
Showing posts from December, 2019

ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: List of Adverbs in Olunyala (K)

O lunyala (K) is a dialect SO 939-3 nie of Luhya spoken by Abanyala ba Mukhamba found in Navakholo Sub-County within Kakamega County.  The dialect has many adverbs. The following is list of common adverbs.  A] ADVERBS OF MANNER IN OLUNYALA (K). All of them are derived from verbs, nouns and adjectives using Olunyala (K) affixes of manner: 'khu~', 'lu~', 'ma~', 'me~, 'mu~', 'ne~',  'nga~', 'o~' and 'si~' then '~chi', and '~chio'. ~chi  (a~, ba~, bi~, chi~, chu~, ha~, ka~, ki~, ku~, li~, lu~, mu~ , o~, si~, wu~, yi)- in a manner like this; thus. Akingire achi, Nenyakho ebiteru biri bichi, Ekhupanga ochuwa chuli chuchi ~chio  (a~, ba~, bi~, chi~, chu~, ha~, ka~, ku~, li~, lu~, mu~ , o~, si~, wu~, yi)- in a manner like that. Tira omukoye ochio, Lomba bibe bichio, Tira ochio ~kho - in a reasonable/fair manner Amukhupire wubikho. Chiayo ni wimwenyeresakho. Mbulira ni balirakho. ~ene (abe~, ebi~, akhe~, eki~, ...

ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Madicinal Plants Part 1 of 12

Abanyala ba Kakamega  are rich in cultural knowledge on herbal medicine and herbal food that have been use for ages. The herbal medicine is categorised into broad categories. Of all the concoctions, there is one that is commonly known by many in Bunyala and beyond: it is called amanyasi . However, besides amanyasi we have broad categories of other concoctions such as amakhamusia (vapour used), amakhuuma, amabichibichi, amanyukie, amanchu, amaasuswa, amaombo, amakhomba, amahomoli, amalesi, amahakukha, amatumuulo  and amahoso just to mention a few. This part 1 of 12 deals with amakhuuma  (immunity booster) and omubichibichi  (sexual boosters). A) AMAKHUUMA . Amakhuuma is a concoction made by mixing roots, bark, leaves, fruits and flowers from Zanthoxylum chalybeum locally known as esikhumwa . The tree is called esikhuumwa while the concoction is called amakhuuma .  It is boiled, made into thick paste, dried and turned into powder. This is then mixed in...

ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Marriage Part 2- The Rite of Echio

Abanyala ba Kakamega have a marriage rite called echio . Echio is a rite performed within a marriage ceremony process that seals the marriage covenant. Also, upon the death of a parent, echio is believed to offer immunity against anyone who tries to sent the spirit of the dead parent to torment any of the children against its will - the animal would be invoked to block it. It also blocks any curses from one's step mothers in a home. It is a sure hit back at brothers or clansmen who my want to segregate t he children based on issue of adoption claims since it is believed to brings a self inflicting curse called emongo (poetic justice). Furthermore, it makes the first lady to qualify to be called omukhaye . Omukhaye ranks higher than omukhasi or mkha-lebe (wife of so and so). The ceremony can be done at marriage time, after marriage or upon the death of any of the couples. The process of echio involves slaughtering a cow or a she-goat. In modern wedding, those who know hide i...