ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: The Clan of Abatecho

Abatecho is one of the major clans among the Abanyala ba Kakamega but spread across many counties. Members of the clan are found in Navakholo, Busia, (Mp. Charles Asiba's family Busia), Trans Nzoia, Bungoma, Lugari and beyond. Originally, they were called Abadecho. However, due to phonological changes involving consonant devoicing among the Abanyala ba Kakamega between 1750 AD and 1800 AD, the name changed to Abatecho. The consonant devoicing was accelerated by a leadercalled Masiribayi who was of Masai origin.

1. Identity of Abatecho
The Batecho among the Bukusu and Abatecho among Abanyala are originally one. They cannot intermary for they can trace their generations to a common ancestry. There is still debate as to whether it is the Abatecho in Bukusu who were originally Abanyala or it is the Abatecho among Abanyala who were originally Bukusu. Furthmore, the bigger issue arises as to whether the Abatecho in Bukusu and in Bunyala were originally part of Abasamia in Samia Bukgwe or Kalenjin who came in via Teso. However, the Abatecho were believed to have been once under the leadership of Munyala- I. At this point, they were Abanyala.

The female daughters of Abatecho are refered to as Natecho. The man is called Omutecho. They have a praise phrase: "Natecho Nekhonga abanianiambi abakolai." This can be loosely translated as: 'Those who are very hardworking and determined even when the going gets tough.' The Abatecho will proudly stand out from the rest (okhwikhonga) and hang on with determination (okhwinaniamba) until they accomplish their task.

Abatecho were also good blacksmiths and gold miners when in Ewusitema- now Uganda. They were great medicinemen and trusted advisers to Abanyala leaders. They were hunters, potters, wood carvers and also skilled at handraft work. They never ate a fish called esunu, they never vigorously shook hands for long when greeting because they had omukasa kwa owukambisi (annointed to advise) and never used a shrub called olusunu as firewood or a walking stick.

The omukasa kwa owukambisi (annointing to advise) together with its paraphenalia of leadership, made Abatecho to be very peaceful and trustable people across generations.

3. Early places of settlement
Abatecho are said to have settled in the place called Budecho. Budecho is currently found in Bulumbi village of Busia (Uganda) where Budecho Primary is located. The place was named after the clan. Here, they were neighbours to Abatabani (Who stayed in present day Dabani), Abalanda and Abaengele.

A group of Abadecho remained among the Abasamia Abagwe in Busia Uganda.

3. The separation and reunion of Abatecho
While living in Budecho, the Abatecho separated into two groups before rejoining again at the start of 1800 AD.

At separation time, part of the Abatecho joined with part of Abauma, part of Abalanda and part of Abatabani then peacefully moved down to Budieri along River Nzoia in present day Port Victoria. They did this leaving other family members in Budecho. They were harbingers of migration- to test new settlement places. While in Budieri, they were joined by Abasumba from Sumba Island, Abakangala and Abamani to make a fort- olukoba. The Batecho stayed in Budieri as their other clansmates stayed in Budecho.

After the attack by Abakhone on the Abanyala tribes during the esiatikho attack of 1800 AD, the above clans were forced to move back towards Budecho and Dabani. They were lead back by a group of Abanyala who had gone to help Abaongo to fight Abakhone- a troop lead by an Omusiondo worrior called Miriri and an Omusenya called Simbuchi. They moved because the combined Abanyala battalion had given Abakhone their first ever defeat; therefore, they feared retaliatory attack from the Abakhone. Abatecho moved back together with Abalanda, Abadabani, Abaafu, Abayisa, Abaengere, Abasumba, Abaholo, Abamani and Abauma. It is worth noting that a group of Abauma opted to split and go to Tanzania. The group then rejoined other Abanyala who were under the leadership of Mukhamba-II in Mbale Uganda.

The Abatecho among Abanyala and Batecho among Babukusu.
During the stay of Abanyala in Ebuyemba, some of the clans of Babukusu, some clans of the Abagwe and the Abanyala lived together under common leadership structures. At this time, the Abatecho in Abanyala and those in Babukusu were one people. It is because of this that they are still one people now under the national chairmanship of one elected leader.

All that said, it is worh noting that we have Abatecho in Abanyala and Batecho among Babukusu because of the following reasons:
  1. Masiribayi taking over power from Nasokho wa Nalukuwo- By the time of the split, the leader of Abanyala was Nasokho wa Nalukuwo from the clan of Abayemba. However, a rainmaker of Masaai origin took over power when the people made him omwami- leader. This was because he made it to rain after long drought seasons. Due to this, some Abatecho lead by Bakolai wa Nekhonga sided with Nasokho of Abayemba and refused to move under the leadership of Masiribayi. Therefore, those who moved on with Masiribayi became the Abatecho in Abanyala while those who remained became the Abatecho in Babukusu.
  2. The welcoming nature of the original Babukusu clans-The Babukusu were known to be the babaana ba erango lya enjofu which can be translaed as 'the children of one with the elephant's thigh'. Thus, the Original Bukusu were ready to welcome and assimlate any new clan. Therefore, the 'thigh of the elephant' accommodated and assimilated the Abatecho.
  3. The cruel rule of chief Ndombi wa Namusia- Chief Ndombi ruled with an iron fist. This made some of the Abatecho, who were among the first elites in the community, to emigrate and join their kins among the Babukusu. For example, the first graduate among the Abanyala was a son to Abatecho called Sikanga Waudo in 1945 from Makerere University. This was just five years after the untimely death of Chief Ndombi. He was forced to move out of Navakholo. Sikanga Waudo is he who was behind the naming of Lusaka Road, Butecho Road, Butecho Square at Shauri Moyo Estate in Nairobi, Waudo Road and Bunyala Road. By this time, he was th first Director of Social Services and Housing during the colonial era.
    From Left: the late Kiwanuka former Prime Minister Uganda, Charles Njonjo former Chief Justice Kenya, the late Siganga Waudo and the late Prof Wassawo at Makerere University. Source: Masakha et al (2018)
  4. Normal migrations in search of land- this is a minor reason that accounts for a few of the Abatecho families in Bungoma and Trans- Nzoia.
Various families of Abatecho.
The following are the various families of Abatecho. Though not lenearly presented, the families can trace back their geneology to a common ancestry by constructing a great family tree. The families are recorded based on settlement clusters.

The family of Abatecho, in Navakholo and some other places, begins with Manyasi. Manyasi sired Mwinami, Neruma and Siememi. Siememi was the father of Sioya, Kichonjo, Munyekenye, Akeki and Nabiswa. Neruma sired Muchuma, Sikuku, Siemeni and Wire. Sangatati was father of Wekulo and Mikah. Wekulo was father of Musi. Mikah was father of Wandera the father of Sikhangu Okumu who sired Khayiya the father of Uluma.

Sioya had seven children: Luteru, Umbo, Wire, Muneria, Makokha, Waswa and Mayira. The lineage of Luteru is: Umbo, Wire, Muneria, Makokha, Waswa and Mayira. The lineage of Umbo is: Wamboko, Machio, Siminyu, and Muliro. The lineage of Wire is: Khaemba and Siebanda. The lineage of Muneria includes Muterwa, Mirundu, Wanyama, and Watenya. The lineage of Makokha is Julius Masakhwe. The lineage of Waswa is Barasa Siachangala and Keya. However, Mayira died during his engagement in the First World War of 1914-1918.

Munyekenye had five children: Akeki, Rakama, Khasali, Wanjala and Walusala. First, Akeki had only one daughter. Then Rakama Munyekenye sired Khaemba and Nikasio. Khasali Munyekeneye sired Matete, Kichonjo Tomas, Wanjala Munyala. Then, Walusala Munyekenye sired Washington, Johnson, Jeff, Julius, Pande, Stanley and Khasali. Mukhongos lineage had Odero, Wechuli, Mang’oli, Wambongo, Khaemba, Murunga and Siekisa. There is no trace of grandchildren of Wanjala Munyala.
Nabiswa’s children were Epainito and Wakochwe.

Muchuma’s lineage had Wire, Wekulo, Wanjala, Wangia, and Cherumuli. There is no trace of Shikuku’s children. From Wire Muchuma, there ware Manyasi, Otuki, Kitere, Khachio, Sikuku, Uchunju and Wambemba. From Kitere Wire, we had Kwova, Owoli, Waswa, Matini, Makokha, Munyang’oli, and Manyasi.

The Wekulo’s lineage is Musi, Mukhenye, Ochanji, Sisa, Siwuwe, Shiatsala, Muyonga, and Musechere. Balonga’s sons are Okoyana, Wakhutu and Muheri, Musi Muyonga and Musi Musiekhere.

Musi Musiekhere Balonga’s lineage is Wanjala, Wangia, Ekesa, Musi, Mugai, Mutoro, Matumbei, Musekese, and Musitia. Of the above, Musi’s lineage is Cherumuli, Waudo, Wanjala, Ng’ombe and Wangia. From the above, Cherumuli’s lineage is Ochivya father to Mayeki, Wanjofu father to Waudo, Wangia father to Chirombo, Sindani and Cherumuli.

From Waudo Wanjofu, we had Wanjala, Ng’ombe, and Wangia. From Wanjala Waudo we have Maombo, Nato, and Mwenge. Then from Ng’ombe Waudo, we had Waudo, Cherumuli, Malaba, Wangia, Sichangi, Wekulo, Musungu, Namutu, Wakhu, and Makhacha. However, Wangia had no child.

Okoyana Balonga sired Wafula, Mukhwana, and Siambiri. Then, Wakhutu sired are Misiko, Wawire, Wangira, Wamalwa, Wakhanu, Wechuli, Wanjala, and Musi. Then, Muheri’s sired Musa, Yakobo, and Mutoka. Latly, Etoche sired Ofwingiri, Lusimu, Oduki, Ofwera, and Omanyo. On focusing on Etoche's family: Oduki Edoche sired Walala and Mauko. Ofwera Etoche sied Wasike, Syati, Musungu, Siminyu, Wamachemwa, Napote, and Ndege. Then Omonyo Etoche sired Tari, Daniel and Okiya.

In Kochwa of Navakholo, there is Otisi, Matwale, Wechuli, Juma, Lumuke, Makhulo, Sikuku, Wasike and Wawire Ndarindari.

In Ebusangabia, we have the great family of Mawi, Khamala and Sawa

In Bungoma there is the family of Kayeki, Okumu and Ochivya. In Mwibale of Bungoma County, there is the family of Namuma wa Namunyu.

In Lukhokho of Bungoma County, there is the families of Kitere Okama, Wanjala Munyala, Khachio Maungo and Mutama.

In Milo, Kongoli, Ndengelwa, Mayanja and Bulondo of Bungoma County and Chalicha in trans Nzoia, there is the expansive family of the Nabiswas. The name Chalicha in Trans Nzoia has its origin at the current Nzoia Sugar Factory from where some members of the family were evicted to give way for the factory. They moved with the name Chalicha.

Children of Nabiswa from the eldest to the youngest are Stempu Wanekelo, Andrew Wanyama Murefu, Painito Wakochwe, Jephner Wamalwa, Reuben Wanyonyi and Samsom Simiyu. The sons stempu were sale, Gideon Wafula and Patrick Khasali from eldest to youngest. The sons of Andrew Wanyama were Peter Ngachi, Dishon Wabwoba Murefu, Shadrack Manyasi and Glenn Nabiswa Musi. Sons of Ngachi are Amos Nabiswa Ngachi, Briver Manyasi,Alexander  Wanyama, Andrew Wanyama, Evans Manyasi, Eric Masika, Kevin Wanjala and Collins Ngachi. Sons Dishon Wabwoba Murefu are Prof. Franklin Wabwoba, Pastor Wellington Nabiswa Wabwoba, Bonface Wanyama Wabwoba and Victor Mbayi Wabwoba. Sons of  Shadrack Manyasi are Douglas Nabiswa, Chrisantus Wanyama and Andrew Murefu. Sons of Glenn Nabiswa are Micheal Nabiswa, Titus Nabiswa and Fred Wanyama Nabiswa.

Also in Bungoma, there are families of Khachio, Manyasi, Nandasaba, Namakuma, Mutama, Nangendo, Wafula, Kitui, Mawi, Sisa Khamala, Wakhanu, Otipa, Sawa, Maende and Webo.
Ken Makelo Lusaka- one of the Senior Batecho Clan member in Kenya as at 2018

In Makokhwe we have the the families of Luteru, Manyasi, Odera, and Rakama.

In Butsotso there is the families of Khalalie and Mukhwana wa Okoyana.

In Trans-Nzoia, we have Thadayo Wambichi Waudo, Washington Rakama and Kisaka.

Dear Abatecho,
You are free to copy and expand or edit this information. I will be greatful if I receive more input. Abatecho clan is very wide



  1. Mawi, Khamala nende, Sawa bali eusangabia

    1. Eusangabia niyo wae lundi? My clan is Omuyundo Omusangabia and I wouls wish to know the origin of this Omusangabia

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks a lot for this ancestral information. I was in darkness.Continue updating us.

  4. Good work,kindly continue to give us more information for other sub_tribes in Luyiah tribe, especially the Abakolwe

  5. Kindly can you give more information about lineage of wire-khaemba and siebanda

  6. Kindly can you give me more information about lineage of Wire-khaembs,siebanda

  7. So does that mean abanyala from navakholo and that from busia can't inter marry

  8. We need to be taught this in school.Thank you for information

  9. Great information though incomplete but good work 💪

  10. Abatecho of Busangavia includes;Longino Mawi,Otisi Kochwa,Dismas Khamala,Kasiano Matwale,Clement Wechuli,Tulu Kochwa,Sawa Wire and Lumuke Kochwa,

  11. Hello Alex, where is this Busangabia located?

  12. Abatecho the family of Mang'oli includes ,Kung'ondo,Okumu, wafula,Mukhwana, Luombo, osundwa, among others were located in masinga village,, the R.lusumu divides with Sawa wa ebusangavia (As butecho families we are committed to work as a team ,, Congrats Butecho

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    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. What of that of Simbiri? I always hear Wasike wa Musungu say in one of his songs that his wife is Nakhumicha from the line of Manyasi, Sikolia and Simbiri


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