ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Names of Tree- Part 2 of 2
The following is an exposition of names of trees found in Olunyala (K). The Olunyala (K) is a sub-dialect of Luhya language spoken by the Abanyala in Kakamega. Olunyala (K) is internationally coded as ISO 939-3 nle.
Great credit goes to the following people for their input in the documentation. The indigenous knowledge of the medicinal component of every plant identified remained with the informant.
- Petero Namunyu Erima- Tengeti
- Manyasi Oluta- Sisokhe
- Francis Nyikuri Erima- Musidi
- Enos Aonda- Sikhokhochole
- Shaban Mung'osi- Lutaso
- Clifford Wachakana- Buchangu
- Philip Matang'u- Lumani
- Danson Namanda- Mayuge
- Rasto Wasike Masika- Mukhupo
- Sisa Upande Sakia- Lusumu
- Patrick Wafula Erima- Bunyala Forest
- Chrispin Namunyu Erima- Mukhupo
- Nathan Makokha Masika- Lusumu
- Echofu esacha- ecanthus eminen. Blue flowered.
- Echofu ekhanyu- ecanthus montanus. Big leaves, pale or white flowers
Echofu ekhasi - Echofu ekhasi
- Embunya- Barsama abyssinica; Clausena anisata Good for prostrate.
Embunya - Esibambo- Pavetta abyssinica
Esibambo - Esilookha- plectranthus barbatus. Good for stopping rectal diseases a such as hernia, virginal yeast, eye problem and skin infections.
Esilookha - Esikala'ngwe- Zizyphus abyssinica
Esikala'ngwe - Esikalanda-
- Esikhala'mwombe
- Esikhobi- Ceiba pendandra.
Esikhobi - Esikhuumwa- zathoxyllum gilletii. This is a pilar medicinal plant among the Abanyala ba Kakamega for it treats more than a thousand ailments ; 1000 = esikhuumira
Esikhumwa - Esikulakhoba- Sphagnum Moss. Found on most stems in shaded environment.
Esikulakhoba - Esikula'kukumba- Microgramma Lycopodioides. Antibewiching and antievil spirits.
Esikulakukumba - Esikulakusi- Loranthus ferugineus; Phragmanthera rufescens. Anti-cancer, anti-blood pressure.
Esikulakusi - Esikulalwaali- todder
Esikulalwaali - Esikulukhira
- Esilondo- Glycine wightii
Esilondo - Esimulimuli.
- Esiwoololwe- Kigelia moosa.
Esiwoololwe - Esiwuna- Gardenia volkansii. A revered medicinal tree.
Esiwuna - Eteeka- Oldeania alpina; fish bamboo. Used for fishing rod and arrows. Found in dry areas.
Eteeka - Eteeka ekhasi- Oxytenanthera abyssinica. It grows near water, it is bigger and strong. Used for firewood, building and making containers for keeping arrows.
Eteeka ekhasi - Kayaba- kay applr
- Nalusaaye- Solanecio biafre. Also used as muscillage vegetable
Nalusaaye - Namukhira kwa engwe- Capparis erythrocarpos fam
Namukhira kwa ngwe - Obakato (ekotolofia)- borrowed from English for ovocado tree. Persea americana fam. Lauraceae
- Olubambo- Dendropanax arboreus
- Olubira- Smilax anceps
Olubira - Olufuu- cornstalk dracaena
Olufuu - Olufwo- Carpolobia alba
Olufwo - Olukhaniafu
- Olukhobo- Phytolacca dondecandra fam. Good for warms and syphilis.
Olukhobo - Olukhongwe- terminalia mollis
Olukhongwe - Olukhoni- pencil tree
Olukhoni - Olukwichibikhani
Olukwichibikhani - Olunani- Caesalpinia decapetala
Olunani - Olunani oluporo- Zanthoxylum asiaticum
Olunani oluporo - Olunani olukali
- Olunyambasi- Ilex mitis
Olunyambasi - Olusiambichi - devils hoarserwhip. Achyranthes aspera.
Olusiambichi - Olusirangokho-
- Olusiranyende-
- Olweeyo- Indigofera arrecta fam . Good for ulcers and olwoyo the Breastbone disease.
Olweeyo - Omubambo-
- Omubambo mukhasi-
- Omubalukha- Hymenocardia acida
Omubalukha - Omubinubinu- Cassia didymobotrya fam. Caesalpiniaceae
Omubinubinu - Omuchabachaba- Vernoni
a auriculifera.
Omuchabachaba - Omucha'abi- Kagelia Africana
- Omuchafwa- tea tree
- Omuchangu-
- Omuchanjasi- Euclea divinorum Hiern.
Omuchanjasi - Omuchasa- Sapium ellipticum Hochst.
- Omuchembe musacha- Erythrina abyssinica
Omuchembe - Omuchembe mukhasi- Jatropha curcas fam
Omuchembe omukhasi - Omuchende- Antiaris toxicaria. Sap used to make portent arrow poison for enemies.
Omuchende - Omuchengechenge- Entada Abyssinicabmies.
Omuchengechenge - Omuchiini-
- Omucherera khunga- Ficus exaspatate
Omuchererakhunga - Omuchwichwi- Croton macrostachyus. Good for dry cough.
Omuchwichwi - Omuchooli- croton megalocarpus
Omuchooli - Omuchohochoho-
- Omuchonge- Parkia filicoidea
Omuchonge - Omuchong'o- ochna insculpta
Omuchong'o - Omuchwenge- flamboyant tree
- Omuchuwa- Alstonia boonei. Bark used for painful menstruation (dysmenorrhoea), uterine fibroid or ovarian cysts; pelvic inflammatory diseases; to relieve the painful urethritis common with gonococcus, expelling delayed placenta.
Omuchuwa - Omufenenesi (omuchukhu- Artocarpus heterophyllus (Lam.)
- Omufira- Trumpet flower
- Omufubyachamu- Ipomoea cairica. Very medicinal among the Abanyala.
Omufibiachamu - Omufululo- Morus mesozygian.
Omufululo - Omufumbusa-
- Omuhaafu- Millettia sacleuxii
Omuhafu - Omuhobe- polyscias fulva
Omuhobe - Omuhomo- Grewia Mollis
Omuhomo - Omukabakaba- Ficus lutea
Omukabakaba - Omukachi- sugarcane
Omukachi - Omukangu- aningeria altissima
Omukangu - Omukha- diospyros abyssinica
- Omukhakhale- Castro oil; Ricinus communis
Omukhhakhale - Omukhanga- Sterculia dawei
Omukhanga - Omukhango-- Psychotria Viridis
Omukhango - Omukhawa- Euphorbia umbellata. Latex used for toothache.
- Omukhapa- Manihot dichotoma
Omukhapa - Omukheendie- Allophylus abbysinicus . Good for early stages of hunchbacks.
Omukhendie - Omukheti- Borassus aethipium.
Omukheti - Omukhindu- Phoenix reclinata
- Omukhochole- Turraea floribunda
Omukhochole - Omukhokoche- Pseudospondias microcarpa
Omukhokoche - Omukhonge- Terminalia mollis.
Omukhonge - Omukhorokocho- Thevetia peruviana; Yellow Oleande, a close relative to Nerium oleander
- Omukhorowe
- Omukhupafula- Solanecio mannii
Omukhupafula - Omukhupambuu (omukookwe)- dracaena Steudnerica Eng.Like olufuu but bigger.
Omukhupambuu - Omukhutu
- Omukhutuufu - Dombeya burgessiae. Bark is used used for fibre ropes, cloth making and basket rim making. Stick used fire friction stick.
Omukhutufu - Omukhutuli-
- Omukhuya (omuruku) - Tephrosia vogelii. Sap from leaves is a source of fish poison, plant pest killer or animal pest killer. It eliminates moles.
Omukhuya - Omukhuyu nandere
Omukhuyu kwa nandere - Omukhuyu mukhakunga- Ficus sycomorus.
Omukhuyu - Omukhuyu mukumu
- Omukhuyu musingu
- Omukhuyu mukhasi
- Omukimbi- Bomba
x buonopozense, It flowers red when leafless just before onset of rain. Picture taken at Sitololo stream in Mukhupo in 1998.
Omukimbi - Omukina- Senecio hadiensis
Omukina - Omukoba- Baikiaea insignis
Omukoba - Omukomachi- Cordia africana
Omukomachi - Omukombera- Mondia whitei
- Omukoboti- Ziziphus mucronata
Omukomboti - Omukokwa (omunyaanya)- Uapaca guineensis. Apical leaf sap, owukokwa, used to improve friction of the bow for playing eshiriri.
Omukokwa - Omukokwe- Acacia polyacantha
Omukokwe - Omukonge- Agave sisalana Perrine ex
- Omukowa- Lannea welwitschi
Omukowa - Omukunga- Myrianthus holstii
Omukunga - Omukwanja- Juniperus procera. The indienous type of cypress-ike tree.
Omukwanja - Omukunja ngao- Gymnosporia senegalensis
Omukunja ngao - Omulaha- Combretum A
Omulaha - Omulaha muhanikha- reddish in appearance
- Omulaha mukalukha- Combretum elgonense Exell. Combretum molle fam. Combretaceae
Omulaha Mukaluka - Omulamalama- Piliostigma thonningii Schumach
Omulamalama - Omulemiakhutu- Stereospermu
m kunthianum
Omulemiakhutu - Omulera- Melia azedarach
Omulera - Omuliambwa- Morind
a lucida
Omuliambwa - Omuliba- Musanga cecropioides. Ingredient in brewing of impromptu brew.
Omuliba - Omulimbo (Omukombe, omunywamachi)- Voacanga thouarsii
Omulimbo - Omulonda mwombe-
- Omulonda'mwoni
- Omulonda ng'ombe- Bridelia micrantha fam. Euphorbiaceae
Oulondang'ombe - Omulonda nguku
- Omulongo- Albizia glaberrima.
Omulongo - Omululusia- Vernonia amygdalina Del
Omululusa - Omulungu (Nawulungu)
- Omuluundu- antiaris toxcaria.
Omuluundu - Omumoonyo- Nuxia congesta
Omumoonyo - Omumwaayi- coffea eugenoides.
- Omunyaali- white thorn acasia
Omunyaali - Omunyaali muluungu- Whistlig thorn acasua. Vachellia drepanolobium Thorns have bulb at base.
Omunyaali Mulungu. - Omunyakasa-
- Omunyama- Trichilia loca
Omunyama - Omunyanya (omunyinya)- Vachellia abyssinica
Omunyinya - Omunyapoto- Maesa lanceilata
Omunyapoto nabiiri - Omunyanyakhaanu- Allophylus africanus
Olunyanyakhanu - Omunyekenye- Tetrapleura tetraptera
Omunyekenye - Omuyira'njobe- Trema oruentalis
Omunyiranjobe - Omupawu- eucalyptus.
Omupawu - Omupayipayi musaacha-
- Omupera musacha-
- Omupepenabusi- Steataenia araliacea
Omupepenambusi - Omuperi- Albizia coriaria. Roots and bark are used as medicine for treatment of threatened abortion, menorrhagia, and post-partum haemorrhage and root for tonsils. Roots are also used in the treatment of venereal diseases and eyes.
Omupeeri - Omureku-
- Omurende- Oncopa spinosa
Omurende - Omuriinda-
- Omuruba-
- Omurumba- Milicia excelsa.
Omurumba - Omurumba mukhwasi
- Omusaachi- Solanum mauritianum
Omusaach - Omusaasaali- Vernonia galamensis.
Omusaasaali - Omusaaka
- Omusali- Symphonia globulifera
- Omusamia- Bequartiodendron oblanceolat. Good for stomach ulcers and boils.
- Omusapere- Entandrophragma sapele.
- Omuseka- Ximenia americana. The fruits looks yummy but not sweet.
Omuseka - Omusengeri- Podicorpus gracilior
Omusengeri - Omusengeri musaacha- Podicorpus falcatus.
Omusengeri musaacha - Omuseandalo
- Omuseecha- Scutia myrtina
Omuseecha - Omuseno- Ficus exasasperata
Omuseno - Omusembe- Entada abyssinica fam. Mimosacea
Omusembe - Omusengeteti- Myrsine Africana.
Omusengeteti - Omusienene- Podocarpus usambarensi
Omusienene - Omusikhu- Warburgia ugandensis.
Omusikhu - Omusio
- Omusiola- markhamia lutea.
Omusiola - Omusiola mukhasi- Markhamia tomentosa
Omusiola mukhasi - Omusiteti
- Omusiti- Tiliacora triata. A stong climber whose stem becomes big
Omusiti - Omusitole- Syzygium guineense
Omusitole - Omusiramosi- Senna singuean.
Omusiramosi - Omusiranyende
- Omusiwawa- Acacia sieberiana. The present day Sawawa village in West Kabras was named after this tree. It has papery stem with white thorn almost similar to omunyaali.
Omusiwaawa - Omusoofia- whistling pine; Casuarina equisetifolia
Omusoofia - Omusubangira-
- Omusubasubi- Sesbania Sesban.
Omusubasubi - Omusukuuma - O. ficus indica; sweet pricky cactus
Omusukuma - Omusukuma mukhasi
- Omusuku- Zanthoxylum chalybeum
Omusuku - Omusumwe- Margaritaria discoidea
Omusumwe - Omuswa- Celtis gomphophylla.
Omuswa - Omusweri- Thurraea robusca
Omusweri - Omutaa
- Omutacha malasire- Harungana madagascariensis
Omutacha malasire - Omutandabasia- Cusnia pinicullata
Omutandabasia - Omutachi- Vepris nobilis
Omutaachi - Omutawa
- Omutarakwe (Omukwanja) - Cuppressus lusitanica Mill.
- Omutekeesi
- Omuterekesi- delonix elata
Omuterekesi - Omutere- Maesopsis emin
Omutere - Omutioki
- Omutomolo (omufuwulu)- Steganotaenia araliacea
Omutomolo - Omutondo-
- Omutororo- Bischofia javanica
Omutororo - Omutoto musaacha- Ficus thonningii. Grows on another tree then kills the original tree. Also called the strangler fig tree.
- Omutoto omukhasi -Ficus ovata (Ficus brachypoda) fam. Moraceae
Omutoto omukhasi - Omutoto omuwo- Ficus saussureana DC; loquat leaf fig. The leaves resemble those of fruit tree called loquat, omuchuli.
Omutoto omuwo - Omutoto mutuba- ficus natelensis. They have leaves that are wider above the middle tapering to the bottom.
Omutoto omutuba - Omuto-
- Omutukuyu- Olea capensis. Elgon Olive
Omutukuyu - Omutungutungu- Spathodea campanulata
Omutungutungu - Omutunyi
- Omutuya- Euphorbia candelabrum fam. Ingredient for treatment of alcohol dependency.
Omutuya - Omuungu- Polyscia fulva (P. ferruginea)
Omuungu - Omuwuni- Entandrophragma utile
Omuwuni - Omuwuuwu- Neoboutonia macrocalyx
Omuwuuwu - Omuyeeye- pine tree
Omuyeeye - Omuyobe- Entandrophragma excelsum. Believed to have been one of the tallest tree in Bunyala Forest before its death in 1907.
- Omuyonjo- green tea. Its seed gives mables for playing Mmancala board game.
- Omuyundi- Entada rheedii. A great psychomedicinal and spiritual tree among Abawo in Abanyala (Abakwangwachi, Abachimba, Abasenya, Abasiondo, Abaucha). Almost extinct with the last traceable stem in Wafula wa Muyundi,s home. The fruit can be two-mitre long.
Omuyundi - Omuyuke- Obetia tenax. Stinging Tree.
Omuyuke - Omwandanda- Butyrospermum paradoxum fam.
Omwandanda - Omwangalia-
- Omwarubaine- Azadirachta indica
Omwarubaine - Omweremba- Monodora myristica
- Omweywe- Celtis africana
Omweywe - Omwirima- Drypetes gerrardii Hutch
- Smilax aspera,
- maytenus heterophylla
- Heinsenia diervilleoides.
- Phyllanthus ovalifolius
- Akhasandakwata- Thumbeergia alata Boj. Eye problem, rectal problem, luck, desire, ear, gall, kidney
Akhasandakwata - Akhasandakwata khakhasi- Thunbergia gregorii. It has no black eye in the middle
Akhasandakwata khakhasi - Akhasimiamuliro- Sonchus oleraceus. Cervical cancer, warts, halitosis, Fertility drug.
Akhasimiamuliro - Akhasolola'mache- Acmella caulirhiza. Its flowers and root are good for halitosis, relieve pain in sore mouth, sore gums and sore throat. Also for opening up urinary track. Also it is used to treat decayed teeth, gingivitis or wounds in the mouth, toothache and sore throat.
Akhasololamache - Amangulie- Tithonia Diversifolia
Amang'ulie - Amapunda_ Xanthium strumarium.
Amapunda - Amasambu-
- Echakalalia- Zehneria scabra
Echakalalia - Echangalalwa- wild melon.
- Ehombolio- Momordica foetida fam.
Ehombolio - Ekachi- Rumex usambarensis
Ekachi - Elanda
- Elobwa
- Olucho
- Embusi y'omutakha Ajuga integrifolia Buch.-Ham.
- Emikalo- bitter yams
Emikalo - Enguwu- Microglossa pyrifolia
Enguwu - Enjaba- tobacco.
- Enjaka- cannabis sativa.
- Enjulanjula- Solanum incanum or sodom apple. Root good for stomachache. Fruit juice good for toothache and reducing bleeding.
Enjulanjula - Erafu- light coloured tobacco; burley. Good for omwololo.
Erafu - Esaambi- Tragia brevibes.
Esambi - Esambi'khulu- Tragia subsesslis.
Esambi'khulu - Esambi'salu
- Esere-
- Esiangu
- Esibiyi
- Esichekambwa- climber of the pyrenacantha sp. Used in African craft
Esichekambwa - Esichululo
- Esichunjunwe- Leonotis nepetifolia. It was smoked by worriors before war. Has effects like marijuana when smoked.
Esichunjunwe - Esichunjube- Leucas deflexa
Esichunjunwe - Esifunya- Aurena lobate
Esifunya - Esifunya'chale- Hibiscus diversifolia
- Esikakha- Aloe vera
Esikakha - Esikala'ngwe
- Esikeeke sida tuneicarpa
Esikeeke - Esiket'ambusi Asparagus flagellaris.
- Esikondi- forget me not
Esiondi - Esikondikondi-
- Esikumbuli-
- Esikuchuli- jesticia
- Esilera'mala-
Esilera'mala - Esilera'mukhoma- crassocephalum vitellinum
Esilera'mukhoma - Esilie- eriosema shirense
Esilie - Esilofu- Blepharis ciliaris
Esilofu - Esilonda'chale
- Esilinda'lukuku
- Esilondo- Glycine wightii
Esilondo - Esilukhu-
- Esinyande
- Esimenenwa- Dyschoriste radican
- Esimeenyu- Abrus precatorius
Esimeenyu - Esimesero- Lamb's Tongue
Esimesero - Esimuka
- Esimuluku-
- Esinyanywa- Eribulus terrestiris. Good for energy.
- Esitakha'swa-
- Esituuti- Spermacoce princeae. Postpartum bleeding. The leaves and roots are used for chronic asthma, cancer, mastitis in cows and venereal diseases. A cold infusion is made from leaves and drunk in the treatment of diarrhea. Leaves and stem are used to treat female infertility. Leaves are warmed on fire, ground and mixed with red oil and salt, then is taken orally in treatment of kidney disease.
Esituuti - Esiwumbwe- Artobotrys velatimus.
Esiumbwe - Esiwulula- justica flava
Esiwulula - Esokholio- Artabotrys likimensis
Esokholio - Esuku-
- Etere-
- Imbulu- Canna bidentate
Imbulu - Kukhu yekhona- Biophytim abyssinicun
Kukhu yekhona - Kukhu yekhuna- mimosa pudica
Kukhu yekhuna - Makowe- Biden pilosa.
Makowe - Makulu'kengokho- Cardamine trichocarpa
Makulu ka'ngokho - Nakhanywinywi- oxalis articulata
Nakhanywinywi - Nalukherekho- Dichondra micrantha
Nalukherekho - Nalukherekho sikhasi- Hydrocotyle ranunculoides
Nalukherekho sikhasi - Namafumo- Kalanchoe pinnata
Namafumo - Namafumulo
- Namucho- Senna occidentalis
- Namundukuma- Cyanthillium cinereum
Namundukuma - Namutundubalo
- Namwefwonolo- Crassocephalum crepidioides
Namwefwonolo - Namwekhotamira- Crassocephalum vitellinum
Namwekhotamira - Nandera ng'ombe
- Nanjaka- Mexican Marigold.
Nanjaka - Nanjukha- snake plant.
Nanjukha - Namasali
- Namunganya- poisonous wild yam
- Namuswaacha- Cirsium vulgare
Namuswaacha - Nasichukhuchukhu- Chrysanthemum indicum.
Nasichukhuchukhu - Olubombwe
- Olubu- hibiscus calyphylus
Olubu - Olufira- Datura stramonium.
Olufira - Olufuta- Galinsoga parvilflora. Cures stinging nettlel effect-
Olufuta - Olufuvyafwiri-
- Oluhandwa- Flueggea virosa.
Oluhandwa - Olukhala- Phyllanthus fischeri
Olukhabi - Olukhamba- Clematis hirsuta. Leaves for ED
Olukhamba - Olukhalisi- allophylus spectus
Olukhalisi - Olukhaniafu-
- Olukhanukanu- Sesamum calycinum subsp.
Olukhanukhanu - Olukholimbo- Cajanus scarabaeoides almost similar to mbaazi; Cajanus cajan fam, wild.
Olukholimbo - Olukholokholo-
- Olukhoole
Olukhoole - Olukhululwa- Dichrocephala integrifolia.
Olukhululwa - Oluifwolovyo- Circus guadrangularis.
Oluifwolobio - Olukamuli (pilipili)-
- Olukhweyu lukhasi- Alternanthera sessilis
Olukhweyu lukhasi - Olukhweyu lusacha-Alternanthera sessilis
Olukhweyu - Olulundu- Sida rhombifolia
Olulundu - Olumichani- Leucas calostachys
Olumichani - Olumwero- Abutilon hirtum
- Olunaba- Pycnanthus angolensis
Olunaba - Olunyiri- Dissotis speciosa
Olunyiri - Oluperere- Acalypha bipartita
Oluperere - Olupiriapiri
- Olusambu-
- Olusekhe-
- Olusiambichi- devils horse whip
Olusiambichi - Olusengeteti- myrsine africana
- Olusianyama (olubiyi)- Secamorne Africana
Olusianyama - Olusirangokho- Dendrolobium triangulare
Olusirangokho - Olusiramboko
- Olusiramosi
- Olusiranjofu- Dioscorea abyssinica
Olusiranjofu - Olusiranyende-
- Olusiukha-
- Olusoojole
- Olusuumwe-
- Olutang'u-
- Olu.........- Gloriosa superba. Good for expelling placenta.
Olutasolo - Oluteng'oteng'o- Clerodendrum johnstonii Oliv.
Oluteng'oteng'o - Olutereko
- Olutosiamuse- Iodes sp. Cases, spirits.
Esitosiamuse - Olutotobya- Chenopodium murale
Olutotobya - Olutuumuusi- Erigeron canadensis
Olutumusi - Oluwookha-
- Oluwuku- Pseuderatheumum ludovicianum
Oluwuku - Oluyongo- Striga hermonthica and Striga lutea
Oluyongo - Oluyongo lukhasi- Alectra
Oluyongo Lukhasi - Oluyoyo- water lilies
Oluyoyo - Oluyungi- water cabbage; Samolus parviflorus fam
Oluyungi - Olwacha kumba- Triumfetta brachyceras
- Olwambuuli- Rubia cordifolia L
Olwambuuli - Olweebi- Kedrostis foetidissima
Olwebi - Olwikalambich_ Dioscorea sansibarensis. Potent killer of wild pigs and moles.
Olwikalambichi - Olwisaabe - Asparagus africanus
Olwisaabe - Olwombe- Moses
- Omuleere- fungus
- Omukukhu- mould
- Omuterema-
- Persicaria lapathifolia
- Follopia convolvulus
- Ciassampelos peraira
- Lambs Quarter
- Stephania abyssinica
- Argemone mexicana
- Chamaecrista rotundifolia
- Allophylus spelus
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