ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language- Nouns for waste and by-products
By Balovera Edwin Ongacho
Processing of food and food crops yield many waste products or by-products. These products have specific names in Olunyala (K). The following are some of the names.
- Akachundukhire- waste of badly brewed traditional brew.
- Akafubire- tubers that became waste due to failure to be cooked. They turn watery with raw taste.
- Amanda- waste that are charcoal in nature.
- Amachakicha- waste from green maize stem or sugarcane leaves.
- Amachekhe- waste that form beer dregs residues which can have water added to produce some dilute brew.
- Amachuuka- waste potatoes or cassavas that have become expired at harvest time.
- Amafwifwi- waste from cotton after harvesting and separating it from fine cotton.
- Amakhambalia- waste shell scrapped off the body of a scaly fish
Amakhanya- waste that remains after chewing or crushing sugarcane.
- Amakhoba- waste easily peeled by hand from ripe fruits such as mango, banana and pawpaw
- Amakhochilia- chewed and spit roughage of vegetable such as pigeon peas
- Amakhokhwe- waste of water and weed mixture pulled out of gutters and trenches.
- Amakhokoro- waste scrap of porridge that sticks on the cooking item
- Amakholoboyo- waste of testa of maize, groundnut or bean seed during preparation of meals that requires removal of the same.
- Amakhongoiko- waste of empty seed pods or empty cuboid.
- Amakukuchu- muddy weed waste from water stream.
- Amakokha- waste arising from sweeping dirt in the compound.
Amakuyi- waste of simsim husks or waste coffee husks.
- Amalekhe- bear waste left at drinking place while starting a migration journey. The pots and straws were also left.
- Amalondo- waste scrap of hardened crust of ugali that sticks on the cooking item.
- Amanyosu- waste water after washing intestines or entrails of an animal.
Amapwenge- waste of egg shell after brooding of a bird.
- Amasakachi- waste of dry maize stem stalks that remain in farm after harvesting.
- Amasanjalia- waste from stems of beans after threshing.
Amasangara- waste after peeling groundnuts or monkey-nuts.
- Amasasalia- waste of honeycombs after harvesting honey.
- Amasengeli- waste from which iron ore has been extracted.
- Amasifwa- discarded waste beer dregs that cannot produce any brew.
- Amateche- waste of sorghum after thrashing the heads.
- Amatolito- waste of uncooked flour that is found in porridge.
- Amatukhulu- waste of dirty water that remains after decanting.
- Amawumbulule- debris of fallen mud wall.
- Amayundi- waste that is left from sisal leaves after getting sisal fibre.
Amoola- waste from fruit rind or maize husks.
- Ebicheere- waste of old worn out rugs
- Ebichokhi- waste material such as bones or seed husks removed from body during treatment of evil eyes effects.
- Ebikhabakhaba- waste of skin and hides
- Ebikolonjio- waste from broken pot.
- Ebikolongolio- wastes of broken soil made item during kilning.
- Ebikokomo- waste in form of scrap metals.
- Ebinyooso- waste of pumpkin leaves after removing the cuticle during leaves prepatation.
- Ebisaasa- left over meal eaten by visitors.
Ebisakata- waste husks from coffee seed.
- Ebisalisali- waste of vegetable twigs after picking off the leaves.
- Ebisokori- waste form maize after shelling; maize cobs
- Ebituwulo- waste mesh of fruits after squeezing out juice.
- Ekheresu- waste ash left after filtering ash-salt from it.
- Ekooko- waste that remains after taking good timber from a log
- Ekunda- waste farmland where people have migrated from.
- Embundu- waste flour found inside cooked ugali
- Embuu- waste milk from which butter has been removed; whey. Also used for watery milk.
- Emibia- waste pieces of meat got from the skin surface.
- Enchekhere- left over cereal meal that cannot be recycled for human use.
- Engakai- collection of waste being swept away by flooding water.
- Eng'unda- waste from cut weeds and other plant material.
- Enjenga- waste of sizable particles sieved off from flour.
- Esibiba- heap of same type of farm weed raked out
- Esipichi- waste heap of rubbish when still raw.
- Esisiina- waste of decomposing heap of rubbish
- Oluchuata- waste diarrhoea in form of slimy mucus.
- Omubia- waste meat got from the skin during skinning.
- Omuchong'a- waste remains from scabbing fish.
- Omukhuchi- sawdust-like waste from bean seed thrash. Also used for sawdust.
- Omulaala- waste milk squeeze out of the nipple by lactating mothers just before starting to suckle a baby.
- Omuofulula- waste of grass removed from old house during thatching.
- Omusoka- waste water after distillation of chang'aa
- Omwera- waste of ill formed or immature cereals that drops off during process of drying cereals.
- Owukeeni- left over ugali
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