetondo- that (cattle) with long navel. Akulire eng'ombe netondo.
  3. Nakhaloli- that (maize) which has seeds ofif different colours. Asambire amatumwa nakhaloli.
  4. Nakhanyusi- that (person) who has grey or white eyebrows. Omusolili nakhanyusi aweyewo.
  5. Nakholo- that  (bird) wag its tail and has black and while feathers. Atiye enyuni Nakholo. 
  6. Nakibende- that (chicken) which is with short legs. Engokho nakibende yikochire.
  7. Nalukosi- that (chicken) which is without feathers at the neck. Engokho nalukosi yikochire?
  8. Namakanda- that (frog) that is giantic and multicoloured. Ekhere namakanda liri musichikhi.
  9. Namasimbie- that chicken with golden feathers.
  10. Namukasa- that (item) which is copper laced or associated with copper. Esikombe namukasa siange.
  11. Nanjakambirwa- that who is beyond being advised. Omusolili nanjakambira akhupwirwe.
  12. Nanjakenda- that who is less exposed. Omusolili nanjakenda kaha mungo.
  13. Nasikoko- that (lady) who has given birth while still unmaried. Anyoye omukhasi nasikoko.
  14. Nasilesi- that (chicken or guinea fowl with bluish feathers. Atiye ekhanga nasilesi.


a) Using the suffix ~e.

Derivation is a very productive way of adjective formation in Olunyala (K). Adjectives are formed from the base form of verbs as well as from their various basic forms and causative forms.

All Olunyala (K) verbs in their base form,  root verbs, end in final vowel ~a. Olunyala (K) then form adjectives from some of the base verbs by changing the final vowel form ~a into ~e. 

  1. ~ache- that which is broken. Enyungu enchache yiri?
  2. ~achukhe- that which is split once vertically. Amachemwa amachukhe ako kange niko.
  3. ~akaake- that (animal) which is messaged. Eng'ombe enchakaake yemire khungira.
  4. ~akhe- that (sun or fire) which is hot. Omuliro omwakhe kuchuchisisie.
  5. ~akikhe- that (load) which is mounted on something to carry them. Amatumwa amaakikhe kefwe.
  6. ~ale- that (bedding or chairs) which is made ready for use. Ebisala ebiale bia abakeni.
  7. ~alikhe- that (ugali) which is put on fire for cooking. Owusuma owalikhe wuno wa abakeni?
  8. ~alikhe- that (lady) who is married off as second wifewife. Omukhasi omualikhe akochire?
  9. ~alilire- that (white ant trap) which is with trap hole lined with banana leaves or smooth leaves. Efuwo enjalilire yanu?
  10. ~alule- that (bedding or cover) which is not spread out. Esitanda esialule siange.
  11. ~alule- that (eggs) which is hatched. Enyuni enjalule chikwiye hasi.
  12. ~alule- that which is hatched. Enyuni enchalule chikwiye hasi.
  13. ~ambe- that which is alight. Omuliro omuambe kuno kwa sina?
  14. ~ambe- that which is got hold of; possessed. Enyuni embambe yipurukhire.
  15. ~ambe- that (roof) whose base is thatched. Esilama esiambe silayi.
  16. ~ambule- that which is found dead or dying and picked or helped. Olume olwambule lubi.
  17. ~andakale- that which is scattered. Amakanda amaandakale kano kanu?
  18. ~andalale- that which is coarse on surface. Eta ehandalale lino liange.
  19. ~andiakule- that which is coarse due to large particles. Owusie owuandiakule wuno wange?
  20. ~andike- that which is written. Ebarua embandike eyi yiyo?
  21. ~ane- that which is given or submitted. Esemde embane chikochire?
  22. ~anje- that which is arranged, set out in order, made into a list, tabulated. Amatumwa amanje kano kanu.
  23. ~anjule- that which is with leaves removed. Omusala omuanchule kwomire.
  24. ~anjulule-  that which is long-arranged, set out in long order, made into a long list, tabulated into long table. Amatumwa amanjulue kano kanu.
  25. ~anule- that which is unspread from drying. Amatumwa amanule kano kano.
  26. ~asake- that which is spilt severally and virtically. Olukhwi olwasake luno lwa senge.
  27. ~asame- that which is gaping, wide opened. Omuliango omwasame kuno kwefwe.
  28. ~ase- that (animal) which is scared off by being shouted at. Esikhupi esiase siwukuye engokho.
  29. ~asule- that which is split in middle virtically. Amakonge am'asule kali?
  30. ~atikhane- that which is cracked. Eta eliatikhane liri okhukwa.
  31. ~atikhe- that which is broken. Enyungu enjatisie yiri hano.
  32. ~atule- that which is scratched. Okhukulu okhuhatule okhu khwange?
  33. ~atukhee- that which is blazing. Omuliro omuatukhe kuno kwasi?
  34. ~aukhane- that which is distinguished, differentiated, separated. Amakanda amaukhane nje akako.
  35. ~aule- that which is sorted out, separated, selected from amongst a crowd, set apart, ordained, consecrated. Abalondi abaule bali?
  36. ~aye- that which is shepherded. Engombe enjaye chiri hano.
  37. ~baache- that which is carved from wood, stem peeled. Amapwoni amabaache kali.
  38. ~baachule- that which is with part of side curved off by one cut. Omwoko omubachule kuli hano.
  39. ~bachule- that (trap) which is snapped. Omubaso mubachule kutiranga enyuni?
  40. ~bake- that which is skinned. Esero ebake liri?
  41. ~bakwane- that which is associated with others in unity, gets on well together, agrees with one another. Abaukha abakwane bamenya muno.
  42. ~balalire- that (joint) which is dislocated by itself. Ekhumbo ebalalire limuchuna.
  43. ~bale- that which is counted. Amaembe amabale kano kako?
  44. ~balire- that which is hot. Amachi amabalire kano kanu?
  45. ~bambe- that which is stretched out, split open and spread out, crucified. Esero ebambe lino lianu? 

  46. ~bambukhe- that (ears) which is widened. Amachwi amabambuke kano kachula hena?
  47. ~bambukhe- that which is opened from single fold by itself. Enguwo embambukhe eyo yifunikhwe.
  48. ~bande- that which is concealed. Amakanda amabande ako kefwe?
  49. ~bandule- that (hair) which is braided backward. Nanjala ali nende efwiri ebandule.
  50. ~banje- that who is indebted. Omusakhulu omubanje kebachire?
  51. ~base- that which is twisted together to make a rope or mat. Omukoye omubase kuliho?
  52. ~batikhe- that (water) which is warmed for defeathering a chicken, hand washing or for beer. Amachi amabatikhe kali hano.
  53. ~batise- that which is baptized. Engokho empatise yisirire amawuyu.
  54. ~bayule- that which is hollow and widened by pulling sides. Omusiko omubayule kuli hano.
  55. ~bechakale- that (air) which is belched. Emiuya emibechakale kiwunya.
  56. ~beche- that which is slashed. Owunyasi owubeche wuli?
  57. ~bechule- that which is slashed with one moving sweep. Amachemwa amabechule kakwiye hasi.
  58. ~beke- that which is shaved. Omuchwe omubeke kuno kwanu?
  59. ~bekhe- that which is carried on the back. Omwana omubekhe alira
  60. ~bekhule- that who is placed down after having been lifted. Omwana omubekhule oyu wanu?
  61. ~bengule- that which is provoked defensive flight mode. Enjukhi embengule chikhupire embusi.
  62. ~benguye- that which is provoked into defensive flight mode. Enjukhi embenguye chikhupira embusi.
  63. ~berekhe- that who is impregnated. Omukhana omuberekhe mwene ali?
  64. ~beye- that who is married as wife without having paid dowry; eloped. Omukhana omubaye ali ewenywe.
  65. ~beyerese- that which is cheated, deceived, lied to. Omukhana omubeye kengiye mu'simba.
  66. ~bibe- that which is raked; gathered together with a long forked stick. Amakokha amabibe kawunya.
  67. ~biche- that which is ovetaken; by passed. Omutoka omubiche kusiri khungira.
  68. ~bikhe- that which is bewitched to fall seek. Amakhirikhikhi amabikhe ako kabanga amabi.
  69. ~bikhe- that which is stored. Ebiakhulia ebibikhe biri munyumba.
  70. ~bire- that which is boiling over. Echai embire yitikhire.
  71. ~birire- that which is forgotten. Embako enjibirire yakochire.
  72. ~bisie- that (rain) which is made not to rain by use of charms from a rain maker. Efula embise yikwiye alehi.
  73. ~bisie- that which is passed in a meeting. Embosi embisie sikhuyikoleramo tawe.
  74. ~bisie- that which is winnowed by pouring up and down via air for chaff to be blown off. Amatumwa amabisie kali hano. 
  75. ~biye- that which is bottom-wiped. Omwana omubiyie kekhale.
  76. ~burusie- that which is caused to fly. Emyuni emburusie yichiye.
  77. ~chaake- that which is put in firm position. Omusala omuchaake kuli hano.
  78. ~chabache- that which is carried on the sides. Omwana omuchabache ono wanu?
  79. ~chabandukhe- that which is leaked and made to flow out continouslyl. Amanyi amachabandukhe kano kasi?
  80. ~chabikhe- that which is locked from outside. Omuliango omuchabikhe oku kwanu?
  81. ~chabikhulule- that (door) which is unlocked from outside. Omuliango omuchabikhulule kwefwe.
  82. ~chabirise- that which is taken by surprise. Omwibi omuchabirise atiywe.
  83. ~chafunyale- that which is dirtied. Ebisani ebichafunyale ebi bianu?
  84. ~chakichikhe- that which is compound fractured.
  85. ~chalase- that who is debased; devalued. Omukeni omuchalase ono wanu?
  86. ~chale- that (cattle) which is hit with an arrow to collect blood. Eng'ombe enchale chilie osilongo.
  87. ~chalise- that which is made to get used to deviancy. Omwana muchalise oyu wanu?
  88. ~chaluse- that which is scared off from a place. Embwa enchaluse lundi yikoye.
  89. ~changalase- that who is got in the act and rendered speechless. Omusacha omuchangalase oyo wuwo?
  90. ~chang'ane- that who is bullied. Omwana omuchang'ane alira.
  91. ~chanje- that which is vaccinated. Eng'ombe enchanje chiefwe.
  92. ~chanule- that (hair) which is stretched. Efwiri echanule elio elayi.
  93. ~chanuule- that which is comb-stretched. Oluyingo oluchanule olwo lwange.
  94. ~chase- that (honey or bees) that is burned using fire during harvesting. Enjukhi enjase yiwuyire.
  95. ~cheke- that which is trap-caught. Enyuni encheke eyo yiyo?
  96. ~chekekhe- that which is strategically placed. Omupira omuchekekhe kukhukhaye okhukhupa?
  97. ~chekule- that which is started or set to go. Olukina oluchekule luli hena.
  98. ~cheme- that which is cut, chopped. Amatumwa amacheme kaliyo?
  99. ~chemule- that which is cut or chopped across once. Yesu kakosakho okhuchwi okhuchemule.
  100. ~chengekhe- that (pot with bear) which is placed on specuial place for drinking. Amalwa amachengekhe kali hano.
  101. ~chenjese- that which is shaken. Yema ha omusala omuchemjese.
  102. ~cherere- that which is slippery. Omusala omucherere kuli ewenywe?
  103. ~chikhirise- that which is scared off. Omwana omuchikhirise alira.
  104. ~chimbulule- that which is unravelled; entangled needlework, complicated matter that has received explanation. Esweta enjimbulule yiyo?
  105. ~chinikhe- that who is injected. Omwana muchinikhe alira.
  106. ~chinjibe- that which is soggy. Owulili owuchinjibe owo wange.
  107. ~chioniofule- that which is rebutted by giving finer details. Amakhuwa amachioniofule ngako.
  108. ~chirise- that (liquid) which is forcefully spurted out through a small hole. Amachi amachirise kakwiye eyo.
  109. ~chobekhe- that which is inserted to hung on the sides. Owunyasi owuchobekhe wukwiye.
  110. ~chobirise- that which is got by opportunistic means. Endiye enyama enchobirise.
  111. ~choche- that which is threshed or beaten repeatedly. Omwana omuchoche kakheyikama.
  112. ~chokhone- that which is made hollow by scooping its inside. Eondo echokhone lino lianu?
  113. ~chole- that which is picked from the stem twigs. Eliani echole liri?
  114. ~cholole- that which is urinated unintentionally. Amenyali amacholole kano kako?
  115. ~chome- that which is pierced. Okhukulu okhuchome khuchuna.
  116. ~chomekhe- that which is dedicated, that which is aimed, that which is pierced. Bamuwaye amasayo amachomekhe.
  117. ~chomole- that which is withdrawn. Omubano omuchomole kuli hano.
  118. ~chomolole- that which is withdrawn. Omubano omuchomolole kuli hano.
  119. ~chonge- that which is sharpened on one end. Esikhongo esichonge siri hena?
  120. ~chongole- that (timber) which is collected for the purpose of building. Ekheti enchongole echio chianu?
  121. ~chongolole- that which is made taller than expected. Omukulo omuchongolole kuno kwanu?
  122. ~chonjobe- that which is sharp, curved and long. Olukhaayiro oluchinjobe olwo lwanu?
  123. ~choole- that which is bewitched by picking of an item belonging to him and her. Omusolili omuchole afwiye.
  124. ~chopole- that (fish) which is hooked out of water. Eng'eni enchopole yiri hano.
  125. ~chore- that which is drawn. Enyumba enchore endayi.
  126. ~chosole- that (small piece) which is axed off from the main one. Ebiwawa ebichosole bino biosi ekhwi?
  127. ~chowole- that who is selected, choosen, appointed, selected. Abakhasi abachowole batekhire amakalakapwe.
  128. ~chuchukhe- that which is faded. Enguwo enjuchukhe eyo yange.
  129. ~chuke- that which is domesticate. Enjukha enjuke chiri ewawe?
  130. ~chukhe- that which is poured out. Embwa yikhombire owusera owuchukhe.
  131. ~chukuche- that which is hurled at. Ekina echukuche limukhupire.
  132. ~chukune- that which is full of ringwarm rings. Omuchwe omuchukune oku kwanu?
  133. ~chumbule- that which is verbally declared. Ekhuwa echumbule libaye wusa elala.
  134. ~chume- that which is send by another. Omwana omuchume ali ewuwo?
  135. ~chunchune- that who is light kissed. Omusolili omuchunchune asangaye.
  136. ~chunde- that which is hustled. Amatumwa amachunde kali?
  137. ~chunduse- that which is exploded. Enyende enjunduse yirimo ebikingi.
  138. ~chune- that which is pinched. Omwana omuchune alira.
  139. ~chunge- that which is linked by inserting a wire or string throught it. Akulire owoba owuchunge.
  140. ~chunge- that which is paid. Eng'ombe enchunge nise ochusise.
  141. ~chunule- that which is burned using hot water. Esikhoba esichunule sing'enya.
  142. ~chunule- that which is pinched off from another, untied by simple pull. Enyama enchunule enditi niyo.
  143. ~chuse- that (goal) which is disallowed. Ekoli enchuse yinchunia omwoyo.
  144. ~chuse- that which is taken out, driven out, subtracted, removed. Abafulu abachuse baliye engokho.
  145. ~chuule- that which is placed down from head after carrying. Amachi amachule kano kefwe.
  146. ~chuwule- that which is ablaze, flared up. Omuliro omuchuwule kusambire esiaki.
  147. ~chwate- that which is tight; with less noticeable buttocks. Enguwo enchwate eyi yosi yiyo?
  148. ~chwayirise- that which is provoked to fight each other. Abana abachwayirise bakhupana.
  149. ~chwekhe- that (eyes) which is wide and glowing in nature. Okusacha kwa emoni enchwakhe kuli?
  150. ~chwichwise- that which is abruptly forced. Omusolili omuchwichwise alira.
  151. ~chwikhule- that which is put down from the head. Ekhwi enchweikhule echi chianu
  152. ~chwing'e- that which is pumped with air. Omupira omuchwing'e kuli hano.
  153. ~chwise- that which is tightened. Efundikho echwise likangulukhire liche?
  154. ~chwisulule- that which is untightened. Omukoye omuchwisulule kwange.
  155. ~eiywe- that which is swept, wiped. Oweru oweiywe wuno wange.
  156. ~emberese- that (song) which is soloed. Olwimbo olwemberese lunyonyire.
  157. ~emekhe- that (structure) which is erected; coronated. Enchu enyemekhe yino yanu?
  158. ~emiche- that which is broadcasted. Emichi emimiche ekio kimelire.
  159. ~emire- that which is standing. Amasimba akemire kano katakha si?
  160. ~ende - that which is fetched. Amakondi amende kali musitioli.
  161. ~ene- that which is itself. Esitandaliro esiene siri ena?
  162. ~ere- that which is young. Omwana omuere ali hena?
  163. ~erere- that which is empty. Akingire emikhono emierere?
  164. ~eroche- that which is complained. Amakhuwa ameroche ako kabaye amabi.
  165. ~esungule- that which is almost giving birth after breaking amniotic fluid. Eng'ombe esungule eyo yange?
  166. ~etise- that which is spilled. Amachi ametise ako kange.
  167. ~etise- that which is spilled. Amachi ametise ako kange.
  168. ~fube- that which is spoiled through becoming cold, spoiled through going off the boil, unhatched. Amawuyu amafube kali?
  169. ~fube- that which is thrown towards each other. Echemwa efube elio liange.
  170. ~fuche- that which is spit. Amache amafuche kali hano.
  171. ~fuchikhe- that which is overused intil it turns less valued. Esieyo esifuchikhe siri hena.
  172. ~fufule- that which is roasted by unserting it in hot ash. Njanu olianga etumwa efufule?
  173. ~fuke- that which is made with cooking stick; - that which is paddled. Owusuma owufuke wuli khu sifulia.
  174. ~fukhule- that which is forraged out. Eloba efukhule liri muno?
  175. ~fukirire- that which is agreed to. Abasangi abafukirire bachia mwikulu.
  176. ~fulafuse- that which is soiled by being turned in soil. Enguwo efulafuse eyi yanu?
  177. ~fule- that which is with ink out of its tube. Ekalamu efule yino yanu?
  178. ~fuluke- that which is stired over fire. Owusera owufuluke wuli?
  179. ~fulukefuluke- that which is disorganized. Emirimo emufulukefuke eki mibi.
  180. ~fulule- that which is surface burned over fire. Enyama efulule yino yanu niyo?
  181. ~fululukhe- that which is withered. Eliani efululukhe liri mumukunda.
  182. ~fumalise- that which is overtuned. Esimero esifumalise sino sirimo sina?
  183. ~fumaye- that which is lieing face down. Engokho eyifumaye eyi yiyo?
  184. ~fumbache- that which is held in clenched hand, taken a handful. Amakalakapwe amafumbache kosi ekhukabe.
  185. ~fumbikhe- that (fire) which is covered with ash to stay long for next day's use. Omuliro omufumbikhe kuli ewa kukhu.
  186. ~fumbuse- that which is startled our of hiding. Akhasimba akhafumbuse khakwiye mumachi.
  187. ~fumbuse- that which is startled out of hiding. Akhasimba akhafumbuse khakwiye mumachi.
  188. ~fume - that which is covered at the top. Esimwelo esifume sia kukhu.
  189. ~fumule- that which is beaten with heavy downward blows. Omukhasi omufumule alira.
  190. ~fumulule- that (hair) which is undone. Abaye nende efwiri efumulule
  191. ~fumunde- that which is spherical and hollow. Omupira omufumunde kuli munyumba.
  192. ~fumundule- that (egg) which is whisked for cooking. Amaki amafumundule kali hano?
  193. ~fumundule- that which is scrambled. Ewuyu efumundule elio liange.
  194. ~funake- that which is broken. Olukhwi olufunake luli hasi.
  195. ~funame- that which is harvested and covered in order to reach good state for use. Emilabi emifuname kiri muno.
  196. ~funame- that which is harvested and covered in order to reach good state for use. Emilabi emifuname kiri muno.
  197. ~fundise- that (animal) which is conditioned. Eng'ombe efundise chilima. 
  198. ~fundukhulule- that (knot) which is undone. Omukoye mufundukhulule oku kwefwe?
  199. ~fundukuse- that which is dug up from ground into a heap. Eloba efundukuse eli lia efukho.
  200. ~fundulire- that (wall) which is given an extention. Enchu efundulire eyo ya Khaoma.
  201. ~fune - that which is hervested. Amatumwa amafune kali musiaki.
  202. ~funge- that (animal) which is harnessed by use of a yoke. Eng'ombe efunge chirima.
  203. ~funge- that which is fastened, locked. Olwiki olufunge lwikukhire?
  204. ~fungule- that (animal) which is set free from the harness of yoke. Eng'ombe efungule yimoolola.
  205. ~fungule- - that which is unfastened, unlocked. Omuliango omufungule nje okukwo.
  206. ~fungulule- that which is unfastened, unlocked. Omuliango omufungulule nje okukwo.
  207. ~funikhe- that which is covered. Owusuma owufunikhe wange.
  208. ~funikhe- that which is snapped. Esisala esifunikhe siange nisyo.
  209. ~funiukhe- that (foreskin) which is pulled back. Owusacha owufuniukhe owu wanu?
  210. ~funiule- that which is with foreskin pulled back. Owusacha owufuniule owu wunu?
  211. ~funukhule- that which is uncovered to remove what was covered. Engokho efunukhule yiri muwuli.
  212. ~funule- that which is with lid open. Esimuka esifunule siri khusichibi.
  213. ~fute- that which is rubbed, relieved from job, retrenched. Omusikari omufute aliye eondo.
  214. ~futule- that which is pierced. Esifulia esifutule sisyo?
  215. ~futulefutule- that which is perforated. Esifulia esifutulefutule sienywe?
  216. ~futumbe- that which is forcefully fitted in a small space by bending. Omukeni omufutumbe oyu kenyokhe kekhale khuno.
  217. ~futume- that (vegetable) which is cooked without salt. Eliani efutume liri hena?
  218. ~fuwe- that (cloth) which is washed. Enguwo efuwe chino esicho nichio.
  219. ~fuwe- that who is given presents to performers. Omwembi omufuwe anyonyerise omwenya.
  220. ~fuwule- that which is with the top cover or skin layer removed to expose the inner layer. Amatech amafuwule kali hano.
  221. ~fuyuse- that (air) which is farted quietly. Amasi amafuyuse kawunya.
  222. ~fwakanye- that which is tied into banana leaves. Omalesi amafwakanye ako kange.
  223. ~fwakhe- that which is roped up around the neck. Eng'ombe efwakhe yiri?
  224. ~fwakhie- that which is with rope put around the neck. Eng'ombe efwakhe yiri?
  225. ~fwakhule- that which is with rope removed from oround the neck. Eng'ombe efwakhule yinywa amachi.
  226. ~fwale- that who is dressed. Omwana omufwale kengire mumutoka.
  227. ~fwalule- that who is undressed. Omwana omufwalule achie afwale.
  228. ~fwambe- that which is embraced and carried with both hand near the chest. Omukhana omufwambe alira.
  229. ~fwambule- that who is left after being embraced. Omukhana omufwambule alira.
  230. ~fwanane- that which is with great resemblence to the other. Abana abafwanane bano banu?
  231. ~fwanirise- that which is doubted. Omukhana omufwanirise oyu wanu?
  232. ~fwanirise- that who is doubted. Omukhana omufwanirise oyu wanu?
  233. ~fwokoye- that which has been caused to be flacid, fidgety and weak. Omubiri omufwokoye kuno kuwuma omulimo.
  234. ~fwokoye- that who is faccid, fidgety and weak. Omubiri omufwokoye kuno kuwuma omulimo.
  235. ~fwole- that which is downgraded. Omukhana omufwole aweyeho?
  236. ~fwonole- that which is dislocated, separated at the bones. Enyuni efwonole yori musikapu.
  237. ~fworombe- that which is like a plumb bob. Eforombo efworombe yipimanga owulayi.
  238. ~fworombe- that which is like a plumb bob. Efworombo efworombe yipimanga owulayi.
  239. ~fwotome- that which is with bottom-pressed upward. Esifulia esifwotome sitekhanga amalwa.
  240. ~fwototokhe- that (heart) which is with little hope. Khuli nende emioyo emifwototokhe.
  241. ~habine- that who is helped after a plea. Omwibi omuhabine atiywe.
  242. ~hakale- that which is whetted; sharpened. Olupanga oluhakale luli?
  243. ~hambane- that which is stuck together. Embawu embambane chiri hano?
  244. ~hambe- that which is taken hold of firmly, possessed, seized. Enyuni embake yichwira.
  245. ~hane - that which is given out. Esifulia esihane esi sianu?
  246. ~hangalase-that (ugali) which is cooked with little water to flour ratio. Owusuma owuhangalase wuno wange?
  247. ~hang'inye- that who is raped. Omukhana omuhang'inye ali nende enda.
  248. ~hanikhe- that which is hang up. Esinyasa esihanikhe esio sianu?
  249. ~hanule- that which is unhang. Esinyasa esihanule esio siange.
  250. ~hanye- that which is sprinkled. Amakanda amawanye kamelire.
  251. ~hanyule- that which is shaken off from ones hand. Amachi amahanyule kakwiye muweru.
  252. ~heme- that which is chased away by waving away. Esi embeme chipurukhire.
  253. ~hose- that who is cured using antidote for a given felony. Omusacha omuhose awonire.
  254. ~ibirire- that which is forgotten. Enguwo enjibirire chitochire.
  255. ~ichanye- that which is locally made by a blacksmith. Omubano omwichanye kuli hano.
  256. ~iche- that which is killed; murdered. Embwa enjiche eyo yanu?
  257. ~ichuye- that which is full. Mberese esikombe sichuye.
  258. ~ikale- that which is closed; shut. Omuliango omwikale oku kwanu?
  259. ~ikalire- that which is hindered. Amachi amekalire kabomoye eloba.
  260. ~ikule - that which is opened. Omuliango omwikule kuno kwanu?
  261. ~ikulire- that (circumcision candidate) who is sang for that special circumcision song after mudding. Omusonde omwikulire kerukhure.
  262. ~ikulire- that which is paved way for. Amachi amekulire kapiringikhure.
  263. ~imane- that which is denied: not being given out. Embako enyimane njieyo?
  264. ~ingirirwe- that which is the invaded. Abamenywa abengirirwe bakhupirwe.
  265. ~ingise- that which is admitted. Abana abengise basoma.
  266. ~inikhe- that which is imearsed in water to soften. Omalwa amenikhe kali?
  267. ~inikhe- that which is submarged. Omakanda amenikhe kano kako niko.
  268. ~inukhule- that which is out on the water surface from under the water. Omulambo omwinukhule okwo kwanu?
  269. ~inukhulule- that which is remove out of water surface. Omulambo omwinukhulule okwo kwanu?
  270. ~inukukhe- that which is disolved. Chumbe inchinukukhe yiweye.
  271. ~inule- that which is taken off from fire. Enungiro enyinule yiri?
  272. ~ire- that (day) which is dark. Olutaro olwire luno?
  273. ~irise- that (wall) which is smoothened with fine soil. Eta elirise elio elayi.
  274. ~iruche- that (crop) which is weeded second time. Amatumwa ameruche kali hano.
  275. ~iwuse- that which is helped to give birth. Embusi enchiwuse yilia emilabi.
  276. ~iwuuse- that which is gone out of unconsciousness. Omusiere omwiwuuse asaba amachemwa.
  277. ~kaame- that which is given out by hand to another. Esende engaame echi chichio?
  278. ~kabane- that which is allotted, demarcated for sharing. Omukunda omukabane oku kwa kuka.
  279. ~kabe- that which is allotted, demarcated for sharing. Omukunda omukabe oku kwa kuka.
  280. ~kabe- that which is gifted. Afwaye ekoti ekabe.
  281. ~kache- that which is made circular. Olusala olukache luli hena?
  282. ~kachule- that which is joked. Amakhuwa amakachule nje akakhulisia?
  283. ~kachulule- that which is made not to be circular. Engacha engachulule eyi yibaye yange?
  284. ~kakambe- that which is with dried scars. Ekonjo ekakambe liba lihona.
  285. ~kakambule- that which is with scars dregs removed. Eng'eni engakambule chiri?
  286. ~kakule- that who is fed by cupped hand against the mouth. Omwana omukakule ono wuwo?
  287. ~kalamiriye- that who is lying on his or her back. Omusolilri okalamiriye oyo wanu?
  288. ~kalangase- that which is rinsed. Enguwo engalangase chiri ano?
  289. ~kalikhe- that (hands) which is raised up in prayer. Amakhono amakalikhe ako kasaba Were esilekhero.
  290. ~kalule- that which is second ploughed. Omukunda omukalule kwefwe?
  291. ~kalule- that which is translated. Amakhuwa amakalule kali hano.
  292. ~kambe- that which is ruled or directed. Amakhuwa amakambe kabaye amalayi.
  293. ~kame- that (animal) which is gifted by the uncles as part of culture. Eng'ombe engame yirukhire.
  294. ~kame- that which is handed over. Esifulia esikame sifutukhire.
  295. ~kamule- that which is cought when moving in air. Omupira omukamule kuli hano.
  296. ~kangulule- that which is untied. Omukoye omukangulule kuli?
  297. ~kanie- that which is prevented. Abakhini abakanie baweyewo.
  298. ~kanie- that which is refused. Okoleye mu ekoso ekanie.
  299. ~kanikhe- that which is armed for war or journey. Abasikari abakanikhe bano bachi emiero?
  300. ~kanye- that which is wrapped up, coiled up. Omukoye omukanye kuli hano.
  301. ~kanyulule- that which is unwrapped, uncoiled. Omukoye omukanyulule okwe mulehi nikwo.
  302. ~kase- that which is tightened. Omunyololo omukase nje omulahi.
  303. ~kasulule- that which is untightened. Omukoye omukasulule okwo kwefwe.
  304. ~kate- that who is challanged to go the wrong direction in a game. Omubayi omukate akwiye omunyikha.
  305. ~kaule- that (ugali) which is divided, shared. Owusuma owukawule wefwe?
  306. ~kaye- that which is prevented from fight. Omulwani omukaye apoolokhire.
  307. ~kaye- that which is unatteded to. Esende echikaye chino chianu?
  308. ~keke - that which is convinced and carried away. Omukhana omwikeke ngwoyo.
  309. ~kekemule- that which is cracked once across. Eta ekekemule likwiye.
  310. ~kekete- that which is snipped. Ebati ekekete liri hano.
  311. ~kelule- that (liquid) which is floated on another liquid. Amafucha amakelule kali musipoko.
  312. ~keme- that (cloth) which is with a hem. Enguwo engeme yikemulikhire.
  313. ~kemule- that (soil) which is broken off from a wall. Amaumbu amakemule kali ena?
  314. ~kemule- that which is hand pulled off to separate from main wall. Namusia alia amaumbu amakemule.
  315. ~keng'e- that (door) which is not bolted but closed. Omuliango omukeng'e oku kukhomekhwe.
  316. ~kerase- that which is compared, particularly with regard to comparison of size, weight, etc. Lecha amapwoni amakerase khulie.
  317. ~kerekhane- that which is fixed on top of the other. Ebimwero ebikerekhane evyo biange?
  318. ~kerekhe- that (load) which is given by another to be caried on another load. Amatumwa amakerekhe ako kange niko.
  319. ~kereme- that (child) who came which the mother. Omwana omukereme ali nende ekhabi.
  320. ~kerule- that which is made to float on liquid; that which is intepreted. Omulambo omukerule ngwoko.
  321. ~kese- that which is harvested. Amakanda amakese kaliho? 
  322. ~kete- that which is blocked; decanted. Eng'ombe engete chiaya.
  323. ~ketulule- that which is decanted off or strained off. Eliani eketulule liri hena?
  324. ~keyule- that (thichened staff) which is skimmed off water. Amafucha amakeyule kali hano.
  325. ~khaache- that (vegetable) which is eaten without ugali. Esaka ekhaache chiweye?
  326. ~khaaye- that which is cut with a sickle. Owunyasi owukhaaye wuli?
  327. ~khaayule- that which is cut with a sickle in one sweep. Owunyasi owukhayule wuli hasi.
  328. ~khalake- that which is cut across into small piecess. Eliani ekhalake liri?
  329. ~khalange- that which is roasted on the pan. Amaito amakhalange kaliwo.
  330. ~khale- that which is old. Omutoka omukhale kukwamire.
  331. ~khale- that which is snipped. Emakhola amakhale kali hano.
  332. ~khalekhale- that which is archaich; belonging to ancestor. Olwembo olukhalakhale lunyonyire.
  333. ~khalilise- that (vegetable) is harvested by clipping the first young leaves. Eliani ekhalilise liri ewefwe.
  334. ~khamache- that which is grasped. Esichuma sikhamache sikhengwe.
  335. ~khambe- that which is with scales. Eng'eni ekhambe chiri hano.
  336. ~khame- that which is milked. Amabere amakhame kaliwo.
  337. ~khamule- that which is bitten once and pulled to remove a junk of flesh. Eng'ombe ekhamule yikonire ha siaki.
  338. ~khamuuse- that (air) which is breathed in vepour form from herbs as cure for chest congestion. Omuuya omukhamuse kumuwonisie.
  339. ~khande- that which is knofed. Omwibi omukhande afwiye.
  340. ~khandiachake- that which is with tough meat muscle bitten off in large junks. Esimba ekhandiachake lifwiye.
  341. ~khang'ule- that which is bitten once to easily remove a junk of flesh. Engokho ekhang'ule yange niyo.
  342. ~khanye- that (item) which is shown off. Esifulia esikhanye sichokire.
  343. ~khebe- that who is circumcised. Omwana omukhebe achiye engo.
  344. ~khebere- that which is cut with a sickle. Owunyasi owukhebere wuweye.
  345. ~khenge- that which is cut with sharp knife from the main one. Enyama ekhenge yiri hena?
  346. ~khenulule- that which is with the last drop of water removed. Eliani ekhenulule liweye.
  347. ~kherekhane- that which is averaged. Bakabire esende ekherekhanie.
  348. ~kherekhe- that (ash) which is mixed with water for making the cooking alkaline solution. Omunyu omukherekhe kuno kwanu nikwo?
  349. ~khese- that who is greeted. Omukeni omukhese akocheye hena?
  350. ~khiine- that (white ants) gifted to a person who has nothing after hervesting. Eswa ekhiine chiri hano.
  351. ~khine- that which is danced. Owukhino owukhine wuno wukeni.
  352. ~khochakule - that which is removed first teeth. Ameno amakhochakule kali?
  353. ~khoche - that which is brocken off from the main tree by pulling. Esimbo ekhoche yiri ena?
  354. ~khole- that which is done. Esikholwa esikhole sibaye esibi.
  355. ~khombe- that which is licked. Esimosi esikhombe sikonire.
  356. ~khome- that which is hammered. Esikhongo esikhome sikhulikhire.
  357. ~khome- that which is uproductive. Esiswa esikhome siriyo. 
  358. ~khomekhe- that which is locked from inside. Omulingo omukhomekhe nje okukwo.
  359. ~khomokhe- that which is bored. Abakeni abakhomokhe abo banu?
  360. ~khomole- that (eyes) which is manually oppened. Kupa omwana wa emoni ekhomole.
  361. ~khomolole- that which is unhammered; unhinged. Emisumari emikhomolole kiri ena?
  362. ~khondiole-that (eyes) which is opened askance. Emoni ekhondiole echio chia sin?
  363. ~khonge- that which is huge. Amattete amakhonge kapurukhire.
  364. ~khongole- that (horn) which is beaten off from its position. Eng'ombe ya enjika ekhongole yiyo?
  365. ~khong'ole- that which is beaten by knuckles. Omwana omukhong'ole alira?
  366. ~khong'ole- that which is mango seed shaped. Omuchwe omukhong'ole oku mulayi nikwo?
  367. ~khong'onde- that which is knocked using knuckles. Omuliango omukhongonde kuli hano?
  368. ~khonje- that which is chaff-removed by flapping the container up and down such that the lighter chaff is blown away. Amatumwa amakhonje kali hano.
  369. ~khonjuwule - that which is abranded. Esinchu esikhonjowule siri hano.
  370. ~khonyolole that (groundnuts) which is removed from stem (groundnuts). Enjuku ekhonyolole chiri ewawe.
  371. ~khose- that which is eluminated. Esifulia esikhose esio nje esisio?
  372. ~khoyeye- that which is deserved, appropriated to, fitting for. Emboko eyikhoyeye njieyo?
  373. ~khukhumuse - that which is scattered. Amasafu amakhukhumuse kali hasi.
  374. ~khule- that which is removed, pulled out, taken out, extracted. Ewa ekhule ndieri.
  375. ~khulilise- that (vegetable) which is harvested by thinning. Emicho emikhulilise kiri ewange 
  376. ~khulukhumbe- that which is healthy and moving about. Amwana omukhulukhumbe asola.
  377. ~khulukhunye - that which is bluntly cut. Echu ekhulukhunye eli liasi?
  378. ~khulunguse- that (ugali) which is cooked in very small amaount. Owusuma owukhulunguse wuli hano.
  379. ~khunde-that (lady) which is involved in sexual intercourse. Omukhana omukhunde aweyewo?
  380. ~khung'ane- that which is assembled, gathered together, collected. Abasangi abakhung'ane basala.
  381. ~khunie-that (face) which is wrinkled. Oweni owukhunie owu wa Kuka?
  382. ~khupe- that which is beaten or granary newly made. Omusomi omukhupe alira.
  383. ~khupirise- that which is bulldozed. Abanati abakhupirise sibanyoye enganga ta.
  384. ~khuye- that (fish) which is fished using long sharp sticks. Eng'eni ekhuye chiri hano.
  385. ~khuye- that which is solidly full. Etumwa ekhuye liri hena?
  386. ~khuyunge- that which is made to boomarang. Esisala esikhuyunge sikhupire omwana.
  387. ~khwalikhe- that who is married as second wife. Omukhana omukhwalikhe aliyo?
  388. ~khwaye- that which is collected by single palm from the others. Akalakapwe amakhwaye kano manulu.
  389. ~khwe- that which is paid as dowry. Eng'ombe ekhwe chiaya.
  390. ~khwekhwese - that which is dragged atop another item. Ekorokocho ekhwekhwese liri engo.
  391. ~khwekhwesule- that which is dragged on ground. Ekaka ekhwekhwesule liri ano?
  392. ~khwese- that which is pulled. Omukhwesero omukhwese kuli hano.
  393. ~khweyukhe- that which is faded due to tear and wear. Enguwo ekhweyukhe yiri?
  394. ~kimbe that (rain) which is made to rain by use charms from rainmaker. Efula engimbe yikwiye.
  395. ~kine that (hair) which is trimmed. Oweni owukine wuno.
  396. ~kinge - that which is carried. Amatumwa amakinge kali ena?
  397. ~kingule- that which is held up, glorified. Efumo ekingule elio lianu nilyo?
  398. ~kise- that which is hidden. Owusuma owukise owo wanu?
  399. ~kisule- that which is torn by use of teeth or beak. Enyama engisule yiweye.
  400. ~kisulule- that which is revealed or brought to light. Ebifulia ebikisulule bino bienywe?
  401. ~kitule that (rope or sring) which is snapped. Omukoye omukitule kuli hena?
  402. ~kochiokhe - that which is completely out of sight. Eng'eniesi engochokhe eyo yibaye engali.
  403. ~koke - that which is knocked on one side, thrown down in whrestling. Omusacha omukoke kerukhire.
  404. ~koktie - that which is crumbled up into bow shaped. Esifulia esikokotie esio nje esiange?
  405. ~kolole - that which is aligned. Amakumba amakolole kalekhire okhuchuna.
  406. ~kololose - that which is straightened out. Omulambo omukololose kuli hano.
  407. ~komangome  - that which is irregular and is rolled around. Esichundu esikomangomie siri ena/
  408. ~komole - that which is dome shaped. Owni owukomole owu wulayi niwo?
  409. ~koniole - that which is twisted. Omukhono omukoniole kuchuna.
  410. ~konye  - that who is visited briefly and checked. Omulwaye omukonye aliho.
  411. ~konyerere - that which is tasted. Eliani ekonyerese liri hano.
  412. ~konyole - that which is twisted. Esichuma esikonyole sino sianu?
  413. ~koosie - that which is made fevoured, made fond of, made gracious. Omukhaye omukosie ali munchu.
  414. ~korose - that which is plaited in parallel lines on the head. Efwiri ekorosie elio elayi.
  415. ~kose - that which is brought back. Embako engose eyo yibayeyilachukhire.
  416. ~kotie - that which is bend. Olusala olukotie olu lukololoswe.
  417. ~kotiole - that which is twisted to dislocate. Omukhono omukotiole kuchuna.
  418. ~kotiombe - that which is with many bends. Omulandira omukotiombe oku kwanu nikwo?
  419. ~kotise - that which is hired or leased. Omukunda mukotise mubi nikwo.
  420. ~koye - that which is brewed. Amalwa amakoye kabayeyo.
  421. ~koyekoye - that which is rope like. Oluwaya olukoyakoye luli hano.
  422. ~kuchumbule that (water) which is swirled. Amachi amakuchumbule kafuchirwe.
  423. ~kukhule - that which is dug up by a fork. Eloba ekukhule liriho?
  424. ~kukumule that which started by itself. Amakhuwa amakukumule aka kachula hena?
  425. ~kukune - that which is gnawed. Esikumba esikukune esi sianu?
  426. ~kulanie - that which is sold or purchased. Ekondi ekulanie lilobire okhukende.
  427. ~kulasanie - that which is batter traded. Ekondi ekulasanie liri?
  428. ~kule - that which is purchased. Ekondi ekule liri?
  429. ~kulikhe - that which is named. Omwana omukulikhe awuleye.
  430. ~kumbale - that which is made barren. Embusi engumbale eyo yiyo?
  431. ~kume - that which is encouraged. Aonda alimo omwoyo omukume.
  432. ~kunje - that which is folded. Olubala olukunje olu lwa Maria?
  433. ~kunjulule - that which is unfolded. Olubala olukunjulule olu lwa Maria.
  434. ~kunule - that which is toppled over by top. Enyungu engunule eyi yange.
  435. ~kunuse - that which is toppled over. Esimwelo esikunuse sino sisio?
  436. ~kunuse - that which is toppled over. Esimwelo esikunuse sino sisio?
  437. ~kunyule - that which is with cloth pulled up to expose bit of nakedness. Omukhana omukunyule oyu awewo.
  438. ~kurwache - that which is combed. Efwiri ekurwache elahi.
  439. ~kuse - that which is sold. Woha eng'ombe enguse.
  440. ~kuse - that which is sold. Woha enguwo enguse.
  441. ~kuule - that which is roofed. Enchu engule ya Tabata.
  442. ~kuwule - that which is hit by blunt oblect. Oweni owukuwule wusimbire.
  443. ~kwame - that which is stuck. Omutoka omukwame kuli mumatosi.
  444. ~kwane - that which is of similar traits. Abatesianie abakwane bamenyanga.
  445. ~kwanikhe - that which is apt, befitting. Ono nje omukhasi omukwanikhe.
  446. ~kwenye - that which is moved aside to pave way. Omutoka omukwenye kukwiye mukholobani.
  447. ~kweye - that which is paved. Engira engweye yiri mumikachi.
  448. ~kwiye - that which is fallen, dropped. Esifulia esikwiye esio siange.
  449. ~labe - that which is ripe. Epera elabe liri khu mwalo.
  450. ~labire - that which is ripe. Epera elabire liri khu mwalo.
  451. ~lache - that which is back kicked. Esimosi esilache sikwiye.
  452. ~lahe - that who is praised. Omusacha omulahe ngwoyo?
  453. ~lake - that which is promised. Omosi endake yiri engo.
  454. ~lake - that who is promised. Omusacha omulake abaye hano.
  455. ~lakirise - that who is promised several times. Omukeni omulakirise kakhengira.
  456. ~lakule - that which is prophesied, foretold. Amakhuwa amalakule kekholekhire.
  457. ~lambise that (legs) which is stretched out while seated. Emakulu amalambise ako kako?
  458. ~lambule - that which is explored, paid a visit of inspection, toured. Omukunda omulambule kuli engerekha.
  459. ~lame - that which is cursed. Omusolili omulame afwiye. 
  460. ~lame - that who is bequeathed. Omwami omulame aliyo.
  461. ~landule - that who is beaten while lying on ground. Abana abalandule benyole.
  462. ~landulule - that which is uprooted from creeping along the land. Esusa elandulule liomire.
  463. ~lange - that which is called, invited, named. Abakeni abalange bichiye okhulia.
  464. ~lase - that which is scorched, burned during cooking. Etumwa elase lino lianu?
  465. ~lase - that which is scotched, burned during cooking. Etumwa elase lino lianu?
  466. ~late - that which is castrated by elastrator. Ekondi elate likhomeye.
  467. ~laye - that which is in abundance. Engokho echilaye chino chanu?
  468. ~laye - that which is praised. Omusoli omulaye anywesise ekoli.
  469. ~lebe - that which is related by marriage. Abasakhulu abalebe bakeniyire.
  470. ~leche - that which is brought. Engokho endeche chiliye owule.
  471. ~leke - that which is despised. Omulosili omuleke ayirire wandayo?
  472. ~lekerese - that which is despised several times. Omusacha omulekerese alombire omutoka?
  473. ~lefume that which has hit the other with a thud. Amukhupire embi endefume.
  474. ~lekhane - that who is parted from the other. Abecha abalekhane bakoye halala.
  475. ~lekhe - that which is left. Esiokhulia esilekhe siri munchu?
  476. ~lekhese - that which is relieved off; retreanched. Omukholi omulekhese akoye ewenywe?
  477. ~lekhule - that which is gently dropped. Omwana omulekhule akoyeyo?
  478. ~lekulule - that which is stood at attention. Abasikari abalekulule bano batakha sina?
  479. ~lembukhe that (mouth lips) that hang loosely. Omunwa omulembukhe oku mubi.
  480. ~leme - that which is lame. Ekondi eleme liri ena?
  481. ~leme - that which is physically deficient, lame, walking with a limp. Ebata eleme liriye eswa.
  482. ~lengule - that which is directed into an opening. Amachi amalengule kengiye musongo
  483. ~lengulule that (beans) which is with pods produced. Amakanda amalengulule ako kange niko.
  484. ~liakule - that which is defrauded and no pay made. Amakanda amaliakule ako kali?
  485. ~liche - that who is a graduate of a process of okhulicha during circumcision. Abasolili abaliche bakhengira.
  486. ~lie - that which is eaten. Amatumwa amalie kakhatong'ire?
  487. ~liembese that (tongue) which is darted in and out of the mouth. Olulimi oluliembese olu lubi.
  488. ~limbe - that which is glued. Amasero amalimbe kalombe esilacho.
  489. ~likie - that which is erect. Owusacha owulikie wuno wasi?
  490. ~likule that which is made to start crying. Omwana omulikule ono wuwo.
  491. ~likulule - that which is made to start to flow off. Amachi amalikulule kakholomokha.
  492. ~limase - that who is joined in a marriage. Omukhana omulimase ili muno.
  493. ~limbule - that which is unglued. Esiraka esilimbule siri ena?
  494. ~lime - that which is cultivated. Omuka omulime nje okukwo.
  495. ~lise. - that which is fed. Eng'ombe endise yimolola?
  496. ~liule that (charm) which is unhiden. Eloko eliule ndieri.
  497. ~liwule - that which is beaten thoroughly.
  498. ~lobe - that which is fished with hook and line. Eng'eni endobe chiri.
  499. ~lobe - that which is refused. Omukhaye omulobe alira.
  500. ~loche - that which is dreamed. Ekhuwa eloche liendia anu?
  501. ~loke - that which is bewitched. Omwana omuloke akochire.
  502. ~lokote that (rejects) which is picked after doing hervesting. Amatuma amalokote kalimo?
  503. ~lome - that which is spoken. Amakhuwa amalome kano kosi mabi khu ewe?
  504. ~londe that (cattle) which is driven. Eng'ombe enonde chilima.
  505. ~londekhane - that which is adjacent to each other. Enyumba enondekhane chiri hano.
  506. ~londole - that which is peeled off a a top layer from a hard surface. Eloba elindokhe likwiye muweru.
  507. ~londoole - that which is traced by trail. Eng'ombe enondoole yinyolekhire.
  508. ~longe - that which is created from existing raw material. Enyungu enonge yino yange?
  509. ~loose that (child) who is old enough and has a sibling. Omwana omuloose alomaloma.
  510. ~loose - that which is submitted during case hearing. Amakhuwa amaloose ako kefwe?
  511. ~lowole that (food) which is belched out when bringing out the wind in a child. Owuchafu owulowole wuli hano.
  512. ~lulume - that which is abscessed. Esinchu esilulume siri muno?
  513. ~lumie - that who is blessed by circumciser. Omufulu omulumie alia owusuma.
  514. ~lungame - that which is summarised and to the point. Lomaloma amakhuwa amalungame.
  515. ~lwaye - that which is ill. Omusiere omulwaye anywa echai.
  516. ~maanye - that which is scratched badly which claws. Engokho emanye yifwiye.
  517. ~male - that which is finished, completed, brought to a close. Enyumba emale yiri?
  518. ~male - that which is mudded. Enyumaba emale eyo yefwe?
  519. ~mamire - that which is invaded by many. Eliani emamire elio lienya amalesi ka owulolo.
  520. ~mamule - that which is scorched by fire. Omusala omumamule kwomire.
  521. ~mane - that who is mudded ready for circumcision. Omusinde omumane kakhola.
  522. ~manye - that which is known. Esichu esimanye siosi khuchebe?
  523. ~manyirise - that which is expertly explained. Amakhuwa amamanyirise ako malayi.
  524. ~manyisie - that which is warned about, made known. Amakhuwa amamanyisie kabaye malayi. 
  525. ~manyule - that which is plucked off feathers. Akhakokho akhamanyule khali?
  526. ~mase that (crop) which is made to bend along the ground by flood, wind or animals. Khunoka amatumwa amamase.
  527. ~mbenye that (cloth) which is with a slit. Enguwo embenye echi embi.
  528. ~mbomole - that which is brought down. Enyumba embomole eyi yange.
  529. ~mbwanye - that which is splashed. Amachi amawanye kakwiye khusiswa. 
  530. ~meme - that who is carried on the shoulders. Omwana omumeeme alira?
  531. ~meke - that which is broken off from the main dough. Owusuma owumeke wuli?
  532. ~mekule - that which is broken off from the main hardened dough. Omukhenye omumekule kuli?
  533. ~mete - that which is increased. Omukunda omumete okwo kwosi kukwe.
  534. ~mike - that which is choked or killed by hanging, strangling. Omusolili omumike oyo wanu?
  535. ~mikhule - that which is missed by leg in a game. Omupira omumikhule kwingiye mukoli?
  536. ~mikinye that (eye) which is rubbed by palm. Emoni emikinye yichuna.
  537. ~mine - that which is strongly pressed. Omwanda omumine mulayi.
  538. ~miniongole - that which is smashed. Esa eminiongole lifwiye.
  539. ~mire - that which is swallowed up. Alusise esiokhulia simire.
  540. ~miriminye - that which is crushed in between palms. Enjuku emiriminye chino chianu.
  541. ~miuse - that which is smoothened. Esimbo emyuse yiri ewange.
  542. ~mokine - that which is castrated by open method. Eng'ombe emokine eyi yange.
  543. ~mondole - that which is beaten by a free falling object. Ombwa emondole yichulire mufula ya amakina.
  544. ~mone - that who is despised. Omwana omumone anyoye emiandu.
  545. ~monyakale that (rain) which drizzled. Efula emonyakale yiweye?
  546. ~monye - that who is backbitten. Omusacha omumonye ngwoyo.
  547. ~mpeye - that which is auctioned, taken to pay a debt. Eng'ombe embeye yiri ewefwe.
  548. ~mpuke - that who is booked. Omukhasi omupuke akeniyire?
  549. ~mukete - that who is obstructed, hindered from proceeding on a journey. Eng'ombe engete chiaya ala.
  550. ~mulule - that which is aborted. Emosi emulule yiri anasiaki.
  551. ~mulule - that which is destroyed in mass. Ebiakhulia ebimulule bibaye ano?
  552. ~mulule - that which is shaved clean. Omuchwe omumulule khuno kwanu?
  553. ~mume - that which is made into a small ballus. Enune emume chiri hano.
  554. ~muse that (animal) which is given out to another person to be cared for then it be taken latter. Eng'ombe emuse yiri?
  555. ~musule that (animal) which is taken back by the owner after a period of lending out. Eng'ombe emusule yiwuye.
  556. ~muwane - that which is afire. Omuliro omuwane oku kwasi?
  557. ~naabe - that which is fished using nets. Eng'eni enaabe chiriyo.
  558. ~naale - that which is wound around. Okhukulu okhunaale khuchuna.
  559. ~nabe - that which is sewn. Enguwo esone yange.
  560. ~nakase - that which is numbed. Bachuye omwana omunakase?
  561. ~nakule - that which is butted when in air. Enyuni enakule yikwiye mumachi.
  562. ~nanule - that which is redeemed from danger. Engokho enanule yiwocha owule.
  563. ~ndachire - that which is with handle fixed. Embako endachire eyo yange.
  564. ~ndachule - that which is removed from its handle. Embako endachule yino yange?
  565. ~ng'au - that which is thin. Eng'ombe eng'au yino yiyo
  566. ~ng'eche - that which is tied for milking. Eng'ombe eng'eche eyi ekhame?
  567. ~ng'ole - that which is drawn. Amawuwa amang'ole aka malayi?
  568. ~ng'ole - that which is prophesied. Amakhuwa amang'ole kekholekhire.
  569. ~ng'ong'ofule that (word) which is spoken with a norsal twang. Owuliranga olusungu olung'ong'ofule.
  570. ~ng'oyosie - that which is delayed. Echai eng'oyosie eyo yefwe?
  571. ~niakirise - that who is pestered to accept. Omusolili muniakirise kononire esiaki.
  572. ~niase - that which is kneaded (ugali, clay soil). Eloba eniase eli liange.
  573. ~niawule - that which is with limbs opened wide to dislocate. Omwana omuniawule ono wanu?
  574. ~niobe - that which is mixed into paste or doughy mixture. Amapwoni amanyobe kali?
  575. ~njenye that (firewood) which is collected. Ekhwi enjenye chiri hano.
  576. ~njimbulule - that which is undone at the seams. Enguwo enjimbulule eyi yefwe?
  577. ~noke - that which is plucked off from a longer stem where they are few. Amatumwa amanoke kano kefwe.
  578. ~noke - that who is satiate. Omukhana omunoke ang'ang'aye.
  579. ~nokole - that which is plucked off from low plants where they are many on a stem. Amakanda amanokole aka kako?
  580. ~none  - that which is eaten by bitting small bits. Etumwa enone liri hano.
  581. ~nonerese that (vegetable) which is eaten in small bits such that it can finish the ugali. Eliani enonerese lino liweyeyo?
  582. ~nteme that (eyes) which is winked. Emoni enteme echi embi.
  583. ~nukule - that which is ground into fine powder. Enchaba enukule yiriho?
  584. ~nune - that which is is sucked. Eng'ombe enune yaya.
  585. ~nunie - that which is suckled. Esimosi esinunie sisalamata.
  586. ~nuule - that which is taken by force. Omutoka omunuule kunyolekhire.
  587. ~nyake - that which is robbed. Embusi enyake chiaya?
  588. ~nyalase that (magazine) which is used in a machine gun. Amasasi amanyalase kechire abanju.
  589. ~nyalikhe - that which is satisfied. Abasolili abanyalikhe basola omupira.
  590. ~nyaluse - that which is bust to squirts in all directions. Enyanya enyaluse chino chuchungwe.
  591. ~nyambe that (air) which is farted either loudly or quietly. Amasi amenyambe kawunya.
  592. ~nyanye  - that which is chewed. Omukachi munyanye kuli?
  593. ~nyanyukhe - that which is frayed. Enguwo enyanyukhe yiri.
  594. ~nyase - that who is disturbed, Omwalimu omunyase akhupire omusomi.
  595. ~nyerale that (path) which is narrow. Engira enyerale yino yichia hena?
  596. ~nyerere - that who is slim. Omukhana omunyerere ono wanu?
  597. ~nyinye - that which is juicy and packed. Owukhi owunyunye wuli muno.
  598. ~nyire that (rope or wire) which is pulled tight. Omukoye munyire okwo kukololokhire.
  599. ~nyirise that (liquid) which is forcefully spurted out through a small gap. Amache amanyirise kakwiye haleyi.
  600. ~nyiruse - that which is stretched. Owuyingo owunyiruse wukhalikhire.
  601. ~nyise that (face) which is frowned. Oweni owunyise owu wekesa mbo alobire.
  602. ~nyole - that which is found or received, earned. Omwibi omunyole akhupwe.
  603. ~nyonyole - that which is explained. Amakhuwa amanyonyole kano malahi?
  604. ~nyose that (vegetable) which is with the fibrous cuticle removed during preparation. Esusa enyose liri musimwero.
  605. ~nyue - that which is drank. Owusera owunywe nje owu asaba?
  606. ~nyukhire - that which is sprinkled. Owusie owunyukhire wulikho?
  607. ~nyulule - that which is beaten with bark or skin strap. Omusacha omunyulule alira.
  608. ~nyunyule - that which is sweatened. Amalwa amanyunyule ako kange.
  609. ~nyuse - that which is fine to touch. Owusie owunyuse wuno wefwe?
  610. ~nyuululukhe that (skin) which is bruised. Esikhoba esinyuululukhe sichuna.
  611. ~nywane - that which is evenly soaked or mixed. Omukherekha omunywane mulayi.
  612. ~nywekere - that who is loudly kissed. Omukhana omunywekere oyu asangaye?
  613. ~nyweye that (goal) which is scored. Ekoli enywese yibalirwe.
  614. ~obokhe - that which is imploded. Esiri esiobokhe silombire etikho.
  615. ~ofulule - that which is thatch-renewed. Enyumba enjofulule yiyo?
  616. ~oke - that which is bathed. Omwana omwoke achie awone abakeni.
  617. ~okhese - that which is made to climax; orgasm. Omukhana omwokhese asangaye.
  618. ~olome - that which is half sphere. Esisani esiolome siri hano.
  619. ~omberese - that which is tricked to calm down. Omwana omuwomberese akona.
  620. ~ome - that which is mudded. Enchu embome eyo yange.
  621. ~omokhe - that which is emaciated. Akhamosi akhaomokhe akho khanu?
  622. ~omole - that which is dished out from cooking item. Enyama enyomole eyo yiyo?
  623. ~omoole - that who is massaged. Obakhana abaomoole baweyeho.
  624. ~omuchiachiambale - that who is relaxed without any fear of the future. Omusomi omuchachiambule ono wanu?
  625. ~omufuwe - that who is given presents to performer. Amwemberesi omufuwe anyonyeresise olwimbo.
  626. ~omulere - that who is nursed or looked after. Omwana omulere nje olira?
  627. ~omusimie - that which is extinguished. Omuliro omusimye kutekhanga?
  628. ~omwake - that which is weeded. Omuka omwake mumwo nimwo.
  629. ~onge - that which is joined together. Omukoye omwonge kuli hano.
  630. ~ongolele - that which is attacked when unprepared. Eng'ombe enyongolele yifiye.
  631. ~ongolere - that which is ambushed into a fight. Eng'ombe enyongolere yipwochokhire.
  632. ~ongule - that which is helped to move ahead. Omukeni omwongule kolire ewuwe.
  633. ~onguse - that which is moved ahead. Omukeni omwonguse kolire ewuwe.
  634. ~onjule that (bird) which is got hold of from a trap. Enyuni enyonjule yiri hano?
  635. ~onone - that which is spoiled. Omwana omwonone akonire
  636. ~ose - that which is delivered to the final destination. Emwana omwose kerukhire lundi.
  637. ~ose - that who is washed. Amapwoni amose kalechwe hano..
  638. ~osule - that which is torn to expose the inside. Esombo eliosule liri hano?
  639. ~oule - that which is bark-peeled. Amachemwa amoule kali?
  640. ~oye - that which is tied, imprisoned. Embwa emboywe ilumire anu?
  641. ~pafule- that who is slapped with open palm. Omwana omupafule alira.
  642. ~pakhe- that which is fermented. Owusera owupakhe wuli musikaye.
  643. ~palakatie- that which is less skilfully made. Enchu embalakatie yino yange.
  644. ~pame- that which is with one side made flat. Esipawu esipame siri hano?
  645. ~pange- that which is arranged. Enyungu empange chino chianu?
  646. ~pangulule- that which is disarranged. Enyungu embangulule chino chinu.
  647. ~pape - that which is flat on two sides. Esipawu esipape siri hali?
  648. ~papyule- that which is swiped. Esimu empapiule yemba?
  649. ~parasie- that (watery feaces) which is caused to be released at once. Omasiriokokho amaparasie kali muweru?
  650. ~pare- that which is thought. Amakhuwa amapare kaliho?
  651. ~pase- that which is ironed ironed. Enguwo empase chili khu sihani.
  652. ~patane- that which is paired up. Amawusi amapatane kacheye amawuyu.
  653. ~patikhe- that which is adhesively patched on the other. Esiraka esipatikhe sipatulukhire.
  654. ~patikhe- that which is nicknamed. Elicha ebatikhe nje Harry Wire.
  655. ~patukhe- that (ears) which is wide and protruding. Amachwi amapatukhe ako kafwana wambunto.
  656. ~patule- that (button) which is switched on. Esifungo esipatule siambisie omuliro.
  657. ~patulule- that (button) which is switched off. Esifungo esipatulule sisimisie omuliro.
  658. ~pekishone- that which is inspected. Obebi abapekishone bengiye mumutoka.
  659. ~pepete- that which is hit up several times. Omupira omupepete kukwiye.
  660. ~perepese- that (eyes) which is blinked rapidly. Emoni emperepese echi embi.
  661. ~pime - that which is measured. Enguwo empime endayi.
  662. ~pingirise- that which is rolled. Eng'ondo epingirise lianu?
  663. ~pomole- that which is brought down. Enyumba embomolole eyi yange.
  664. ~pongole- that which is broken off and destroyed. Enyungu embongole yange.
  665. ~pote- that which is powdered. Omwana omupote akona.
  666. ~potole-that (soft wood) which is broken. Omwoko omupotole kuno kubaye kwange?
  667. ~puke - that which is booked. Omukunda omupuke nje oku ocheba?
  668. ~pukulule- that which is unbooked. Omukunda omupukulule kuliho.
  669. ~pumpunye- that which is cylindrical and shapelessly blunt. Esichuma esipumpunye esio sianu?
  670. ~pupulire- that which is scantly covered; scantly wrapped. Esiswa sipupulire situma.
  671. ~pusiule- that (small item) which is snatched from less keen person. Omubano omupusiule kuli hano?
  672. ~puule- that which is farted loudly. Amasi amapuule kawunya.
  673. ~pwengule- that which is loose-talked; barked out. Amakhuwa amapwengule ako mabi.
  674. ~pwochole- that which is birthed easely without help. Akhamosi akhapwochole akho khange.
  675. ~pwote- that which is petted and fondled. Omukhana omupwote ang'ang'aye.
  676. ~rie- that which is feared; respected. Omukhwe omurie akeniyire.
  677. ~riye- that which is full of fear. Ekondi eliriye ndielio.
  678. ~rute- that which is rubbed hard. Anakabia amarute kakhakolakho?
  679. ~rwache- that which is preached. Embulira amakhuwa amerwache.
  680. ~saabe- that (legs and hands) which is washed by hand. Amakhono amasabe kameke owusuma.
  681. ~saache- that which is imprinted with marks, ridged. Omukurudumu omusaache okwo kwanu?
  682. ~saamule- that which is beaten with heavy blows. Omwana omusamule alira.
  683. ~sabe- that which is asked. Enguo esabe embi.
  684. ~sache- that which is churned by shaking in guard. Amabere amasache kali?
  685. ~sahe- that (dog) which is goaded to act. Embwa esahe embi.
  686. ~sakanie- - that which is subjected to ill use. Omukhasi omusakanie aweyeho?
  687. ~sakase- that (with dry objects inside) which is shaken. Esimuka esisakase esi sianu?
  688. ~sakatalale- that (hair) which is spiked. Malekhe ali nende efwiri easakalalale.
  689. ~sakie - that which is hooked onto something. Engaki esakie eyi yange.
  690. ~sakule- that which is beckoned. Omusolili omusakule kechire.
  691. ~sakusa- that which is waved away. Omusolili omusakule achiye.
  692. ~sakusule- that which is shaken out and off from surface. Olufu olusakusule olu lubi nilwo.
  693. ~salake- that which is tatooed. Omukhana omusalake oyo abayiye? 
  694. ~saluluse- that which is shallow fried. Eliani esaluluse eli olalia?
  695. ~samande- that who is strong slapped. Omwana omusamande alira
  696. ~sambake- that which is massaged with warm water. Okhukulu okhusambake khuchuna.
  697. ~sambe- that which is burned or roasted deliberately. Etumwa esambe liri?
  698. ~samie- that (white ant nest) which is with ants out of their nest with white ants almost ready to fly off. Wikha esiswa sisamie.
  699. ~sang'uluse- that which is made to flay off individually from a group. Enjukhi esang'uluse chikhupire eng'ombe.
  700. ~sanyalase- that which is electrocuted. Eng'ombe esanyalase yifwiye.
  701. ~sanye- that which is bagged. Esende esanye chiri hano.
  702. ~sanyuluse - that which is melted. Amafucha amasanyuluse ketekhe eliani.
  703. ~sasake- that which is crushed with heavy blows, hammered to pieces. Amakina amasasake kali engo.
  704. ~sase- that which is mixed one on top of the other. Omakanda amasase ako kanu?
  705. ~sasie - that which is intentionally scattered anyhow. Amakanda amasasie ako kange?
  706. ~satulule- that (hair) which is unkempt. Malekhe ali nende efwiri esatulule.
  707. ~seche- that which is provoked and attacked. Abasolili abaseche bakangise amafumo.
  708. ~sekete- that which is irregular in shape. Endika esekete eyo yanu?
  709. ~seketie- that who is incited. Omukhana omuseketie aweyewo.
  710. ~seme- that who is dissuaded, discouraged, advised against. Omukhana omuseme alobire Kubi.
  711. ~senchule- that (ground) which is with grass and top soil removed. Olwanyi olusenchule lwange.
  712. ~sende- that which is aided to moved in front. Omupira omusende mubi.
  713. ~sendebaye- that which is bend extending the behind backward. Omukhasi osendebaye oyu wanu?
  714. ~sene - that which is treaded, trampled, stamped. Amola amasene kali musikuri.
  715. ~sengule- that which is transferred or shifted from one point to another. Ebitanda ebisengule bikusiswe.
  716. ~sengule- that who is transferred. Omwalimu omusingule akaoye?
  717. ~sere- that which is bubbling. Achukhire khungokho amachi amasere.
  718. ~serere- that who is proposed to for marriage. Omukhasi omuserere kechire.
  719. ~sereswe- that which is put on rope storage that hungs. Enyungu esereswe yirimo enyama.
  720. ~serukhe- that which is rash-bodied. Omukhana omuserukhe aliyo?
  721. ~sese- that which is winnowed by combining okhuwuya (circular moves) and okhukhonja (up-down flaps). Amakanda amasese kali hano.
  722. ~sewule- that which is free to leave after saying goodbye to, seen off. Abakeni abasewule baweyewo.
  723. ~seye- that who is abused by belittling. Omusiere omuseye aweyewo.
  724. ~siche - that which is fenced. Omukunda omusiche okwo kwa baba.
  725. ~sie- that which is ground into powder. Akusa enjaba esie.
  726. ~siemule- that which is cut with saw. Embawu esiemule chiri ewange.
  727. ~siene - that which is smoothened using sandpaper. Esimbo esiene eyo yange.
  728. ~siene - that who is haunted. Omwana omusiene kechire emosi.
  729. ~siiche- that (string) which is made using palm and thigh to twist. Olusia olusiiche olwo lwange.
  730. ~sikanje- that which is examined closely by touching and fingering. Mberese enyama enganje eyo.
  731. ~sike- that which is grilled over slow fire of hot embers so as to dry it thoroughly. Enyama esike yiri khusibecho.
  732. ~sikhe - that which is burried. Omulambo omusikhe nje oku acheba?
  733. ~sikhule- that which is dug up after burial. Omulambo omusikhule kukingirwe.
  734. ~sime- that which is liked, loved. Omwana omusime ali?
  735. ~simie - that (fire or white ants) which is stopped. Esiswa esisimie siali hena?
  736. ~simoche- that which is in short supply. Olechire esiokhulia esimoche.
  737. ~sindikhe- that which is pushe. O musala omusindikhe kukwiye.
  738. ~sindikise- that who is pushed physcally or magically to act. Enjofu yasema omusacha omusindikise.
  739. ~sinduse- that which is startled. Omwana omusinduse alira.
  740. ~singe- that (item) which is mortgaged. Enyumba esinge eyo yange.
  741. ~sing'eeng'e- that which is with flesh removed by teeth. Esikumba esing'eeng'e siri hano.
  742. ~sire- that which is detested and boycotted. Mbe etumwa esire elyo.
  743. ~sire- that which is proped up, put on wooden supports. Echemwa esire lilabire.
  744. ~siringise- that which is made cyndrical between palms. Eloba esiringise lilonga enyungu.
  745. ~siruase- that which is made stupid. Omusolili musiruase akhupirwe.
  746. ~sirwasie- that who is fooled. Omwana omusirwasie alondire khu basinde?
  747. ~sise- that which is rubbed gently. Okhulenge okhusise khulabire.
  748. ~sisie- that which is exterminated, wiped out. Abasikari abasisie nje aba ocheba?
  749. ~sisimule- that which is shaken vigoriously. Enguwo esisimule chiri hena?
  750. ~sitake- that who is sued. Omwibi omusitake awoyirwe.
  751. ~siule- that which is uprooted. Omusala omusiule okwo kwange nikwo.
  752. ~siule- that which is uprooted, dug up by the roots. Akusa emioko emisyule.
  753. ~soche- that which is beaten with an aim of killing. Esisuche esisoche sifiye.
  754. ~sochole- that which is with small piece cut off. Enyama esochole yiri hano
  755. ~sokherane- that which is crowded. Abanju abasokherane abo balia sina?
  756. ~sokose- that which is poked with a stick while in hole. Enjukhi esokotie chikhupire eng'ombe
  757. ~sokote- that which is rolled up. Enjaba esokote yino yanu?
  758. ~solole- that which is collect around from people. Esende esolole chiabene.
  759. ~sombe- that whoch is fetched many times. Amachi amasombe kali musongo.
  760. ~sonie - that which is goaded to fight. Eng'ombe esonie chilwana.
  761. ~sonjole- that which is prunned. Omusala omusonjole kuli hano. 
  762. ~sonyole- that which is broken into two by hands. Etumwa esonyole liri hena?
  763. ~suke- that which is plaited. Efwiri esuke elahi.
  764. ~sukume- that which is pushed. Omusala omusukume kukwiye. 
  765. ~sukune- that which is thrown away. Omukachi omusukune oku kwanu?
  766. ~sululuse- that which is percolated to drop from damp item. Omukherekha omusululuse okwo kwange.
  767. ~sulunye- that (lips) which is pursed. Omunwa musulunye okwo kwange?
  768. ~sume- that which is begged. Owusie owusume wuli hano?
  769. ~sune- that which is skipped; jumped. Omukunda omusune okwo kwange.
  770. ~sunge- that which is lend. Enguwo esunge eyi yiyo?
  771. ~sute - that which is moved or shifted. Ekonge esute liri hano.
  772. ~swake- that which is pounded into paste. Anyweye amalesi amaswake.
  773. ~swale- that which is treaded, trampled, mixed with the feet. Eloba eswale liri hano.
  774. ~swamire- that who is menstruating. Abakhana abaswamire bachule mumukunda.
  775. ~swandule- that which is whipped severally with thin stick. Omwana omuswandule alira?
  776. ~taase- that which is collected as it pours out. Amachi amataase kali elwanyi.
  777. ~tabate- that (land) which is taken from the real owner by force. Omukunda omutabate okwo kwali kwa Masinde.
  778. ~tabike- that which is puncture-mended. Esifulia esitabike sianu?
  779. ~takhe- that which has been serched. Amapera amatakhe kefwe.
  780. ~takhule- that (ground) which is scratched up from the ground using nails. Elina etakhule lino liasi?
  781. ~tandase- that (ground) which is lavelled. Omukunda omutandase oku kukwo.
  782. ~tase- that which is added. Amang'ondo amatase ako kasi?
  783. ~tatye- that who is held by hand to support or not to go away. Omukhana omutatye alilira mu'simba.
  784. ~tawule- that which is scooped in small quantities from the store or big container. Nanjoye enywa amalwa amatawule.
  785. ~taye- that which is drawn. Amachi amataye ketikhire.
  786. ~teberese- that which is placed coutiously. Omwana omuteberese akona.
  787. ~teche- that which is defended against blows; wadded off. Omuchwe omuteche kuchemirwe.
  788. ~techule- that (house wall) which is brought down. Eta etechule liri asi?
  789. ~tekenyale- that which is dampened. Owuliri owutekenyale wula wange?
  790. ~tekese- that which is aimed at something. Efumo etekese liwunire Fwebe.
  791. ~tekhere- that which is unstable, weak willed. Omwana omutekhere alia amaki.
  792. ~tekule- that which is deconstructed. Enyumba endekule eyo yanu?
  793. ~tekule- that which is unstabilised by hiting one leg. Omusolili omutekule akwiye.
  794. ~tekulule- that which is with wall brought down. Enyumba endekulule eyi yange.
  795. ~tembekhe- that which is placed peacefully at a place. Esimuka esitembekhe esi sianu?
  796. ~temberese- that which is treated gently, carefully treated. Amachi amatemberese kolire?
  797. ~teme - that which is tempted. Omwami omuteme ngwono.
  798. ~tende- that who is served food. Omukeni omutende kekusi.
  799. ~tendemule- that who is made to fear heights. Omwana omutendemule acanina omusala tawe.
  800. ~tendulule- that who is unserved a meal. Abakeni abatendulule bakhupa embakha.
  801. ~tere- that which is isolated from the rest. Omwana omuteere oyu wanu?
  802. ~terese- that (voice) which is pitched higher than the others. Omwoyo omuterese okwo kwanu?
  803. ~tete- that which is cut into who across, sliced, snipped. Omukachi omutete kuli?
  804. ~tetekhane- that which is hurried to prepare. Owusuma owutetekhane wuno wuyiye?
  805. ~tiang'e- that which is under influence of anaesthetics. Omulwaye omutiang'e akona.
  806. ~tieketie- that which is pasty and watery. Eloba etieketie liri khusiri.
  807. ~tiembatiembe- that which is easy to bend. Olukheti olutiembatiembe luli hena.
  808. ~tikinie- that which is made highly concentrated. Amalesi amatikinie kali hano.
  809. ~tikitie- that who is tickled. Omwana omutikitie achekha.
  810. ~tikule- that which is in a projected position. Enyumba entikule eyo yange.
  811. ~tikulule- that which is removed from a projected position. Onyumba entikulule eyo ya Kaula.
  812. ~timbe- that which is decorated. Omukhana omutimbe oyu wefwe.
  813. ~timbule- that which is pushed away using a long stick. Esa etimbule likwiye eyo.
  814. ~timbulule-that (eyes) which is openned. Ba nende emoni endimbulule.
  815. ~timbye- that (eyes) which is with eyelids closed. Emoni endimbiye echi chiba chianu?
  816. ~tindibikhe- that who is cought in the act of committing a crime. Omulosi omutindibikhe akwiye mulina.
  817. ~ting'e- that which is wrang. Enguwo entinge chiri ena?
  818. ~ting'ulule- that which is wrang out. Amachi amatingulule kali hano.
  819. ~tiolole- that which is conical. Esolera esibawu esitiolole.
  820. ~tire- that which is arrested, held firmly, seized, touched. Omwibi omutire awoyirwe.
  821. ~tise- that which is sacrificed. Ekondi etise eliyo liasi?
  822. ~tise- that which is spilled. Amachi ametise katekenyasise enguo.
  823. ~toberesie- that which is collected, gathered together from scattered positions. Ekhwi endoberese chiri hano.
  824. ~toche- that which is weak and tired. Eng'ombe endoche yino yanu?
  825. ~tole- that (child) who is adopted after being left on path as part of culture. Omwana omutole alira?
  826. ~tole- that which is picked up after it getting lost or - that which is dropped or thrown away. Esende endole chibaye chianu?
  827. ~tombole- that which is stressed when speaking. Amakhuwa amatomboole ako malayi?
  828. ~tomole- that which is penetrated from one side to the other, deflowered. Omukhana omutomole alira.
  829. ~tondole- that which is chanted in an episodic manner. Amakhuwa amatondole kalechire endondo.
  830. ~tondolole- that which is hervested by plucking. Amakanda amatondolole aka kange.
  831. ~tong'ire- that which is part of remains, left over, left behind. Owusuma owutong'ire wuli khulie.
  832. ~tongotie- that which is made by into paste. Owusuma owutongotie wuno w'omwana?
  833. ~tonye- that which is shreded. Eliani etonye liri hano.
  834. ~tonyole- that which is shreded irregulaly. Omukati omutonyole kuno kwanu?
  835. ~toole - that which is milked a lot. Eng'ombe entoole eyo yiyo.
  836. ~tosye- that which is wetted; weakened. Eloba etosye liri hano.
  837. ~totie- that (tail switch hair) which is made into bird trap. Owukhinga wutotie wuli khusiswi.
  838. ~totole- that which is removed from cobs. Amatumwa amatotole kali musiaki.
  839. ~tubane- that which is indiscriminately mixed. Amakanda amatubane kange.
  840. ~tuke- that which is gifted to a visitor going away. Echemwa etuke ekali nilyo?
  841. ~tukhanie- that which is scolded. Omwana omutukhanie alira.
  842. ~tule- that who is rebuked. Omusolili omutule aweyeho.
  843. ~tuluche- that which is miscarried. Akhamosi akhatuluche khali ena?
  844. ~tumbule- that which is dipped in water then removed. Esikombe esitumbule esi sirimo amachi?
  845. ~tumule- that which is raised or thrown in air like dust or kiched high in air. Elisi etumule elio ebi.
  846. ~tumule- that who is bewitched to depart from home forever. Omusacha omutumule kakocha.
  847. ~tundule- that which is cracked open. Amatunda amatundule kali hano.
  848. ~tundumie- that which is made lukewarm. Echikoni endundumie yiri hano.
  849. ~tupe - that which is thrown. Eliola etupe likwiye muloho.
  850. ~tute- that (hair) which is plaited in tufts if hair. Efwiri etule elio elayi.
  851. ~tutunguye- that which is tortured. Abaraka abatutunguye bakoye.
  852. ~tuwule- that which is broken up nto small dry pieces. Amalesi amatuwule kali khusichiko.
  853. ~ukule- that which is taken. Amapera amawukule kakochire. 
  854. ~ulume- that which is bitten, copulated (of rooster). Amakondi amalume kasirikhirwe.
  855. ~unge - that which is stored. Ebiakhulia ebiunge biri musiaki.
  856. ~ungerese- that which is gathered up, gather together, collected. Amanda amawungerese ako kefwe.
  857. ~ungikhe- that which is collected in one heap. Amatumwa amaungikhe kali hali?
  858. ~unguluse- that which is shaken off to fall from mat, clothe etc. Eloba ewunguluse liri hano.
  859. ~wabe- that who is exposed to sexual abuse or sexual curse or neckedness by an elderly person. Omwana omuwabe alwala.
  860. ~wale- that which is spread out. Owuliri owale nje owa omukeni?
  861. ~wale- that who is visited for the for the purpose of giving news of a death. Omusiere omuwale alira.
  862. ~wame- that who is prostrate on ground to take cove. Abasikari abawame bali khu lumako.
  863. ~wanye- that which is prinkled. Amachi amawanye komire.
  864. ~ware - that which is bought in wholesale for resale. Amalwa amaware kaweye.
  865. ~weweche- that (voice) which is whispered. Omwoyo muweweche okwo kwa Okana.
  866. ~wikhe- that which is covered, thatched. Esiswa esiwikhe situma.wrap oneself up
  867. ~wikhule- that which is uncovered to reveal. Esiswa esiwikhule esi sienywe?
  868. ~wikhulule- that (house) which is with thatch removed; that whose cover is removed. Enchu embwikhulule eyo yanu?
  869. ~woche- that which is pecked by birds. Owusuma owuwoche wuno wanu?
  870. ~wohu- that which is made sour. Amabere amawohu kali musimuka.
  871. ~wooye- that who is wooed. Omukhasi omuwooye ali muno?
  872. ~wosie- that who is seduced. Omukhana omuwosie kengiye musimba.
  873. ~woyakanie- that which is spinned ; twisted together. Emnusi emboyakanie yange?
  874. ~woyawoye- that (egg) which is with soft shell. Eki ewoyawoye liri khu sibange.
  875. ~wuchawuche - that which is involved in incest relations. Omusolili omuwuchawuche oyu mubi.
  876. ~wuhie- that who is expeled; compelled to move. Omusacha omuwuhie akoye?
  877. ~wule - that which is threshed; beaten with heavy blows. Owule owuwule wuwo?
  878. ~wulukuse- that which is rolled into small bollus. Eloba ewulukuse eli liasi?
  879. ~wulumbe- that which is solidly spherical. Eloba ewulumbe lino Llianu?
  880. ~wuluule-that (bananas) which is uncovered before ripening. Amachemwa amawuluule kali hena?
  881. ~wumbe- that which is heaped. Omawumbi amawumbe aka kanu?
  882. ~wumbule- that which is with open flowers. Amakanda amawumbule kano kange.
  883. ~wumbulukhe - that which is of reduced swelling. Ebimba ewumbulukhe liri hano?
  884. ~wumie- that which is passed unanimously by acclamation. Ekhuwa ewumie sikhulilomalomakho tawe.
  885. ~wumule- that (farm) which is dug up forcefully. Omuka omukhumule kuli hano.
  886. ~wumule- that which is beaten which soft club. Omwibi omuwumule afwiye?
  887. ~wundalale- that which is expired. Owukhi owuwundalale wuli musimuka.
  888. ~wundule- that who is beaten whith a fist on the stomach or back. Omwana omuwundule alira,
  889. ~wune- that which is pierced. Embichi embune yiri ena?
  890. ~wunune- that which is hervested early for use or used prematurely. Amatumwa amawunune ako kefwe?
  891. ~wuse - that which is collected together. Eng'unda embuse yino yiwunya.
  892. ~wuse - that which is harrowed; with soil clods broken. Owulime owuwuse wuli?
  893. ~wuye-that which which is winnoed by moving the tray in circular motion for rubish to be skimmed off the surface. Amabere amawuye malayi niko.
  894. ~wuyunguye - that which is made to swing. Emukhupire nede ekina ewuyunguye.
  895. ~yaale - that who is accused before a court or jury. Omusacha omuyale achungire eng'ombe.
  896. ~yabe- that which is dug up. Emioko emiyabe kiri.
  897. ~yabire- that who is buried. Omulambo omuyabire kuwumawo.
  898. ~yabukhe- that (opening) which is worsened by detoriariating side walls. Ekonjo eyabukhe lichuna.
  899. ~yase- that (song) which is chorused. Alukwe kemba olwimbo oluyase.
  900. ~yebuye- that (soil) which is loosely compacted. Webuye yiri nende eloba eyebuye.
  901. ~yenyame- that which is inclined. Esikaye esiyenyame sitisise amachi.
  902. ~yenyire- that which is with teeths exposed. Embwa yiyenyire yino yanu?
  903. ~yese- that which is bend towards the ground. Khunoka amatumwa amayese.
  904. ~yese- that which is first ploughed; harrowed. Omukunda omuyese kwa Sifuna.
  905. ~yete- that which is assisted, helped with someone else’s job. Omusomi omuyete anyoye.
  906. ~yime- that which is hunted. Kabane esolo enyime. 
  907. ~yingirise- that who is persuaded rather forcibly. Omusinde omuyingirise ariye.
  908. ~yiye- that which is hot, burn, fully cooked. Amachi akayiye kali?
  909. ~yobe - that which is restless. Omwana omuyobe ali?
  910. ~yoboye- that (word) which is unintelligibly spoken. Ekhuwa eyoboye elio oliwuliye?
  911. ~yole- that which is taken out in small quantities using both palm. Ekokhe eyole liri musimwelo.
  912. ~yuye - that who is hurried or moved first. Omwana omuyuye akona.
  913. ~yuyule- that which is fanned. Omwana omuyuyule kenyokhire.
b) Using the suffix ~u.
The following are examples of adjectives which use the noun concord prefix and the adjectivising final vowel ~u.
  1. ~alang'anyu- that who is experienced. Abasoli abahalang’anyu banywesise ekoli.
  2. ~handakhanu- that which is sticky. Amachemwa amahandakhanyu kano kachulire ewanu?
  3. ~angu- that which is light in weight. Mbe ekina eliangu.
  4. ~angu- that which is quick, easy, light, cheap. Amacheba amangu kaweye.
  5. ~ayu- that which is warm, fresh. Amebere amayu kaweye.
  6. ~bachanu- that who is corrupt. Omwami omubachanu akwe ekura.
  7. ~chakhanu- that which is acidic and sticky. Amakanda amachakhanu kano batekha bachie?
  8. ~chamu- that which is tasty. Esiakhulia esichamu siweye?
  9. ~chohu- that who has grown, matured, developed, grown up. Abana abachohu basolira mu’lufu.
  10. ~chokanu- that which is mixed with, blended with, united with. Awule owuchokanu wuweye.
  11. ~chwanjwanu- that who is always inciting. Omusomi omuchwanjwanu aweyeho.
  12. ~chwanu- that which is acidic. Khuliye ekhomeri enchwanu.
  13. ~chwenukhu- that (object) which is clean. Abana bachwenukhu bano babo?
  14. ~fotomu- that which is dome shaped at bottom or sides. Esifulia sifotomu sili hena?
  15. ~fuhu- that which is blunt. Olupanga olufuhu lwanu?
  16. ~kakhanu- that which tastes stale. Amakanda amakekhanu kano mabi.
  17. ~kekhenu- that which is rusty. Olupanga lukekhanu luno lukonire elwanyi?
  18. ~kalangachanu- that which smooth and hard to hold. Esini sikalangachanu sikwiye.
  19. ~keranu - that which is sizeable. Mbekho enyama engeranu.
  20. ~khambalafu- that which is banana sap in taste. Amachemwa makhambalafu kano kayiye?
  21. ~khananu- that which is adamant. Abasolili bakhananu sibeyamanga tawe.
  22. ~khaniamu- that which is slimy. Eliani ekhaniamu lino muchere nikwo?
  23. ~kherekhanu- that which is partly full. Esongo ekherekhanu chino chiefwe.
  24. ~khulunchu- that which is the chief, biggest, eldest, senior. Omwana mukhulunchu achiye mu’mwalo.
  25. ~kofu- that which is old, aged. Abasiere abakofu balechire enjuku.
  26. ~koyanu- that who is confused, disorganised, messed about. Omuraka omukoyanu amirire akhamuka.
  27. ~kukhunu- that which is mouldy. Omukati mukukhunu kulechanga owulwaye. 

  28. ~kukumu- that who is mean. Omwiwusi mukukumu si ahindira tawe.
  29. ~kulumu- that which is disciplined. Abana abakulumu balayi nibo.
  30. ~kumu- that which is less watery. Enduma engumu chili?
  31. ~kutu- that which is short. Omusacha omukutu akochire.
  32. ~laafu (also lafu)- that which is holy, sacred, pure, saint, sunctified. Roho mulaafu yimutiye.
  33. ~lafu- that which devoid of naivity. Nasio katekha musialo silafu.
  34. ~lalu- that which is mad, insane, furious, angry, obstinate, dangerous. Omusach mululu afwiye.
  35. ~lamu- that who is alive, well, living. Engokho enamu yinyolekhire mumachi?
  36. ~lekhanu- that which is of average size, shape, number etc. Omukhasi omulekhanu kechire engo.
  37. ~lemukhu- that which is less, insufficient, lacking. Amachi malemu kano mukusia.
  38. ~lukhumu- that who is frowning. Omusamo omulukhumu akeniyire kuka.
  39. ~lulu- that which is sour, bitter, peppery. Amasalire malulu kano mabisi niko.
  40. ~lulu- that who is fierce, brave, strong, powerful, troublesome, dangerous. Embwa endulu yiri?
  41. ~lung'umu- that which is sad faced. Omwana mulung’umu ono wa Mandila?
  42. ~mayanu- that which is bad, evil, wicked. Omwana mumayanu ono wanu?
  43. ~memu- that which is sharp, pointed. Olupanga olumemu luno lwefwe.
  44. ~miufu- that which is smooth. Ekina emiufu liri hena?
  45. ~miukhanu- that which is slimy. Omuchunde omumiukhanu kuli hena?
  46. ~ngakhanu- that which has stale taste. Amakanda makakhanu kano kefwe?
  47. ~ng'ahu- that which is thin, weak and ill. Engombe eng’awu y’anu?
  48. ~ng'etulufu- that which is juicy. Eyembe eng’etulufu liri hena.
  49. ~niang'u- that which is melted or claylike. Lecha eloba eniang’u khulonge enyungu.
  50. ~nulu- that which is yummy; sweet. Amakanda manulu kana kanu?
  51. ~nunulu- that which is sweet. Amafwocho manulunulu kali ewefwe.
  52. ~nyifu- that which is cold, wet, damp. Keyoka amachi amanyifu?
  53. ~omakanu- that which is slightly dry, hard, firm. Omukati mwomakanu kuno kukwe?
  54. ~omakanu- that which is hard, stubborn. Omusacha mwomakanu akhupe Tito.
  55. ~omiranu- that which is stable, firm. Abasakhulu bomiranu balwana amawi.
  56. ~omu- that which is dry. Mberese enguwo enyomu.
  57. ~omu- that which is hard, firm. Kano masingo momu niko. 
  58. ~randu- that who is unseparable from the other or place. Amusacha omurandu alobire okhuwuya.
  59. ~siru- that which is stupid, dumb, deaf and dumb, mentally deficient.
  60. ~sitowu- that which is heavy. Esimwero sisitou sino sianu? 
  61. ~sitowu- that which is thick and viscous. Omunyu musitowu kuno kwanu?
  62. ~sukhumu- that who is incorrigible. Wafula ayirire omukhana musukhumu.
  63. ~sunu- that which is barren. Nafuna akusise eng’ombe esunu.
  64. ~tekheranu- that which is weakened and ailing. Omusakhulu mutekheranu akhupa khusi?
  65. ~tendewu- that which is loose, relaxed, slack. Esia entendewu chilombanga etungu?
  66. ~tinyu- that which is hard, stubborn, difficult. Esawu endinyu chino chichula hena?
  67. ~tofu- that who is lazy, weak, Omusacha mutofu alechanga enjala.
  68. ~tondobanu- that which is confused, meddled, disorderly. Embusi endondobanu chifwiye.
  69. ~tundumu- that which is lukewarm, warm. Amachi amatundumu kali hano.
  70. ~titi- that which is little, small, few. Asiakhulia situtu siweye.
  71. ~wofu- that which is blind, sightless. Kusa engokho embofu.
  72. ~wohu- that which is thick viscous and slimy. Akhombire owukhu owuhowu.
  73. ~wolu- that which is rotten. Amatumwa maholu kalimo.
  74. ~wulu- that which is smelly. Amisi apumuye amasi mawulu?
  75. ~wulunguchu- that (porridge) which is unfermented and sugarless. Nyeye owusera wuwulunguchu.
  76. ~yiu- that which is fresh. Mbekho amalasire mayiu.
  77. ~fu- that which is dead. Abanju abafu baliyo. 
  78. ~halang'anyu- that who is experienced. Abalimu bahalang’anyu baliho.
  79. ~siru- that which is stupid, dumb, mentally deficient, foolish. Abana basiru bamirire ebifungo.
c) Using the suffix ~fu.
After taking the noun concord prefix depending on the noun class, they end in ~fu. The following are the common ones.
  1. ~ labirifu- that which is yellowish. Ebimba elabirifu lichundulwanga.
  2. ~angafu- that which is mature. Abakhana abahangafu babayiye.
  3. ~angalafu- that which is dry and granular. Mbe amalwa amahangalafu.
  4. ~balakafu- that which has no water on the surface. Mbe esifulia esibalakafu.
  5. ~bayufu- that which is hollow and spread out. Ali nende omunwa omubayufu.
  6. ~berefu- that which is moarningful. Amasika amaberefu kabaye ewuwe.
  7. ~bererefu- that who is merciful. Were omubererefu chukhonye.
  8. ~chachafu- that which is lively. Abana bachachafu bakingire enyama.
  9. ~chalafu- that which is insipid, tasteless, flavourless. Echai enchalafu yino yanu?
  10. ~chekerefu- that who is keen, considerate. Omukhasi muchekerefu anyoye esihanwa.
  11. ~chekerefu- that who is a good listener. Akabire omwana muchekerefu.
  12. ~chinjibafu- that which is insipid, watery. Eondo echinjibafu lino lianu?
  13. ~chonchobafu- that which is sharp and curved. Namususuni yirikho omunwa omuchonchobafu.
  14. ~chongolofu- that which is vertically strsight. Akulire omukulo omuchongolofu.
  15. ~chwenufu- that (liquid) which is clean, clear, distilled, refined. Enyweye amachi machwenufu.
  16. ~engerefu- that which is unstable and swinging. Esialo siengerefu sino sibi.
  17. ~fundefu- that which is partially air tight or water tight. Enyumba efundefu yino yanu?
  18. ~fuliefu - that (weather) which is not clear. Ewawe khuli nende esialo sifuliefu.
  19. ~fwonofu- that which is comfortable to touch or sit on. Sino sisala esifwonofu. 
  20. ~fwototofu- that which is soft pillowed. Akulire omurungeti omufwototofu.
  21. ~handalafu- that which is coarse. Amabale amahandalafu kali ewefwe.
  22. ~hangalafu- that (ugali) which is very dry. Owusuma owuhandalafu wuno wanu?
  23. ~ichufu- that which is full or adequate. Kakhuye embakha enchichufu.
  24. ~kalafu- that who is momentarily subdued of awareness. Omusacha omukalafu atong'ire mu'sisichu.
  25. ~khalafu- that which is serrated, sandpaper-like, rough on touch. Atekhire eliani ekhalafu.
  26. ~khamiufu- that who is rarely found. Omusacha mukhamiufu akoye?
  27. ~khandialafu- that which is of tough masterial and stretches. Enyama ekhandalafu yino yanu.
  28. ~khatalafu- that which is not easily torn and does not stretch. Enguo ekhatalafu yiri hano.
  29. ~khomefu- that which fat, plump, thick. Embichi ekhomefu yirie amapwoni.
  30. ~khomofu- that which is long faced. Omukhasi mukhomofu oyu wanu?
  31. ~kololofu- that which is straightened out, stretched out. Omusala omukololofu kukwiye.
  32. ~kololofu- that who honest, straight-forward, righteous. Chuma omwana omukololofu.
  33. ~konerefu- that which is always absent. Omusomi mukonerefu akwiye ekera.
  34. ~kotofu~ that which is perforated. Esikoto esikotofu sikwiye hasi.
  35. ~kumbafu- that who is nincompoop. Omwana mukumbafu ono wanu?
  36. ~kungumirifu- that which is ridged. Ebati ekungumirifu li'etuko.
  37. ~kwalafu- that (land) which is level. Omukunda omukwalafu kuli Musidi.
  38. ~kwalafu- that which is clear. Anyweye amachi amakwalafu.
  39. ~kwanirifu- that which is necessary for, well fitted, deserved. Ono mukhasi omukwanirifu.
  40. ~lalafu (la'afu)- that who is persistently stupid. Omufulu mulalafu akhupwe.
  41. ~lekhefu-'that who is forgiven. Abawoywe abalekhefu baweyeho.
  42. ~lembefu- that who is peaceful. Embwa endembefu yino okusia?
  43. ~lialiafu- that who is cunningly egocentric, selfish. Omwami mliafu afwiye.
  44. ~lembufu- that (mouth) which wide and hanging loosely.
  45. ~liembufu- that who is a rumour monger. Omwana muliembufu alechire emiero.
  46. ~lumirifu- that who is determined, persevering. Omusach mulunirifu katira eng'eni.
  47. ~lungifu- that which is straightened out, stretched. Olupau lulungufu lwange.
  48. ~lungifu- that which is righteous. Ab’erwachi balungufu bachia hena?
  49. ~manyirifu- that who is knowledgeable. Abalimu bamanyirifu balayi nibo.
  50. ~mocherefu- that which is despised or belittled. Owusuma owumicherefu wuno njanu olia?
  51. ~miufu- that which is fine in material, sleek, smooth, soft. Aseka afwaye olubala olumyufu.
  52. ~mocherefu- that who is despised. Omusacha omumocherefu oyu tawe.
  53. ~serebendefu- that who is skilled. Omukhebi omuserebendefu akhebire Kibisu.
  54. ~ng'ang'afu- that which is momentarily stupid, dull and indiscisive. Omukhana omung’ang’afu alekhire enguo.
  55. ~ng'eng'efu- that which is glowing open. Ameso amang'eng'efu kalimo amake.
  56. ~ng'etulufu- that which is juicy. Eyembe eng'etulufu likwiye.
  57. ~niafu- that which has withered, faded, drooped, dried out. Esikhoba esiniafu sichuna.
  58. ~niofu- that which is squashed. Omukhenye omuniofu kuweye?
  59. ~nonerefu- that who eats small amount of vegetable. Omwana omunonerefu alia owusuma.
  60. ~nyekenyefu- that who is understanding. Omusakhulu omunyekenyefu achuwaye echemwa.
  61. ~nyiririfu~ that which is in fine sprinkles. Efula enyiririfu yikwa.
  62. ~nyonyerefu- that which is pleasing. Olwimbo olunyonyerefu olwo lwange?
  63. ~nywanifu- that which is salty. Eliani  enywanifu ndieri.
  64. ~pakhafu- that which is wide and level. Khukhupiye omupira mu’sikuri esipakhafu.
  65. ~piringifu- that which is cylindrical. Omulinga omupiringifu kwa Wanimo.
  66. ~pukhufu- that which is dusty. Ali nende esikhoba esipukhufu.
  67. ~purufu - that who is rough skinned. Amina akingire omwana omupurufu.
  68. ~sangafu- that who is happy. Abasangi abasangafu banyanga echai.
  69. ~sakalafu- that which is ruffled. Esitanda esisakalafu sino sianu?
  70. ~sakatalafu- that which is uneven and shapelessly made. Esiswi esisakatalafu siri hano.
  71. ~sang'alafu- that which is scattered, as teeth widely spaced. Ali nende ameno amasang’alafu.
  72. ~subafu~ that who is less talkative and less keen. Omwana omusubafu mubi.
  73. ~simbifu- that which is of fair size. Mbekho eliandasi esimbifu.
  74. ~simbifu- that which is sizeble. Bamuwaye enyama esimbifu.
  75. ~simbirifu- that which is firm or steadfast. Abaraka abasimbirifu bakhupire Tuteya.
  76. ~subirifu- that which is trustworthy, faithful, reliable
  77. ~subisifu- that who is hopeful. Abaraka basubisibu bachungire amaecho.
  78. ~swererefu- that which is inclined. Omukunda omuswererefu kwa kuka.
  79. ~tekenyelafu- that which is wet. Omwana mutekenyalafu ono wefwe?
  80. ~temberefu- that who is obedient, faithful, law-abiding, docile. Ewunwa endemberefu yifwiye.
  81. ~tienufu- that which has a cut of a large portion. Ofwaye enguo entienufu.
  82. ~tingirifu- that which is physcally healthy. Omusolili omutiringifu aliye emondo.
  83. ~tinyirifu- that who is firm, dependable, determined. Abasacha batinyiru bandakire eng'ombe.
  84. ~tiokefu- that which is adhessive. Enguwo endiokefu yino yanu?
  85. ~titiafu- that who is sarcastically noisy. Omukhasi mutiatiafu akoye?
  86. ~tocherefu- that who is bedridden. Omulwaye omutocherefu alia eng'eni?
  87. ~toniafu- that who is a hypocrite. Abemeresi batoniafu baliho.
  88. ~tumbefu- that which is full. Epinika endumbefu chiange.
  89. ~tumbufu- that which is unclear, unclean (of water). Alukwe asoka mumachi matumbufu.
  90. ~twekhefu- that which has internal light; shiny. Makokha ali nende emoni endwekhefu.
  91. ~twekhefu- that which has badly pitched loud sound. Omulele omutwekhefu oku kukwo?
  92. ~salalafu- that which is pappery in taste. Piliili esalalafu yiri?
  93. ~sangafu- that which is happy. Abakhana abasangafu balia eswa.
  94. ~sekhefu- that which is pluffed up. Omupira omusekhefu oku kwanu?
  95. ~wolerefu- that who is quiet, ease, silent. Omwana omuwolerefu akhina?
  96. ~wubafu- that with low reasoning power who keeps on repeating mistakes. Embwa embubafu yino yanu?
  97. ~wundefu- that who is indifferent due to idiocy. Omulwaye muwundefu afwiye.
  98. ~wunjefu- that which is still, calm. Asha asokire mu'machi mawunjefu.
  99. ~wuyirifu- that who is praised or adored. Omukhupi muwuyirifu anywesise ekoli.
  100. ~yindiafu- that who is rich, wealthy. Abasach bayindiafu bahalikhire.
  101. ~yiririfu- that who is meditative, thoughtful. Omusacha muyiririfu anyoye esifune.
  102. ~yungubafu- that who mischevious, restless, impatient. Omwana muyungubafu ono wanu.
d) Using the suffix ~i.
  1. ~atulukhani (atulukhaniatulukhani)- that which thunders. Efula enjiatulukhani ekwiye.
  2. ~balayi (balayibalayi)- that which is wide. Kewikhire esero balayi.
  3. ~bambali- that which is broad, wide, vast. Fwala omukawuti mubambali.
  4. ~bi- that which is bad, wrong, evil, ugly, unpleasant, dirty, offensive. Alangire omukhebi mubi.
  5. ~bisi (bisibisi)- that which is unripe. Aliye enjuli mbisi.
  6. ~chasi- that which is a bully. Omusolili muchasi angukhire endukhu.
  7. ~chekhichekhi- that whio laughs pleased anyhow. Omusiere muchekhachekhi ali?
  8. ~chwanchwani- that who is an inciter. Omuraka muchwanchwanu aweyeho?
  9. ~echanyi- that whowhich does blacksmithing. Omusacha omwichanyi akulire omukuba.
  10. ~ekusi- that which is satisfied for having eaten enough. Langa abalimi bekusi.
  11. ~emberi- that which is before, in front, first, leading. Esikhewo siemberi siweye.
  12. ~esi- that which is whole. Etumwa liosi lilalire
  13. ~esiesi- that which is any. Mberese embako yosiyosi.
  14. ~hani- that who is generous. Abasangi bahani bali?
  15. ~hasi- that which is down or below. Amatumwa akahasi kawumbwa.
  16. ~ichanyi- that who does blacksmithing. Omusacha mwichanyi aliho.
  17. ~ilasi- that which leads into evil sexual ways. Omusolili mwilasi alangire Tuta.
  18. ~imani- that who is mean on belongings. Omusacha mwimani kekaye omuliango.
  19. ~ingi- that which is many. Eng'ombe engingi chilianga esauni.
  20. ~kalangachani- that which is hard and slippery. Ekina ekalangachani likochire.
  21. ~kali- that which is large or big. Ewuyu ekali liatikhire.
  22. ~kani- that who can tell a story. Omusakhulu omukani kemba.
  23. ~kayi- that who is a peacemaker. Omukhana mukayi akhupirwe.
  24. ~kendani- that who wanders aimlessly or promiscous. Omukhana mukendani anyoye enda.
  25. ~keni- that which is foreign, strange, novel, unusual. Omusakhulu mukeni akochire.
  26. ~kesi- that who is intelligent, clever, bright. Omusomi mukesi asoma.
  27. ~kesikesi- that who is cunning. Omukusi mukesikesi bamutiye.
  28. ~khundani- that who likes playing sex with the young girls. Omusacha mukhundani akhopwe.
  29. ~koyi- that who brews. Ousiere mukoyi ameye.
  30. ~lahi- that which is good, right, pretty, nice, pleasing. Amachemwa malahi kaweye.
  31. ~landa- that which grows by greeping. Ekhubi elanda lirikho ewenywe?
  32. ~lehi- that which is longer, taller, higher. Omusala mulehi kufunikhire.
  33. ~londani- that which lies alongside, goes together. Abana abalondani basolera mukokhe.
  34. ~losi- that who is a witch. Amunyala mulosi afwiye?
  35. ~lungi- that which is straight or right. Mbe olukhwi olulungi.
  36. ~malakani- that who goes blindly ahead regardless of obstacles. Abasangi mamalakani baliye ewefwe.
  37. ~mali- that which is dark, black, dirty, darken, blacken. Ekofia emali yiri ano.
  38. ~malilikhi- that which comes last. Enyanga emaliliri yiri lina?
  39. ~mamani- that who is poor, needy, lacking. Abalimu abamanani baliye emberenge.
  40. ~mesi- that who is always drunk. Omusolili mumesi ang'ukhire.
  41. ~monyi- that who backbites. Abakhasi bamonyi bekhaye khu siiri.
  42. ~mosi- that which is a calf. Engombe emosi yino yanu? 
  43. ~mosoti- that (bullock) which has not reached stage pf mpunting cows in life. Eng'ombe emosoti yikochire.
  44. ~ndi- that which is other or certain. Omukhana wundi kengiye muwange.
  45. ~ndwani- that which always wrestle, struggle, fight. Omusolili mulwani kakhola.
  46. ~ng'ali- that which is true, right, correct, truthful. Amakhuwa kang'ali kawolekhe.
  47. ~sabisabi- that which is a little bit more. Amukhupire engumi esabisabi.
  48. ~sambi- that who roasts. Abasolili basambi bali?
  49. ~sangirisi- thatin who attacks others in unity. Abasomi basangirisi bakhupire Khaoya.
  50. ~sayirisi- that who is prayerful. Abasangi basayirisi bakhawulukha.
  51. ~seyi- that who incites others against another. Omusolili museyi aweho.
  52. ~soloki- that who is an aimless walker. Abakhana basoloki bakhupwe.
  53. ~sotani- that who likes playing illicit sex with age mates. Omwana musotani ali?
  54. ~susumi- that who is an extreme pauper. Omusakhulu mususumi akoye?
  55. ~tambi- that who is a pauper. Omukhwe mutambi akeniyire.
  56. ~tanyani- that who is a homosexual. Omusolili mutanyani achie ewaye.
  57. ~teeki- that who is always right, speaks truly, makes a right judgment. Kuka omuteeki akhulanga.
  58. ~tikini- that which is concentrated; deep. Echai tikini yiri hano.
  59. ~tanyani- that who likes playing sex with young girls.
  60. ~titi- that who is smaller, fewer, less. Embere enditi endayi.
  61. ~tulani- that who is accusatory. Abasakhulu batulani baweyewo.
  62. ~twakani- that who is a sexmaniac. Abasolili batwakani baweho.
  63. ~twasi- that cow that has sired in its life. Eng'ombe esitwasi basikura omwima.
  64. ~weni- that which is before, in front, first, leading. Esikhewo sieweni siweye.
  65. ~wuyi- that who migrates or emigrates. Omukeni muwuyi ochamwachira esibange.
  66. ~wuyiri- that who advertises or exaggerates. Abakusi bawuyiri bakhola.
  67. ~yayani- that who struggles over items. Abasakhulu bayayani bayayire enyama.
  68. ~yeyi- that male castrated cattle. Eng'ombe eyeyi yikoye.
  69. ~yingani- that who argues (with one another), disputes, debates. Omukhasi muyingani kekusi.
  70. ~yiyani- that which is restless, footloose. Omukhana muyiyani anyoye enda.
  71. ~yokani- that with no permanent resting place. Omusacha muwokani kachia he?
  72. ~yukirisi- that who walk quickly, run slowly. Abayimi bayukirisi baluyire.
  73. ~yuyukhani- that who is always in unplanned haste; hurry. Abasacha bayuyukhani baya ameno.
  74. ~sambi- that who roasts. Abasolili basambi bali.
e) Using the suffix ~a.
These adjectives are tone marked to distinguished them from their verb or noun homographs. For example, the difference between chemaka for ‘cut into pieces’ and chemaka for ‘the dug up harvest’ is in the tone used. 
  1. ~akula- that which is brought down from a height. Amapayipayi maakula kano kako?
  2. ~batisa- that which is baptized. Elicha ebatisa likhusanga?
  3. ~chaka- that which has been planted; not the common wild one. Enderema enjaka ndayi niyo.
  4. ~chabirisa- that which is got abruptly. Akhupire embichi enchabirisa.
  5. ~chaka- that which is planted. Owoba wuchaka wuli ewawe Luka?
  6. ~chanwa~ that (porridge) which is made acidic by adding fruits. Enywa owusera wuchwanwa.
  7. ~mboywa- that (animal) which is not docile and can be tied by anybody. Ewunwa emboywa yaya.
  8. ~ichanya- that which is locally made by the blacksmith. Omubano mwichanya mulayi.
  9. ~chemachaka- that which is dug up or cut. Omapwoni machemachaka kaliyo?
  10. ~chonga- that which is dipped in soup or tea. Omukati muchonga kuli?
  11. ~khwana- that which is twined. Aliye echemwa ekhwana.
  12. ~choosa- that which is collected as tax. Amatumwa machosa kechuye musiaki.
  13. ~chuka- that which expired. Epwoni echuka liwunya owubi.
  14. ~chuka- that which is ruled, governed, controlled, managed, tamed and kept (animals). Esimba echuka liliye engokho.
  15. ~chuma- that which is send. Ekulu echuma lisambire esitioli.
  16. ~chumwa- that who is send. Omwana muchumwa akhupirwe?
  17. ~engama- that (animal) which is gifted by one's uncles. Eng'ombe engama yikhoya yalama.
  18. ~enyamba- that which is farted. Amenyamba kachulanga khu mania.
  19. ~ewona - that who is proud. Omukhana kewona katikhire ewange.
  20. ~findulula- that which is enlarged or made bigger. Esita sifundulule siri khu'nchu ya kuka.
  21. ~chanula- that (accodion) played by stretching . Esinanda sichanula siri ewanu?
  22. ~fuma- that which is tied in banana fibres. Omunyu mufuma kuli ewefwe.
  23. ~fumba- that which is usually folded or bend. Lecha ebisala bifumba.
  24. ~fumula- that which is beaten heavily as with a club. Owusuma wufumula wuyiye.
  25. ~fumundula- that which is scrambled like an egg in water. Aliye ewuyu efumundula.
  26. ~futuma- that (vegetable) which is cooked without soda ash.
  27. ~futuma- that which is cooked by steaming. Eliani efutuma elayi po.
  28. ~halaba - that which is fierce, scolding, angered, bad tempered. Omwalimu muhalaba ali?
  29. ~ikinwa - that which is dependable. Omwana yibetikina akulire esitanda.
  30. ~kaba- that which was gifted. Enguo engaba yibanga wusa yicho.
  31. ~kachia- that which is made into a circular shape. Olusala lukachia luno luli?
  32. ~kala- that which is whole. Nakhayo amilire owumwo owukala.
  33. ~kalikania- that which is confusing. Amakhwana makalikania kano kanu?
  34. ~kawula- that which has been shared (ugali). Alianga owusuma wukawula.
  35. ~kenula- that (ugali) which has been refined and recooked. Waliakho uwusuma wukenula.
  36. ~khalaka- that which is a short cut. Engira ekhalaka yiri?
  37. ~khalira- that (vegetable) which is picked from stems at first twig age. Asanda asaba eliani ekhalilisa.
  38. ~khayaka- that which eaten without vegetable. Owusuma owukhayaka wuli hano.
  39. ~khocha- that (stick) which is pulled from the main stem by hand. Omusukuni mikhocha kuli?
  40. ~khomba- that which is licked. Amalesi amakhomba kaliho?
  41. ~khosa- that (maize) harvested by pulling it with husk from stem. Amatumwa amakhosa kali?
  42. ~khulililisa- that (vegetable) which is harvested by thinning. Eliani ekhulilisa lirimo oloba.
  43. ~kina- that with imperforated hymen. Kuka asirikhire omukhasi omukina.
  44. ~kosa- that (wife) who is inherited. Omukhasi omukosa alwala?
  45. ~kosa- that which was returned. Omwana omukosa ali hena.
  46. ~kota- that which is crooked. Omusala kwekota kukwiye khu'ngira.
  47. ~kotiombola- that which is made zigzag. Abana basola omukoye mukotiombola.
  48. ~kufwa- that which is shining. Omumwi kufwa kwomisie amatumwa.
  49. ~kulania- that which is bought. Ebikombe bikulania biri?
  50. ~kulasania- that which is batter exchanged. Eng'ombe engulasania yiriho?
  51. ~lamba- that of sound mind, whole. Mwalimu omulamba kebire esikwasi?
  52. ~laya- that which is praised. Elicha elaya likhusanga.
  53. ~lokota- that picked as remnants after harvest. Aonda akula amatumwa malokota.
  54. ~longa- that which has been created from soil. Esikombe esilonga siri?
  55. ~lunga- that which is flavour cooked, seasoned. Eliani elunga lino lianu?
  56. ~manusa- that which is gifted to a visitor, in return for bigger gift. Bamuwaye engokho emanusa.
  57. ~fuma- that which falls with thud. Omunyikha omufuma mubi.
  58. ~makanya- that (cattle) which is very old. Engombe emakanya yino yanu?
  59. ~mupima- that is measured, examined, weighted. Enjaba embima yiri hena?
  60. ~musa- that which is lend out. Engombe emusa yiri?
  61. ~naaba- that got using a net. Eng'eni enaaba chiriho?
  62. ~nokola - that which is pulled or plucked out. Amakanda amanokola kano manulu.
  63. ~nyala- that which is indigenous. Amaondo amanyala kali ewefwe.
  64. ~ongolera- that which happened out of it timeframe. Omulengala omwongolera kelecha esimiyu.
  65. ~oyerera- that who was dedicated to spirits by waist beads. Omwana omuwoyerera okhulanga.
  66. ~pwoka - that which comes incognito or cooked in hurry without salt. Abakeni abapwoka bali ewange.
  67. ~saba- that which is borrowed. Enguwa esaba yiri?
  68. ~sikwa- that who is trustworthy, faithful, reliable. Abasolili abesikwa basiri okhulecha esende.
  69. ~sisira- that which is a virgin. Omukhana omusisira akhina sikhaye.
  70. ~sokota - that which has been made by folding. Enjaba esokota yiri ewenywe?
  71. ~suwa- that which is sniffed. Enjaba esuwa yiri mu'lukirao.
  72. ~tindibikha- that which happens accidentally. Amaraba amatindibikha kali khu'mwanda.
  73. ~sunga- that which is borrowed to be returned. Embako esunga yikosisweyo.
  74. ~tuma- that which rises in clouds. Eswa enduma endayi po.
  75. ~wololosa- that (porridge) which has been refined and recooked. Wanywakho owusera owuwololosa.
  76. ~wolola- that who was officially divorced. Omukhasi omuwolola ali hena?
  77. ~wunwa- that which is a bullcalf. Eng'ombe ewunwa yange?
  78. ~yaba- that which has been dug up piecemeal. Amapwoni amayaba kaliyo?
A thing can be described by its habitual action by adding noun concord prefix and tense suffixes to the verb. 
For example, the verb lira (cry) can yield adjectives to describe a baby to give different descriptive meaning of of the noun. The adjective so formes can describe whether the baby described is the one doing the action then, whether the baby described is one who habitually does the action or whether the baby described is the one who will habitually do the action perfectively in future.
  1. Manyi akhupire omwana olira
  2. Manyi akhupire omwana olirakho
  3. Manyi akhupire omwana olilira
  4. Manyi akhupire omwana olilirakho
  5. Manyi akhupire omwana owalira
  6. Manyi akhupire omwana owalirakho
  7. Manyi akhupire omwana olalire
  8. Manyi akhupire omwana olalirekho
  9. Manyi akhupire omwana olalilirenge
  10. Manyi akhupire omwana olalirengekho
  11. Manyi akhupire omwana oliranga
  12. Manyi akhupire omwana olirangakho
  13. Manyi akhupire omwana oliliranga
  14. Manyi akhupire omwana olilirangakho
  15. Manyi akhupire omwana owaliliranga
  16. Manyi akhupire omwana owalilirangakho
Each of basic verb, from which the above adjectives are derived, has its causative forms, applicative and other formsplaces. Each of these forms of verbs form the basic verb from which manyis adjectives can be derived. For example, though the verb acha has adjective ache, there are other adjectives that can be derived from other derived verb form the same basic verb.
Acha- break.
  1. ~ache (from  acha)
  2. ~achise (from achisa)
  3. ~achisie (from achisia)
  4. ~achikhe (from achikha)
  5. ~achisirise (from achisirisa)
  6. ~achisikhise (from achisikhisa)
  7. ~achikhirise (from  applicative achikhirisa)
  8. Etc
The following table shows a few more example:



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