ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language- Names non Edible Insects

Insects are generally called ebikukulikhi. Most of the noticeable insects have the following Olunyala names.
  1. Akhasa akhalera baana 
  2. Amakawuli
  3. Amakhuwe- Macrotermes vitrialatus fam. Hodotermitidae
  4. Amasechere- Odontotermes fam. Termitidae
  5. Efucho- white piedra
  6. Eke- ant
  7. Eke lya naming'awe- big male ants.
  8. Ekhabi- blister beetle. They are usually found on vegetable. It was believed that they were to be removed gently lest one becomes unlucky for the whole day. However, the main reason was that the insect secretes toxic substances if disturbed. 
  9. Ekhukhuuni- leach
  10. Ekhutyuli- any of the big sized beetles. 
  11. Ekokowe- black sugar ant
  12. Ekuungune- the brown sugar ant. It loves sugar. Also recently baptized penda-chai. 
  13. Ekuutere- carpenter bee. If is same to ewungabalosi except for the presence of the sting. 
  14. Elyalamba ekali- wasps (big and black)
  15. Elyalamba erumba- wasp (big yellow)
  16. Elyalamba etiti- wasp. (Small sized wasps)
  17. Embikhwa
  18. Embulyesi- 
  19. Embulukuchi- butterfly. Children were discouraged from getting hold of butterflies lest they suffer scabies. The main reason was that some butterflies produced poisonous dust.
  20. Embungamasi- dung beetle 
  21. Embwa ya Were- Earwig.
  22. Emonyo- 
  23. Enda- louse. 
  24. Endukusi-
  25. Endukusi ya omukhira-
  26. Enguyi- weevil 
  27. Enjonyakirisi-
  28. Enjunda
  29. Enyefu- 
  30. Enyende- jigger 
  31. Enyende ya abasochi- Botfly or African Tumbu Fly 
  32. Enyende ya abasochi- (fly stage) 
  33. Enyende y'ebibi- maggot
  34. Enyenje
  35. Epurupuru- moths 
  36. Esa- caterpillar
  37. Esa emiriu- smooth bodied caterpillar.
  38. Esa esawulukhwe- grey caterpillar found in house.
  39. Esa esekesa- a spiky and poisonous caterpillar.
  40. Esesere 
  41. Esa esekesa- deadly hairy caterppilar
  42. Esang'unyu- trap jaw aunt 
  43. Esi- housefly
  44. Esichenyakhwi- bag-moth insect 
  45. Esichiriri - house cricket 
  46. Esichiririba- cicada 
  47. Esichuchukuni
  48. Esienene-
  49. Esikhutyuli- any of the small beetles
  50. Esikiingi- flea 
  51. Esikolaakole- water beetle. 
  52. Esikungumirisi-
  53. Esikuluulu- lavae stage of an insect.
  54. Esilumi-
  55. Esinanyanja- water scorpion 
  56. Esing'eng'e-
  57. Esing'unyung'unyu- 
  58. Esinyala'moni-
  59. Esiingirisi- 
  60. Esiisi
  61. Esitatuli-
  62. Esipakitu-
  63. Esiriyi- cockroach
  64. Esiye- Moth fly 
  65. Esiyeenje
  66. Esuna- mosquito

  67. Esusi- bedbug 
  68. Eswa- white ant
  69. Ewuko- tsetsefly
  70. Lukoko- wire insect 
  71. Lufuundu- stink bug 
  72. Lung'unyo-
  73. Nang'eniesi- glow worm and glow caterpillars. 
  74. Makulumunane-  Bird mite
  75. Mukhobe- firefly. It was believed that it made the vegetable to turn bad if you touch it and touch the vegetable.
  76. Mukhuni- leech
  77. Nakhweru- a type of locust that is usually green when mature.
  78. Namakhala- horned beetle
  79. Namawa- Thorn bug
  80. Nambalayi- a type of locust that is usually bage coloured.
  81. Namukha- black smelly insect.
  82. Namukubete-
  83. Namukungube- biggest dragonfly
  84. Namukuungune- small sugar ants
  85. Namunguba- large dragonfly 
  86. Namurutu-  bombadier beetle 
  87. Namwefwambi- leaf cutter ants.  
  88. Namwekhandi- Titan beetle 
  89. Namewefunda-
  90. Nanjetuba'tosi-
  91. Okhomolo-
  92. Okuchiamolu- Praying mantis. It was never killed and children were told that it jumps into the nose and that it was believed to be in constant communication with the forefathers. The major reason was that it ate dangerous insects from vegetable and plants and needed protection 
  93. Okukaba'nyama-
  94. Okuliki- blister beetle. It had another green species of its type. It was believed that it brought bad luck to whoever eats the vegetable on which it perched. The truth was that the beetle secreted poisonous fluid that could at times affect male sexual desire causing unwarranted prolonged erections.
  95. Okusotisoti- damsfly. Almost similar to dragonfly but slightly small and of variety of colours. 
  96. Oluchwasi- safari ant. It was send away by use of ash and leaves from makhamia lutea. 
  97. Olusese- They attacked maize and leaves of omulaha. They were hand picked and buried while the maize smeared with cowdung. 
  98. Olute-
  99. Olutukhulu-
  100. Owaka-
  101. Owukha- tree ants 
  102. Owukunjwi- grass flies and eye gnats
  103. Owulingiri- 
  104. Owulolo wa eliani- crop aphids.
  105. Owulolo wa engokho- chicken mite
  106. Owulungu- powder post beetle
  107. Walukute- silverfish insect 
  108. Walunabe-


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