ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language- Nouns for waste and by-products

By Balovera Edwin Ongacho Processing of food and food crops yield many waste products or by-products. These products have specific names in Olunyala (K). The following are some of the names. Akachundukhire - waste of badly brewed traditional brew. Akafubire - tubers that became waste due to failure to be cooked. They turn watery with raw taste. Amanda - waste that are charcoal in nature. Amachakicha - waste from green maize stem or sugarcane leaves. Amachekhe - waste that form beer dregs residues which can have water added to produce some dilute brew. Amachuuka - waste potatoes or cassavas that have become expired at harvest time. Amafwifwi - waste from cotton after harvesting and separating it from fine cotton. Amakhambalia - waste shell scrapped off the body of a scaly fish Amakhanya - waste that remains after chewing or crushing sugarcane. Amakhoba - waste easily p...