ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Names of Human Body parts.

1. PARTS ON THE HEAD a) External parts of the head. Amakale - hairline on forehead Amakhanya - face wrinkles Amalalakhiro - below the lower jaws. Amalefu - sideburns Amasangu - folds of skins just behind the chin on lower jaw. Amasinini - gums Ameno - teeth Ameno ka amachimo - false teeth. Ameno ka engekwe - premolars Ameno amakeko - molar Ameno ka enyanda - teeth that grows after milk teeth. Ameno ka embalo - incisors Ameno ka esengo - last molar tooth called wisdom teeth Ameno amakhandiachaki - canine teeth. Ameno ka owuchichii - milk teeth. Ebikiye - Eye lashes Ebikwoki - eyelid Efwiri - hair Ekhong 'o- towering back head at the parietal bone area. Also parietal bone. Ekhoole - gap in lower teeth caused by removing teeth as part of culture. Ekhoono - deep space at back of head where the neck joins the head. Eliolu - nose Embakukha - gap between two front teeth on the lower jaw. Embenya - natural gap in two front teeth on the upper jaw. ...