ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language- Compound Nouns in Olunyala (K)
By Balovera Edwin Ongacho
Compound nouns are names formed by joining two words to form one word. In mostfact compound words of Olunyala (K), the two words are joined after deletion of the initial vowel in the second word. Thus, it is proposed that compound nouns be written with an omissive apostrophe between the words and not a hyphene as done in English. The following is a list of compound nouns in Olunyala (K) or Olunyala East.
- Akhalera'bana (akhalera + abana)- a small type of caterpillar
- Akhamocha'lukongo (akhamocha + Olukongo)- motorcycle
- Akhasindusa'balimi (akhasindusa + abalimi)- the lizards with a long body.
- Akhasolola'mache- type of plant
- Amache k'enjukha- froth produced by spittlebug insect after sucking plant sap.
- Amakanda k'owang'i- plant with small fruits with black and white seeds in a red pod.
- Amakona'nje- types of air potatoes that. are poisonous if not cooked well.
- Amala'malulu (amala + amalulu)- jealousy.
- Amala'matiri (amala + amatiri)- large intestine.
- Amala'matiti- small interstine.
- Amaloba'swa- types of fruits from Lunea endulis plant.
- Amangala'mwe- desert dates.
- Amasanga'ngira- junction
- Amasima'bakeni- types of fruits from Securidaca longipendiculala
- Amatakho k'abasakhulu- crossberry plant.
- Anjika'mukhola- puppet.
- Enywa'biri- double rainbow.
- Ebikuta'saya- mandazi
- Echala'machi- water melon.
- Efulu'kundu- puff udder.
- Efutu'biri- type of black bird.
- Ehonga'balosi- carpenter bee.
- Ekhira'khima- black mamba.
- Ekhuyi'khuyi- stalk bird.
- Embalabira'mwesi- bush baby.
- Embira'yika- small supporting cooking stone.
- Embiri'nyanja- whale
- Embumbu'yaka- windy storm
- Embunga'masi- dungbeetle.
- Embwa yaWere- insect.
- Emira'mirye- python sebal
- Engara'ngarani- bicycle rim
- Enia'alala- species of mongoose
- Enjala'chumbu
- Enonda'balayi- pimples
- Enyembera'nyuni- quick lighting firewood.
- Esamba'khulu- plant with stinging leaves
- Esiangala'mwe- desert
- Esichanda'mang'isu- a sexually transmitted disease affecting testis; gonorrhoea
- Esichenya'khwi- bag insect
- Esikala'machwi- incorrigible person.
- Esikala'muliango- funeral rite of closing the door after funeral.
- Esikala'ngwe- plant
- Esikhomba'mosi- ringworm.
- Esikhonya'mwasi- special evening meal for the husband
- Esikhumbu'tete- thumb
- Esikola'kole- type of water insect.
- Esikosia'ng'ombe- an extremely beautiful but mannerless lady
- Esikula'kusi- a type of parasitic tree.
- Esikula'machwi- a metaphorical name for a slap
- Esikwa'malalu- unstable mentally; occassional madness.
- Esikwa'si- safety pin
- Esikwa'sikwe- come what may
- Esilia'mbwa- peace pact
- Esimbi'khira- whydah
- Esimira'songo- sink-hole
- Esina'nyanja- scorpion.
- Esinia'kirisi
- Esinia'mbuti- shame rouser
- Esinia'muliro- a type of bombardier insect.
- Esinia'nduli- trouble maker.
- Esisanda'kwata- plant with small guard-like fruit
- Esisimbia'muchwe- rudeness with pride.
- Esisolola'mache- plant
- Esitakha'malalu- the grandchild to ones grandchild.
- Esitakha'mbusi- type of plant shrub.
- Esitanda'liro- flat topped utencil-shelf
- Esiyenya'meno- belittle satirically
- Esomba'fwiri- type of bird
- Esuwula'ngwe- sun with halo
- Etete'khonge- type of locust.
- Ey'ebasa- pot with two mouth openings.
- Eya'khufuka- pot for cooking ugali.
- Eya'machuku- pot with protruding handles.
- Eya'mbeba- pot for cooking meat.
- Eya'munyu- pot for cooking vegetable.
- Eyicha'makholi- ocean.
- Khombe'ngesi- receptively cunning
- Kukhuyikhuuna- plant that reacts to touch by folding leaves.
- Kukhu'yiwumba- antlion lavae.
- Makata'njekupekho- riff raffs
- Mchwe'lupang'a- hornbill.
- Mulia'bisikha- lazybone
- Namuchwe'kanya- newt and toadpole.
- Namulwa'ngutie- type of berry plant of the Physalis lacascae
- Namundu'kuma- type of plant weed.
- Namurwe'kana- salamander
- Nanjakhupa'mukhasi- praise name for the clan of Abachimba.
- Nanjalakasa'lioya- mean person.
- Nanjetuba'tosi- type of aquatic insect. Also for a person who hates farm work.
- Nasiene'mulimo- useless and below expectation.
- Okhwa'lebe- son of ones father mentioned in eg okhwa'wanyama
- Okuchia'molu- praying mantis
- Okwangala'machuka- brightest moonlight.
- Olubafu'lubakukha- floating rib.
- Oluchanda'si-
- Olukongo'fuma- backbone or up facing ridge trough
- Olukongo'mirisi- ridge.
- Olukukumirisi- crest.
- Olusi'nyande- grass of the species of Selena incrassatta.
- Olusia'mbichi- devil's hoarse whip
- Olusia'nyama- fishing line
- Olusira'mboko- type of climber plant.
- Olusira'ngokho- plant.
- Olusira'nyende- type of tree shrub.
- Oluwanya'machi- roof above house eeves
- Olwacha'kumba- plant
- Omuaaka'kumba- a person who treats fractured bones.
- Omucha'njasi- type of tree.
- Omuchandula'machwi- name used to refer to Masai
- Omucherereera'khunga- type of tree.
- Omufutu'mbwe- tree with small black fruits; Vitex Pagos
- Omukeka'muka- name used to refer to Maasai and Kalenjin.
- Omukeni wa'lebe- beloved husband to a lady mentioned therein. eg Omukeni wanambirifuma.
- Omukhacha'ngokho- that who is selected to go deliver animals for dowry.
- Omukhana'wange- daughter-in-law
- Omukhesa'mbulu- partially deaf.
- Omukunja'ngawo- plant with thorns whose stick is good for making shield frame.
- Omulaha'mukalukha- tree
- Omulata'ng'eni- derogatory name for luos.
- Omulia'mbwa- a person taking part in peace treaty between on clan and another.
- Omulonda'ng'ombe- tree of Bridelia micrantha type.
- Omumemena'mbusi- tree
- Omunyu kw'olukhaye- aptly distilled salt salt from ash.
- Omunyu'mufume- salt from ash.
- Omunyu'mukhebano- magadi salt
- Omusena'mutocho- one declared persona non granta
- Omusenda'swa- cunningly inciteful.
- Omuserera'nani- risk taker .
- Omusia'meno- saw
- Omusira'batocho- barren woman.
- Omusira'matakho- praise phrase for clan of Abatecho and papervine plant.
- Omusira'mbere- a man
- Omusira'nchu- a senior spinster by choice.
- Omusira'nyimba- name for luo.
- Omusira'nyumba- senior bachelor by choice.
- Omusolili'wange- son-in-law
- Omusongola'munwa- fruit tree of Dovyalis macrocalyx.
- Omusuba'ngira- tree type
- Omutacha'malasire- tree
- Omutikitia'kulu- praise name for clan of Abakwangwachi
- Omwen'engo- husband.
- Omwene'kumba- praise phrase for a sub-clan of Abakwangwachi called Abaucha.
- Omwene'mulimo- the host
- Omwene'nchu- wife
- Omwene'sisala- chairperson
- Omwene'taala- eldest man an extended family setting.
- Omwicha'njiwo- praise name for men from Abamisoho clan.
- Omwichukhulu'mbunda- a child to ones grandson or ones grand-daughter
- Omwikala'nda- a name used to refer to lastborn; also walaka.
- Omwikula'nda- a name used to refer to firstborn; also simakulu.
- Owuchala'machi- mushroom type
- Owusuba'ngira- type of grass of Eragrolus currula
- Sikhonji'welimia- a genius.
- Sikolola'mukhira- blamelessly.
- Sisolo na'ngwe- heirless
- Siyanja'barende- tribe that welcomes, assimilated and swallows up foreigners.
- Wakwa'wubi- child whose mother dies as birth.
- Wusolo'wutochire- hard task made simple.
- ~oka'mabwoni- less valued
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