ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Verbs in Olunyala (K)



Olunyala (K) is one of the more than  17 dialects of the Luyia language spoken in Western Kenya, East Africa (Angogo,  1980; Guthrie,  1967; Osogo, 1966). The purpose of this project article was to collect and document the Olunyala (K) Indigenous Verbs.

Verbs are doing words. In Olunyala (K), ‘to do’ is okhukhola. Therefore, a verb can be called ekholi (pl: amakholi).



1.     The vowel length- Short and long vowel sounds are contrastive in verbs of Olunyala (K). Where there is an underlying long vowel it is represented by two similar vowels; otherwise, all other vowels will be written as single vowels.


2.     Entry of the verbs into the verb list- the verbs have been entered alphabetically in their infinitive form: <okhu+ Verb Root + FA>. This is because the infinitive is the best form for marking tone and for showing the basic tonal pattern of a verb. There is also a phonetic transcription of the infinitive of each of the verb.


3.    The narrow phonetic transcription- This has been made using IPA basing on the infinitive of the verb.


4.    Tone marking of the verbs- Olunyala (K) is a tonal language with verbs exhibiting contrastive tonal shift to mark various lexical items. The tone has not been marked for most of the verbs except for the selective tone marking on verb homographs based on tone.


5.     Verb conjugation due to affix agglutination- All Olunyala (K) verb conjugate to generate other verb forms to reflect different semantic elements of the verb. These may include the object marker, tense marker, subject marker, applicative marker, aspect marker, mood marker, negation marker, etiquette aspect emphasiser and place marker.


The conjugated verbs, unless otherwise necessitated by the unrelated derivational meaning, are not entered in this list.



1.            okhuaba [oxu.aβa] verb - to  yell, cry for help on sensing danger. Nyikuri ali okhuaaba Muya amuyete okhuchia eSawawa. <-ira>, <-irana>, <-chaka>

2.            okhuabaaba [oxʷa] ; [oxuaβáβá] verb - to be undecided. Kaula alekhe okhuabaaba anyole omukhasi omulayi. <-ka>, <-na>, <-chaka>, <-ira>

3.            okhuabaaba [oxʷaβa:βá] ; [oxuaβa:βá] verb - to perceive by passing the hand in air; grope in air. Omuofu Mukhwana kakhachaka okhuabaaba ni akenda mu’sikuri eLumani. <-ka>, <-ira> , <-chaka>, <-ikha>

4.            okhuabaasa [oxʷaβa:sa] ; [oxuaβa:sa] verb - to perceive by passing the hand on the surface of s.t by touching it; grope on surface. Sale alekhe okhubaasa khu’Naututu. Proverb: Eki liawolerakho enyuni lichi banjabaasisengekho. A an egg reported to a chocken that it was touched. The small person that saw something happening can report to the elders. <-ka>, <-na>, <-ira>, <-irana>

5.            okhuabikha [oxu.aβixa] verb - to phase. Namunyu abiikha ebiokhulia esikira keenya okhuaabikha khulie ebiokhulia ebio mu’bikha. Proverb: Olumbe silw’owasio, luabikha ebiaasio. Sickness is not for the other only, it moves around in phrases. <-isa>, <-ia>, <-lula>

6.            okhuabya [oxu.aβja] verb – to go back home after performing last funeral rite. Abanchu bali okhuabya nibakhamala olung’anyo.

7.            okhuacha [oxuʧá] verb - to be just near the moment, to be on brink of committing a mistake. Embwene Nauchebi keenya okhuacha esikhupo. Proverb: Esinakhukwe mumoni, siacha nibalikhaho. Whatever is determined to fall in ones eye times when cooking has just started.

8.            okhuacha [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaʧá] verb  1. to break solid item into piece (not used for eggs and utensils); break soil (ants) 2. to create holes for exit, 3. make a cut on the skin to expose the inside, cut s.t open, do an operation, 4. demarcate ploughing area, demarcate a boundary. (see; v. okhuacha). Kulundu keenya okhuaacha endalo naye Bitonye keenya okhuacha esikhipo. Proverb: Oyubachuma, sibamwacha olukuma. A messenger is never cut to death. <-ia>, <-ka>, <-na>, <-nia>, <-lisa>, <-ira>, <-irana>

9.            okhuachania [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaʧania] verb –to break eggs, utensils and dometic containers. Proverb: Oyima ekwena lwalikhaywanga, kachanianga amawuyu. A hunter who misses the crocodile will break its eggs. An enemy to somebody's parents is still an enemy to the children.

10.         okhuachula [oxu.aʧula] verb -  1. to split open, slice open and spread out into two, 2. to say the truth by spilling the beans, give the final verdict. Masakha achula okhuaachula engokho ewa Machula.

11.         okhuachulula [oxu.aʧulula] ; [oxua:ʧulla] verb - to split, slice and spread out into many small vertical bits. Masika keenya okhuaachulula amakonge akhupe owukookhwe.

12.         okhuafula [oxu.afula] verb - to crawl (of a baby). Omwana wa Kituyi atakha okhuafula mu'weru? <-ka>, <-chaka>, <-ia>

13.         okhuafunya [oxu.afuɲa] verb - to be soft and cake-like. Amawuyu kano keenya okhuaafunya owulayi. <-ka>, <-ikha>, <-ia>

14.         okhuaka [oxu.áká] verb - to treat bone fractures using herbs. Oli okhuaka amakumba. <-ia>, <-irana>, <-ka>, <-chaka>,

15.         okhuaka [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaká] verb  1. to scratch, scarify. Liaka keenya okhuaka Wakhanu khu’mukongo. 2. to weed with a hoe, etc. (see; v. okhuaka). Liaka achia okhuaka endalo ne naye Nyongesa keenya okhuaka omwana khu’mukongo. Proverb: Hera, omukhasi si nguo; echemwa wakira. Beware, the beauty of a woman lies in how you take care of her- just the way a banana is weeded and pruned and not the way a cloth is washed and hang in public

16.         okhuakaaka [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaka.aka] verb  1. to massage animal to stop movement. 2. to give a beating full of love and care. Mukewa alekhe okhuakaaka emosi ya Mukhobi.

17.         okhuakaana [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaka:na] verb  1. to have many people meet, conglomerate. 2. to meet and form one group. (see; v. okhuakanana). Karachacha achia okhuakaana nende abasaangi.

18.         okhuakaanana [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaka:nana] [oxuaka:nna] verb - to have two people or two group meeting. Oli okhuakaanana nende omulalu.

19.         okhuakaanira [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaka:nira] verb -  1. to sing a chorus. Sifunjo alekhe okhuakanira olwimbo. 2. to welcome; receive an offer. Abasenya bachia okhuakaanira abakeni. 3. to conceive.

20.         okhuakaanisa [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaka:nisa] verb - to hand over, deliver. Miringamu achia okhuakaanisa Ekina omuloho. 

21.         okhuakala [oxʷa-] ; [oxuakala] verb - to itch. Emoni chiakhachaka okhuakala Kiminyala

22.         okhuakama [oxʷa-] ; [oxuakama] verb - to cease, come to end. Nawebere keenya okhwakama ewa Biketi akole engo. Proverb: Engira yakamanga ewa omulebe. A path ends at a relative's home. It is the relative who can help you at a time of need.

23.         okhuakana [oxʷa-] ; [oxuakana] verb -  1. to be equal, be of same level. 2. to reach a common understanding. (see; v. okhuakaana). Mulongo nende Mukhwana benya okhuakaana mu’situma nende abasangi abenya okhuakana amakesi.

24.         okhuakanira [oxʷa-] ; [oxuakanira] verb - to be almost equal with. (see; v. okhuakanira). Hana nje akhuenya okhuakanira amakesi ka okhuakanira abakeni.

25.         okhuakha [oxuxá] verb - to dye. (see; v. okhuaakha). Omumwi nikuchaka okhuaakha, Wakhanu ali okhuakha omutoba mu’fwiri.

26.         okhuakha [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaxá] verb - to burn, give light, shine (of sunlight), blaze up (of a fire). (see; v. okhuakha). Omuliro nikuchaaka okhuakha mu’mayika ne nawe oli okhuchaaka okhuakha omutoba mu'fwiri.

27.         okhuakikha [oxʷa-] ; [oxuakixa] verb - to hang up, mount load, hang, put up on a holder or shelf. Ndombi ali okhuakikha ekunia ly’enuni khu'sukhiri. 

28.         okhuakira [oxuakira] verb - to weed closer to crop stem. Wasitia ali okhuaakira emikachi kia Musanga.

29.         okhuakula [oxu.akula] verb - to detach from support that is up, as a leaf or fruit about to fall, download, offload. (see; v. okhuakula). Kasimoto alikho akula omunchu owenya okhuaakula enjuli chiri okhuakula omunyasi.

30.         okhuakulula [oxʷa-] ; [oxuakulula] ; [oxuakulla]verb - to unhang, provoke feelings; cause a change to a new behavour. Maocho kenyekha alekhe okhuakulula enjala. 

31.         okhuala [oxu.álá] verb – to beat up using a rope or strap, to make sisal from sisal leves. Oli okhuala owukookhwe?

32.         okhuala [oxualá] verb - to spread out, lay, set out, e.g. mat, clouds or chairs. (see; v. okhuala). Ala! Senge Namuma achia okhuaala owulilri haweeru ewa Lwambi. Proverb: Olukeka lwamirie, lwalira eweni. It can start as a light storm and become strong as you progress. 2. to tarmac a road, lay a bridge; make a bed. Proverb: Oluchuna mwalikhwao; silukhukayira okhualao. Whatever pains your co-wife cannot stop you from making your bed. 3. to put merchandise for sale.

33.         okhualaala [oxʷa-] ; [oxuala:la] verb - to lend a hand, assist, help with s.o else’s job. Machika keenya okhuaalala Wambusi ekotiProverb: Ekifwichakana kialaalana. Those facing a common problem, even death, attempt to help each other.

34.         okhualaba [oxualaβa] verb - to scold, be bad tempered. Embwa ya Sifuna yifwana yakhachaka okhualaba.

35.         okhualakha [oxu.a:laxa] verb - to be very thirsty, to be absolutely in need of. Abatimi bakhachanikha okhuaalakha.

36.         okhualiilira [oxu.a:li:lira] verb -  1. to line the trap-:hole with banana leaves or any smooth sheet to trap white ants, waylay during hunting to trap an animal. 2. to prop a given behaviour. Mayusi alililira amasafu keenya okhuaaliilira esiswa.

37.         okhualikha [oxu.álíxá] verb - to feel some co-wive’s jealous. Anona ali okhualikhira omukhasi mukeni.

38.         okhualikha [oxʷa-] ; [oxualíxá] verb - to start cooking ugali. (see; v. okhuhalikha). Mangala atakha okhuaalikha owusuma Fuchingo naye keenya okhuhalikha omukhaye wundi. Proverb: Esinakhukwe mumoni silinda nibalikhao. An object falls in the eyes when cooking has just started

39.         okhualikhilira [oxu.a:lixira] verb - to cook for the sick, the young, the circumcised or whoever has given birth. (see; v. okhualikhira). Namulunda achia okhuaalikhilira omufulu ne naye Namuma achia okhualikhira Ahonda.

40.         okhualisa [oxu.a:lisa] verb - to lie a baby down, lie on bed to take a nap. Nasamo achiye okhuaalisa omwana mu’sikoro. Proverb: Esyunalie khulukendo siyalisa siong'ene. Ones fate for the next day remains lies elsewhere unknown to the person.

41.         okhualisira [oxʷa-] ; [oxualisira] verb - to be almost ready for. Ewe embona ochakire okhualisira esikhupo.

42.         okhualuukha [oxʷa-] ; [oxu.alu:xa] verb - to move out of seclusion after circumcision. Abafulu bali okhuaaluukha muchuli. 

43.         okhualuula [oxulú:lá] verb -  1. to hatch; 2. to move out of seclusion after circumcision rites. Engokho niyeenya okhualuula, oli okualuula owuliri wuwo owuuye.

44.         okhualuula [oxualú:lá] verb -  1. to un-spread bed, mat, sleeping place or furniture. Engokho niyeenya okhualuula, oli okualuula owuliri wuwo owuuye.

45.         okhuama [oxʷa-] ; [oxuama] verb - to bear fruit, flower, dew, external parasites. Omuchuli kuli okhuama enjuli. Proverb: Amayika aka omwami sikamakho olume. A leader's cooking stone never develops due since a good leader is always cooking for the visitors.

46.         okhuamba [oxu] verb -  1. get infected. 2. to be overwhelmed with specific feeling. 3. to be afire; get ignited, start giving light. (see; v. okhuamba). Omuliro kuchaakire okhuaamba ne amake nako kalekha okhuamba khu'lukhwi. <ia><ana>

47.         okhuamba [oxʷa-] ; [oxuabá] verb -  1. to mould against or cover the surface of s.t, 2. thatch base of roof, 3. make base of s.t on which future actions are based. 4. start acquiring a given bahaviour. Omuwikhi keenya okhuamba esiaki. 

48.         okhuambaaka [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaba:ka] verb - to walk on all fours. (see; v. okhuamba <-ka>). Omwana keenya okhuambaaka naye kuka achaake okhuambaka enchu.

49.         okhuambira [oxʷa-] ; [oxuabira] verb - to get sexually excited (bull,/he goat, ram) towards another. Lekha okhuambira owasio.<ana><irisia>

50.         okhuambukha [oxʷa-] ; [oxuabuxa] verb – to sail across a river, lake. To cross valley, year etc. Khuchia okhuambukha omwalo. Proverb: Ochakachekha, ni osiri okhwambukha. Do not laugh at water in a river before crossing it.

51.         okhuambula [oxʷa-] ; [oxuabula] verb -  1. To solicit gossip. 2. to get some climber plants for use to make herbal medicine. 3. to rescue, save, redeem, pick unexpectedly, come upon s.t unexpectedly. (see; v. okhuambula). Oli okhuambula olumbe. Proverb: Nyambule okwo khumuchwe hamukulu; nyanga ndikhwambula okwa amakulu. Rescue me from the present problem I carry and I will one day help you to sort a problem you may one day walk into.

52.         okhuamiha [oxʷa-] ; [oxuamiha] verb - to become a ruler; become rich. Ewe oli okhuamiha.

53.         okhuamua [oxʷa-] ; [oxuamua] verb - to decide. Lekha okhuamua ochio.

54.         okhuamula [oxu.amula] verb - to pick dew, detach fruits, leaves, seed or flowers. Sikumo ali okhuamula olume. Proverb: Emuandu makhuyu, wamula byemulula. Wealth is fig fruits, yo can pick then it goes away in mass.

55.         okhuamulukha [oxu.amuluxa] verb - 1. to be clear after rain, be clear of morning dew, be clear of night, 2. to be fruitless after fruit season. Omuyembe kwenya okhuamulukha. PROVERB: Emiandu lume, kiama kiamulukha. Wealth is dew. Today you might be rich; tomorrow you are poor.

56.         okhuamuukha [oxʷa-] ; [oxuamu:xa] verb - 1. to be civilized, wise up. 2. to become light after rain, be dawn. Chaka okhuamuukha enganakani. PROVERB: Omusiru kenyokha; esialo nisiamukha. A fool wakes up when it is already dawn.

57.         okhuana [oxu.ana] verb -  1. to cry, whine, bleat, bellow (of baby, lamb); moo, give a cry asking for help. Esimeme sienya okhuana. Proverb: Eyaana yaaniranga chiosi. If one cattle in need moos then others will share the benefit that comes with the mooing when the farmer reacts 2. to flower for banana. Echemwa lienya okhuaana. 

58.         okhuanda [oxu.aⁿda] verb - 1. to start growing roots after transplanting or after twigs being planted; 2. to be enable to roll back the foreskin. 2. to be bewitched. 3. to be enable to accomplish a task; get stuck in mud. Emilabi kichakire okhuanda.

59.         okhuandaanda [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaⁿda:ⁿda] verb - 1. to remain alone in the arena or work place; 2. to waylay a person when the person remains alone. (see; v. okhuanda reduplicaton>). Omutoka ni kuchanikha okhuandaanda, abasiku bali okhiandaanda bakhunuule.

60.         okhuandaba [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaⁿdaβa] verb - to walk very slowly. Lekha okhuandaba khuweho. 

61.         okhuandakala [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaⁿdakala] verb - to scatter. Ebiokhulia bino biakhanja okhuandakala ano. 

62.         okhuandia [oxu.aⁿdja] verb - to block one to achieve goal by not playing your role. Aonda ali okhukhuandia abo abamusabire esende.

63.         okhuandiakula [oxu.aⁿdjakula] verb - to grind flour with large particles. Lekha okhuandiakula owusie.

64.         okhuandiambuundula [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaⁿdjabu:ⁿdula] verb - to cook ugali with large unga lumps. Oluko ali okhuandiambuundula owusuma. 

65.         okhuandika [oxu.aⁿdika] verb – 1. to write. 2. to employ. Kamasia keenya okhuandika amecha. 

66.         okhuandikisa [oxu.aⁿdikisa] verb – 1. to register 2. to draft an agreement.. Oli okhuandikisa ekura.

67.         okhuandulula [oxu.aⁿdulla] verb - to remove that which is stuck in mud. Obesi yiri okhuandulula ekorokocho.

68.         okhuangala [oxu.aᵑɡala] verb - to mature. Amatumwa kali ahambi okhuangala.

69.         okhuangala [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaᵑɡala] verb - to pick, choose, select, sort, set apart, rescue an orphan. Osakho keenya okhuangala amapera akasiri okhuahangala. Proverb: Esichakoche siangalwa nende owang'ina wuwo. That which is getting lost is always picked and brought back by a relative.

70.         okhuangalala [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaᵑɡalala] ; [oxuaᵑɡalla] verb - to die abruptly; have less water to flour ratio. Owusuma wuli okhuanagalala.

71.         okhuangalamwa [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaᵑɡalamʷa] verb - to be dry land, undergo desertification. Esialo sichanikhire okhuangalamwa.

72.         Okhuanganga [oxujeᵑɡaᵑɡa] verb – to start turning into a skeleton. Emba yawola yibae yachaakire okhuanganga.

73.         okhuang'ang'a [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaŋa:ŋa] verb - to be transparent, translucent, be able to be seen through. Enguo yenya okhuang'ang'a?

74.         okhuangua [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaᵑɡua] verb – 1. to be light, 2. become hopeless. Ekunia lino lilobire okhuangua. 3. to be quick. Achungo kakhanja okhuangua amakulu.

75.         okhuanikha [oxʷa-] ; [oxuanixa] verb - to spread to dry, expose, hung in the sun to dry, put in the open e.g. clothes, grain. Kotoli keenya okhuanikha enguo. Proverb: Aha engokho chiwoochaho, eswa wakhanikhaho? Can you spread to dry you white-ants where we have many chicken? Never reveal a secret where were have many people.

76.         okhuanja [oxu.áⁿdʒá] verb - to arrange, set out in order, make into a list, tabulate. Nauchebi ali okhuanja ebibange mu'weru. 2. to start hitting two short sticks against another when harvesting white ants. Proverb: Okhuanja khw'omwanjo kwabeyeresa eswa. The musical voice of the white-ant harvesting sticks goaded the white ants out of their hiding place in the soil only for them to be eaten.

77.         okhuanja [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaⁿdʒá] verb - to start. (see; v. okhuanja). Makhino ali okhuaanja okhuanja ebisani muweeru.

78.         okhuanjukha [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaⁿdʒuxa] verb - to shed leaves, become poor. Omusala kuli okhuanjukha.

79.         okhuanjula [oxuaⁿdʒula] verb - 1. to introduce a person hierarchically. To state the facts as they are in brief. Oli okhuanjula omukeni.

80.         okhuanjulula [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaⁿdʒulula] ; [oxuaⁿdʒulla/verb - to bear many produce such as many seed pods, spread items around. Amakanda kanjire okhuanjulula. 

81.         okhuanula [oxʷa-] ; [oxuanula] verb - to take in things that had been spread out to dry or spread out for sale. Musinga ali okhuanula amakanda.

82.         okhuanuukha [oxʷa-] ; [oxuanu:xa] verb - to dawn. Esiro sichakire okhuanuukha?

83.         okhuanya [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaɲa] verb - to broadcast seeds, scatter. Chokinda achiye okhuanya owuwo.

84.         okhuanyula [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaɲula] verb - to shake off waste water from hand or cloth without consideration of those around. Sikuku alekhe okhuanyula amachi khu'bakeni.

85.         okhuasaaka [oxʷa-] ; [oxuasa:ka] verb - to chop (firewood), split a piece of wood into pieces, thrash a person, . Wangulu achia okhuasaaka olukhwi. Proverb: Enjala yakira Masaakhwe; kasaka ekhwi ewukhwe. Poverty made Masakhwe to split firewood at his in-laws home.

86.         okhuasama [oxʷa-] ; [oxu.a:sama] verb - to be open; gape, be open. Wenya okhuaasama omunwa naye achaake okhusama ng'embwa. Proverb: Esi wasama omunwa khoyakwamo, ne nuchasamire siyakhakwamo. A fly never falls in a closed mouth.

87.         okhuasimula [oxʷa-] ; [oxuasimula] verb - to sneeze, give premonition of failure of a ceremony or event. Wakhulunya keenya okhuasimula lukali.

88.         okhuasira [oxuasira] verb – to invoke ancestral sprits by singing and rattling guards. Wamondo ali okhuasira abakuuka.

89.         okhuasula [oxʷa-] ; [oxuasula] verb - to split severally and vertically. Tabata keenya okhuasula amakonge.

90.         okhuasya [oxʷa-] ; [oxua:sja] verb - to slice. Nambuti ali okhuasya epera.

91.         okhuata [oxʷa-] ; [oxu.ata] verb - to break through and out. Sifuna ali okhulekha okhuaata khu’lwakho.

92.         okhuatikha [oxʷa-] ; [oxuatixa] verb - to break s.t; be drunk, migrate. Enyungu yiri okhuatikha. Proverb: Esongo, yatikhiranga aha muliango. A pot breaks at the threshold of the door.

93.         okhuatukha [oxʷa-] ; [oxuatuxa] verb - to blaze, give light. Omuliro kwenya okhuatukha naye ni atukha abasie. 

94.         okhuatulukha [oxʷa-] ; [oxuatuluxa] verb - to thunder, talk loudly. Efula yakhachaka okhuatulukha.

95.         okhuaukha [oxʷa-] ; [oxuauxa] verb - to crack, separate, split, stray, stay off from a thing, split self down the centre, divided into two, differ, take a turn off main road. Engira yiri okhuawukha. Proverb: Olia esilulu; kakhawukhira amaluulu? Can one who feed on bitter things stay away from the sweet fruit? <sa><ana><ira>

96.         okhuawukhana [oxʷa-] ; [oxuawuxana] verb - to be separate from, differ from. Chino chienya okhuawukhana nende chira.

97.         okhuawukhasa [oxʷa-] ; [oxuawuxasa] verb - to differentiate, to distinguish, to tell apart. Lubisia ali okhuawukhasa amakhuwa kano.

98.         okhuawula [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaula] verb - to divide, sort out, tear or cut apart, separate, select from others, ordain, consecrate, isolate, set apart. Lekha okhuawula eng'ombe.

99.         okhuaya [oxu.aja] verb  1. to graze, watch over, search for food, herd animals. Kuloba ali okhuaya Eng’ombe chia Nawucheebi. Proverb: Eninga yayanga haleyi. Wild dove does not search for food from within. Never claim your child may not have participated in a given alleged activity by fact that it was at far place. 2. gather vegetable or medicinal herbs. Proverb: Omukesi omwayira. A fellow herbalist is given prepared herbal medicine but never told the name of the herb. 3. to be keen with. Proverb: Okhumekera akhuaya khu’moni. He who has given you something will always want to be keen and control you. 4. go tide off shore. <ana><risa>

100.       okhuayaama [oxu.aja:ma] verb - to appear slanting down towards the horizon, move away from beach due to a tide. Amachi ke'nyanja keenya okhuaayaama. <ia>

101.       okhuayaaya [oxʷa-] ; [oxuaja.a:ja] verb - to be undecided. Lekha okhuayaaya oloonde mayiwo.

102.       okhuayirisa [oxʷa-] ; [oxuajirisa] verb - to scheme watchfully, watch keenly. Endi okhuayirisa ekhukhupe.

103.       okhuayuula [oxʷa-] ; [oxua:jula] verb - to scream. Lekha okhuayula. 

104.       okhuba [oxuβa] verb – to be. Omwana ono keenya okhuba omubi. Proverb: Esibiikhe, siabanga esilye. Whatever is stored shall be eaten or is counted as eaten.

105.       okhubaacha [oxuβa:ʧa] verb -  1. to curve from wood, give shape by curving, peel tubbers or bananas. (see; v. okhubacha). Kutondo ali okhubaacha amapwoni ne nawe oli okhubacha esende chia abaana baacha. 2. start off a chat.

106.       okhubaachia [oxuβa:ʧja] verb - to make others to curve from wood, give shape by curving, peel tubers or bananas. Matundu ali okhubachia abaana emikho.

107.       okhubaachula [oxuβa:ʧula] verb - to axe or curve off in one sweeping sweep cut. Mwamutu abaachuye Wechoka omuchwe.

108.       okhubaaka [oxuβa:ka] verb - to flay, skin an animal, dissect, perform surgery. Wechuli abaaka eng'ombe. Proverb: Aha basiinjira; si nche aha babaakira. Skinning is never done at the same spot you do the cutting of the throat

109.       okhubaakala [oxuβa:kala] verb - to sharpen. (see; v. okhubakala). Pirikoko ali okhubakala omubano naye Kwoba ali okhubakala esero.

110.       okhubaakusa [oxuβa:kusa] verb - to be with the spirit of huruspincy. Maombo anyala okhubaakusa eng’ombe ayi bali okhusinja mu’lung’anyo.

111.       okhubaala [oxuβa:la] verb - to hold a foreskin in position for circumcision purpose; spread a given layer out, hold a skin during skinning. (see; v. okhubala). Yomwali ali okhubaala omusinde nawe oli okhubala emibano.

112.       okhubaasa [oxuβa:sa] verb - to medidate, reckon, presuppose. (see; v. okhubasa). Ewe wenya okhubaasa ochi Mulefu keenya okhubasa omukoye?

113.       okhubaatisa [oxuβa:tisa] verb - to baptize. Omusangi ali okhubaatisa omwana.

114.       okhubaaya [oxuβa:ja] verb - to postpone a meeting or an event take a girl away. Omwami ali okhubaaya omukhung’ano. Proverb: Okhwimana eng'eni akhubaaya ekhe. Whoever denies you fish, postpones you suffering from the after-smell of eating fish.

115.       okhubaayuula [oxuβa:ju:la] verb - to widen by pulling on the sides to create space in the middle. Lekha okhubaayuula olwafwa.

116.       okhubacha [oxuβaʧa] verb -  1. to make an error. Ano omukoye kuli okhubacha Musa okhubasa. 2. to fail to produce desired outcome.

117.       okhubachana [oxuβaʧana] verb - to fail to balance. Bino biri okhubachana.

118.       okhubachia [oxuβaʧja] verb - to con; hide aside, be deceitful. (see; v. okhubacha <-ia>). Niwenya okhubaachia abasomi emiikho, olekhe okhubachia amang’ondo kawe.

119.       okhubachula [oxuβaʧala] verb - to go off of a trap, give side kick, release a bow string, dislocate at hip joint. Lekha okhubachula omwana okhukulu.

120.       okhubakala [oxuβakala] verb - to put in the open, to give minor sugestions, subject to ridicule. Oli okhubakala omwana mu'sikuri. Proverb: Ese embakala khomo wusa, endia emuma ta. Where those with wisdom are seated, the final decision rests with them all and not with one speaker.

121.       okhubakha [oxuβaxa] verb -  1. to be given out as a wife. Wenya okhubakha sengewo khu’Aonda? 2. to paint, smear clay surface. Makuto ali okhbakha enyumba. Proverb: Osola nende omudwi, kumubakha amasi. Whoever plays with the sitting apparatus has to be ready to be soiled.

122.       okhubala [oxuβalá] verb -  1. to be heated or warm, 2. be sexually excited. (see; v. okhubaala). Amachi kakhachake okhubala naye omukhebi achanikhe okhubala abasinde ba ali okhubaala.

123.       okhubala [oxuβálá] verb - to count. Nesuu ali okhubala amamotole. Proverb: Omuchwe omunchu, esiuno obala banchu. The mind is what controls the body; so, if you do not use your mind well, you may find yourself counted as impregnanted (at the wrong time)

124.       okhubalaaha [oxuβala:ha] verb - to make wide. Omwalo kuli okhubalaha.

125.       okhubalaala [oxuβala.ala] verb -  to develop mild bitterness. Omukherekha kulobire okhubalaala.

126.       okhubalabasa [oxuβalaβasa] verb - to add some little heat. Maruti ali okhubalabasa owukeni.

127.       okhubalakacha [oxuβalakaʧa] verb - to scrub when cleaning cooking utensils, remove scales from a fish. Oli okhubalakacha olukaraya.

128.       okhubalakala [oxuβalakala] verb - to dry on surface after getting wet. Nenya okhubalakala khoniwo nikhale hasi. Proverb: Aha wiyokera; si nche aha obalakalira. Do not sit to dry up from where you have taken a shower.

129.       okhubaliira [oxuβali:ra] verb - to allocate resources to a given activity during a funeral. Matang’u ali okhubalira ebiayo.

130.       okhubalilisa [oxuβalilisa] ; [oxuβallisa] verb - to account, spend the minimum amount on s.t, be less frequent. Matana ali okhubalilisa emiandu kya omufu achukabe. Proverb: Okhuchia ewomwana si makoso, akachaali, ochiayo sibalira. It is not bad to visit your child's house but never make it frequent. You may find yourself a subject of a taboo discussion

131.       okhubalukha [oxuβaluxa] verb - to happen for the first time in the season, once in a blue moon, new moon coming out, happen towards the wrong target, dislocate loudly. Omwesi kuli okhubalukha muchuli. Proverb: Kulekha wa anjie (Wanjie) kwabalukhira wa atulo (Watulo). It can spare the one within the arena and accidentally befalls the one watching by the hillside.

132.       okhubalula [oxuβalula] ; [oxuβalla] verb - to sprain, dislocate at joint. Lekha okhubalula owasio. 

133.       okhubamba [oxuβa:ba] verb - to stretch out, split open and spread out, split fish open,  crucify. Cheng'ole keenya okhubamba esero.

134.       okhubambalayisa [oxuβa:balajisa] verb - to widen the surface area. Ngero ali okhubambalayisa esero.

135.       okhubambula [oxuβabula] verb - to open from single folds like a book. Yomwali alekhe okhubambula esitawu.

136.       okhubambuula [oxuβabu:la] verb - to open by stretching out the breadth of a wide sheet or material to cover a wide area, flow and spread filling spaces having started at one point. Abaana bali okhubambuula atandarua.

137.       okhubandakukha [oxuβaⁿdakuxa] verb - to dry up water on body surface, to get some little drying. Proverb: Esikhoba si'esuna; siebandakukhira khu siaba. The skin of a mosquito dries up on the palm. It is insignificant to be followed up.

138.       okhubandia [oxuβaⁿdja] verb - to conceal aside for use when the main one gets exhausted; steal s.t invaluable. Chemoto keenya okhubandia owusie? Proverb: Omuchumwa alianga esibandie esiekisise. One who accepts to be send will always be given the best concealed share.

139.       okhubandukha [oxuβa:ⁿduxa] verb - to grow suckers and spread out. Amachemwa kachaakire okhubandukha. 

140.       okhubandula [oxuβaⁿdula] verb – 1. to dig up banana suckers for planting. 2. to give  a knockout in a wrestling game. 3. to comb hair downward. Yabemba ali okhubandula efwiri. 

141.       okhubanja [oxuβa:ⁿdʒa] verb - to visit to collect or claim a debt; demand debt. Walunywa achia okhubanja ekobi.

142.       okhubarabarania [oxuβaraβaranja] verb - 1. to doubt the ability of somebody, 2. to attempt to tackle without success. Lekha okhubarabarania omukhebi.

143.       okhubasa [oxuβasa] verb  1. to make strong trap 2. to boil, heat, warm, forge metal by heating and moulding 3. to make rope; twist feet during dancing, 4. agree to pay each other in case a give event happens or fails to happen as per the agreement, mortgage. (see; v. okhubaasa). Mitungu ali okhubasa amachi namwe okhubaasa achi niyoka amanyifu?. Proverb: Okhuekesa okhucheka omubaso; ni otira omukabakho olubaso. One who teaches you how to make a trap deserves agreed share as gratitude.

144.       okhubasana [oxuβasana] verb - to intertwine, scheme against each other. Lekha okhubasa amakulu.

145.       okhubasukha [oxuβasaxa] verb - to blister. Esiaba siri okhubasukha ni achema ekhwi.

146.       okhubasula [oxuβasula] verb - to snap a trap. Njanu oli okhubasula omubaso?

147.       okhubasuukha [oxuβasu:xa] verb - to make blistered skin to fall off by itself. Esikhoba siri okhubaasukha.

148.       okhubasuula [oxuβasu:la] verb - to think over deeply and repeatedly. (see; v. okhubasa <-ula>). Ochakire okhubaasa ni okhubasuula oli okhubasula omubaso? 

149.       okhubataabata [oxuβata:βata] verb - to waddle due to heavy body. Omwana alikho abataabata.

150.       okhubatia [oxuβetja] verb - to hide part of main share meant for others. Oyo ali okhubatia enyama. Proverb: Esi obatia khu wamwo; osilia nende embeba. Whatever you hide from others can be eaten by rats.

151.       okhubatikha [oxuβatixa] verb - 1. to warm water for hand washing or for beer. (see; v. okhubatiikha). Rosina ali okhubatikha amachi akhase amalwa namwe okhubatiikha echai enyingi? 2. to prepare a person for an activity, warm up.

152.       okhubaya [oxuβaja] verb - to take a girl away as wife without having paid dowry. Oli okhubaya omusomi? Proverb: Nanjakenda kabayia owang'ina. Whoever does not walk around ended up taking a relative as a wife. It is good to know relatives.

153.       okhubayira [oxuβajira] verb - to elope. (see; v. okhubaaya <-ira>). Abakhana bano bali okhubayira namwe oli okhubayira bachie ewawe? PROVERB: Obayira khu mwima; ochabayira khu lulimi. Always look for the trait and not sweet words in selecting a marriage partners.

154.       okhubebera [oxuβeβera] verb - to produce high pitched noise like a he-goat. Ekhole yiri okhubebera esiro.

155.       okhubecha [oxuβaʧa] verb - to slash. Lekhana nende abeecha balikho beecha ochanikhe okhubecha owunyasi.

156.       okhubechula [oxuβeʧela] verb - to slash with one moving sweep. Abanju banjire beechula khanu lekha okhubechula amachemwa.

157.       okhubeekha [oxuβe:xa] verb - to lift on the back or give a lift. Ono keenya okhubekha omwana khu'mukonga. <ana> <era> <esa> <ia>

158.       okhubeekhulula [oxuβe:xulula] ; [oxuβe:xulla] verb - to lift and place down, miscarry. Lekha abeekhulule omwana.

159.       okhubeengabeenga [oxuβe:ᵑɡaβe:ᵑɡa] verb - to sway when floating on water due to the waves, away due to lose joints. Eliacho linyala okhubengabenga khu’maachi.

160.       okhubeengeya [oxuβe:ᵑɡeja] verb - to partially float in water; submaege. Eliacho linyala okhubeengeya khu’maachi.

161.       okhubeengula [oxuβe:ᵑɡula] verb - to make worried; make scared, troubled; unease; go into flight mode. Lekha okhubeengula Kamasia amala.

162.       okhubeera [oxuβe:ra] verb  1. to forgive, spare, favour, absolve from offence, acquit. Ono keenya okhubeera abebi. Proverb: Okenda musi (musiteche) abeerwa. If you tress-pass during daylight then you can be forgiven (upon explaining than if you do the same at night.) 2 to witness in a celebration or to event by helping the main actor. Asanda ali okhubeera Awinja. Okhubeeya- Embako oyibeera siyibeeyanga ta. A jembe never lies. If you go to the farm, you will always have something to eat.

163.       okhubeererera [oxuβe:rerera] ; [oxuβe:rerra] verb - to repeat doing s.t. Lekha okhubeererera amakhuwa.

164.       okhubeeya [oxuβe:ja] verb - to cheat, deceive, lie. (see; v. okhubeya). Lekha okhubeeya abasio ochi oli okhubeya omusungu. Proberb: Amabeeyeresio kabanga komu'simba. There is much falsehood in boys' huts promises before marriage. <ana><era>,<resa>

165.       okhubeeyabeeya [oxuβe:jeβe:ja] verb - to cheat quickly and any times. (see; v. okhubeya <reduplication>). Lekha okhubeyabeya wuli ahunju nende okhubeeyabeeya abasio ochi oli omulosi.

166.       okhubeeyera [oxuβe:jera] verb - to accuse falsely; make excuse about, make be a scapegoat, lie against. Lekha okhubeeyera omwana. Proverb: Ofuka owubisi; abeeyera ekhwi nende eliisi. Whoever cooks raw ugali will say firewood was not enough.

167.       okhubeha [beha] verb - to be at a place for long, linger at a place, to persist being at a place by going and coming back. Wetundu ali okhubeha ewange olutalo lwosi. <rera><rana>

168.       okhubeka [oxuβeka] verb - to shave, con. Kulundu keenya okhubeka kuka.

169.       okhubekhera [oxuβexera] verb - to conceive. Obirika ali okhubekhera muchuli muno.

170.       okhubekhulula [oxuβexulula] ; [oxuβexulla/verb - to give birth. Mkha Tang’alo ali ahambu okhuibekhulula.

171.       okhubembeesa [oxuβebe:sa] verb - to blow destructively from one direction to the other. Omuyaka kuli okhubembeesa efula yisiule amachemwa.

172.       okhubendabenda [oxuβeⁿda ⁿda] verb - to walk with difficult due to obesity or like plump person. Omito keenya okhubendabenda ni ochia hena?

173.       okhubengula [oxuβeᵑɡula] verb - to wad off. Lekha okhubengula omupira.

174.       okhubenukha [oxuβenuxa] verb - to flash (of lightning) or pain. Owusiba wenya okhubenukha mu’khoono?

175.       okhuberekeha [oxuβerekeha] verb - to be undisciplined. Lekha okhuberekeha mungo muno.

176.       okhuberekesa [oxuβerekesa] verb - to escort visitors as they go away by walking with them, make a termite hill, mud wall of house. Wawire ali okhuberekesa abakeni ba Nauchuuna.

177.       okhuberekha [oxuβerexa] verb - to be visibly pregnant. Omukhana keenya okhuberekha namwe?

178.       okhuberera [oxuβerera] ; [oxuβerra] verb - to be in bad moods, be angry, sympathise, have pity. Proverb: Enjekeche yiberesa nende esisa niyiri mu'mubaso; yakhukhupa amawa ni oyambula. A porcupine can look harmless and sorrowful when trapped but turn violent when set free. <sa><sia><rana>

179.       okhubesema [oxuβesema] verb - to be red. Enyanya chianjire okhubesema.

180.       okhubesya [oxuβesja] verb - to comfort a sick person. Ochia okhubesya kukawo?

181.       okhubetiabatia [oxuβetjaβetja] verb - to carry as you hide from those around, carrying heavy thing close to the chest. Mutambo ali okhubetiabetia omulambo atupe mu’sisichu. Proverb: Abebi babetiabetia nende esiabalia. Thieves stole and carried whatever ate them.

182.       okhubeya [oxuβeja] verb - to elope. (see; v. okhubeeya). Ewe oli okhubeya omwikho nende okhubeeya ochi muchende.

183.       okhubeyabeya [oxuβejaβeja] verb - to waddle, fidget, with short steps swinging the body from side to side. (see; v. okhubeeya <reduplication>). Lekha okhubeyabeya mutaala nende okhubeeyabeeya abakhasi.

184.       okhubeyengukha [oxuβeje:ᵑɡuxa] verb - to walk swinging from side to side due to fat body. Omwana obeyengukha ono wanu?

185.       okhubeyera [oxuβejera] verb - to frequent a place. (see; v. okhubeeya <-era>). Lekha okhubeyera ewefwe nende okhubeeyera abaana ochi bebi.

186.      okhubeyerera [oxuβejerera] ; [oxuβejerra] verb - to keep visiting a place, continue persistently. Ochakire okhubeyerera ewawe Maututu. Proberb: Amasingo amoomu kabeyeresia amabisi kachi khuchie khusoke. Dry cow dung cunningly requested the raw ones to join them for swimming. The raw dung disintegrated in water as dry ones floated. Never follow advice from others without thinking of repercussions.

187.       okhubiakula [oxuβiakula] verb - to flay off meat from the skin of an animal after slaughtering. Wechuli alikho keenya okhubiakula omubia? Proverb: Osinjire kebaakira, nundi kebiakulira? After slaughtering your animal, do you have to skin and remove meat from skin by yourself?

188.       okhubiatulia [oxuβjatula] verb - to give birth to twins. Embwa ili okhubiatula muchuli?

189.       okhubiba [oxuβiβa/, [oxuββa/verb - to rake, gather together with a long forked stick; wash away all debris. Alikho abiba amakokha.

190.       okhubicha [oxuβiʧa] verb - to overtake; excel, out do, stand out, by pass; go by, pass, win, be excess for. Ali okhubicha ekera. Proberb: Bakhubisiakho akhasiri, bachakhubisiakho esiteru. Better they by-pass you with a hoe going to the farm than a plate with food

191.       okhubichaana [oxuβiʧa:na] verb - to be mixed in a ratio where one item is more. (see; v. okhubichana). Okana nende Wamondo benya okhubichana esikira omunyu kwenya okhubichaana mu'liani.

192.       okhubichakala [oxuβi:ʧakala] verb - to belch. Lekha okhubichakala.

193.       okhubichakana [oxuβiʧakana] verb - to pass to and fro; be uneven. Lekha okhubichikana ewefwe.

194.       okhubichana [oxuβiʧana] verb -  1. by pass each other. 2. to be in disagreement, conflict, have feud, be at odds, hate other. Mufwana mwenya okhubichana Proverb: Amake kabichana n’embewo. The wingless ants are always at odds with cold breeze. The ill advisors fear the presence of those who will make their antics known.

195.       okhubichiirira [oxubiʧi:rira] ; [oxubiʧi:ŕra/verb - to go beyond, be excess, exaggerate, to be excess, exceed. Omunyu kuli okhubichiirira mu’liani.

196.       okhubichikana [oxuβiʧakana] verb - to be uneven. Oweru wuli okhubichikana ni oloba okhutaandasa.

197.       okhubichira [oxuβiʧira] verb - to pass-by. (see; v. okhuchia <okhubi->). Oli okhubichira engo nuchia okhubiichira ebiwa ebyo ewuwo?

198.       okhubiiha [oxuβi:ha] verb - to go bad, wicked, evil, spoiled, accuse. Ebinju biri okhubiiha.

199.       okhubiihaana [oxuβi:ha:na] verb - to be physically angry and busy, be troubled. Lekha okhubihaana ano.

200.       okhubiihira [oxuβi:hira] verb - to hate, treat harshly. Lekha okhubiihira owasio.

201.       okhubiikha [oxuβi:xa] verb - to store, keep, bank, put away out of sight. (see; v. okhubikha). Achiye okhubiikha amakanda ne achaka okhubikha omulwaye. PROVERB: Esiabene syamoni, basibiikha ne omwoyo kulikho. What you have been denied can be stored in your presence even if you see and yearn for it.

202.       okhubiimbia [oxuβi:bia] verb - to play game of checkers. Kuka alikho abiimbia olubiimbi nende khocha.

203.       okhubiinda [oxuβi:nda] verb - to moan sorrowfully; thud. Lekha okhubiinda

204.       okhubiindukha [oxuβi:ⁿduxa] verb - to be full of pressure from insidethe. Otuma ali okhubiindukha ni asimbwire.

205.       okhubiiruula [oxuβi:ru:la] verb - to magnify. Owulafu wuli okhubiiruula esisiko.

206.       okhubiita [oxuβi:ta] verb - to bless by talking and spiting saliva. Omukhebi ali okhubiita omufulu.

207.       okhubiiya [oxuβi:ja] verb - to go bad, to spoil, to get dirty, expire. (see; v. okhubiya). Amachemwa kali okhubiiya nusiri okhubiya abaana. PROVERB: Esibi sya enda, efumo. The only bad thing for the stomach is a spear. Never pretend that you cannot eat specific food unless such food can kill or make you sick.

208.       okhubiiyisa [oxuβi:jisa] verb - to criticize wrongly. Lekha okhubiiyisa owasio.

209.       okhubikha [oxuβixa] verb – 1. to announce the death of s.b before the death of the person. 2. to cause death by mourning or performing funeral rites when there is no death. Lekha okhubikha omulwaye.

210.       okhubimbira [oxuβibira] verb - to beat around the bush. Lekha okhubimbira amakhuwa.

211.       okhubina [oxuβina] verb - to night-run, prowl at night like a witch. Omubini kakhachaka okhubina.

212.       okhubinda [oxuβiⁿda] verb - to pant loudly with closed mouth. Lekha okhubinda likali.

213.       okhubindabinda [oxuβiⁿdaβiⁿda] verb - to be almost full. Esongo yili okhubindabinda amachi.

214.       okhubinula [oxuβinula] verb - to dance moving the waist rhythmically. (see; v. okhunuula <okhubi->). Ebiana bino endi okhubinuula owusuma ne esikikha okhubinula esiwuno.

215.       okhubira [oxuβírá] verb - to boil, froth. Amachi kakhachaka okhubira.

216.       okhubira [oxuβirá] verb - to take to deliver somewhere. (see; v. okhubira). Oli okhubira amabeere ewa Mwani nikachaakire okhubira.

217.       okhubiribiinda [oxuβiriβi:ⁿda] verb - to run with regular strong steps, pace. Lekha okhubiribinda khu’mukuchu.

218.       okhubirika [oxuβirika] verb - to make pot-like structures for harvesting white ants. Kukhu keenya okhubirika esiswa.

219.       okhubirisa [oxuβirisa] verb - to boil meat shortly before storage. Kukhu ali okhubirisa enyama.

220.       okhubirukha [oxuβiruxa] verb - to arrive unexpectedly. (see; v. okhubiruukha). Namalero keenya okhubirukha awone omwana kanjire okhubiruukha omubiri.

221.       okhubiruukha [oxuβiru:xa] verb - to grow rapidly; gain weight, swell, be obese. (see; v. okhubirukha). Namalero keenya okhubirukha awone omwana kanjire okhubiruukha omubiri.

222.       okhubisaniya [oxuβisanija] verb - to meet and pass one another. Lekha okhubisaniya nende abakeni.

223.       okhubisia [oxuβisja] verb -  1. to pass unanimously during meeting; pass. Bali okhubisia amalako? 2. to winnow with baskets by pouring up and down. Oli okhubisia amatumwa? PROVERB: Bakhubisiakho embako, bachabisia bakhubisiakho esimwero. Better they by-pass you with a jembe going to the farm than a basket fill of winnowed food.

224.       okhubisira [oxuβisira] verb - to pull out the weeds and leave the crops during weeding. Wangulu ali okhubisira owule.

225.       okhubiya [oxuβija] verb - to wipe or clean the bottoms. (see; v. okhubiiya). Senge Nangekhe ali okhibiya omwana owenya okhubiiya omuchwe. PROVERB: Achaniyia baye, ochi yicha ekhubiye? If it (baby) hasn't excreted; please, why dare to wipe its behind? Never attempt to correct where there is no mess.

226.       okhubiyaana [oxuβija:na] verb - to be angry, be worried. (see; v. okhubiya <-na>). Khanu wenya okhubiyaana esikira abaana benya okhubiyana?

227.       okhucha [oxuʧa] verb – 1. to put, place, 2. to progress in behaviour. Khanu wenya okhucha ochio omalilikhe nende okhucha enyama hena? PROVERB: Esikhula sicha enchu. That which grows changes to suit the behaviour that comes with age.

228.       okhuchaafunyala [oxuʧa:fuɲala] verb - to get dirty. Enguo chiri okhuchaafunyala.

229.       okhuchaaka [oxuʧa:ka] verb - to plant; to start, put an idea in s.b’s mind. (see; v. okhuchaka). Namaemba mkha Webuye keenya okhuchaka okhuchaaka omuchere. PROVERB: Akhaondo khasisia munane, owakhachaaka kali omwene. The pumpkin that killed the eight children was planted by the owner of the same children.

230.       okhuchaalala [oxuʧa:lala] verb – 1. to be boring. 2. to become tasteless due to having a lot of water. Emioko kiri okhuchaalala.

231.       okhuchaamula [oxuʧamula] verb - to chew s.t sweet noisily. Sang’iri alekhe okhuchaamula esiokhulia ochio.

232.       okhuchaana [oxuʧa:na] verb - to make orderly, be as expected. Olung’anyo lili okhuchaana owulayi.

233.       okhuchaanjwania [oxaʧa:ⁿdʒʷanja] verb - to incite a person against another. Lekhwa okhuchaanjwania abasio.

234.       okhuchaaya [oxuʧa:ja] verb - to belittle, to despise, hate, to ignore. (see; v. okhuchaya). Okhuchaya esiriecho khukira wachaaka okhuchaaya abasiyo. PROVERB: Okha ochaaya khano, nche akhawoya owukhino. The best dancer is that who was despised at first.

235.       okhuchabaala [oxuʧaβa:la] verb - to grow hips or wide base. Nasenya achaakire okhuchabaala.

236.       okhuchabaanchukha [oxuʧaβa:ⁿʧuxa] verb – to shake from side to side (of liquid) in a container. Amachi kachanikhire okhuchabanjukha mu’songo?

237.       okhuchabaandukha [oxuʧaβa:ⁿduxa] verb – to flow out uncontrollably, pass watery faeces.  Amalasire keenya okhuchabaandukha?

238.       okhuchabacha [oxuʧaβaʧa] verb - to carry a child on the hip, start putting on maize on sides at flowering time. Amatumwa kanjire okhuchabacha.

239.       okhuchabekala [oxuʧaβekala] verb - to lock the door from inside using a bar placed across the door. Masika ali okhuchabekala olwiiki.

240.       okhuchabikha [oxuʧaβixa] verb – 1. to bolt the door; 2. to  put crown on head; wear hat. Lekha okhuchabikha omuliango.

241.       okhuchabikhula [oxuʧaβixula] verb - to unbolt the. Oli okhuchabikhula omuliango.

242.       okhuchabirisa [oxuʧaβirisa] verb - to take by surprise. Ono keenya okhuchabirisa wusa ni mulya. PROVERB: Amakenda machabi. Never despise or harm a person because that person is foreigner in your territory. You will need his help when you visit or meet somewhere else by surprise..

243.       okhuchachaahala [oxuʧaʧa:hala] ; [oxuʧʧa:hala] verb - to be joyous, be pleased, be glad, rejoice. Lekha okhuchachaahala mu'sibera. 

244.       okhuchaka [oxuʧaka] verb - to begin, start. (see; v. okhuchaaka). Omubayo kwa okhuchaaka amachemwa khu'ungira khwenya okhuchaka. PROVERB: Eyilikhuluma; yikhuchaaka mwirima. The hunger that will consume you starts at ploughing time.

245.       okhuchakaachala [oxuʧaka:ʧala] verb - to walk or run with legs apart. Lekha okhuchakaachala baye.

246.       okhuchakachusa [oxuʧakaʧusa] verb - to give a cue, to prompt. Lekha okhuchakachus omwene awole wusa.

247.       okhuchakalala [oxuʧakalala] ; [oxuʧakalla] verb - to be with legs apart (of women), run quickly, stride. Lekha okhuchakalala. PROVERB: Onakhuwe achakalala. Whoever is receptive assumes a receptive posture.

248.       okhuchakalia [oxuʧakalja] verb - to depreciate. Lekha okhuchakalia endika.

249.       okhuchakhula [oxuʧaxula] verb - to remove, pull out, take out. (see; v. okhukhuula <okhucha->). Okhuchakhuula enjuku khukira waloba okhuchakhula omusakhu mung’ombe?

250.       okhuchakicha [oxuʧakiʧa] verb - to grow to maturity without putting on the maize fruit. Amatumwa kachaakire okhuchakicha wusa.

251.       okhuchakiichikha [oxuʧaki:ʧixa] verb - to get compound fracture; have maize stem with no maize. Okhulenge khuli okhuchakiichikha.

252.       okhuchala [oxuʧala] verb  1. to collect blood from an animal using an arrow; prick using a needle or arrow. Anjerina ali okhuchala ekondi? PROVERB: Owa esikingi ochala, akhira owa olwanda lwaala. Better to have a hilly grazing land for you will get blood than an expansive rock land. 2. to do the first digging, to show where a grave is to be dug, to make a first digging, to spill blood by use of spear or arrow. Nje anu ali okhuchala eng'ani? PROVERB: Wachala khu'chabe, enjekeche chikhulia. If spear on a king's clothing, be ready to suffer arrow pain. Soldiers will always protect a leader.

253.       okhuchalaasa [oxuʧala:sa] verb - to make tasteless, make insipid; devalue, over-dilute. (see; v. okhulasa <okhucha->). Okhuchalasa enyuni amakina khukire ochake okhuchalaasa owasio.

254.       okhuchaliikha [oxuʧali:xa] verb - to lack respect for. (see; v. okhualikha <okhucha->). Okhuchaalikha owusuma khukire ochanikhe okhuchaliikha mungo muno.

255.       okhuchalukha [oxuʧaluxa] verb - to refrain. (see; v. okhulukha <okhucha>). Kenyekha okhuchalukha okhuiba. Okhuchalukha esimwero khire ochake okhuchalukha okhukeniya ewefwe? PROVERB: Esero lioma, khonuwo amamonyo kachalukha kema. The skin becomes dry for the ants to stop biting on it.

256.       okhuchalusa [oxuʧalusa] verb - to scare off from a place. (see; v. okhulusa <okhucha>). Okhuchalusa amalusi wosi wulwaye wunyala okhuchalusa omulina okhuicha ewenywe?

257.       okhuchama [oxuʧama] verb - to betray, plot against. Yakobo keenya okhuchama abasie.

258.       okhuchamba [oxuʧaba] verb - to overcome, be too much for, defeat; refuse. Makokha afwana ali okhuchamba okhuwaho?

259.       okhuchambaachaka [oxuʧaba:ʧaka] verb - to walk jumping in water spalashing some little water on the sides. Khaendi ali okhuchambaachaka mu'machi omu?

260.       okhuchambaakira [oxuʧaba:kira] verb - to totter, toddle, start to learn to walk. Mung’ala kanjire okhuchaambakira

261.       okhuchambana [oxuʧabana] verb - to disagree, be unable to get along with each other. Khaende nende okaba banyala okhuchambana wusa owubi.

262.       okhuchambula [oxuʧabula] verb - to chomp. Lekha okhuchambula esiokhulia ochio.

263.       okhuchanchabala [oxuʧaᵑʧaβala] verb - to sleep in inappropriate manner exposing private parts. Lekha okhuchaanjabala khu'seero. <-ia>, <-isa>, <-ana>, <-ira>

264.       okhuchandabala [oxuʧaⁿdaβala] verb - to stand astride with waist raised behind. Lekha okhuchandabala ano.

265.       okhuchandula [ʧaⁿdula] verb - to forcefully tear at once. Lekha okhuchandula esitasi.

266.       okhuchangaala [oxuʧaᵑɡa:la] verb - to examine, watch closely. Lekha okhuchangaala owasio. 

267.       okhuchangalala [oxuʧaᵑɡalala] ; [oxuʧaᵑɡalla/verb - to remain speechless with amazement, stare stupidly instead of taking action. Owusuma wenya okhuchangalala nawe wemire okhuchangaala.

268.       okhuchangalasa [oxuʧaᵑɡalasa] verb - to embarrass by exposing a person. Lekha okhuchangalasa owasio.

269.       okhuchang'ana [oxuʧa:ŋana] verb - to bully, provoke, annoy, cause anger. Machimbo alekhe okhuchang'ana Makhindu.

270.       okhuchangirira [oxuʧaᵑɡirira [oxuʧaᵑɡirra] verb - to go first before being followed by others, lead the way, go before, precede, start off. Lekha okhuchangirira okhuwaho. PROVERB: Osinjire eyiye; achanikhira okhubakira khu mukongongo ne muwuleye. The one who has offered a bull for slaughter dictates how it should be skinned.

271.       okhuchanikha [oxuʧanixa] verb - to start, to begin. PROVERB: Olwikho mwikho, luchanikhiranga munda. Relationship is a cooking stick; it starts in the stomach. True relative is one who gives you a meal.

272.       okhuchanja [oxuʧaⁿdʒa] verb - to vaccinate; brand an item. Barasa ali okhuchanja embwa.

273.       okhuchanuula [oxuʧanu:la] verb - to stretch for it to be longer or wider; play an accordion, make sisal to be straight before starting to weave a rope, stretch hair. (see; v. okhunula <okhucha-). Owukhi okhuchanula khukira ochake okhuchanuula efwandiri?

274.       okhuchasa [oxuʧasa] verb - to burn with fire; to harvest bees. Namunyu ali okhuchasa enjukhi.

275.       okhucheberesa [oxuʧe:βeresa] verb - to question closely, cross-examine, make enquiries, research using a questionnaire. Lekha okhucheberesa.

276.       okhucheeba [oxuʧe:βa] verb - to ask, find out, inquire. (see; v. okhuiba <okhucha>). Okhucheba ebinju bi’abanju khwakira kalekha okhucheeba amacheeba amangi. PROVERB: Mu'maachi niyiyemeye; si ocheba ni yinyweye. If a cattle is still standing in the water of a river; you cannot ask whether it has drunk the water or not.

277.       okhucheengecha [oxuʧe:ᵑɡeʧa] verb - to assist a circumcised candidate. Wafula ali okhucheengecha Balibra.

278.       okhucheenya [oxuʧeɲa] verb - to collect firewood. Nguti achiye okhucheenya ekhwi. PROVERB: Olucheenyire mu'lukaka, nche olukhuchusa amasika. The firewood that you pick willingly from forest, is the same that produces a lot of smoke to make your eyes to water.

279.       okhucheera [oxuʧe:ra] verb - to lay an egg. Engokho yili okhucheera eki.

280.       okhuchefuna [oxuʧefuna] verb - to be cruel and unrelenting. Omwana ono achaakire okhuchefuna.

281.       okhucheka [oxuʧeka] verb - to make a trap; wait to trap, listen attentively; tune in. Lekha okhucheka engokho chia Machula. PROVERB: Okucheka oubi olekha kwacheka, nikutira kukhuwa. Let whoever refuses advice while making a snare do it; if he catches the prey, he won't give you. Let the sleeping dog lie.

282.       okhuchekeeresa [oxuʧeke:resa] verb - to listen, take note, concentrate, consider. Yanja okhuchekeresa.

283.       okhuchekekha [oxuʧekexa] verb - to place strategically, plan, prepare, arrange; be ready, to prepare beforehand. Khanu ewe kenyekha wanje okhuchekekha omupira owulayi. PROVERB: Wechekekha ow’embenya; ni owona ow’olwasa nayenya. If you have a diastema know that a gap may be on its way to your mouth.

284.       okhuchekerera [oxuʧeke:rera] verb - to be alert on all the possible senses. Nenyanga omwana owa okhuchekeerera muwulamu wuwe.

285.       okhuchekha [oxuʧexa] verb - to laugh. Lekha okhuchekha abasio. PROVERB: Abamakachwa; bachekhana amakachwa. Two men with bowed legs laughed at each other's disability.

286.       okhuchekherera [oxuʧexe:rera] ; [oxuʧexe:rra] verb - to laugh at, usually in a mocking, derisive way. Lekha okhuchekherera abasio.

287.       okhuchekula [oxuʧekula] verb - to amuse, deliver shocking news, cause laughter. (see; v. okhuikula <okhucha>). Okhuch'ekula omuliango khukira Kaula keenya okhuchekula abasie nende enjekho. PROVERB: Enjala eyilikhuluma; yichekukha mu erima. The hunger that will harm you greatly starts at planting time.

288.       okhuchekula [oxuʧekula] verb - to fire a gun, start, set to go, start mortar, set off trap. Wafula keenya okhuchekula olukina. PROVERB: Esilekeresi sichekulukhira ewukhwe. It is your in-laws who are the first to start belittling you. Your wife may tell your in-laws little secrets that you would rather like they be hidden.

289.       okhuchelecheenja [oxuʧeleʧe:ⁿdʒa verb - to moonshine; move into the open and show ones prowess; dance in the moonlight. Omwesi kuli okhwechelecheenja oluhoono.

290.       okhuchelewa [oxuʧelewa] verb - to delay, to stay long. Oli okhuchelewa okhuchia engo.

291.       okhuchelula [oxuʧelula] verb - to give an example, to sample one out of the others. Lekha okhuchelula amakhuwa.

292.       okhuchema [oxuʧema] verb  1. to backbite, plan to bring down 2. to cut down, frolic, fell, chop, cut the top layer of the foreskin during circumcision. (see; v. okhuema <okhucha>). Okhuch'ema wulali niwenya okhuchema omusala khukira w'alira.

293.       okhuchemaka [oxuʧemaka] verb - to cut down bush and dig up ground, break new ground. Ono keenya okhuchemaka omuka. PROVERB: Sikhaywa ehaywa okhuchemaka; siakwiswa nende omuyaka. It can prove hard to be cut by an axe only for it to be brought down by mere wind.

294.       okhuchemula [oxuʧemula] verb – 1.to remove a baby from a dead mother using herbs, 2. To cut or chop across once, circumcise by cutting the two layers of the foreskin at ago. Sikuta ali okhuchemula omwana.

295.       okhuchenga [oxuʧeᵑɡa] verb - to shake, tremble, quiver, be afraid. Lekha okhuchenga.

296.       okhucheng'ama [oxuʧe:ŋama] verb - to be bedridden, immobilize; unable to move but conscious. Oli ahambi okhucheeng'ama.

297.       okhuchengeecha [oxuʧeᵑɡe:ʧa] verb - to doze off to sleep, toss and turn in a light and broken sleep. (see; v. okhucheengecha). Okhucheengecha omufulu khukira Wanimo achaake okhuchengeecha malimbiriiye.

298.       okhuchengekha [oxuʧeᵑɡexa] verb - to place bear in arena for drinking, put s.t somewhere. Rosina ali okhuchengekha amalwa. PROVERB: Kwakhaba nikwechengekha haulafu nga okwa embusi, si wusiru okhwola ekhole yasaba. Even if an item that belongs to another has been left at a position where it is easily accessible, it is good manners to request.

299.       okhuchengekherera [oxuʧeᵑɡexerera] ; [oxuʧeᵑɡexerra/verb - to stagnate. Amachi kali okhuchengekherera muno?

300.       okhuchengua [oxuʧeᵑɡua] verb - to refuse to be send to do chores, have some unruliness, insubordinate. Lekha okhuchengua. PROVERB: Omwana omuchengu lukali; siania esibika sikali. A child who refuses to be send never excretes a lot of body waste. Gets nothing to eat hence his waste is little

301.       okhuchenjesa [oxuʧe:ⁿdʒesa] verb - to shake s.t with branches. Lekha okhuchenjesa omusala.

302.       okhuchenjewula [oxuʧe:ⁿdʒewula] verb - to tare into pieces due to being old. Ewe otakha okhuchenjewula esuruari?

303.       okhuchera [oxuʧera] verb - to cut meat without bones during slaughtering. Wechuli ali okhuchera enyama.

304.       okhuchereecha [oxuʧere:ʧa] verb - to move to and fro. Lekhana nende okhuechereecha mu'lukongo.

305.       okhuchereenga [oxuʧere:ᵑɡa] verb - to manoeuvre quickly among opponents. Mulamba alikho achereenga abasie.

306.       okhuchereera [oxuʧere:ra] verb - to become beautiful; be adorned, good. (see; v. okhucherera). Omusaala okuchaaka okucherera mu'sisiikha kuba kuli okhuchereera kube omulahi.

307.       okhuchereerekha [oxuʧere:rexa] verb - to be slippery, slip. Oli okhuchereerekha okwe.

308.       okhuchereesa [oxuʧere:sa] verb - to arrange, fix, decorate, adorn, beautify, scour, clean, purify, prepare, nice, etc. Oli okhuchereesa oweru? PROVERB: Akononokha bakachereesera mumasika. It is funeral that brings peace. At times, consensus and reconciliation is reached when there is no peace.

309.       okhucherera [oxuʧerera] ; [oxuʧelerra] verb - to be smooth, slippery to climb on. (see; v. okhuchereera). Omusala kuchakire okhucherera amoola kuno mana kuli okhuchereera kube omulahi? PROVERB: Omucherere kuninwa nende owakumanya. It is only the experienced who can climb a slippery tree.

310.       okhuchia [oxuʧja] verb - to go. Wenya okhuchia hena? PROVERB: Enjukhi wakhupa ndala, si okenda wachia. If you provoke people who are united then you have to escape quickly and not lazy around.

311.       okhuchiana [oxuʧjiana] verb - to go side by side, fare on well. Wenya okhuchiana hena nende eng'ombe chiana?

312.       okhuchianakana [oxuʧjanakana] verb - to go on, continue, proceed, go forward, keep on, make progress. Lekha okhuchianakana okhuywa amalwa.

313.       okhuchianira [oxuʧjanira] verb - to exaggerate, take advantage of a situation to act. Lekha okhuchianirakhomo.

314.       okhuchibiinchikha [oxuʧiβi:ⁿʧixa] verb - to be tasteless and watery. Omunyu kuli okhuchibiinjikha.

315.       okhuchibikha [oxuʧiβixa] verb - to put a pot on its earthen stand. (see; v. okhubiikha <okhuchi->). Esende chino onyala okhuchibiikha niwakhamala okhuchibikha enungiro yino khu’sichibi.

316.       okhuchichiha [oxuʧiʧiha] verb – to make another person to fear, make other dread, make feel horror. Also, the borrowed verb okhuria is used. Proverb: Ochia nikechichiha, achangirira okhukheesa. The fearful person is the one that greets first when entering somebody’s compound.

317.       okhuchichikana [oxuʧiʧikana] verb  1. to fear; hesitate. Lekha okhuchiichikana ekhaniafu. PROVERB: Embwa eyachichikana, nche eyisamakana lukali. A cowardly dog barks loudest. 2. To have respect for, to hold in esteem. PROVERB: Ochachichikana maying'ene; si achichikana masalang'ene. She who does not respect her mother cannot respect the mother-in-law.

318.       okhuchichina [oxuʧiʧina] ; [oxuʧʧina] verb – to squeak, to laugh by giggling; giggle. (see; v. okhuchina <okhuchi>). Embeba nichichanikha okhuchichina lukali endi okhuchichiina no'muliro. PROVERB: Embeba yechichina; niyemire ha wina. A rat laughs (at a cat) only if it is near a hole.

319.       okhuchiibia [oxiʧi:βja] verb - to stain. Lekha okhuchiibia omurungeti ne nase endekhe okhuchibia enyungu.

320.       okhuchiibikha [oxuʧi:βixa] verb - to get stained. Enguwo yino yili okhuchibikha. (see; v. okhuchibia <-kha>). Chino enguwo oli okhuchibikha, chienya wusa okhuchiibikha?

321.       okhuchiikhirisa [oxuʧi:xirisa] verb - to frighten, scare, horrify, terrify. Lekha okhuchiikhirisa abaana.

322.       okhuchiima [oxuʧi:ma] verb - to be dim, become cold. Omuliro kuli okhuchiima.

323.       okhuchiimbukha [oxuʧi:buluxa] verb - to grow grey hair. Efwiri lili okhuchiimbukha?

324.       okhuchiimbulula [oxuʧi:bulula] ; [oxuʧi:bulla] verb - to remove sown threads on needlework, untangle hair or thread. Lekha okhuchiimbulula omusweta. 

325.       okhuchiina [oxuʧi:na] verb - to ignite a fire to burn dry matter, cause short circuit. Wangulu ali okhuchiina enguo.

326.       okhuchiindula [oxuʧi:ⁿdula] verb - to laugh loudly and harshly; give a mighty whack. Lekha okhuchiindukha enjekho.

327.       okhuchiingicha [oxuʧi:ᵑɡiʧa] verb - to hurdle over. Khatindiko keenya okhuechiingicha?

328.       okhuchiiniasa [oxuʧi:niasa] verb - to pierce forcefully; put burning splint to ignite fire. Olunga keenya okhuchiiniasa owasie efumo.

329.       okhuchiiniikha [oxuʧi:ni:xa] verb - to sting; inject; give a shot. Enjukhi yiri okhukhuchiinikha esikobe.

330.       okhuchiiririra [oxuʧi:ririra] ; [oxuʧi:rrira] verb - to develop; continue. Oli okhuchiiririra owulayi.

331.       okhuchiisoonia [oxuʧi:so:nja] verb - to laugh in disrespectful manner; snickering. Lekha okhuchiisonia ano.

332.       okhuchikhirisa [oxuʧixirisa] verb – to scare, frighten, startle. Esichikhi siri okhuchikhirisa omwana mu’siro.

333.       okhuchimula [ʧimula] verb - to skillfully cut the two skin layers of the foreskin during circumcision. Balongo ali okhuchumula omusinde.

334.       okhuchina [oxuʧina] verb - to make noise like a bat or rat. (see; v. okhuchiina). Embeba yenya okhuchina ne nase enchaaka okhuchiina eng’unda.

335.       okhuchinjiba [oxuʧiⁿdʒiβa] verb - to be watery. Amachi kakira omuchunde kwenya okhuchinjiba.

336.       okhuchipa [oxuʧipa] verb - to answer, to confirm, to respond, to give answer reply, repeat. Lekha okhuchipa ochio.

337.       okhuchiriiriba [oxuʧiri:riβa] verb - to produce sound like cicada. Siosi esiakhachaka okhuchiriiriba ano?

338.       okhuchiriirikha [oxuʧiriirixa] verb - to spring up, flow in spitting manner and continuously. Amalasire keenya okhuchiriirikha?

339.       okhuchisia [oxuʧisja] verb - to defeat, win against, make to fear. Lero khuli okhuchisia omusiku. PROVERB: Enjala yachisya oukhwe. A hungry man knows no taboos relating to in--laws.

340.       okhuchisuula [oxuʧisu:la] verb - to ran away from a fight, recuse from an issue. Ewunwa yino yiri okhuichisuula.

341.       okhuchobaanchobania [oxuʧoβa:ⁿʧoβanja] verb - to talk a lot of insincere fabricated words; incite. Anyona alekhe okhuchobaanjobania abanju.

342.       okhuchobekha [oxuʧoβexa] verb - to hang by piercing s.t sharp in another. Senge ali okhuchobekha empisio mu'sipumba.

343.       okhuchobekhera [oxoʧoβexera] verb - to start growing feathers; add some grass on the roof to patch up some gaps. Enywinyi chianjire okhuchobekhera.

344.       okhuchobirisa [oxuʧoβirisa] verb - to get by opportunistic means. Endi okhuchobirisa ni otekha amalwa ekhutire.

345.       okhuchocha [oxuʧoʧa] ; [oxuʧʧa] verb - to thresh or beat repeatedly, to rain on in torrents. Efula yiri okhuchocha omusacha oyu. PROVERB: Efula yachocha; owayiwona ni yicha. It rained on whoever saw it coming but never prepared.

346.       okhuchofumala [oxuʧofumula] verb - to push out of the soil by force. Owoba wuli okhuchofumula

347.       okhuchoha [oxuʧoha] verb - to grow to signs of manhood, to break voice. Omusinde abaye achaakire okhuchoha.

348.       okhuchokachoka [oxuʧokaʧoka] verb - to mix in a bad way. Kabete alekhe okhochokachoka amaengere.

349.       okhuchokania [oxuʧokanja] verb - to mix mixable liquids. Lekha okhuchokania amabere nende amachi.

350.       okhuchokhoola [oxuʧoxo:la] verb - to thrust in a sticky watery or slimy hole. Maulo ali okhuchokhola mu'loho lino.

351.       okhuchokhoona [oxuʧoxo:na] verb - to make hollow by scooping its inside; pick teeth. Lekha okhuchokhoona mu'mukati.

352.       okhuchokocha [oxuʧokoʧa] verb - to bubble due to boiling. Amachi kali okhuchaka okhuchokocha.

353.       okhuchola [oxuʧola] verb - to pick leaves from the stem twigs, remain awake blinking eyes when others are asleep. Saupa oli okhuchoola owasio eloko olunyuma otakhe okhuchola eliani?.

354.       okhucholobia [oxuʧoloβja] verb - to reproof. Lekha okhucholobya wamwo.

355.       okhucholong'a [oxuʧoloŋa] verb - to make a gong. Tabata ali okhucholonga esikong'o.

356.       okhuchoma [oxuʧoma] verb - to insert, pierce. Mauko ali okhuchoma Nakome.

357.       okhuchomboola [oxuʧobo:la] verb - to exclude and discriminate against, claim a child does not belong to a family. Lekha okhuchomboola abasio.

358.       okhuchomokha [oxuʧomoxa] verb - to bolt off. Wekulo ali okhuchomokha embiro.

359.       okhuchomola [oxuʧomola] verb -  1. to come out, withdraw, escape, pull or slip out of sheath or socket. 2. to produce s.t accurately and in an expert manner. Wurandu ali okhuchomola omukhasi.

360.       okhuchonga [oxuʧoᵑɡa] verb - to dip brush in paint, dip a portion of ugali etc. in gravy preparation to eating it. Okwamo keenya okhuchonga owusuma.

361.       okhuchongoola [oxuʧoᵑɡo:la] verb - to make perpendicular. Oli okhuchongoola esiro.

362.       okhuchonja [oxuʧoⁿdʒa] verb - to run at equal pace, add dots on top of letters, beat with fist without holding each other. Khuli okhuchonja embiro khwole engo.

363.       okhuchonjoba [oxuʧoⁿdʒoβa] verb - to be sharp, curved and long. Kunguru keenya okhuchonjoba omunwa owubi.

364.       okhuchonjoberesa [oxuʧoⁿdʒoβeresa] verb - to walk with tiptoe; collect nectar via long mouth. Nambatia ali okhuchonjoberesa abanyole nibeba.

365.       okhuchonjobia [oxuʧoⁿdʒoβja] verb - to sharpen an object to end in a point, fly or move in V-shape. Kuka achia okhuchonjobia esikhongo

366.       okhuchonjola [oxuʧoⁿdʒola] verb - to strike a button or key, peck a hole in wood using a beak. Okumu kamanya okhuchonjola e-piano.

367.       okhuchoobya [oxuʧo:βja] verb - to keep checking in order not to miss an opportunity. Endi okhuchoobya enyole omwandu.

368.       okhuchoola [oxuʧo:la] verb - to bewitch by using items picked from a person. Nje onu oli okhuchoola owasie eloko olunyuma atakhe okhuchola eliani?

369.       okhuchoolola [oxuʧo:lola] verb - to urinate copiously. Nawire ali okhuchoolola khu’wuliri.

370.       okhuchoomba [oxuʧo:ba] verb - to grow radical root. Amapwoni ka ngwachi kanjire okhuchoomba. PROVERB: Achawona ebichomba mu'fula; wekinia ochi wachiisia enjala. Even if it is rain season, nobody says goodbye to hunger.

371.       okhuchoombakira [oxuʧo:bakira] verb - to start germinating from discarded tubers. Amapwoni kachaakire okhuchoombakira.

372.       okhuchoombolia [oxuʧo:bolja] verb - to become heavy with water ready to sprout. Amakanda katakha okhuchoombolia.

373.       okhuchoonga [oxuʧo:ᵑɡa] verb - to sharpen one end. Matasi ali okhuchoonga esikhongo.

374.       okhuchoongola [oxuʧo:ᵑɡola] verb - to collect timber for the purpose of building. Mwombe ali okhuchoongola emikulo.

375.       okhuchoongolokha [oxuʧo:ᵑɡoloxa] verb - to be tall and straight. Samburu ali okhuchoongolokha owubi.

376.       okhuchoonja [oxuʧo:ⁿdʒa] verb - to draw thin dotted lines; fine make the calligraphy edges. Omuchori alikho keenya okhuchoonja omukhuro.

377.       okhuchoonya [oxuʧo:ɲa] verb - to drip, leak one drop at a time. Omunyu kuli okhuchoonya kuwe.

378.       okhuchoonyakala [oxuʧo:ɲakala] verb - to drip, leak continuously. Yema elwanyi enguo chimale okhuchonyakala.

379.       okhuchoosa [oxuʧo:sa] verb - to collect tax, demand payment for tax, fine, etc. Pirikoko ali okhuchoosa esende.

380.       okhuchopola [oxuʧopola] verb - to hook out of water, pick one from the many. Matuku ali okhuchopola emanje.

381.       okhuchora [oxuʧora] verb - to draw. Juma ali okhuchora owulayi.

382.       okhuchosola [oxuʧosola] verb - to chisel out. Masika ali okhuchosola omukhwesero.

383.       okhuchowokhana [oxuʧowokhana] verb - to fray. Enguwo yiri okhuchowokhana ni okenda mu’makowe.

384.       okhuchowola [oxuʧowola] verb - to elect, choose, appoint, select. (see; v. okhuchowola). Abakwangwachi bali okhuchowola Namunyu owasiima okhuchowola owunyasi khu’nyumba okhuba ow'esisala.

385.       okhuchowola [oxuʧowola] verb - to pull out one item from the rest, pickpocket. (see; v. okhuchowola). Abakwangwachi bali okhuchowola Namunyu owasiima okhuchowola owunyasi khu’nyumba okhuba ow'esisala.

386.       okhuchuba [oxuʧuβa] verb - to swear in; inaugurate. (see; v. okhuchuuba). Bali okhuchuuba abakhoongo bachanikhe emirimo ekia okhuchuba omwami muchuli.

387.       okhuchuchubasa [oxuʧuʧuβasa] ; [oxuʧʧuβasa/verb - to continue heating water even after it has boiled to get salt. Khalinjola ali okhuchuchubasa amaachi achusemoi omuunyu-mufuuma.

388.       okhuchuchuunga [oxuʧuʧu:ᵑɡa] ; [oxuʧʧu:ᵑɡa/verb - to sift; sieve, separate small particles from large ones. Namenge ali okhuchuchuunga owusie.

389.       okhuchuka [oxuʧuka] verb – 1. to rule, govern, control, manage, 2. to tame and keep (animals). Ruto ali okhuchuka keenya. PROVERB: Ochunga ekobi; khoniwo wawola ochi wachuka etuli. You pay your debts before claiming you own many cattle.

390.       okhuchukha [oxuʧuxa] verb – 1. to pay out an agreed figure under table banking, pay out, 2. to throw out (a liquid), 3. to emit semen or ejaculate 4. to win a case in court. 5. to have diarrhoea. Lekha okhuchukha kangara.

391.       okhuchukhiirisa [oxuʧuxi:risa] verb - to irrigate, pour water for s.b washing hands. Omulimi ali okhuchukhiirisa amachi.

392.       okhuchukhira [oxuʧuxira] verb - to sprinkle water, bring water for beer making by circumcision candidate, trap fish by herb sprinkled onto the stream water. Matundu achia okhuchukira eng'eni.

393.       okhuchukucha [oxuʧukuʧa] verb - to hurl at; fling. Mang'oli ali okhuchukucha esikhokho.

394.       okhuchukuna [oxuʧukuna] verb - to be with ringworms. Lekha okhuchukuna omuchwe ochio.

395.       okhuchula [oxuʧula] verb - to go out, come forth, graduate, rise (sun), proceed from, start at. (see; v. okhuchuula). Oli okhuchuula omuyiinda nende okhuchula muweru? PROVERB: Yachula khumunyali yichi kulikho amawa yakwa khumunyanya! A bird moved from one tree claiming it was thorny only for it to perch on one which had more thorns. The bird got from the frying pan into the fire.

396.       okhuchulachuumbukha [oxuʧulaʧu:buxa] verb - to be almost naked, walk around naked without cloth covering private parts. Omukhasi alekhe okhuchulachuumbukha ni achia mu'siyokero.

397.       okhuchulanira [oxuʧulanira] verb - to act immediately. Njanu oli okhuchulanira awukule engokho.

398.       okhuchuliilira [oxuʧuli:lira] verb - to despise and insult on first sight, appear by self. Lekha okhuchuliilira owasio nende amayino ochio.

399.       okhuchuluucha [oxuʧulu:ʧa] verb - to shed blood from body openings. Omwana wuwe achaakire okhuchuluucha.

400.       okhuchuluulukha [oxuʧulu:luxa] verb - to flow in trickling manner. Amachi keenya okhuchuluulukha okhuchula khu’luwanyamachi.

401.       okhuchuluulusa [oxuʧulu:lusa] verb - to cool liquid by pouring from one container to another. Mulika alikho keenya okhuchuluulusa omuchafwa.

402.       okhuchuluulusia [oxuʧulu:lusja] verb - to make stripped. Lekha okhuchululusia eta.

403.       okhuchuluumbia [oxuʧulu:bja] verb - to make a circular cone. Lekha okhuchuluumbia owusuma.

404.       okhuchuma [oxuʧuma] verb - to send. (see; v. okhuchuuma). Enywe lekhe okhuchuuma omukoye Wakhulunya keenya okhuchuma Bitonye engo. PROVERB: Nukhaywa omwana, ochuma echango. If you have no children then send a thigh. Whoever hides the private parts will never beget a child.

405.       okhuchumbaala [oxuʧuba:la] verb - to sit unmoved while others are doing work. Namukhaywa ngwoyo keenya okhuchumbaala muno.

406.       okhuchumbukha [oxuʧubuxa] verb - to discover, reach water table, gush out from the ground. Amachi kali okhuchumbukha muno.

407.       okhuchumbula [oxuʧubula] verb - to pronounce, declare verbally, mention, declare. Sisa keenya okhuchumbula amaraba. PROVERB: Omulosi omuchumbulira mubangi. Never point out a wizard by name but generalized among others. (for he can bewitch you.)

408.       okhuchumikhira [oxuʧumixira] verb - to use. Manyasi ali okhuchumikhira esende echio.

409.       okhuchunchuuna [oxuʧuᵑʧu:na] verb - to kiss. Lekha okhuchunchuna senge abaana ni baona.

410.       okhuchunda [oxuʧuⁿda] verb - to provide for a family, to buy food during a famine, hustle. Kwaba achiye okhuchunda. PROVERB: Ochundira mayi wuwo, amukhupa ni oliwo. One who provides for your mother (and family) can cause chaos to your mother in your presence yet you remain quiet about it.

411.       okhuchundubala [oxuʧuⁿduβala] verb - to sit with palms covering the groin area for fear of exposing self. Ekhene lienya okhuchundubala khu’sichikhi. p - Olwimbo lulayi lukhunyoola, ni ochundubaaye sichula. The climax of a good song gets when the situation does not allow you to dance.

412.       okhuchundukha [oxuʧuⁿduxa] verb – 1. to be below standard due to poor making procedure (beer, herbs); 2. Explode, go off; 3. to go (lady) beyond marriageable age. 4. overwork. Amalwa aka kali okhuchuundukha. PROVERB: Esi si yikwanga khu malwa kachundukhire? Even the fly knows what is bad for it.

413.       okhuchunga [oxuʧúᵑɡá] verb - to be keen with. Oli okhuchunga omulalu achawukula amakhalange tawe. Walobe okhuchunga, Manyasi ali okhuchunga owoba owubi.

414.       okhuchunga [oxuʧuᵑɡá] verb - to link on string or wire, thread, insert. Nawebere ali okhuchunga owoba khu’lusaala.

415.       okhuchunga [oxuʧuᵑɡa] verb - to pay. Were ali okhuchunga ekobi. PROVERB: Omubiri ekobi; olichunga owubi? Our body is a debt; will you pay badly. Use your body well knowing it will die from what you do.

416.       okhuchunia [oxuʧunja] verb - to pester forcefully. (see; v. okhuchunia). Lekha okhuchuunia owasio omwoyo nende okhuchunia bakhuwe esende. PROVERB: Oluchwasi luchi ' ndifwira khu'sikali' ne lwechwiniasa khu’kwala okukali. The safari ant predicted its death by biting on the big toe which killed it.

417.       okhuchunula [oxuʧunula] verb - to untie by pulling a simple knot, burn until it cause skin to go off. Lekha okhuchunula omukoye. 

418.       okhuchununa [oxuʧununa] verb - to sprout from the stem above the ground after cutting. Omusala kuli okhuchununa.

419.       okhuchupulia [oxuʧupulja] verb - to drop or fall into a liquid. Oli okhuchupulya ekina mu'machi.

420.       okhuchusa [oxuʧusa] verb - to subtract (arithmetic), take out, drive out, remove, withdraw; induce an abortion. Oli okhuchusa chiibiri mu chichanu? PROVERB: Ewa ochusira ewa. A thorn in the flesh is removed by another thorn. Set a thief to catch a thief.

421.       okhuchuuba [oxuʧu:βa] verb - to goad; incite. Lekha okhuchuuba abaana.

422.       okhuchuuka [oxuʧu:ka] verb - to potato or cassava becoming bad for cooking due to more water inside them. (see; v. okhuchuka). Omwami ono ni achuka ne amapwoni kachaaka okhuchuuka.

423.       okhuchuula [oxuʧu:la] verb - to place down from carrying position. (see; v. okhuchula). Oli okhuchuula ekhwi ewa Nawambisa ni asiiri okhuchula. PROVERB: Esimwero siachuulawo esindi. A basket begot another one. When you receive help at your time of need; be ready to place in your help for others at their time of need.

424.       okhuchuuma [oxuʧu:ma] verb  1. to hop, jump with both feet together. Ekhere liakhachaka okhuchuuma amukulu. 2. to hustle. (see; v. okhuchuma). Oli okhuchuma Manyuru e'Lutaso okhuchia okhuchuuma amapwoni.

425.       okhuchuuna [oxuʧu:na] verb - to pinch, pain, hurt, ache. Namuma keenya okhuchuuna Oyweri. PROVERB: Embala yakhaba niyawona, yimuchuna nakhuwona. A scar can heal but it pains upon seeing whoever caused it.

426.       okhuchuunchuuna [oxuʧu:ᵑʧu:na] verb - to have tingling pain. Omubiri kuchuunchuuna.

427.       okhuchuundula [oxuʧu:ⁿdula] verb - to prick open. Oli okhuchuundula ebimba.

428.       okhuchuwula [oxuʧuwula] verb - to blaze, flare up, strike a match. (see; v. okhuwuula <okhuchu->). Nje anu ali okhuchuwuula achi nifwe abali okhuchuwula omuliro?

429.       okhuchwaakha [oxuʧʷ:a:xa/ - be of big red unblinking eyes. Lekha okhuchwaakha emoni.

430.       okhuchwaana [oxaʧʷa:na] verb - to spread evenly to every part. Omukherekha kuli okhuchwaana mu’liani?

431.       okhuchwaara [oxuʧʷa:ra] verb - to excrete watery dung. Eng'ombe chiri okhuchwaara.

432.       okhuchwandukha [oxuʧʷaⁿduxa] verb - to dash, slip away, escape. Lekha okhuchwandukha ni owaho; kenda wusa.

433.       okhuchwang'a [oxuʧʷaŋa] verb - to have red paining eyes. Emoni chienya okhuchwanga?

434.       okhuchwayirisa [oxuʧʷajirisa] verb - to goad animals or people to fight. (see; v. okhuaaya <okhuchwa->). Nauchebi alekhe okhuchwaayirisa amakhuwa nikaba mbo keenya okhuchwayirisa abaana bakhupane.

435.       okhuchweechweesa [oxuʧʷe:ʧʷe:sa] verb - to make extremely white. Oli okhuchweechweesa enguwo.

436.       okhuchweenula [oxuʧʷe:nula] verb - to clean, purify, refine; make clear. Nje anu oli okhuchweenula ebikombe ebi? PROVERB: Akhalayi khowasio halukongo, sikhakhuchweenula ekhwe khu'mukongo. That which is good for another person in the neighbourhood, can turn out not to be that good when given to you.

437.       okhuchweeya [oxuʧʷe:ja] verb - to default. (see; v. okhueiya <okhuche->). Lero khuli okhuchweeya okhukhuchuunga nikaba mbo oli okhuchweiya nende esieyo mu'makulu.

438.       okhuchwiichwiisa [oxuʧʷi:ʧʷi:sa] verb - to force to act; compel a person to act, dare, put a person in a tight corner. Lekha okhuchwiichwiisa abasio okhulima.

439.       okhuchwiikha [oxuʧʷi:xa] verb – to put a load on the head. Oli okhuchwikha Khasandi ekhwi. PROVERB: Esyowibi, wakhechwikha khumchwe bakhuwone? What is stolen is never carried openly on the head.

440.       okhuchwiikhula [oxuʧʷi:xula] verb – to put a load down from the head. PROVERB: Ochafumia owamuchwiikhula ha'muliango, walekha owakenda ne’esongo. Never praise whoever helped to put a pot down and forget whoever carried the pot.

441.       okhuchwiing'a [oxuʧʷi:ŋa] verb - to forcefully make liquid or air flow using a pump. Lekha okhuchwiing'a emiuya emingi mu'mupira.

442.       okhuchwiira [oxuʧʷi:ra] verb - to wheeze, produce high pitched cry. Enduyu yenya okhuchwiira.

443.       okhuchwiisa [oxuʧʷi:sa] verb - to tighten, tie tightly, stiffen muscles, constrict. (see; v. ikha <okhuchu->). Makhakara ali okhuchwiisa omukoye ni keenya okhuchuisa okhuchula mu’korokocho?

444.       okhuchwiisulula [oxuʧʷi:sulula] ; [oxuʧʷi:sulla] verb - to untighten, flex muscles. Lekha okhuchwiisulula omukoye.

445.       okhuchwiiula [oxuʧʷi:ula] verb - to squeak. Engokho yichakire okhuchwiiula yino yanu? 

446.       okhuecha [oxu.eʧa] verb - to give advance, give gift to relatives of the girl you are wooing, court favours, go to several places in search of a place to settle. Luka achiye okhuhecha ewuwanga. PROVERB: Ekondi ekhasi mukhukochwa; liachekha akhesiembe kh'embusi nilichaechwa. A nanny laughed at the tail of a goat before it reached its time for mating.

447.       okhueenya [oxʷe:ɲa] ; [oxue:ɲa] verb - to want, need, like, love, appear to be on the point of, wish other well. Onyala okhueenya okhuyenya ameno ni olia mbande?

448.       okhueika [oxueika] verb - to stop completely. Okhoya okhueika okhwiiba eyika ewefwe?

449.       okhueiya [oxʷeija] ; [oxueija] verb - to sweep. Nje anu ochia okhueiya mu'sitioli?

450.       okhueka [oxʷeka] ; [oxueka] verb – 1. to learn; 2. to consult. Chaka okhueka okhusoma okhulomba ekaa.

451.       okhuekeekera [o′xʷeke:kera] ; [oxueke:kera] verb - to practice. Luka afwana keenya okhuekeekera endika.

452.       okhuekekha [oxʷekexa] ; [oxuekexa] verb - to rent. Munyasa keenya okhuekekha ewefwe.

453.       okhuekera [oxʷekera] ; [oxuekera] verb – to be seen imprinted, to show the outline of. PROVERB: Esiole si'embusi; siekeranga khu'makhumbo asi. The bald of a he-goat shows its outline on the knee.

454.       okhuekesa [oxʷekesa] ; [oxuekesa] verb - to demonstrate, teach, show, display; confirm. Mama keenya okhueekesa abaana okhukhina. PROVERB: Esiri mbewo, si osiekesa omuliro. The one feeling cold does not need to be shown the fire to warm itself for it makes a personal decision to move near the fire.

455.       okhuekhiikha [oxʷexi:xa] ; [oxuexi:xa] verb - to go against the grain; lie across. Lekha okhuekhikha eweni.

456.       okhuekhirikicha [o′xʷe] ; [oxuexirikiʧa] verb – to but using your head. Ekondi litakha okhuekhirikicha khu’liasie. PROVERB: Ochemawo (emiiku) nilicha; ochi lisamanga nilierikicha. A ram does not bark when it comes to attack you.

457.       okhuekomba [oxʷekoba] ; [oxuekoba] verb - to admire. Nanjire okhuekomba enuni.

458.       okhuekoora [oxʷeko:ra] ; [oxueko:ra] verb - to make short slow proud step. Lekha okhuekoora.

459.       okhuelimia [oxʷelimja] ; [oxuelimja] verb - to fantasize. Lekha okhuelimya akawumawo.

460.       okhuema [oxʷema] ; [oxuema] verb - to vie; stand, come to a standstill, stop walking or running. face the circumcision knife. Kabete afwana ali okhuema ekura. PROVERB: Akhakhayuni khemire khusikeeke, khachi nola khu'sikulu kekekekee. A bird on an small anthill thought it was on a mountain and bragged kekekekee.

461.       okhuembeeresa [oxʷeberesa] ; [oxuebe:resa] verb - to solo a song. Namayemba ali okhuembeeresa olwimbo.

462.       okhuemekha [oxʷemexa] ; [oxuemexa] verb - to erect a structure, exalt to a position of honour and authority, crown, enthrone, appoint. Mandu ali okhuemekha esimba?

463.       okhuemera [oxʷemera] ; [oxuemera] verb - to heard; lead, look after guard, oversee, guard, represent, supervise, guide, guarantee a deal. Njanu oli okhuemera nibasia emera? PROVERB: Wakhaywa okhwemerera nakhuwonera musiayo, bayira amakina eyiyo. If you have nobody to take care of your animals at the grazing field, those in charge use stones to control it during grazing.

464.       okhuemung'a [oxʷemuŋa] ; [oxuemuŋa] verb - to put small sized food in mouth by throwing in and closing the mouth. Wenya okhuemung'a enjuli?

465.       okhuenda [oxʷeⁿda] ; [oxueⁿda] verb - to fetch, go and bring. Omwana ali nende enda singa enda alekhe okhuhenda ni achia okhuenda endaha. PROVERB: Ahambi aha osilekha, wasienda hale engerekha. You can leave it or ignore it when it is near only to be in need of it when it is far.

466.       okhuendekhera [oxʷweⁿdexera] ; [oxueⁿdexera] verb - to be scared. Lekha okhuendekhera.

467.       okhuendera /o′xʷeⁿdera] ; [oxueⁿdera] verb - to be worried for. Ese endera omwana; ewe lekha okhuendera.

468.       okhuengeresa [oxʷeᵑɡeresa] ; [oxueᵑɡeresa] verb - to research, look into the unknown. Endi okhuengeresa nende oluengera.

469.       okhuenya [o′xʷeɲa] ; [oxueɲa] verb – to be in need of, to want. PROVERB: Esisieno si'okhulia, sisichanga. The spirit of our forefathers that is demanding for recognition via a sacrifce does not kill the target person.

470.       okhuenyama [oxʷeɲama] ; [oxueɲama] verb - to be incline. Lekha okhuenyama.

471.       okhuenyekha [oxʷeɲexa] ; [oxueɲexa] verb - to be needed, should. Mama ali okhuenyekha engo.

472.       okhuenyoka [oxʷeɲoka] ; [oxueɲoka] verb - to be affected by a generation curse called enyoko. Amaraba amakhale kali okhuenyoka akene.

473.       okhuereema [oxʷere:ma] ; [oxuere:ma] verb - to float on water during swimming. Omusoki keenya okhuereema khu’machi.

474.       okhuereera [oxʷere:ra] ; [oxuere:ra] verb - to hung loosely; suspend, hang. Omukoye kuli haleeyi ereera kwenyekha kulekhe okhuereera kuchio. PROVERB: Ochatukhania ekwena amekhaliro nikasiereerire mu machi. Never abuse the crocodile while your behind is still in water.

475.       okhuereerekha [oxʷere:rexa] ; [oxuere:rexa] verb - to settle, deposit sediment, be made to hang. (see; v. okhuererekha). Eloba lianjire okhuereerekha mu'mukorokoro ne omusala nakwo kuchakire okhuererekha.

476.       okhuesuungwacha [oxʷesu:ᵑɡʷa:ʧa] ; [oxuesu:ᵑɡʷa:ʧa] verb - to sway, as a pendulum or a draped cloth. Omusereswa kwakhachaka okhuesungwacha.

477.       okhueyia [oxʷejia] ; [oxuejia] verb - to sweep, wipe, dry with a cloth. Chaka okhueyya eng'unda. PROVERB: Akhasiembe kh’ekondi kheyianga awakho. The tail of a sheep sweeps where the sheep sleeps. Charity begins from home.

478.       okhueyingiicha [oxʷejiᵑɡi:ʧa] ; [oxuejiᵑɡi:ʧa] verb - to force self. Lekha okhueyingiicha okhunywa amabere.

479.       okhueyingisa [oxʷejiᵑɡisa] ; [oxuejiᵑɡisa] verb - to interrupt, enter by self, interfare. Makina ali okhueyingisa mu’bitina.

480.       okhufuba [oxufúβá] verb - to dump, throw away, discard. (see; v. okhufuuba). Oli okhufuuba eliani liri okhufuba lino?

481.       okhufuba [oxufuβá] verb - to spoil through becoming cold in middle of cooking to remain half cooked, fertile eggs failing to hatch out, be partially done. (see; v. okhufuba). Oli okhufuba eliani liri okhufuba lino? PROVERB: Oli nende embwa, si afuba ebikumba. Whoever has a dog, does not throw away bones.

482.       okhufubacha [oxufuβaʧa] verb - to hold s.t tightly against the chest. Kuka ali okhufubacha kuskhu.

483.       okhufubachukha [oxufuβaʧuxa] verb - to go out of trap, avade captuer. Tira embwa yiri okhufubachukha yikole ewawe. PROVERB: Esikhukhaya sifubachukha, siachula mu'munwa sialakakha. Food that does not want to be swallowed drops from the mouth by itself. Never force fate.

484.       okhufucha [oxufuʧa] verb - to overuse until it turns less valued or greasy; use extravagantly. (see; v. okhufuucha). Lekha okhufucha omukhana wefwe ne omala ochaka okhufuucha amache ni wikaana.

485.       okhufucha [oxufuʧá] verb - to spit (saliva), expectorate. (see; v. okhufucha). Nasacha kasiima okhufucha emiandu nende okhufuucha amache. PROVERB: Namukhokhome kafucha esa. Though the gecko loves eating all species of caterpillars as the main food, it reaches a time when it says no to what it loves.

486.       okhufufula [oxufufula] verb - to roast in hot ash. Lekha okhufufula epwoni.

487.       okhufufulula [oxufufulula] ; [oxufufulla] verb - to invent. (see; v. okhufuufulula). Kasimoto ali okhufufulula engira eyokhulomba enyama okhuchula khu’musaala muyama ne nawe ochia okhufuufulula endika akhale.

488.       okhufufuya [oxufufuja] ; [oxuffuja] verb - to cover up in secretive manner. Lekha okhufufuya amakoso.

489.       okhufufuyasa [oxufufujasa] ; [oxuffujasa] verb - to ignore a command, disobey. Lekha okhufufuyasa amakhuwa.

490.       okhufuha [oxufuha] verb - to be blunt. Omubano kuli okhufuha.

491.       okhufuka [oxufuka] verb – 1. to paddle; cook ugali; row boat; 2. to be in a dictatorial control. (see; v. okhufuka). Nje anu oli okhufuka owusuma ni musiri okhuchanikha okhufuka abafuki owubi?

492.       okhufukha [oxufuxa] verb - to look for a thing and not see it, although it is there. (see; v. okhufuukha). Wenya okhufuukha mu’murimo ekia okhufukha ahene aho.

493.       okhufukhafukha [oxufuxufuxa] verb - to dawdle, do slowly. Lekha okhufukhafukha ahene aho.

494.       okhufukhula [oxufuxula] verb - to burrow, forage inside the soil. (see; v. okhufukhuula). Efukho yiri okhufukhula esipwoni ne ochaka okhufukhuula omuya.

495.       okhufukhunya [oxufuxuɲa] verb - to burrow and turn painfully within the flesh. Enyende ya’basochi yichakire okhufukhunya mu’khukulu.

496.       okhufukhuula [oxufuxu:la] verb - to fart in a whisper. (see; v. okhufukhula). Efukho olu yiri wusa okhuchaaka okhufukhula esipwoni, Wakhisi ali okhuchaaka okhufukhuula amenyaambe. PROVERB: Omukhulunchu afukhuula babehera omuhere. When an elder passes wind, he blames it on the children.

497.       okhufukiirira [oxufuki:rira] ; [oxufuki:rra] verb - to accept, heed a call, believe, take as true. Agree, permit, consent. Omukhana keenya okhufukiirira amakhuwa kange.

498.       okhufukiirisania [oxufuki:risanja] verb - to come to consensus. (see; v. okhufuka <risania>). Oli okhufukiirisania nende Nambutu okhuchaaka okhufukirisania.

499.       okhufukirira [oxufukirira] ; [oxufuki:rra] verb - to cook ugali for regularly. (see; v. okhufuka <-rira>). Lekha okhufukiirira ochi ochia okhufukirira Wanimo owusuma wuli nyanga.

500.       okhufukirisania [oxufukirisinja] verb - to cook ugali for each other in a bad way regularly. (see; v. okhufuka <-nia>). Lekha okhufukiirisania mbo muchia okhufukirisania owusuma wuli nyinga.

501.       okhufukulula [oxufukulula] ; [oxufukulla] verb - to breach an agreement, stop cooking ugali and undo the process. Wonekho, Marango atakha okhufukulula endakano ne nawe wenya okhufukulula owusuma.

502.       okhufula [oxufula] verb - to overflow with ink. Ekalamu yenya okhufula.

503.       okhufulafusa [oxafulafusa] verb - to soil by being turned in soil. Lekha okhufulafusa enguo mu'lufu.

504.       okhufulama [oxufulama] verb - to bend down raising the buttocks up. Chakitoni alekhe okhufulama mu’muyeembe. PROVERB: Owafulamira omuliro, kwamusamba omwene. If you attempt to curse fire by pointing at it with your naked behind, then expect to get burned.

505.       okhufuliachama [oxufuljaʧema] verb - to struggle to do a task unsuccessfully in sitting position. Lekha okhufulachamana ano.

506.       okhufuliamba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuifuljaba] verb - to roll in mud, dust, filth or ash. Lekha okhufuliamba omwana mu'matosi.

507.       okhufuliefula [oxufuljefula] verb - to make dome shaped. Lekha okhufulefula olulama.

508.       okhufuluka [oxufuluka] verb - to stir over the fire, make porridge; confuse issues, disorganise. Lekha okhufuluka amakhuwa.

509.       okhufulukhana [oxufuluxana] verb - to be busy with manual labour. Achiye okhufulukhana.

510.       okhufulukunya [oxufulukuɲa] verb - to wriggle, turn at one point when asleep. Wenya okhuefulukunya?

511.       okhufulukutia [oxufulukutja] verb - to stir vigorously. Lekha okhufulukutia owusera.

512.       okhufulula [oxufulula] ; [oxufulla] verb - to pay a fine after injuring a circumcised candidate. (see; v. okhufuulula). Okhupa omufulu ali okhufulula esende nafwe khuli okhufuulula amakulu ke’ngokho?

513.       okhufululukha [oxufululuxa] ; [oxufulluxa] - dry up, to wither. (see; v. okhufuululukha). Eliani lianjire okhufululukha nayo endi yichakire okhufuululukha.

514.       okhufulumutia [oxufulumutja] verb - to roll head over heels. Lekha okhufulumutia abasomi.

515.       okhufuluungula [oxufulu:ᵑɡula] verb - to move around searching every place. Lekha okhufuluungula mu’nyumba.

516.       okhufuma [oxufuma] verb - to be famous or notorious, be well-known. (see; v. okhufuuma). Nje anu awanjire okhufuma khulwa okhufuuma ebitawu.

517.       okhufumba [oxufuba] verb - to fold, bend. (see; v. okhufuumba). Nje anu oli okhufumba enguo ne sialo sienya okhufuumba? PROVERB: Owa akhasero khakhe, si akhaywa aha kefumba kakona. One with his own skin can never lack where to sleep.

518.       okhufumbacha [oxufubaʧa] - hold in a fist, clench a fist, take handful. Lekha okhufumbache eswa.

519.       okhufumbanya [oxufabaɲa] verb - to take handful of soft items between fingers. Obirika ali okhufumbanya eswa.

520.       okhufumbeecha [oxufube:ʧa] verb - to hug, embrace. Lekha okhufumbeecha omwana.

521.       okhufumbeerera [oxufube:rera] ; [oxufube:rra] verb - to embrace, enfold in one's arms, surround, support, hug, hold one’s arms, enclose, wrap up. Lekha okhufumbeerera owasio.

522.       okhufumbia [oxufubja] verb - to turn back, make s.t to bend backward. (see; v. okhufuumbia). Ewe oli okhufumbia olukhwi ne nase endi okhufuumbia omuliro?

523.       okhufumbikha [oxufubixa] verb - to cover charcoal with ash to stay long for next day's use, roast by covering with hot ash. Watitwa ali okhufumbikha omuliro.

524.       okhufumbukha [oxufubuxa] verb - to emerge startled, start off. Esindu yenya okhufumbukha.

525.       okhufumbulukha [oxufubuluxa] verb - to spring out, to burst forth, to jump up quickly and run from a hidden place. Embulu yenya okhufumbulukha.

526.       okhufumbulula [oxufubulula] ; [oxufubulla] verb - to unfold that which is folded. Nakome ali okhufumbulula esisala awe omkeni.

527.       okhufumbusa [oxufubusa] verb - to take by surprise, startle out of hiding. Embwe yiri okhufumbusa ekipwe. PROVERB: Eyifumbusiswe siyichichikananga olume. The one cornered during hunting does not fear to take off due to the presence of dew

528.       okhufumia [oxufumja] verb - to praise, commend. (see; v. okhufuuma <-ia>). Nje anu oyu bali okhufumia esikira kamanya okhufuumia ebitawu. PROVERB: Olakhusabe akhwichulisa nakhufumia esi wamuwa. He reminds you of your good deeds he who wants another favour.

529.       okhufumukha [oxufumuxa] verb - to be affected by witchcraft. Ese sinyala okhufumukha tawe.

530.       okhufumuunda [oxufumu:ⁿda] verb – 1. To pile banana leaves at top of pot to facilitate cooking by steaming. 2. to make spheroid with wide hollow middle. Lekha okhufumuunda esikaye.

531.       okhufumuundula [oxufumu:ⁿdula] verb - to break and scramble an egg in water. Naumwo ali okhufumuundula amaki, 

532.       okhufuna [oxufuna] verb - to harvest cereals, get s.t out of the efforts put in, to acquire. Namalero ali okhufuna amatumwa. PROVERB: Osola nende enguke; afuna makata. If you joke around with baboons you will harvest nothing

533.       okhufunaana [oxufuna:na] verb - to wrangle, case; have a reason for, have a cause. (see; v. okhufuunana). Lekha okhufunaana abaana baange muchio; mukira esirifu singe sichanikhe okhufuunana.

534.       okhufunaka [oxufunaka] verb - to break long solid item using your knees or leg. Lekha okhufunaka omukachi.

535.       okhufunama [oxufu:nama] verb - to harvest and cover in order to reach good state for use. (see; v. okhufuunama). Oli okhufunama olengere amabere nikeenya okhufuunama owulayi.

536.       okhufunama [oxufunama] verb - to come out of womb facing down. (see; v. okhufuunama). Oli okhufunama olengere amabere nikeenya okhufuunama owulayi..

537.       okhufundesa [oxufuⁿdesa] verb - to make airtight or make full from within. Amolu kali okhufundesa omwana. PROVERB: Amolu kafundeera; omunwa kwaheera. When the nose blocks; the mouth helps it to breath. we should help our neighbours

538.       okhufundesana [oxufuⁿdesana] verb - to have a cold and stuffed nose. Amolu kali okhufundesana.

539.       okhufundia [oxufuⁿdja] verb - to feed somebody by hand. Mama ali okhufundia Omwana

540.       okhufundiala [oxufuⁿdjala] verb - to claim to be an expert than others. Lekha okhufundiala ano.

541.       okhufundikha [oxufuⁿdixa] verb  1. to bewitch a person not to be successful. Mabaki ali okhufundikha omukoye. 2. to tie tightly, to climax in a song, attain orgasm. Lekha okhufundikha omukoye.

542.       okhufundikhira [oxufuⁿdixira] verb - to conclude; finish. Shalakala ali okhufundikhira embakha eyo. 

543.       okhufundisa [oxufuⁿdisa] verb - to condition an animal for work use, train. Taabu ali okhufundisa eng'ombe.

544.       okhufundukhula [oxufuⁿduxula] verb - to undo a knot, untie a knot. Lekha okhufundukhula omukoye. 

545.       okhufundukusa [oxufuⁿdukusa] verb - to crowd as it comes out of hole, dig up from ground into a heap. Eswa chiri okhuchaka okhufundukusa. 

546.       okhufunga [oxufuᵑɡa] verb - to collaborate; lock; close; bolt up a nut, harness by yoke; fast. Oli okhufunga omuliango.

547.       okhufungula [oxufuᵑɡula] verb - to unfasten, unharness from yoke, open, unbolt, unlock, open a tap. Wenya okhufungula omuliango?

548.       okhufunikha [oxufunixa] verb - to snap, break (e.g., bone or stick). (see; v. okhufuunikha). Omwikho kuli okhufunikha nusiri okhufuunikha owusuma?

549.       okhufuniula [oxufunjula] verb - to pull foreskin back, to unfold. Lekha okhufuniula. 

550.       okhufunjia [oxufuⁿdʒja] verb - to get loose cash for exchange, e.g. cents for a shilling. Ono keenya okhufunjia esende.

551.       okhufunukhula [oxufunuxula] verb - to uncover or unscrew lid to expose what is covered. Njanu oli okhufunukhula engokho?

552.       okhufunula [oxufunula] verb - to open lid. Oli okhununula ebisaho khunywe. 

553.       okhufunya [oxufuɲa] verb - to remove solid mucus from the nose. (see; v. okhufuunya). Omwana ono achaakire okhufuunya nende omwiima okwa okhufunya ewobe mu’molu.

554.       okhufuruukha [oxufuru:xa] verb - to swell up, be ruffled, rough the body. Ekhere liri okhufuruukha omubiri.

555.       okhufusa [oxufusa] verb - to make an end knot on a rope. Baba ali okhufusa omukoye.

556.       okhufusia [oxufusja] verb - to hold s.t in a fist. Khayemba ali okhufusia esende.

557.       okhufuta [oxufuta] verb - to rub, erase, relieve from job, retrench. Lekha okhufuta.

558.       okhufutana [oxufutana] verb - to have no business or engagement with. Mberese kane khufutane.

559.       okhufutiukha [oxufutjaxa] verb - to puffed up. Ekulukulu lienya okhufutyukha.

560.       okhufutukha [oxufutuxa] verb - to arrive at the end, to appear suddenly from given direction. Abakeni beenya okhufutukha ne nawe osiri okhuiyoka?

561.       okhufutula [oxufutula] verb - to bore into, pierce, puncture, make a hole through. Njanu ofutula omusala kuno?

562.       okhufutulafutula [oxufutulufutula] verb - to perforate. Lekha okhufutulafutula esisanda. 

563.       okhufutumba [oxufutuba] verb - to forcedly fit in small space by bending at the joints. Njanu owenya okhufutumba omukeni mu'sikoro?

564.       okhufututukha [oxufututuxa] verb - to emerge out of a hole and flow. Amachi kachaakire okhufututukha.

565.       okhufutuuchula [oxufutu:ʧula] [oxuftu:ʧula/verb - to perforate. Lekha okhufutuuchula esifulia.

566.       okhufutuumbukha [oxufutu:buxa] verb - to show up on the surface of water after diving and remaining submerged for some time. Omusoki keenya okhufutuumbukha ni ali era.

567.       okhufuufulula [oxufu:fulula] ; [oxufu:fulla] verb - to refurbish, make new. (see; v. okhufufulula). Nawebere ali okhufufulula endika yiye yibe embiaakha ng’a ne nawe wibanje okhufufulula esinju sikeni khu’sialo.

568.       okhufuukha [oxufu:xa] verb - to start doing with a lot of enthusiasm. (see; v. okhufukha). Kiberi keenya okhufuukha mu'mirimo kienya okhufukha.

569.       okhufuuma [oxufu:ma] verb - to cover at the top; bind a book. (see; v. okhufuma). Nyangi ali okhufuma esikira mbo kamanya okhufuuma ebitawu?

570.       okhufuumala [oxufu:mala] verb - to lie on the face down, prone, be upside-down. Lekha okhufuumala ano.

571.       okhufuumalisa [oxufu:malisa] verb - to overturn. Nje anu oli okhufuumalisa esiaki.

572.       okhufuumba [oxufu:ba] verb - to be cloudy. (see; v. okhufumba). Esialo sienya okhufuumba ne nawe ochaka okhufumba olubaala.

573.       okhufuumbia [oxufu:bja] verb make a place misty. (see; v. okhufumbia). Omusacha achaakire okhufuumbia efuumbi muchupa nende okhufumbia esindani chingiramo.

574.       okhufuumbikha [oxufu:bixa] verb - to be covered with mist. (see; v. okhufumbikha). Lekha okhufumbikha olubala esialo sienya okhufuumbikha.

575.       okhufuumia [oxufu:mja] verb - to help to cover with. (see; v. okhufumia). Nje anu oyu bali okhufumia esikira kamanya okhufuumia ebitawu.

576.       okhufuumukha [oxufu:muxa] verb - to boom from an open area after being hit or played. Omwenya kuchakire okhufuumukha.

577.       okhufuumula [oxufu:mula] verb - to beat heavily as with a club moving the beating item up and down, drop dung, put ugali on a plate from the fire. Kukhu ali okhufuumula Tutea. PROVERB: Efula yafumula oweyikala amasanja. It rained even on whoever covered himself using banana leaves. Never claim you are prepared for a calamity.

578.       okhufuumulula [oxufu:mulula] ; [oxufu:mulla] verb - to undo the hair, uncover a book. (see; v. okhufumulula). Kukhu ali okhufumulula owusuma w’omwana owenya okhufuumulula esitawu?

579.       okhufuuna [oxufu:na] verb - to have an almost complete closed breathing system from nose to chest due to sickness. (see; v. okhufuna). Esirifu sitakha okhufuuna nawe ochi wenya okhuchia okhufuna enuuni?

580.       okhufuunana [oxufu:nana] verb - to have completely blocked nose openings due to flu. (see; v. okhufunana). Lekha okhufunana omwana esikira amoli kali okhufuunana ni alira.

581.       okhufuunduula [oxufu:ⁿdu:la] verb - to extend the house via walls. Kuka ali okhufuunduula enyumba. 

582.       okhufuunikha [oxufu:nixa] verb - to cover. (see; v. okhufunikha). Lekha okhufuunikha engokho mu’lukaraya yiri okhufunikha okhulenge.PROVERB: Efuunikhe yosi yikholiokhanga. Even the cock covered in a bucket (to be slaughtered) can still crow.

583.       okhufuunya [oxufu:ɲa] verb - to become incorrigible, be rude. (see; v. okhufunya). Lekha okhufuunya olekhe omwima okwa okhufunya amawobe mu’molu.

584.       okhufuuwa [oxufu:wa] verb - to wash clothes, do laundry, blow with the mouth. (see; v. okhufuwa). Kamasia ali okhufuuwa mu'wuumi ne nawe ochanikhe okhufuwa omwembi.

585.       okhufuuyula [oxufu:jula] verb - to fat silently. Manyasi ali okhufuuyula amasi. PROVERB: Afuyuula omunyufu, babehera omusamufu. If a smart one farts; they claim it is the unkempt one.

586.       okhufuuyulula [oxufu:julula] ; [oxufu:julla] verb - to expel trapped air. Oli okhufuuyulula emiuya mu'ndika.

587.       okhufuwa [oxufuwa] verb - to give presents to performers, tip a performer. (see; v. okhufuuwa). Lekha okhufuwa esende echio oli okhuweeresa owenya okhufuuwa amalesi khu’ngombe. PROVERB: Omwembi afumianga owamufuwa. A singer praises whoever gives him a gift.

588.       okhufuwukha [oxufuwuxa] verb - to be grazed. Oli okhufuwukha omubiri.

589.       okhufuwula [oxufuwula] verb - to with the top cover or skin layer removed to expose the inner layer. Lekha okhufuwula eteche. 

590.       okhufuwulula [oxufuwulula] ; [oxufuwulla] verb - to burn such that the top layer can be removed. (see; v. okhufulula). Lekha okhufuwulula ebilenge bi’engokho esikira benya okhufulula omufulu oyubakhupire.

591.       okhufuya [oxufuja] verb - to search endlessly for; search for nestling place, fidget. Ewe olikho ofuya sina.

592.       okhufwa [oxufʷa] verb  1. to die, struggle to achieve. Abasacha bachike okhufwa ne omumwi kwosi kuanja okhufwa. PROVERB: Abaana ba esi (esiriyi); sibafwa elisi. The children of a house fly (cockroach) do not die of smoke. 2. to shine (of sunlight or moonlight). Abasacha bachike okhufwa ne omumwi kwosi kuanja okhufwa. PROVERB: Omukhasi akhufwira, wangira achakhufwira. It is better for the wife to die than your go-between. Better lose what you got than lose the skill you used to get it.

593.       okhufwaaya [oxufʷa:ja] verb - to act indiscriminately. Ono keenya okhufwaaya esikhupo.

594.       okhufwaba [oxufʷa:ba] verb - to expose indecently due to uncontrolled movements, behave indecently, strip tease. Lekha okhufwaba abaana.

595.       okhufwabakana [oxufʷaβakana] - verb - to dance or move in a manner without direction or rhythm. Lekha okhufwabakana ano.

596.       okhufwafwaakhala [oxufʷafʷa:xala] verb - to bulldoze through dry leaves. Lekha okhufwakhala mu'masafu.

597.       okhufwafwakana [oxufʷafʷa:kana] verb - to fumble about unsuccessfully. Oli okhufwafwakana ni ochia ewawe?

598.       okhufwakanya [oxufʷakaɲa] verb - to tie into banana leaves, put vegetable into bundles. Lekha okhufwakanya enyama.

599.       okhufwakha [oxufʷaxa] verb - to rope up around the neck or horns. Nje anu ofwakha omukoye mu'ng'ombe?

600.       okhufwakhaafwakha [oxufʷaxa:fʷaxa] verb - to walk slowly in noisy manner without lifting the feet off the ground; shuffle. Oli olufwakhafwakha ni owaho.

601.       okhufwakhaala [oxufʷaxa:la] verb - to rustle. Siosi esiakhanja okhufwakhala muno?

602.       okhufwakhula [oxufʷaxula] verb - to rope removed from neck, get out of a harness. Nje anu oli okhufwakhula omunyololo mu'mbwa?

603.       okhufwala [oxufʷala] verb - to dress, put on clothes; robe. Nje anu ali okhufwala elong'i?

604.       okhufwalula [oxufʷalula] verb - to undress, take off clothes, take off a garment, celebrate by giving clothing. Mana oli okhufwalula ebiracho. 

605.       okhufwana [oxufʷana] verb - to resemble, look like. Ono keenya okhufwana omulosi? PROVERB: Omusango kufwana olume. A crime is like dew for you cannot walk through it and remain dry. Always avoid moving to crime scenes since you can easily be affected or be made part of it.

606.       okhufwanana [oxufʷanana] verb - to resemble with the other, be same. Bano benya okhufwanana nende kuka.

607.       okhufwanania [oxufʷananja] verb - to take lightly, ignore, pretend to be, discern resemblance. Lekha okhufwanania ochio.

608.       okhufwanirisa [oxufʷanirisa] verb - to doubt. Lekha okhufwanirisa abakeni.

609.       okhufweekhera [oxufʷe:xera] verb - to breath loudly due to congested nostrils. Lekha okhufwekhera ano.

610.       okhufwefwenyukha [oxufʷefʷe:ɲuxa] ; [oxufʷfʷe:ɲuxa] verb - to grow love handles; move fat body from side to side. Nje anu ofwefweenyukha oyu?

611.       okhufwekeenya [oxufʷekeɲa] verb - to move by use of buttocks. Omwana keenya okhufwekeenya ni achia.

612.       okhufwera [oxufʷera] verb - to dance your back and forth, move backwards and forwards, be agitated, move like mist or clouds. Enyanja yichakire okhufwera?

613.       okhufweroombia [oxufero:bja] verb - to make be plumb bob shaped. Kuka afweroombia efworombo.

614.       okhufwiimbula [oxufʷi:bula] verb - to give a revelations of future happenstances. Anyoye okhufwiimbula mbo eloocho elio libaaye elayi po.

615.       okhufwiiririra [oxufʷi:ririra] ; [oxufʷirrira] verb - to be discouraged, to die out gradually. Omwoyo kuchakire okhufwiiririra.

616.       okhufwiirwa [oxufʷi:rʷa] verb - to get a loss be bereaved, be widowed, be unsuccessful, miss, lose. Wanjala ali okhufwiirwa nikaba mbo atakha eng’ombe.

617.       okhufwindikha [oxufʷiⁿdixa] verb - to be busy with no time to attend to another activity. Fuka owusuma ni osiri okhufwindikha.

618.       okhufwokhaafokha [oxufʷoxa:fʷoxa] verb - to be soft and yielding, e.g., cushion, raw meat. okhukulu khuchakire okhufwokhaafwokha.

619.       okhufwooba [oxufʷo:βa] verb - to foam or froth at the mouth. Omulwaye achaakire okhufwooba.

620.       okhufwoochola [oxofʷo:ʧola] verb - to make diamond shaped. Lekha okhufwoochola eloba.

621.       okhufwookonya [oxufʷo:koɲa] verb - to be flaccid, be fidgety and be weak, make malleable or soft-wet using a solvent. Oli okhufwookonya eloba.

622.       okhufwookoya [oxufʷo:koɲa] verb - to be weak in the joints and muscles. Omubiri kuli okhufwookoya ni alwaala.

623.       okhufwoola [oxufʷo:la] verb - to downgrade, disgrace, degrade. Lekha okhufwoola omukhaye.

624.       okhufwoona [oxufʷó:ná] verb – to press into ugali and make a depression for scooping soop, make a natural spoon. Kamanya okhufwoona owusuma? Kene omale okhufwoona musisaala ne achaaka okhufwoona esichonge.

625.       okhufwoona [oxufʷo:ná] verb - to spring. Esichuuma si’esitanda sinyala okhufwoona owulayi.

626.       okhufwoonola [oxufʷo:nola] verb - to dislocate by applying pressure, separate at the bones forcefully by going wrong direction. Makhindu ali okhufwoonola olubaha.

627.       okhufwootomia [oxufʷo:tomja] verb - to make bottom to be pressed upward. Lekha okhufwootomja esifulia.

628.       okhufwoototokha [oxufʷo:totoxa] verb - to despair, be soft on being pressed. Omwoyo kwa Wamamiri kwanchire okhufwoototokha

629.       okhuha [oxuha] verb - to give. Mitungu ali okhuha Okwamo eng’ombe emeramera nende ekubiria.

630.       okhuha [oxuwá] verb - to give, provide. Oli okhumuha enyama.

631.       okhuhaamba [oxuha:ba] verb - to hold on firmly, grip firmly, arrest, possess, seize; hold in both hands tightly, get hold of that got in a trap. Khocha ali okhuhaamba enyuni. PROVERB: Okhuhaamba owicha, wukhira esipupu sibicha. One specific friend is better than many passing acquaintances

632.       okhuhaambaana [oxuha:ba:na] verb - to stick together, unite, adhere, be consolidated; join. Lekha okhuhaambaana naye.

633.       okhuhaambachaka [oxuha:baʧaka] verb - to be touched many times by many people. PROVERB: Esihambachake si unya. That which has been touched by many smells.

634.       okhuhaambia [oxuha:bja] verb - to infect each other. Pwepwe ali okhuhaambia Tutuni owulwaye wa endwaasi.

635.       okhuhaambira [oxuha:bira] verb - to provoke into sexual mood. Ewunwa ya Ndinya yiri okhuhaambira emosoti ya Otitio.

636.       okhuhaanya [oxuha:ɲa] verb - to sprinkle; broadcast seeds in an organized manner. Nambengere ahaanya emwo mu'silundu.

637.       okhuhaanyula [oxuha:ɲula] - shake s.t off from the hands. Namusia ali okhuhaanyula amachekhe khu’Wechoka. 

638.       okhuhabaana [oxuha:βana] verb - to hurry to take s.t. Lekha okhuhabaana okhutoola efutu.

639.       okhuhabina [oxuhaβina] verb - to advocate in defence of, come in response to a plea for help. Kibisu ali okhuhabina omwibi.

640.       okhuhabira [oxuha:βira] verb - to cry to, appeal for the help of some person who is absent. Omwana ali okhuhabira ng'ina.

641.       okhuhaka [oxuhaka] verb - to be too large or too small for, be unable to fit in. Enguo yino liri okhuhaka omwana; lekha okhuhaka abanju ni okhaya ochi afwale?

642.       okhuhaka [oxuhaka] verb - to tempt one to do the impossible, force to fit or act. Enguo yino yiri okhuhaka omwana; oba weenya okhuhaka abanju ni okhaya ochi afwale? PROVERB: Omukhenerera kahaka omwami. The last person to pick may make the leader be forced to act in a better way or even be better than the leader.

643.       okhuhakala [oxuhakala] verb - to whet, sharpen, as a knife on a stone. Mwekese okhuhakala olupanga khu'kina. 

644.       okhuhala [oxuhala] verb - to smoothen wood. Lekha okhuhala omusala. PROVERB: Esikhaywa ehaywa okhuhala, omwolo kwakhanyala? Whatever has defeated an axe to scratch cannot be fell by a sickle.

645.       okhuhalaba [oxuhalaβa] verb - to be angry. Lekha okhuhalaba ano.

646.       okhuhalabira [oxuhalaβira] verb - to scold. Lekhanga okhuhalabira masaalawo.

647.       okhuhalakacha [oxuhalakaʧa] verb - to scrape. Mahando ali okhuhalakacha omwikho.

648.       okhuhalakha [oxuhalaxa] verb - to be thirsty. Nywa amachi olekhe okhuhalakha. okhuhalala [oxuhalala] verb - to become stiff, hard to give out, run fast. Omubiri kufwiye kuli okhuhalala. PROVERB: Esyomwimani muhalala, olia nali khulusanja/ khululala. What a mean person has been denying people can surprisingly be availed when he is bedridden.

649.       okhuhalang'anya [oxuhalaŋaɲa] verb - to gain expertise, be an expert. Mubasu kanchire okhuhalang'anya khu’maasusa.

650.       okhuhalikha [oxuha:lixa] verb - to get married off as second wife. Namisoho keenya ali okhukhalikha khu’Nakome?

651.       okhuhalikha [oxuhalixa] verb - to marry more than one wife. Wachakana atakha okhuhalikha abakhaye babiri?

652.       okhuhalula [oxuhalula] verb - to run very fast, revolve fast as it grind, cut or dig. Oli okhuhalula embiro.

653.       okhuhamukha [oxuhamuxa] verb - to dawn. Enje yakhachaka okhuamukha.

654.       okhuhana [oxuhana] verb - to give out; pass s.t to, submit, donate. Maulo ali okhuhana esende. PROVERB: Siba aha; siakhaywa okhuha. Whatever you would like to borrow may be present there but whoever to give it to you may not be around. Even if you can see what you have gone to borrow you have to wait for one who has the mandate to give it out.

655.       okhuhanda [oxuhaⁿda] verb - to stick, adhere, grow roots, have no solution to a given issue pressing issue, have phomosis condition. Weyikina Balongo, emipango kikio kiba kiri okhuanda.

656.       okhuhandakalasa [oxuhaⁿdakalasa] verb - to make scattered. Nang'unda ali okhuhandakalalsa ebitasi halwanyi.

657.       okhuhandakanya [oxuhaⁿdakaɲa] verb - to coil in a complicated manner and dry up. Ebitorobo nende olukhoba luno bino kili okhuhandakanya.

658.       okhuhandalala [oxuhaⁿdalala] ; [oxuhaⁿdalla] verb - to be coarse on surface, stick together in dry lumps, refuse to make a move. Musundi achaakire okhufuka owusuma wuli okhuhandalala?

659.       okhuhandia [oxuhaⁿdja] verb - to make s.t. stick (on, to), make other unsuccessful. Lekha okhuhandia emipango ki’owasio.

660.       okhuhandika [oxuhaⁿdika] verb - to employ, write. Nenya okhuhandika embakha endayi.

661.       okhuhangala [oxuhaᵑɡala] verb - to live to maturity or ripe age or fully develop, be in late life; debt to fall due for payment. Eliongo liri okhuhangala lina?

662.       okhuhangalasa [oxuhaᵑɡalasa] verb - to cook ugali with less water to flour ratio. Lekha okhuhangalasa owusuma.

663.       okhuhang'inya [oxuhaŋiɲa] verb - to rape. Lekha okhuhang'inya abakhana ba beene.

664.       okhuhanikha [oxuhanixa] verb - to hang up. Kukhu keenya okhuhanikha enguo khu’sihani.

665.       okhuhanjukha [oxuhaⁿdʒuxa] verb - to talk in a loud disrespectful voice with a lot of gestures. Lekha okhuhanjukha ochekerese amakhuwa.

666.       okhuhanukha [oxuhanuxa] verb - to fall from up. Embako yiri okhuhanukha okhuchula mu’malobero yikwe.

667.       okhuhanula [oxuhanula] verb - to take down s.t that is hung. Achia okhuhanula ekhwi okhuchula khu’nungo. 

668.       okhuhasa [oxuhasa] verb - to eject, send away rapidly by shouting. Achiye okhuhasa esimba. 

669.       okhuheechera [oxuhe:ʧera] verb - to pant slightly; pay oxygen debt. Lekha okhuheechera ano.

670.       okhuheera [oxue:ra] verb - to breath, cool down. (see; v. okhuhera). Matala achaakire okhuheera wulayi esikira eliani lienya okhuhera.

671.       okhuheerana [oxuhe:rana] verb - to breath heavily, be out of breath. Abaana bano bachanikhire okhuherana okhuheerana?

672.       okhuhema [oxuhema] verb - to chase away small flying items such as birds, flies, chicken. Burudi ali okhuhema esi.

673.       okhuhena [oxuhena] verb - to develop a desire to do a given action, cause one to act. Esinju siri okhuhena omukhana oyu akeniye ewefwe!

674.       okhuhenda [oxuheⁿda] verb - to be worried, troubled, anxious, grieved. Lekha okhuhenda omwoyo.

675.       okhuhendera [oxuheⁿdera] verb - to sympathise about, be worried, stressed up, etc., about, or on behalf of or on behalf of. Lekha okhuhendera wuli nyanga. PROVERB: Kali mumwoyo amene, kahendia mwene. Nobody can know what is in another person's heart.

676.       okhuhendia [oxuheⁿdja] verb - to worry, trouble s.o. Siosi esiri okhuhendya omwoyo kukwo?

677.       okhuheniesa [oxuhenjesa] verb - to pitch voice, project the voice. Lekha okhuheniesa omwoyo ni weemba omwenya.

678.       okhuhenula [oxuhenula] verb - to tilt; lift one side up, tip over and fall. Lekha okhuhenula enyungu.

679.       okhuhera [oxuhera] verb - to add up to be enough, be pregnant. (see; v. okhuheera). Matala achaakire okhuheera wulayi esikira eliani lienya okhuhera.

680.       okhuherana [oxuherana] verb - to be of average measure, be equal. Bino bienya okhuherana.

681.       okhuherekesa [oxuherekesa] verb - to escort off for a short while. Nje anu oli okhuherekesa omukeni?

682.       okhuheresa [oxuheresa] verb - to give (to s.o.). Wesonga ali okhuheresa Fwebe eondo.

683.       okhuhesa [oxuhesa] verb - to collect enough. Embona oli okhuhesa esende.

684.       okhuheya [oxuheja] verb - to bear an illegitimate child, commit adultery. Lekha okhuheya halukongo.

685.       okhuhindiala [oxuhiⁿdjala] verb - to enrich, make wealthy. Kanjire okhuhindyala.

686.       okhuhinga [oxuhiᵑɡa] verb – withstand any defeat or force. Nje musaacha siina owenya okhuhinga mungo muno?

687.       okhuhocheresa [oxuhoʧeresa] verb - to counsel. Ali okhuhocheresa namulekhwa.

688.       okhuholeera [oxuhole:ra] verb - to be quiet, ease (of pain). Oli okhuholeera?

689.       okhuholoola [oxuho:lola] verb - to produce the sound of anger (bull) after sensing danger, roar. Eng'ombe yenya okhuholoola.

690.       okhuholoolosa [oxuholo:losa] verb - to pacify. Oli okhuholoolosa emioyo.

691.       okhuhoma [oxuhoma] verb - to mud. Tembula ali okhuhoma enju.

692.       okhuhomberesa [oxuhoberesa] verb - to sooth, to pacify, to call calm, tame, make peace, pacify. Lekha okhuhomberesa abaana.

693.       okhuhona [oxuhona] verb - to recover, to heal. Omulwaye ali okhuhona.

694.       okhuhondiokha [oxuhoⁿdjoxa] verb - to arrive in fear. Nje anu ohondiokha elwanyi?

695.       okhuhonga [oxuhoᵑɡa] verb - to miss duty, stay at a place for long,, remain absent, stay away. Omusomi ali okhuhonga okhuchia khu'sisomero. PROVERB: Amachwi si kahonga enjala. Ears never sleep hungry.

696.       okhuhonokokha [oxuhonokoxa] verb - to escape from trap or danger narrowly, escape danger. Lero oli okhuhonokokha mu'wusiku owo? PROVERB: Aha ewe ofwira; nje aha niye ahonokokhera. One man’s death place is another man's place of prosperity.

697.       okhuhoola [oxuho:la] verb - to roar, e.g. wild animal, cry (cattle) for help; roar the way a cattle does in death, sound of rain in the distance. Siosi esienya okhuhoola?

698.       okhuhosa [oxuhosa] verb - to give an antidote. Lero kuno musango oli okhuhosa kunyalikhe? PROVERB: Esikhayire omuhosi, siwuma amalesi. That which has reached its death point can never be saved by whatever kind of medication.

699.       okhuianga [oxu.íáᵑɡá] verb - to become noon and sunny. Esialo sienya okhuianga. Esialo sieenya okhuianga khanu neenya okhuianga owusuma seng’ene.

700.       okhuianga [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiáᵑɡá] verb - to own; possess alone. Wesisi ali okhuiaanga owusuma?

701.       okhuiba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβa] verb - to steal, obtain dishonestly. Lekha okhuiba amamatole kefwe. PROVERB: Embwa enjibi halukongo; y’esika omukongo. A dog that has a trait of stealing in the village must have a strong back.

702.       okhuibaanda [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβa:ⁿda] verb - to form a valley. (see; v. okhuibanda). Lekha okhuibanda mu'sikoro ochie owone singa esialo sifwana esienya okhuibaanda.

703.       okhuibaangaacha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβaᵑɡa:ʧa] verb - to form a cave on the side of a river or soil. Olukuku luli okhuivbangaacha.

704.       okhuibaaya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuaβa:ja] verb - to give way, step aside, move back to prepare to prance or hit. Oli okhibaaya ne okhupa? PROVERB: Owa miima milahi sikebaaya, hangerekha nje hakebaya. A good mannered girl marries near.

705.       okhuibacha [oxʷi-] ; [oxui:βaʧa] verb - to dodge beforehand, to hide from the other, avade. Miringamu ali okhuibacha abasikari.

706.       okhuibachula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβaʧula] verb - to duck off from trap, dodge. Lekha okhuibachula.

707.       okhuibakala [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβakala] verb - to be in the open ground, be in the sun. Lekha okhuibakala mu'sikuri.

708.       okhuibala [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβálá] verb - to be of irregular appearance, inconsistent. (see; v. okhuibala <okhui->). Omutofu awene efula ichakire okhuibala khanu achanikhire okhuibala mu'banamaani.

709.       okhuibalabanja [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβalaβaⁿdʒa] verb - to hide because of fearing to be tasked. Lekha okhuibalabanja

710.       okhuibalalira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβalalira] verb - to dislocate by twisting, strain, sprain. Omukhono kuli okhuibalalira.

711.       okhuibalula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβalula] verb - to fail to come to duty for a day or two. Omwayi ali okhuibalula nail nende enjala.

712.       okhuibamba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβaba] verb - to sit indecently. Lekha okhuibamba ochuyo.

713.       okhuibanda [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβaⁿda] verb - to evade, move aside to let other pass. (see; v. okhuibaanda). Lekha okhuibanda mu'sikoro ochie owone singa esialo sifwana esienya okhuibaanda.

714.       okhuibangaacha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβaᵑɡa:ʧa] verb - to form caves. Olukuku luchakire okhuibangaacha.

715.       okhuibanjula [oxuiβaⁿdʒula] verb - to dance break -dance. Lekha okhuibanjula owukhino.

716.       okhuibasa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβasa] verb - to turn unsuccessful, intertwine. (see; v. okhubaasa <i->). Otakha okhuibaasa omanye mbo siina ekhabi yiyo ni yiri okhuibasa.

717.       okhuibasula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβasula] verb - to blister, form blister; untwine. Esiaba sia omukeni sili okhuibasula silombe ebasa ni kasaka ekhwi.

718.       okhuibataasa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuβata:sa] verb - to walk afar as you hide, go a long way round leaving main path, circumnavigate. Lekha okhuibataasa ewefwe.

719.       okhuibenja [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβeⁿdʒa] verb - to duck. Lekha okhibenja omupira.

720.       okhuibereenga [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβere:ᵑɡa] verb - to rush to the front in doing a task. Ono kasiima okhuibereenga.

721.       okhuibeyeresa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβejeresa] feign, pretend. Lekha okhuibeyeresa ochi oli omulwaye.

722.       okhuibirira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβirira] verb - to forget. Ufisi ali okhuibirira okhukhupa enyimba? PROVERB: Owa esikufu n'akwa; omwene sikebirira singa akwa. The one with a hunchback knows how to fall.

723.       okhuicha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧá] verb - to come. Ewe oli okhuiicha okhuicha eng'ombe michuli.

724.       okhuicha; [oxu.íʧá] verb  1. to dissuade the heart and the spirit on need. PROVERB:: Amakhino mabi sikecha amalia ta. A bad dance cannot prevent one from winning a lady. Once the heart loves something, any deviancy in lifestyle or strange appearance is always overlooked. 2. to kill. PROVERB: Omwana kechanga ng'ina. It is the mother who dies at childbirth.

725.       okhuichaamuna [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧa:muna] verb - to savour; eat slowly enjoying the flavour by licking lips, to chew and clean mouth with tongue as you continue to chew. Sara keenya okhuichamuuna?

726.       okhuichaanya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧa:ɲa] verb - to work iron in a forge, make of iron, etc. Nambale ali okhuichaanya olukembe. PROVERB: Omwichanyi mweka; kamalira amanda mu'maika. A blacksmith who is still learning will overuse the charcaol.

727.       okhuichaba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧaba] verb - to robe oneself. Nje anu oli okhuichaba mu'chabe?

728.       okhuichabikha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧaβikha] verb - to sit complacently; to sit in a space where one is not expected to sit. (see; v. okhuchabikha <i->). Lekha okhuichabikha omuliango nende okhuichabikha khu’njebe. PROVERB: Ow'omukhasi mulala; analwiki munjengekho nje kechabikhula. A man with one wife sits near the door at the drinking place (he may unceremoniously run out breaking the pot and jumping over drinking straws on hearing of the wife's death)

729.       okhuichala [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧala] verb - to run away from danger, move into the arena. Lekhana naye; ali okhuichala embiro akhulekhe. PROVERB: Omukhini mulahyi kechala mumuse lulala. A good dancer dances once in the arena.

730.       okhuichalia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧalja] verb - to be dry on top but swampy underground. Elutende luli okhuichalia.

731.       okhuichalwaakha [oxʷi-] ; [oxui′ʧʷa:laxa] verb - to drink a lot of salty water (animal). Eng’ombe yichula okhuechwaalakha

732.       okhuichambula [oxuiʧabula] verb - to smack lips loudly while eating. Lekha okhuchambula ni okhoomba owukhi.

733.       okhuichanda [oxʷi-] ; [oxui′ʧaⁿda] verb - to bother a person for long, refuse to accept any other idea, be stubbon. Lekha okhuichanda khu’khuwa elala.

734.       okhuicheeba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧe:ba] verb - to wonder loudly. Nanjire okhuicheeba mbo owandoka kafwa?

735.       okhuicheemba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧe:ba] verb - to go in and out of place repeatedly. Lekha okhuicheemba ewefwe.

736.       okhuicheengekherera [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧe:ᵑɡexerera] verb - to lie still or stagnant, of water. Amachi kali okhuicheengekherera ano?

737.       okhuicheka [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧeka] verb - to obstruct yourself, sit down uninvited and wait for a meal. Mutembete ali okhuicheka khu'njebe. PROVERB: Onakhuwe owenjala, sialinda wecheka okhuikhala. Whoever is willing to give the hungry one, never wait the person to sit and wait for long.

738.       okhuichemula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧemula] verb - to teach circumcised candidates during seclusion, cut off a big portion of your flesh. Lekha okhuichemula.

739.       okhuichengekherera [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧe:exerera] verb - to make shake self in a useless manner. Omukhebi alekhe okhuichengekherera ano.

740.       okhuichiamula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧjamula] verb - to enjoy the after taste of food in the mouth. Lekha okhuichamula ochio.

741.       okhuichiingicha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧi:ᵑɡiʧa] verb - to run and jump horizontally forward as in long jump. Lekha okhuichiingicha engerekha.

742.       okhuichiisula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧi:′sula] verb - to resign, refuse to go into a duel. Manguliechi ali okhuichiisula emirimo.

743.       okhuichikicha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧikiʧa] verb - to run and jump vertically. Esolo yiri okhuechikicha khu’musaala.

744.       okhuichokoondola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧoko:ⁿdola] verb - to fabricate; invent false information in order to trick people. Lekhanga okhuichokoondola.

745.       okhuichola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧola] verb - to walk slowly in a delicate manner. Lekhanga okhuichola mubasio.

746.       okhuicholachola [oxʷi-] ; [oxui′ʧolaʧola] verb - to feel unwanted in the family or group. Lekha okhuicholachola mu’basio.

747.       okhuicholokoonda [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧoloko:ⁿda] verb - to talk at length. Kilobi kakhachaka okhuicholokoonda.

748.       okhuichong'a [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧoŋa] verb - to develop yaws. Omwana ali okhuichong'a.

749.       okhuichooma [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧo:ma verb - to aim at; go direct. (see; v. okhuchoma <i->). Amunga ali okuichooma wusa okhuichoma ewa.

750.       okhuichuba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧuba] verb - to curse, encourage; swear; promise solemnly. (see; v. okhuchuuba <i->). Lekha okhuichuuba mbo oli okhuichuba ewenywe. PROVERB: Esia muwenywe osira wusa; khaba siwichuba wewaba. You can never disown your brother.

751.       okhuichukhana [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiβuxana] verb - to be taken by surprise, do s.t unintentionally, to do unexpectedly. Oli okhuichukhana ni ofwiye. <ira>

752.       okhuichukumula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧukumula] verb - to take the initiative to attempt s.t beyond one’s powers, bite off more than one can chew. Musungu ali okhuichukumula asinje ekondi.

753.       okhuichukuna [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧukuna] verb - to develop ringworms. Omwana ali okhuichukuna.

754.       okhuichula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧula] verb - to contain, be filled with, be near to calving (of a cow). Ebula yichula mukhuchwi yiri okhichula khusifunikho?

755.       okhuichuliirisa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧuli:risa] verb - to be outspoken, to be the first to speak or defend yourself. Lekha okhuichuliirisa okhuichulirisa akabicha. PROVERB: Embwa enjibi yechulilisanga. A dog that has stolen behaves suspiciously. One who has made a mistake will always behave in a suspicious manner.

756.       okhuichulira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧulira] verb - to recall what one has seen and done in the past, remind oneself, remember. (see; v. okhuchula <okhui->). Oli okhuichulira okhuichulira mu’ngo yange. PROVERB: Amasika amayakha kechulisa amakhale. A new bad deed makes you remember old bad deeds.

757.       okhuichuma [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧuma] verb - to be self-motivated or self-driven. Oli okhuchuma okhusoma.

758.       okhuichusa [oxu.íʧúsá] verb  1. to restart what has been forgotten; reactivate, 2. volunteer. Lekha okhuichusa okhuchanikha okhuichusa emiero ekyo.

759.       okhuichusa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧúsá] verb - to fill. (see; v. okhuichusa). Oli okhuichusa okhuichusa amalwa.

760.       okhuichusula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧisula] verb - to laugh a soft supressed laugh; to chortle. Lekha okhuichusula ano.

761.       okhuichuuba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧu:βa] verb - to psych up self. (see; v. okhuchuba <i->). Lekha okhuichuuba mbo oli okhuichuba ewenywe.

762.       okhuichwaniaka [oxuʧʷaniaka] verb - to originate gossip about trivialities. Wasiima okhuichwaniaka amakhuwa. PROVERB: Achi, 'Bawoola bachi-bachi koo, aba nje owichwaniaka nako.' Whoever says 'they have said' may be the gossip originator.

763.       okhuichwaniaka [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧʷanjaka] verb - to hustle about. Oli okhuichianaka oleche owuyinda.

764.       okhuichwata [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiʧʷata] verb - to be tight; with less noticeable buttocks. Lekha okhuichwata ochio. PROVERB: Enguwa y'oluke; yichwaatira khu’seero ebaake. Small yellow ticks tightly held and died on a skinned skin.

765.       okhuiebeena [oxʷi-] ; [oxuieβe:na] verb - to bleed from inside; seethe with anger from inside. Efwe khuchakire okhuiebeena mumioyo.

766.       okhuifubachula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuifuβaʧula] verb - to slip away, slip out, to escape from being held by both hands. Ali okhuifubachula akoche.

767.       okhuifulufuumba [oxuifulufu:ba] verb - to move as you try to fit self in small spaces within a room. Lekha okhuifulufuumba mu'weru.

768.       okhuifulukhana [oxʷi-] ; [oxuifuluxana] verb work hard. Oli okhuifulukhana mu’maika khulie.

769.       okhuifulukunya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuifulukuɲa] verb - to turn at one point when asleep in a small space. Nje anu owenya okhuifulukunya?

770.       okhuifulumutia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuifulumutja] verb - to jump in a rolling way forward or backward, summersault. Omukhana oyo keenya okhuifulumutia?

771.       okhuifunda [oxʷi-] ; [oxuifuⁿda] verb - to feed oneself, put food into one’s mouth and close the lips. Namukhokhome kuli okhuifunda esa.

772.       okhuifuuchula [oxufu:ʧula] verb - to give up on. Lekha okhuifuchula emirimo kikio.

773.       okhuifuuucha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuifu:ʧa] verb - to develop white substance, white piedra, in the hair. Efwiri lichakire okhuifuucha.

774.       okhuifwakha ['ifʷaxa] verb - to put on a hat or slip into a robe, to poke your nose into issues. Wangira ali okhuifwakha mu'kofia.

775.       okhuifwamba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuifʷaba] verb - to embrace and carry with both hand near the chest. Matasi ali okhuifwamba esitera. PROVERB: Owasira enyama, kefwamba amachukhu. Whoever refused little steak of meat ended up getting hold on the despised lungs.

776.       okhuifwambula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuifʷabula] verb - to un-embrace from a person. Nenya okhuifwambula.

777.       okhuifwanya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuifʷaŋa] verb - to put a lot of soft food in the mouth. Lekha okhuifanya eswa. PROVERB: Eyifwanya amawa yimanya, eyeene nga yinyanya. That which eats thorns knows how it will chew them

778.       okhuifwenya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuifʷeɲa] verb - to eat a lot of food for long time. Omwana owenya okhuifwenya owusuma ono wanu?

779.       okhuifwira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuifʷira] verb - to endure, tolerate, be patient, bear up under adversity quietly. Lekha okhuifwira.

780.       okhuifwola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuifʷola] verb - to do filthy things. Lekha okhuifuola ano.

781.       Okhuifwotoba [oxʷi-] ; [oxufʷotoβa] verb - to have postmortern rigidity. Omulambo kuchaakire okhuifwootoba.

782.       okhuihayahaya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuihajahaja] verb - to be restless with antics. PROVERB: Eyokhwehayahaya na mahaka, syimeranga enjika. The cattle that disturb others from time to time never grow sharp horns. Nature does not provide destructive people with opportunities and means to carry out their destructive nature.

783.       okhuihena [oxʷi-] ; [oxuihena] verb - to draw oneself up, stand on tip-toe with stomach pushed inside. Oli okhuihena owukule embako.

784.       okhuiima [oxʷi-] ; [oxui:ma] verb - to stand, vie for, withstand the pain of circumcision without flinching. Oli okhuima ekura?

785.       okhuiimba [oxʷi-] ; [oxui:ba] verb - to sing. Nje anu oli okhuiimba?

786.       okhuiina [oxʷi-] ; [oxui:na] verb - to dip, immerse, soak, touch, particularly with the tip of a finger. Lekha okhuiina omukati mu'chai.

787.       okhuiira [oxʷi-] ; [oxui:ra] verb - to become dusk. Olutalo lwenya okhuiira khangu.

788.       okhuikaamula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuika:mula] verb - to chew the cud. Eng'ombe yenya okhuikaamula. PROVERB: Emosi yananga nende ekaamulo yowunyasi mumumwa. A calf moos with grass in the mouth. It is not aware that the same grass is the best food for cattle.

789.       okhuikaana [oxʷi-] ; [oxuika:na] verb - to deny, object, refuse, dispute, be hypocritical. Lekha okhuikana.

790.       okhuikabangula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuibaβaᵑɡula] verb – to sexually loose, to be immoral, licentious. Lekha omuima okwa okhuikabangula khu’basaacha.

791.       okhuikacha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikaʧa] verb - to have inability to walk, sit cross-legged; be ironical. Lekha okhuikacha mungo muno. PROVERB: Esibala ngacha. For you to live in the world well (carry the world) you need a good foundation just the way a pot can balance well on a good ring. Or, it can mean that living is like controlling a steering wheel of a car for nobody can claim to be an expert beyond measure.

792.       okhuikakaamba [oxuikaka:ba] ; [oxukka:ba] verb - to be with dried scars. Ekonjo liri okhukaikaamba.

793.       okhuikakaanga [oxuikaka:ᵑɡa] verb - to strive, to attempt mechanical skills on an item. Chanikha okhuikakaanga onyole enganga.

794.       okhuikakhana [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikaxana] verb - to develop scabies. Omwana ali okhuikakhana omubiri.

795.       okhuikala [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikala] verb - to close, be closed, shut, be shut; grow fat. Oli okhuikala omuliango PROVERB: Omwami achamuleka nacheyikala ta. Never despise a king before he closes the door. Never look down at somebody since you never know what the person is capable of doing.

796.       okhuikalakaanja [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikalaka:ⁿdʒa] verb - to feign, pretend to search s.t on self, attempt to hide not to be seen. Lekha okhuikalakanja ochie ocheme emikachi.

797.       okhuikaliilisa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikali:lisa] verb - to prevent one from talking to hide given information in defence of the other. Ewe lekha ouikaliliisa khuwulire.

798.       okhuikalira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikalira] verb - to prevent, hinder, defend against, ward off, shut in (or out), prevent, stop, close on behalf of. Lekha okhuikalira abaana okhuchia mu'wukhino.

799.       okhuikalukhasia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikuxasja] verb - to turn around when asleep, be converted, repend.

800.       okhuikamuula [oxuikamu:la] verb - to regurgitate, chew cud. (see; v. okhukamula <i->). Nje anu onyala okhuchuuma hamukulu nende okhuikamula ebikha ebi eng'ombe niyichaaka okhuikamuula ekaamulo?

801.       okhuikangaalikha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuika:ᵑɡalixa] verb - to turn still or turn immobile abruptly. Lekha okhuikaangalikha ne niwe okhupire omwana.

802.       okhuikangisa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikaᵑɡisa] verb - to steal. Lekha okhuikangisa emiandu kiabeene.

803.       okhuikangulula [oxʷi-] ; [oxui′kaᵑɡulula] ; [oxui′kaᵑɡulla] verb - to give birth, untie self. Naima ali okhuikangulula muchuli.

804.       okhuikanira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikanira] verb - to confess, to repent. Chaaka okhuikanira owoni wuwo.

805.       okhuikekeenya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikakeɲa] verb - to attempt, try. Kuka achia okhuikekeenya okhukinga ekhwi. PROVERB: Ocheenya echia amawa; amanya nga kekekenya olukhanya. Whoever collects firewood with thorns; has to know how to carry the bundle.

806.       okhuikekenya [o′xʷe] ; [oxuekekeɲa] verb - to carry heavy load. PROVERB: Emonyo elala, liekekenyanga esilinyala. One small ant will carry a load proportional to its size.

807.       okhuikera [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikera] verb - to dress in to see if it fits, take somebody on for a duel. Lekha okhuikera mu’mayiwo.

808.       okhuikeraania [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikera:nja] verb - to imitate; copy. Lekha okhuikeraania khu’basio. PROVERB: Engerania yecha amachukhu. Immitations killed the lungs. Immitations of what others do may tax your efforts beyond your ability

809.       okhuikeraasa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikera:sa] verb - to copy. Lekha okhuikeraasa khu’kuka.

810.       okhuikha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixa] verb – 1, to descend, come down, go down, 2. to drawn, go downstream. Lekha okhuikha emwalo.

811.       okhuikhaakha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixa:xa] verb - to imbibe; drink s.t especially bitter alcohol or medicine. Ali okhuikhaakha amalesi.

812.       okhuikhaala [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixa:la] verb - to face a person and courageously say what is in your heart. (see; v. okhuikhala). Mayi omukhwe anyala okhuikhala mana achaake okhuikhaala wusa khu’musolili wuwe amutukhe?

813.       okhuikhaanja [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixa:ⁿdʒa] verb - to click. Lekha okhuikhaanja abasakhulu.

814.       okhuikhaanya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixa:ɲa] verb - to take too much and carry away on head. Lekha okhuikhaanya ekhwi chiosi.

815.       okhuikhakasa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixakasa] verb - to look for an excuse to quarrel with, act in a provoking manner, seek chance to hate or be provoked, seek a change to harm. Lekha okhuikhakasa m

816.       okhuikhala [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixala] verb - to sit, stay, remain, dwell, suppress. Saupa ali okhuikhala hasi? PROVERB: Ewabene ni wikhala, wikhalira elikhaliro elala. Never demand to sit on both buttock when helped where to sit by a neighbour.

817.       okhuikhalabanda [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixalaβaⁿda] verb - to dress in shoes with wooden shoe-sole. Oli okhuikhalabanda khuweho.

818.       okhuikhaliilikha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixali:lixa] verb - to persevere as you complain.

819.       okhuikhalira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixalira] verb - to indulge in unkind gossip, backbite; sit at. Lekha okhuikhalira abasio.

820.       okhuikhalisa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixalisa] verb - to settle down, stop moving from place to place. Nenya omukhasi wa okhuiyikhalisa mu’ngo.

821.       okhuikhana [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixana] verb - to click in disgust and swear to act, threaten. Lekha okhuikhana abanju abakhulunju.

822.       okhuikhanya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixaɲa] verb - to crumple up. (see; v. okhuikhaanya). Enguo eyo yiri okhuikhanya nuchaka okhuikhaanya ekhwi owubi.

823.       okhuikhasa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixasa] verb  1. to prevent from going, 2. to host a sitting, chair a meeting. 3. to have fat hips. Abashi ali okhuikhasa abakeni.

824.       okhuikhataambia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixata:bja] verb - to go off your work; 2. to speak in a foreign language. Lekha okhuikhataambia khu’mirimo.

825.       okhuikheera [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixe:ra] verb - to grab greedily, carry on the shoulders. Ochango ali okhuikheera endalo yabeene ne achanikha okhuikheera amakunia kalimo amatumwa.

826.       okhuikheereria [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixere:rja] verb - to have rough cracked scale patterns on legs. Lekha okhuikheereria ochio.

827.       okhuikhemukha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixemula] verb - to turn and look back regularly due to fear or anxiety. PROVERB: Eninga iwochanga; ne ikhemukha okhulengera enyanga. A wild dove searches for food while watching the sun for time.

828.       okhuikhendula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixe:ⁿdula] verb to slim in order to grow a thin waistline and curved body. Lekha okhuikhendula esiwuno.

829.       okhuikhenya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixeɲa] verb  1. to attempt to push out a baby at time of giving birth. 2. attempt to lift a heavy load. Wiwusakho oyo oli okhukhenya.

830.       okhuikherebenda [oxuixereβeⁿda] verb - to start an activity between 5 am to 6 am. PROVERB: Embwa yikherebendia yakuwuuna; omubacha achakhuwuuna. Better a dog to visit you in the morning than a trickster. The intention of the dog is seen on the face but a trickster hides it.

831.       okhuikhewukha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixewuxa] verb - to look over one’s shoulder, look behind, turn back, look backwards. Lekha okhuikhewukha? PROVERB: Eyabene oyikhama nuwikhewukha. A cow that does not belong to you is milked while you peep from side to side for the owner may be coming for it any time.

832.       okhuikhiina [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixi:na] verb - to waylay to cause harm to the innocent, to wait till the right time to cause harm. Lekha okhuikhiina abasio. PROVERB: Abasira mbere, baliyo bekhiina abahere. Not all men love breasts (women) in the same way. Be wise in your selection of a spouse.

833.       okhuikhiinda [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixi:ⁿda] verb to stay at a place in order to get s.t promised. PROVERB: Olinda omunwa; ocheikhiinda eliisi. The presence of smoke in the kitchen may not signal that cooking is taking place. Have hope that there is a meal only if you have been promised.

834.       okhuikhokhoochola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixoxo:ʧola] verb - to be proud and not associate with low cadre in society. Moni kanala okhuikhokhoochola mu'basie. PROVERB: Sikhokhochole khene; sikhalakasa lioya! A treasure is never easily picked from the proud ones.

835.       okhuikhola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixola] verb - to fake; pretend self, to turn into. Lekha okhuikholakhola ochi olwala. (see; v. okhukhoola <i->). Mwangala lekha okhuikhola mbo ochanikhire okhuikhoola ekosi ni olengera abasio. PROVERB: Wangira kekhola mwene wukhwe. The one who was send by the bridegroom betrayed him. At times it is dagerouus to over trust people.

836.       okhuikholeeresa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixole:resa] verb - to do by self without involving others; exaggerate, to do some activities aimed at making others feel envy. Lekha okhuikholeeresa emirimo. PROVERB: Embako yomusiro yakholeresera eyomusiteche. (Vulgar) At times children (product of night jembe) can help the parents more than the help the same parent would get through farming.

837.       okhuikholiomba [oxuiljoba] verb - to fantasise. Lekhanga okhuikholiomba akawumao.

838.       okhuikholoba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixoloβa] verb - to landslide into galleys, swallow big slimy items. Esikulu siri okhuikholoba mu'fula. PROVERB: Esikholoba ekhere; silianga enenga. Whatever eats a toad; eats a frog.

839.       okhuikholobana [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixoloβana] verb - to form a cliff. Olukuku luenya okhuikholobana mu'fula.

840.       okhuikholobia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixoloβja] verb - to overflow, break bank and move downstream. Amachi kali okhuikholobya mu'mwombe.

841.       okhuikhoma [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixoma] verb -  1. to take s.t head on. 2. To stay at a place you are not welcome. 3. to hammer self. PROVERB: Embulu eyikhoma khu'lwanda; esero lyayo lialomba eng'oma. A monitor that does not move off the rock on a sunny day has its skin used to make a drum.

842.       okhuikhonera [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixonera] verb  1. to dress an underwear. Rosina, lekhanga okhuikhonera ni ochia okhukona.

843.       okhuikhonga [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixoᵑɡa] verb - to walk with head erect, exalt oneself, lift oneself. Lekkha okhuikhong’a omuchwe.

844.       okhuikhoola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixo:la] verb - to be with long neck; stand tall among others. (see; v. okhukhala <i->). Mwangala lekha okhuikhola mbo ochanikhire okhuikhoola ekosi ni olengera abasio.

845.       okhuikhoona [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixo:na] verb - to have a deeper depression at back of the head. Omuchwe kwa omwana kuli okhuikhoona.

846.       okhuikhoondia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixo:ⁿdja] verb - to harbour bitterness in the heart. Lekha okhuikhoondia omwoyo.

847.       okhuikhoonga [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixo:ŋa] verb - to develop towering forehead. Omuchwe kwa Musinjole kuchakire okhuikhoonga owubi.

848.       okhuikhoonya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixo:ɲa] verb - to give birth, help yourself, go for a short call. Kwachi ali okhuikhonya omwana omusolili.

849.       okhuikhoya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixoja] verb - to jubilate, be glad, feel proud and happy. Khaemba akhoya kachanikha okhuikhoya sifwabakani. PROVERB: Owukhino w'omulalu, omuchende kekhoyera wunulu. The dance of a madman is jubilates non relatives.

850.       okhuikhoyera [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixojera] verb - to watch and enjoy. Koosa keenya okhuikhoyera omupira. PROVERB: Akhayuni khekhoyera akhayuni. A bird prides in another bird. Used to call for a person's support toward one who belongs to that person's group and not another group.

851.       okhuikhulukusa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixulukusa] verb - to flow, whirl along the ground. Amachi keenya okhuikhulukusa.

852.       okhuikhulumama [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixulumama] verb - to exalt oneself, show off. Walunywa kasima okhuikhulumama mu'basie.

853.       okhuikhuluusa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixulu:sa] verb - to rub against, pass closer to provoke. Eng'ombe eng'enda yenya okhuikhuluusa khu'siaki.

854.       okhuikhuna [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixuna] verb - to have sunken cheeks, to to slim, reduce a tummy. (see; v. okhukhuna <i->). Omulwaaye keenya okhuikhuuna akone ha'muliro ne amala achaka okhuikhuna emubiri.

855.       okhuikhuniula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixunjula] verb - to cat-walk. Omukhana keenya okhuikhuniula.

856.       okhuikhunjulia [oxuixuⁿʧula] verb - to sing a melodious song by bird. Ekhunjwe yichanikhire okhuekhunjulia. PROVERB: Eyiekhunjulia misiyonjo, yabeheresa eyieluanyi. The quail singing in a trap basket cheated the free one in the bush.

857.       okhuikhupa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixupa] verb  1. to enter quickly, 2. set off for a journey in time. 3 to beat self. 3. To reduce body flesh Chacha ali okhuikhupa makherebende. PROVERB: Esikhupa mu'sisichu sikhoya embwa. To get what is entered quickly in the bush; you set off a dog to search.

858.       okhuikhupa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixupa] verb - to beat self, grow thin, start a journey, join the bandwagon. Mutiembu achaakire okhuikhupa omubiri. PROVERB: Akha-mbusi khekhupa mu chichia mu wukhwe. A goat followed cattle being taken for dowry. Main blessing comes with other unexpected minor blessings

859.       okhuikhupaachakania [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixupa:ʧakanja] verb - to hustle in search of s.t. Muliti ali okhuikhupaachakania akhuwerese esende.

860.       okhuikhupiirisa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixupi:risa] verb - to enter quickly. Natulo alekhe okhuikhupiirisa mu'nyumba. PROVERB: Embosi chialekha eukhwe Kasango, chiekhupirias engo. Before kasango had arrived home from his in-laws home, hearsays had already arrived.

861.       okhuikhutuuta [o′xʷi-] ; [oxuixtu:ta] verb - to form a troop such as that of monkeys. Amakhene keenya okhuikhutuuta hano.

862.       okhuikhuuma [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixutu:ma] verb - to carry away a load heavier or bigger than you. Kwoba ali okhuikhuuma esiaki. PROVERB: Owiba eng'oma; amanya nga alayikhupe nikakhekhuuma? Whoever steals a drum knows how to drum it after stealing.

863.       okhuikhuumaacha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixu:ma:ʧa] verb - to shout out somebody’s name. Liaka achaakire okhuikhuumuacha elicha lia Wakhanu.

864.       okhuikhuumba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixu:ba] verb - to take cover behind a shield. Wesonga ali okhuikhuumba mu'khumba?

865.       okhuikhuuna [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixu:na] verb - to shrink. (see; v. okhuikhuna). Kukhu achaakire okhuikhuuna omubiri nende okhuikhuna esaya.

866.       okhuikhuundukunya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixu:ⁿdukuɲa] verb - to develop papilloma. Ang'ara achaakire okhuikhuundukunya mu'moni.

867.       okhuikhweesa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuxʷe:sa] verb - to edge; move gradually with small movements. Machula ali okhuikhweesa kole aho?

868.       okhuikiicha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiki:ʧa] verb - to take undue credit for a give action, blame another. Omondi ali okhuikiicha achi nche osinjire eng’ombe.

869.       okhuikiinga [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiki:ᵑɡa] verb - to form a cliff. Esialo sienya okhuikinga owulayi.

870.       okhuikikha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikixa] verb - to ignite, stage, start a ceremony or an event. Mukoto keenya okhuikikha owukhino?

871.       okhuikikiikhana [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikiki:xana] ; [oxuikki:xana] verb - to campaign; argue as to who shall do a piece of work. Lekha okhuikiikhana ano.

872.       okhuikilikiinja [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikiliki:ⁿdʒa] verb - to be innovative; engineer, ingenious. Onyala okhuikilikiinja khwanyola amachi?

873.       okhuikisa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikisa] verb - to hide oneself, conceal. Mahando ali okhuikisa ena? PROVERB: Amaani ka-engwe,kekisanga mukhira. To tame a leopard then get hold of its tail. Ones children or people are his helpers at time of need.

874.       okhuikokoochola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikoko:ʧola] verb - to produce sound as if you want to vomit. Eng’ombe yichakire okhuekokoochola.

875.       okhuikolakola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikolakola] verb - to turn cunning and slippery on deals. (see; v. okhusee ikolakola). Omusacha oyo kasima okhuikoolakoola ni akenda nende okhuikolakola khu'ndakano. okhuikolokoonda [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikoloko:ⁿda] verb – to become that of many colourrs. Embulukuchi yichakirw okhuikolokoonda. PROVERB: Embulukuji chiekondo chino, echindi ekhungu nichio. So colourful are the butterflies that turn into destructive army-worms.

876.       okhuikolola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikolola] verb - to stretch about, exercise. Yasini kemire okhuikolola.

877.       okhuikomba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikoba] verb - to lust, long for, crave for; desire. Lekha okhuikomba esende. PROVERB: Esio si wikomba osilira mu lukeendo. Whatever you yearn to eat can be eaten during a visit.

878.       okhuikomola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikomola] verb - to be dome shaped. Oweni wuno wuchakire okhuikomala owubi.

879.       okhuikoniola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikonjola] verb - to stretch oneself, twist, be jolted about. Lekha okhuikoniola ochio.

880.       okhuikonyola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikoɲola] verb - to writhe, wriggle on the ground as a snake. Enjukha yichakire okhuikonyola.

881.       okhuikoolakoola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiko:lako:la] verb - to feel proud. Omusacha oyo kasima okhuikoolakoola ni akenda nende okhuikolakola khu'ndakano.

882.       okhuikoongola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiko:ᵑɡola] verb - to deny absolutely, or dissociate oneself from, repudiate, claim you are not the cause. Lekha okhuikoongola.

883.       okhuikoongolia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiko:ᵑɡolja] verb - to roll up like a centipede. Ekongolio lino lienya okhuikoongolia.

884.       okhuikoongoyera [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiko:ᵑɡojera] verb - to plead, beseech. Lekha okhuikoongoyera owasio.

885.       okhuikoota [oxu.íkó:tá] verb  1. to become left handed after sometime of using the right hand. 2. To enjoy the sweetness or comfort of. (see; v. okhuikota). Omoro achaakire okhuikota omukongo, okhuikoota mu'sisaala sya fwono nende okhuikoota omukhono nali omufulu.

886.       okhuikoota [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikó:tá] verb - to enjoy the comfort of. PROVERB: Owukoote wa omukachi; nche omunchinchi kwomukachi. The sweetness of sugarcane lies in the inside sap.

887.       okhuikopa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikopa] verb - to borrow. Oli okhuikopa eng'ombe.

888.       okhuikora [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikora] verb - to lie; become harmless like stingless bee. Lekha okhukora enamasika.

889.       okhuikosa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikosa] verb - to hurt self and react, get affected and adjust, make slight move to the sides. Omwoyo kwange kuli okhuikosa.

890.       okhuikota [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikota] verb - to bend. (see; v. okhuikoota). Omoro achaakire okhuikota omukongo, okhuikoota mu'sisaala sya fwono nende okhuikoota omukhono nali omufulu.

891.       okhuikotiombola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikotjobola] verb - to walk swaying body, twine around an object. Lekha okhuikotiombola.

892.       okhuikucha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikuʧa] verb - to be satisfied (with food), have full stomachs, have had enough to eat; comprehend. Esiri okhuikucha ne owukula owusuma. PROVERB: Ochekucha wasamba esiaki tawe. Never get satisfied after a meal to an extent of entertaining a thought of burning the granary.

893.       okhuikuchikha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikuʧixa] verb - to die unexpectedly. Amachemwa kachaakire okhuikuchika. PROVERB: Esi yikuchikhiranga mukoonjio. A fly dies right in he wound. At times the things we love are those that bring our downfall.

894.       okhuikuchumbula [oxuikuʧubula] verb - to rinse out the mouth with water, gargle. Oli okhuikuchumbula wulayi.

895.       okhuikukha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikuxa] verb - to move from original space; walk with a limp. Eyika liri okhuikukha likwe.

896.       okhuikula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikula] verb - to be an open door, box, or window; buy oneself. Kilo ali okhuikula omuliango. PROVERB: Omwikale kwabene, omwikule nche okukwo. A closed door is not for you but the open one is the one for you. It is used to warn boys to respect married women and not request a relationship with them but go for unmarried girls.

897.       okhuikulamia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikulumja] verb - to be stunted. Enjugu chiri okhuikulamia owubi.

898.       okhuikulira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikulira] verb - to sing the last song for a circumcision candidate; pave way for. (see; v. okhuikula <-ira>). Mikairi ali okhuikulira endika ne keecha okhuikulira omusinde.

899.       okhuikulukulia [oxuikulukulja] verb - to make sound like a turkey. Okulukulu lienya okhuikulukulia.

900.       okhuikulumunya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikulumuɲa] verb - to die after long struggle, to succumb to death. Abalwaye bali okhuikulumunya muchuli. PROVERB: Ofwa kekulumunya olulwe. Each person dies of his own disease.

901.       okhuikumia [oxʷi-] ; [oxui:kumja] verb - to persist in an activity. Chanakana okhuikumia.

902.       okhuikumula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikumula] verb - to stumble, trip, stub one’s toe, make an error unconsciously. Nje anu owenya okhuikumula khu'sichikhi. PROVERB: Owekumula atandamira, otandamira kesutira. Whoever stumbles will stagger ahead and whoever staggers ahead moves forward.

903.       okhuikunguna [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikuᵑɡuna] verb - to move around in search of honey, nectar or sweet food. Lekha okhuikunguna khu’sialo.

904.       okhuikuta [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikuta] - come to a realization of shocking truth. (see; v. okhukuta <i->). Ni ochaka okhuikuta khu'wung'ali, omwoyo kukwo kuli okhuikuta.

905.       okhuikuumula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiku:mula] verb - to hit or prod yourself with a blunt object. (see; v. okhuikumula). Manyi ali okhuikuumula nende omuyini olunyuma achake okhuikumula.

906.       okhuikuunguma [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiku:ᵑɡuma] verb - to form a ridge or an escarpment. Esialo sitakha okhuikuunguma?

907.       okhuIkuutwa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiku:tʷa] verb - to wear hat and robe as you graduate. Abaana bali okhuikuutwa mu'sikuri'

908.       okhuikwaala [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikʷa:la] verb - to refuse to marry after the death of the only wife. Niwenya okhuikwaala bali okhukhulanga bachi makwaali.

909.       okhuikweenya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikʷeɲa] verb - to move aside, move out of main way, dodge. Oli okhuikweenya omukhwe abiche.

910.       okhuikweeta [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikʷe:ta] verb - to plead desperately, beg. Lekha okhukweeta omusikari oyo.

911.       okhuikweya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuikʷeja] verb - to move back to get space to perform a give action; do some warm up. Lekha okhuikwea mumuse.

912.       okhuilabia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuilaβja] verb - to clear any debts or blames or shortcomings. Wafula atakha okhuilabia.

913.       okhuilahoocha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuilaho:ʧa] verb - to be very kind. Lekhanga okhuilahoocha wuli nyanga. PROVERB: Engwe yali yelahoocha esiru, abachia enamwalo bayikesiyisia. The leopard was kind and foolish but those who went to fetch water made it bright.

914.       okhuilakaasana [oxʷi-] ; [oxuilaka:sana] verb - to talk to oneself, talk nonsense. Lekha okhilakaasana muno.

915.       okhuilalikhira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuilalikhira] ; [oxuillikhira] verb - to plead with. Lekha okhuilalikhira omwibi.

916.       okhuilandaasa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuilaⁿdaasa] verb - to circumlocute, go a long way round, waste a lot of time on useless issues. Lekha okhuilandaasa owole esifune.

917.       Okhuilaocha [oxuilaoʧa] verb - to be kind and gentle. Omusiere wa okhuilacha ono wange? PROVERB: Akhayuni khalaocha; khaonokokha khuluchio. A good bird is removed from the many others earmarked for roasting. Good character can save you from trouble.

918.       okhuilasa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuilasa] verb - to shoot self, throw at self. (see; v. okhulaasa <i>). Lekha okhuilaasa nende omwiima okwa okhuilasa amakina.

919.       okhuilekhera [oxʷi-] ; [oxuilexera] verb - to forgive and forget, give up, leave for self. Lekha okhulekhera esiokhulia.

920.       okhuilera [oxʷi-] ; [oxui:lera] verb - to give in easily; act in weakling way. Lekhanga okhuilera ochio.

921.       okhuilia [ilja] verb - to wear and tear by self. Efureya yiri okhuilia.

922.       okhuiliimba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuili:ba] verb - to be keen on time, time conscious. Lekha okhueliimba.

923.       okhuilikong’a [oxʷi-] ; [oxuilikoŋa] verb – to sit at a risky place without any fear. PROVERB: Endalu yifwa, abaana belikong’a munjika. If a fierce bull dies, children may risk to sit between the horns.

924.       okhuilima [oxʷi-] ; [oxuilima] verb - to sabotage self. Lekhanga okhulima.

925.       okhuilira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuilira] verb - to lament. Wufwisi alekhane nende okhuilira. PROVERB: Omukhasi omutofu keliliranga achi koo, "Kubakho muyini nga okwewefwe' A lazy woman wishes for the hoe she left at their home.

926.       okhuilonda [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiloⁿda] verb - to do a given action by repeating a success action that preceded it. Lekha okhuilonda ni opera ochi oli okhunyola esende.

927.       okhuilondoola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiloⁿdo:la] verb - to extend from land into the ocean. Eloba lino lienya okhuilondoola mu'nyanja?

928.       okhuiloocha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuilooʧa] verb - to talk dreamingly begging for forgiveness, have a monologue, dream about self. (see; v. okhuilocha). Kuka abaye achaakire okhuiloocha mu’maloocho nikanjire okhuilocha mu’mukanda. PROVERB: Omufu; sikelochia amaofu. The dead talk of no longing for a visit.

929.       okhuiloomba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuilo:ba] verb - to feign, adjust self. Lekha okhuiloomba mbo oli omulayi.

930.       okhuilumaluma [oxʷi-] ; [oxuilumaluma] verb - to talk contradicting yourself. Lekha okhuilumaluma hano.

931.       Okhuilung’a [oxʷi-] ; [oxuixoŋa] verb - to gulp down the last liquid from a container. Omumeesi keenya okhuilunga amalwa aweho.

932.       okhuiluula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuilu:la] verb - to smear a second time, add second coat, refine a drink. Achimu ali okhuiluula enju.

933.       okhuima [oxʷi-] ; [oxuima] verb - to deny, refuse to give, withhold. Lekha okhuima abasio esiokhulia bali okhuiima esisala babiche ekura.

934.       okhuimama [oxʷi-] ; [oxuimama] ; [oxuimma] verb - to dress in ironed cloth. Matayo achaakire okhuimama.

935.       okhuimana [oxʷi-] ; [oxuimana] verb - to be mean, be tight-fisted, be miserly. (see; v. okhumaana <i->). Mana lero ochakire okhuimana amachemwa esikira atakhanga okhuimaana? PROVERB: Esiwimana omwana aba anakhasilie khale, ne nasio esiwimana omukhulunchu abanga kasilia khale. If you deny giving a child some good food, he will grow to eat it and if you deny a mature person, then he may have eaten it.

936.       okhuimanya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuimaɲa/verb - to know your weakness. (see; v. okhumaanya <i->). Omwene ali okhuimanya nga oli okhukhola nikaba mbo okli okhuimaanya nende engeso.

937.       okhuimeeta [oxʷi-] ; [oxuime:ta] verb - to go for extra by self. Masakha ali okhuimeeta amasomo kekute khu’ta.

938.       okhuimemula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuimemula] ; [oxuimmula/verb - to chatter carelessly and provocatively. Lekhanga okhuimemula mu’basio.

939.       okhuimiinirisa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuimi:nirisa] verb - to shove things aside as you search for space. Lekha okhuimiinirisa ano.

940.       okhuimirira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuimirira] verb - to guide, lead, go in front. Oli okhuimirira ab'embi?

941.       okhuimola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuimola] verb - to feel shy, feel ashamed. Lekha okhuimola mu'basio.

942.       okhuimolokotia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuimolokotja] verb - to rush out of path to releave yourself in buhe around. Abasomi bachia okhuimolokotia mu’sichakha.

943.       okhuimonja [oxʷi-] ; [oxuimoⁿdʒa] verb - to smack lips. Lekha okhuimonja.

944.       okhuimoolamoola [oxuimo:lamo:la] verb - to walk slowly and proudly. (see; v. okhuomoolamoola). Omweha kasiima okhuimoolamola nende okhuimoolamoola amafucha aliyo.

945.       okhuimoolamoola [oxuimoólamoóla] verb - to scoop excess body oil using fingers repeatedly and apply on boy. (see; v. okhuimoolamoola). Omweha kasiima okhuimoolamola ni akenda nende okhuimoolamoola amafucha aliyo.

946.       okhuimoongola [oxʷi-] ; [oxumo:ᵑɡola] verb - to receive poetic justice. Omakoso ako kali okhuimoongola wusa.

947.       okhuimoonyana [oxʷi-] ; [oxuimo:ɲa] verb - to backbite somebody together, have a private talk with somebody, consult. Nandondo achia okhuimoonyana nende Nakutenga.

948.       okhuimulung'unya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuimuluŋuɲa] verb - to complain in low tone. Lekha okhuimulung'unya ano.

949.       okhuimulunguunya [oxuimuluŋu:ɲa] verb - to complain of dissatisfaction. PROVERB: Esifwa enchikucha; sisimulung’uunya. That which dies of hunger does not complain.

950.       okhuimung'a [oxʷi-] ; [oxuimuŋa] verb - to put in the mouth as whole. Lekha okhuimung'a enjuku chya beene. PROVERB: Olimira mumbeo; kemung’ira hamuliro. Whoever goes planting maize in cold; will roast them at fireplace.

951.       okhuinaana [oxʷi-] ; [oxuina:na] verb - to struggle to achieve. Lekha okhuinaana ochio.

952.       okhuinaenaha [oxuinaenaha] verb - to riddle. Abaana batakha okhuinaenaha iminae.

953.       okhuinaka [oxʷi-] ; [oxuinaka] verb - to tie a tie. Lekha okhuinaka ochio.

954.       okhuinakula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuinakula] verb - to dissolve. Oli okhuinakula chumbe.

955.       okhuinama [oxʷi-] ; [oxuinama] verb - to bend on one side, bow, prostrate. Opwaso ali okhuinama. PROVERB: Ekindi lu kinama okhunywa, ekindi kibanga kiemire. When the mouth of the cow is drinking, the horns are up in air. Never believe that nobody has seen you commit a crime even if you thought they were not looking at you.

956.       okhuinamira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuinamira] verb - to worship, bow down for. Lekha okhuinamira ebifwanane.

957.       okhuinania [oxʷi-] ; [oxuina:nja] verb - to attempt the impossible. Wesi wasima okhuinania.

958.       okhuing’ulung'unya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuŋuluŋuɲa] verb - to grumble; whine, buzz like a bumble bee or mosquitoes. Esuna chienya okhuing'ulung'unya muno.

959.       okhuing’uwa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiŋuwa] verb - to sniffle, sniff at the nose. Lekha okhuing'uwa. PROVERB: Olisia emoni amukulu; keng’uwa amolu. If you make the eyes to cry the nose will sniff in anger. Two neighbours will always feel for each other

960.       okhuing'acha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiŋaʧa] verb - to tie a belt. Omusomi ali okhuing'acha olukhoba.

961.       okhuingana [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiᵑɡana] verb - to argue (with one another), dispute, debate, quarrel. Kiriswa ali okhuingana nende Wechuli.

962.       okhuingira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiᵑɡira] verb - to enter, go into through, get circumcised and join a circumcision group. Ofwera ali okhuingira mu'nyumba.

963.       okhuingirira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiᵑɡirira] ; [oxuiᵑɡirra] verb - to intrude, challenge another in a disparaging way, infiltrate. Siminyu ali okhuingirira Mukambwe. PROVERB: Esingiriri syanula esiene ekhombe. The intruder became the owner of the cave.

964.       okhuingisa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiᵑɡisa] verb - to field, insert, score, officially mark the start by holding a ceremony. Wuyanchi yiri okhuingisa omubayi.

965.       okhuing'oyoosa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiŋojo:sa] verb - to walk with slow leisurely pace; amble. Take long to make a decision. Lekha ali okhuing'oyoosa akhupwe. PROVERB: Esi eying’oyoosa ne’ng'oni, yalonda omulambo bayisikhira mung'ani. A fly followed a corpse to the grave.

966.       okhuiniinia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuini:nja] verb - to place self in high status where you do not fit; mount by self. Khayongo kasima okhuiniinia lukali.

967.       okhuinikha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuinixa] verb - to dip, immerse, sink, soak, submerge. Kukhu ali okhuinikha owule alombe emera.

968.       okhuinoona [ino:na] verb mess with, destroy. Oli okhuinoona endika.

969.       okhuinukha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuinúxa] verb - to stop work for the next day. Esikiti siri okhuinukha sikwe niweenya okhuinukha okhuchula khu'ndalo. PROVERB: Okwamanga enamenukha kwamulukhanga. A tree with fruits during fruit season ends up with no fruits during fruit season.

970.       okhuinukha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuínuxa] verb - topple and fall over. (see; v. okhuinukha). Esikiti siri okhuinukha sikwe niweenya okhuinukha okhuchula khu'ndalo.

971.       okhuinukhula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuinuxula] verb - to remove from under the water. Lekha okhuinukhula enyama. 

972.       okhuinukuna [oxʷi-] ; [oxuinukuna] verb - to enjoy; feel full force of the effect, temporary excitement and power. Lekha okhuinukuna ochio. 

973.       okhuinula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuinula] verb – 1. to take a drowning item out of water. 2. to take off from fire. Lekha Njenya ali okhuinula esifulia. 

974.       okhuinyaala [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiɲa:la] verb - to pass urine, ejaculate. (see; v. okhunyala <i->). Onyala okhuinyala okhukenda okhuchia elwaanyi okhuinyaala nindekha okhukhukhonya namwe oli okhuinyaala ekonjio? PROVERB: Esisio nche esumika niwinyala. That which belongs to you is the one that you can do whatever you want with.

975.       okhuinyaanya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiɲa:ɲa] verb - to be inarticulate. Lekha okhuinyaanya ano.

976.       okhuinyala [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiɲala] verb - to be able to sustain oneself. (see; v. okhunyaala). Onyala okhuinyala okhukenda okhuchia elwaanyi okhuinyaala nindekha okhukhukhonya namwe oli okhuinyaala ekonjio?

977.       okhuinyamba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiɲaba] verb - to pass gas. Ono keenya okhuinyamba? PROVERB: Amenyambe kachulanga khu mania. Whoever passes wind must be having the hard staff inside. A bad word to somebody is a sign of hard feelings inside.

978.       okhuinyenyula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiɲeɲula] verb - to expose undergarments as a joke. Lekha okhuinyenyula enguo. 

979.       okhuinyiira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiɲi:ra] verb - to stretch oneself, raise oneself on the tip of toes. Lekha okhuinyira.

980.       okhuinyikirisa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiɲiki:risa] verb - to squeeze through, go through a tight place. Lekha okhuinyikirisa ano.

981.       okhuinyokha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiɲoxa] verb - to awaken, arouse, arise, stand up, wake up. Oli okhuinyokha mu'maweriweri.

982.       okhuinyola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiɲola] verb - to walk slowly. Oli okhuinyola ni owaho. PROVERB: Kenda kalaha kenyola koola ewunyolo. Whoever was slow and sure reached where people get what makes them rich.

983.       okhuinyoola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiɲo:la] verb - to get oneself in a given situation. (see; v. okhunyola). Omusacha ali okhuinyola oyu yesi ali okhuinyoola nikolire ngo.

984.       okhuiombya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiobja] verb - to respond to soothing influences. Lekha okhuiombya.

985.       okhuipaambalikha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuipa:balixa] verb - to lie down and keep quiet. Lekha okhupaambalikha mu’wuliri.

986.       okhuipakhira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuipaxira] verb - to grab greedily. (see; v. okhupaakha <khira>). Omulalu ali okhuipaakhira amalwa ne achanikha okhuipakhira khu'mandasi.

987.       okhuipakula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuipakula] verb - to be light-fingered, steal useless things. Omwana ono kasiima okhuipakula

988.       okhuipalikha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuipalixa] verb - to get stroke and faint. Omwana keenya okhuipalikha wusa ne afwa.

989.       okhuipalya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuipalja] verb - to duck into water. Epata liri okhuipalya mu'machi.

990.       okhuipambalikha [oxuipabalixa] verb - to force self into a house or place then sit and remain quiet. Omukeni Kenya okhupambalikha khu sisaala.

991.       okhuipapira [oxʷi-] ; [oxupapira] ; [oxuppira] verb - to do that which you are a less expert in. Lekha okhuipapira khu’mirimo eki ochanyala.

992.       okhuiparaambaria [oxʷi-] ; [oxuipara:barja] verb - to harry to dip wings into water and preen the way a bird does. Enyuni yili okhuipaarambaria mu'machi?

993.       okhuipemula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuipemula] verb - to answer or respond without comprehending. Oli okhulekha okhuipemula ochekeerese.

994.       okhuipichula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuipiʧula] verb - to flaunt your body figure, become gorgeous. Omukhasi achaakire okhuipichula.

995.       okhuipinika [oxuipinika] verb - to take yourself as important and better than others around you. Lekhanga okhuipinika mubasio.

996.       Okhuipitisa [oxuipitisa] verb - to act with a lot of unnecessary pride. Lekha okhuipitisa onywe echai.

997.       okhuipukulia [oxʷipukulja] verb - to fall in a weak manner due to lack of energy. Lekhanga okhuipukulia wuli nyanga.

998.       okhuipuriisitiola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuipuri:sitjokola] verb - to behave in a priestly manner. Lekha okhuipiriisitiokola ano.

999.       okhuipuruupuria [oxʷi-] ; [oxuipuru:purja] verb – to move blindly into danger or into a group to stop others from enjoying. Lekha okhuipuruupuria mu’sibala singa Otinga.

1000.    okhuipuumbula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuipu:bula] verb - to develop into berry bunches. Owunyambarua wuli okhuipuumbula.

1001.    okhuipuumbunya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuipu:buɲa] verb - to have plumb end. Omwikho kuli okhuipuumpunya.

1002.    okhuipuupula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuipu:pula] verb - to cover self from cold or nakedness with a sheet or blanket. Matuku ali okhuipuupula olubaala. PROVERB: Ofwa si apuupula owukhwe. A person on brink of death does not hide the nakedness.

1003.    okhuipwengula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuipʷeᵑɡula] verb - to bark out information without ascertaining. Lekhanga okhuipwengula mu’basio.

1004.    okhuipyula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuipjula] verb - to go inside the house quickly. Ali okhuipyula mu'lina.

1005.    okhuira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuira] verb - to marry, take s.t somewhere. (see; v. okhuiira). Nguti ali okhuira embako olutalo nilwenya okhuiira.

1006.    okhuireerekha [o′xʷire:rexa] ; [oxuire:rexa] verb - to become smooth surfaced. Omusala kweenya okhuirerekha.

1007.    okhuirera [oxʷi-] ; [oxuirera] ; [oxʷi-] ; [oxuirra] verb - to be peaceful, less submissive. Lekhanga okhuirera ochio.

1008.    okhuirereechia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuirere:ʧja] verb - to exercise some meekness; be respectful; hang up by self. Nuchia Ewuyundo okhoya okhuirereechia. PROVERB: Ochya Ewuyundo, kererechia. If you go to Abayundo, be fearful. If you go to Rome; do what they do

1009.    okhuirikoong'a [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiriko:ng'a] verb - to sit and comfortably lean back in a chair. Makuyi ali okhuirikonga mu'sisala sia fwono.

1010.    okhuirima [oxʷi-] ; [oxuirima] verb - to get dark, become dusk. Esialo sienya okhuirima. PROVERB: Esirima siakira esiriyi liabicha engokho khumunwa. Darkness made a cockroach to pass a chicken near the mouth. At times ignorance and lack of information made people to miss opportunities.

1011.    okhuirimia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuirimja] verb - to labour off in an unproductive manner. Lekha okhuirimia ochio.

1012.    okhuiririsa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiririsa] ; [oxuirrisa] verb - to fill in cracks or small holes on wall with soil. Nasiondo ali okhuiririsa eta.

1013.    okhuiroloba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiroloβa] verb - to drink copiously. Lekha okhuiroloba amalwa.

1014.    okhuiroocha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiroʧa] verb - to rant and rave. Lekha okhuiroocha hano.

1015.    okhuirukha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiruxa] verb - to run away (from), travel quickly, be served by bull. Swika ali okhuirukha aweho. PROVERB: Ochaulira embindo; werukha omukeni. The intensity of the footsteps should never make you run away from a visitor.

1016.    okhuirukhira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiruxira] verb - to take refuge at. Musebeni ali okhuirukhira Busia.

1017.    okhuirusia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuirusja] verb - to mount heifers. Chokolo yachaakire okhuirusia ebitwasi

1018.    okhuiruucha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiru:ʧa] verb - to weed the second time, revise, go over again. Nakhanu ali okhuiruucha amabere.

1019.    okhuirwaacha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuirʷa:ʧa] verb - to preach. Otwisa ali okhuirawaacha.

1020.    okhuisa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisa] verb - to lower; start lactating. Oli okhuisa owukusi.

1021.    okhuisaaba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisa:βa] - go for a short call. Nawevere keenya okhuchia okhuisaaba.

1022.    okhuisaakaatia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisa:ka:tja] verb - to pitch a tent; make self not neat. Khuli okhuisaakaatia hano.

1023.    okhuisaakusa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisa:kusa] verb - to refuse vehemently. Lekha okhuisaakusa omwana.

1024.    okhuisaala [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisa:la] verb - to plead with, beseech one with authority. Lekha okhuisaala.

1025.    okhuisaamamba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisa:maba] verb - to talk that is a call to the ancestral spirits to come and be honoured by the sacrifice. Also used for the action of talking to the dead. Omulakusi keenya okhuisaamamba.

1026.    okhuisaaya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisa:ja] verb - to plead, pray one without power. Lekha okhuisaya omwana.

1027.    okhuisakasa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisakasa] verb  1. to move the body about, shake the body, be seen making a move or taking an action 2. make a rustling sound. Lekha okhuisakasa ano.

1028.    okhuisakha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisaxa] verb - to swallow into the crop. Engokho yiri okhuisakha amatumwa. PROVERB: Esiecha engokho; basinyola musakhiro. Whatever killed the chicken is found in the crop.

1029.    Okhuisang’ula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisaŋula] verb – to develop strong jaws. Ochakire okhuisang’ula esaya.

1030.    okhuisanya [oxuisaɲa] verb - to proudly talk in self-praise. Ewe lekhanga okhuisanya nuli mu’bakhoongo.

1031.    okhuisapa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisapa] verb - to dress decently. Njonjo ali okhuisapa mu'suti.

1032.    okhuiseemba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuise:ba] verb - to visit a place many times, eat a lot of food. Lekha okhuiseemba ewefwe.

1033.    okhuisenya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiseɲa] verb - to talk a lot of nonsense. Lekha okhuisenya mubasakhulu.

1034.    okhuisera [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisera] verb - to bubble. Amachi kali okhuisera.

1035.    okhuisianya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisjaɲa] verb - to refuse to enter a house during a wedding untill you are paid well. Omweya ali okhuisianya ha'sianyi.

1036.    okhuisienya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisjeɲa] verb - to enjoy mid-morning sunlight. Namachemo ali okhuisienya ha'lwanywi.

1037.    okhuisiindaba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisi:ⁿdaβa] verb - to wipe the behind by sitting on ground and sliding as done by children. Mauko keenya okhuisiindaba mu'weywe.

1038.    okhuisiindikha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisi:ⁿdixa] verb - to walk in a slow tired manner. Wolera Namulunda alekhe okhuisiindikha.

1039.    okhuisiira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisi:ra] verb - to support self by hand. Oli okhuisiira khu’mukuchu.

1040.    okhuisika [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisika] verb - to be faithful, be reliable, be independent, be trusting. Lekha okhuisika Mayende. PROVERB: Esichiriri sisika embaha mu'siro; ekhere lisika ekokobiro. A cricket depends of its feathers for music at night; the toad depends on its throat. Each has a way of attracting a mate

1041.    okhuisikha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisixa] verb - to sob, sigh, cry silently with convulsive catching of breath. (see; v. okhusiikha <okhui>). Omulama ali okhuisikha ni alira esikira si anyala okhuisiikha mu'ng'ani tawe. PROVERB: Olilira ha'masika akhira awesikhira khu'lukaka. One moaning at the funeral venue is better than one doing it at a distance.

1042.    okhuisikina [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijikina] verb - to act in a given way because you are sure of the outcome. PROVERB: Omira esikumba, kesikina ekokopiro. Is sure of the trust in strength of his tough gullet that attempts to swallow a borne.

1043.    okhuisima [o′xʷisima] ; [oxuisima] verb - to pretend you do not want. Lekha okhuisima esi'okhulia.

1044.    okhuisina [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisi:na] verb - to decompose on a heap. Amasingo kachaakire okhuisiina.

1045.    okhuising'anyua [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisiŋaɲua] verb - to react to s.t to show you are shocked, nervous and frightened. Kaula kawona enjukha ali okhuisung'anyua.

1046.    okhuising'ong’a [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisiŋoɲa] verb - to stop in shock with neck stretched. Lekha okhuising’ong’a mu’koli.

1047.    okhuisisiikha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisisi:xa] ; [oxuissi:xa] verb - to catch one’s breath, shake and be unable to speak because of grief, anger, etc. Nanjekho keenya okhuisisiikha.

1048.    okhuisoka [o'xuisoka] verb - to have too much water in the brew. Busaa iri okhuisoka yikwe musoka.

1049.    okhuisoonya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiso:ɲa] verb - to be sorry. Lekha okhuisoonya, kukhu.

1050.    okhuisumiirisa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisumi:risa] verb - to endure, tolerate, be patient, bear up under adversity. Oli okhuisumiirisakho.

1051.    okhuisundukha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisuⁿduxa] verb - to be startled, be surprised. Lekha okhuisundukha ochio. Okhuisundukha- Omuofu kema, sikesundukhira esirima. Once a blind has made a decision to walk in the dark, he never fears darkness.

1052.    okhuisweerera [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiswe:rera] verb - to sledge in mud downhill or ice as agame. Mariko ali okhuisweerera nende Bosita.

1053.    okhuisweeta [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiswe:ta] verb - to move using buttocks. Lekha okhuisweeta ano.

1054.    okhuitaaka [oxʷi-] ; [oxuita:ka] verb - to go at a loss of what you were competing for or struggling for. Wawire nende Mukhiyi bali okhuitaaka endalo.

1055.    okhuitaakirisa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuita:kirisa] verb - to develop after-birth pains. Omukhana oyu afwana ali okhuitaakirisa nikakhekangungula.

1056.    okhuitaanda [oxʷi-] ; [oxuita:ⁿda] verb - to mask, dress up in costumes, disguise oneself. Mutanda alekhe okhuitaanda achio.

1057.    okhuitaandanya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuita:ⁿdaɲa] verb - to change one’s mind belatedly, go back to a matter after denial. Ngolove ali okhuitaandanya mu'muse.

1058.    okhuitaata [oxʷi-] ; [oxuita:ta] verb - to drink insipid liquid copiously. (see; v. okhutata). Lekha okhuitaata amachi; oli okhuitata esitata.

1059.    okhuitabalia [oxuxolesa] verb - to walk splashing around in shallow water. Omusiere atakha okhutabalia mu’machi kali khu,ngira.

1060.    okhuitacha [ita:ʧa] verb - to introduce self by mentioning your clan and your past family tree. Manguliechi ali okhuitacha mu'muse. PROVERB: Omukhola embi, ketaacha omusule. An evil person may claim that he or she is hated for nothing yet the bad deed are the cause of suffering.

1061.    okhuitala [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitala] verb - to sit alone because of feeling inferior from the rest. Lekha okhuitala mu'muse.

1062.    okhuitata [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitata] verb - to take poison knowingly. Omunasolo ali okhuitata nende esitata.

1063.    okhuitatikha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitalatixa] verb - to get entangled eg in barbs, stick somewhere. Oli okhutata ekondi mu'lunani.

1064.    okhuitatula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitatula] verb - to refuse to accept responsibility of to act, deny, brush off hook from shrubs. (see; v. okhutaatula). Watitwa ali okhuitatula achi si niye oli okhutaatula ebitati tawe.

1065.    okhuitatuula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitatu:la] verb - to put earrings, studs on body. Ayeko alikho keenya okhuitaatula.

1066.    okhuitea [oxuitea] ; [oxuttea] verb - to be raring, enthusiastic, eager to do s.t. Omusinde achakire okhuitea okhukhewa?

1067.    okhuiteecha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuite:ʧa] verb - to defend oneself, make excuses, cover self from rain using clothing, leaves or umbrella. Kundu ali okhuiteecha amasanja. PROVERB: Efula yolukeka oluwibalabanja, siwiteecha amasanja. Even if you hide prepared in life, never wish away a looming calamity.

1068.    okhuiteeka [oxʷi-] ; [oxuite:ka] verb - to be focused; do s.t consciously. Lusaba ali okhuiteka owusuma yeng'ene.

1069.    okhuiteemberesa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuite:beresa] verb - to be obedient, be loyal, behave well, faithful, law-abiding, less docile. Lekhanga okhuiteemberesa ochio.

1070.    okhuiteendekha [[oxuiteⁿde:xa] - be brought up with a lot of childish irresponsibility. Sikonyi alekhe okhuiteendekha mu'ngo.

1071.    okhuiteera [oxʷi-] ; [oxuite:ra] verb - to be left alone because others have gone or died. Lekhwa okhuiteera ochio.

1072.    okhuiteeya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuite:ja] verb - to be raring to go. Lekha okhuiteeya. PROVERB: Hera, emiero si wusera. Thase raing to go to war, beware, war is not porridge.

1073.    okhuitembula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitebula] verb – 1. to submit, yield, accept. 2. To get an item cheaply in batter trading. Lekha okhuitembula ochio. 

1074.    okhuiteng'a [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiteŋa] verb - to decide to be alone. Lekha okhuiteng'a

1075.    okhuitibina [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitiβina] verb - to take wine. Lekha okhuitibina omere.

1076.    okhuitiikha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiti:xa] verb - to drink a lot of a given liquid by self. (see; v. okhutiikha <i->). Wechoka ali okhuitiikha muna niyisiri okhuitikha.

1077.    okhuitiimbitia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiti:bitja] verb - to pretend not to see or hear. Lekha okhuitiimbitia ano.

1078.    okhuitiimbula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiti:bula] verb - to dance to, join and be part of, dive into water. Kwoba keenya okhuitiimbula mu'muse.

1079.    okhuitikha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitixa] verb - to be spilt, spill, pour out. Eliani liri okhuitikha. PROVERB: Wulayi amachi ketikha, esiongo yichatikha. It is better for the water to spill that a pot to break for you can use the pot to fetch water again.

1080.    okhuitira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitira] verb - to have the means; hold oneself, to have s.t to bank on. Omuraka oyo ali okhuitira

1081.    okhuitiring’a [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitiriᵑɡa] verb - to form one age group and walk together after circumcision. Abafulu bali okhuitiringa muchuli.

1082.    okhuitiukhuula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitjuxu:la] verb - to ejaculate; have wet dream. Mango ali okhwitiukhuula mu'mufufulo.

1083.    okhuitoa [oxuitoa] verb - to be ready to take part, accept responsibility. Omusinde keenya okhuitoa okhukhewa. PROVERB: Owachuka ndala ketoa kakhwera owasye. Even one cattle helped one with more to pay dowry.

1084.    okhuitoba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitoβa] verb - to decorate body with red soil. Lekha okhuitoba nyinga yino.

1085.    okhuitongola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitoᵑɡola] verb – 1. to make movements like one grinding flour on a grinding stone 2. to be proud of being self-reliant. Kong'ani keenya okhuitongola n'asia owusie. 

1086.    okhuitookha [oxuito:xa] - drink a lot of milk with colostrum. Emosi yiri okhuitookha amabere.

1087.    okhuitoola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuito:la] verb - to dance proudly. Lekha okhuitoola owukhino.

1088.    okhuitoondola [oxʷi-] ; [oxui′to:ⁿdola] verb - to chant, rap. Lekhanga okhuitoondola.

1089.    okhuitoongola [oxʷi-] ; [oxuito:ᵑɡola] verb - to gain freedom from slavery. Abaana bali okhuitoongola muchuli.

1090.    okhuitoongolia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuito:golja] verb - to wear many neck beads. Omurwa keenya okhuitogolia hano.

1091.    okhuitucha - [oxʷi-] ; [oxuituʧa] verb - to serve yourself on the best meal. Omufulu ali okhuitucha akhomere.

1092.    okhuitukha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuituxa] verb - to abuse or scold yourself. (see; v. okhutukha <i->). Oli okhuitukha amatukho mabi elisi niliakhachaaka okhuituukha?

1093.    okhuitula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitula] verb - to blame self. Lekha okhuitula khu'musango okwo.

1094.    okhuitulienga [oxʷi-] ; [oxuituljeᵑɡa] verb - to be completely deformed and thin at time of birth. Akhana khali okhuitulienga.

1095.    okhuitumba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuituba] verb - to carry a heavy cloth luggage, have tides on water. Nangekhe ali okhuitumba m'mutumba.

1096.    okhuitungutia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuituᵑɡutja] verb - to dance wildly, dance lyre by shaking shoulders up and down, show dislike by raising shoulders. Weyeye keenya okhuitungutia.

1097.    okhuitungutia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuje:ᵑɡuya verb - to make watery, muddy. Lekha okhuyeengula esilundu.

1098.    okhuitusia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitu:sja] verb - to feign; to pretend you have a given feeling. (see; v. okhuitukha <sia>). Masungo alekhe okhuitusia achi si ali okhuituusia elisi tawe.

1099.    okhuituukha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitu:xa] verb - to smoke up from fire. Olukhwi luli okhuituukha. PROVERB: Were omulongi nikalikha okhutekha; si owona elisi nilitukha. When God starts cooking for you; you cannot see sign of smoke from fire.

1100.    okhuituumba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitu:ba] verb - to plunge into, dive into water and swim by kicking the legs. Wutumbi ali okhuituumba mu’Lusumu.

1101.    okhuituunda [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitu:ⁿda] verb - to jump high then land like a bird catching flying insect. Lekha okhuitunda.

1102.    okhuituundulia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitu:ⁿdulja] verb - to enjoy bone marrows, enjoy wealth. Musungu ali okhuituundulia emiandu kikye.

1103.    okhuituunga [oxʷi-] ; [isiβixa] verb - to be deep watered. Omualo kuli okhuisibikha.

1104.    okhuituungeresa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitu:ᵑɡeresa] verb - to be straight upright, vertical, perpendicular, balance s.t. on the head while walking. Lekha okhuituungerekha mu’weru.

1105.    okhuituungula[oxʷi-] ; [oxuitu:ᵑɡula] verb - to find oneself in serious problems, suffer consequences. Oli okhuitungula mu’situungu.

1106.    okhuituuta [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitu:ta] verb - to be exited and pride about. Lekha okhuituuta bakhufwale es'sisero. PROVERB: Owaya ndala, akhira owituuta mbo, 'Ndakhachuke.' One who domesticates one animal is better than whoever is excited that will own many in future.

1107.    okhuitwaaka [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitʷa:ka] verb - to be mixed up of different types (of flour) Owusuma wuli okhuitwaka.

1108.    okhuitwaka [oxʷi-] ; [o'xuitʷaka] verb - to involve in unnecessary fabrication of gossip, speak about what one does not know. Lekhanga okhuitwaka amakhuwa.

1109.    okhuiwaaba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwa:βa] verb - to swear against. Lekha okhuiwaaba. PROVERB: Enyende eyiwewaba, oyilira mulwoba. A maggot that you swera you will never eat is eaten together with mushroom. At time a bad thing can hide among the good ones

1110.    okhuiwocha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwoʧa] verb  1. to rant around, talk nonsense; 2. peck self. Lekhanga okhuiwocha mubanju.

1111.    okhuiwoheerera [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwohe:rera] verb - to abstain from key activities the way a widow does. Obirika ali okhuiwoheerera mumasika ka Waiswa.

1112.    okhuiwombia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwobja] verb - to humble self, display humility, be respectfully relaxed in sitting and posture. Omukhwe kenyekhana okhuiwombia. PROVERB: Owukoosi wuwombia owululu. Politeness and humility is better than harshness

1113.    okhuiwona [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwona] verb - to feel proud of self, feel egocentric, be a show off. Omukhana ono achaakire okhuiwona.

1114.    okhuiwonera [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwonera] verb - to experience. Lekha oli okhuiwonera khu’mubiri.

1115.    okhuiwooleresa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwo:leresa] verb - to talk in gossiping manner. Lekha okhuiwolelesa ochie ewenywe.

1116.    okhuiwooya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwo:ja] verb - to be slow. Oli okhuiwooya binyiche. PROVERB: Esiewooya sinula. Food that is cooked slowly is sweet. Slow but sure wins the race.

1117.    okhuiwotoosa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwoto:sa] verb - to take the long route to a place. Lekhanga okhiwotoosa nuchia mu’kanisa.

1118.    okhuiwoya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwoja] verb - to tie itself. (see; v. okhuiwooya). Ewe oli okhuiwooya ngata embusi yiri okhuiwoya.

1119.    okhuiwoyakania [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwojakanja] verb - to get entangled in ropes or string. Embusi yiri okhuiwoyakania.

1120.    okhuiwucha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwuʧa] verb - to practice incest. (see; v. okhuiwuucha) Lekha okhuiwuucha embiro nuchia okhuiwucha nende sengewo.

1121.    okhuiwuchungula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwuluʧuᵑɡula] verb - to talk words laced with diction of imorally. Lekha okhuiwuchungula hano.

1122.    okhuiwula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwula] verb - to give birth, bear, beget, deliver. (see; v. okhuwuula <i->). Wenya okhuiwuula khumanye khuchi omukhaye keenya okhuiwula? PROVERB: Ekhwi chiwulanga ekokhe. Firewood begot ash.

1123.    okhuiwulana [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwulana] verb - to breed, increase in numbers through birth. Embeba chiri okhuiwulana muno.

1124.    okhuiwuleeresa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwule:resa] verb - to make self to keep quiet. Lekha okhuiwuleeresa ano.

1125.    okhuiwulira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwulira] verb - to be excited, enjoy, to perceive, feel. (see; v. okhuiwula <-ira>). Lekha okhuiwulira owulayi nasikooko nabo ni balira engunyi chia okhuiwulira abaanga ha'ngo.

1126.    okhuiwulukucha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwulukuʧa] verb - to run blindly into danger, move in a haphazard zigzag manner. Esisieno siri okhuiwulukucha mu'muliro.

1127.    okhuiwumba [oxuiwúba] verb - to feel lonely sited at a place. Namulekhwa achaakire okhuiwumba.

1128.    okhuiwumba [oxʷi-] ; [o'xuiwubá] verb - to shrink, become smaller. Lekha okhuiwumba.

1129.    okhuiwuna [oxuiwuna] verb - to dress excellently in a new or smart cloth, pierce yourself. Tobesi ali okhuiwuna mu'nguo embiakha.

1130.    okhuiwunamira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwunamira] verb - to bend down in deep thought. Lekha okhuiwunamira.

1131.    okhuiwunchesa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwuᵑʧesa] verb - to sleep calmly. Omwana ali okhuiwunchesa.

1132.    okhuiwungula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwuᵑɡula] verb - to appear when not needed, hoover around aimlessly. Lekha okhuiwungula ena'bakeni. PROVERB: Omweya natekha, embwa chewungula nichiewunja. Dogs hoover around to keenly observe when a new wife is cooking. There is always uncertainty when a new leader takes over power.

1133.    okhuiwunya [oxuiwuɲa] verb -  1. to move around from place to place in search of what to borrow. Olekhe okhuewunya mu’mataala kefwe.

1134.    okhuiwusa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwúsa] verb - to attempt to correct self. (see; v. okhuiwuusa). Muli okhuiwusa amakoso kenywe ne muchanikha okhuiwuusa halala okhwoola muyeete okhuiwusa abakhasi abalwaye abali okhuiwuusa.

1135.    okhuiwusa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwusá] verb - to help to give birth. Muli okhuiwusa amakoso kenywe ne muchanikha okhuiwuusa halala okhwoola muyeete okhuiwusa abakhasi abalwaye abali okhuiwuusa. PROVERB: Okhwiwulana, khukhira okhulimana. At times, successful children can be a blessing to one future in terms of pooling resources than searching for the resources through faming. Used to praise responsible children who remember to care for their parents.

1136.    okhuiwutuuma [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwutu:ma] verb - to complain, grumble. Wenya okhuiwutuuma? PROVERB: Wuli lwosi; siwutuumanga ow'emuli. It is the one who is on frontline of illuminating that suffers the consequences of that fierce one in darkness. It is the whistle blower or one with information that is targeted.

1137.    okhuiwuucha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwu:ʧa/verb - to pass quickly like one blown by wind, fall abruptly. (see; v. okhuiwucha) Lekha okhuiwucha embiro mu’wunyasi nibakhunyoye ni ochanikha okhuiwucha nende sengewo.

1138.    okhuiwuuchawuucha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwu:ʧawu:ʧa] verb - to fan yourself. (see; v. okhuiwucha ,reduplication>). Omusaacha wa okhuiwuchawucha mu'beekho nje owasiima okhuiwuuchawuucha mu'weeni nende eseero.

1139.    okhuiwuukha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwu:xa] verb - to emerge; come in the open. Abebi bachaakire okhuiwuukha bano bakhupwe.

1140.    okhuiwuula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwu:la] verb - to reveal yourself. Lekha okhuiwuula ochi niwe omwibi.

1141.    okhuiwuumba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwu:ba] verb - to start collecting itself together into a solid mass, mould itself into s.t. (see; v. okhuiwumba). Lekha okhuiwumba enuni yiyo yenya okhuiwuumba.

1142.    okhuiwuungula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwu:ᵑɡula] verb - to run out of sight quickly and disappear. Esikhupi sienya okhuiwungula sino sifwe?

1143.    okhuiwuungusa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwu:ᵑɡusa] verb - to walk in a sleepy way. Lekha okhuiwuungusa hano.

1144.    okhuiwuunja [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwu:ⁿdʒa] verb - to look at in amazement; scan by looking in all areas. Lekha okhuiwuunja owasio. PROVERB: Owiwuunja enyende mu-wuli lwoba, si ayikhaywamo khaba. If you aim is to scan for a maggot in every mushroom, then you cannot miss to get one

1145.    okhuiwuusa - [oxʷi-] ; [oxui:wu:sa] verb - to collect self together. Amalesi kakhachaka okhuiwusa.

1146.   okhuiwuusa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiwu:sa] verb - to become conscious from comatose. (see; v. okhuiwusa, wusa). Muli okhuiwusa amakoso kenywe ne muchanikha okhuiwuusa halala okhwoola muyeete okhuiwusa abakhasi abalwaye abali okhuiwuusa.

1147.    okhuiwuuya - [oxʷi-] ; [oxui:wu:ja] verb - to steam, to produce vapour, to have mix of smoke and vepour coming from thatched kitchen roof. Owusuma wuchanikhire okhuiwuuya wuno wubalire?

1148.    okhuiyaanga [oxʷi-] ; [oxuija:ᵑɡa] verb - to have room, space, be free, permission, excuse, not limited in on opportunity to do s.t. Lekha okhuiyaanga owusuma.

1149.    okhuiyaka [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijaka] verb - to scratch a specific part of the skin surface for an itch. Oli okhuiyaka owubi. PROVERB: Aha omukhono kwola; nche aha wiyakala. The hand (of a fat person) scratches an itch on the body up to a point where it reaches. Never stretch people beyond the power of what they can afford.

1150.    okhuiyakala [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijakala] verb - to scratch on a wider skin surface due to various itchy parts or scabies or hidden feelings. PROVERB: Oyo okholola, akhira owiyakala. The one who coughs is better than the one who keeps quiet and indicates his desires nonverbally by scratching himself. If you would like to be given something, better ask for it than keep quiet and expect to be given.

1151.    okhuiyalisa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijalisa] verb - to lie down by self to have a nap or sleep, go to bed. Avakeni bali okhuiyalisa muno. PROVERB: Nandakaywa keyalisa (kakona) khu kwa enjoli. Whoever refused to listen to advise slept on the path of herds of elephants.

1152.    okhuiyama [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijama] verb - to accept, agree, allow, believe in, acknowledge, entreat, pledge, commit self, permit. Wenya okhuiyama enyama eyo?

1153.    okhuiyasa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijasa] verb - to scare away by shouting, shout in joy. Lekha okhuiyasa ano.

1154.    okhuiyayaaya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijaja:ja] verb - to attempt doing that which you are less skilled in. Lekha okhuiyayaaya okhusirikha eng’ombe.

1155.    okhuiyayiirisa [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijaji:risa] verb - to provoke in light manner to get reason to act contrary. Lekha okhuiyayiirisa.

1156.    okhuiyemiayemia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijemja:jemja] verb - to hang around; wander aimlessly at a place. Lekha okhuiyemiayemia ano.

1157.    okhuiyenya [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijeɲa] verb - to laugh sarcastically at a given situation. Lekha okhuiyenya ne owasienywe akwiye ekera.

1158.    okhuiyenyera [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijeɲera] verb - to be selfish. Lekha okhuiyenyera emirimo.

1159.    okhuiyiba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijiβa] verb - to sneak out of an enclosure, slip away, slink off. Abasomi benya okhuiyiba bachie mu'wukhino.

1160.    okhuiyika [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijika] verb - to refrain. Kututi keenya okhuiyika ewefwe olu Nanjala afwiye?

1161.    okhuiyikama [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijikama] verb - to shelter from the rain. Oli okhuiyikama ano.

1162.    okhuiyikikha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijikixa] verb - to pillow up. Lekha okhuiyikikha ekina. PROVERB: Weyikikha weyikala omunchu; ocheyikikha weiyikala ekaka. You better build friendship and not live egocentric life.

1163.    okhuiyikina [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijikina] verb - to depend on, to sure of. Lekha okhweiyikina emiandu kya kuka wuwo. PROVERB: Ochia embasi; keyikina enjasi. You have to trust in the strength of your leg muscles if you go for wrestling.

1164.    okhuiyina [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijina] verb - to duck one’s head, swoop. Lekha okhuiyina ochio.

1165.    okhuiyingicha [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiᵑɡi:ʧa] verb - to force. Lekha okhuyingicha abasio.

1166.    okhuiyoha [oxuʧja] verb - to go into and take part. PROVERB: Aba'mani beyoha mwihe. The strong go to war. Never claim to be strong where peace is prevailing.

1167.    okhuiyoka [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijoka] verb - to bath, to apply herbs on body by misxing it with little water. Nandechia achia okhuiyoka. PROVERB: Olwikho si olwiyoka ta. You can never wash away blood relation

1168.    okhuiyowula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijowula] verb - to peel off the skin (snake), look younger. Enjukha yiri okhuiyowula.

1169.    okhuiyowulula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijowulula] verb - to slough, improve in appearance, of a snake, the shedding of the skin. Enjukha yiri okhuiyowulula.

1170.    okhuiyula [oxʷi-] ; [oxuijula] verb - to pass across very quickly. Omulosi ali okhuiyula mumachemwa.

1171.    okhuiyuunia [oxʷi-] ; [oxuiju:nja [ verb - to make self to hurry up. Oli okhuiyuunia khuweho.

1172.    okhuiywaya [oxʷi-] ; [oxui:jʷa:ja] verb - to stand up and speak in an arena. Lekha okhuiywaya mu'muse.

1173.    okhukaaba [oxuka:βa] verb - to pass ball to another player during a game. (see; v. okhukaba). Makuba ali okhukaaba omupira ne nase endi okhukaba enyama.

1174.    okhukaabira [oxuka:βira] verb - to pass ball to another player. (see; v. okhukabira). Makuba ali okhukaabira Beri omupira ne nase endi okhukabira abaana amalesi.

1175.    okhukaala [ka:la] verb - to be absent minded, give less attention to, sit idly with others instead of attending to one’s work; be unattended to. Karungani alekhe okhukaala aleengere amatumwa akali era kalaa. PROVERB: Khupaka chikaale oketere enamukhono. If white ants are in the 'hand' part of the trap and have refused to move to the pot part of the trap, you continue hitting the stick for the nice melody and then quickly catch them while still at the 'hand' area.

1176.    okhukaama [oxuka:ma] verb - to give out by hand to another, hand over. (see; v. okhukama). Ewe oli okhukaama esikamo ne basiri okhukama?

1177.    okhukaanga [oxuka:ᵑɡa] verb - to be complicated. Bino biri okhukaanga ababirengeramo.

1178.    okhukaanga [oxuka:ᵑɡa] verb - to pierce using a dagger. Maulo ali okhukanga omulosi nende esikanga esimemu.

1179.    okhukaang'a [oxukaŋa] verb - to pitch tent at a place and stay. Bali okhukaang'a mulukaka.

1180.    okhukaangana [oxuka:ᵑɡana] verb - to attempt to outdo each other in doing a difficult thing. Khuli okhukaangana wusa ni naye.

1181.    okhukaasa [oxuka:sa] verb - to make one be less attentive. Lekha okhukaasa owasio. (see; v. okhukasa). Lekha okhukaasa abasio nende embakha nibeenya okhukasa omukoye.

1182.    okhukaatia [oxuka:tja] verb - to fake up. (see; v. okhukatia). Oli okhukaatia ochi otekha ne khane wenya okhukatia enyama?

1183.    okhukaaya [oxuka:ja] verb - to unsuccessfully attempt to chew s.t hard. (see; v. okhukaya). Olekhire okhukaaya ameno khu'mbande ochia okhukaya abakhupana?

1184.    okhukaba [oxukaβa] verb - to divide, allot, donate, gift, share, give out, demarcate a boundary. (see; v. okhukaaba). Makuba ali okhukaaba omupira ne nase endi okhukaba enyama. PROVERB: Okhubaba sititi nche onakhukabe esikali. One who gives you a little of something is the one who can give you enough of it another day.

1185.    okhukaba [oxukaβana] verb - to share out. Khuli okhukaba abaana endalo. PROVERB: Siakhaba sitiiti, siosi bakabana. Even the little that one has can still be shared. We have to show generosity even with minimal resources one may be having

1186.    okhukabaangabaana [oxukaβa:ᵑɡaβana] verb - to be free for all. Lekha okhukabaangabaana. PROVERB: Ebiuli bikwa bakabakabania. The chicken basket can fall and break making the mean owner to give out some chicken. The death of a leader can make others to claim stake on the leadership

1187.    okhukabania [oxukaβanja] verb - to do allotment, demarcate for sharing. Ono keenya okhukabania omukunda.

1188.    okhukabira [oxukaβira] verb - to check to see if s.t is vertical using a string. (see; v. okhukaabira). Makuba ali okhukabira eta nende ekabiro yino ne nange endi okhukabira wuli mwana etumwa.

1189.    okhukabira [oxukaβira] verb - to divide amongst, portion out, share between. Makuba ali okhukaabira Beri omupira ne nase endi okhukabira wuli mwana amalesi. PROVERB: Abakamanya babiri abakesi, sibakabana omuchwe kw'embusi. Two clever people cannot share the head of a goat. Each will want the best part- which is the tongue

1190.    okhukacha [oxukaʧa] verb - to make circular, make a chicken's next. Namulanda ali okhukacha engacha mama naye kaacha nende engokho.

1191.    okhukachula [oxukaʧula] verb - to converse, talk to each other, have a talk, make conversation. (see; v. okhuachula <okhuka->). Amakonge ako nusiri okhukaachula nenya okhukachula ni nawe. PROVERB: Oyo osimula okhwalikha, akhira okachula embakha. Better one preparing to cook for you than one with sweet storsto.

1192.    okhukachulula [oxukaʧulula] verb - to be not circular. Lekha okhukachulula engacha. 

1193.    okhukakaalikhana [oxukaka:lixana] verb - to walk while swinging the arms all round. Kuka achia okhukakaalikhana ni awaho?

1194.    okhukakaambula [oxukaka:bula] verb - to remove the dried scars. Oli okhukaakambula ekakaambu liri khu'konjio.

1195.    okhukakachera [oxukakaʧera] verb - to perch from one tree to the next expertly. Amakhene kali okhukakachera khu’musaala.

1196.    okhukakaika [oxukakaika] verb - to stammer. Lekha okhukakaika ano.

1197.    okhukakakata [oxukakakata] ; [oxukakkata] verb - to beat a stick against the other a sign that a circumcised candidate is hungry. Lekha okhukakakata esiokhulia sili hano.

1198.    okhukakalukhana [oxukakaluxana] verb - to work hard on forested area in order to get food. Oli okhukakalukhana mu’lukaka.

1199.    okhukakanya [oxukakaɲa] ; [oxukkaɲa] verb - to fold semi solid item with hard parts within it. Mana Ngome kakanya wusa okhukakanya esero liefwe?

1200.    okhukakasa [oxukakasa] ; [oxukkasa] verb - to attest. Lekha okhukakasa mu'makhuwa ako.

1201.    okhukakata [oxukakata] ; [oxukkata] verb - to scamper by running in shot steps. Omwana ali okhukakata embiro.

1202.    okhukakatia [oxukakatja] ; [oxukkatja] verb - to crumbled up. Lekha okhukakatia esende.

1203.    okhukakha [oxukaxa] verb - to become stale. Eliani liri okhukakha. PROVERB: Okhwimana okakakhire akhuwonia olwomunda. Whoever denies you spoiled beans helps you not to suffer diarrhoea.

1204.    okhukakhaalala [oxukaxa:lala] verb - to have a lot of humus. Eloba liri okhukakhaalala nga elia'Mungakha.

1205.    okhukakhanyala [oxukaxaɲala] verb – 1. to become stiff due to drying (skin), 2. to undergo rigor mortis 3. to have ugali hardening due to cold. Owusuma wuli okhukakhanyala.

1206.    okhukakia [oxukakja] ; [oxukkja] verb - to hook one part to the other, handcuff. Okwamo ali okhukakia emiri mu'muyoki.

1207.    okhukakula [oxukakula] ; [oxukkula] verb - to feed by cupped hand against the mouth; eat breakfast. Oli okhukakula omwana?

1208.    okhukakulula [oxukakulula] ; [oxukkulla] verb - to unhook one part from the other. Otuma ali okhukakulula ekorokocho.

1209.    okhukalaakala [oxukala:kala] verb - to fling oneself down, writhing and flinging the limbs about, as one in a fit. Lekha okhukalaakala mu'lufu.

1210.    okhukalahisa [kalahisa] verb - to feel sorry for. Namakhuli ali okhukalahisa n'awola achi akholeye mu'khukochwa.

1211.    okhukalakasa [oxukalakasa] verb - to make shrill cry (of women when dancing). Omusiere ali okhukalakasa.

1212.    okhukalama [oxukalama] verb – 1. to die 2. to lie on the back and face up. (see; v. okhulaama). Amakondi ako nenya okhukalaama nende okhukalama khu'seero.

1213.    okhukalamirira [oxukalami:rira] ; [oxukalami:rra] verb - to lie on the back and remain so for some time, overturn, lie upside-down, die. Lekha okhukalamirira ano. PROVERB: Ewunwa yifwa yakalama nende uwunyasi mukhanwa. A bull dies with grass in its mouth.

1214.    okhukalangachana [oxukalaᵑɡaʧana] verb - to fumble clumsily until s.t falls or gets lost. Esiring yiri okhukalangachana yikoche.

1215.    okhukalangasa [oxukalaᵑɡasa] verb - to rinse; roll eyes around. Lekha okhukalangasa emoni ano.

1216.    okhukaliha [oxukaliha] verb - to become bigger, larger, increase in size, progress in rank at the job. Achaakire okhukaliha. PROVERB: Aha esikali sikwa; abanchu bakwa. Where something big has fallen (funeral), people gather.

1217.    okhukalikana [oxukalikana] verb - to be in dilemma, bring doubt, show cunningness. Lekha okhukalikana nende amakhuwa.

1218.    okhukalikha [oxukalixa] verb - to spread the hands, palm upwards to indicate helplessness as you plead for mercy. Lekha okhukalikha emikhiono.

1219.    okhukaliyia [oxukalijia] verb - to increase the size of, enlarge. Ochakire okhukaliyia.

1220.    okhukalukhana [oxukaluxana] verb – to change, to transform. PROVERB: Ekina liokhulukongo liaolera eliomumaji mbo koo, 'Lumenya mumaji, okalukhana wakwa ekhutu tawe.' A stone on land told the one in water that it should never imagine of turning into a tortoise by virtue of staying in water for long.

1221.    okhukalula [oxukalula] ; [oxukalla] verb – 1. to second plough, translate, interpret 2. To attempt ansering by opposing a person. Mulefu ali okhukalula owulime.

1222.    okhukalusania [oxukalusanja] verb - to make it turn during cooking. Oli okhukalusania etumwa.

1223.    okhukama [oxukama] verb - to gift out by uncles as part of culture. (see; v. okhukaama). Ewe oli okhukaama esikamo ne basiri okhukama?

1224.    okhukamana [oxukamana] verb - to get hold of each other in a wrestling match. Abasacha ba amawi benya okhukamana owulahi.

1225.    okhukamata [oxukamata] verb - to wear a piece of processed skin to hold old breasts in position, to hold s.t in position using two points. Oli okhukamata embeere.

1226.    okhukamba [oxukaba] verb – 1. to air out some protest of advising on an issue. 2. to advise using religious ideas, preach. Mueba ali okhukamba muchuli. PROVERB: Nanjakambirwa; kelangira abarwa. Whoever refused to be advised together with others welcomed enemies by himself.

1227.    okhukambisa [oxukabisa] verb - to do counselling. Omikhasi ali okhukambisa abasimbukha. PROVERB: Oli nende ng'ina akerakerwa; omufubi naye yesi keikambisirwa. When they advise a child who has a mother, the orphan will overhear the counseling.

1228.    okhukambusia [oxukabusja] verb - to oppose, answer in protest, mimic the words said. Lekha okhukambusia abakhongo.

1229.    okhukamula [oxukamula] verb - to catch that thrown in air. (see; v. okhukamula). Okhukamula esi khukirire ekwena liachaka okhukamula emiuuya. PROVERB: Esi mulimba kunakamule kwalia, kukhupayo omukongo. Mulimba the bird faces away from the insect it is targeting to catch as its meal. Be wary of those who are cunningly patient.

1230.    okhukamula [oxukamula] verb - to gasp for breath. Omubayi wa okhukamula omupira ali alikhuchaka okhukamula emiuya.

1231.    okhukamulula [oxukamulula] ; [oxukamulla] verb - to unglue. Wenya okhukamulula esitawu?

1232.    okhukamusia [oxukamusja] verb - to rinse by using clean water. Natecho ali okhukamusia enguwo.

1233.    okhukana [oxukana] verb - to tell a story; narrate. Okana keenya okhuikaana ne nje oli okhukana olukano.

1234.    okhukanakana [oxukanakana] verb - to think, medidate. Wenya okhukanakana owubi.

1235.    okhukandaala [oxukaⁿdaala] verb - to depend on group decision, allow decisions to be made for you. Lekha okhukandaala opaare. PROVERB Okenda nende esikanda, akandaala. Whoever depends on a group for everything will never develops an independent mind.

1236.    okhukanga [kaᵑɡa] verb - to treat with drugs, nurse. (see; v. okhukaanga). Omukangisi Namale ali okhukanga omulwaye eyu benya okhukaanga nende amawuyu kaanga?

1237.    okhukangabanya [oxukaᵑɡaβalaɲa] verb - to finish off a job quickly. Khuli okhukangabanya emirimo.

1238.    okhukangalikhana [oxukaᵑɡalixana] verb - to walk around while swinging the arms all around. Nje mkha anu ochakire okhukangalikhana ono?

1239.    okhukangamukha [oxukaᵑɡamuxa] verb - to feel slightly better after a long strain. Omulwaye achaakire okhukangamukha.

1240.    okhukangana [oxukaᵑɡana] verb - to speak a different dialect, talk with a foreign accent. Lekha okhukangana nende olusungu.

1241.    okhukangisa [oxukaᵑɡisa] verb - to offer a gift to a visitor after the visit. Nyikuri ali okhukangisa abakeni.

1242.    okhukangukha [oxukaᵑɡuxa] verb - to turn neck on the side upon death. Omulwaye ali okhukangukha ekosi.

1243.    okhukangulula [oxukaᵑɡulula] ; [oxukaᵑɡulla] verb - to untie a rope, unfasten. Mukwe ali okhukangulula embwa. 

1244.    okhukania [oxukanja] verb - to prevent, stop, deny, refuse to do. Nje anu oli okhukania Namuyemba alekhe okhukaniyia mu'emioko?

1245.    okhukanika [oxukanika] verb - to repair. Ochwaya ali okhukanika endika ya Waudo.

1246.    okhukanikha [oxukanixa] verb - to cock a gun, get tools ready for work. (see; v. okhuanikha <ka->). Sitawu si ali okhukanikha okhukanikha omunyalasia.

1247.    okhukanja [oxukalaⁿdʒa] verb - to examine closely by touching and fingering. Lengera mukhwasi ni kaanja okhukanja esende.

1248.    okhukanjuula [oxukaⁿdʒu:la] verb - to examine sheet or paper keenly, spread out umbrella or mushroom. Oli okhukanjuula enyinya.

1249.    okhukanya [oxukaɲa] verb - to permit; allow, give approval, to let. (see; v. okhukanya). Ochwaya ali okhukanya enguwo?

1250.    okhukanya [oxukaɲa] verb - to wrap up, coil up. Wawire ali okhukanya okhukanya omukoye. PROVERB: Enjukha yikanyulukha kho yengira muwina. A snake stretches itself before entering a hole.

1251.    okhukanyulula [oxukaɲulula/, [oxukaɲulula] verb - to unwrap, uncoil. Oli okhukanyulula ekanya.

1252.    okhukanyuukha [oxukaɲu:xa] verb - to stretch spring. Oluwaya luli okhukanyuukha.

1253.    okhukapa [oxukapa] verb - to arrest s.o, clamp, snap and hold tightly; catch s.t thrown while it is still in the air. Omuteko kuli okhukapa embeba.

1254.    okhukara [oxukara] verb - to challenge in a game. Niba ali okhukara abasie.

1255.    okhukarakachia [oxukarakaʧja] verb – 1. to plough farm from middle outward; 2. to apply the best agricultural skills 2. to pull load on a chariot or a two wheel carrier pulled by animals. Abakhasi beenya okhukarakacha endalo.

1256.    okhukaranga [oxukaraᵑɡa] verb - to fry, move through a group in a wavy manner. Oli okhukaranga eliani.

1257.    okhukarangarana [oxukaraᵑɡarana] verb - to dawdle over work, roll like a wheel. Lekha okhukarangarana ano.

1258.    okhukasa [oxukasa] verb - to tighten. (see; v. okhukaasa). Lekha okhukaasa abasio nende embakha nibeenya okhukasa omukoye.

1259.    okhukasana [oxukasana] verb - to be headfast and determined. Oli okhukasana khu’mirimo.

1260.    okhukata [oxukata] verb - to turn sharply. Njanu owenya okhukata ekomu awewo?

1261.    okhukatia [oxukatja] verb - to hide small bit of an item for self and deliver the rest; make a bend on metallic item. (see; v. okhukaatia). Oli okhukaatia ne khane wenya okhukatia enyama?

1262.    okhukatukha [oxukatuxa] verb – 2. to die suddenly. 2. to stop (of a liquid, e.g raining, bleeding, flowing, pouring, etc.). Omwami ali okhukatukha engolove efula niyeenya okhukatukha.

1263.    okhukaukhana [oxukauxana] verb - to separate, come apart. Amakoso kenywe kaukhana lekhe okhukaukhana. PROVERB: Okhukawukhana- Embakha chakira amekhaliro kakawukhana. Stories made buttocks to separate in order to support the story teller. Sitting to gossip brought enmity among people

1264.    okhukaula [oxukaula] verb - to divide (arithmetic), divide ugali, cut in two from the main one. Oli okhukaula owusuma.

1265.    okhukaya [oxukaja] verb - to separate a fight. Lekha okhukaya abasio. PROVERB: Nandakaywa kachia ninako eukhwe. Whoever does not listen to advice went with it (soiled cloth) to the in laws.

1266.    okhukayira [oxukajira] verb - to defend, debar, ward off, interpose oneself between attacker and the attacked. Oli okhukayira abasio. PROVERB: Olukondo lubi; silukhukayira okhukona. An ugly face does not stop you from sleeping.

1267.    okhukeecha [ke:cha] verb  1. to waylay people who have been send, cause harm and take their property. Ifisa alekhe okhukeecha abaana. 2. to strangle a relative by use of bare hands. Abakeechi banyala okhukeecha abekho nibali mu’wukhino.

1268.    okhukeema [oxuke:ma] verb - to dry a drum to tune it. (see; v. okhukema). Oli okhukeema eng’oma namwe okhukema enguo.

1269.    okhukeenga [oxuke:ᵑɡa] verb - to skilful use of libanomancy, light fire using big logs. Mung'osi ali okhukeenga awole esifune. PROVERB: Ekhwi enyembera-nyuni chiahambianga amakenga. Small firewood made the big logs to burn up.

1270.    okhukeenula [oxukenula] verb  1. to break up cold ugali left over from previous meal into the water for new cooking. Oli okhukenula owusuma khonuwo achanikhe okhufuka. 2. To readmit a worker back after had been send away.

1271.    okhukeenyaakeenya [oxukeɲa:keɲa] verb - to walk with pride titillating buttocks openly. Lekha okhukeenyaakeenya mudala lia'bene.

1272.    okhukeera [oxuke:ra] verb - to treat boils using a hot wire and herbs. Omukeri ali okhukeera ebimba.

1273.    okhukeeria [oxuke:rja] verb - to pave way, have a way through a labyrinth. PROVERB: Okenda emberi, akhuwa olukeri. Whoever walks ahead of you; paves the way for you.

1274.    okhukeesa [oxuke:sa] verb  1. to sell by walking around with goods, 2. help to walk. (see; v. okhukesa). Tabata ali okhukeesa emikoye khu’siiro nawe ochia okhukesa owule.

1275.    okhukeeta [oxuke:ta] verb - to patch a tear in a bicycle tyre by putting a tyre rug below the tear. (see; v. okhuketa). Oli okhukeeta endika nende okhuketa amakondi?

1276.    okhukeka [oxukaka] ; [oxukka] verb  1. to carry from one place to another; Oli okhukeka emiandu kiri khu'mukeeka? PROVERB: wekana omuchwe, nje owakuikeaka khu muchwe. Whoever refused to perform a responsibility of carrying a head of a slaughtered cow (eng'ombe ya omuchwe) is the same who was forced by the situation to carry it openly. 2. harvest a banana; 3. be about to calve. PROVERB: Were omulongi akhira eyikekire. God has power than an animal that wants to calve 4. be dark cloudy and almost raining.

1277.    okhukekeenya [oxukekeɲa] ; [oxukkeɲa] verb - to carry a heavy item by pressing it on the stomach as you move. Emonyo lili okhukekeenya owusuma.

1278.    okhukekera [oxukekera] ; [oxukkera] verb - to make noise like guinea fowl or chicken calling others for a meal,. Esikherekeke sienya okhukekera,.

1279.    okhukeketa [oxukeketa] ; [oxukketa] verb - to snip. Lekha okhukeketa amabati.

1280.    okhukekhena [oxukexena] verb - to rust. Osichuma siri okhukekhena.

1281.    okhukelula [oxukelula] ; [oxukella] verb - to skim over a liquid to collect the top, separate two things that are mixed, decant, to sample, to give a sample. Lekha okhukelula amachi.

1282.    okhukema [oxukema] verb - to make hem. (see; v. okhukema). Oli okhukeema eng’oma namwe okhukema enguo.

1283.    okhukemula [oxukemula] verb  1. to titillate buttocks, 2. break a big junk of soil from wall, destroy a wall of a house or break soil from an anthill. Chekerere ali okhukemula amekhaliro.

1284.    okhukenda [oxukeleⁿda] verb  1. to walk, travel, 2. to conduct oneself, behave. Oli okhukenda woleyo? PROVERB: Olukendo lwekhere lukutu. The frog's journey (even if you will see it actively jumping) is normally a short one.

1285.    okhukeng'a [oxukeŋa] verb – 1. To leave door unbolted. 2. to make it loosely lean against the other. Siriama alekhe okhukeng'a omuliango.

1286.    okhukengula [oxukeᵑɡula] verb - to make a stable object to tilt and fall over; finish the last part of farm. Achimba achia okhukengula esichikhi. PROVERB: Amemire kakengusa olwoba. Stagnation caused the fall of a mushroom. Remaining at one point can make you a target of evil planners.

1287.    okhukeniha [oxukeniha] verb - to pay a visit, more or less formal, and including a meal and possibly staying the night or longer. Abechukhulu bali okhukeniha kukhung'ene. PROVERB: Omukeni emakombe; kekhalira ha'khombe. A visitor in a new place sat near danger. Never knew the danger points.

1288.    okhukenula [oxukenula] verb - to cut off the top hard part of cold ugali left over from previous meal before breaking into the water for new cooking. (see; v. okhukeenula). Oli okhukenula owusuma khoniwo achake okhukeenula.

1289.    okhukenyula [oxukeɲula] verb - to make a wet or soft staff to tilt and fall over; finish the last part of a wet farm. Oli okhukenyula endalo

1290.    okhukera [oxukera] verb  1. to measure, test the depth, weigh, sit for to exam, 2. use proverbs and parables when talking. Oli okhukera ekera. PROVERB: Omwalo okuchambukhamo, okeramo olusaala. Test the depth of a stream with a stick before stepping in it.

1291.    okhukeraakera [oxukera:kera] verb - to float. (see; v. okhukerakera). Onyala okhukerakera singa esikolakole siri okhukeraakera khu’machi?

1292.    okhukeraasia [oxukera:sja] verb - to compare size, weight, imitate etc. Lekha okhukeraasia owuleme. PROVERB: Ochamuliira esilulu, omunwa kwa omunchu si okerasia khukhweng'ombe. Never defend a person saying he can never say something; the mouth of a man is not comparable to that of a cow.

1293.    okhukerachaka [oxukeraʧaka] verb - to make communicative nonverbal sigh. Oli okhukerachaka.

1294.    okhukeraka [oxukeraka] verb - to advise. One keenya okhukeraka abasie. PROVERB: Okerakira omuyingwa; ochangirira okhuikula ebilingwa (amulyungu kwa’amachwi). you teach a fool, start by opening his ears tubes.

1295.    okhukerakera [oxukerakera] verb - to advise continuously. (see; v. okhukeraakera). Makhindu ali okhukerakera Manyi singa ali okhukeraakera khu'machi. PROVERB: Akhayuni khakeraka okuyuni. A small bird advised the big bird. The small bird flew from an enemy in a hurry making the big bird to notice the danger.

1296.    okhukereemba [oxukere:ba] verb - to grow teeth behind the other. Omwana owakereemba ameno ono wanu?

1297.    okhukereesania [oxukere:sanja] verb - to average. Oli okhukereesania amatumwa.

1298.    okhukerekha [oxukerexa] verb – 1. to put on top of the other 2. send another with more load. 3. to take another wife. Oli okhukerekha esitubi khu’simwero.

1299.    okhukerekhana [oxukerexana] verb - to be on top of the other. Amakina ako kali okhukerekhana.

1300.    okhukeria [oxukerja] verb - to put a person into quarantine. (see; v. okhukeria). Macho ali okhukeria omulwaye ne embwa chiri okhukeria amalusi.

1301.    okhukerukha [oxukeruxa] verb - to emerge from below and be seen on the surface of a liquid; be unable to mix. (see; v. okhuirukha <okhuke->). Amafucha nikachaaka okhukerukha khu'machi, oli okhukerukha ochie haleyi?

1302.    okhukesa [oxukesa] verb - to harvest. (see; v. okhukeesa). Naututu ali okhukesa amatumwa nawe ochia okhukeesa olusolili. PROVERB: Ngise mu liaka; ndikhukisa mu kesa. Help me at my hour of need; I will help you at your hour of need.

1303.         Okhukesa- Ow'esileka; akes mu’sileka. Choices have consequences.

1304.    okhukesemulira [oxukesemulira] verb - to have very many roots or tubers. Emioko kichakire okhukesemulira.

1305.    okhukesiha [oxukesiha] verb - grow out of babyhood, grow out of the age of innocence. Maimuna keenya okhukesiha. Proverb: Omwana wekendera aha na ha, akesihira ng'ina. An exposed child can grow out of babyhood and be knowledgeable beyond the mother’s expectations.

1306.    okhukesihala [oxukesihala] verb - to be wise; be sensible, clever. Lero khaoma achaakire okhukesihala. PROVERB: Owusiru wuchuna nga enjala, abangi bakhakesihala. If stupidity was painful like hunger, few would be fools.

1307.    okhukesikesihala [oxukesikesihala] verb - to be cunning. Ekina achaakire okhukesisihala. PROVERB: Esia omukesikesi; osilia nende amakesi. That from the cunning is eaten when you have analyzed well.

1308.    okhuketa [oxuketa] verb - to block, obstruct, hunder from proceeding; return a straying animal, direct animals where to go. (see; v. okhukeeta). Malia ali okhuketa embusi ne nawe oli okhukeeta endika. PROVERB: Mukha bakokiwo oketa nuli nende esimbo. Your age mate's wife is brought back to that age mate while you have a tool suggesting war and not love.

1309.    okhuketula [oxuketula] verb - to reduce some amount from a container that is full, pour out part of what is in a container. Nanjowe achia okhuketula owusie wa Liaka. 

1310.    okhuketulula [oxuketulula] ; [oxuketulla] verb - to decant off or strain off top layer. Nje anu owenya okhuketulula omunyu?

1311.    okhukewa [oxukéwá] verb - to squirt. Omukhasi keenya okhukewa olukewa.

1312.    okhukeyula [oxukeyula] verb - to move solid top to uncover a liquid below it. Omwana keyuula oyo alekhe okhukeyula amatosi.

1313.    okhukhaabaana [oxuxaana] verb - to put up an argument. (see; v. okhukhaba <-ana>). Lekha okhukhaabaana nende abo abenya okhukhabaana ebiseero.

1314.    okhukhaacha [oxuxa:ʧa] verb - to eat large junks of meat, eat meat or other relish alone, or out of proportion to the amount of. Tundwe khalikho khaacha akho khenya okhukhaacha eliani?

1315.    okhukhaakhana [oxuxa:xana] verb - to struggle. Okumu ali okhukhaakhana wusa okhwola afwawule.

1316.    okhukhaakhanyala [oxuxa:xaɲala] verb - to be stiff muscles. Akhana khatiti akhaakho khakhanyala okhukhanyala khakayire Simiyu okhubicha?

1317.    okhukhaala [oxuxa:la] verb - to feel rough pain across the stomach or chest. (see; v. okhukhala). Enda yochakire okhukhaala ni achaakire okhukhakhala amabaati.

1318.    okhukhaalala [oxuxa:lala] verb - to be rough in texture; turn greedy. Akhana khenya okhukhaalala esikhoba akho nje anu oli okhukhaalala nende amafucha ka wusa?

1319.    okhukhaamba [oxuxa:ba] verb - to be adamant. (see; v. okhukhamba). Nje anu owenya okhukhaamba okhulia amachwemwa keenya okhukhamba?

1320.    okhukhaambala [oxuxa:bala] verb - to grow scales. Ekhutu lichakire okhukhambala.

1321.    okhukhaamuula [oxuxamula] verb - to bite once and pull to remove a junk of flesh slowly. (see; v. okhukhamula). Embwa yiri okhukhamula omwana ne yichanikha okhukhaamula emiwaasu ki'enduyu.

1322.    okhukhaanda [xa:ⁿda] verb - to trap using canine teeth. (see; v. okhukhanda). Esimba yiri okhukhaanda enyama eyi wenya okhukhanda nende olukhanda. PROVERB: Ochuka eng'ombe, ochuka nende ekhaande. If you domesticate cattle then make sure you have a knife At times you will be called upon to skin it.

1323.    okhukhaandaala [oxuxa:ⁿda:la] verb - to look sternly and in anger at a person. Lekhanga okhukhaandaala abakhwe mumoni.

1324.    okhukhaandaka [oxuxa:ⁿdaka] verb - to walk bare foot for long. Lero olu okhukhandaka oweho.

1325.    okhukhaandiachaka [oxuxa:ⁿdjaʧaka] verb - to bite off tough meat muscles using your canines. PROVERB: Esikhaya wanambwa okhukhaandiachaka, siba sibi. That which a dog cannot chew (meat) must be bad. That which has been left by the needy must be useless.

1326.    okhukhaandiala [oxuxa:ⁿdjala] verb - to swagger. Enguke yenya okhukhaandiala ano.

1327.    okhukhaandulukha [oxuxa:ⁿduluxa] verb - to talk in bitter opposing manner. Lekha okhukhaandulukha hano.

1328.    okhukhaangaka [oxuxaᵑɡaka] verb - to walk as if both feet are hurt or paining. Olikho okhangaka ni ochia hena?

1329.    okhukhaangarana [oxuxa:ᵑɡarana] verb - to vie; contest. Kulundu ali okhukhaangara bamuwe owami?

1330.    okhukhaang'asa [oxuxa:ŋasa] verb - to scrutinize, glare, gaze, stare hard, face fearlessly, examine closely. Lekha okhukhaang'sa senge wuwo.

1331.    okhukhaangula [oxuxa:ᵑɡula] verb - to talk fluently. Oli okhukhaangula olunyala.

1332.    okhukhaang'ula [oxuxa:ŋula] verb - to bit a junk of meat once. Esimba yenya okhukhaang’ula omusiembe?

1333.    okhukhaaniafukha [oxuxa:njafuxa] verb - to walk slowly while trembling. Kukhu akhaaniafukha ni achia hena?

1334.    okhukhaaniambukha [oxuxa:njabuxa] verb - to walk with difficult. Nje anu okhaaniambukha oyu?

1335.    okhukhaaniasa [oxuxanjasa] verb - to reply sternly, look at, examine, watch closely with wrinkled face. Lekha okhukhaaniasa abasio.

1336.    okhukhaanyalala [oxuxa:ɲalala] verb - to suffer from stroke. Okhilenge khuchakire okhukhaanyalala.

1337.    okhukhaapira [oxʷi-] ; [oxuxa:pira] verb 1. drink excessively. 2. To put unnecersary rebuttals Lekha okhukhaapira amachi.

1338.    okhukhaasa [oxuxa:sa] refuse to yield, reject, clear throat of phlegm with mouth open to eject. (see; v. okhukhasa). Ekhaniafu liri okhukhaasa okhuwonekhana ewe oli okhukhasa amalwa?

1339.    okhukhaaya [oxuxa:ja/ - cut with sickle. (see; v. okhukhaya). Mukambwe ali okhukhaya okhukhaaya oweywe. PROVERB: Olukhayiro lwakhaya amakhande. A sickle (hack saw) cut the metal of a knife. Whoever believes is tough can meet another tougher one.

1340.    okhukhaayana [oxuxa:jana] verb - to belittle and aim at outdoing each other, cut each other using a sickle. (see; v. okhukhayana). Muli okhukhayana enakhumala muchaake okhukhaayana nende olukhaayiro khu’liwumaho.

1341.    okhukhaayukha [oxuxa:juxa] verb - to produce sound like one eating popcorns. (see; v. okhukhayukha). Amapwoni keenya okhukhaayukha naye omwene ali okhukhayukha ni alomaloma.

1342.    okhukhaayula [oxuxa:ju:la] verb - to cut with sickle in one sweep. Wekesa ali okhukhaayula owukusinde.

1343.    okhukhaba [oxuxábá] tie a skin strip on somebody during an animal slaughtering ceremony. Khaba, si bali okhukhaba Owanga akhaseero ta?

1344.    okhukhabala [oxuxaβala] verb - to make holes for planting bananas or dig big harrows. Akhamwi nikhachaka okhubala oba oli okhukhabala amaloho?

1345.    okhukhabira [oxuxaβira] verb - to struggle to disposes each other, struggle over ownership. Nawire alekhe okhukhabira omukoye. 

1346.    okhukhacha [oxuxaʧa] verb - to verb - to hold tightly using teeth. (see; v. okhukhaacha). Embwa yiri okhukhacha okhulenge khw'esimba ne yichaka okhukhaacha enyama.

1347.    okhukhaka [oxuxaka] verb - to attempt. (see; v. okhukhaka). Wusuru ali okhukhaka alime endalo namwe okhukhaka abaana? PROVERB: Babiri abakesi; bakhaka basamba esi. Two wise men attempted and roasted a house fly. Unity among people full of wisdom can make them achieve greatness that is otherwise believed impossible by each of them. 2. to produce cracking noise. Esitanda sichachire okhukhaka. 3. to tempt; try. Matang'u alekhe okhukhaka Sipeto nende okhukhaka okhumuwa embande.

1348.    okhukhakhaasa [oxuxaxa:sa] ; [oxuxxa:sa] verb - to clear the throat. Nje akhanu akhachaakire okhukhaasa okhukhaakhaasa mu’nyumba muno wuli bikha?

1349.    okhukhala [oxuxala] verb - to snip, gore using a horn. (see; v. okhukhaala). Esirifu siri okhukhaala ni ochaka okhukhala amabaati?

1350.    okhukhalaabana [oxuxala:βana] verb - to minister to, serve, work, toil. Omutavani alikho keenya okhukhalaabana khu’mirimo.

1351.    okhukhalaakhala [oxuxala:xala] verb - to become archaic. (see; v. okhukhala <reduplication>). Lekha okhukhalaakhala owukesi niwenya okhukhalakhala amabati.

1352.    okhukhalaala [oxuxa:la:la] verb - to sting as nettle leaves. Olusiaka luli okhukhalaala akhana khalala khu’lusaya.

1353.    okhukhalaanga [oxuxala:ᵑɡa] verb - to roast in a pan. (see; v. okhulanga <okhukha->). Akhana akho oli okhukhalanga khachanikhe okhukhalaanga embande? PROVERB: Namukhalanga embande akhalangiranga aba'meno- Whoever wants to give something to a specific person out of the rest will peg the qualifications on the qualities of the person he has those qualities in mind.

1354.    okhukhalabaanda [oxuxalaβa:ⁿda] verb - to grill meat over fire for a short time before cooking or storage. Nakhanu alikho keenya okhukhalabaanda engokho.

1355.    okhukhalabanda [oxuxalaβaⁿda] verb  1. to walk on all fours but without using your knees. Lekha okhukhalabanda omwana singa ekhala.

1356.    okhukhalaka [oxuxalaka] verb - to chop; cut across into small pieces; take a short cut. (see; v. okhukhaala <-ka>). Olusiaka luli okhukhaalaka omwana ni achaka okhukhalaka mu’mukunda.

1357.    okhukhalaka [oxuxalaka] verb - to declare; to judge a case, deduct; make a ruling. Akhana akho khosi khalaka khachi khali okhukhalaka omusango?

1358.    okhukhalakhala [oxuxalaxala] verb - to cut twigs continuously using a knife or scissors. (see; v. okhukhalaakhala). Wetundu achaakire okhukhalaakhala esikira keenya okhukhalakhala eliani.

1359.    okhukhalia [oxuxalja] verb - to make simsim into stacks. Akhana okho khalia enuuni echi Nambirifuma keenya okhukhalia?

1360.    okhukhalikha [oxuxalixa] verb  1. to break, of a rope, to break-dance, to break flesh at the joints. 2. to die unexpectedly, (see; v. okhukhaalikha). Ni ochaka okhukhaalikha mu’mwoyo, omukoye kuno kuli okhukhalikha. PROVERB: Wuli khukulu khukhalikha ekabya lyakhwo. Each foot has its own pattern of cracks and prints. Every calamity is unique.

1361.    okhukhalikhana [oxuxalixana] verb - to be fifty-fifty in thoughts, almost divided into two parts. Omwoyo kuchakire okhukhalikhana.

1362.    okhukhalira [oxuxalira] verb - to harvest vegetable by clipping the first young leaves. Ewe chianakana okhukhalira eliani lekhana nende akhaana khalikho khalira akho. PROVERB: Kenda nakhalira eliene, akhira naliwene. Whoever walks around while picking vegetable is better than whoever sees it and plans to come later. On coming, she may find it taken by somebody else.

1363.    okhukhalukha [oxuxaluxa] verb - to turn greedy. (see; v. okhukhaala <-kha>). Ewe olekhe okhukhalukha kho olekhe okhukhaalukha esikhoba.

1364.    okhukhalula [oxuxu:lula] verb - to move a machine at a terrific speed. Lekhanga okhukhulula endika.

1365.    okhukhama [oxuxama] verb - to milk; squeeze out. Ali okhukhama eng'ombe? PROVERB: Eng'ombe endalu yosi yiri nende oyikhama. Even that cow that gores has the one who peacefully milks it. 2. to not found easily, to disappear from view. (see; v. okhukhama). Lekha okhukhama niwenyekha okhukhama eng’ombe. PROVERB: Emakombe eyibakhimira nche engo. Only the dead can claim to have arrived in their home. All human being will die at a time.

1366.    okhukhamacha [oxuxamaʧa] verb - to grasp. Lekha okhukhamacha esiro. PROVERB: Omwene mufu nje okhamacha awunya. It is the owner of the corpse who grasps the smelly part when carrying.

1367.    okhukhamalikha [oxuxa:malixa] verb - to give birth to the second set of twins. Natecho ali okhukhukhamalikha.

1368.    okhukhamba [oxuxaba] verb - to taste like banana sap. (see; v. okhukhaamba). Ono keenya okhukhaamba okhulia epera lienya okhukhamba.

1369.    okhukhamiukha [oxuxamjuxa] verb - to disappear, vanish; sublime. Enyanga yenya okhukhamiukha.

1370.    okhukhamula [oxuxamula] verb - to bite once and pull to remove a junk of flesh quickly. (see; v. okhukhaamula). Embwa yiri okhukhamula omwana ne yichanikha okhukhaamula emiwaasu ki'enduyu.

1371.    okhukhamulukha [oxuxamuluxa] verb - to drip slowly. Enguwo yiri okhukhamulukha amachi. 

1372.    okhukhamulula [oxuxamululula] ; [oxuxamullula] verb - to wring cloth; rinse. Annah alikho akhamulula enguwo.

1373.    okhukhamuusa [oxuxamu:sa] verb - to breath in vepour from herb concoction as a way of curing respiratory deseases. Okana afwaana keenya okhukhamuusa Tabata amalesi.

1374.    okhukhana [oxuxana] verb - to play a musical instrument. Afwana keenya okhukhana omwenya.

1375.    okhukhanana [oxuxanana] ; [oxuxanna] verb - to argue strongly, be bold, stand firm. Ewe lekha okhukhanana.

1376.    okhukhanda [xa:ⁿda] verb - to trap in a net. Oli okhukhanda eng’eni.

1377.    okhukhanjula [oxuxaⁿdʒula] verb - to cut off leaves at once by use of the mouth. Enbusi yiri okhukhanjula amasakhu

1378.    okhukhanya [oxuxaɲá] verb - to brag, show off. Lekha okhukhanya abasio esuruali. Lekha okhukhanya abanchu ochi weenya okhukhanya ekhwi.

1379.    okhukhanya [oxuxáɲá] verb - to tie in a bundle. Kong'ani keenya okhukhanya ekhwi.

1380.    okhukhanyakhanya [oxuxaɲaxaɲa] verb - to crumble or pleat up. Enguwo yiri okhukhanyakhanya.

1381.    okhukhanyukha [oxuxa:ɲuxa] verb - to talk in a loud rude voice. Lekha okhukhanyukha.

1382.    okhukhasa [oxuxasa] - add warm water in a busaa pot. (see; v. okhukhaasa). Lekha okhukhasa nende okhukhaasa ohane esende. PROVERB: Akhukhondiola ne si awola eparo, kachumwa amachi kakhasia amalwa mu'siserero. Whoever admires the beauty of a girl without sending a wooing word was invited to fetch beer water during the girl's wedding.

1383.    okhukhataambala [oxuxata:bala] verb – 1. to refuse to move. 2. to become stiff (skin). Omwana okhatambala ono wanu?

1384.    okhukhatalala [oxuxatalala/; [ox′xatalla] verb - to stand rigidly straight, be adamant. Lekha okhukhatalala ano. PROVERB: Okhatalala okhulia esiomusumba, amwalaala. One who remains adamant to partake in the eating of what is prepared by a bachelor does it to the bachelor's advantage.

1385.    okhukhaula [oxuxaula] verb - to eat by breaking brittle items in your mouth. Lekha okhukhaula amalondo.

1386.    okhukhaya [oxuxaja] verb - to refuse, disobey, defeat. Ewe wenya okhukhaya otimanie abenya okhukhaaya owunyasi? 2. Become difficult. proverb- Akakhaire kakira embusi yeyakira omunwa. Lack of hands and long tail made a goat to sooth an itch on its body using its mouth. When the going gets tough, begin solving a problem using the little resources you have. (see; v. okhukhaaya).

1387.    okhukhayaka [oxuxajaka] verb - to eat obusuma without meat or other relish. (see; v. okhukhaaya <-ka>). Kisondi keenya okhukhayaka owusuma ochie owone abenya okhukhaayaka owunyasi.

1388.    okhukhayana [oxuxajana] verb - to be in disagreement. (see; v. okhukhaayana). Lekha okhukhaayana nende olukhaayiro muli okhukhayana nende owasio.

1389.    okhukhayiirana [oxuxaji:rana] verb - to refuse, disobey, defy. Akhana khayirana nende Mulongo khenya okhukhayiirana ano.

1390.    okhukhayukha [oxuxajuxa] verb - to produce a sound as if eating popcorns, Omapwoni kachaakire okhukhayukha wusa.

1391.    okhukhaywa [oxuxajʷa] verb - to be unable, be missing, be overcome, lack. Nje anu owenya okhwaya okhuchunga ekobi? PROVERB: Esikhayisweho sisichanga olwikho. If a share that rightfully belongs to a relative is missing during a function, it does not mean the relation dies.

1392.    okhukheba [oxuxeβa] verb - to become light (of sky before dawn). Ewukwe niyenya okhukheba; akhana akho khabanga kh’eba. 2. to circumcice. Mukwe keenya okhukheba Mwani.

1393.    okhukhebera [oxuxeβera] verb - to cut with a sickle for thatching or salt making. Wechuli achia okhukhebera owunyasi. PROVERB: Oyo eyi enyumba yisululira; nche owuna okhukhebera. Whoever has a leaking roof is he who goes early to the grass field.

1394.    okhukheendekha [oxuxe:ⁿdexa] verb - to be vengeful. Lekha okhukheendekha.

1395.    okhukheendula [oxuxe:ⁿdula] verb - to add final touches on beautifying s.t. Kukhu achia okhukheendula omweya.

1396.    okhukheera [oxufuxe:ra] verb - to have congested nose. Omolu kali okhufukheera.  

1397.    okhukheesa [oxuxe:sa] verb - to greet. Muheba achiye okhukheesa abakeni?

1398.    okhukhekeerera [oxuxeke:rera] verb - to cackle. Engo eyikhekeerera eyo yange?

1399.    okhukhendiuka [oxuxeⁿdiuxa] verb - to sight in blurred manner out of sight. Lekha okhukhendiukha emuliango.

1400.    okhukheneerera [oxuxene:rera] ; [oxuxene:rra] verb - to be last. Ili okhukheneerera ali okhuhaka omwami. PROVERB: Ochangiriye ewami ali nende akaake, okheneerekha ali nende akaake. Both the complainant and the suspect have a story to tell. Better listen to the two sides before making a judgment.

1401.    okhukhenga [oxuxeᵑɡa] verb – to crack the toe joints and bleed, to cut with sharp knife from the main one. Lekha okhukhenga esichundu. PROVERB: Wuli mwaka nakhengo lyakwo. Every year comes with its own cracks on the toes. Problems are not the same each year.

1402.    okhukhenulula [oxuxenulula] ; [oxuxenulla] verb - to strain, draw the last drop of water from a jar. Lekha okhukhenulula amachi.

1403.    okhukhenya [oxuxeɲá verb - to groan under weight of heavy burden, attempt to push during the time of birth. (see; v. okhukheenya). Eliso lichakire okhukheenya lia akhakhasi akhachaakire okhukhenya? PROVERB: Wiwusakho okhenyakho! It is only the one pushing by herself who can be helped to give birthWhen being helped to perform a task, our personal efforts towards achieving the same are important.

1404.    okhukhenya [oxuxéɲá] verb - to steal from store without being noticed; create safe exit from dam. Eliso lino liri okhukheenya eswa mu’sikheenyi muno.

1405.    okhukherebeenda [oxuxereβe:ⁿda] verb - to start an activity at the break of dawn. Okana ali okhukherebeenda okhukwisa esiiro.

1406.    okhukhereengecha [oxuxere:ngecha] verb - to roll downhill. Omulinga kwenya okhukhereengecha.

1407.    okhukherekeka [oxuxerekeka] ; [oxuxerekka] verb - to cry like red winged falcon or the crested francolin birds. Esikherekeke sichakire okhukherekeka.

1408.    okhukherekha [oxuxerexa] verb - to make cooking liquid from ash, filter. Nakhuba ali okhukherekha omunyu kwa olukhaye.

1409.    okhukherekhana [oxuxerexana] verb - to be partially full. Amachi kachaakire okhukherekhana mu'songo.

1410.    okhukhesa [oxuxesa] verb - to wipe the inside of a plate or object with your dry hand to remove any dirt. (see; v. okhukheesa). Kuka ali okhukhesa oluteru ne achia okhukheesa abakeni.

1411.    okhukhetia [oxuxetja] verb - to cause a lot of worry or anxiety. Owulwaye wuchakire okhukhetia abaana babe.

1412.    okhukhewulira [oxuxewulira] verb - to recall; remember. Kuboka, onyala okhukhewulira akhana akheewulira ewefwe? PROVERB: Owikusi si akhewulira owenjala. Those who have eaten do not care about the hungry.

1413.    okhukhiina [oxuxi:na] verb - to gift white ants after harvesting. Kukhu ali okhukhina nikeenya okhukhiina Wamamiri eswa. PROVERB: Ochombakhire esisie, bamukhiina echia amake. Whoever has not made his own snare for trapping white-ants is gifted the ones full of worker ants.

1414.    okhukhiingaka [oxuxi:ᵑɡaka] verb - to quickly block to stop the flow; form an embarkment, block view in quick way. Abasikari bali okhukhiingaka amachi k'omukhula e’Wudalang'i.

1415.    okhukhiisa [oxuxi:sa] verb - to make other to delay. Lekha okhukhiisa eliani khu'mayika.

1416.    okhukhikha [oxuxixa] ; [oxuxxa] verb - to put s.t across s.t else, make s.t crooked. Khamala ali okhukhikha esichikhi khu'ngira. PROVERB: Oyo okhinia eyoyo; amanya nga akhikha ni asenayo. If you opt to dance a duck; learn how to step well.

1417.    okhukhina [oxuxina] verb - to dance. Wambusi keenya okhukhina chilumbe. PROVERB: Ochaona olubembe nulukhinakhina, wesi wakhinakhina. Never dance on seeing the top of a long grass blade shaking for you never know what is hidden below it.

1418.    okhukhinda [oxuxiⁿda] verb - to delay. Khaendi ali okhukhinda mu'mwalo. PROVERB: Omwana oli ning'ina, siakhinda okhuchuna abasie. A child whose mother is around may pinch others.

1419.    okhukhinga [oxuxinga] verb  1. to block the view of. Amalesi kali okhukhiinga enyanga. PROVERB: Ebaye liaholera olule lichi 'mu'liaka niwukhiinga wangisa; ndikhukisa mu'kesa.’ Goose-grass told finger millet that hide me during weeding and I will hide you during harvesting. 2. to bewitch by preventing the effects of any other witch; protect oneself with charms, to be heavy with rainy clouds. (see; v. okhukhiinga). Macho ali okhukhiinga abawona ne amala achaka okhukhinga omukeni. PROVERB: Efula yikhinga; yakwa haleyi ne yalecha ekhungu. It can rain far but still causes outbreak of army warm in your place. A calamity at a distant place can still cause effects to those at far place.

1420.    okhukhingaka [oxuxiᵑɡaka] verb - to quickly bewitch using chams. (see; v. okhukhinga <-ka>). Lekha okhukhingaka abanju bali okhukhiingaka amaachi.

1421.    okhukhingirira [oxuxiᵑɡirira] ; [oxuxiᵑɡirra] verb - to protect. Lekha okhukhingirira abeebi.

1422.    okhukhingula [oxuxiᵑɡula] verb - to get out of the way, get out of the light. Omondi ali okhukhingula khuwone embwa.

1423.    okhukhira [oxuxira] verb  1. to excel, defeat, exceed, surpass, PROVERB: Okenda nende omwami, akhira omulimi. Whoever escorts a leader around may get something of benefit than one going to farm. Used to insist on loyalty towards leaders.2. be better than, PROVERB: Ekhabi ekhira olukondo. Fate overpowers beauty win against, 3. be more than; Okhukhira amani, akhukhupa ne'simbo yiyo. The stronger one beats you with your walking stick be the best. Oli okhukhira nje anu?

1424.    okhukhiraakhimana ['xira:ximana] verb - to become black and shiny. Naututu achaakire okhukhiraakhimana nga ekhirakhima.

1425.    okhukhirakhirana [oxuxiraxirana] verb - to be uneven. Lero enguwo yino yenya okhukhirakhirana?

1426.    okhukhirana [oxuxirana] verb - to vary, differ with regard to size, quantity, price, quality, etc. Loomba birekhe okhukhirana. Proverb: Esio yakhaloba okhukhirana nende olukina? Can the disk main fail to be larger than that grinding stone? Never claim to be the boss to your boss.

1427.    okhukhisa [oxuxisa] verb - to make excess. (see; v. okhukhisa). Ono ali okhukhisa eng'ombe okhukhisa esende.

1428.    okhukhiya [oxuxija] verb - to fidget; keep moving fingers, legs or body because you are nervous, make constant restless movements. Lekha okhukhiya.

1429.    okhukhoba [oxuxoβa] verb - to bandage wounded area. Oyweri ali okhukhoba okhukulu khwa Makokha.

1430.    okhukhobera [oxuxoβera] verb - be the link person in a theft case. Namwaya ali okhukhobera abebi bechie bakhwibire.

1431.    okhukhocha [oxuxoʧa] verb - to pull something once making it to be weak in its position. Lekha okhukhocha owasio omukhono.

1432.    okhukhokhoma [oxuxoxoma] verb - to nod the head like a gecko. Lekha ekenda lia okhukhokhooma nende okhukhokhoma omuchwe.

1433.    okhukhokhona [oxuxoxona] verb – to remove all the internal flesh and leave the outer shell. PROVERB: Namukungune kulia munda; kwalekha esikhokhone. At times that which was good can be destroyed to leave an empty shell of former self.

1434.    okhukhokhosa [oxuxokosa] verb - to carry the debris away; remove a layer from a given harder surface, clear the last bit of s.t from a container. Omwana achia okhukhokhosa esifulia.

1435.    okhukhokora [oxuxokora] verb - to scrape off part of a thing, make noise like a chicken running oround with a live food item. Lekha okhukhokora amola omusala.

1436.    okhukhola [oxuxola] verb - to do; perform, be better successfully, make an issue to click. (see; v. okhukhoola). Niwe oli okhukhola emirimo kia okhukhoola elino?

1437.    okhukholesa [oxuxolesa] verb - to torture by work. Lekha okhukholesa owasio.

1438.    okhukholiokha [oxuxoljoxa] verb - to crow like a cock. Engokho yiri okhukholiokha. PROVERB: Echikholiokha chiosi chiali amaki. The proud crowing chicken were once eggs.

1439.    okhukholoba [oxuxoloβa] verb - to guzzle; drink greedily. (see; v. okhukholooba). Lukorito ali okhukholoba omunyu ne achia nende Kaula okhukhooloba omwalo.

1440.    okhukholobia [oxuxoloβja] verb - to throw into a ringed space or into a hole on the ground. Wambale ali okhukholobia epanda chiosi.

1441.    okhukholoboya [oxuxoloβoya] verb - to remove the testa from maize before cooking by boiling in ash water. Namusia ali okhukholoboya amatumwa.

1442.    okhukholola [oxuxolola] verb - to cough. Lekha okhukholola lukali. PROVERB: Okhololera mu'siriwa, kechusakho oluwa. Whoever coughed at the gate while coming back home saved himself from committing a felony. He may have killed a man who sexually engages the wife.

1443.    okhukholomokha [oxuxolomokha] verb - to descend a slope, go downhill. Omutoka kwenya okhukholomokha okwene.

1444.    okhukholoola [oxuxolo:la] verb - to remove phlegm at throat by breathing out loudly. Lekha okhukholoola.

1445.    okhukholoondola [oxuxolo:ⁿdola] verb remove hardened substances from your mouth due to illness. Lekha okhukholoondola amakakambu amasicho mu’munwa.

1446.    okhukhoma [oxuxoma] verb  1. to hammer, crucify, nail, use mallet to drive a wedge, plant, gap seeds (one seed at a time, not scattering). Mama achia okhukhoma omusumari. 2. to reach unproductive life. Esiswa siri okhukhoma.

1447.    okhukhomaka [oxuxomaka] verb - to throb in pain as a headache or jiggers in feet. Omuchwe kuli okhukhomaka ewe.

1448.    okhukhomba [oxuxoba] verb - to lick, suck (e.g., on s.t sweet), taste s.t. Nje anu owenya okhukhomba ekokhe? PROVERB: Esikhomba khu simuka sierere; siba sinywanga amabeere. That seen licking on an empty milk guard; drinks the milk.

1449.    okhukhombia [oxuxobja] verb  1. to put a decimal or fulstop 2. To give somebody less food. Oli okhuhandika chine ne okhomba sita.

1450.    okhukhombiola [oxuxobjola] verb - to kiss. Lekha okhukhombiola abaana. PROVERB: Enjukhi si oyikhombiola. A bee is never kissed. Never court a problem.

1451.    okhukhombola [oxuxobola] verb - to dig one’s finger in with a scooping motion, lick with a long tongue. (see; v. okhukhoombola). Raila keenyanga okhukhoombola Kenya ne abandi nabo beenya okhukhombola owuukhi. Proverb: Eyikhombola emosi, yikhira eyikhomba omulikho asi. A cow licking a calf is better than a cow that licks on its afterbirth.

1452.    okhukhomekha [oxuxomekha] verb - to lock door or window from inside; bolt. Nje anu oli okhukhomekha omuliango?

1453.    okhukhomera [oxuxomera] verb - to be fat and well, to do gapping among growing crops. Wamondo achaakire okhukhomera. PROVERB: Owa omukhomefu akhinia, owa omutiti yesi akhinia. One with a slender partner and one with a fat one are both enjoying the same dance.

1454.    okhukhomolola [oxuxomolola] verb - to unhinge, dismantle by removing nails. Lekha okhumolola emisumari.

1455.    okhukhomoola [oxuxomo:la] verb - to pull away the side skin around an opening to open it wide in order to mock. Lekha okhumoola emoni. (see; v. okhukhooma <-lola>, okhukhomola <-lola>). Lekha okhukhomoolola emoni ne wenya okhukhomolola olusicho.

1456.    okhukhondekha [oxuxoⁿdexa] verb - to be jealous. Lekha okhukhondekha.

1457.    okhukhondiola [oxuxoⁿdjola] verb - to look askance; glare. Lekha okhukhondiola omwana. PROVERB: Emoni chiri ne'njala, chikhondiolanga ena'siaki. Hungry eyes will alway look at the grannary side

1458.    okhukhong'a [oxuxoŋa] verb - to strike. Lekha okhukhong'a abaana.

1459.    okhukhongola [oxuxoᵑɡola] verb  1. to beat off horn from position; extract a tooth 2. Remove somebody from leadership. Lekha okhukhongola enjika.

1460.    okhukhong'ola [oxuxoŋola] verb - to hit on head by knuckles, Lekha okhukhong'ola abasio.

1461.    okhukhong'onda [oxuxo′ŋoⁿda] verb - to knock, rap. Wakhungu ali okhukhong'onda khu'muliango. PROVERB: Esikhong'onda khumukuchu, sitakha oli mu'nchu. That knocking on the house wall is targeting whoever is in the house

1462.    okhukhongoyekha [oxuxoᵑɡojexa] verb - to become empty shelled. Omuchwe kukwo kuli okhukhongoyekha.

1463.    okhukhonja [oxuxoⁿdʒa] verb  1. to chaff -remove by flapping the container up and down such that the lighter chaff is blown away, 2. score many marks on a piece of paper, get the explanation of a given question right. Oli okhukhonja owule?

1464.    okhukhonola [oxuxonoxa] verb  1. to snap-:sound at joint, to pull out the mid bundle of sisal leaves, 2. harvest maize when still green by pulling husks off the stem. Olwando ali okhukhonola enjala.

1465.    okhukhoocha [oxuxo:ʧa] verb - to break off from the main tree by pulling. Sifuna ali okhukhoocha esimbo.

1466.    okhukhoochakula [oxuxo:ʧakula] verb - to remove first teeth. Embwa yichakire okhukhochakula.

1467.    okhukhoochilia [oxuxo:ʧi:lja] verb - to chew vegetable and spit the roughages. Lekha okhukhochiilya eliani.

1468.    okhukhookha [oxuxo:xa] verb - to droop, have a long face. Etumwa lienya okhukhookha.

1469.    okhukhookhooma [oxuxo:xo:ma] verb - to walk bending at waist but not bending the knees, walk in drooping manner. Omusolili okhookhooma oyu wanu?

1470.    okhukhoola [oxuxo:la] verb - to remove a tooth as part of culture; cut a bug junk of ugali using your hand, harvest maize with husks and maize ears on. Namisoho ali okhukhoola elino.

1471.    okhukhooloba [oxuxo:loβa] verb - to dam or dyke up a given river. Namwamba ali okhukhooloba amachi.

1472.    okhukhoolocha [oxuxo:loʧa] verb - to give sound like a person who is dying. Omukeni akhoolocha oyu alwaala?

1473.    okhukhoombola [oxuxo:bola] verb - to topple and take over a territory. PROVERB: Esingirire siakhoombola (sianuula) esiene ekhoombe.

1474.    okhukhoondola [oxuxo:ⁿdola] verb - to remove the taproot from mushroom. Khekha okhukhondola olwoba.

1475.    okhukhoongia [oxuxo:ᵑɡja] verb - to make pink, locusts maturing to turn pink. Lekha okhubakha erangi eya okhukhongia eta.

1476.    okhukhoonya [oxuxo:ɲa] verb - to help, assist, partake in eating. Lekha okhukhoonya abafuru. PROVERB: Esi mukhasi achundire, osikhoonya nende mayino. Whatever a woman has fended for you is eaten without peace (if the man of the house makes no effort to provide for the family)

1477.    okhukhoonyolola [oxuxo:ɲolola] ; [oxuxo:ɲolla] verb - to harvest groundnuts by removing them from stem. Matangu atakha okhukhoonyolola enjuku?

1478.    okhukhoosa [oxuxo:sa] verb - to pick mature maize off the stalk without stripping the surrounding maize husks. Lekha okhukhoosa amatumwa.

1479.    okhukhopiola [oxuxopjola] verb - to drink noisily with one sweeping lick. Okung’ombe kuli okhukhoopiola amachi.

1480.    okhukhosa [oxuxosa] verb -  1. to make do, make work. 2. to shine a light, direct a light, investigate to shed light on an issue. (see; v. okhukhoosa). Lekha okhukhosa abaana emirimo kia okhukhosa abenya okhukhoosa amatumwa. PROVERB: Wuli luosi; sisilianga omukhosi. At times it is not the one who searches for something that benefits from his or her efforts.

1481.    okhukhotama [oxuxotama verb - to sit comfortably bending halfway. Lekha okhukhotoma ochio.

1482.    okhukhototokha [oxuxototoxa] ; [oxuxottoxa] verb - to feel tired and lazy. Lekha okhukhototokha hano.

1483.    okhukhowola [oxuxowola] verb - to peel, lose its skin, husk; remove husks from maize. Siosi esiri okhukhowola amatumwa.

1484.    okhukhoya [oxuxoja] verb - to make other happy; make satisfied. Lero oli okhukhoya kukhu. PROVERB: Ekokwa yikhoya owenywe. When you are to face judgment from a jury, you need one who understands you

1485.    okhukhoyera ['xojera] verb - to deserve, be appropriate to, be fitting for. Wesi okhoyera okhupwe. PROVERB: Olusiba lukhoyera, owenywe kakhwikhoyera . Crossing deep end of a river requires a helper who prides in you.

1486.    okhukhoyoola [oxuxojo:la] verb - to talk in a dragging manner. Lekhanga okhuikhoyoola.

1487.    okhukhukhumukha [oxuxuxumuxa] verb - to detach and softly falls in mass to the ground. proverb: Bikhukhumukha; wabitakha. They can be many but you be spoilt of choices.

1488.    okhukhukhusa [oxuxuxu:sa] ; [oxuxxu:sa] verb - to shriek. Ewe ni ochaka okhukhukhuusa oba wenya okhukhusa engo? PROVERB: Esikhukhuuso (oluwuungu) sia haleyi era; si osichekhera. Never laugh at a wail heard from far for it can end up to death of your dear one.

1489.    okhukhula [oxuxula] verb - to grow up, mature. (see; v. okhukhuula). Lekha okhukhuula omusala okwenya okhukhula. PROVERB: Omusala kukhula halala khu'kundi. A valuable tree grows when close to other trees.

1490.    okhukhulukhunya [oxuxuluxuɲa] verb - to cut with blunt knife. Lekha okhukhulukhunya omusinde.

1491.    okhukhulukhuumba [oxuxuluxu:ba] verb - to be healthy and agile. Omwana owekhulukhuumba oyo wange.

1492.    okhukhulumama [oxuxulumama] verb - to be confident. Lekha okhukhulumama onyala wasuba.

1493.    okhukhulunchuha [oxuxulu:ᵑʧuha] verb - to become chief, eldest, senior, mature etc. Embona olikho okhulunchuha. PROVERB: Okukhulunjuha kukhupa ekhoombe. A tree that has overstayed its usefulness develops a hole within its stem.

1494.    okhukhuluusa [oxuxuluusa] verb - to cause friction by passing one thing against another stagnant one. (see; v. okhukhuluula <-sa>). Lekha okhukhuulusa omutoka kuli okhukhuluusa enyumba. PROVERB: Ali omwana wokhuliralira, nje awa okhuikhuluusa engira? Is the path always besides the children? Does it mean that it is the children who are target in order to get what you desire from the elderly?

1495.    okhukhuma [oxuxuma] verb - to crowd on a given thing, have very many fruits. Esi chiri okhukhuma khu'masi ne nawe oli okhukhuhema.

1496.    okhukhumbaalikha [oxuxuba:lixa] verb - to walk briskly and proudly; strut. Lekha okhukhumbaalikha singa embuyusi.

1497.    okhukhumbuukha [oxuxubu:xa] verb - to swagger away; march away in protest. Omusakhulu okhumbuukha oyo achia hena?

1498.    okhukhumia [oxuxumjá] verb - to arrange things in groups of ten. Kilo ali okhukhumia abasomi abakabe amabere.

1499.    okhukhumukha [oxuxumuxa] verb - to make a loud, deep sound, produce deep base. (see; v. okhukhumuukha). Omwenya kuli okhukhumukha mu'nyungu ne abaraka bachaka okhukhumuukha nibecha.

1500.    okhukhumula [oxuxumula] verb - to bellow, roar like a bull. (see; v. okhukhumuula). Ewunwa yiri okhukhumula ne nawe oli okhukhumuula omupira. 

1501.    okhukhumuukha [oxuxumu:xa] verb - to fly away all together (of insects, bats, flock of birds, etc.). (see; v. okhukhumukha). Amawusi kali okhukhumuukha omwenya ni kweenya okhukhumukha.

1502.    okhukhumuula [oxuxumu:la] verb - to kick the ball high, kick ball with a lot of energy. (see; v. okhukhumula). Musimbi ali okhukhumuula omupira nayo ewunwa yiefwe yichaka okhukhumula.

1503.    okhukhuna [oxuxuna] verb - to sip via a straw. (see; v. okhukhuuna). Omwana oyu alekhe okhukhuna amabeere ngata ali okhukhuuna.

1504.    okhukhung'aana [oxuxuŋa:na] verb - to assemble, gather together, meet. Lekhe okhukhung'aana ano.

1505.    okhukhunguukha [oxuxuᵑɡu:xa] verb - to follow each other in a group, leave a place in mass, swam at a place. Ekhungu chiri okhukhuungukha chingire mu'wule.

1506.    okhukhunia [oxuxunjá] verb - to refuse to give out, be mean, refuse to help. (see; v. okhukhuunia). Omwene achaakire okhukhuunia oweni nende okhukhunia esende chiefwe.

1507.    okhukhunia[oxuxúnjá] verb - to molest a given person repeatedly, refuse to take responsibility. Lekha okhukhunia omwana.

1508.    okhukhuniukha [oxuxunjuxa] verb - to walk away hip high as if in pain. Nj'anu okhuniukha n'awaho oyo.

1509.    okhukhupa [oxuxupa] verb  1. To cook- make eggs, chapatti, cake, mandazi in a special way using ingredients. Omwana ali okhukhupa amaki. 2. To sting. PROVERB: Amahalamba kakhupanga nende mwene siaki. Wasps sting even the owner of the granary. If you give refuge to an evil person, the person may still harm you. 3. make base, wall orvroof of a granary. PROVERB: Esialo sisiakhupwa olwalo. The word has no underneath space. Never claim that death will lessen your problems. 3 to be subjected to. PROVERB: Omukeni omubi, kakhupia omukeni omulungi esibi. A bad visitor who accompanied the good one made the good one to suffer for not for not being cooked for. 4. make bricks. 5. to play a musical instrument. 6. To thunder strike. PROVERB: Ekhupa siyikoolanga khumusaala khabiri ta. Lightning never strikes a tree twice. 7. To beat, flog, fefeat, hit drum, . PROVERB: Omwayi nje okhupanga emoni. It is the one who looks after the animal who my end up beating the animal's eye. 8. to play a game 9.to be struck by thunder

1510.    okhukhupaana [oxuxupa:na] verb - to combine, fuse, blend, mix, join. Amachi kali okhukhupaana.

1511.    okhukhupaka [oxuxupaka] verb - to thresh, hit repeatedly, beat, whip. Mukhiyi akhupaka owule.

1512.    okhukhupana [oxuxupana] verb - to fight, wrestle, struggle, beat each other. (see; v. okhukhupaana). Njenya keenya okhukhupaana nende Ayoti okhukhupana nende Swika.

1513.    okhukhupanira [oxuxupanira] verb - to contest. Lekha okhukhupanira owaami.

1514.    okhukhupiirisa [oxuxupi:risa] verb - to bulldoze. Obesi kuli okhukhupiirisa ebichikhi.

1515.    okhukhura [oxuxura] verb - to make imitation of scratching noise to call chicken. Lekha okhukhura engokho.

1516.    okhukhuruta [oxuxuruta] verb - to pull in strong mucus as way of clearing nose. Lekha okhukhuruta amawobe.

1517.    okhukhuruucha [oxuxuru:ʧa] verb – to sleep noisily, make continuous gluttal noise. PROVERB: Eyikhuruucha oubi, yakhupa esibi. A cat that makes gluttal noise, never gets to catch a rat.

1518.    okhukhusa [oxuxusa] verb - to rear, bring up (a child), to make grow. Wangoya ali okhukhusa omwana oyu. PROVERB: Akha'kondi akh'omumanani; sikhakhusa omusiembe. A poor man's sheep does not stay with grown tail for long

1519.    okhukhutuumbala [oxuxutu:bala] verb - to walk with airs, with arms sticking out, think highly of oneself, brag; exalt self. Nje anu okhutuumbala ano.

1520.    okhukhuukha [oxuxu:xa] verb - to come out in mass. Efula itakha okhukhuukha.

1521.    okhukhuukhumula [oxuxu:xumula] verb - to scatter. Lekha okhukhuumula amawa.

1522.    okhukhuukhunama [oxuxu:xumana] verb - to bend over heavy body with load while walking on straight knees. Ewe yinama; lekha okhukhuukhunama.

1523.    okhukhuula [oxuxu:la] verb - to remove, pull out, take out, extract, uproot, to acquire from source. Lekha okhukhuula omusala okwo. PROVERB: Omwana akolanga aha kakhuula olwoba. A child will always go back to the place it uprooted a mushroom (with hope that he will get another one.)

1524.    okhukhuulisira [oxuxu:lisira] verb - to take two at once, uproot vegetable for use, to take indiscriminately. Sikumo ali okhukhuulisira eliani.

1525.    okhukhuulusa [oxuxu:lusa] verb - to speed. Lekha okhuukhulusa omutoka.

1526.    okhukhuuma [oxuxu:ma] verb - to give a call that sends away reproachfully. Manyasi ali okhukhuuma esikhupi.

1527.    okhukhuumba [oxuxu:ba] verb - to be bushy; with a lot of leaves, grass, weed, hair. Becha omukuchu kuchakire okhukhuumba okwo.

1528.    okhukhuuna [oxuxu:na] verb - to remain short in growth. (see; v. okhukhuna). Omwana ni aloba okhukhuna amabeere aba ali okhukhuuna.

1529.    okhukhuunda [oxuxa:ⁿda] verb - to have unsanctioned sexual intercourse with s.o. Mabaki owitiira khunda yisiimbwire oyu ali okhukhuunda abaana.

1530.    okhukhuung’ukha [oxuxu:ŋuxa] verb – to end a meeting or a sitting. Ababaye mumukhung’ano benya okhukhuung’ukha.

1531.    okhukhuunga [oxuxu:ŋa] - to lead animals from home to another place. Wanimo ali okhukhuunga ekhwe abire ewutabani. PROVERB: Enjulanjula chiba ng'ombe, nakhakhuungire nachia nakhwa. If sodom apple were cattle, I would have picked enough and paid dowry. If wishes were horses then beggers could ride.

1532.    okhukhuunia [oxuxu:nja] verb - to cause to frown. (see; v. okhukhunia). Lekha okhukhunia abaana nende okhukhuunia mu’moni.

1533.    okhukhuunya [oxuxu:ɲa] verb - to be stunted, to be undersized, stop growing before reaching full length. Mukhobi achaakire okhukhuunya.

1534.    okhukhuunyula [oxuxu:ɲula] verb - to pluck hair. Mukoto akhuunyula engokho.

1535.    okhukhuura [oxuxu:ra] verb - to draw a short line; put a mark. Lekha okhukhuura khu'sisala.

1536.    okhukhuurusa [oxuxu:rusa] verb - to make s.t touch another as it pass by. Lekha okhukhuurusa embusi khu’siaki ochake okhukhuruusa omupira.

1537.    okhukhuuruula [oxuxu:ru:la] verb - to draw or drag along the surface leaving a long mark, leave a jet mist. Lekha okhuukhuurula khu'sisala.

1538.    okhukhuuruusa [oxuxu:ru:sa] verb - to kick ball up and far away, fly a plane quickly across. Lekha okhuukhurusa omupira.

1539.    okhukhuuya [oxuxu:ja] verb - to fly around in a group like the black stock birds. Amakhuyi kali okhukhuuya nikabicha.

1540.    okhukhuya [oxuxuja] verb - to fish using long sharp sticks, strike with a swinging blow, beat by swinging the palm. (see; v. okhukhuuya). Kondomu ali okhukhuya amakhuyi kekaliye okhukhuuya mungo ako. PROVERB: Omukhasi nyanja esibala, okhuya akhendo okhuya amakhala. A woman is like a sea; you can sire in a king if you are lucky or a destructive one.

1541.    okhukhuyuunga [oxuxuju:ᵑɡa] verb - to swing and project, hurl, throw as one does a stick. Wechoka ali okhukhuyuunga Mwamutu amakina.

1542.    okhukhwa [oxuxʷa] verb - to pay dowry, pay brideprice. Oli okhukhwa eng'ombe chibiri. PROVERB: Owulayi w’ekondo wuecha; wukira ekhwe yakocha. Beauty let to the loss of dowry cattle.

1543.    okhukhwaanikha [oxuxʷa:nikha] verb - to give birth to twins. Nambengere kekombanga okhukhwaanikha.

1544.    okhukhwaanjukha [oxuxʷa:ⁿdʒuxa] verb - to walk swinging hands in protest. Lekha okhukhwaanjukha ni okenda.

1545.    okhukhwaarula [oxuxʷa:rula] verb - to dig up the surface such as that of a road before gravelling. Ndakwa ali okhukhwaarula khu’mwanda.

1546.    okhukhwaasana [oxuxʷa:sana] verb - to collide head on, meet face to face. Emitoka kili okhukhwaasana. PROVERB: Ochia enamwalo nche okhwaasana, nende ekwena. You can never meet a crocodile if you do no go to the river.

1547.    okhukhwaasia [oxuxʷasja] verb - to take two or more at ago leaving others with none. Kobulo alekhe okhukhwaasia amachemwa.

1548.    okhukhwaatula [oxuxʷa:tula] verb - to jab, poke. Lekha okhukhwaatula omwana nende ewa.

1549.    okhukhwaaya [oxuxʷa:ja] verb - to collect by single palm from the others; grab in palm. Ifisa ali okhukhwaaya esende chiosi.

1550.    okhukhweekhweenula [oxuxʷe:xʷe:nula] verb - to laugh loudly and hearty. Nambengere alekhe okhukhweekhweenula enjekho ochio. PROVERB: Musirima owimwenyeresa, esiteeche kekhweekhweenusa.Whoever smiles at you in darkness is the one who secretly laughs loudly at you during the day.

1551.    okhukhweekhweesa [oxuxʷe:xʷe:sa] verb - to drag along the ground while atop another carrier. Masika ali okhukhweekhweesa amatumwa khu'mukhwekhwesero.

1552.    okhukhweekhweesula [oxuxʷe:xʷe:sula] verb - to pull s.t off the top of another. Wandawa keenya okhukhweekhweesula esiaki sichule khu’mukhwesero.

1553.    okhukhweesa [oxuxʷe:sa] verb - to pull, drag along, support. Namutendi alekhe okhukhweesa omukoye.

1554.    okhukhweeya [oxuxʷe:ja] verb - to wipe with cloth; mob. Okana ali okhukhweeya enju.

1555.    okhukhweeyuula [oxuxʷe:ju:la] verb - to clear by wiping off the top soil. (see; v. okhukhweyula). Namachemo ali okhukhweeyuula omukuchu esialo nasio ni sichaka okhukhweeyula emikunda.

1556.    okhukiba [oxukiβa] verb - to hit with a fist by stretching over, punch. Mauko alekhe okhukiba abasie ebifusi.

1557.    okhukikha [oxukixa] verb - to force somebody to accept a mistake done by another. Lekha okhukikha omusango khu’wasio. PROVERB: Omuinda kwicha engokho, bakikha oyifunikhirekho. The one who covered a chicken in a bucket is at times the one blamed even when it is the bucket that killed the chicken. At times people are blamed for mistakes which are not theirs.

1558.    okhukilokha [oxukiloxa] verb - to bewitch to avenge a death. Wecha owasio bali okhukilokha wesi ofwe.

1559.    okhukimba [oxukiba] verb - to make it rain by charms from rainmaker. Wambani ali okhukimba efula. PROVERB: Bakimbira Wana-wule; Wana-mboka kawoneraho. The rainmaker brought rain to save his millet; but the weeds also benefited.

1560.    okhukina [oxukina] verb - to shave a sharply defined edge of hair on the head's hairline, shave the groin area. Lukhafwa ali okhukina Mwangala.

1561.    okhukinga [oxukiᵑɡa] verb - to carry. Wakhisi ali okhukinga eng'unda. PROVERB: Esyomunda nche esikinganga esiokhumuchwe. It is that which goes into the stomach that helps to provide energy carry that which you put on the head. It emphasizes the value of food during work

1562.    okhukinguula [oxukiᵑɡu:la] verb - to hold up, lift up, raise, glorify. Aneriko ali okhukingula olulama.

1563.    okhukinia [oxukinja] verb  1. to pride in, 2. to egg on; instigate, urge. Misiko alekhe okhukinia Maulo.

1564.    okhukira [oxukira] verb - to cause, be the reason for. Sifuna ali okhukira kukawo alire.PROVERB: Enyende ndala; yakira oluoba lwaola. Only one maggot made the mushroom to rot.

1565.    okhukiria [kirja] verb - to trap birds using a trap called olukiri. Kong'ani ali okhukiria enyuni.

1566.    okhukisa [oxukisa] verb - to hide. Namalero alekhe okhukisa amachemwa. PROVERB: Ameno ka engiri khaba sikakisikha.. You can never hide a warthog's teeth.

1567.    okhukisula [oxukisula] verb - to tear off a piece of meat using beak or teeth. Kisule kuli okhukisula enyama.

1568.    okhukisulula [oxukosulula] ; [oxukisulla] verb - to reveal, bring to light s.t that was hidden. Omwana ali okhukisulula eloko.

1569.    okhukitula [oxukutula] verb - to snap a rope or string. Nje anu oli okhukitula omukoye.

1570.    okhukoba [oxukoβa] verb - to wish, assume in order to gain, not to put in mind. (see; v. okhukooba). Wechuli ali okhukoba anyole owusie naye Nanjala ali okhukooba abakeni. PROVERB: Ekhabi ay'akhaliba akhendo; siyikoba olukondo. Fate of the blessed good one, never lies in beauty.

1571.    okhukobaangobana [oxukoβa:ᵑɡoβana] verb - to one item that complements another becoming less than the expected. Eliani liri okhukobangobana.

1572.    okhukobaangobia [oxukoβa:ᵑɡoβja] verb - to complement one meal with the other. Echai yiri okhukobangobia amapwoni.

1573.    okhukobia [oxukoβja] verb – 1. to be deceptive and insidious in actions. 2. to bluff, make somebody believe you will do s.t yet you do not intent to do it. Ese sindia tawe; endi okhukobia wusa.

1574.    okhukocha [oxukoʧa] verb - to be lost. Ang'ara ali okhukocha. PROVERB: Oli nende omunwa, siakocha tawe. If you have a mouth that can talk; you shouldn't get lost

1575.    okhukochiokha [oxukoʧjoxa] verb - to go out of sight by becoming small and disappearing. Eng’eniesi yo’mukhira yiri okhukochiokha.

1576.    okhukochwa [oxukoʧʷa] verb - to be bewildered, be innocent, be ignorant, not know. Khuno khufwana okhukochwa nikhwo. PROVERB: Amachi kakochwa omwoyo mubi. Bath water in a river does not know how to stop whoever wants to shower.

1577.    okhukofula [oxukofula] verb - to get old, grow old, age, become worn out and be of little use (not a venerable state of old age). Oli okhukofula owubi. PROVERB: Ekhutu ekofu liolera ekhuyi etocho lichi koo, 'Lungenda kalaa singolanga enyuma ta.' An old tortoise told young bird that even if it walks slowly, it does not walk going backward the way that bird does during migrations. That focus and being economical are the most important thing in all that we do. The bird wastes a lot of energy moving in cycles

1578.    okhukoka [oxukoka] verb - to knock down, knock aside, throw down in wrestling, move aside, cock a gun. Mwani ali okhukoka omurundu kukhu naye nikooka enyungu.

1579.    okhukokakhala [oxukokaxala] verb - to refuse to move aside. Lekha okhukokakhala khu'ngira.

1580.    okhukokha [oxukoxa] verb - to gather waste, collect everything including that which is not neccersary. Mang’eni ali okhukokha amakokha.

1581.    okhukokhoola [oxukoxo:la] verb - to scoop the last of the water from a pot. Ali okhukokhoola amachi.

1582.    okhukokoma [oxukokoma] ; [oxukkoma] verb - to ferry; carry things on a boat or ship. Emeli ili okhukokoma ebikokoma biosi.

1583.    okhukokomakhana [oxukokomaxana] ; [oxukkomaxana] verb - to carry lots of odds and ends of things, in the arms, and even tied on. Khanu okokomokhana ni ochia hena?

1584.    okhukokotya [oxukokotja] ; [oxukkotja] verb - to crumble up into bad shape. Lekha okhukokotya ebisahani.

1585.    okhukolaakola [oxukola:kola] verb - to buoy in air, water surface. Onyala okhukolaakola wusa nga esisieno?

1586.    okhukolokotia [oxukolokotja] verb - to scribble. Lekha okhukolokotia ammandiko.

1587.    okhukolola [oxukolola] ; [oxukolla/verb - to straighten, stretch out, also used figuratively, of straightening out tangled affairs. Oli okhukolola amakumba.

1588.    okhukolomosia [oxukolomosja] verb - to finish the last bit of the food from a plate. Nasio ali okhukolomosia owusuma wubaye khu’siteru.

1589.    okhukoloobia [kolo:βja] - complete the day well. Oli okhukoloobia olutalo.

1590.    okhukoloongola [oxukolo:ᵑɡola] verb - to collect everything that belonged to you and another then move out of a place. Omukhasi ali okhukoloongola evinju mu'nyumba awewo.

1591.    okhukoloongoma [oxukolo:ᵑɡoma] verb - to roll downhill in an irregular way. Ekina liri okhukoloongoma likhupe enju.

1592.    okhukoma [oxukoma] verb  1. to be jubilant and run around during a funeral ceremony. Kuka achia okhukoma ewa senge. 2. To go away with. PROVERB: Esilia embwa; sikoma nende esikhuli. Whatever eats the dog is said to go away with the jingles. Whoever is determined to take what does not belong to him ensures he leaves no evidence. Also, whoever takes what is part of the other, takes the parts too. If you marry a lady who has a baby, be ready to take the baby too.

1593.    okhukomangoma [oxukoma:ᵑɡoma] verb - to roll over and over in a regular mann. Omulinga kwenya okhukomaangoma?

1594.    okhukomerera [oxukomerera] ; [oxukomerra] verb - to bootlick, vouch for; hover around somebody, ride a small bicycle with back bend. Lekha okhukomerera omwami.

1595.    okhukomola [oxukomola] verb - to make wedged. Oli okhukomola esichangi.

1596.    okhukomukha [oxukomuxa] verb - to turn back; make a U-turn. Oli okhukomukha ni wola aho.

1597.    okhukona [oxukona] verb -  1. to remain fallow; remain unanswered, uncultivated; uncultured, stupid. Lima endalo yilekhe okhukona. 2. play sex with, 3. die 4. miss to rain 5. lie 6. to sleep, spend a night at a place. PROVERB: Omwoyo mulayi; kwakonia engwe khumukuchu. Good heart made one to allow a leopard to sleep next to the house. Never trust an enemy near you even if you have a good heart.

1598.    okhukonera [oxukonera] verb  1. to fail to happen, to miss, miss to get circumcised during the rightful time, leave land fallow. 2. to take side during an arbitration process. Omuyali ali okhukonera omukhaye wuwe. 3. to sit (of a hen or bird sitting on eggs), to lie over a given item. PROVERB: Okona khu esero asi, ochakonera amakesi. It is better you die the body than to die the brain

1599.    okhukonesa [oxukonesa] verb - to be irregular in attendance. Efula yiri okhukonesa okhukwa nyinga yino.

1600.    okhukong'a [oxukoŋa] verb  1. to move the head lower between your shoulders or forward towards chest when a sleep or in thoughts, 2. hit with a club. Lekha okhukong'a omuchwe ano.

1601.    okhukongona [oxukoᵑɡona] verb - to carry everything from the house to another place. Omukhasi ali okhukongona.

1602.    okhukongooma [oxukoᵑɡo:ma] verb - to walk with a bend back. Wangoya achaakire okhukongoma.

1603.    okhukonjia [oxukoⁿdʒja] verb - to challenge to go the wrong direction in a game. Lero niba anyala okhukonjia abasie mu'sikuri.

1604.    okhukonjoola [oxukoⁿdʒo:la] verb - to comb hair straight. Mama achiye okhukonjoola efwiri.

1605.    okhukonyola [oxukoɲola] verb - to twist. Lekha okhukonyola omukhono.

1606.    okhukooba [oxuko:βa] verb - to escort a person up to the end of a journey by offering means of movement. Wasike ali okhukooba omukeni nende endika. PROVERB: Ochakhwenyera amalayi; kekobera owicha okhukhwibanjira. Whoever dislikes you will escort your creditor to your home.

1607.    okhukoola [oxuko:la] verb - to return, come back, go back. Oli okhukoola muchuli? PROVERB: Walunabe kakoola; kalia owamwiwula. The small red ant reached a point and ate its mother. At times a person can turn against whoever taught him the skills of living.

1608.    okhukoolera [oxuko:lera] verb - to repeat, go over again. Oli okhukoolera okhukhupa ekokhe. 2. to support one person. (see; v. okhukolera). Lekha okhukolera olwa khatachu okhukoolera abaebi.

1609.    okhukoonga [oxuko:ᵑɡa] verb - to produce seminal fluid; proudly bend neck in excitement. Lekha okhukoonga ekosi.

1610.    okhukoongoba [oxuko:ᵑɡoβa] verb - to ashamed. Oli okhukoongoba nibakhuwolera akawakholire.

1611.    okhukoongolia [oxuko:ᵑɡolja] verb - to roll into a ball as a way of protection done by millipede. Ekongolio lienya okhuekongolia.

1612.    okhukoongomia [oxuko:ᵑɡomja] verb - to win over without a duel due to absence of the opponent. Owefwe ali okhukongomia omubayi wawe.

1613.    okhukoonya [oxuko:ɲa] verb  1. to examine, inspect, look critically, 2. to check if the food is ready by tasting. 3. to visit to check on other people. Sokoro ali okhukoonya kukhu. Proverb: Omwana ochakenda okhukoonya, achi okhulunga ng’ina nche owamanya. A child who never visits others will always say its mother the best cook.

1614.    okhukoonyerera [oxuko:ɲerera] ; [oxuko:ɲerra] verb - to taste to see if it is ready, check to see if it is ready. Lekha okhukoonyerera eliani.

1615.    okhukoosa [oxuko:sa] verb  1. to give back, return s.t, give back profit, bring back, answer, 2. inherit as wife by a relation of one’s husband. Oli okhukoosa etaywa yange? PROVERB: Esititi sikoosanga esikali. A small thing can cause a big effect.

1616.    okhukoosia [oxuko:sja] verb - to be kind to, honour, give respect to, be gracious towards, be fond of, favor, show love, pet. Lekha okhukoosia abachali abakoosi. PROVERB: Okubi kwosi, kuli n'omukoosi. Even the bad one has one who owns it.

1617.    okhukootiola [oxuko:tjola] verb - to swallow loudly. Oli okhukootiola amalesi.

1618.    okhukooya [oxuko:ja] verb - to woo by cooing (in birds). Amawusi nende eninga kalikho kachaakire okhukooya.

1619.    okhukopia [oxukopja] verb - to lend. Biketi ali okhukopya Sembe eng'ombe.

1620.    okhukopola [oxukopola] verb - to drink quickly, gulp down. Okaba ali okhukopola amalwa. PROVERB: Omunwa mulala, (Okhukopola) kukhira omulusi. Being given just a mouthful of something is better than being denied until you whistle in despair.

1621.    okhukorosia [oxukorosja] verb - to plait lines down the head; knit. Lekha okhukorosia efwiri.

1622.    okhukosa [oxukosa] verb - to make a mistake, err. (see; v. okhukoosa). Khatambi ali okhukosa amakoso kandi nasiri okhukoosa owusie wefwe ewefwe.

1623.    okhukosaniya [oxukosanjia] verb - to ignore; pay no attention; pretend you have not seen. Khasandi ali okhukosaniya wusa ebiche awefwe.

1624.    okhukosia [oxukosja] verb - to cause to be lost, i.e., lose, e.g., financially (as in trade), deceive, lead astray, lose. Oli okhukosia ewuli.

1625.    okhukotia [oxukotja] verb - to divert, bend, to make crooked, lead astray. Shemu ali okhukotia olwakho.

1626.    okhukotiisa [oxuko:tisa] verb - to lease or hire. Walunywa ali okhukotiisa omukunda.

1627.    okhukotiola [oxukotjo:la] verb  1. to tie ring at leg angle to hold back a person, hit just above the heal, 2. kill by pushing throat bone. Lekhanga okhukotiola abanju ne ochaka okhukotiola owusuma.

1628.    okhukotiombola [oxukotjobola] verb - to strangle by turning neck; make to have many bends. Yohana ali okhukotyombola ekheti.

1629.    okhukotokha [oxukotoxa] verb - to make a turn by leaving the main route, go round bend. Oli okhukotokha ni wola aho

1630.    okhukoya [oxukoja] verb - to brew beer. (see; v. okhukooya). Kerementina keenya okhukoya amalwa amawusi nikachaka okhukooya.

1631.    okhukoyaakoyia [oxukoja:kojia] verb - to change the subject, evade a topic of conversation, divert attention. Lekha okhukoyaakoyia embakha.

1632.    okhukoyiana [oxukojiana] verb - to dawdle over work, fail to hit the nail on the head, mess about, confuse. Lekha okhukoyana ano.

1633.    okhukoyola [oxukojola] verb - to perform an operation to remove a baby from the womb. Mama ali okhukoyola omwana.

1634.    okhukuba [oxukuβa] verb - to blow a fire using bellows, to breath heavily due to sickness. Oyemba ali okhukuba omukuba.

1635.    okhukubanguba [oxukuβa:ᵑɡuβa] verb - to walk hurriedly when angry. Aonda keenya okhukubanguba ni achia hena? PROVERB: Namunyu (Namunguba) kikubangubanira mu’sike. Other non eatable insects come together with locusts. Bad thing come mixed together with good ones.

1636.    okhukuchikha [oxukuʧixa] verb - to become worthless in being put to use, to meet an unexpected death. Omukunda kuno kuli okhukuchikha ni ochakamo emipawu. PROVERB: Endia yakuchisia esuna. It is the urge to eat that caused the unexpected death of a mosquito.

1637.    okhukuchuumbula [oxukuʧu:bula] verb - to shake liquid in a vessel. Lekha okhukuchuumbula amalesi.

1638.    okhukuha [oxukuha] verb - to send away flie from landing on s.t. Oli okhukuha esi khu’mulambo.

1639.    okhukukha [oxukuxa] verb - to dig up ground using horns as a sign of fierceness. Ewunwa yenya okhukukha khu’siiri.

1640.    okhukukhula [oxukuxula] verb - to dig up top ground using rake, gather together with a long forked stick, like a pitchfork, dig up soil using horn. (see; v. okhukuukhuula, kuukhula, kukhuula) Omusiere achanikhire okhukuukhula mu'bise, amatumwa nako kachanikhire okhukuukhuula olukukhu, eng'ombe nayo yichanikhire okhukukhula eloba nende enjika ne nakwo omusaala endi okhukukhuula.

1641.    okhukukuma [oxukukuma] ; [oxukkuma] verb - to thunder. Efula yiri okhukukuma ni osiri okhusena omuse.

1642.    okhukukuna [oxukukuna] ; [oxukkuna] verb - to gnaw. Embeba yeenya okhukukuna esawuni?

1643.    okhukukuula [oxukuku:la] ; [oxukku:la] verb - to scream, shout for help. (see; v. okhukula <kuku->)Omusala okwo abaye keenya okhukukula esiringi endiiti nevachaka okhukukuula likali.

1644.    okhukukuulikha [oxukuku:lixa] ; [oxukku:lixa] verb - to move carrying a lot of luggage. (see; v. okhukukulikha). Okwana babaye benya okhukukulikha elicha ne bachaaka okhukukuulikha.

1645.    okhukula [oxukula] verb - to buy. (see; v. okhukuula). Niwakhamala okhukuula enju, oli okhukula eng'ombe yindi. PROVERB: Omumanani n'akusia; sianyola owukula; ne naye ni'akula sianyola omukusia. When the poor sells, his price is made law; when he bys, the seller makes the price high. <ana>

1646.    okhukulaana [oxukula:na] verb - to exchange, barter. Balongo ali okhukulaana eng'ombe nende Wetumbire.

1647.    okhukulana [oxukulana] verb - to hit each other with the head the way the sheep does during a fight. Amamiiku kali okhukulana ebikuli.

1648.    okhukuliilira [oxukuli:lira] verb - to bribe. (see; v. okhulira <okhuku->…<-ra>). Okwana kuno ese enchia okhukulilira ne abandi bakuwukule nabo abandi becha okhukuliilira nende esende?

1649.    okhukulikha [oxukulixa] verb - to name. Nenya okhukulikha omwana enchi Mulongo.

1650.    okhukulukha [oxukuluxa] verb - to fly upwards from ground one by one like white ants. (see; v. okhulukha <okhuku->). Enyuni olu chiri okhukulukha, okuwuli okwo endi okhukulukha nende esaala. PROVERB: Esiswa esiokhungira; sikulusia ne bewoochera. An ant hill near the path has its ants eaten by anybody even at start of coming out.<-sia>

1651.    okhukulumukha [oxukulumuxa] verb - to flop in an exam or task. Omwana ali okhukulumukha mu'kera.

1652.    okhukuluuma [oxuku:luma] verb - to be mean. Oyo ali okhukuluma khu’bibye. 

1653.    okhukuluungusa [oxukulu:ᵑɡusa] verb - to quickly cook some small amount of ugali. Nambengere ali okhukuluungusa owusuma.

1654.    okhukuma [oxukuma] verb - to be encouraged, be unwavering, be confident. Omwoyo kwenya okhukuma ne emukhupa. <-ia>

1655.    okhukumbaala [oxukumba:la] verb – to be foolish, be illiterate. Wolera abasacha balekhe okhukumbaala. PROVERB: Okhukumbaala khwakira amekhaliro kakawukhana. Illiteracy made two friends who depend on each other for survival to part ways. Even if there is noise and friction between them, they will be buried together.

1656.    okhukumbaasa [oxukuba:sa] verb - to make look foolish, make one do unproductive thing. Lekha okhukumbaasa abaana.

1657.    okhukumbahala [oxukubahala] verb - to become barren, of a woman and of the soil. Lekha okhukumbahala.

1658.    okhukumula [oxukumula] verb - to remove a soft part from the main potato or yam or solid. (see; v. okhukuumula). Eng'ombe ya kumo yenya okhukuumula omwana ne nawe osingasiye okhukumula epwoni.

1659.    okhukumulukha [oxukumuluxa] verb - to be fertile; be less watery. Nanyama kanjire okhukumulukha.

1660.    okhukumunya [oxukumuɲa] verb - to make odd; circumcise diring odd year. Otuma ali okhukumunya omwana mulwaye oyo.

1661.    okhukunja [oxukuⁿdʒa] verb -1. to relax after grazing enough. 2. to fold. (see; v. okhukuunja). Eng’ombe chichakire okhukuunja ne nawe wenya okhukunja omusaruti.

1662.    okhukunjulula [oxukuⁿdʒulula] ; [oxukuⁿdʒulla] verb - to unfold. Wenya okhukunjulula olubaala?

1663.    okhukunya [oxukuɲa] verb - to pave small space to pass. (see; v. okhukuunya). Senge keenya okhukuunya ne achaka okhukunya engira yicha engo. PROVERB: Nusukuna esiwunya; esi chiosi chiekunya. Throw away the smelly item and flies will go away.

1664.    okhukunyula [oxukuɲula] verb - to raise cloth to expose inner clothing, strip. (see; v. okhunyula <okhuku->). Okukhana oku endi okhukunyula ebiwoko ni kuchanikha okhukunyula enguo mubanju.

1665.    okhukuraacha [oxukura:ʧa] verb - to comb. Lekha okhukuraacha efwiri ni otekha.

1666.    okhukuruuba [oxukuru:ʧa] verb - to cut grooves in s.t; engrave with decorations. Juliasi achiye okhukurauba embawu eLutaso.

1667.    okhukusa [oxukusa] verb - to betray; help enemy, reveal against expectations, go against promise. (see; v. okhukusa). Makheti ono ali okhukusa abasie achi benyirenge okhukusa eito lia Nanjakululu. 2. to pull on fishing string, jerk, 3. flower as usef for millet and sorghum. 4. to sell. Lekha okhukusa amawuyu kange. PROVERB: Akhatwasi bakhakusira omwima. A heifer is sold during huggling because of its (bad) behaviour

1668.    okhukusula [oxukusula] verb - to pull apart by use of fingers from the main one.

1669.    okhukusulula [oxukusulula] ; [oxukusulla] verb - to return from where it was sold. Lero oli okhukusulula embusi eyi okhusise.

1670.    okhukuta [oxukuta] verb - to blame; acuse, mention or supect a person in wrong doing; slander. Lekha okhukuuta abasio ne’simbo nende okhukuta abalina na’makhuuwa.

1671.    okhukutaakuta [oxukuta:kuta] verb - to walk with regular steps of equal length; march. Wenya okhukutakuta esikhupo khu'mukhaana oli okhukutaakuta ni awaho?

1672.    okhukutia [oxukutja] verb - to start flowering (maize, sugarcane. Amatumwa kachakire okhukutia.

1673.    okhukutira [oxukutira] verb - to start saying but fail to give full information because of some secrecy involved. (see; v. okhutira <okhu->). Abasikari ni basiri okhukutiira okwibi okwo, oli okhukutira amakhuwa malala.

1674.    okhukutwaala [oxukutʷa:la] verb - to be short. Oli okhukutwaala ni weema ninaye. PROVERB: Omukutu siakeraka enungo? Does it mean a short person cannot advise on the right height of a firewood store?

1675.    okhukuukhula [oxuku:xula] verb - to get old (woman), become a grandmother. (see; v. okhukukhula, kukhuula, kukhuula). Omusiere achanikhire okhukuukhula mu'bise, amatumwa nako kachanikhire okhukuukhuula olukukhu, eng'ombe nayo yichanikhire okhukukhula eloba nende enjika ne nakwo omusaala endi okhukukhuula.

1676.    okhukuukhuula [oxuku:xu:la] verb - to get mouldy. (see; v. okhukukhula, kuukhula, kukhuula). Omusiere achanikhire okhukuukhula mu'bise, amatumwa nako kachanikhire okhukuukhuula olukukhu, eng'ombe nayo yichanikhire okhukukhula eloba nende enjika ne nakwo omusaala endi okhukukhuula.

1677.    okhukuula [oxuku:la] verb - to truss a roof. Aonda alikho akuula enchu ya Wanimo.

1678.    okhukuululula [oxuku:lulula] ; [oxuku:lulla] verb - to unroof. Lekha okhukuululula enju.

1679.    okhukuumula [oxuku:mula] verb - to attempt to hit or fight using a hornless head. (see; v. okhukumula). Eng'ombe ya kumo yenya okhukuumula omwana ne nawe osingasiye okhukumula epwoni.

1680.    okhukuunama [oxuku:nama] verb - to stop walking and fall back on ones buttocks, fall over. Omwana ali okhukuunama.

1681.    okhukuungukha [oxuku:ᵑɡuxa] verb - to move by jumping on one foot; hop. Nje anu owamanya okhukuungukha?

1682.    okhukuungumia [oxuku:ᵑɡumja] verb - to make a stop in walking or in making any move. Tamata ali okhukungumia eng'ombe.

1683.    okhukuunguna [oxuku:ᵑɡuna] verb - to walk bending down so as to pass under an obstacle. Lekha okhukunguna ano.

1684.    okhukuuniukha [oxuku:njuxa] verb - to walk and fall over after slight contact, overturn. Ono keenya okhukuuniukha.

1685.    okhukuunja [oxuku:ⁿdʒa] verb - to sleePROVERB:rest (animals) as they chew the cud. Eng’ombe chiri okhukuunja. PROVERB: Eyikuunja ne yekamuuye, yiba yiliiye. It relaxes and regurgitates what it has eaten.

1686.    okhukuunjulula [ku:ⁿdʒulula] ; [oxuku:ⁿdʒulla] verb - to stop resting and start grazing again. Eng’ombe chichakire okhukuunjulula.

1687.    okhukuunukha [oxuku:nuxa] verb - to pple over by top, fall legs up suddenly as you doze and fall off the chair, etc., fall from tiredness. Oli okhukunukha.

1688.    okhukuunya [oxuku:ɲa] verb - to walk quickly with a lot of energy. (see; v. okhukunya). Njanu owakhachaka okhukuunya engenda ni achia okhukunya engira mulusambu?

1689.    okhukuuta [oxuku:ta] verb - to hit a hard surface. Lekha okhukuuta khuita.

1690.    okhukuutana [oxuku:tana] verb - to go to meet. (see; v. okhukuta <-na>). Khulekhe okhukutana esikira khuli okhukuutana engolobe.

1691.    okhukuutia [oxuku:tja] verb – 1. to take a mouthful of water. 2. to produce tip of flowers in millet, or maize. Amatumwa kachaakire okhukuutia osimbo.

1692.    okhukuutula [oxuku:tula] verb - to bewitch by ensuring one does not become successful in marriage life. Omukhano oyu bali okhuchaaka okhumukuutula.

1693.    okhukuwa [oxukuwa] verb - to twich muscle or use part of the body to chase away small insects that may perch on the skin surface. PROVERB: Owa oluyoka ochamukuwa; awuma olukhuwa. A noisy is never beaten for the person is harmless

1694.    okhukuwula [oxukuwula] verb - to hit the surface of the other by blunt object. Okusaacha oku kulikho kuwuula esiri kuchi ekondi liri okhukuwula Nandi esikuli.

1695.    okhukuya [oxukuja] verb - to fan, wave to send away flies; remove cut chaff from farm or simsim, knock a person by using a fist. Okuya oku kulikho kuya nikuwoola kuchi kuboka keenya okhukuya esi.

1696.    okhukwa [oxukʷa:'] verb – 1. to be unsuccessful; 2. fall, collapse, befall, settle, 3. to become, change into, 4. to set (the sun), calm down, 5. to become less erect, stop functioning or growing. Ono ali okhukwaa ekera. PROVERB: Makesi kandi, kakwa mukandi. A clever person may also find another clever person.

1697.    okhukwaakwaalikha [oxukʷakʷalixa] verb - to laugh cachinnatingly. Lekha okhukwakwalikha hano.

1698.    okhukwaalaala [oxukʷa:la:la] verb - to be clear of dirt after settling. Amachi keenya okhukwaalaala.

1699.    okhukwaalaasa [oxukʷa:la:sa] verb - to iron, makes smooth surfaced. Oli okhukwaalaasa enguwo chichio.

1700.    okhukwaalala [oxukʷa:lala] ; [oxukʷa:lla] verb - to be level and smooth; become clear, remove bitterness from heart. Owulime wuli okhukwaalala.

1701.    okhukwaama [oxukʷa:ma] verb - to stick, fail to move out of mud, remain in a problem. Ewe, oli okhukwaama mu'matosi. PROVERB: Eyibakhama; nje eyikwama. The one that is milk is the main one that is befallen by calamity

1702.    okhukwaana [oxukʷa:na] verb - to be of similar trait, be befitting, be apt, suit, deserve, co-exist peacefully. Bano banyala okhukwaana nende Ruth wefwe. PROVERB: Esimba yikona abakwane. Only those who understand each other and share a lot of traits can live under the same cottage.

1703.    okhukwaanikha [oxukʷa:nixa] verb - to be apt, befitting. Ofwana niwe oli okhukwaanikha okhuba omukeni wa oluyali.

1704.    okhukwaanikhira [oxukʷa:nixira] verb - to be appropriate, be suitable for. Ewe oli okhukwaanikhira okhuba omusikari.

1705.    okhukwaaruusa [oxukʷa:ru:sa] verb - to comb shirt hair. Olekhire okhukwaaruusa omuchwe.

1706.    okhukwaasa [oxukʷa:sa] verb - to suppose. Oyo akwaasa okhukhupwa.

1707.    okhukwaatula [oxukʷa:tula] verb - to partake, take your share. (see; v. okhukwatula). Oli okhukwaatula amatumwa khu'sikwata ne nawe oli okhukwatula ebimba lya omulwaaye.

1708.    okhukwakwaalikhana [oxukʷakʷa:lixana] verb - to embark on doing s.t without thinking. Kuka akwaakwaalikhana ni akenda ni achia hena?

1709.    okhukwakwaatia [oxukʷakʷa:tja] verb - to put through funnel. Nduma ali okhukwakwaatia amachi.

1710.    okhukwangalikha [oxukʷaᵑɡʷalixa] verb - to rush to do s.t without thinking. Lekha okhukwangalikha nende amakhuwa.

1711.    okhukwangwasana [oxukʷaᵑɡʷasana] verb - to be in agreement, reach a consensus. Khuli okhukwangwasana.

1712.    okhukwangwasulula [oxukʷaᵑɡʷasulula] ; [oxukʷaᵑɡʷasulla] verb - to cause breach an agreement. Lekha okhukwangwasula endakano.

1713.    okhukwatula [oxukʷatula] verb - to prick with a pin. (see; v. okhukwaatula). Oli okhukwaatula amatumwa khu'sikwata ne nawe oli okhukwatula ebimba lya omulwaaye.

1714.    okhukweekweera [oxukʷe:kʷe:ra] verb - to cackle, to cry out of fear upon seeing its enemy (chiken).. Engokho yiri okhukweekweera.

1715.    okhukweekweerukha [oxukʷe:kʷe:ruxa] verb - to laugh in cackling way. Lekha okhukweekweerukha hano.

1716.    okhukweenya [oxukʷe:ɲa] verb - to move things aside to pave way. Kuka ali okhukweenya amatosi.

1717.    okhukweera [oxu-] ; [oxukʷe:ra] verb – to beat somebody with a knockberry. PROVERB: Owekana emiero; kocha esikwero (esimbo). Whoever says he will not fight any more burns the fighting club-stick.

1718.    okhukwiisa [oxukʷi:sa] verb - to make fall; let somebody down. Lekha okhukwiisa Kuka.

1719.    okhukwiisira [oxukʷi:sira] verb  1. to complete making a statement. 2. to walk while limping. PROVERB: Wuli enani nende okhukwisira khwalyo. Every hyena has got its own limping-style dance. No two bad fellows have same behavour. 3. to have white ants falling in trap hole. PROVERB: Esita esi sikheenyi sirimo, sikwisirangamo. Wealth goes into families that have one who knows how to destroy it.

1720.    okhukwira [oxukʷira] verb - to come across unexpectedly, get by good luck. Ni onyala okhukwira enyama okule.

1721.    okhulaala [oxula.álá] verb - to act in ignorance; become thoroughly evil, change one's nature from good to bad. (see; v. okhulala). Ebiakhuia khu'mayika bienya okhulala ne abakhaaye abasiima okhulala emiima bachaaka okhulaala muwuungi .

1722.    okhulaala [oxulá:lá] verb - to crowd together, be in abundance; be plentiful. Ebiakhuia khu'mayika bienya okhulala ne abakhaaye abasiima okhulala emiima bachaaka okhulaala muwuungi.

1723.    okhulaalukha [oxula:lúkhá] verb - to rufuse home and stay at neighbour's. (see; v. okhulalukha). Kubi, ni ochanikha okhulaalukha omenye ewabene ochio, oba weenya okhulalukha.

1724.    okhulaama [oxula:ma] verb - to curse, beseech, beg, pray to, wish evil on another, wish well. Kuka Sikwayini ali okhulaama ne abaana bachaaka okhulama.

1725.    okhulaasa [oxula:sa] verb - to be immodest, lead into evil ways, spoil the character of, accuse of evil habits, lust after s.t, desire (sexually) in an eager defaming manner, take for granted. (see; v. okhulasa). Lekha okhulaasa abanju nende okhulasa amakina abo abeenya okhulasa ebyohulia.

1726.    okhulaba [oxulaβa] verb  1. to ripen, to have mature fruits, become yellow. 2. be white, brown, clear, be clean; PROVERB: Mayi wowasio siakhwoka; walaba wanoka. Another person's mother may not was you clean . 4. grow to full (boil). 4. to be a full moon, full of light. Omwesi kwenya okhulaba. Proverb: Esili haulafu, siosi bakhosa nende emuli? You do not need any other form of light to see what is being seen in broad daylight. 5. to be ready for retrned benefits. <-ikha>, <-ia>

1727.    okhulacha [oxulaʧa] verb - to back kick; strike with foot, raise leg high, kick a bal, recoil, kickback of a gun, inertiall. Esukhiri yiri okhulacha omukhami olubasi. PROVERB: Amakulu kalacha; khonuwo emikhono kiesungwacha. The hands swing when the legs make a move.

1728.    okhulachira [oxulaʧira] verb - to fix handle; fix the joints. Kuka ali okhulachira embaachi.

1729.    okhulachula [oxulaʧula] verb - to unfix handle; remove the handle of a tool, make s.t go off from joint. Wenya okhulachula embaachi.

1730.    okhulaha [oxulaha] verb - to praise, call out the name in praise. Lekha okhulaha ab'ebi. PROVERB: Esiatima siong'ene sielaha esiembiro. Whoever ran alone thought was the fastest runner.

1731.    okhulaka [oxulaka] verb - to promise. Lekha okhulaka omwana engokho.

1732.    okhulakakha [oxulakaxa] verb - to drop from up. Esende echi chiri okhulakakha. PROVERB: Aha silakhakha; nje ha basitakha. Where it falls is where they search for it.

1733.    okhulakala [oxulakala] verb - to drop from storage container and get lost. Esende echi chiri okhulakala. PROVERB: Esyomwimani muhalala, silakala watoola? A miser is always keen with his resources.

1734.    okhulakasana [oxulakasana] verb - to give an account of s.t before you are asked for the same. Upande alekhe okhuilakasana hano.

1735.    okhulakha [oxulaxa] verb - to stink. Eng'unda eyo yiri okhuchaka okhulakha. PROVERB: Namukha kulakha nikuchafwa, ne naina kwafwa? If an insect smells badly before its death, what smell will waft off if it dies? If something is proving to be bad when it is supposed to be good, what if its natural time comes for it to be bad

1736.    okhulakiirisa [oxulaki:risa] verb - to promise several times. Njanu oli okhulakiirisa abakeni?

1737.    okhulakula [oxulakula] verb – 1. to crow, 2. To predict, prophesy, foretell. Etaywa yichakire okhulakula. PROVERB: Engokho luyichalakula yakholiokha; esialo ekhuola siamuukha. Even if the cock does not crow, morning will still come.

1738.    okhulakuulula [oxulaku:lula] verb - to search for hiden information via divination, search on the internet; view web page, google. Oli okhulakuulula amkhuwa.

1739.    okhulala [lala] verb –  1. to get scorched, be roasted badly, get burned during cooking due to no water, 2. to get no returns after investment. (see; v. okhulaala). Ebiakhuia khu'mayika bienya okhulala ne abakhaaye abasiima okhulala emiima bachaaka okhulaala muwuungi

1740.    okhulalukha [oxulálúxá] verb - to go mad, become insane, turn mentally ill, become furiously angry. (see; v. okhulaalukha). Kubi, ni ochanikha okhulaalukha omenye ewabene ochio, oba weenya okhulalukha. PROVERB: Eng'ombe niyiri endalu oyiwonakho emikhala. A cattle that gores others never lacks gores on its skin.

1741.    okhulama [oxulama] verb - to remain alive. (see; v. okhulaama, lama). Kuka Sikwayini ali okhulaama ne abaana bachaaka okhulama. PROVERB: Omuchiatikha nche muchilama. In a potter's kiln, we get pots that break and those that withstand the fire. A family produces a mixture of successful and unsuccessful children

1742.    okhulama [oxulama] verb - to roof a granary or a toilet. Kuka ali okhulaama abeenya okhulama esiaki.

1743.    okhulambaala [oxulaba:la] verb - to lie on back along the ground. Lekha okhulambaala ano. Proberb: Bakhubalira amalia- mbo, bachakhubalira emilambo. Better they say you have divorced many times than say you have killed many husbands.

1744.    okhulambiira [oxulabi:ra] verb - to lie still on stomach along the ground. Lekha okhulambiira ano.

1745.    okhulambisa [oxulabisa] verb - to sit with legs stretched in front. Nje anu oli okhulambisa mu'kubiri.

1746.    okhulambuula [oxulabu:la] verb - to explore land, survey, pay a visit of inspection in land, visit every part of your land. Achia okhulambuula endalo. Omwami akenda okhulambuula, nende abenyaambi. A leader exploring his territory is escorted by those to take blame if he passes wind. A leader must have supporters or those to take the blame on his behalf.

1747.    okhulamukha [oxulamuxa] verb - to resurrect, revive to life, be alive from death. Omufu ali okhulamukha?

1748.    okhulanda [oxulaⁿda] verb - to queue, creep (of a plant), spread out, throw out runners (grass, etc.) Esusa liri okhulanda.

1749.    okhulandaala [oxulaⁿda:la] verb - to follow a known path even when there is an alternative. Lekha okhulandaala wusa alehi.

1750.    okhulandia [oxulaⁿdja] verb - to broadcast, make climbers grow in given way. Oli okhulandia amakhuwa.

1751.    okhulandula [oxulaⁿdula] verb - to beat one laying on ground. Baba oli okhulandula abafulu.

1752.    okhulandulula [oxulaⁿdulula] ; [oxulaⁿdulla] verb - to uproot that which is creeping along the land or shallow soil. Oli okhulandulula emilandira.

1753.    okhulanga [oxulaᵑɡa] verb - to call, invite, mention, name. Nje anu oli okhulanga kuka? PROVERB: Akali khu sisanda; si okalangira esekhe. The brew on the calabash does not require one to call others to come with straws

1754.    okhulangana [oxulaᵑɡana] verb - to call each other; be related. Yanje okhulangana khuweho.

1755.    okhulang'ukha [oxulaŋuxa] verb - to become greedy or gluttonous. Ona achaakire okhulang'ukha?

1756.    okhulangula [oxulaᵑɡula] verb - to ignore and look away. Lekha okhulangula ni bakhuwene.

1757.    okhulasa [oxulasá] verb -  1. to fix mud into the cracks after first mudding of a house. 2. to shoot, throw, cast stones or other missiles at. (see; v. okhulasa). Lekha okhulaasa abanju nende okhulasa amakina

1758.    okhulasa [oxulásá] verb - to scorch, burn during cooking. Abo abeenya okhulasa ebyohulia.

1759.    okhulata [oxulata] - castrate a cattle, goat or sheep Wechuli ali okhulata eng'ombe.

1760.    okhulatia [oxulatja] verb - to cause to wean. Lekha okhulatia esimosi.

1761.    okhulaukha [oxulauxa] verb - to have dusty appearance. Lekha okhulaukha ano.

1762.    okhuleba [oxueβa] verb -  1. to ask that whose answer is known; 2. give a riddle, 3. spy, find information about s.t privately. Ewe lekha okhuleba abasolili.

1763.    okhulebaaleba [oxuleβa:leβa] - be wide about to fall, loose. (see; v. okhulebaleba). Ono achaakire okhulebaleba amanye esikira esikamata ni sianjire okhulebaleba khu’sirifu sia Lukeresia.

1764.    okhulebaleba [oxuleβaleβa] -  1. dart in and out of the mouth the way a snakee tongue does. 2. behave in a dodging manner, not with one stand, cheat. (see; v. okhulebaaleba). Lekha okhulebaleba abasio mbo siina enguwo chiawe ni chichaakire okhulebaaleba.

1765.    okhuleecha [oxuleʧa] verb - to bring. Fasoni ali okhuleecha emioko. PROVERB: Omusango sikweleecha, kuba nende okulecha. A felony does not come by itself; it has the cause.

1766.    okhuleeha [oxule:ha] verb - to be tall, longer. Omwana kanjire okhuleeha. PROVERB: Esili haleyi awo, sikhoya owuwo. Whatever that is at a place you cannot reach or influence requires you to have a friend you can bank on to get it.

1767.    okhuleema [oxule:ma] verb - to be insufficient, lack, fall short of, have shortage. (see; v. okhulema). Emwo ni yiri okhuleema; okule eyindi musende chiri okhulema.

1768.    okhuleengulula [oxule:ᵑɡulula] ; [oxule:ᵑɡulla] verb - to direct some liquid into an opening. Lekha okhulengulula amachi ako.

1769.    okhulefuma [oxulefuma] verb - to beat whith open palm at soft spots on body. Kuka kanchire okhulefuma Titi oluyi.

1770.    okhuleka [oxuleka] verb - to despise, dislike Lekha okhuleka Papawo. PROVERB: Nabalekwa kecha embongo (embogo). The one who was despised is the one who killed an antelope (bufallo)

1771.    okhulekeresa [oxulekeresa] verb - to dispise, underrate; look down upon, show contempt and refuse to act as instructed. Lekha okhulekeresa eliani eli. PROVERB: Akha olekeresa nche akhabayia mayiwo. You can despise a person only to find that he is the one who beds your mother upon your father's death. Never despise your uncles or your father's age mates.

1772.    okhulekeya [oxulekeja] verb - to be loosely fixed. Omuyini kwenyekha kulekhe okhulekeya.

1773.    okhulekha [oxulexá] verb  1. to leave, discard, part, leave and go, let go, allow 2. to die. 3. Neglect, fail to do, 4. to quit, end, stop,. Ewe, oli okhulekha okhwiba lina?

1774.    okhulekha [oxuléxá] verb - to produce drooling saliva. Omwana ali okhulekha okhulekha olulekhe. PROVERB: Etete nilingirira ofuka, alekha okhulekha kalisika? If a person doing the cooking is attacked by a locust, what next of not to salivate and roast it? <ana><sa> <sia><ra><rana>

1775.    okhulekhera [oxulexera] verb - to pardon. Nyasaye ali okhulekhera ab'embi.

1776.    okhulekhesa [oxulexesa] verb - to relieve off; retreanch. Bali okhulekhesa Khachonja emirimo.

1777.    okhulekhuula [oxulexu:la] verb - to free, let go, gently drop, pardon, release, let go, grow pods, have a big udder. Barasa ali okhulekhuula abebi?

1778.    okhulema [oxulema] verb - to remain. (see; v. okhuleema). Emwo ni yiri okhuleema; okule eyindi musende chiri okhulema.

1779.    okhulemala [oxulemala] verb - to be lame. Oli okhulemala okhulenge owubi. PROVERB: Endubi yo'muleme; yikhira ey'owafwa. A small bucket full of food from the disabled is better than wishing the disabled person was dead. Better one who is disabled than one who is dead.

1780.    okhulembekha [oxulebexa] verb - to be peacefull, sit peacefully. Esialo siri okhulembekha ne mukola. PROVERB: Emilembe michumwa sikimala amaofu ta. It is good to go by yourself and visit than sending a person to greet another.

1781.    okhulembula [oxulebula] verb - to be with loose hunging lips. Lekha okhulembula omunwa owubi.

1782.    okhulendaala [oxuleⁿda:la] verb - to be unconscious. Lekha okhulendaala ano.

1783.    okhulenga [oxuleᵑɡa] verb - to fill some container with liquid. Lekha okhulenga omwana amalwa

1784.    okhulengaala [oxuleᵑɡa:la] verb - to miss to rain for a day or two in rainy season; be sober once in a blue moon. Olutalo luli okhulengaala.

1785.    okhulengeerera [oxuleᵑɡe:rera] verb - to look through to see. Lekha okhulengeerera abasoka.

1786.    okhulengera [oxuleᵑɡera] verb - to look at, examine, watch closely. Oli okhulengera owulayi. PROVERB: Eyikocha siyiwulira yalengera; eyi’chindi chianira. The cattle that is on the wrong track toward getting lost does not hear the moos from the others

1787.    okhulengerana [oxuleᵑɡerana] verb - to face; to be opposite the other; look at each other. Lekha okhulengerana emoni.

1788.    okhulengeresa [oxuleᵑɡeresa] verb - to judge choir or play. Ali okhulengeresa omutiebano.

1789.    okhulengulula [oxuleᵑɡulula] ; [oxuleᵑɡulla] verb - to produce pods. Amakanda kali okhulengulula emisoka.

1790.    okhulera [oxulera] verb - to nurse a baby, take care of people as they grow to be independent in life. Nasindu ali okhulera omwana. PROVERB: Ochakhulerera; kekhupira ebikumba. Whoever refuses to touch the child may have evil eyes.

1791.    okhulereecha [oxulere:ʧa] verb - to hang loosely; support at one point at the top. Enyungu yirikho yilerecha khu’musereswa. PROVERB: Siakhaba nisilereecha, siisye nisyo. Even if it is hung, it belongs to the owner. Never take something belonging to another person just because it looks as if it has no use to him.

1792.    okhulereenga [oxulere:ᵑɡa] verb - to be tearful. Amasika kachaakire okhulerenga

1793.    okhulerenga [oxulereᵑɡa] verb - to walk around in search of s.t. Lekha okhulerenga mu'mataala.

1794.    okhulerukha [oxuleruxa] verb - to walk around from one hoe to the other aimlessly, footloose. Machio ali okhulekha okhulerukha mu’mataala?

1795.    okhulia [oxulja]  1. Eat. Omwana ali okhulia ewuyu. PROVERB: Omwana wuliro. A child is a source of a meal.2. Con. 3. receive pay. PROVERB: Esi oliyekho esio, nche esisio. Whatever you have eaten is what you can claim is yours.

1796.    okhuliakha [oxuljaxa] verb - to be greedy towards s.t. (see; v. okhuakha <okhuli->). Efwiri oli okhuliakha erangi niweenya okhuliakha khu’esiakhulia?

1797.    okhuliakula [oxuljakula] cheat and defraud by evading paying a debt. (see; v. okhuakula <okhuli->). Eondo lino Manyukho ali okhuliakula ne achia nalio okhuliakula Luta.

1798.    okhuliamana [oxuljamana] verb - to meet face to face. Oli okhuliamana nende khochawo.

1799.    okhuliana [oxuljana] verb - to give one of the dowry paid cattle to a brother. Masika keenya okhuliana eng'ombe.

1800.    okhuliangula [oxuljaᵑɡula] verb - to cheat and defrout others through cunning games. Lekhanga okhuliangula abalina babo.

1801.    okhuliba [oxuliβa] verb - to make a trap by digging a big holel and setting a stone above it to trap animals. Kuka ali okhuliba esiyuusi.

1802.    okhuliisa. [oxuli:sa] verb -  1. to feed, 2. make animals to stray and eat or destroy crops. (see; v. okhulisa). Namukhaywa ali okhuliisa amatumwa ne achanikha okhulisa Musi nende esihupo.

1803.    okhulikicha [oxulikiʧa] verb - to throw away with a lot of energy. Masinde ali okhulikicha ekina mu'machemwa.

1804.    okhulikukha [oxulikuxa] verb - to start to cry, start to happen, fall repeatedly and heavily (of rain). (see; v. okhukukha <okhuli->). Eloba lino eng'ombe yiri okhulikukha efula niyeenya okhulikukha.

1805.    okhulikulula [oxulikulula] ; [oxulikulla] verb - to break the dam, divert water. Lekha okhulikulula amachi.

1806.    okhulikya [oxulikja] verb - to erect. Lekha okhulikya ano.

1807.    okhulima [oxulima] verb - to cultivate, dig, give a beating. Lekha okhulimwa omukunda. PROVERB: Abangi bakhulimira; bachakhuliira. It is better the many to work on your behalf than eat on your behalf.

1808.    okhulimaasa [oxulima:sa] verb - to join people in marriage. (see; v. okhumaasa <okuli->). Etosi erio ese endi okhulimaasa ni neenya okhulimaasa Tutuni nende Nawoba?

1809.    okhulimba [oxuliba] verb - to stick items together using glue from milk-sap of a tree called omulimbo; be time conscious. (see; v. okhuwa <okhuli->). Ekina eli waloba okhulimba nakhupira enyuni; oli okhulimba enyuni chana nende oulimbo?

1810.    okhulimbirira [oxulibirira] ; [oxulibirra] verb - to close eyes. (see; v. okhubira <okhuli->). Erungeti lino oli okhulimbirira khusitanda ese neenya okhulimbirira engone.

1811.    okhulimbulula [oxulibulula] ; [oxulibulla] verb - to open eyes after being asleep. Kayaka ali okhulimbulula emoni.

1812.    okhulinda [oxuliⁿda] verb  1. to withstand. 2. to wait, mind. 3. guard, 3. look after, help. 4. take care of offspring. (see; adv. okhuli’nda). Efwe abakhasi okhuli'nda khuli okhulinda bafuke owusuma wundi. PROVERB: Esikolonjio sialinda ekunda. A broken piece of a pot, that is known to be useless item, in a farm was enough guard sign to visitors that the farm had an owner before.

1813.    okhulindirisa [oxuliⁿdirisa] verb - to anticipate. Olindirisa kuka okhuwerese sina?

1814.    okhulinga [oxuliᵑɡa] verb - to pay a witch, put coins into a bundle. Oli okhulinga ekhuwe amaoso.

1815.    okhulingaala [oxuliᵑɡa:la] verb - to be stupified. Lekha okhulingaala owubi.

1816.    okhuliolionga [oxulolioᵑɡa] verb - to do with malaise. Lekha okhuliolionga abasio.

1817.    okhuliongoba [oxulioᵑɡoβa] verb - to pick your teeth with a toothpick or a finger after a meal. Lekha okhuiliongoba ne sioliye tawe.

1818.    okhulira [oxulira] verb - to cry, weep; to whine, pay a ceremonial visit of sympathy after a death. (see; v. okhulia <ira>). Oli okhulira nibakhuwa okhuliira esusa?. PROVERB: Akha tie-tie khalira khachi 'nalukolamo'. Tie tie the bird wished to give birth to live chicks since they looked smaller than its egg but fate had it that it had to lay the bigger eggs again. Never hope beyond expectations for a difficult situation to go away by itself; it may still present itself.

1819.    okhulisa. [oxulisa] verb - to make a person to cry. (see; v. okhuliisa). Namukhaywa ali okhuliisa amatumwa ne achanikha okhulisa Musi nende esihupo.

1820.    okhulisakula [oxuliisakula] verb - to chew hard food then feed to young ones the way some mammals do. Embyusi yiri okhuliisakula ebyaana.

1821.    okhuliula [oxuljula] verb - to unhide hidden charm, hunt out charms or medicines that are said to have been hidden. Ali okhuliyula eloko.

1822.    okhuliwula [oxuliwula/verb - to give a through beating. (see; v. okhuwuula <okhuli->). Eloko elio ali okhuliwuula ne amala achanikha okhuliwula omulosi chana.

1823.    okhuloba [oxulóβá] verb - to avoid, shun, refuse, deny, forbid. (see; v. okhuloba). Otityo ali okhuloba okhuloba eng'eni? PROVERB: Emakombe yaloba abakeni. The spirit world has no visitor. Never wish to die for you will never come back to tell the story.

1824.    okhuloba [oxuloβá] verb - to fish with hook and line. Nje anu owenya okhuloba?

1825.    okhulobera [oxulóβérá] verb - to do body guard work, cause to refuse. (see; v. okhulobera). Yabemba ali okhulobera omwami okhulobera eng'eni emiambo?

1826.    okhulobera [oxuloβérá] verb - to fish with bait of.

1827.    okhulohola [oxulola] verb - to bring up the wind. Omwana keenya okhulohola.

1828.    okhuloka [oxuloka verb - to bewitch to cause illness or misfortune. Lekha okhuloka abanju. PROVERB: Owimani wo'mulio; loko nilio. Being mean meals is self-bewitching.

1829.    okhulokha [oxuloxa] verb - to talk angrily, loudly in a blaming way. Nje anu owenya okhulokha amakhuwa ano?

1830.    okhulokhera [oxuloxera] verb - to choke. (see; v. okhulokha <-era>). Ewe weenya okhulokhera abanju amakhuwa ne eyi owusera wutakha okhulokhera omwana.

1831.    okhulokhooma [oxuloxo:ma] verb - to talk with minimal lips contact and producing glottal voice. Lekha okhulokhooma olomalole wusa wulayi.

1832.    okhulokota [oxulokota] verb - to pick crops from the farm after end of harvesting. Nje anu oli okhulokota amatumwa?

1833.    okhuloma [oxuloma] verb - to speak, talk. Kamasia ali okhuloma owubi. PROVERB: Amalesi ka ekhuwa, ni khuloma ekhuwa lindi. The cure of a word is another word. Never have a physical confrontation in situations where dialogue can help to solve

1834.    okhulomaloma [oxulomaloma] verb - to make a speech. Kamasia ali okhulomaloma owubi. proverb: Okhulomaloma amangi, sibwoni. Talking took much is like a harvesting sweet potato from a plantation- you can't finish everything and some will still sprout. Thus, from whatever you say, some can be used against you. Be short and clear.

1835.    okhulomeresa [oxulomeeresa] verb - to interpret. Lekha Okwamo ali okhulomeeresa ekhuwa elyo.

1836.    okhulonda [oxuloⁿda] verb - to drive animals, follow after, follow next; conform to s.t. Matasi ali okhulonda eng'ombe. PROVERB: Walonda esi-engokho yilia; khaba wakhayilia. You can never eat chicken if you mind what it eats

1837.    okhulondakirira [oxuloⁿdakirira] verb - to follow and try to overtake, attempt to find out the truth on a given issue. Pukulyu abaye alondakiriye Nambatia.

1838.    okhulondekhana [oxuloⁿdexana] verb - to lie alongside, go along with, go together, be next to, depends with. Lekhe okhulondekhana muchio.

1839.    okhulonderera [oxuloⁿderesa] verb - to follow up at a slow pace, persue. Endi okhulonderera emanye.

1840.    okhulondola [oxuloⁿdola] verb - to remove cake remains of ugali or mud from surface. (see; v. okhulondoola). Namuma ali okhuondoola engira koole aha ali okhuchanikha okhulondola emilondo.

1841.    okhulondoola [oxuloⁿdo:la] verb - to trace; follow trail. (see; v. okhulondola). Namuma ali okhuondoola engira koole aha ali okhuchanikha okhulondola emilondo.

1842.    okhulonga [oxuloᵑɡa] verb - to create from existing raw material, mould. Nakhayo ali okhulonga enyungu. PROVERB: Akhatuluku khalonga khosi kheri. Even a raised ground that is still moulding up has qualities turning into an anthill. Never belittle little things.

1843.    okhulongera [oxuloᵑɡera] verb - to start closing the ant holes. Amake kachaakire okhulongera.

1844.    okhulongoola [oxuloᵑɡo:la] verb - to be vertical, at attention. Oli okhulongoola omusala kwa esiiro.

1845.    okhuloocha [oxulo:ʧa] verb - to dream. Lekha okhuloocha mu'siteche. PROVERB: Esiwaliakho enyinga chabichio, sikhulecheranga amaloocho. You always dream of that which you once ate.

1846.    okhulookhera [oxulo:xera] verb - to grow green algae. Amachi kali okhulookhera.

1847.    okhuloolera [oxulo:lera] lose appetite during eating due to delay in adding a serving. Omukeni ali okhuloolera ni asiri okhuikucha.

1848.    okhuloomba [oxulo:ba] verb - to create, to fix. Namachemo ali okhuloomba owiikhalo. PROVERB: Abangi sikulu; belombanga abalulu. Many are like a hill; though there is false courage in numbers.

1849.    okhuloonga [oxulo:ᵑɡa] verb - to head towards. Khanu wenya okhuloonga hena?

1850.    okhuloosa [oxulo:sa] verb - to give birth to another child. (see; v. okhulosa). Nawire achanikhire okhulosa ekhuwa achi Namukuchu ali okhuloosa omwana.

1851.    okhulosa [oxulosa] verb - to give testimony, defend self before a jury. Nawire achanikhire okhulosa ekhuwa achi Namukuchu ali okhuloosa omwana. PROVERB: Olukhwi wusa, silulosa? Mere firewood cannot defend itself, give testimony or advise on its burning.

1852.    okhuluba [oxuluβa] verb - to push s.t violently and in anger. Ali okhuluba ekina.

1853.    okhulubiirira [oxuluβi:rira] verb - to be bold, persevere, insist; aim at a goal. Lekha okhulubirira okhuicha ewefwe.

1854.    okhuluha [oxuluha] verb - to be weary, be tired, bore, give in through weariness. Ali okhuluha ne khumunyola. PROVERB: Owetimira, sikeluhira. If you run fro yourself, you canot tire yourself. If you do something out of your own volition, you can't tire easily. Determination goes with intrinsic motivation.

1855.    okhuluhiirira [oxuluhi:rira] verb - to bored. Ese endi okhuluhirira.

1856.    okhulukha [oxuluxa] verb - to weave a hat, a tray, basket. Niwe oli okhulukha esiaki? PROVERB: Omulinga okuchekha; achekha owakulukha. Whoever loughs at the beehive; loughs at whoever made it.

1857.    okhulula [oxulula] verb - to be furious, hungry, troublesome, dangerous, bitter, sour, hot. Lekha okhulula hano. PROVERB: Omululu mulala si w’okhwisika. There is power in the voice of many than one person you depend on.

1858.    okhululuha [oxululuha] verb - to become bitter, sour. Pilipili iri okhululuha.

1859.    okhuluma [oxuluma] verb - to bite, cause pain, copulate (of rooster). Etaywa yichakire okhuluma emisenye.

1860.    okhulumba [luba] verb - to refuse to do s.t because of being annoyed. Lekha okhulumba olie owusuma.

1861.    okhulumia [oxulumja] verb -  1. to bless as done by a circumcisor. Omukhebi Okaba ali okhulumia olukumba? 2. to cure a healing wound by removing the water from it after circumcision. 3. to act persistently. Okhoya okhulumia okhulima wuli muhika.

1862.    okhulumiirira [oxulumi:rira] verb - to continue many times, insist persistently, persevere persistently. (see; v. okhuluma <-irira>). Akhawa kheenya okhulumiirira wuli nyanga okhuchia okhulumirira abanju nikhabaambia owulwaye.

1863.    okhulumiirisa [oxulumi:resa] verb - to sympathise with and encourage. Nenya okhulumiirisa abaana bachie mu'sisomero.

1864.    okhulumikha [oxulumixa] verb - to treat effects of evil spirits; eat after a function or funeral. Abakhwe bachachia nibasiiri okhulumikha tawe.

1865.    okhulumwa [oxulumʷa] verb - to feel labour pain. Omukhasi keenya okhuchaka okhulumwa.

1866.    okhulunga [oxuluᵑɡa] verb - to flavour, season, cook food that requires flavouring, cook vegetable with flavour. Ali okhulunga eliani. PROVERB: Chikhaywa omunyu omukherekhe; chialungirwa ekokhe. Even if there is lack of ash-salt, it can be flavoured with ash.

1867.    okhulungamya [oxuluᵑɡamja] make a pot or cooking item to sit well on fire. Kokoto ali okhulungamya enyungu.

1868.    okhulungikha [oxuluᵑɡixa] verb – to be straight, straight forward, stretch out, to be good mannered. PROVERB: Omwami mulungi; mwikho wa abaangi. A straight forward person is a relative to many. Each person wants to associate with the person.

1869.    okhulunguula [oxuluᵑɡu:la] verb - to walk ahead aiming at one point ahead. Lekha okhulungula.

1870.    okhulusa [oxulusa] verb - to vomit. Omwana ali okhulusa. PROVERB: Ocheba ochie esiliye ekondi; namunyu niyakhalusa esero? Why ask what ate the sheep when the hyena that ate the same has vomited the skin of the same sheep?

1871.    okhulusakula [oxulusakula] verb - to regurgitate and feed young ones the way birds do. Enyuni yiri okhulusakula ebiana.

1872.    okhuluta [oxuluta] verb - to sulk. Were keenya okhuluta omunwa,

1873.    okhulwaala [oxulwa:la] verb - to be ill. Olwala lw'omukhono lwakhachaaka okhulwaala esiungu? PROVERB: Enani nililia omulwaye; abalamu mukona mekhaye. If the hyena eats the sick; those alive learn to close their doors.

1874.    okhulwana [oxulwana] verb - to wrestle, struggle, fight, bull fight. Nje anu ali okhulwana nende Mwamutu oi nende olwaana?

1875.    okhulwasa [oxulwa:sa] verb - to take care of the sick. Wanyama ali okhulwaasa Mulika. PROVERB: Olwaasa omulwaye; ochamulaka okhukoosa omukhaye. Whoever help to nurse a sick man should never be promised inheritance of the sick man's wife. He can kill to inherit.

1876.    okhulyangula [oxuljaᵑɡula] verb - to cheat, to deceive. Lekha okhulyangula abasio.

1877.    okhulyembesa [oxuljebesa] verb - to dart tongue in and out. Enjukha yenya okhuliembesa olulimi.

1878.    okhumaakha [oxuma:xa] verb - to put mud or paint on a given item by mistake. Ewe lekha okhumakha amatosi khu’mutoka.

1879.    okhumaala [oxuma:la] verb - to smear with mud, smear with cowdung. (see; v. okhumala). Nakutenga ali okhumala okhumaala oluteru.

1880.    okhumaalaka [oxuma:laka] verb - to trample, go blindly ahead regardless of obstacles, forge ahead. (see; v. okhumala <-ka>). Oliolo keenya okhumalaka okhulia nende okhumaalaka ni owaho?

1881.    okhumaamira [oxuma:mira] verb - to invade, cover, spread over, swarm over; blockade. Amamoonyo kali okhumaamira amamira kachulire mumoolu.

1882.    okhumaana [oxuma:na] verb - to mud for circumcision. Mana nje anu ali okhumaana omusinde?

1883.    okhumaanya [oxuma:ɲa] verb - to scratch hard and deep (of a wild animal), maul. (see; v. okhumanya). Oli okhumanya owa ng'ali niweenya okhumaanya engokho.

1884.    okhumaanyikha [oxuma:ɲixa] verb - to be easily plucked. (see; v. okhumanya <-ikha>). Engokho eyeenya okhumaanyikha amoya yino yiri okhumanyikha mbo yaanu?

1885.    okhumaanyirisa [oxuma:ɲirisa] verb - to pluck feathers quickly and carelessly. Lekha okhumanyirisa engokho ochie.

1886.    okhumaanyula [oxuma:ɲula] verb - to pluck feathers off birds, remove wings off locusts, etc. Oli okhumaanyula etete.

1887.    okhumaasa [oxuma:sa] verb - to bend crops along the ground by flood, wind, dragged branch or moving animals. Oli okhumaasa amatumwa.

1888.    okhumaayana [oxuma:jana] verb - to be wicked, spoil, evil. Ochakire okhumaayana. 

1889.    okhumaka [oxʷi-] ; [oxumaka] verb - to take a bath and adorn carefully. Lubanga ali okhumaka abaana mu'nguo embiakha.

1890.    okhumala [oxumala] verb - to finish, accomplish, do completely. (see; v. okhumaala). Juma ali okhumala okhumaala enyumba. PROVERB: Esisio nche esikhumala amahofu. Only that which is yours is the best.

1891.    okhumaliha [oxumaliha] verb - to be dark, black, dirty, become dark, black, dirty, cloudy, eclipsed. Noeri achaakire okhumaliha.

1892.    okhumaliilikha [oxumali:lixa] verb - to come last position. Lekhanga okhumaliilikha wuli nyanga.

1893.    okhumama [oxumama] verb – 1. to scotch using fire, singe, irritate on skin, 2. run very fast, give many hot slaps. Esa liri okhumama mama. PROVERB: Omama (esimbo) chibiri, ndala yilala. If you prepare two walking sticks using the fire at ago, one of them gets a wrong burn. Whoever aims at two targets will never hit them at once successfully.

1894.    okhumamula [oxumamula] ; [oxummula] verb - to scotch; burn lightly with flame, remove forget me not or other hooked seed from body. Lekha okhumamula owuchwasi nende omuliro.

1895.    okhumanana [oxumanana] verb - to be poor, needy, destitute, become poor, need, be lacking in, lack. Oli okhumanana wusa.

1896.    okhumanula [oxumanula] verb - to equip, for a journey, war, etc. Khwenya okhumanula abkhupi. PROVERB: Owimanusa emuka; kemanusa nende esikwata. Whoever equips self with a gourd takes with its lid.

1897.    okhumanusa [oxumanusa] verb - to give a gift of appreciation to a visitor on his departure. Matuku ali okhumanusa Fridah.

1898.    okhumanya [oxumaɲa] verb -  1. to play consented sex. 2. to know how to, to know, be familiar with, understand, acquire knowledge. (see; v. okhumaanya). Oli okhumanya owa ng'ali niweenya okhumaanya engokho. PROVERB: Akhanakhabe akhendo okhamanyira khu-lukhunja. A guard that will have a good handle for making good calabash is seen from the stalk. A person (thing) that will be good in life shows signs of the goodness while still young.

1899.    okhumanyiirisa [oxumaɲi:risa] verb - to understand, feel, perceive with senses. Oli okhumanyiirisa wulayi singa bali okhumaanyirisa engokho?

1900.    okhumanyikha [oxumaɲixa] verb - to be known. (see; v. okhumaanya <ikha>). Engokho yilobire okhumaanyikha yino yinyala okhumanyikha mbo yange?.

1901.    okhumarira [oxumarira] ; [oxumarra] verb - to multiply (arithmetic). Oli okhumarira chine nende esikhuumira.

1902.    okhumechya [oxumeʧja] verb - to milk an animal within the middle of the day. Khavasi ali okhumechia eng'ombe.

1903.    okhumeema [oxume:ma] verb - to carry the young one of a goat or a sheep or gazelle. (see; v. okhumema). Omubano nikweenya okhumema, Sembe ali okhumeema akhameme.

1904.    okhumeera [oxume:ra] verb - to become drunk; be confused, be intoxicated. (see; v. okhumera). Amatumwa kachaakire okhumera ne naye Busi keenya okhumeera amalwa.

1905.    okhumeeta [oxume:ta] verb - to add (arithmetic), increase. Upande ali okhumeeta okhuibakha amafucha neachaaka okhumeta. PROVERB: Owonera owaWere okwoyo kubi, amumeeta ekhabi. One who feels envy for the blessed one by God creates more blessings for them.

1906.    okhumeka [oxumeka] verb - to break off from the main dough of ugali or mud. Wechoka ali okhumeka owusuma. PROVERB: Abachachaaka; bosi baumeka (balia). Even those who never planted; also partake in the eating.

1907.    okhumeketa [oxumeketa] verb - to gnaw loudly. Embeba chienya okhumeketa esero.

1908.    okhumekula [oxumekula] verb - to break off a large portion of obusuma, maize etc. Wanyalikha ali okhumekula omwoko.

1909.    okhumema [oxumema] ; [oxumma] verb - to be sharp, be pointed. (see; v. okhumeema). Omubano nikweenya okhumema, Sembe ali okhumeema akhameme. PROVERB: Omunwa kukhira (okhumema) olunwa. He who promises you is better than he who abuses and frowns at you.

1910.    okhumemea [oxumemja] ; [oxummja] verb - to be harsh, become fierce. Lekha okhumemea khu'basio

1911.    okhumemukha [oxumemuxa] ; [oxummuxa] verb - to spark. Omuliro kuli okhumemukha nibasambirira endika.

1912.    okhumenena [oxumenena] ; [oxumenna] verb - to munch, crunch e.g. a raw potato. Kayaka ali okhumenena omwoko.

1913.    okhumenenukha [oxumenenuxa] ; [oxumennuxa] verb - to munch. Ombetetwe chiri okhumenenukha.

1914.    okhumeniukha [oxumenju:xa] verb - to flicker, flash, bolt. Olweni luli okhumeniukha.

1915.    okhumenukha [oxumenukha] verb - to have a compound fracture at the joints such that the bones are held by flesh. okhulenge khuli okhumenukha.

1916.    okhumenya [oxumeɲa] verb - to live at, dwell at, inhabit, settle, reside at, stay. Asha ali okhumenya nende Wambongo. PROVERB: Esiamenya khu machi nche esifwa ouluho. It dies of thirst that which stays near water source.

1917.    okhumenyeerera [oxumeɲe:rera] verb - to do on many occassion. Ali okhumenyeerera nakhupa omwansere

1918.    okhumera [oxumera] verb -  1. to sprout, spring from the ground or body as grass, hair, breast or crops do; grow; 2. be of a given trait. Amatumwa kachaakire okhumera ne naye Busi keenya okhumeera amalwa. PROVERB: Owoba ni wicha; wumera munjikucha. Mushroom comes at a time when there is plenty. What you yearn for comes when its alternative meal is in plenty.

1919.    okhumereera [oxumere:ra] verb - to bleat like a goat or sheep or python. (see; v. okhumera <erera>). Embusi yiri okhumeerera lukali ne nawe ni ochiiye okhumeerera e'Lutaso.

1920.    okhumeryamerya [oxumerjamerja] verb - to make it mottled or multicoloured. Lekha okhumerameria enguo.

1921.    okhumesa [oxumesa] verb - to grow to pubic hair. Lubisia ali okhumesa omwaka kwicha.

1922.    okhumesera [oxumesera] verb – 1. to treat wound- after circumcision using leaves called amamesero, 2. admire a given item. (see; v. okhumera <esera>). Lekha okhumeesera ano abalina babo esikira niwe oli okhumesera omufulu.

1923.    okhumesula [oxumesuxa] verb - to break off, chip off. Lekha okhumesula etumwa.

1924.    okhumesyamesya [oxumesjamesja] verb - to glitter. (see; v. okhumeesia <reduplication>). Efula ili okhumesiamesia owubi ne nawe ochanikha okhumeesiameesia abaana amalwa.

1925.    okhumeta [oxumeta] verb - to gleam once. (see; v. okhumeeta). Upande ali okhumeeta okhuibakha amafucha ne achaaka okhumeta.

1926.    okhumetameta [oxumetameta] verb - to glimmer. (see; v. okhumetaameta). Oweni wa Namutiru wuli nga wuchaakire okhumeetameeta okhumetameta?

1927.    okhumetiukha [oxumetju:xa] verb - to emit light for a short time. Olueni lumetiukha luno lwasi?

1928.    okhumiawula [oxumjawula] verb - to miaw. Epusi yenya okhumiawula?

1929.    okhumiayula [oxumjajula] verb - to yawn. Lekha okhumiayula ano.

1930.    okhumicha [oxumiʧa] verb - to broadcasted seeds in designated pattern. Wambale ali okhumicha emicho.

1931.    okhumiekha [oxumjexa] verb - to flash. Olweni lwenya okhumyekha.

1932.    okhumiina [oxum:na] verb - to press, disadvantage others, put under compulsion. Lekha okhumiina abasio.

1933.    okhumiinyula [oxumi:ɲula] verb - to get hold of a chick in claws. Ekhoongocha liri okhumiinyula engokho chiefwe.

1934.    okhumika [oxumika] verb - to hang, strangle, commit suicide, choke oneself. Otuki ali okhumika Namusia.

1935.    okhumikhula [oxumixula] verb - to miss target by leg in a game. Balobera ali okhumikhula omupira?

1936.    okhumikinya [oxumikiɲa] verb - to rub eye with palm. Tito ali okhumikinya emoni. PROVERB: Omufubi sibamwekesa okhuimikinyirisa. Nobody teaches an orphan how to cry and rub the eyes.

1937.    okhuminina [oxuminina] ; [oxuminna] verb - to run quickly. Utola ali okhuminina ni awaho.

1938.    okhuminiola [oxuminjola] verb - to thumb up. Ali okhuminiola olwalwa.

1939.    okhuminiongola [oxuminjoᵑɡola] verb - to smash; press s.t to death with a thumb, mince. Kirishomu ali okhuminiongola embubi.

1940.    okhuminya [oxumiɲa] verb - to sing and dance during circumcision ceremony. Sikuta ali okhuminya muchuli.

1941.    okhuminyaala [oxumiɲa:la] verb - to be dumb and deaf. Lekha okhuminyaala anao.

1942.    okhumira [oxumira] verb - to swallow up, absorb. Ekhere liri okhumira eswa. PROVERB: Abekho bali nga amalasire khu lulimi- malala omira akandi wafucha. Relatives are like blood in one's saliva though you spit some openly, you have swallow some. Never expose all your dirty linen in public.

1943.    okhumiramira [oxumiramira] verb - to swallow quickly, unchewed, gulp down. Ifisa ali okhumiramira amapwoni.

1944.    okhumirikha [oxumirixa] verb - to dissolve, become part of another clan, be swallowed up, be swallowed up into water, in hole or be neutralised. Ekina liri okhumirikha.

1945.    okhumirimiinya [oxumirimi:ɲa] verb - to crush between palms. Nawanjaya keenya okhumiriminya enjuku?

1946.    okhumiryongola [oxumirjoᵑɡola] verb - to swallow quickly and with ease. Wenya okhumiriongosa owusuma. PROVERB: Namunyu kwamiriongosa owamukisa. The hyena ate whoever hid it.

1947.    okhumisa [oxumisa] verb - to blow the nose. Lekha okhuimisa amoolu.

1948.    okhumityukha [oxumitjuxa] verb - to sublime, slink off. Amakina ka efula kali okhumityukha.

1949.    okhumiukha [oxumjuxa] verb - to slip, slide, skid, be smooth, slip. Esimbo yiri okhumyuukha.

1950.    okhumiula [oxumjula] verb - to slide a cookingstick over ugali during cooking, open eyes wide. Saupa ali okhumyula owusuma.

1951.    okhumiusa [oxumiusa] verb - to smoothen. Ono keenya okhumyusa esikaye.

1952.    okhumocha [oxumoʧa verb - to belittle, be short of food, underfed, unsatisfied, hungry. Abakeni bali okhumocha owusuma. PROVERB: Esiamani simocha sialia esindi. Survival is for the fittest.

1953.    okhumoka [oxumoka] verb - to open eyes, see the truth in an issue. Maulo afwana keenya okhumoka.

1954.    okhumokheera [oxumoxe:ra] verb - to be miserable on face. Lekha okhumokheera ano.

1955.    okhumokina [oxumokina] verb - to castrate any other non cattle animal. Karungani ali okhumokina embwa.

1956.    okhumokola [oxumokola] verb - to glare, stare hard and rudely, look boldly, face fearlessly. Lekha okhumokola emoni ochio.

1957.    okhumondola [oxumoⁿdola] verb - to hit by free falling sizable object. Ali okhumondola Siminyu nende epera khu’siole?

1958.    okhumongola [oxumoᵑɡola] verb - to hit after boomerang, receive poetic justice; adorn with coloured dots. Omupira kuli okhumongola Lusaba omuchwe.

1959.    okhumonya [oxumoɲa] verb - to put in a drop. (see; v. okhumoonya). Abakhasi bachaakire okhumoonya bachi wenya okhumoya amachi mu’mabeere.

1960.    okhumonyakala [oxumoɲakala] verb - to drizzle; fall in small few droplet. Efula yakhachaka okhumonyakala.

1961.    okhumoola [oxumo.ólá] verb - to scoop excess body oil using fingers. Sara keenya okhumoola amafucha khu’mukongo kwa omwana keenya okhumoola.

1962.    okhumoola [oxumó:la] verb - to creep, crawl; cascade. Esa liri okhumoola asi.

1963.    okhumoololokha [oxumo:loloxa] verb - to be eroded bit by bit; move slowly like a chameleon on all fours. Eloba liri okhumoololokha.

1964.    okhumooloola [oxumo:lo:la] verb - to moo. Lekha okhumooloola nga eng'ombe.

1965.    okhumoomolokha [oxumo:moloxa] verb - to be ashamed. Khanu oli okhumomoolokha ni owawo?

1966.    okhumoona [oxumo:na] verb - to send a person out of the family. Lekha okhumoona wandayo.

1967.    okhumoonya [oxumo:ɲa] verb - to backbite, have a private talk. (see; v. okhumonya). Abakhasi bachaakire okhumoonya bachi wenya okhumoya amachi mu’mabeere. PROVERB: Omwami bamumonyera khusiswa. To back bite a king, go to a place that he cannot come to eavesdrop-: like at the snare for white-ants.

1968.    okhumotia [oxumotjá] verb  1. To dress or adorn in in a mix of colours. 2. to blink in a slow manner. Omukhana Kenya okhumotia emoni ne anoka amatumwa ka emoti aka achia okhumotia ewa wandaaye.

1969.    okhumotia [oxumótjá] verb – to keep s.t at another person’s home for care taking when you are not around. PROVERB: Enungiro yatekhakho; omotia ewa omwikho. A pot that has been used for cooking before is stored at relative’s place. A wife is never hidden at the home of a non relative.

1970.    okhumukhunya [oxumuxuɲa] verb - to chew s.t soft slowly with lips closed. Omwana keenya okhumukhunya epwoni.

1971.    okhumulikha [oxumulixa] verb - to flower, bloom; blossom, shine, emit light, grow grey hair. Amakanda kanjire okhumulikha.

1972.    okhumulula [oxumulula] verb - to shave the head clean; remove all leaves from a twig or tree, kill in mass; take more than one should. Lekhe okhumulula efwiri khu'omuchwe ne mulula muchi khuwuleere wusa. PROVERB: Endaalo chiamulula owooya khu seero. Old age made the skin to loose its beautiful youth hair.

1973.    okhumumunyala [oxumumuɲala] ; [oxummuɲala] verb - to remain silent after being asked s.t. Wenya okhumumunyala sikira sina.

1974.    okhumunamuna [oxumunumuna] verb - to cute-smile like a cat. Lekha okhuimunamuna ano.

1975.    okhumusa [oxumusa] verb - to send a cow, etc., to another man’s village to be looked after on behalf of the owner. Oli okhumusa embusi. PROVERB: Bakhumusirakho, ne wesi wayirakho akhakho. Always have your own small calf grazing with a borrowed one.

1976.    okhumusulula [oxumusulula] ; [oxumusulla] verb - to take back an animal that had been given to a person to take care of.

1977.    okhumwa [oxumʷa] verb - to sow seeds. Kulundu achia okhumwa emwo. PROVERB: Omunwa kwaliye sioosi; nche okucheba kuchi kunamwe si. The mouth that ate is the same that asks what to plant

1978.    okhumwaachukha [oxumʷa:ʧuxa] verb - to bolt off. Lekha okhumwaachukha embiro.

1979.    Okhumwaakhala [oxumʷa:xala] verb - to beam a lot of light at once. Okutaa kwenya okhumwakhaala khu’sokoni.

1980.    okhumwaayuyukha [oxumʷa:jujuxa] verb - to drip with natural meat fat. Omusiembe kuli okhumwaayuyukha nikuli khu'sibecho.

1981.    okhumweekha [oxumʷe:xa] verb - to beam out; shine, direct radiation; smile broadly. Owulafu wenya okhumweekha. 

1982.    okhumweekhamweekha [oxumʷe:xamʷe:xa] verb - to sparkle. Oweni wuli okhumweekhamweekha.

1983.    okhumweekhula [oxumʷe:xula] verb - to give radar signal; send radio, phone or TV signal, light on and off. Endeke yichakire okhumweekhula ni yichya.

1984.    okhumweekhuula [oxumʷe:xu:la] - gleam, give beam continously. Omubasu kuli okhumweekhuukha.

1985.    okhumweemweenda [oxumʷe:mʷe:ⁿda] verb - to show dim light, be not well lit, produce little light, glow as fire or tears in light. Omulilo kuchakire okhumweemweenda

1986.    okhumweenya [oxumʷe:ɲa] verb - to smile. (see; v. enya <okhumu->). Omukhana ono niweenya okhumwenya kenyekha ochanikhe nende okhumweenya singa omusacha omusangafu. PROVERB: Abamanani balira, bamala bamwenyanira. Even the poor will cry but end up smiling at each other. The poor shall comfort each other.

1987.    okhumweenyula [oxumʷe:ɲula] verb - to open a space in the door or a sheet a crack to view into the dark. Omwana ali okhumweenyula omuliango.

1988.    okhumweesula [oxumʷe:sula] verb - to open eyelids for the first time in animals such as puppies of kittens. Ochuwekera chwenya okhumweesula emoni.

1989.    okhumyasa [oxumjasa] verb - to make the floor smooth and level using a piece of wood. Okong’o ali okhumyasa enyumba.

1990.    okhumyeyukha [oxumjejuxa] verb - to flash from a hidden place. Esikhoso sienya okhumyeyukha.

1991.    okhunaaba [oxuna:βá] verb - to fish using a fishing net. (see; v. okhunaba). Makokha ali okhunaba enguwo ne achia okhunaaba eng'eni.

1992.    okhunaala [oxuna:la] verb - to bandage, wind wire or rope round and round, coil, dress in napkins. (see; v. okhunala). Oli okhunala omwima kwa okhunaala okhulenge nende esitasi.

1993.    okhunaania [oxuna:nja] verb - to bother. Lekha okhunaania abakhana bano.

1994.    okhunaanikha [oxuni:nixa] verb - to get bother. (see; v. okhunania <-ikha>). Sikira si ni weenya okhunaanikha ese ni naanikha amatumwa?

1995.    okhunaata [na:ta] verb - to put up an animal for sale, do an auction. Makokha ali okhunaata eng’ombe nende Nambengere.

1996.    okhunaba [oxunaβa] verb - to mend, patch, make clothing by tailoring. (see; v. okhunaaba). Makokha ali okhunaba enguwo ne achia okhunaaba eng'eni

1997.    okhunahusa [oxunahusa] verb - to walk with averagely longer steps; lope. Lekha okhunausa ni okenda nende omwana.

1998.    okhunaka [oxunaka] verb - to tie the top of a granary’s roof tightly, fix the smoking pipe into its cup, tie tightly. Lekha okhunaka esinaka mu’nganikho ya olukata.

1999.    okhunakaasa [oxunaka:sa] verb - to numb. Lekha okhunaakasa okhulenge.

2000.    okhunakula [oxunakula] verb - to hit s.t down when it is still in air, make a person feel misery. Kamasia ali okhunakula omupita.

2001.    okhunala [oxunala] verb - to be familiar (with), be accustomed to; adapt to. (see; v. okhunaala). Oli okhunala omwima kwa okhunaala okhulenge nende esitasi.

2002.    okhunanakira [oxunanakira] ; [oxunnakira] verb - to hesitate when speaking. Lekha okhunanakira.

2003.    okhunaniamba [oxunanjaba] ; [oxunnjaba] verb - to precariously hung, jump or cling on s.t tall. Lekha okhuinaniamba khu’siaki.

2004.    okhunaniambukha [oxunanjabuxa] ; [oxunnjabuxa] verb - to precariously jump from one branch to another. Amakhene keenya okhunianiambukha mu’sisichu.

2005.    okhunanihala [oxunanihala] verb - to be extremely horrible, ogre-like. Okusieno keunya okhunanihala khungira?

2006.    okhunanikha [oxunaníxá] ; [oxunníxá] verb - to be determined, make up your mind to accomplish, put one's heart into s.t. lekha okhunanikha ochio. PROVERB: Esinani, sikhira amaani. Persistence is better that using force

2007.    okhunanikha [oxunáníxá] verb - to entangle. (see; v. okhunaania <-ikha>). Lekha okhunanikha enganakani nende okhunaanikha khwa okhunanikha owasio mulunani.

2008.    okhunanula [oxunanula] ; [oxunnula] verb - to redeem from danger or bondage; remove from sn entangle. Oli okhunanula owasio.

2009.    okhunasa [oxunasa] verb - to accustom, make familiar with, acquaint to s.t. Machengo alekhe okhunasa embwa owubi.

2010.    okhunawulula [oxunawulula] ; [oxunawulla] verb - to tear, rip clothing from the seam or joint. Oli okhunawula enguo.

2011.    okhunenera [oxunenera] ; [oxunnera] verb - to eat sparingly, particularly of meat or other relish, Lekha okhunenera eliani.

2012.    okhunera [oxunera] verb - to be healthy. Omwana achanikhire okhunera omubiri owulayi.

2013.    okhung’aafukha [oxuŋa:fuxa] verb - to walk slowly in trembling manner. Lekha okhung'aafukha okende wusa.

2014.    okhung’aaka [oxuŋa:ka] verb - to walk off without looking back. Omukeni ali okhung'aaka aweho.

2015.    okhung’aang'ukha [oxuŋa:ŋuxa] verb - to be promiscous. Lero ono achaakire okhung'aang'ukha.

2016.    okhung’aanya [oxuŋaɲa] verb - to go off in a huff while protesting, quit. Kulecho keenya okhung'aanya esikira si? PROVERB: Omukhasi akhung’anyira, achakhufwira. When there is a conflict in a family, it is better your wife makes a leave-visit to their home than to die.

2017.    okhung’aata [oxuŋa:ta] verb - to make webbed feet, stretch and tie tightly, tune an instrument. Wambusi ali okhung'aata etungu.

2018.    okhung’aawukha [oxuŋa:wu:xa] verb - to dislocate between the thighs. Khaecha ali okhung'aawukha.

2019.    okhung’aawusia [oxuŋa:wusja] verb - to walk with exaggerated long steps; lope. Wolera Tundo alekhe okhung'aawusia; anawuse wuse. 

2020.    okhung’aba [oxuŋaβa] verb - to walk with high steps and large confident movements toward a target; to prance. Lekha okhung'aba ni ochia.

2021.    okhung’aha [oxuŋaha] verb - to become emaciated; be thin. Lekha okhung'aha ochio.

2022.    okhung’akhula [oxuŋaxula] verb - to bite once noisily the way a dog does. Embwa yiri okhung’akhula engokho.

2023.    okhung’ala [oxuŋala] verb - to mean what you say. Ono ali okhung'ala achi atooye eng'ala ne amukhupa.

2024.    okhung’amula [oxuŋamula] verb - to open mouth to speak. Oli okhung’amula namwe owuleye wusa ochio?

2025.    okhung’ang’a [oxuŋaŋa] verb - to freeze, be astonished, delay to go after a visit, watch in amazement. Omwana owonga okhung'ang’a lero awene eng'ang'a? PROVERB: Wekesa omwana ochi 'ala ala'; ne naye ang'ang'ira khu'lwala. You can point something for a child saying 'it is right there' but the child gazes at yourthe finger.

2026.    okhung’ang'aala [oxuŋaŋa:la] verb - to be absentminded; preoccupied. engrossed. Lekha okhung'ang'aala ochio.

2027.    okhung’aniaba [oxuŋanjaβa] verb - to knit, weave small complicated items. Lekha okhung'aniaba ochio.

2028.    okhung’ayang'ayia [oxuŋajaŋajia] verb - to say that you will do a thing, and then not do it, make rash promises. Ong'la name oli okhung'ayang'aya wusa?

2029.    okhung’eecha [oxuŋe:ʧa] verb - to tie an animal's leg before slaughter or before milking. Koblo ali okhung'eecha eng'ombe. PROVERB: Omulosi aloka nende eyi mweene ang’echa okhukhama. The witch bewitched a cow that he ties to milk.

2030.    okhung’eeng'a [oxuŋe:ŋa] verb - to bite or cut meat from the bone. Lekha okhung'eeng'a enyama.

2031.    okhung’eera [oxuŋele:ra] verb - to show asthmatic symptoms. Omwana ali okhuchaka okhung'eera.

2032.    okhung’eerekha [oxuŋe:rexa] verb - to cry continuously with mouth open. Lekha okhung'ereekha ano.

2033.    okhung’ena [oxuŋena] verb - to beautify, make shiny. Oli okhung’ena musikoro omwo.

2034.    okhung’eng’eerekha [oxuŋeŋe:rexa] verb - to buzz like mosquitoes. Esuna chichakire okhung’eng’eerekha muno.

2035.    okhung’eng'eerana [oxuŋeŋe:rana] verb - to gnarl over. Embwa chiri okhung'eng'eerana ano.

2036.    okhung’eng'ula [oxuŋeŋula] verb - to bite once in a gnawing manner. Wenya okhung'eng'ula enyama.

2037.    okhung’enieeresa [oxuŋenje:resa] verb - to discern using knowledge of astrology. Kuka ali okhung'enieeresa amakhuwa.

2038.    okhung’eniekha [oxuŋenjexa] verb - to twinkle, put an asterisk. Eng'eniesi ying'eniekha.

2039.    okhung’etukha [oxuŋetuxa] verb - to overflow and shine with fruit sap. Enyanya yeenya okhung'etukha nibakhengire.

2040.    okhung’iba [oxuŋiβa] verb - to go directly from one point to the other non-stop

2041.    okhung’inaang'ina [oxuŋina:ŋina] verb - to soft, yummy and right. Omungina kwenya okhung'inaangi'na.

2042.    okhung’inang'ina [oxuŋinaŋina] verb - to hard, bright and sparkling. Esiwo sienya okhung’inang’ina.

2043.    okhung’iriira [oxuŋiri:ra] verb - to use teeth to remove maize seeds from cob. Ono ali okhung’iriira etumwa.

2044.    okhung’ola [oxuŋo:la] - prophesy; predict, exorcise. Njaro ali okhung'ola.

2045.    okhung’olang'ola [oxuŋo:laŋo:la] verb - to draw badly. Lekha okhung'olang'ola mu'sitawu.

2046.    okhung’olong’ocha [oxuŋoloŋoʧa] verb - to shimmer. Enyanja yenya okhung’olong’ocha.

2047.    okhung’ong'ola [oxuŋoŋola] verb - to give stupid and nonsensical answers. Olikho ong'ong'ola sina?

2048.    okhung’oniosa [oxuŋonjosa] verb - to delay moving out stort an event. Lekha okhung'oniosa.

2049.    okhung’oong'ofula [oxuŋo:ŋo:fula] verb - to talk with a nasal nonsensical twang. Lekha okhung'oong'oofula ochio.

2050.    okhung’oyaang'oya [oxuŋoja:ŋoja] verb - to dawdle. Lekha okhung'oyaang'oya ochio.

2051.    okhung’oyosa [oxuŋonijosa] verb - to delay in delivering the words of your speech. Nawambisa alekhe okhuing'oyosa.

2052.    okhung’ulung'uunya [oxuŋuluŋu:ɲa] verb - to complain in a nagging manner. Lekha okhueng'ulung'uunya ano.

2053.    okhung’uukha [oxuŋuxa] verb - to bruise. Oli okhung’uukha olusaya.

2054.    okhung’uula [oxuŋu:la] verb - to sweep up dung or mud from ground. Oli okhung'uula amasingo.

2055.    okhung’uunya [oxuŋu:ɲa] verb - to hum, e.g. mosquito. Esuna chiri okhung'uunya ano.

2056.    okhung'eenya [oxuŋe:ɲa] verb - to make an old wound bleed, to bring back bad old feelings. PROVERB: Oweng'aanyia mu'lung'aanyo, ang'eenyia. Whoeve moves away in protest during second birial creates more divisions in the family.

2057.    okhunia [oxunja] verb - to defecate. (euphemism- okhusamula) Lekha okhunia ano. PROVERB: Owula okhunia khungira si aniakho lulala. Whoever goes for long call on the path never does it onceWhoever engages in a bad act and is not known will always be tempted to repeat.

2058.    okhuniakirisa [oxunjakirisa] ; [oxunjakrisa] - pester, bother. Lekha okhuniakirisa abasio. PROVERB: Esikhuniakirisa; sikhuluma wusa. One which has the ability to bite and keeps on following you can end up just biting you.

2059.    okhuniala [oxunjila] verb - to wither, to pester.. Eliani liri okhuniala.

2060.    okhunialilira [oxunjalilira] ; [oxunjallira] verb - to unrelenting. Lekha ,okhunialirira owasio.

2061.    okhunialulukha [oxunjaluluxa] ; [oxunjalluxa] verb - to be sticky to be held well. Lekha okhunialulukha ochio.

2062.    okhuniamukha [oxunjamuxa] verb - to run away from danger without being realized. Ekhene liri okhuniamukha lirekhe abayimi.

2063.    okhuniang’a [oxunjaŋa] verb - to lick fondly. Eng’ombe yiri okhuniang’a emosi.

2064.    okhuniina [oxuni:na] verb - to ascend, climb, mount. Wesi oli okhuniina khu'sikulu? PROVERB: Owa enjala si achumwa okhuniina mu siaki tawe. Never send one with hunger in the granary.

2065.    okhuniinikha [oxuni:nixa] ; [oxunnixa] verb - to be a tree or surface that can be climbed. (see; v. okhuninikha). Omusala oku kwenya okhuninikha ne sikunyala okhuninikha ta.

2066.    okhunika [oxunika] verb – 1. to confer a higher status to a person in a given age group 2. to put a top rim on a pot or a granary. Mukhiyi ali okhunika esiaki.

2067.    okhunikina [oxunikina] verb - to uch in a sexual manner. Wachapa keenya okhuchaka okhunikina owasie.

2068.    okhunikinia [oxunikinja] verb - to shake shoulders in dancing. Lekha okhunikinia amabeka.

2069.    okhuninikha [oxuninixa] ; [oxunnixa] verb - to be full of young fruits. (see; v. okhuniina <-ikha>). Omusala okwo kunyala okhuniinikha ne kwenya okhuninikha amatunda.

2070.    okhuninjia [oxuniⁿdʒia] verb - to costime the body in straps of sisal or banana fiber. Omwana atakha okhuninjia eninja khoniwo akhine.

2071.    okhunioba [oxunjo:βa] verb - to mix into paste or doughy, knead, talk a mix of vulgar items. Lekha okhunioba eloba ochio.

2072.    okhuniofula [oxunjofula] verb - to fundle private parts of a lady. Lekha okhuniofula owasio.

2073.    okhuniokosa [oxunjokosa] verb - to remove faeces from the intestines in preparation for cooking, to prepare intestines for cooking. Omwana ali okhuniokosa amala.

2074.    okhunioniosa [oxunjonjosa] verb - to echo, repeat words addressed to oneself in a mocking way, put in quotation marks. Lekha okhunioniosa abakhulunju.

2075.    okhuniyasa [oxunijasa] verb - to knead. Lekha okhuniayasa eloba.

2076.    okhuniyia [oxunijia] to relieve the bowels, defecate, excrete. Ochia okhuniyia ena?

2077.    okhunoka [oxunoká] verb – 1. to be satiated; to have had enough, be done appropriately, be wet properly, 2. to have salt evenly dissolved in the food. Oli okhunoka enchuli olutambi nilwakhamala okhunoka amafucha.

2078.    okhunoka [oxunóká] verb - to pick, pluck; harvest maize. (see; v. okhunoka).

2079.    okhunokia [oxunokja] verb - to satiate; be done appropriately. Ewe onyala okhunokya owasio ta.

2080.    okhunokola [oxunokola] verb - to pluck off from low plants where they are many on a stem. Wenya okhunokola amakanda.

2081.    okhunona [oxunona] ; [ oxu′nna] verb - to have some little nice meal as you wait for the main one. Mutali achiye okhunona ebiang'ina. PROVERB: Achi 'Endi okhunona eyi basikire' aba ali nende esikesikire. If one says shall only have a bite on the roasted meat then be assured has another good meal for that day.

2082.    okhunoneresa [oxunoneresa] ; [oxunneresa] verb - to investigate. Sitseswa ali okhunoneresa amanye owang'ali.

2083.    okhunucha [oxunuʧa] verb - to apply dust during circumcision process. Oyweri ali okhunucha muchuli.

2084.    okhunukirisa [oxunukirisa] verb - to visit flower for nectar; visit place to get benefit from s.t good. Enjukhi chichakire okhunukiirisa okhuingira mu'silundu ne chichanikha okhunukirisa khu’bimuli bia eliani.

2085.    okhunukusa [oxunukusa] verb - to send somebody to take drugs to the sick with instructions on how the dick should use them. Kuka ali okhunukusa omwana akhulechere amasuusa.

2086.    okhunukya [oxunukja] verb - to make somebody to get accustomed to; condition. (see; v. okhunukirisa). Enjukhi chichakire okhunukia okhuingira mu'silundu. PROVERB: Kulie kunukiirire, okuchekere olukhola. If you want to trap a clever bird, let it it eat for it to get used to the eating, then you can even trap it using a simple snare- like one made from banana fibre.

2087.    okhunula [oxunula] verb - to be tasty. (see; v. okhunuula). Esasala lino litakha okhunula ne nawe wenya okhunuula. PROVERB: Akhasimba khomumikachi sikhamanya emikachi ni minulu ta. The mongoose that stays inside sugarcane farms never discovers that the sugarcane is sweet. A good thing is never appreciated by those who are used to its presence.

2088.    okhunulanula [oxunulanula] verb - to be shinny and fat. Ofeneke achaakire okhunulanula esikhoba.

2089.    okhununula [oxununula] to redeem s.t with had been taked during a raid, to buy back that which had been sold out cheaply. Abasolili bali okhununula eng’ombe.

2090.    okhunuula [oxunu:la] verb - to take by force, take when the other is unwilling to give. (see; v. okhunuula). Owusuma ni weenya okhunula, oli okhunuula omwana engeso omuhe olusala. PROVERB: Akhukhondiola si akhunuula olukondo. Whoever admires without talking anything to you does not take away your beauty.

2091.    okhunuulanuula [oxunu:lanu:la] verb - to take by force regularly and unnecessarily. (see; v. okhunula <reduplication>). Opiro kasiima okhunulanula hano ni achia okhunuulanuula Mulika eng'ombe.

2092.    okhunuuna [oxununa] verb - to suckle. Omwana ali okhununa amabere. PROVERB: Enduyu engofu yi nunanga mu nyana. An old hare suckles from the young one. It is the youth to help the elderly.

2093.    okhunuunukha [oxunu:nukha] verb - to stop suckling. Omwana ali okhununukha.

2094.    okhunuunusa [oxunu:nusa] verb - to wean a child. Oli okhununusa omwana?

2095.    okhunyaala [oxuɲa:la] verb - to hurt a sore or wounded spot, open up an old sore. (see; v. okhunyaala). Makete oyu ali okhunyala okhunyaala owasie ekonjio.

2096.    okhunyaalikha [oxuɲa:lixa] verb - to suffer within self. (see; v. okhunyala <-ikha>). Otuma si ali okhunyalikha okhunyaalikha mu'mwoyo tawe.

2097.    okhunyaalukha [oxuɲa:luxa] verb – to become skinny and emaciated. Omwana keenya okhunyaalukha omubiri.

2098.    okhunyaanya [oxuɲa:ɲa] verb - to chew, analyse. Lekha okhunyaanya omukachi kwange. PROVERB: Owukhino wa olulefu; owuwonera enakhunyaanya. The dance of a beard is seen when chewing food.

2099.    okhunyaanyakukha [oxuɲa:ɲakuxa] verb - to wear out due to friction. Enguo ichakire okhunyaanyakukha.

2100.    okhunyaanyakula [oxuɲa:ɲakula] verb - to break up sugarcane to get juice; chew hard food before giving to a young one. Oli okhunyanyakula embetetwe owerese ebinywinywi.

2101.    okhunyaanyikha [oxuɲa:ɲixa] verb - to wear out on the surface. Ekoti lichakire okhunyanyikha.

2102.    okhunyaanyukha [oxuɲa:ɲuxa] verb - to frey. Elong'i yiri okhunyaanyukha.

2103.    okhunyabala [oxuɲaβala] verb - to dance shaking waist as if dancing kiganda traditional dance. Marita achaakire okhunyabala owukhino w'Abaganda.

2104.    okhunyafula [oxuɲafula] verb - to eat chewing clumsily. Omukhasi onyafula amasasala ono wanu?

2105.    okhunyaka [oxuɲaka] verb - to rob. Lekha okhunyaka emiandu ky'abasio. PROVERB: Omunyaka sikangala emere; nikangala bachi kebire. A poor man cannot own something valuable (cereals); if he owns, people will say he has stolen.

2106.    okhunyakhana [oxuɲa:xana] verb - to labour, work hard, be busy, suffer, be troubled, be filled with terror or fear. Lekha okhunyakhana khu'sialo.

2107.    okhunyakula [oxuɲakula] verb - to grab. Wenya okhunyakula omukunda.

2108.    okhunyakulula [oxuɲakulula] ; [oxuɲakulla] verb - to give birth when old, start doing s.t when its ripe time is over, start doing what you had stopped doing. Omusiere anyala okhunyakulula omwana.

2109.    okhunyala [oxuɲala] verb - to satisfy, be enough for, do independent of, manage, succeed, control. (see; v. okhunyaala). Ewe oli okhunyala okhukinga esinama namwe oli okhunyaala omubaaki ni obicha ni nasio?

2110.    okhunyalala [oxuɲalala] ; [oxuɲalla] verb - to diarrhea; sire many children. Oli okhunyalala. PROVERB: Echiaya mwi'tuuli, eyinyalala yibaamo. When many are grazing in the field, we have the one that is passing watery dung. In any group, there must be a person who has a problem.

2111.    okhunyalasa [oxuɲalasa] verb - to fire a machine gun. Oli okhunyalasa murutu.

2112.    okhunyalikha [oxuɲalixa] verb - to be contented with a share, satisfy. Sifuma siayala okhunyalikha ta.

2113.    okhunyalikhana [oxuɲalixana] - be possible. Binyala okhunyalikhana wumbekho eng'ombe.

2114.    okhunyalula [oxuɲalula] ; [oxuɲalla] verb - to make burst and squirts in all directions, get smashed. Ndombi ali okhunyalula enyanya.

2115.    okhunyasa [oxuɲa:sa] verb - to trouble, oppress, persecute, disturb, annoy. Lekha okhunyasa abasio.

2116.    okhunyeba [oxuɲeβa] verb - to blaze up along the ground. Omuliro kuchakire okhunyeba.

2117.    okhunyeenyeekhana [oxuɲe:ɲe:xana] verb - to argue in a bitter manner. Lekha okhunyeenyeekhana hano.

2118.    okhunyefwa [oxuɲefʷa] verb  1. to become fat and oily. Omusiembe kuchanikhire okhunyefwa.

2119.    okhunyekenya [oxuɲekeɲa] verb - to rain in small amount continuously. Efula ichakire okhunyekeenya. PROVERB: Na wuli yinyekenya okhukwa ya 'swa? Not every instance of rain brings opportunity to harvest white-ants.

2120.    okhunyekula [oxuɲekula] verb - to arouse. Lekha okhunyekula omunyasi.

2121.    okhunyekulula [oxuɲekulula] ; [oxuɲekulla] verb - to loosen; make a given feeling to start. Lekha okhunyekula abanju munda.

2122.    okhunyenya [oxuɲeɲa] verb - to make shinny watery place. Ekonjio lichakire okhunyenya.

2123.    okhunyereera [oxuɲere:ra] verb - to pass through a small space on the fence or among twigs. Abayimi bali okhunyereera nibayima.

2124.    okhunyerehala [oxuɲerehala] verb - to become thin, narrow. Engira yenya okhunyerehala.

2125.    okhunyiba [oxuɲiβa] verb - to run very quickly for a short distance without stopping; sprint. Oli okhunyiba embiro.

2126.    okhunyibikha [oxuɲiβixa] verb - to cane a person continuously for a short time. Nandi ali okhunyibikha Aonda ebiwoko.

2127.    okhunyicha [oxuɲiʧa] verb - to be cold, be still, become cold, remain calm, convulse, faint. Amchi kali okhunyicha. PROVERB: Olinda wunyiche kalia nende abakeni. If you wait for the food to cool, then be ready to share it with visitors.

2128.    okhunyiira [oxuɲi:ra] verb - to pull rope tight, stretch. Lekha okhunyiira ekosi.

2129.    okhunyiisa [oxuɲi:sa] verb - to wrinkle the face. Lekha okhunyiisa oweni.

2130.    okhunyika [oxuɲika] verb - to press from in out due to being full, tighten, be tough; become difficult, reach breaking point. Amakhuwa keenya okhunyika. PROVERB: Omufubi owuliraanga aha lwiki hanyiki. An orphan eats from near the tight door.

2131.    okhunyikhana [oxuɲixana] verb - to rub against another surface to cause friction. Owupata wuno wuchakire okhunyikhana.

2132.    okhunyikhinya [oxuɲixiɲa] verb - to write; do calligraphy. Wuchunju keenya okhunyikhinya amecha kefwe.

2133.    okhunyikiirisa [oxuɲiki:risa] verb - to forcefully pressurize. Lekha okhunyikirisa abasio.

2134.    okhunyikikha [oxuɲikixa] verb - to busy, be preoccupied, full of milk in udder, feel pressed up, be tight on the body. Esibere siri okhunyikikha.

2135.    okhunyikula [oxuɲikula] verb - to whip heartedly; tighten strongly. Oli okhunyikula abaana ebiwoko.

2136.    okhunyinya [oxuɲiɲa] verb - to shine with water amid flesh. Ekonjio lilikho lichakire okhunyinya.

2137.    okhunyirira [oxuɲirira] verb - to spit (of rain), drizzle, fall lightly. Efula yiri okhunyirira. PROVERB: Embulu yerukha efula yinyirira, yekhupa mu’mwombe kuyirira. A monitor ran away from a drizzle to take shelter in water. Running from the frying pan into the fire.

2138.    okhunyirisia [oxuɲirisja] verb - to forceful spit out between gap. Mahando anyala okhunyirisia amache okhubichira m'mbenya.

2139.    okhunyisia [oxuɲisja] verb - to cool. Matundu ali okhunyisia echai.

2140.    okhunyoha [oxuɲjoha] verb - to be the first. Nje anu oli okhunyoha ache mu'Abaekwe?

2141.    okhunyoloolokha [oxuɲolo:loxa] verb - to creep along slowly and stealthily; leave quietly, slink away, move along railway-line. Enjukha yiri okhunyoloolokha.

2142.    okhunyonya [oxuɲoɲa] verb - to weed. Wanyonyi ali okhunyonya endalo.

2143.    okhunyonyola [oxuɲoɲola] verb - to speak to explain, expand on an idea, describe giving finer details. Lekha okhunyonyola embakha eyo.

2144.    okhunyoola [oxuɲo:la] verb - to find or receive, get, discover, invent, meet, come upon, earn; understand, earn, overtake. Oli okhunyoola Papawo nikeyoka. PROVERB: Ali esambo; onyoolawo owulimbo. Where there is beauty is where there is a trap.

2145.    okhunyoolekha [oxuɲo:lexa] verb - to be obtainable; face consequences. Oli okhunyoolekha hena? PROVERB: Ebilayi binyolekhanga mawerereele. The best things in life can at time be scarce before their onset again.

2146.    okhunyoonya [oxuɲo:ɲa] verb  1. to make be interesting, arouse interest. Omwenya kuli okhunyoonya. 2. to add flavour and salt to a meal to taste good; test to see if the meal is well cooked. PROVERB: Mbe enyoonyeresekho, kamalira omulungo khu lunikho. Testing the soup made the cook to finish the soup.

2147.    okhunyoosa [oxuɲo:sa] verb - to remove fibrous cuticle from pumpkin leaves before cooking. Kukhu keenya okhunyoosa esuusa.

2148.    okhunyukhira [oxuɲuxira] verb - to sprinkle flour on water before starting to cook, throw some bait in water to entice fish during fishing. Kong'ani kakhamala okhunyukhira owusie khu’machi.

2149.    okhunyukhula [oxuɲuxula] verb  1. to make fine soft powder, rub flour, etc., between the fingers to feel how fine it is. Olukina luno lwamanya okhunyukhula owusie. 2. to run at same high speed one after the other. Khuli okhunyukhula embiro.

2150.    okhunyukhulula [oxuɲúxúlúlá] ; [oxuɲuxulla] verb - to pour or drip some fine powder along a line. (see; v. okhunyukhulula). Oli okhunyukhulula amachi khu'liani nase endi okhunyukhulula amakhoba khu'maito ekhalange.

2151.    okhunyukhulula [oxuɲuxúlúlá] ; [oxuɲuxulla] verb - to rub between hands, as in removing husks of grain, wings of insects. (see; v. okhunyukhulula).

2152.    okhunyula [oxuɲúlá] verb –  1. to ride a bicycle, sprint or walk very fast following each other. (see; v. okhunyula). Muliti ali okhunyula enjoli chia'malesi ne achanikha okhunyula embiro kole eyi mulwaye akonire.

2153.    okhunyula [oxuɲulá] verb – to process fiber from sisal leaves, press to make fine particles from big ones. (see; v. okhunyula).

2154.    okhunyululukha [oxuɲulúlúxá] verb - to ease off and nearly stop (of rain). (see; v. okhunyuluulukha, nyululuukha). Ni ochanikha okhunyululukha embiro, efula niyeenya okhunyululukha, omunyu kwo'muchere oku kuli okhunyuluulukha omiukhe okwe esikhoba sichanikhe okhunyuluulukha owubi.

2155.    okhunyuluulukha [oxuɲú:lúxá] ; [oxuɲúllúxá] verb - to graze, scrape off the skin causing injury. (see; v. okhunyuluulukha, nyululukha).

2156.    okhunyuluulukha [oxuɲulú:lúxá] verb - to be sticky and doughy so that it cannot be broken off cleanly but leaves trails strings behind it. Ni ochanikha okhunyululukha embiro, efula niyeenya okhunyululukha, omunyu kwo'muchere oku kuli okhunyuluulukha omiukhe okwe esikhoba sichanikhe okhunyuluulukha owubi.

2157.    okhunyunya [oxuɲuɲa] verb - to investigate. Endi okhunyunya emanye.

2158.    okhunyunyula [oxuɲuɲúlá] verb - to make it salty. (see; v. okhunyunyula). PROVERB: Enyama wakhanyunyula yakhanula; wemana omusambi? Even if the roasted meat is sweet, can the one who roasted miss a share?

2159.    okhunyunyula [oxuɲúɲúlá] verb - to make it taste sweet or sugary. (see; v. okhunyunyula). Maloba keenya okhunyunyula owusera nende owukhi ne naye Mukwe ali okhunyunyula eliani nende omunyu'mufuma.

2160.    okhunyusya [oxuɲusja] verb - to make fine touch. Olukina luli okhunyusya owusie.

2161.    okhunyuunya [oxuɲu:ɲa] verb – to sulk and feel a lot of anger from within. Sinywoonywa achaakire okhunyuunya?

2162.    okhunywa [oxuɲwa] 1. to drink; 2. to smoke, 2. to get scored. Kukhu keenya okhunywa olukata. PROVERB: Akachundukhire; (amalwa) kakhoya onakhuywere. Brew that has been brewed badly calls for drinkers who can sympathize and drink to save your face. If require true friends to cover you up or sort you out when you have caused a problem.

2163.    okhunywana [oxuɲwana] verb - to evenly soak or mix onto each other. Enguo enyinikhe chianjire okhunywana amachi owulayi.

2164.    okhunywesa [oxuɲwesa] verb  1. to give to drink, water animals, 2. score; gain advantage in a deal. Nje anu oli okhunywesa ekoli?

2165.    okhuobia [oxuoβja] verb - to gain the ability to roll back the foreskin. Omusinde abaye asiri okhuobya.

2166.    okhuobokha [oxuoβoxa] verb - to implode, burst inward, sink in, e.g. a filled-in hole, sunken eyes or cheeks in illness. Oli okhuobokha mu'loho.

2167.    okhuocha [oxʷo-]; [oxuoʧa] verb - to warm oneself at a fire or bask in sun. Bongita ali okhuocha omuliro. Ewe wenya okhwocha omuliro ne engokho chienya okhuwocha eswa? PROVERB: Okwendaha wochera hale. When the source of fire is of the hot embered tree (omulaha) telhen warm yourself at a distance.

2168.    okhuochama [oxʷo-]; [oxuoʧama] verb - to sit with legs raised and apart. Bakari ali okhuochama hamuliro. PROVERB: Aha esiswa situuma; nche aha baochama. Where we have white ants is where people will sit with legs bend to wait in order to pick them. People will always stay at a place of benefit.

2169.    okhuofuana [oxʷo-]; [oxuofuana] verb - to exchange. Mukwe nende Malova bali okhuofuana eng'ombe chiawe.

2170.    okhuofulula [oxʷo-]; [oxuofuula] ; [oxuofulla] verb - to re-thatch a house or roof by removing the old roof. Kuka keenya okhuofulula esiaki?

2171.    okhuokhoola [oxʷo-]; [oxuoxo:la] verb - to remove excess dry fibre from a banana or branches from a tree by pulling. Lekha okhuokhoola amachemwa.

2172.    okhuokhumisa [oxʷo-]; [oxuoxumisa] verb - to make it be in tens. Oli okhumisa enyingo.

2173.    okhuokiya [oxʷo-]; [oxuokija] verb - to be sharp. Embako iri okhuokiya eyene.

2174.    okhuokoyala [oxʷo-]; [oxuokoyala] verb - to soften by use of a solvent. Eloba lichakire okhuokoyala eloba.

2175.    okhuola [oxʷo-]; [oxuola] verb - to fit in, reach, attain a stage, be delivered, arrive (at). Abakeni benya okhuola. PROVERB: Kenda kalaha kola ewunyolo (Ewuyundo) Whoever walked slowly by slowly reached the land of the plenty or Luoland. Slow but sure won the race.

2176.    okhuolaana [oxʷo-]; [oxuola:na] verb – to deserve, be worth. Ewe oli okhuolaana okhukhupwa.

2177.    okhuolooma [oxʷo-]; [oxuolo:na] verb - to swell stomach, be half sphere. Omwana ali okhuolooma enda.

2178.    okhuoma [oxʷo-]; [oxuoma] verb - to dry up as a solid, wither, become hard. Amatumwa kasiri okhuoma? PROVERB: Amasingo k'emboko koma khumukulu; nemukachi kakhupa owulu. The dung of a buffalo can dry up on surface but smelly inside.

2179.    okhuombakha [oxʷo-]; [oxuobaxa] verb - to build, erect a structure, construct, develop. Nje anu oli okhuombakha enju? PROVERB: Embakha esaacha; esibala yombakha. Stories empty of childishness brings progress.

2180.    okhuombiichira [oxʷo-]; [oxuobi:ʧira] verb - to help each other to be firm in doing a given task. Muchio okhuombiichira khu'mirimo.

2181.    okhuombiilisa [oxʷo-]; [oxuobi:lisa] verb - to double up. Oli okhuombiilisa esikero siowusuma. PROVERB: Bombiri banju. Two (man and woman) gave rise to a group of people.

2182.    okhuombiira [oxʷo-]; [oxuobi:ra] verb - to be firm on both legs. Oli okhuombira khu'lwanyi?

2183.    okhuombookha [oxʷo-]; [oxuobo:xa] verb - to walk slowly, move silently and stealthly. Lekha okhuombookha ni ochia.

2184.    Okhuomerera [oxʷo-]; [oxuomerera] verb - to dry up and have no liquid remaining. PROVERB: Ekhere lyokhulukongo lyawolera elyokhumaji lichi koo, 'Wesi nyanga iribao amachi komerera.' A frog from dryland area told the one in a wetland area never to feel proud for there can come a time when the wetland can dry. Never satirize those who do not have the resources that you seem to posses by virtue of your natural environment.

2185.    okhuomiira [oxʷo-]; [oxuomi:ra] verb - to be strong; be strong willed. Omwana ali okhwomiira.

2186.    okhuomola [oxʷo-]; [oxuomola] verb - to dish out from cooking item. Ng'ani keenya okhuomola eliani. PROVERB: Omulongi komolerwa khu’luchio. A potter may eat from the broken pieces of the cooking pot for lack of small important utencils.

2187.    okhuomooma [oxʷo-]; [oxuomo:ma] verb - to blush, feel ashamed after missing. Mutali ali okhuomooma n'asuba owusuma.

2188.    okhuondachisa [oxʷo-]; [oxuoⁿdaʧisa] verb - to triple. Olu okhuondachisa esikero si’owusuma.

2189.    okhuonga [oxʷo-]; [oxuoᵑɡa] verb - to run after; follow, join; connect, to join an item such as a rope. Njanu oli okhuonga omukoye. PROVERB: Wuli bongana nibalondana; si biri mbo basimana. Not all who follow each other love each other.

2190.    okhuongera [oxʷo-]; [oxuoᵑɡera] verb - to affirm by adding more evidence, to add bonus. Oli okhuongesa amatumwa.

2191.    okhuongola [oxʷo-]; [oxuoᵑɡola] verb - to hit a target using a stone. Masulia ali okhuongola eng'ombe oluika.

2192.    okhuongolera [oxʷo-]; [oxuoᵑɡolera] verb - to attack when the other is unprepared; ambush into a fight, to happen when not expected. Eng'ombe yiri okhuongolera eyindi?

2193.    okhuongukha [oxʷo-]; [oxuoᵑɡuxa] verb - to move of and go ahead from where you had gone. Omwana oyu ochumire ali okhuongukha okhuchia e’Namirama. PROVERB: Akhaminyu khongolera okhalanga omulengaala, ne khane siminyu sieyongula. You may call it a short dry spell yet is a full dry season. Never ignore symptoms of deviancy at beginning for that may turn into the beginning of full blown deviancy.

2194.    okhuonjula [oxʷo-]; [oxuoⁿdʒula] verb - to get hold of bird that was in a trap. Namunyu keenya okhuonjula etiatiasi.

2195.    okhuonoona [oxʷo-]; [oxuono:na] verb - to destroy, spoil. Nasiminyu keenya okhuonoona esipwoni. PROVERB: Amakesi amaangi konoona namususuni omunwa. Too much brains destroyed the sunbirds beak. We should be wary of modifications of that which is already good.

2196.    okhuonyonya [oxuoɲoɲa] - long for s.t you can't have, build castles in the air. Lekha okhuonyonya omwenya.

2197.    okhuoosa [oxʷo-]; [oxuo:sa] verb - to wash, hold a ceremony to celebrate child birth. Nasacha ali okhuosa amachi aka okhuoosa abaana?

2198.    okhuosa [oxʷo-]; [oxuosa] verb - to deliver; arrive at a particular level. Nandalo ali okhuosa eng'ombe ewa kuka.

2199.    okhuosola [oxuosola] verb - to tear off a small soft part of the wood. (see; v. okhuosoola). Simbole alekhe okhuosoola ekhwi engali khu'musaala achanikhe okhuosola ebikhwi ebitiiti.

2200.    okhuosoola [oxuosoola] verb - to tear off a big soft part of the wood. (see; v. okhuosola). Simbole alekhe okhuosoola ekhwi engali khu'musaala achanikhe okhuosola ebikhwi ebitiiti.

2201.    okhuosula [oxʷo-]; [oxuosula] verb - to tear, rip to expose the inside. Mariko ali okhuosula enguo yange.

2202.    okhuoula [oxʷo-]; [oxuoula] verb - to peel bark, remove skin from. Nje anu oli okhuoula esichundu?

2203.    okhuoyaoya [oxʷo-]; [oxuojaoja] verb - to moan in ecstasy. Omukhana oyu kamanya okhuoyaoya.

2204.    okhuoyera [oxʷo-]; [oxuojera] verb - to hanker after s.t the way pregnant women long for specific item. Omukhasi achaakire okhuoyera amawumbu.

2205.    okhuoyoya [oxuojoja]   to desire, hunger for. Lekhanga okhuoyoya ni owene enyama.

2206.    okhupaafula [oxupa:fula] verb - to slap with open palm. Kukhu ali okhupaafula Tabasi oluyi.

2207.    okhupaakha [oxupa:xa] verb - to make flour into paste for fermenting. Kerementina ali okhupaakha amalwa. PROVERB: Akachundukha, (analwa) kachaakira enakhupaakha. Bear that will brew badly starts at the earliest time of preparing. Prevention is better than cure.

2208.    okhupaama [oxupa:ma] verb - to collapse by pressing down to make flat, lie law by taking cover, slap on the cheek slowly and strongly. Luseli ali okhupaama Lukeresa oluyi. PROVERB: Omwononi; sikepaama okhuikisa mu'sipwoni. A destructive person cannot hide in a potato field. Will still be seen and his destructive nature will sell him out.

2209.    okhupaamba [pa:ba] verb - to add in more cotton to make the nest comfortable; add decorations to make beautiful. Namususuni ili okhupaamba esiswi.

2210.    okhupaamia [oxupa:mja] verb - to make one side flat due to pressing. Lekha okhupaamya esiaki.

2211.    okhupaapya [oxupa:pja] ; [oxuppja] verb - to press to make flat. (see; v. okhupapya). Nakhumicha keenya okhupapya oluala khu’simu naye Oware ali okhupaapia ebati libe esipaapi.

2212.    okhupaara [oxupa:ra] verb - to imagine; think, form pictures in your mind of what s.t might be like. Oli okhupaara sina? PROVERB: Enyuni yema khu'siswa, yapaaririsa, 'Musaala kwamera eswa?' The bird on an anthill asked whether a tree grew white-ants. You cannot play the carrot and stick game with those who are informed of your intention.

2213.    okhupaasa [oxupa:sa] verb - to iron. Nje anu oli okupaasa ekoti?

2214.    okhupaatana [oxupa:tana] verb - to reach a consensus, rhyme. Abami aba bali okhupaatana.

2215.    okhupaatania [oxupa:tanja] verb - to pair up. Lubisia ali okhupaatania amawusi. PROVERB: Enda si opaatania nenda amachwi. Stomach (pregnancy) does not pair up well with the listening ear. Hunger or desire for sex does blocks any advice against it.

2216.    okhupaatia [oxupa:tja] verb - to attach; paste. (see; v. okhupatia). Nenyirenge okhupatia omuliango nende owupata khonuwo enchanikhe okhupaatia embapulo khu'ta.

2217.    okhupaatikha [oxupa:tixa] verb – 1. to adhesively patch on the other; 2. nickname. Nenya okhupaatikha olupapulo khu'ita.

2218.    okhupaatukha [oxupa:tuxa] be wide and protruding. Lekha okhupaatukha omachwi.

2219.    okhupaatula [oxupa:tula] verb - to make wide and protruding. (see; v. okhupatula). Omwana ochaakire okhupaatula abasi amachwi ochie achanikhe okhupatula ahambie etaa.

2220.    okhupachula [oxupaʧula] verb - to switch on using a protruding switch by moving it in apposite direction. Lekha okhupachula omubaso.

2221.    okhupakaasa [oxupaka:sa] verb - to work for wages or reward; contract. Lekha okhupakaasa wandayo. PROVERB: Omukumba opakasira engo, achuma echango. The childless woman in search of a home, sends her thigh.

2222.    okhupakapaka [oxupakapaka] verb - to hesitate in action. Lekha okhupakapaka ano.

2223.    okhupakata [oxupakata] verb - to gallop. Ewololi chienya okhupakata ni chichia Masai Mara.

2224.    okhupakhaala [oxupalaxa:la] verb - to be flat and wide. Amachi kali okhupakhaala.

2225.    okhupalaakha [oxupala:xa] verb - to buoy and float on water like a boat or ship.

2226.    okhupalaapala [oxupala:pala] verb - to writhe, wriggle on the ground as a snake or an injured person. Lekha okhupalaapala.

2227.    okhupalakatia [oxupalakatja] verb - to make using less skills; faff; do imperfectly and roughly. Lekha okhupalakatia esiaki.

2228.    okhupalambasa [oxupalalabasa] verb - to bath quickly without keenness. Lekha okhupalambasa omwana.

2229.    okhupalapala [oxupalapala] be spotted. Ekhangablichakire okhupalapala.

2230.    okhupanga [oxupaᵑɡa] verb  1. to arrange; plan. Ewe oli okhupanga enguwo? 2. to dodge by removing the ball from opponent. Mulama ali okhupanga abakhupi basie.

2231.    okhupangalisa [oxupaᵑɡalisa] verb - to make clinking sound. Lekha okhupangalisa nababa.

2232.    okhupangula [oxupaᵑɡula] verb - to punch away an incoming object. Balovera ali okhupangula omupira.

2233.    okhupangulula [oxupaᵑɡulula] ; [oxupaᵑɡulla] verb - to disarrange. Ese empanga ne nawe wenya okhupangulula?

2234.    okhupangusa [oxupaᵑɡusa] verb - to wipe off dirt from a surface. Nawire ali okhupangusa olukina.

2235.    okhupapaalukha [oxupapa:luxa] ; [oxuppa:luxa] verb - to rumble thender. Efula ilekhire okhupapaalukha.

2236.    okhupapakira [oxupapakira] ; [oxuppakira] verb - to bubble. Amachi kali okhupapakira.

2237.    okhupapala [oxupapala] ; [oxuppala] verb - to flap about, struggle. Tira engokho yilekhe okhupapala inywe amalesi.

2238.    okhupapara [oxupapara] ; [oxuppara] verb - to have a mix of distinct colours. Etumwa liri okhupapara ne liba elia opapari.

2239.    okhupapiula [oxupapjula] ; [oxuppjula] verb - to swipe; touch on an exit menu. Lekha okhupapyula khu'lusimu lwange.

2240.    okhupapiulula [oxupapjulula] ; [oxuppjulla] verb - to swipe to drop down menu. Okaba ali okhupyapulula amecha.

2241.    okhupapya [oxupapja] ; [oxuppja] verb - to uch on a shell on a divination mat to reveal information, click on an icon with a cursor; hand money to a person with quick palm motion. (see; v. okhupaapya). Nakhumicha keenya okhupapya oluala khu’simu naye Oware ali okhupaapia ebati.

2242.    okhuparasia [oxuparasja] verb - to go watery faeces. Engokho yino yiri okhuparasia amasiriokokho mu'weru.

2243.    okhupariparikana [pariparikana] verb - to be parallel to each other. Enyumba chiri eyi nende eyi mana chiri okhupariparikana.

2244.    okhupatapata [oxupata:pata] verb - to start raining, walk for long. Efula yichakire okhupatapata.

2245.    okhupatapata [oxupatapata/, [oxupataapata] verb - to walk with short quick steps. Lekha ali okhupatapata ni awaho.

2246.    okhupatasa [oxupatasa] verb - to sit abruptly, fall ina chair. Liru keenya okhupatasa omwana khukina. PROVERB: Wipatasa nga esitubi, ochakwa nga esongo. It is better to fall like a woven basket (that does not break) than to fall like a water pot (which breaks.)

2247.    okhupatia [oxupatja] verb - to break dry stick. Oli okhupatia olusala olwo.

2248.    okhupatia [oxupatja] verb - to Put hinges on a door. (see; v. okhupaatia). Nenyirenge okhupatia omuliango nende owupata khonuwo enchanikhe okhupaatia embapulo khu'ta.

2249.    okhupatukha [oxupatuxa] verb - to produce switch-clicking sound. ,Esofungo sienya okhupatukha.

2250.    okhupatula [oxupatula] verb - to switch on, click on an icon. Kukhu keenya okhupatula owulafu mu'nyumba.

2251.    okhupatulula [oxupatulula] ; [oxupatulla] verb - to switch off. Nje anu opatulula ni asimia owulafu?

2252.    okhupaya [oxupaja] verb - to estimate. Onyala okhupaya esende chya okhuombakha enyumba?

2253.    okhupayapaaya [oxupajapa:ja] verb - to estimate, approximate, guess, speculate. Lekha okhupayapaaya ochuwolere owulamba. PROVERB: Opayapaaya watiira khu'lubisi kho wachenya olwomu. Before you aim at getting the dry firewood, you start by touching on those that are not dry.

2254.    okhupeena [oxupe:na] verb - to compose and play music, do the work of a DJ. Mwangala kamanya okhupeena enyimbo. PROVERB: Okwimbo kubi kupenwa kwakhinwa omwene. Even if the song is bad, its singer will dance to it.

2255.    okhupeepeera [oxupe:pe:ra] verb - to bleat like a billy goat. Lekha okhupepera omunwa ochio.

2256.    okhupeeya [oxupe:ya] verb - to auction to pay debt, take what belongs to a person to pay debt. Becha okhupeeya eng'ombe.

2257.    okhupeketa [oxupeketa] verb - to gnaw s.t hard. Embeba chiri okhupeketa esero?

2258.    okhupekisiona [oxupekisjona] verb - to inspect, do a search. Abasikari bali okhupekisiona Muhamutu.

2259.    okhupepeera [oxupepe:ra] - over ripe. Epera lienya okhupepeera. PROVERB: Wulayi wekhuyu okhupepera; khane munda enyende chisera. What a beauty of the over ripe fig fruit yet full of maggots. The appearance is not the reality.

2260.    okhupepena [oxupepena] ; [oxuppena] verb - to chew s.t cartilaginous noisily. Mukhobi ali okhupepena omwoko kwa Mukewa.

2261.    okhupepeta [oxupepeta] ; [oxuppeta] verb - to hit up several times, dribble. Kamasia ali okhupepeta omupira.

2262.    okhuperepesa [oxuperepesa] verb - to blink the eyes rapidly. Lekha okhuperepesa emoni.

2263.    okhupiayula [oxupjajula] verb - to make cry like chick in search of an exit when encliosed. Enyinywi yiri okhupyayula lukali.

2264.    okhupima [oxupima] verb - to measure, examine, weigh, penalize in a game. Njanu oli okhupima owulwaye?

2265.    okhupingirisa [oxupiᵑɡirisa] verb - to ss to make clinking sound. Lekha okhupingirisa eng'ondo.

2266.    okhupiriingisa [oxupiri:ᵑɡisa] verb - to roll over. Lekha okhupiriingisa erende. PROVERB: Obiringisa ekhutu; aliongusa olukendo. Whoever rolls a tortoise over in anger helps it to move faster. At times our actions can be a blessing in disguise to our enemies.

2267.    okhupiukha [oxupjuxa] verb - to dash across out of sight, slide into a slimy place. Esimba lienya okhuepyukha ne lingira m’mikachi.

2268.    okhupobokha [oxupoβoxa] verb - to sink below the surface. Esisuli sili okhupobokha.

2269.    okhupoholokha [oxupoholoxa] verb ball or tube or stomach to have less air or pain. Omupira kwunya okhupoholokha.

2270.    okhupokola [oxupokola] verb - to blink eyes lazily. Lekha okhupokola emoni ne owuma esi okhola.

2271.    okhupolia [oxupolja] verb - to wink, blink; open and shut eyes. Khanu ono kakhanja okhupolia emoni chia sina? PROVERB: Ebinaona napoliakho, bikhira ebinaliakho. Whatever one has opened eyes and winked at are always more than what the person has eaten. We can also learn from the experience of others more that self experience.

2272.    okhupomola [oxupomola] verb - to bring down a constructed item; dismantle, pull down. Lekha okhupomola esimba eyo.

2273.    okhupongola [oxupoᵑɡola] verb - to break off hard solid material. Rasoha anyala okhupongola esikaye.

2274.    okhupookia [oxupo:kja] verb - to join train trucks. Lekha okhupookia amakorokocho.

2275.    okhupoolokha [oxupooloxa] verb - to become rational. Simu ali okhupoolokha echima.

2276.    okhupoongita [oxupo:ᵑɡita] verb - to walk faintly and delicately in drooping manner. Olekhe okhupoongita.

2277.    okhupotola [oxupotola] verb - to break soft wood. Lekha okhupotola omukachi kwa palu.

2278.    okhupowa [oxupowa] verb - to ease of pain, to cool. Owusiba wuli okhupowa.

2279.    okhupuka [oxupuka] verb - to annoint, book; smear with dusty substance such as pestcide. Masinde kapuka ewusi.

2280.    okhupuliukha [oxupiljuxa] verb - to suddenly appear especially from a hole. Abakeni bali okhupuliukha.

2281.    okhupulungula [oxupuluᵑɡula] verb - to crumble down. Enchu yiri okhupulungula.

2282.    okhupumba [oxupuba] verb - to put wool, thread or sisal into a heap. Omwana ali okhupumba owuusi.

2283.    okhupumbaasa [oxupubasa] verb - to make fool of. Lekha okhupumbaasa abakhana abo.

2284.    okhupumbunya [oxupubuɲa] verb - to be shapelessly blunt. Lekha okhupumbunya esimbo.

2285.    okhupumuula [oxupu:mu:la] verb - to produce smoke. PROVERB: Kunaka nje kunaka, okoba kwapuumula. Smoking part of a smoking-pipe does not matter; what matters is whether it can pass smoke through it. Any woman is worth being turned into a good wife provided she can light fire and cook.

2286.    okhupungulikha [oxupuᵑɡulixa] verb - to make noise of knocking containers together. Bino biri okhupungulikha ni bikwa.

2287.    okhupuniukha [oxupunjuxa] verb - to fall head first in a slaw lazy manner. Omwana ali okhupumiukha.

2288.    okhupupukha [oxupupúxa] ; [oxuppuxa] verb – ‘to form a group.

2289.    okhupupukha [oxupúpuxa] verb –  1. to blaze up, flare up. PROVERB: Olukhwi lwokhunungo lwachekha olupupukha mumaika. The firewood on the firewood store laughed at that blazing up in the fire (not waware it was the next in fire).. 2. to form a group, jump up quickly and run as group, to stampede. Omuliro kuli okhupupukha. PROVERB: Ekondi liepupukha mu'sukhiri (epunda), lilayanga lichi liachisia namunyu. A sheep that walks in the midist donkeys may think it has defeated hyenas

2290.    okhupupulira [oxupupulira] ; [oxuppulira]  1. drape, wrap, wear a cloth draped at the side. 2. cover anthill scantly, Wanyoli ali okhupupulira esiswa.

2291.    okhupurukha [oxupuruxa] verb - to fly in air from one tree or from a perched place to another place. (see; v. okhupuruukha). Enyuni yiri nende amooya kachaakire okhupuurukha yino yenya okhupurukha yichie haleeyi. PROVERB: Amakhanga sikapurukhiranga khulala ta. Guinea fowls never take off from the ground at the same time.

2292.    okhupuruukha [oxupuru:xa] verb - to fade off, lose colour. (see; v. okhupurukha). Enyuni yiri nende amooya kachaakire okhupuurukha yino yenya okhupurukha yichie haleeyi.

2293.    okhupusiula [oxupusjula] verb - to snatch. Njanu owenya okhupusiula enyama ya Manyi? PROVERB: Opusula (Onula) omwana engeso, amuweresa olusala. If you take away a sickle from a child, then give him a stick. After taking something good from another, give the person a substitute to cool down the paining heart.

2294.    okhupuuka [oxupu:ka] verb - to fill in soil in a hole. Nje anu oli okhupuuka aloho? PROVERB: Kenyamba omuyufu; babeyera omupukhufu. The clean one farted and they claimed it was the dirty one.

2295.    okhupuukulula [oxupu:kulula] ; [oxupu:kulla] verb - to turn the soil, second plaugh. Busi apukuluye owulime?

2296.    Okhupuumuula [oxupumu:la] verb - to release thunderous fart. Lekha okhupuumula lukali.

2297.    okhupuutula [oxupu:tula] verb - to beat or hit or strike severally. Lekha okhuputula omwana.

2298.    okhupwaakhala [oxupʷa:xala] verb - to pour in torrent on a dry surface. Amachi kali okhupwaakhala khuno.

2299.    okhupwaalikha [oxupʷa:lixa] verb - to flow in mass and at once. Amachi keenya okhupwalikha kano kanu?

2300.    okhupwakhira [oxupʷaxira] verb - to snatch greedly. Nje abanu abenya okhipwakhira khu’makhalange?

2301.    okhupwakula [oxupʷakula] verb - to split off part from the rest easily. Matundu ali okhupwakula olukhwi. PROVERB: Embemba; sichipwakula ekumba. Words alone won't break the bone.

2302.    okhupwekukha [oxupʷekuxa] verb - to bark once like a fox or dog. Ekipwe liri okhupwekukha.

2303.    okhupwochokha [oxupʷoʧoxa] verb - to move quickly and suddenly towards a given direction; dart. Oli okhupwochokha ochie?

2304.    okhupwoka [oxupʷoka] verb - to arrive incognito, visit by surprise or take by surprise. (see; v. pwoka). Abakeni beenya okhupwoka kukhu balalia eliani eli keenya okhupwooka.

2305.    okhupwooka [oxupwo:ka] verb - to cook vegetable without salt. (see; v. pwoka). Abakeni beenya okhupwoka kukhu balalia eliani eli keenya okhupwooka.

2306.    okhupwota [oxupʷota] verb - to pet, apply powder on a body, fondle, touch one thing after the other. Lekha okhupwota owasio.

2307.    okhupwotola [oxupʷotola] verb - to beat hard with a stick, thresh. Lekha wusa; endi okhupwotala endiasi eyi.

2308.    okhupyalula [oxupjalula] verb - to swipe for dropdown items. Oli okhupyalula amecha.

2309.    okhupyatula [oxupjatula] verb - to quickly swipe over the skin to remove a substance. Lekha okhupyatula olusimu.

2310.    okhupyepyera [oxupjepjera] verb - to make very hot. Lekha okhupyepyera amachi.

2311.    okhuria [oxuria] verb – (borrowed. The Olunyala (K) word is Okhuchichikana) to fear. Ewe oli okhuria okhuchia engo.

2312.    okhusaaba [oxusá:βá] verb - to be a lot, in excess. (see; v. okhusaba). Nauto ngwoyu keenya okhusaaba emikhono khu’lucho achanikhe okhusaba enyama echiri okhusaaba wusa chino?

2313.    okhusaaba [oxusa:βá] verb - to wash hands and legs. Ono keenya okhusaaba amakhono. (see; v. okhusaba). PROVERB: Wangu wakhulia, achangirira okhusaaba. Whoever is in need of eating starts by washing hands. If a child washes his hands, he can dine with the kings.

2314.    okhusaacha [oxusa:ʧa] verb - to imprint, ridge a surface, typewrite on a stencil, put a seal by pressing. Ono keenya okhusaacha enyungu? (see; v. sacha). Ali okhusacha amabeere ne nange endi okhusaacha esaachi khu’sikaye.

2315.    okhusaachahala [oxusa:ʧahala] verb - to become a man. Nje anu okhusaachahala ano.

2316.    okhusaaha [oxusa:ha] verb – to incite a dog to attack. Lekha okhusaaha embwa.

2317.    okhusaakhula [oxusa:xula] verb - to get old (man). (see; v. okhusakhula). Omusaakhulu Namunyu ochaakire okhusaakhula nje ochiye okhusakhula amapwoni nende omusakhu?

2318.    okhusaakukha [oxusa:kuxa] verb - to go away in protest. (see; v. okhusaakula <-kha>). Lekha okhusaakukha abanju bali okhusaakukha.

2319.    okhusaakula [oxusa:kula] verb - to wave away in a despising manner. (see; v. okhusakula). Efwe khuchanikha okhusaakula abakhwe bachie esikira khutakha okhusakuula esiiyokero ne nawe ochanikha okhusakula abakhwe okhuicha.

2320.    okhusaakusa [oxusa:kusa] verb - to wave away indicating the other has to go; push away using stick. Lekha okhusaakusa esa.

2321.    okhusaakuukha [oxusa:ku:xa] verb - to go down (roof). (see; v. okhusakukha). Enyumba yiri okhusaakuukha lekha okhusaakukha.

2322.    okhusaala [oxusa:la] verb  1. to give forth a yammering sound like ants. Omwoni ali okhusala omusango mu'ngo, amake kali okhusaala mu'siswa ne nafwe khuli okhusaala Nyasaye. 2. to pray. (see; v. okhusala). Omwoni ali okhusala omusango mu'ngo, amake kali okhusaala mu'siswa ne nafwe khuli okhusaala Nyasaye.

2323.    okhusaalala [oxusa:lala] verb – to feel tingling bitterness. Omaoso keenya okhusaalala omwana.

2324.    okhusaalisa [oxusa:lisa] verb - to circumcise the first candidate during circumcision, to cut and use your blood to perform a ritual for preventing an impending calamity. Manyasi nje oli okhusalisa.

2325.    okhusaalula [sa:lula] ; [sa:lla] verb - to process butter from milk. Nakhayo ali okhusaalula amafucha okhuchula khu'mabere.

2326.    okhusaalulusa [oxusa:lulusa] ; [oxusa:llusa] verb - to shallow fry. Oli okhusaalulusa amafucha.

2327.    okhusaama [oxusa:ma] verb - to come out of holes and spread around before white ants fly off, to swarm on the surface of s.t. (see; v. okhusama). Embwa chiri okhusama ne amake kachanikha okhusaama. PROVERB: Esinatume sisaamia amake. If you will harvest white ants, then you will see it from the behaviour of the wingless ants.

2328.    okhusaamba [oxusa:ba] verb - to burn or roast deliberately, weld. Oli okhusaamba etumwa. PROVERB: Ocheulwa nekhabi, kakhaba amanyifu kamusaamba. Whoever was born unlucky will even be burned by lukewarm water.

2329.    okhusaambaka [oxusa:baka] verb - to massage with hot water or using hot absorbent material; roast or weld in a quick way. Baba ali okhusaambaka omwana.

2330.    okhusaambakala [oxusa:bakala] verb - to kick legs around quickly and strongly. Lekha okhusaambakala ano.

2331.    okhusaambikha [oxusa:bixa] verb - to feel envy. Khanu okhusaambikha sina?

2332.    okhusaambirira [oxusa:birira] ; [oxusa:birra] verb - to weld. Oli okhusaambirira endika ya Wamakondi.

2333.    okhusaamia [oxusa:mja] verb -  1. to exist in plenty at a place, 2. to sprinkle water on dry surface. (see; v. okhusama). Amake nikachanikha okhusaamia, embwa yiri okhusama ne nawe ochia okhusama amachi mu'siswa. PROVERB: Omung'ina kulia khu make kasaama ni kasaama. The queen termite eats from the many ants swarming around.

2334.    okhusaamukha [oxusa:muxa] verb - to have dry, scaly appearance. Kachire okhusaamkha owubi. PROVERB: Esienya owuliro (okhulia), sisaamukha amekhaliro. One that yearns to eat must accept to get dirty or bend law.

2335.    okhusaamula [oxusa:mula] verb - to beat with heavy slaps. Nje anu oli okhusaamula Wafuwa embi ni khuchia okhusamula? 2. to grow flowers, develop grey hair or flowers. Amakanda keenya okhusaamula ebimuli.

2336.    okhusaanda [oxusa:ⁿda] verb - to suffer, trouble, oppress, persecute, disturb. Lero oli okhusaanda nende esanda.

2337.    okhusaanga [oxusa:ᵑɡa] verb - to have sexual intercourse. Ewe oli okhusaanga nende owasio.

2338.    okhusaangirira [oxusa:ᵑɡirira] verb - to aid to fight a person. Lekha okhusaangiriara abasienywe.

2339.    okhusaang'ulusa [oxusaŋulusa] verb - to fly off individually from a group. Lekha okhusaang'ulusa enjukhi.

2340.    okhusaanya [oxusa:ɲa] verb - to collect together. Lekhaa okhusaanya enderu.

2341.    okhusaanyalala [oxusaɲalala] ; [oxusaaɲalla] verb - to be paralysed, be electrocuted. Eng'eni eliwo enyala okhusanyaalasa omwana omubiri.

2342.    okhusaanyulula [oxusa:ɲulula] ; [oxusa:ɲulla] verb - to melt; make insects that are together to start swarming. Oli okhusaanyulula amafucha.

2343.    okhusaasa [oxusa:sa] verb - to mixed. Nanjowe ali okhusaasa amakanda nende amatumwa.

2344.    okhusaasaala [oxusa:sa:la] verb - to be bitter in mouth, itch in the eyes the way smoke does. Pilipiri iri okhusaasaala omwana.

2345.    okhusaasaka [oxusa:saka] verb - to crush with heavy blows, hammer to pieces. Endi okhusasaka amakina.

2346.    okhusaasula [oxusa:sula] verb - to destroy a nest; tear apart. Lekha okhusasula esiaku sia echemwa oli okhusaasula esiswi.

2347.    okhusaaya [oxusa:ja] verb - to wish. Mukoto ali okhusaaya Wambulwa alekhe okhumukhupa oluyi khu'lusaya.

2348.    okhusaba [oxusaβá] verb - to ask for, plead; request, apply, borrow. (see; v. okhusaaba, saba). Omuyiimi wa esaba nikakhamala okhusaaba, ali okhusaba ekina ne amanya nga ali okhusaba enyuni? PROVERB: Ochuma embichi musipwoni; asaba owoni. Whoever sends a wild pig in a potato fiels must be ready for the sinful destruction so asked.

2349.    okhusaba [oxusáβá] verb - to be on target, aim and hit target during hunting. (see; v. okhusaaba, saba). PROVERB: Osaba akhira owiba. Better to ask and be given than to steal.

2350.    okhusabakula [oxusaβákula] verb - to appeal. Endi okhusabakula bakoleremo okhubala ekura.

2351.    okhusabikha [oxusiβixa] verb - to put vines in the soil; invest. Harambee ali okhusabikha esende mu'siloloti. (see; v. okhusabikha). Emilabi emisaabi ekiweenya okhusabikha khuwumumbi kino kinyala okhusabikha khu’anu ese enchie esabekho?

2352.    Okhusacha [oxusaʧa] verb - to churn; shake a container. Anona ali (see; v. saacha). Anona okhusacha amabeere ne Biketi naye ali okhusaacha esaachi khu’sikaye.

2353.    okhusachahala [oxusaʧahala] verb - to become a man. PROVERB: Embulu esacha yawolera ekhasi yichi koo, 'Chebangakho amakhuwa ni ochawuliye koo.' A husband monitor told its wife to be asking if it has not heard yet the two are believed to have same hearing problems. Never blame another person for a mistake that involves both of you.

2354.    okhusaka [oxusaka] verb - to mount a bicycle or motorcycle or a branch with legs on either side. Wafula ali okhusaka khu'ndika.

2355.    okhusakahala [oxusakahala] verb - to grow many branches; get established with branches, have homes in various places. Omusala kuli okhusakahala.

2356.    okhusakalala [oxusakalala] ; [oxusakalla] verb - to have elbows ready to hit out. Nauto ali okhusakalala ni atima.

2357.    okhusakalukha [oxusakaluxa] verb - to be happy and contented. (see; v. saakula <-kha>). Wechuli kakhachaka okhusakulukha amburuku ni chisiiri okhusaakulukha.

2358.    okhusakamukha [oxusa:kamuxa] verb - to be emotionally excited. Anyoye endalo achaakire okhusakamukha.

2359.    okhusakamusoopa [oxusakamuso:pa] verb - to absorb shock. Omutoka kuli okhusakamusoba khu’sakamusooba owulayi.

2360.    okhusakania [oxusa:kanja] verb - to be wasteful; subject someting good to ill use. Lekha okhusakania esitubi siange.

2361.    okhusakanya [oxusakaɲa] verb - to tie salt, ash or sugar in banana lieves. Nje anu oli okhusakanya omunyu mu'bisakanya.

2362.    okhusakatalala [oxusakatalalala] ; [oxusakatalalla] verb - to be spoke surfaced, be ruffled. Enchu liri okhusakatalala.

2363.    okhusakatukha [oxusakatuxa] verb - to jubilate about. Bano bakhachaka okhusakatukha.

2364.    okhusakaya [oxusakaja] verb - to shake dry container; make a movement. Lekha okhusakaya emuka.

2365.    okhusakhula [oxusaxula] verb - to dig up s.t slowly using a sharp long hoe. (see; v. okhusaakhula). Omusaakhulu Namunyu ochaakire okhusaakhula nje ochiye okhusakhula amapwoni?

2366.    okhusakia [oxusakja] verb - to hook onto s.t. Lekha okhusakya omukoye mu'saka.

2367.    okhusakikha [oxusakixa] verb - to put load on back of a donkey to hang on either side. Muniang'i ali okhusakikha amakunia khu'sukhiri.

2368.    okhusakukha [oxusakuxa] verb - to rush, dash. Oli okhusakukha embiro.

2369.    okhusakula [oxusakula] verb - to beckon, scratch the ground, pull down a fruit or s.t with long hooked pole. (see; v. okhusaakula, sakuula). Efwe khuchanikha okhusaakula abakhwe bachie esikira khutakha okhusakuula esiiyokero ne nawe ochanikha okhusakula abakhwe okhuicha. PROVERB: Engokho yesakulira, kho yeliira. A chicken scratches the ground to fend for itself. Never wait for free things in life.

2370.    okhusakulula [oxusukulula] ; [oxusakulla] verb - to air out, put out to dry a little where there is not much sun. Chaka okhusakulula amakanda.

2371.    okhusakuula [oxusaku:la] verb - to bring down a structure; scatter. (see; v. okhusaakula, sakula). Efwe khuchanikha okhusaakula abakhwe bachie esikira khutakha okhusakuula esiiyokero ne nawe ochanikha okhusakula abakhwe okhuicha

2372.    okhusakuusula [oxusaku:sula] verb - to shake out and off from surface. Lekha okhusakuusula efwiri.

2373.    okhusala [oxusálá] verb - to be aplenty. (see; v. okhusaala). Engokho chiri okhusala wusa mungo muno.

2374.    okhusala [oxusalá] verb - to cause. (see; v. okhuisaala, okhusala). Omwoni ali okhusala omusango mu'ngo, amake kali okhusaala mu'siswa ne nafwe khuli okhusaala Nyasaye.

2375.    okhusalaana [oxusala:na] verb - to be scattered or sprinkled about, e.g., blood at the scene of a fight. (see; v. okhuisaala <-na>, okhusala <-na>). Efwe khulikho khweenya okhusaalana ne nabo bakhachanikha okhusalana nende enyembe nende okhusaalana owulekheri.

2376.    okhusalaka [oxusalaka] verb - to tattoo, lance, administer medicine by making a cut on the skin. (see; v. okhusaala <-ka>). Oli okhusalaka omwana ne ochaaka okhusaalaka wangu. PROVERB: Amalasire kalondanga esalake. Blood flows along the cut scar line. Like father like son

2377.    okhusalamata [oxusalamata] verb - to move by running quickly and playfully. Lekha okhusalamata. PROVERB: Esikusi sisalamata. It (calf) dances around once it is satisfied.

2378.    okhusama [oxusama] verb  1. to bark. (see; v. okhusama). Amake nikachanikha okhusaama, embwa yiri okhusama ne nawe ochia okhusama amachi mu'siswa. 2. to moisten, sprinkle. (see; v. okhusaama). Amake nikachanikha okhusaama, embwa yiri okhusama ne nawe ochia okhusama amachi mu'siswa. PROVERB: Aha yisamira; si nche aha yilumira. The place at which a dog barks from is not the point from which it bites you.

2379.    okhusamanda [oxusamaⁿda] verb - to beat uncountable slaps. Kaula ali okhusamanda Achimu oluyi. PROVERB: Esichwi sichawulira wulayi; siasamandwa oluyi. An ear that does not listen is the one that received the pain of the slap.

2380.    okhusamba [oxusaba] verb - to kick; hit with leg quickly and strongly. (see; v. okhusaamba). Eng'ombe yiri okhusamba omukhami olubasi ni achia okhusaamba enyama. PROVERB: Eyisamba lukali, nche eyibakhama amakali. A cow that kicks a lot is the one that is milked a lot of milk.

2381.    okhusambakala [oxusabakala] verb - to kick legs vigorously. Esukiri yiri okhusambakala ni owoya nende omukoye omukutu. PROVERB: Eyifwa yisambakala. That which is dying has to give its last kicks.

2382.    okhusambula [oxusabula] verb - to destroy by removing the roofing grass or iron from roof. Esifusa siri okhusambula esimba ya Sambula. PROVERB: Emakombe eyo; olusambu oluokhusambula luwumayo. There is no bushland in the lands of the spirits.

2383.    okhusamula [oxusamula] verb - to go out, go to work, go away on business. (see; v. okhusaamula). Nje anu oli okhusaamula embi abali okhusamula mu'mukunda muchuli. PROVERB: Abakesi; basisamuye. The experts are out there working. Never do something and boast around that it is only you who knows how to do it since others may be silent but better than you.

2384.    okhusandaka [oxusaⁿdaka] verb - to walk in sandal for long. Ono keenya okhusandaka ni awaho.

2385.    Okhusang’aangira [oxusaŋa:ɡira] verb - to be at crossroad. Amakhuwa kali okhusang’angira kho omanye nga matinyu niko.

2386.    okhusanga [oxusaᵑɡa] verb - to support; be member of a group. (see; v. okhusaanga). Lekha okhusanga mumaraba ka okhusaanga nende abaana.

2387.    okhusangaala [oxusaᵑɡa:la] verb - to be happy. Kuka keenya okhusangala ni awene eswa.

2388.    okhusangaalira [oxusaᵑɡa:lira] verb - to welcome visitors in a happy mood. Khuli okhusangalira abakeni. Kuka keenya okhusangaalira ni awene eswa.

2389.    okhusanya [oxusaɲa] verb - to sprinkle. (see; v. okhusaanya). Oli okhusanya amachi khu’machemwa aka oli okhusaanya halala.

2390.    okhusanyukha [oxusaɲyuxa] verb - to run away from crime scene. Lekha okhusanyukha ni muwewo.o

2391.    okhusasaachula [oxusasa:ʧula] verb - to shake s.t light to and fro. Lekha okhusasaachula esibiriti.

2392.    okhusasaakula [oxusa:sakula] verb - to weaken the joints such that it cannot be used. Lekha okhusasaakula esitubi. 

2393.    okhusasia [oxusasja] verb - to spend aimlessly, to scatter intentionally. (see; v. okhusaasia). Kefingo keenya okhusasia eloba eli wenyirenge okhusaasia.

2394.    okhusasula [oxusasula] verb - to remove things from bundles or bananas from bunches. (see; v. okhusaasula). Lekha okhusasula esiaku sia echemwa oli okhusaasula esiswi.

2395.    okhusatuula [oxusatu:la] verb - to dismantle one's hair. Lekha okhusatulula efwiri.

2396.    okhusawula [oxusawula] verb - to make fall to pieces as sticks go off from position. Akuna ali okhusawula esieyo.

2397.    okhusawuusa [oxusa:wusa] [oxusa:wusa] verb - to wipe with a wet cloth or hands. Lekha okhusawuusa esawuni mumoni.

2398.    okhusayuumba [oxusaju:ba] verb - to make a wild commotion. Lekha okhusayuumba ano.

2399.    okhusecha [oxuseʧa] verb - to watch and control at close range with an aim to provoke and attack. Lekha okhusecha abakhana ni bachenya ekhwi.

2400.    okhuseecha [oxuse:ʧa] verb - to provoke and attack. Lekha okhuseecha abasio.

2401.    okhuseemba [oxuse:ba] verb - to seal, put a lid or a stopper on an opening. Lekha okhuseemba amasafu mu'reko.

2402.    okhuseembeera [oxuse:be:ra] verb - to increase in volume, increase girth, widen uniformly. (see; v. okhusembera). Omukachi kuli okhuseembeera enyingo ni ochanikha okhuseembera emboleya.

2403.    okhuseembeesa [oxuse:be:sa] verb - to blow heavily towards a given direction. Omuyaka kuli okhuseembeesa amaleesi Mumbo naye omukhana ali okhuseembesa abasolili.

2404.    okhuseembekherana [oxuse:bexerena] verb - to move along together, in a crowd. Lekha okhuseemberekhana nimwicha ewefwe.

2405.    okhuseembera [oxuse:bera] verb - to heap soil close to the stem during weeding; add manure near the stem. (see; v. okhuseembera). Omukachi kuli okhuseembeera enyingo ni ochanikha okhuseembera emboleya.

2406.    okhuseembesa [oxuse:be:sa] verb - to attract, to take that woth goes with other. (see; v. okhusembesa). Omukhana oyu achaakire okhuseembesa abasolili omuyaka nikuchanikha okhuseembeesa efula mu'matirisha. PROVERB: Owukula olukina lwosi; asembeesakho esio yosi. If you take the big grinding stone, then you cannot leave the disc stone that goes with it.

2407.    okhuseera [oxuse:ra] verb - to attack, raid, make war. Wandundu ali okhuseera abasie amachi nikasiiri okhusera. PROVERB: Nandakaywa kaseera oweyikikhire ehaywa. Whoever refused to listen to advice provoked one prepared for war armed with an axe.

2408.    okhuseesa [oxuse:sa] verb - to winnow, come out in a rush; point at s.t. (see; v. okhusesa). Lekha okhusesa khu’oli okhuseesa owule.

2409.    okhuseewukha [oxuse:wuxa] verb - to bid farewell to the host. (see; v. okhusewukha). Abakeni batakha okhusewukha emisala nikisiri okhusewukha.

2410.    okhuseewukha [oxuse:wuxa] verb - to exit after a visit. (see; v. okhusewukha <-khana>). Abakeni benya okhuseewukha nibaweene emikachi kienya okhusewukha?

2411.    okhuseewula [oxuse:wula] verb - to bid farewell. Oli okhuseewula abakeni. PROVERB: Okhuchikhirisiria mungo, omusewulira hamuliango. Whoever frightens you in your home is never escorted beyond the door.

2412.    okhuseka [oxuseka] verb  1. To induce a person to act the way you want. 2. to give advance pay; do s.t to provoke, put notes in a bundle. Otando ali okhuseka abayiimi bamuwekho enyama. PROVERB: Okhupa khu sikwero, aba akhuseka emiero. Whoever hits on your walking stick, provokes you to a fight.

2413.    okhusekeenya [oxuse:keɲa] verb - to gyrate the waist. Lekha okhusekeenya esiwuno.

2414.    okhusekeesula [oxuseke:sula] verb - to drill. Omulyoto ali okhusekeesula eloho mu'sikuri.

2415.    okhusekerara [oxusekerera] ; [oxusekerra] verb - to hover around, dance in a slow manner. Khwenya okhusekerara owukhino.

2416.    okhusekesa [oxusekesa] verb - to poke by inserting sharp object several times, cause friction using a stick and log to ignite fire. Lekha okhusekesa olusala mu'machi.

2417.    okhuseketa [oxuseketa] verb - to become less roadworthy. Akhatika khano khali okhuseketa muchuli muno khakwe masekete.

2418.    okhuseketerera [oxuseketerera] ; [oxuseketerra] verb - to run around protesting, protest around. Lekhe okhuseketerera.

2419.    okhuseketia [oxuseketja] verb - to incite by talking ill or falsehood against the other. Lekha okhuseketia ochio.

2420.    okhusekeya [oxusekeja] verb - to incite by revealing issues to make a person change mind about s.t. Lekha okhusekeya omuyinda wange.

2421.    okhusema [oxusema] verb - to dissuade, discourage, advise against. Were ali okhusema omwicha wuwo.

2422.    okhusemeembera [oxuse:mebera] verb - to run behind a group of front runner. Omuterwa ali okhusemeembera. PROVERB: Akhasiembe khekondi, khakhasemembera khu kondi lindi? The tail follows its own sheep and not another.

2423.    okhusena [oxusena] verb  1. to tread, trample, stamp, step on. Enjofu yiri okhusena omusindikise. 2. Cause accident.

2424.    okhusenchula [oxuseᵑʧula] verb - to scrape weeds, grass, etc, from path or courtyard. Lekha okhunchula omukuchu.

2425.    okhusenda [oxuse:ⁿda] - add firewood to fire, incite. Nenya okhusenda mu’mayika. PROVERB: Amake masenda 'swa!' Wingless ants goaded the winged white-ants only for the winged white-ants to come out of their holes and be eaten. Never follow advice from others who may be out to set you up.

2426.    okhusendabala [oxuseⁿdeβala] verb - to bend extending the behind backward; move back some steps. Lekha okhusendebala ano.

2427.    okhuseng’engera [oxuseŋeᵑɡera] verb - to fence around using ropes, climbers or wire. Kotoli ali okhuseng’engera endalo.

2428.    okhusengukha [oxuseᵑɡuxa] verb - to migrate. Bano bali okhusengukha okhuchula Musidi bachie Elufwoti.

2429.    okhusengula [oxuseᵑɡula] verb - to move things; transfer. Lekha okhusengula ebinju.

2430.    okhusera [oxusérá] verb - to bubble boil, to be full of moving live maggots. Amachi kali okhusera.

2431.    okhusera [oxuserá] verb - to hit a circumcision candidate with a cooking stick laced with porridge by aunt just before circumcision as part of culture, reach boiling points. (see; v. okhuseera). Amachi kali okhusera ne naye achia okhuseera omusinde nende owusera khu'mwiikho.

2432.    okhusereecha [oxusere:ʧa] verb - to winnow, shake grain in a tray. Lekha okhusereecha owule mu'fula.

2433.    okhusereengecha [oxusere:ᵑɡeʧa] verb - to flow or roll quickly on a smooth surface. Amachi kali okhusereengecha khuichu lyechemwa.

2434.    okhusereeswa [oxuse:reswa] verb - to put s.t on a net-like rope storage to hangs. Nanjowe ali okhusereswa enyungu khu'museereswa.

2435.    okhuserera [oxuserera] ; [oxuserra] verb - to ask in marriage, seduce, propose, seek a wife. Wamani alekhe okhuserera sengeng'ene.

2436.    okhuserukha [oxuseruxa] verb – 1. to have skin rushes 2. to form one age set group and grow together. Eserukho yenywe yino yasiima okhuserukha ebikhoba.

2437.    okhusesa [oxusesa] ; [oxussa] verb - to point a finger or an object at s.t. (see; v. okhuseesa). Lekha okhusesa olwala khu’oli okhuseesa owule. PROVERB: Esilulu siri ahambi; oseserayo omunwa. A bad thing close to you is pointed at using your mouth. Pointing by hand may lead to being seen.

2438.    okhusesera [oxusesérá] ; [oxussárá] verb - to run around slowly at a regular pace,Abalimi bali okhusesera embiro olusese nilucjanikha okhusesera khu’matumwa.

2439.    okhusesera [oxusésérá] ; [oxussěra] verb - to of aphids- fly around in mass and cause a lot of damage. (see; v. okhusesera). Abalimi bali okhusesera embiro olusese niluchanikha okhusesera khu’matumwa.

2440.    okhusetukha [oxusetuxa] verb – to start animals back home after grazing, to start the journey back after a visit. Namukoma ali ahambi okhusetukha khuwaho.

2441.    okhusewukha [oxusewuxa] verb - to regenerate; send forth shoots, sprout from suckers. (see; v. okhuseewukha). Emikachi kiri okhusewukha ne abakeni bachanikha okhuseewukha.

2442.    okhusewula [oxusewula] verb - to bid a vistor goodbye, send off, say farewell. PROVERB: Eseula ndayi, yalekha omukwano. Leaving each other in peace builds a relationship

2443.    okhusewulukhana [oxuse:wuluxana] verb - to disperse. Abasomi benya okhusewulukhana baweho.

2444.    okhuseya [oxuseya] verb - to abuse by belittling. Lekha okhuseya abasio. PROVERB: Owa olusaya; akhira owa okhuseya. One who talks openly is better than one who talks ill of you behind your back.

2445.    okhusia [oxusjá] verb - to become morning, dawn. Esiro sienya okhusia. PROVERB: Owusia, wusya nak'owusia. Every morning comes with its own storyline.

2446.    okhusia. [oxusjà′] (also okhusiea from noun owusie) verb - to grind into powder. (see; v. okhusia). Ewe oli okhusia owusie esialo nisienya okhusia.

2447.    okhusiasiangula [oxusjasjangula] verb - to shake solid item to break into particles. Mulindo ali okhusiasiangula eloba.

2448.    okhusicha [oxusiʧa] verb - to fence. (see; v. okhusiicha). Oli okhusiicha olusia olwa okhusicha omukunda.

2449.    okhusichomala [oxusiʧamala] verb - to squat. Lekha okhusichomala.

2450.    okhusichulula [oxusiʧulula] ; [oxusiʧulla] verb - to remove fence. Lekha okhusichulula.

2451.    okhusiefula [oxusjefula] verb - to move like maggots; dance without a lot of strained movements. Esikha siefula eya eroocho, enyende chiri okhusiefula mu’nyama.

2452.    okhusiekhula [oxusjexula] verb - to dance moving body from side. Otundo ali okhusiekhula owukhino wa omutibo nasio esichikhi nisiekhula emisi kasio esiene?

2453.    okhusiemba [oxusjeba] verb – 1. to come near, close 2. to come last position. Ono ali okhusiemba mu'masomo. (see; v. okhusiembeekha). Sinenya omwana wa okhusiembekha mu’masomo nende okhusiembeekha omuyika kwa esikhewo tawe.

2454.    okhusiembasiemba [oxusjebasjeba] verb –  1. to come last position consistently. 2. to sway trunk from side to side with extended bdomen (see; v. okhusiembasiemba). Lekha okhusiembasiemba ni okenda ne wanjire okhusiembasiemba mu'masomo.

2455.    okhusiembeekha [oxusjebe:xa] - be old and uncircumcised. Sinenya omwana wa okhusiembekha mu’masomo nende okhusiembeekha omuyika kwa esikhewo tawe. 

2456.    okhusiembula [oxusjebula] verb - to walk waddling, shake tail in- sheep. Ewe siembukha ni owaho.

2457.    okhusiemuula [oxusjumula] verb - to cut with saw. Oli okhusiemula omusala.

2458.    okhusiengukha [oxusieᵑɡuxa] verb - to die. Omukhasi mulwaye ali okhusiengukha.

2459.    okhusienyula [oxusjeɲula] verb - to cut a big bundle of items tied together. Njanu oli okhusienyula eliani?

2460.    okhusiera [oxusjera] verb  1. to cut around, weed around or plough around and leave an uncut regions. 2. to grind for. (see; v. okhusia <-era>). Wechoka wasiima okhusiera endalo ni alima, nje eyi ochia okhusiera owusie?

2461.    okhusierekha [oxusjerexa] verb –  1. to become old (woman) 2. to have ability to be grinded. (see; v. okhusia <-rekha>). Kukhu ochanikhire okhusierekha ono owusie wuwe wunyala okhusierekha?

2462.    okhusiesiembukha [oxusjesje:buxa] verb - to tweak the behind. Khaemba keenya okhusiesiembukha ni achia hena?

2463.    okhusifuusukha [oxusi:fusuxa] verb - to move in a whirlwind manner upwards. Omuyaka kuli okhusifuusukha kutuumule omuliro kusambule esiaki sya Masakha

2464.    okhusiicha [oxusi:ʧa] verb - to make string by twisting sisal between palm and thigh. (see; v. okhusicha). Nandikobe achaake okhusiicha olusia olwa okhusicha khu'lwaakho okayire esisolo siicha.

2465.    okhusiikha [oxusi:xa] verb - to put soil back to the grave during burial. (see; v. okhusikha). Lekha okhusiikha omukhaaye nende okhuisikha ochi onyala okhuisiikha; emiandu sikiri okhusikha mu'sikha sino tawe. PROVERB: Abasiikhe; bawuma olusekhe. The forefathers who died and are buried have no physical drinking straw. Always respect them and give sacrifices without waiting for them to show signs of demanding. They have no straw to shake as a sign of giving a signal in demand of an offering.

2466.    okhusiikhulula [oxusi:xulula] ; [oxusi:xulla] verb - to dig up s.t buried. Situma nende Mutali bali okhusiikhulula omulambo?

2467.    okhusiima [oxusi:ma] verb - to be pleased (with), be satisfied (with), be contented, be happy, be glad, rejoice, like, love. (see; v. okhusima). Namuyemba, lekha okhusiima owasio omuliro kuli okhusima.

2468.    okhusiimba [oxusi:ba] verb - to swell. Esimba yichaakire okhusimba ni yiwene eyama ya esimba lya namukuulo eyiri musiimba.

2469.    okhusiimbira [oxusi:mbira] verb - to swell for now, to enlarge, to puff up. (see; v. okhusiimba <-ira>). Lekha okhusiimbira abasio nibenya okhusimbiira.

2470.    okhusiimbyula [oxusi:bjula] - magnify, enlarge, increase the size of. Esiwo sia Namukhaywa siri okhusiimbyula oweni wa Musi?.

2471.    okhusiinya [oxusi:ɲa] verb - to compact. Ngwombi ali okhusinya abakhasi khuwone keenya okhusiinya owusie. PROVERB: Achi sino nasisira siasinyakho, aba kasiliakho. You can only say you do not eat that which you once ate.

2472.    okhusiira [oxusi:ra] verb - to prop up, to put on wooden supports, to support. (see; v. okhusira). Okhusiira echemwa khu'siiri sira khukira Kotoni keenya okhusira eswa.

2473.    okhusiisa [oxusi:sa] verb - to rub gently. Sisa ali okhusiisa amakapia nakhola esisa. PROVERB: Akasiisanakho sikakhaywamo oluuya. Two (buttocks) rubbing against each other will never lack sweat. Two friends will at times pick a quarrel.

2474.    okhusika [oxusika] verb - to prepare cereals for grinding by roasting, grill over slow fire of hot embers so as to dry it thoroughly. Wakhaloba okhusika enyama achi weenya okhuisika eswa?

2475.    okhusikala [oxusikala] verb - to remain, be left over or left behind. Ewe oli okhusikala khu'sikala weng'ene.

2476.    okhusikama [oxusikama] verb - to kneel. Lekha okhusikama mu'weru.

2477.    okhusikha [oxusi:xa] verb - to die out as a generation, become extinct, disappear as a whole family or species. Okhusiikha omukhaaye khuchakira alwaanyi lulwo lwole khu'sikha esia okhusikha tawe.

2478.    okhusikhula [oxusi:xula] verb - to dig up after burial. (see; v. okhukhuula <okhusi->, khula). Ni onyala okhusikhuula, esichaakwa esisiikhula mu'ndalo, oba onyala okhusikhula embwa.

2479.    okhusikikha [oxusikixa] verb - to stabilize, firm up, break, take firm stand. Lekha okhusikikha bakhusukume.

2480.    okhusikukha [oxusi:nixa] verb - to sink teeths into. Enjukha yiri okhusiniikha ameno mu’mwana.

2481.    okhusikukha [oxusikuxa] verb - to move out of firm position. (see; v. okhukukha <okhusi->). Muresia ali okhusikukha okhuchula khu'siswa ewunwa niyeenya okhusikukha nende enjika.

2482.    okhusikula [oxusikula] verb - to move up from ground; lift. Lekha okhusikula endoo.

2483.    okhusima [oxusima] verb - to extinguish. (see; v. okhusiima). Ewe oli okhusiima omuliro nikwenya okhusima. PROVERB: Okwomukhuchi ochi kusimire nekhane kulimo. Fire after burning bean chaff may seem as if extinguished yet it is still burning at the core.

2484.    okhusimbiira [oxusibi:ra] verb - to be firm, expand. Okhoya okhusimbira ochio.

2485.    okhusimbukha [oxusibuxa] verb - to go into adolescent. Bano bachaakire okhusimba.

2486.    okhusimbwa [oxusibwa] verb - to eat excessively in one sitting. Misenya ali okhusimbwa.

2487.    okhusimikha [oxusimixa] verb - to put s.t in firm position; insert deep, put the jembe deeper in soil, make firm in ground. (see; v. okhusiima <-kha>). Lusaba ali okhusiimikha nende abaanu nali nende okwiima okwa okhusimikha esaala mu'wusie.

2488.    okhusimukha [oxusimuxa] verb - to start off, start a journey, move out of position, wake up. Lekha okhusimukha.

2489.    okhusimula [oxusimula] verb - to lift and move, start a game. Ono keenya okhusimula omupira.

2490.    okhusimya [oxusimja] verb - to stop. Okong’o keenya okhusimya esiswa.

2491.    okhusindaba [oxusiⁿdaβa] verb - to wipe bare ass along the grass. Lekha okhuisindaba

2492.    okhusindikha [oxusiⁿdixa] verb -  1. to cause a person to duffer by cursing or bewitching; 2. to push s.t, shove; 3. take animals to grazing field and leave them to grace. Lekha okhusindikha owasio. PROVERB: Enjofu yasena omusindikise. An elephant can only trample on the cursed. Whoever sees a big problem coming and does not attempt to avoid it must be cursed.

2493.    okhusindusa [oxusiⁿdusa] verb - to startle; frighten. Lekha okhusindusa abaana. PROVERB: Enani liawola lichi; okhuisindikha si'wuchi. The hyena said that getting an frightened due to ambush-shock is not cowardice.

2494.    okhusinga [oxusiᵑɡa] verb - to pawn, deposit, bet, to give as security. (see; conj. singa). Lekha okhusinga esende mu Lotto singa Matundu kakhola.

2495.    okhusingaasa [oxusiᵑɡa:sa] verb - to target, be sure of, sure bet. Lekha okhusingasira esende. PROVERB: Owe'chwikha engacha; aba asingasiye ekhwi. Whoever puts a soft pad ring on the head; is sure of what to carry.

2496.    okhusiniola [oxusinjola] verb - to show contempt by folding lower lip between teeth and passing air across. Lekha okhusiniola.

2497.    okhusinja [oxusiⁿdʒa/oxu′ verb - to slaughter, kill animal for meat. Lekha okhusinja ekondi. PROVERB: Owenya okhulia esini, asinja eyiye. If you want to eat the whole liver, then slaughter your own cattle.

2498.    okhusinjola [siⁿdʒola] verb - to cut the neck once using a sharp object, slaughter. Wakhisi keenya okhusinjiola eng’ombe. PROVERB: Owesisye; asiinjolira aha keenyeye. Whoever owns an animal can slaughter it any time he wishes in any manner.

2499.    okhusinya [oxusiɲa] verb - to annoy intensely, disgust, get on one’s nerves, bore. (see; v. okhusiinya). Lekha okhusinya abo abenya okhusiinya.

2500.    okhusinyikha [oxusiɲixa] verb - to be annoyed, displeased, angry, disgusted. (see; v. okhusiinya <-ikha>). Lekha okhusinyikha esikira amakina kalobire okhusiinyikha.

2501.    okhusiololokha [oxusjololoxa] verb - to move like a lizard. Esiolo yenya okhusiololokha.

2502.    okhusiomera [oxusjomera] verb - to threaten, warn, point. Lekha okhusiomera abakhulunju.

2503.    okhusira [oxusira] verb - to detest other, renounce, abandon and go away, refuse on principle, make vow. (see; v. okhusiira). Wenya okhusira echemwa eli kuka keenya okhusiira? PROVERB: Esisieno siasira omwikho. A spirit of our forefathers will always haunt the relatives.

2504.    okhusiriingicha [oxusiri:ᵑɡiʧa] verb - to roll soil into a cylindrical form, make solid rod. Oli okhusiriingicha eloba ni olonga enyungu.

2505.    okhusirika [oxusirika] verb - to be hushed, quiet and sad. Lekha okhusirika ochekhe.

2506.    okhusirikha [oxusirixa] verb - to give medical attention, nurse the sick. Oli okhusirikha omwana. PROVERB: Osirikha owekonjo alakhupaare, wawonia owenjala alakhwibirire. If you treat one with a wound he can remember you on seeing that scar than treating one who is hungry by giving food for he will forget easily and use the energy from the food to attack you.

2507.    okhusirimikha [oxusiri:mixa] verb - to start to stammer. Omwana osirimikha oyu wanu?

2508.    okhusiringa [oxusiriᵑɡa] verb - to trample; destroy by treading on it. Enjofu chiri okhusiringa omwana.

2509.    okhusiruala [oxusirua:la] ; [oxusirʷala] verb - to be stupid, dumb, mentally deficient. Lekha okhusiruala. PROVERB: Ameno masiru, kachekha masaalao nafwa. Laughter is stupid for it comes at the wrong time- you can laugh at your mother-in-law passing on..

2510.    okhusirusa [oxusirusa] verb - to eat first meal together with the bride. Bali okhusirusa omweha muchuli.

2511.    okhusiruukha [oxusiru:kha] verb - to pay a fine due to immoral conjugal duties. Lekha oli okhusiruukha muchuli.

2512.    okhusisaanyikha [oxusisa:ɲixa] ; [oxussa:ɲixa] verb - to become mid-morning. Enje ili okhusisaanyikha wusa.

2513.    okhusisakhala [oxusisaxala] ; [oxussaxala] verb - to give birth to the follower of twins as part of the triplet. Mangurita ali okhusisakhala.

2514.    okhusisia [oxussja] ; [oxusisja] verb - to exterminate, wipe out, kill. Oli okhusisia ekholo. PROVERB: Echofu; lyasisia enjofu. A small thorn killed an elephant. The elephant removed it then returned it in itself on realizing it was so small compared to its big size.

2515.    okhusisiikha [oxusisi:xa] ; [oxussi:xa] verb - to wake somebody up by shaking. Lekha okhusisiikha omwana.

2516.    okhusisimbala [oxusisibala] ; [oxussibala] verb - to get energetic after eating. Nenya okhusisimbala embwewo.

2517.    okhusisimukha [oxusisimuxa] ; [oxussimuxa] verb - to wake up; resurrect, come to, come back from the dead. Omwana keenya okhusisimukha.

2518.    okhusisimula [oxusisimula] ; [oxussimula] verb - to shake vigorously. Lekha okhusisimula enguo.

2519.    okhusisingula [oxusisingula] ; [oxussingula] - to collect everything and pack for migration. Omukeni ali okhusisingula wuli sinju.

2520.    okhusisira [oxusisira] ; [oxusisira] verb - to permit people to start taking bear, remain a virgin. Ewe niwe oli okhusisira amalwa?

2521.    okhusitaaka [oxusita:ka] verb - to sue, accuse before the court. Kennedy ali okhusitaaka abasio.

2522.    okhusitiala [oxusitjala] verb - to become densely forested. Ango hano achaakire okhusitiala.

2523.    okhusitoha [oxusitoha] verb - to load heavily, weight down. Omwana achaakire okhusitoha

2524.    okhusiuba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuisjuβa] verb - to swing; ride on swinging seat, fluctuate or vacilitate. Oli okhusiuba Namalero.

2525.    okhusiukha [oxusjuxa] verb - to appear as a ghost, haunt, look ugly like a ghost, appear unexpectedly, bring a curse, feel nausea, boil over. Omufu ali okhusiukha? PROVERB: Ofwa enjikucha; si asiukha. Whoever dies because of eating too much cannot haunt the one who gave him the meal.

2526.    okhusiula [oxusjula] verb - to uproot, dig up by the roots, transplant, pick a big junk of ugali. Oli okhusiula emisi?

2527.    okhusoba [oxusoβa] verb - to project, protrude, stick out. Olukhwi luli okhusoba khu'nungo.

2528.    okhusocha [oxusoʧa] verb - to cause internal spasms of pain. Enyende yiri okhusocha omwana.

2529.    okhusochoma [oxusoʧoma] verb - to crouch, squat. Lekhana nende okhusochoma ano.

2530.    okhusoka [oxusoka] verb  1. to swim, play in water, PROVERB: Embulu yokhumaji yachekherera eyokhulukongo yichi koo, 'Wesi sokangakho wuli nyanga.' The monitor that dwells at the river bank sarcastically told the one that stay far away from the river to be swimming daily. Never satirize those who lack the resources that you may be having because of your environmental set up. 2. to fail to understand an issue being explained. Ochia okhusoka?

2531.    okhusokha [oxusoxa] verb - to put a lot of food in your mouth and swallow with minimal chewing, to eat too much rapidly. Otuma ali okhuisokha enjuku.

2532.    okhusokhotia [oxusoxotja] verb - to poke with a stick in a wet hole. Lekha okhusokhotia mu'njukhi.

2533.    okhusokosa [oxusokosa] verb - to poke with a stick in dry hole. Lekha okhusokhosa mu'njukhi.

2534.    okhusokota [oxusokota] verb - to put tobacco in a pipe, to roll, tuck in cloth, roll up cigarette. Lekha okhusokota enjaka.

2535.    okhusokya [oxusokja] verb – to carry people to cross a river, to carry items from one point to another for final collection, make one to swim. Kuka ali okhusokya emikachi okhuchula mu'lutende.

2536.    okhusola [oxusola] verb - to joke around with, take sides with s.o. (in fight, game, etc). (see; v. okhusoola). Oli okhusola nende abo ebecha okhusoola? PROVERB: Embwa yiesolia solia nende esero; olunyuma yalilia. A dog may play around with a skin and later eats it.

2537.    okhusolola [oxusolola] verb - to collect, solicit, go around collecting, to tax. Oli okhusolola esende.

2538.    okhusololokha [oxusololoxa] verb - to salivate; secrete a lot of saliva. Ono achaakire okhusololokha amache?

2539.    okhusolooka [oxusolo:ka] verb - to wonder aimlessly. Onini ali okhusolooka wusa achio?

2540.    okhusoloonga [oxusolo:ᵑɡa] verb - to assemble sticks for making white ant trap. Kukhu keenya okhusoloonga abirike esiswa.

2541.    okhusolosa [oxusolosa] verb - to hit on body of an animal leading to boil-like swelling called esolosi. Lekha okhukhupa emosi oli okhusolosa esero.

2542.    okhusoma [oxusoma] verb - to read, study, go to school, be educated, get to know the behaviour of. Lekha okhusoma olubaso olwo.

2543.    okhusomasoma [oxusomasoma] verb - to stitch in muscles, jab lightly, poke gently. Lekha okhusomasoma owasio.

2544.    okhusomola [oxusomola] verb - to pick out fr narrow place using the tip of the fingers. Oyo ali okhusomola esende.

2545.    okhusondokosa [oxusoⁿdokosa] verb - to forcefully insert s.t soft into a space via tight opening. Lekha okhusondokosa esende mu'mufuko.

2546.    okhusondoola [oxusoⁿdo:la] verb - to circumcise the inner foreskin layer skillfully. Mukwe ali okhusondoola.

2547.    okhusongola [oxuso:ᵑɡola] verb - to be acidic. Songolamunwa iri okhusongola mu'munwa.

2548.    okhusonia [oxusonja] verb - to goad to fight. Lekha okhusonia eng'ombe.

2549.    okhusonjola [oxusoⁿdʒo:la/oxu′ verb - to prune by cutting big branches. Kamasia asonjola amasaka. PROVERB: Okuwikhaayekho, ochasonjola ta. Never sit on a branch and start cutting the same.

2550.    okhusonyola [oxusoɲola] verb - to break into two by hands. Nakhuba ali okhusonyola amatumwa.

2551.    okhusookherana [oxuso:xerana] verb - to crowd together. Lekha okhusokherana hano.

2552.    okhusoola [oxuso:la] verb - to revenge especially for murder cases; avenge with a fight. (see; v. okhusola). Khuli okhuchia nende amasaafu bapare bachi khweenya okhusola nekhane kuchaakire okhusoola owfwe.

2553.    okhusoolana [oxuso:lana] verb - to quarrel, squabble, fight, have an argument. Lekhe okhusoolana nende abasio.

2554.    okhusoolia [oxuso:lia] verb - to compensate, pay damages. Oli okhusolia eng’ombe eyiwakhupa yafwa?

2555.    okhusoolobia [oxuso:loβja] verb - to fault; accuse, find mistakes or wickedness in a thing. Lekha okhusoolobia abakhasi.

2556.    okhusooloka [oxuso:loka] verb - to wonder. Lekha okhusooloka wikhale mu'ngo.

2557.    okhusoomba [oxusooba] verb - to fetch bit by bit, carry in several trips, carry load after load from the same place to another. Lekha okhusoomba amaoya.

2558.    okhusoosa [oxuso:sa] verb - to recuperate. Anyango achaakire okhusoosa.

2559.    okhusoota [oxuso:ta] verb - to have sanctioned sexual intimacy. Lekha okhusoota abakhaana abangi.

2560.    okhusooya [oxuso:ja] verb - to bribe. Lekhana nende okhusooya wuli nyinga.

2561.    okhusosoka [oxusosoka] ; [oxussoka] verb - to use beak to break hard items such as nuts. Engokho yenya okhusosoka embande. Eyisosoka khu lwanda, yesika omunwa. That chicken that pick on the rock must have strong mouth.

2562.    okhusosola [oxusosola] ; [oxussola] verb -  1. to cut off small branches of a tree. 2.to continously hit a beak on a soft item. Lekha okhusosola amasaka.

2563.    okhusosomola [oxusosomola] ; [oxussomola] verb - to peck to tear and expose internal content of a soft item. Engokho chiri okhusosomola amala keyasie.

2564.    okhusosooma [oxuso:soma] ; [oxussoma] verb - to point at s.o with a finger angrily. Lekha okhusosooma abasio olwala.

2565.    okhusua [oxusua] verb - to sniff; suck juice from fruit or sugarcane. Lekha okhusua enjaba.

2566.    okhusuala [oxusuala] verb - to peddle; step in mudding soil to make it ready. Mama ali okhusuala eloba.

2567.    okhusuba [oxusuβa] verb - to miss being given. Wacherewa oli okhusuba eswa. PROVERB: Omwiwunire sikusubanga ta. The earliest bird catches the warm.

2568.    okhusubira [oxusuβira] verb - to be on the position near. (see; v. okhusuubira). Ewe oli okhusuubira wiyame okhusubira khu’mwanda.

2569.    okhusubirana [oxusuβirana] verb  1. to be side by side 2. to trust in each other. Oli okhusubirana nende Okaba.

2570.    okhusukhuuma [oxusuxu:ma] verb - to stand still and quiet. Omufulu ali okhusukhuuma halwanyi.

2571.    okhusukuha [oxusukuha] verb - to rub. Oli okhusukuha amakabia.

2572.    okhusukuma [oxusukuma] verb - to push. Lekha okhusukuma omwana.

2573.    okhusukuna [oxusukuna] verb - to throw, throw out, throw away. Lekha okhusukuna owusuma. PROVERB: Esi-osukunira engokho hasi, osukunirakho ekhanga lyosi. Throw for the guinea fowl whatever you give your chicken. Remember those not close to you as you help those close to you.

2574.    okhusuliana [oxusuljana] verb - to ravel. Lekha okhusuliana ano.

2575.    okhusulula [oxusulula] verb - to percolate; drip, drop from damp item, leak. Esiaki siri okhusulula. PROVERB: Akhendo akhasulula; khakhira akhatikha. A royal calabash that drips water is better than one that is broken.

2576.    okhusulunya [oxusuluɲa] verb - to be annoyed on face, sulk; spout lips, shut mouth firmly. Lekha okhusulunya.

2577.    okhusulweera [oxusulʷe:ra] verb - to be outstanding, stand out from the rest. Kasiima okhuisulwera nga eng'eniesi esulwe. PROVERB: Akhalefu kh'ekhole khesulweera hamukulu, ewunwa khaileechera amala-malulu. The beard of a he-goat made a bull to feel jealousy. Achievements by a despised person make the egocentric people to be pained at heart.

2578.    okhusuma [oxusuma] verb - to beg for a meal or resources. Achiye okhusuma owusuma. PROVERB: Abasumi batukhanira khu khuhalakacha omwikho. Beggers will fight over the remains on the cooking stick. Beggers have no choice

2579.    okhusuna [oxusuna] verb - to hop. (see; v. okhusuuna). Engombe yiri okhusuuna yenya okhusuna hano.

2580.    okhusunda [oxusuⁿda] verb - to incite others to act while you take cover. Amake kali okhusunda eswa.

2581.    okhusunduula [oxusuⁿdu:la] verb - to extend out a boundary. Lekha okhusunduula olwakho.

2582.    okhusunga [oxusuᵑɡa] verb - to borrow for use to be returned. Achiye okhusunga eswa. PROVERB: Osunga okhuocha omuliro; si asutia eyika. One who has requested to warm next to the another person's fire does not adjust the cooking stones.

2583.    okhusungwacha [oxusuᵑɡʷaʧa] verb - to sway to and fro due to wind action; hung down, play sea-saw, have no firm stand on a given issue. Lekha okhuisungwacha ano.PROVERB: Kesungwacha; kereecha. Issues worth solving in life are like a swing; they can still swing and come to your side. Do not rush to get stories about issue; let those issues come by themselves.

2584.    Okhusurusya [oxusurusja] verb – 1. To take a cow to a bull to be served. Baba achiye okhusurusia eng’ombe.

2585.    okhususuma [oxususuma] ; [oxussuma] verb - to frequent another’s house with hope of being given a meal. Oli okhususuna owunulu?

2586.    okhususuuna [oxususu:na] ; [oxussu:na] verb - to suck sweet juice. Lekha okhususuuna eyembe.

2587.    okhusuta [oxusuta] verb - to move, move along, draw near. Oli okhusuta hamuliango. PROVERB: Ochasaba okhwocha hamayika; wasutia eyika. Never ask to warm yourself near the fire place and end up pushing the cooking stone.

2588.    okhusutiera [oxusutjera] verb - to reach peak top on a hill, house or stone. Namwikami ali okhusutiera kulwanda awone omusiku.

2589.    okhusuubira [oxusu:βira] verb - to trust in, believe in. (see; v. okhusubira). Ewe oli okhusuubira wiyame okhusubira khu’mwanda.

2590.    okhusuubisa [oxusu:βisa] verb - to promise. (see; v. okhusuba <-isa>). Oli okhusuubisa papa eng’ombe namwe nundi oli okhusubisa.

2591.    okhusuucha [oxusu:ʧa] verb - to suckle a baby while crying (taboo). Lekha okhusuucha omwana.

2592.    okhusuuka [oxusu:ka] verb - to plait hair. Oli okhusuuka efwiri?

2593.    okhusuuna [oxusu:na] verb - to become barren. Eng'ombe yiri okhusuuna niyilia easwuni.

2594.    okhuswaala [oxuswa:la] verb - to do daily house chores or communal duties. Ili okhuswaala muweenywe. PROVERB: Oswala muwawe, kesaaba. Even the one who has worked in making mudding soil for his own parents' house has a right to wash his hands and eat with the other visitors.

2595.    okhuswaka [oxuswaka] verb - to pound in a morter. Lekha okhuswaka enuni.

2596.    okhuswala [oxuswala] verb - to tread, trample, mix mud by feet, etc., with the feet. Lekha okhuswala endika. PROVERB: Owakania kebirira, owakaswalamo kechulira. Whoever went for a long call in the bush may forget but whoever treaded in the filth will never forget.

2597.    okhuswamira [oxuswamira] verb - to menstruate, have one's period. Kanjire okhuswamira?

2598.    okhuswandukha [oxuswaⁿduxa] verb - to walk hurriedly on thin legs. Oli okhuswandukha ni owaho.

2599.    okhuswandula [oxusʷaⁿdula] verb - to whip severally with thin cane. Bali okhuswandula abaana.

2600.    okhuswanjukha [oxusʷaⁿdʒuxa/oxu′ verb - to walk away lazily in protest. Oli okhuswanjukha ni owaho?

2601.    okhuswekha [oxusʷexa] verb - to sneak away, slide, slip, slink away. Lekha okhuswekha ni owaho.

2602.    okhuswerurukha [oxusʷeruruxa] verb - to slide; to skid. Khuli okhuswerurukha khu’mu'iswerere.

2603.    okhusweswecha [oxusʷeseʧa] verb - to walk slowly and quietly with body close to the ground; creep. Nje anu osweswecha?

2604.    okhuswicha [oxusʷiʧa] verb - to cat-call by placing two fingers between lips. Oli okhuswicha wulire?

2605.    okhusyeena [oxusje:na] verb - to use smoothing leaves to smoothen wood. (see; v. okhusiena). Maseeno ali okhusyeena esimbo nende amaseeno olekhe okhusiena enyama yange.

2606.    okhusyena [oxusjena] verb - to haunt. (see; v. okhusieena). Lekha okhusyena [oxusjena] ese enyama nende okhusiena esimbo eyi nenya okhusieena nende omuseno.

2607.    okhutaacha [oxuta:ʧa] verb - to drip sap; bleed. (see; v. okhutacha) Oli okhutaacha ekonjo ni ochaka okhuitacha mu;muse? PROVERB: Embune eyitaacha yabene. A wounded animal belongs to the hunter who bruised it.

2608.    okhutaakhula [oxuta:xula] verb - to run like an old weak person. (see; v. okhutakhula) Masika ali okhutaakhula nachia okhutakhula emikombera.

2609.    okhutaalataala [oxutala:ta:la] verb - to wonder off out of one marriage to another then another, walk around in people’s homes without proper reasons. (see; v. okhutalatala) Lekha okhutalatala amakhono nende okhutaalataala mu’mataala.

2610.    okhutaaling'a [oxuta:liŋa] verb - to wonder off out of marriage. Omukhasi oyo keenya okhutaling'a.

2611.    okhutaamba [oxuta:ba] verb - to need, be lacking in, lack, to be poor. Wesi oli okhutaamba ochanokhe okhutamba yaya. PROVERB: Echia omutambo; chiekhoombanakho. Cattle that have nobody to take care of them licks at each other.

2612.    okhutaandania [oxuta:ⁿdanja] verb - to get when one is not ready. Bakuli ali okhutaandania Manju amukhupe.

2613.    okhutaanya [oxuta:ɲa] verb - to sodomize. Omusolili oyu anyala okhutaanya abasie.

2614.    okhutaanyula [oxuta:ɲula] verb - to stretch s.t that has the ability to stretch such as rubber. Lekha okhutaanyula esero.

2615.    okhutaasa [oxuta:sa] verb - to harvest or collect falling liquid. (see; v. okhutasa) Namutiru ali okhutasa okhutaasa amachi ka efula.

2616.    okhutaasula [oxutá:sula] verb - to collect wax from tree, tap. (see; v. okhutasula) Lekha okhutaasula amachi ka omusala nende okhutasula khu’mekhaliro kange.

2617.    okhutaatikha [oxuta:tixa] verb - to pin against s.t. (see; v. okhutatikha) Omulosi ali okhutatikha omunchu nende esitata ne achaaka okhutaatikha esifwanane sisie khu’makina.

2618.    okhutaawota [oxuxuta:wota] verb - to hit back with a stick in self defence. Ni bakhukhupa, okhoya okhuitaawota. PROVERB: Okaya oyo okhayire, okaya nende esimbo witaawotire. If you attempt separating an adamantly fighting person then go with your own fighting stick (for self defence)

2619.    okhutaawukha [oxuta:wuxa] verb - to run oround carring a load on your head or without swinging your arms. PROVERB: Engokho yataawukha embiro, nende amala k’eyasye. A chicken ran around with the intestine of another slaughtered chicken. It never knew a time was coming for it to be slaughtered too.

2620.    okhutaba [oxʷi-] ; [oxuitaβa] verb - to induce diarrhoea; deworm. Oli okhuitaba?

2621.    okhutabaataba [oxutaβa:taβa] verb - to walk lazily as if you have diarrhoea or enegy oozed out. Nawe otabaataba ni ochia hena.

2622.    okhutabakana [oxutaβakana] verb - to lazy around and loose direct purpose of doing s.t, to be filthy in appearance. Manya esi wenya; lekha okhutabakana.

2623.    okhutabika [oxutaβika] verb - to patch up s.t; mend puncture. Wakhungu ali okhutabika endika.

2624.    okhutacha [oxutaʧá] verb - to praise self by mentioning the lineage of your blood relation. (see; v. okhutaacha) Oli okhutaacha ekonjo ni ochaka okhuitacha mu;muse?

2625.    okhutakha [oxutaxá] verb - to seek, look for, enquire, search. Wanjala ali okhutakha esende. PROVERB: Aha siali nche aha basitakha. You search for something where it was last seen. A good leader can come from the family that ruled before.

2626.    okhutakhana [oxutaxána] verb - to be scarce. (see; v. okhutakha <na>) Nikhwenya okhutakhana esende khuli okhutakhana wusa ni nawe okhuola wumberese.

2627.    okhutakhatakha [oxutaxataxa] verb - to earnestly search out for. Lekha okhutakhatakha owoni.PROVERB: Otakhatakha esaachi, kho watakhatakha engabiro. Search fir the main brewing pot before searching for scooping calabash

2628.    okhutakhikhana [oxutaxixana] verb - to be on demand, be needed. Kuka ali okhutakhikhana khu’soko.

2629.    okhutakhula [oxutaxula] verb - to scratch ground using nails. (see; v. okhutaakhula) Endi okhutaakhula embiro embone embwa yiri okhutakhula yisiikhule enyama.

2630.    okhutala [oxutálá] verb – 1. to hit a target; be prompt, 2. to gamble 3. To make posts or things to be in a line. Ali okhutala omuchwe nende ekina.

2631.    okhutalaandasa [oxutala:ⁿdasa] verb - to cover over a pit dug. Oli okhutalaandasa eloho.

2632.    okhutalatala [oxutalatala] verb - to walk by throwing out arms and legs, psych up for an activity such as wrestling or war. (see; v. okhutaalataala) Lekha okhutalatala amakhono nende okhutaalataala mu’mataala.

2633.    okhutalisa [oxutalisa] verb - to baste; make big stitches before sewing up a sink or a fabric. Wechuli ali okhutalisa esero.

2634.    okhutamba [oxutaba] verb - to (a lady) opt to work and live alone childless. (see; v. okhutaamba) Oli okhutamba emiandu okhwola ochie okhutaamba Kisumu. PROVERB: Omutambo kwakira Omusebei kalia owoba. Scarcity forced the meat eaters to eat mushroom.

2635.    okhutambakatia [oxutabakatja] verb - to crumble and be written off. Omutoka kuli okhutambakatia akahatika kha Josamu.

2636.    okhutandaamira [oxutaⁿda:mira] verb - to walk with a stagger; wobble. Lekha okhutandaamira ano.

2637.    okhutandaasa [oxutaⁿda:sa] verb - to levelize, make smooth. Lekha okhutandaasa owulime.

2638.    okhutandabala [oxutaⁿdaβala] verb - to sit whith legs stretched and spread infront. Lekha okhutandabala hano.

2639.    okhutara [oxutara] verb  1. to block any exit by standing on watch to surround the target 2. to make a queue. Abasikari bali okhutara engo yiye. PROVERB: Owamakachwa si; atara ekhisi. Those with rickets should never block the exit when hinting a dik-dak for it can pass though the legs and escape.

2640.    okhutaruukha [oxutaru:xa] verb - to be easily blown by the wind. Amakaratasi kali okhutaruakha.

2641.    okhutasa [oxutasa] verb - to add. (see; v. okhutaasa) Keenya okhutasa amabere namwe okhutaasa amachi?

2642.    okhutasula [oxutásúlá] verb - to add on the other quantity. (see; v. okhutaasula)

2643.    okhutasula [oxutasúlá] verb - to pat somebody on the buttocks with quick palm movement, add regularly. (see; v. okhutaasula) Ewe olekhe okhutaasula owukhi nende okhutasula abaana khu’mekhaliro.

2644.    okhutatakira [oxutatakira] verb - to produce loud syllabic-like engine sound. Omutoka kuchakire okhutatakira.

2645.    okhutatia [oxutatja] ; [oxuttja] verb - to hold by hand to support or not to go away; hold together by studs. Lekha okhutatia owasio.

2646.    okhutatikha [oxutatixa] ; [oxuttixa] verb - to poison. (see; v. okhutaatikha) Omulosi ali okhutatikha omunchu nende esitata ne achaaka okhutaatikha esifwanane sisie khu’makina.

2647.    okhutatula [oxutatúlá] ; [oxuttúlá] verb - to unstitch quickly, remove studs once and quickly, solve an issue, settle a case, remove studs quickly. (see; v. okhutatuula) Olu okhutatula omusango kwa Chemoto okhutatuula ebifungo bya enguwo ya Muyaku.

2648.    okhutatuula [oxutátú:lá] ; [oxuttu:la] verb - to unstitch, remove studs slowly. (see; v. okhutatula) Olekhire okhutatula enguwo ochiye okhutaatula esero?.

2649.    okhutawula [oxutawula] verb - to dip or take out in small quantities, e.g., grain from a granary. Nje anu oli okhutawula omunyu.

2650.    okhutawusa [oxutawusa] verb - to loop up light objects. Omuyaka kuli okhutawusa amakarayasi.

2651.    okhutaya [oxutaja] verb - to draw water, scoop cereals. Cheche ali okhutaya amatumwa. PROVERB: Ni otayira omwikho; otayiramo nende omukhuchi. If you are giving cereals to a relative, include the chaff too. (For him to know that it is not in abundance.

2652.    okhuteba [oxutéβá] verb – 1. to repare before aiming at a target 2. to listen to explanations before acting, to explain and exonorate. Oli okhuteba kho omukhupe namwe siotebanga ta?

2653.    okhutecha [oxuteʧa] verb - to move around feeding or giving medicine to the sick regularly. Oli okhutecha omulwaye.

2654.    okhutechera [oxuteʧera] verb -  1. to crackle, sound of a chicken that wans to lay eggs 2. to praise self for accomplishing a minor task. Engokho yichakire okhutechera. PROVERB: Eyenya okhuchera, eyeene yitechera. A chicken that is ready to lay eggs will make noise to attract the cock by itself.

2655.    okhutechukha [oxuteʧuxa] verb - to run quickly. Wenya okhutechukha embiro?

2656.    okhutechula [oxuteʧula] verb - to bring down a house wall. Oli okhutechula eta.

2657.    okhuteeba [oxute:βa] verb - to worry; be anxious. Lekha okhuteeba bali okhukhuyeta. PROVERB: Owenjala ya'omunyu; siateeba omunyu. Whoever is hungry for soup does not bother about the salt.

2658.    okhuteeberesa [oxute:βeresa] verb - to add more presents during dowry payment, carry delicately. Omukhwe ali okhuteeberesa abakhaye. PROVERB: Oteberesa akhendo; khosa olukendo. A royal calabash is never hurried.

2659.    okhuteecha [oxute:ʧa] verb - to ward off, defend, push back. Lero oli okhuteecha engumi?

2660.    okhuteeka [oxute:ka] verb - to aim, do right thing, speak truly, do justice for, make right judgement, thank. Aho wenya okhuteeka.

2661.    okhuteekesa ['teekesa] verb - to state facts clearly. Kamanya okhuteekesa efumo.

2662.    okhuteekha [oxute:xa] verb  1. to cook, prepare food, boil or stew; 2. to marry (of a woman). Asanda achiye okhuteekha emicho. (see; v. okhutekhera <-na>, okhuteekha <erana>) Bano bachaakire okhutekherana mu'makhumbo ne basiri okhuteekherna echai? PROVERB: Enungiro eyatekha namasaka siyiwangamo esyuya. A pot that cooked black-night-shade will smell of it for long.

2663.    okhuteekhulula [oxute:xulula] ; [oxute:xulla] verb - to move out of marriage, go around from one husband to another. Apiri ali okhuteekhulula?

2664.    okhuteekulula [oxute:kulula] ; [oxutu:kulla] verb - to put remove tiles, bring down debris, bring down an old house. Nje anu oli okhuteekulula enju?

2665.    okhuteema [oxute:ma] verb  1. to tempt. 2. to attempt, try. (see; v. okhutema) Oli okhutema niwenya okhuteema okhuteema abasio. PROVERB: Amatemo kecha embogo. Whoever merely attempted to spear a buffalo is the one who coincidentally succeeded in killing it. We should not fear attempting to ventures into a beneficial activity.

2666.    okhuteemberesa [oxute:beresa] verb - to treat gently, take care of, be careful with. Rehema ali okhuteemberesa okhwola ke'keke. PROVERB: Otembeeresa, kekeka. One who persuaded, carries it away.

2667.    okhuteembeta [oxute:beta] verb - to visit a relative after circumcision graduation as part of the rite. Abafulu bali okhuteembeta ewa senge.

2668.    okhuteembukhana [oxutebuxana] verb - to shake like the body of a fat person. Omito ali okhuteembukhana ni achia hena?

2669.    okhuteendeha [oxute:ⁿdeha] verb - to be loose, relaxed, slack. Omukoye kuli okhuteendeha.

2670.    okhuteendekera [oxute:ⁿdekera] verb - to become an old perforated busket.Esimero sichakire okhuteendekera.

2671.    okhuteendema [oxute:ⁿdema] verb - to grow healthy; be leafy. Eliani lirikho liteendema owulayi.

2672.    okhuteendewukha [oxute:ⁿdewuxa] verb - to grow healthly sappy stems; have big healthy leaves, a person growing healthy. Eliani lianchire okhuteendewukha.

2673.    okhuteendeyia [oxute:ⁿdejia] verb - to unfasten or tie loosely. Lekha okhuteendeyia omukoye.

2674.    okhuteendulula [oxute:ⁿdulula] ; [oxute:ⁿdulla] verb - to remove servings from table. Ndubi ali okhuteendulula abakeni

2675.    okhuteereera [oxute:re:ra] verb - to sing off key. Lekha okhuteereera owubi.

2676.    okhuteesa [oxute:sa] verb - to molest. Machengo alekhe okhuteesa abaana batiti.

2677.    okhuteeta [oxute:tá] verb - to perch and struggle to eat cereals on the farm. (see; v. okhuteta) Akayuni khali okhuteeta olule khakhukayire okhuteta? PROVERB: Okhayuni khateeta olule; si khakhukayira okhuteta. A bird eating from your farm cannot stop you from eating what is yours.

2678.    okhutekeenyala [oxutekeɲala] verb - to dampen. Chula khu'fula ni osiri okhutekeenyala.

2679.    okhutekeesa [oxuteke:sa] verb - to intend; imply, aim at. Lero wanjire okhutekeesa sina nende amakhuwa kako?

2680.    Okhutekenyala [oxutekeɲala] verb - to be soggy, wet and holding a lot od water, waterlogged. Enguwo yakhachaaka okhutekenyala.

2681.    okhutekera [oxutekera] verb - to shiver, vibrate, tremble. Lekha okhutekera ano.

2682.    okhutekhera [oxutexera] verb - to be weak and ailing; vulnerable, susceptible (see; v. okhuteekha <khera>, <erana>) Kanjire okhutekhera mu'makhumbo ne asiri okhuteekhera mama echai?.

2683.    okhutekula [oxutekúlá] verb - to disstabilise by hitting one leg. (see; v. okhutekula)Ali okhutekula Bahati okhukulu nikakhachaka okhutekula enju.

2684.    okhutekula [oxutékúlá] verb - to flake off, scrape off old plaster, tiles, floor etc., break down a building, destroy. (see; v. okhutekula) Kumino ali okhutekula Bahati okhukulu nikakhachaka okhutekula enju.

2685.    okhutema [oxutema] verb - to stand puzzled; tempt, be confused, remain unsold in a place. (see; v. okhuteema) Oli okhutema niwenya okhuteema okhuteema abasio. PROVERB: Okhunyola nutemire mu’masanyangira, apaara achi olikho wikendera. Whoever meets you stranded at a crossroad thinks you are still going on well.

2686.    okhutembeekha [oxutebe:xa] verb - to be loosely placed somewhere. Nje anu oli okhuteembekha ano efumo?

2687.    okhutemekha [oxutemexa] verb - to stand in a place where it may easily fall. (see; v. okhuteema <mekha>) Ewe onyala okhuteemekha nikaba mbo omukhasi ali okhutemekha omuyabiro hawulili?

2688.    okhutemya [oxutemja] verb - to blink by closing one eye. (see; v. okhuteemia) Lekha okhuteemia abanju nende okhuchaka okhutemya emoni.

2689.    okhutenda [oxute:ⁿda] verb - to serve food. Namutendi ali okhuteenda abaana.

2690.    okhutendula [oxuteⁿdula] verb - to jerk due to inertia. Lekha okhuitendula ochio.

2691.    okhuteng'a [oxuteŋa] verb - to remain alone undistubed. Lekha okhuteng'a mu'muse.

2692.    okhutesiania [oxute:sjanja] verb - to marry a relative. Abachakendanga bali okhutesiania.

2693.    okhuteta [oxutátá] ; [oxutta] verb - to cut, chop, snip (not used for chopping wood). (see; v. okhuteeta) Akhayuni akheenya okhuteeta olule khakhukayira okhuteta olule?

2694.    okhutetea [oxutetea] ; [oxuttea] verb - to defend, make excuse. Lekha okhuitetea ochie olime.

2695.    okhuteteekhana [oxutete:xana] ; [oxutte:xana] verb - to hurry, bustle leading to fair results. Lekha okhutetekhana.

2696.    okhutetula [oxutetula] ; [oxuttula] verb - to make to come apart quickly, snap, bit by using mandibles. Pukuliu asiri okhutetula esifungo.

2697.    okhutiang'a [oxutjaŋa] verb - to apply painkillers, apply sedatives, make acircumcision candidate get focused on the cause. Ombalo ali okhutiang'a omusinde nende etiang’i.

2698.    okhutiang'ia [oxutjaŋja] verb - to anaesthetize. Kuka alikho atiang'ia omusinde nende etiang'i.

2699.    okhutiara [oxutjara] verb - to release coloured droppings. Engokho yichakire okhutiara.

2700.    okhutiawukha [oxutjawuxa] verb - to bloviate; talk perjoratively with pride and anger. Lekha okhutiawukha ochio

2701.    okhutichikha [oxutiʧixa] verb - to bolt. Nje anu oli okhutichikha embiro?

2702.    okhutichira [oxutiʧira] verb - to cause sound by running fast. Abasacha benya okhutichira endichi. PROVERB: Ali nende amani kokhutichira, akalira. Whoever has the power uses it. Never attempt to struggle over something with one who has powers more than yours.

2703.    okhutiebana [oxutjeβana] verb - to compete in acting drama. Bali okhutiebana muchuli.

2704.    okhutiekera [oxutjekera] verb - to walk with a limp. Lekha okhutiekera.

2705.    okhutieketia [oxutjeketja] verb - to make pasty and watery. Lekha okhutieketia eloba.

2706.    okhutiembatiemba [oxutjebate ba] verb - to bend easily. Lekhana nende olukheti olwa qokhutiembatiemba luchi.

2707.    okhutiembula [oxutjebula] verb - to swing up and down as you tiredly walk (for thin people or sheep tail). Oli okhutiembula omusiembe.

2708.    okhutienula [oxutienu:la] verb - to tear, use force to remove s.t from the other, divide timber lengthwise, rip. Lekha okhutienula olubaala.

2709.    okhutietiekhera [oxutjetjexera] verb - to be weak. Ali okhutietiekhera muchuli muno.

2710.    okhutietiembukha [oxutjetje:buxa] verb - to swing tail or behind side by side vigorously. (vigorous up down movement is siesiembukha) Oli okhutietiembukha ni ochia hena.

2711.    okhutiika [oxuti:ka] verb - to struggle with (e.g., learning), guess correctly, be slow and backward, try in vain. . (see; v. okhutika) Ewe okhuchaaka okhutiika ne omala ochaaka okhutika amacheba.

2712.    okhutiikha [oxuti:xa] verb - to make to drink a lot of liquid; give a lot; give an overdose of a liquid. Lekha okhutikha omwana owusera.

2713.    okhutiikiniya [oxu ti:kinija] verb - to make concentrated. Lekha okhutiikiniya echai.

2714.    okhutiikula [oxutí:kula] verb - to project up. (see; v. okhutikula) Lekha okhutikula olulama hasi abasio nibeenya okhutiikula hamukulu.

2715.    okhutiikulula [oxutí:kulula] ; [oxuti:kulla] verb - to project up by a larger margin than the expected almost tilting over towards the top. (see; v. okhutikulula) Lekha okhutikulula olulama hasi abasio nibeenya okhutiikulula hamukulu.

2716.    okhutiima [oxuti:ma] verb - to wander aimlessly, be lost. (see; v. okhutima, okhutima <reduplication>) Oli okhutiima ni ochanikha okhutima mu’sirima?

2717.    okhutiimba [oxuti:ba] verb -  1. become dark 2. to shut up, close, cover, e.g. closing the eyes, or the mouth, or a door. Ameso kali okhutiimba? <ia>

2718.    okhutiimbitia [oxuti:bitja] verb - to make dumb and blind. Oli okhutiimbitia omulwaye.

2719.    okhutiimbula [oxuti:bula] verb - to open eyelids. Lekha okhutiimbulula emoni.

2720.    okhutiimia ['ti:mja] - verb - to make one get lost, remove from track. Wambale ali okhutiimia abasomi.

2721.    okhutiingala [oxuti:ᵑɡala] verb - to walk with unsteady gait; walk in a drunk manner. Lekha okhutiingala nga omeye.

2722.    okhutiing'inda [oxuti:ŋiⁿda] verb - to adorn, decorate. Namusia keenya okhutiing'inda enju.

2723.    okhutiirikha [oxuti:rixa] verb - to be over busy, be preoccupied, be rushed for time; be held. Ali okhutiirikha muchuli.

2724.    okhutiiririsa [oxuti:ririsa] ; [oxuti:rrisa] verb - to deposit. Oli okhutiiririsa eng’ombe.

2725.    okhutiisa [oxuti:sa] verb -  1. to make a cadidate hold on the blessing object as part of rite; 2. to give deposit, do down payment. (see; v. okhutisa) Macho ali okhutisa ekondi lia omusango ne nawe oli okhutiisa eng’ombe bakhuwerese embako.

2726.    okhutiitiya [oxuti:tja] verb - to become small, to be less. PROVERB: Amani matiiti, kakira wasamula n'omukuku khumuchwe. Little strength makes you deficate with a load on your head.

2727.    okhutika [oxutika] verb guess correctly. (see; v. okhutiika) Ewe oli okhuchaaka okhutiika mu’masomo ne omala ochaaka okhutika amacheba.

2728.    okhutikinya [oxutikiɲa] verb - to have a short shudder, tingling shockwave. Omubiri kuli okhutikinya ni embona esa.

2729.    okhutikitia [oxutikitja] verb - to tickle. Lekha okhutikitia owasio. PROVERB: Okhutikitia akhuwa enda. Whoever tickles you around can infect you with lice. Also 'enda' means pregnancy hence: one who makes you happy can make you to agree (impregnate your mind with an idea) even if you wanted to refuse.

2730.    okhutikula [oxutikula] verb - to cause disjoint when joining beams to slightly project down out of the expected angle. (see; v. okhutiikula) Lekha okhutikula olulama asi abasio ni beenya okhutiikula amukulu.

2731.    okhutikulula [oxutikulula] ; [oxutikulla] verb - to cause disjoint when joining beams to greatly project down out of the expected angle almost tilting over. (see; v. okhutiikulula) Lekha okhutikulula olulama hasi abasio nibeenya okhutiikulula hamukulu.

2732.    okhutima [oxutima] verb - to run. Oli okhutima newenya okhutiima.

2733.    okhutimaana [oxutima:na] verb - to mess around. Lekha okhutimaana mu'lukongo muno. (see; v. okhutima <mana>) Lekha okhutimaana nende okhutimana musialo.

2734.    okhutimania [oxutimanja] verb - to chase; expel, suspend from group, send away, divorce, make s.t run away. Nje anu okhutimania hawenywe?

2735.    okhutimbula [oxutibula] verb - to push away using a long stick, make it tumble over. (see; v. okhutiimbula) Anyala okhutiimbula niwenya okhutimbula esa.

2736.    okhutimia ['timja] - verb - to drive, operate. (see; v. okhutiimia) Wambale ali okhutiimia abenya okhutimia endika.

2737.    okhutindibikha [oxutiⁿdiβixa] verb - to accidentally get, meet unexpectedly with one prepared to meet you. Lekha endi okhukhutindibikha. PROVERB: Eukhwe musirima ochachiayo, esirima sikhutindibikhayo (ochabirisa masalao nikeyoka) Never visit your in-laws house at night; better the night to get you thereAlways give time to people to prepare before putting them to a given task.

2738.    okhutindikira [oxutiⁿdikira] verb - to trot, walk with short quick steps. Khatindiko atindikira ni achia ewa Mukopi? <risa>

2739.    okhutindula [oxutiⁿdula] verb - to harp on a stringed instrument or tap on marimba keys. Matang'u ali okhutindula etungu.

2740.    okhuting'a [oxutiŋa] - squeeze, strain water from an item, wring. Nakhuba ali okhuting'a amalwa. <ulula>

2741.    okhutingisa [oxutiᵑɡisa] verb - to shake. Lekha okhutingisa omusala.

2742.    okhutingula [oxutiᵑɡula] - make it capsize. Nje anu oli okhutingula eliacho?

2743.    okhuting'ulula [oxutiŋulula] ; [oxutiŋulla] verb - to add and wring. Nakhuba ali okhuting'ulula amaembe mu'malwa.

2744.    okhutinya [oxutiɲa] verb - to be firm, become hard, stick, harden, get solidified. Lekha okhutinya omwoyo.

2745.    okhutinyiirira [oxutiɲi:rira] ; [oxutiɲi:rra] verb - to be encouraged, set the heart on, go on. Kamasia ali okhutinyiirira khumilimo.

2746.    okhutiongotia [oxutjoᵑɡotja] verb - to make pasty, make watery by consistently plunging s.t into it. Lekha okhutiongotia owusuma.

2747.    okhutira [oxutira] verb -  1. to book in advance, 2. to arrest, hold firmly, seize, catch, grasp, touch, to trap. Ali okhutira omukhana bakhine? PROVERB: Omubaso kutira eki nikubachukha; esiri nende ekosi sihonokokha? A trap that snaps to traps an egg cannot fail to trap that with a neck.

2748.    okhutiringisa [oxutiriᵑɡa] verb – to make s.t sizeable. Oli okhutiringisa esiwooko.

2749.    okhutirira [oxutirira] ; [oxutirra] verb - to vibrate noisily. Ebati liri okhutirira.

2750.    okhutirisa [oxutirisa] verb - to reverse. Eng'ombe chiri okhutirisa

2751.    okhutisa [oxutisa] verb - to sacrifice a sheep or goat. (see; v. okhutiisa) Macho ali okhutisa ekondi ne nawe oli okhutiisa olukembe. PROVERB: Eyoluswa batisanga eng’ene. The animal that causes a felony due to its deviancy is the same that is sacrificed to correct the situation.

2752.    okhutisia [oxutisja] verb - to tease. Okhola emisaango aba keenya okhutisia amakondi.

2753.    okhutitiala [oxutitjala] ; [oxuttjala] verb - to be sarcastic. Lekha okhutitiala abasio.

2754.    okhutitiikhana [oxutiti:xana] ; [oxutti:xana] verb - to serve in less special way. Kachia okhutitiikhana khu’mirimo.

2755.    okhutitinga [oxutiti:ᵑɡa] ; [oxuttti:ᵑɡa] verb - to knock or hit on the sides of a container to ease the pouring of its content. Lekha okhutitinga olukina.

2756.    okhutiwula [oxutiwulana] verb - to beat, thrash. Lekha okhutiwulana ebifusi. <na>

2757.    okhutoa [oxutoa] verb - to win a lady. Khabasi ali okhutoa omukhasi.

2758.    okhutoberasa [oxutoβeresa] verb - to collect or gather from scattered positions. Anjerina ali okhutoberesa ekhwi.

2759.    okhutocha [oxutóʧó] verb -  1. to be wet, be soft, make thin. 2. to be weary, weak and tired, bedwritten, 3. be convinced 3. To be ready for sex (lady). (see; v. okhutocha <-ia>). Wanjala ali okhutoocha omukochu nende eloba ni asiri okhutocha omukongo.

2760.    okhutofuana [oxutofoana] verb - to be less lazy and less organised. Lekhanga okhutofana ochio.

2761.    okhutofula [oxutofula] verb - to be lazy, weak, etc. Ewe weenya okhutofula?

2762.    okhutokana [oxutokana] verb - to be in confused state. Emirimo kino kiri okhutokana owubi.

2763.    okhutola [oxutola] verb - to pick up s.t lost or dropped, find, adopt. Lekha okhutola emwo. PROVERB: Omukeni katola esya embwa. A visitor picked what was for the dog. At times a visitor may visit at a time a family is in wrangles only for the visitor to turn out as the target of injustice.

2764.    okhutoloonda [oxutolo:ⁿda] verb - to pay a person to do illegal activity; plan secretly in order to harm. Lekha okhutoloonda abasio.

2765.    okhutombola [oxutobola] verb - to roll over and over. (see; v. okhutoombola. tomboola) Lekha okhutombola ebisahani nende okhutomboola abaana b’enywe.

2766.    okhutombookha [oxutobo:xa] verb - to be extremely ripe. Enyanya chichakire okhutombookha.

2767.    okhutomboola [oxutobo:la] verb - to enunciate bitter words clearly and heavily. (see; v. okhutoombola. tombola) Lekha okhutomboola amakhuwa ako akaleecha okhutoombola abasio mu’mako.

2768.    okhutomokhola [oxutomoxola] verb - to be deeper. Eloho lino lienya okhutomokhola.

2769.    okhutomola [oxutomola] verb - to penetrate from one side to the other, break virginity. Omukhana ono asiri okhwola okhutomola.

2770.    okhutona [oxutona] verb - to decorate, paint. Oli okhutona enyumba.

2771.    okhutondobana [oxutoⁿdoβana] verb - to meddle, dither, do hurriedly, do everything wrong, have disorder and confusion. Lekha okhutondobana ochio.

2772.    okhutondola [oxutoⁿdola] verb – 2. to break off, glean off small branches of firewood. 3. to remove seeds from pods by pressing, 2. to chat lively. Ono ali okhuchaka okhutondola ekhwi. (see; v. okhutondoola) Omwana kolire okhutondoola nase enjia okhutondola eliani.

2773.    okhutondoola [oxutoⁿdo:la] verb - to drop off remains of umbilical chord. (see; v. okhutondola) Omwana kolire okhutondoola olufukuchi nase enjia okhutondola eliani.

2774.    okhutongotia [oxuto:ᵑɡotja] verb - to mix water in solid to make more watery. Khatindiko ali okhutongotia owusuma w'omwana.

2775.    okhutonya [oxutoɲa] verb - to shred, to break information into small bits. Okaba alikho atonya efwafwa. <ola><olola><olokha><okha><ia><osia><ana><lana><wa>

2776.    okhutoocha [oxuto:ʧá] verb - to make the outer wall supported by skirting. (see; v. okhutocha). Wanjala ali okhutoocha omukochu nende eloba ni asiri okhutocha omukongo.

2777.    okhutookana [oxutoókana] verb - to be wayward. Abaana balekhe okhutookana mungo muno.

2778.    okhutoola [oxutoóla] verb - to milk a lot. Mutali keenya okhutoola amabere.

2779.    okhutooloola [oxuto:lo:la] verb - to cry like a cattle in pain. Eng'ombe eyo yiri okhutooloola. PROVERB: Eyitoloola niyaana, yikholeerera echilwana. One that bellows goaded other cattle to fight.

2780.    okhutoombola [oxuto:bola] verb - to despise and exclude s.o as different from others. (see; v. okhutombola. tomboola) Lekha okhutomboola amakhuwa ako akaleecha okhutoombola abasio mu’mako.

2781.    okhutoomoola [oxuto:mo:la] verb - to make a container for fetching water. Nakhayo keenya okhutoomola esitoomolo sia okhukinga amachi okhuchula khu’simuka.

2782.    okhutoong'a [oxuto:ŋa] verb - to remain alone, be left over, be left behind. Lekha okhutoong'a enyuma.

2783.    okhutoosia [oxuto:sja] verb - to be fitting, make reach consensus. (see; v. okhutocha <-sia>) Wanyonyi ali okhutoosia okhutosia eloba eli Nakhuba aloonga?

2784.    okhutootia [oxuto:tja] verb - to make string into bird trap. Sambula keenya okhutootia owukhinga.

2785.    okhutorobia [oxutoroβja] verb  1. to put the strong-rope (esitorobo) in the skey (esisekeyi) in order to harness cattle on the yoke. Changirira okhurobia eyeeyi.

2786.    okhutotola [oxutotola] ; [oxuttola] verb - to remove corn from the cob, remove small pieces. Bahati ali okhutotola amatumwa.

2787.    okhutua [oxatua] verb - to be born the last. Omwana ono nje oli okhutua.

2788.    okhutuba [oxutuβa] verb - to mix. (see; v. okhutuuba) Lekha okhutuuba oli okhutuba owule. <nia><nikha><sia><sikha>

2789.    okhutucha [oxutuʧa] verb - to celebrate bravery shown by circumcised candidate done by the grandmother to her grandson. Oli okhutucha?

2790.    okhutufula [oxutufula] verb - to puncture, make air to be released by puncturing, fall in ash or sand until the thud sound is hear. (see; v. okhutufuula) Nje anu owenya okhutufula omupira ne achanikha okhutufuula amenyambe?

2791.    okhutufuula [oxutufu:la] verb - to fart in a whisper. (see; v. okhutufula) Nje anu owenya okhutufula omupira ne achanikha okhutufuula amenyambe?

2792.    okhutuka [oxutuka] verb - to be troubled. . (see; v. okhutuuka) Omwoyo kuli okhutuka ninenya okhutuuka omukeni.

2793.    okhutukha [oxutuxa] verb - to scold. Lekha okhutukha abaana. PROVERB: Akhulanga okhulia; olunyuma kakhutukha endia. One can call you to eat a meal then comment badly on your bad eating habits to others.

2794.    okhutulatula [oxutulatula] verb - to pop. Amatumwa kalai okhutulatula nibasamba.

2795.    okhutulienga [oxutuljeᵑɡa] verb - to play many melodies on a flute or combination of fruits. Owanga kamanya okhutulienga omenya kw’omutulienge.

2796.    okhutulucha [oxutuluʧa] verb - to have still birth accompanied by heavy bleeding. Omukhana ali okhutulucha.

2797.    okhutuma [oxutuma] verb  1. to form a big congregation. (see; v. okhutuuma) Abasangi khuli okhutuma mu’temberi olufu nalwo luli okhuchanakana okhutuuma. 2. to rumble. (see; v. okhutuuma) Efula yiri okhutuma eswa nichakhachaaka okhutuuma.

2798.    okhutumbera [oxutu:bera] verb - to be full to the brim. Amachi kali okhutumbera mu’songo.

2799.    okhutumbula [oxutubula] verb - to dip in water then remove. (see; v. okhutumbuula) Lekha okhutumbula esisanda oli okhutumbuula amachi.

2800.    okhutumbuula [oxutubu:la] verb - to make dirt to mix with clear water; talk what irritates people. (see; v. okhutumbula) Lekha okhutumbula esisanda oli okhutuumbula amachi. PROVERB: Olusulo luchusa amalafu; ibao lwachusa amatumbufu. The water source that produces clear water may at times give dirty water.

2801.    okhutumira [oxutumira] verb - to jump into, flay in space. Lero ali okhutumira mu’ndeke.

2802.    okhutumula [oxutumula] verb - to cause skin to develop small chickenpox or small boils that opens up. (see; v. okhutumuula) Owulwaye wuli okhutumula omubiri okhaywe okhutuumula omupira hamukulu?

2803.    okhutumuula [oxutumu:la] verb -  1. to bewitch by making a person to depart from home forever. Lekha okhutumuula omwana. 2. to raise or throw dust in air, disperse rising a column of smoke; kick ball high. (see; v. okhutumula) Owulwaye wuli okhutumula omubiri okhaywe okhutuumula omupira hamukulu?.

2804.    okhutunduuma [oxutuⁿdu:ma] verb - to be lukewarm. Amachi kali okhutunduuma. PROVERB: Omenya ne’kina liwekhuuma; khowamanya ni liatunduuma. Whoever has never stayed with a stone will always think it is warm.

2805.    okhutung’ula [oxutuŋula] verb - to talk by stating then explaining; put a dash. Lekha okhutung’ula amakhuwa.

2806.    okhutunga [oxutuᵑɡa] verb - to chain; be joined. Lekha okhutunga omukhwesero.

2807.    okhutungulula [oxutuᵑɡulula] ; [oxutuᵑɡulla] verb - to unchain; separate that which was joined. Lekha okhutungulula omukhwesero.

2808.    okhutungutya [oxutuᵑɡutja] verb - to expertly play litungu, lyre, disturb by causing movement to one desiring calmness. Mwami kamanya okhutungutia etungu. PROVERB: Olakhusindikhire omusango, akhukhutungutiria etungu ewukhwe. Whoever would like to invite you into commiting a felony plays good music for you at your mother-in-law's home.

2809.    okhutuniyikha [oxutunijixa] verb - to peel off skin due to disease. Eng'ombe yilwala etuniya yiri okhutuniyikha.

2810.    okhutupa [oxutupa] verb - to throw, to discard, to take less care of. Lekha okhutupa amakhoba ka'machemwa.

2811.    okhuturuusa [oxuturu:sa] verb - to forcefully throw at a distance. Oli okhuturuusa omupira.

2812.    okhututa [oxututa] ; [oxutta] verb - to make hair into tufts on head. Tutea ali okhututa amatuta mu’weeywe.

2813.    okhututuma [oxututuma] ; [oxuttuma] verb - to blaze, ramble. Omuliro kuli okhututuma. PROVERB: Enyungu yiyirira nende eyitutuma, chiosi chitekha. Whether the pot is boiling loudly or silently, the food will still be cooked.

2814.    okhutuuba [oxutu:βa] verb - to walk quickly with strong strides. (see; v. okhutuba) Lekha okhutuuba oli okhutuba owule.

2815.    okhutuuka [oxutu:ka] verb - to gift to a visitor going away. (see; v. okhutuka) Omwoyo kuli okhutuka ninenya okhutuuka omukeni.

2816.    okhutuukhuula [oxʷi-] ; [oxutuxu:la] verb - to blow a lot of dust in the air. O muyaka kuli okhutuukhula olufu.

2817.    okhutuuma [oxutu:ma] verb - to come out of ground and fly off, rise in clouds (e.g. dust, smoke, flying ants, smell) Olufu lwanjire okhutuuma. (see; v. okhutuma) Abasangi khuli okhutuma mu’temberi olufu nalwo luli okhuchanakana okhutuuma. PROVERB: Amasechere katuma esiro mana bakamanya. The giant white ants came out at night yet they were discovered. That done in the dark will always come to light.

2818.    okhutuundula [oxutu:ⁿdula] verb - to crack open. Lekha okhutuundula embande.

2819.    okhutuunya [oxutu:ɲa] verb - to be internally angry with, sulk, be annoyed; smoulder; burn from inside without smoke. Lekha okhutuunya ni bakhwimanire eswa.

2820.    okhutuutuha [oxutu:tuha] verb - to decrease, lessen, become smaller or fewer, become less important, be humbled. Ebiakhulia biri okhutuutuha.

2821.    okhutuutuukira [oxutu:tu:kira] verb - to walk with short energetic steps. Akhana khachaakire okhutuutuukira?

2822.    okhutuwukha [oxutuwuxa] verb - to soften due to imbibing water or boiling, break up, come to pieces. Enyama yiri okhutuwukha wulayi.

2823.    okhutuyana [oxutujiana] verb - to sweat unnecessarily. Omwana ali okhutuyana ano.

2824.    okhutwaaka [oxutʷa:ka] verb - to blend; hit using a pestle, mix issues. Omoro ali okhutwaaka owusie afuke owusuma wa atwaka.

2825.    okhutwaara [oxutʷa:ra] verb - to talk angrily without a pause. Lekha okhutwaara ano.

2826.    okhutweekheera [oxutʷe:xe:ra] - sing off key. Lekha okhutweekheera mu'lwimbo.

2827.    okhutwekheera [oxutʷexe:ra] verb - to open and redden eyes. (see; v. okhuteekheera) Oli okhutwekheera emoni ni otweekheera olwimbo.

2828.    okhutwereekha [oxutʷere:kha] verb - to make sound like a flying locust.EEtete lirikho litweereekha.

2829.    okhutwetweera [oxutʷe:tʷe:ra] verb - to sound trumpet loudly. Esichiriba sili okhutwetwera hamukulu.

2830.    okhutwiitwiisa [oxutʷi:tʷi:sa] verb - to shrill fart loudly as you try to unsuccessful control the sound. Lekha okhutwiitwiisa hano.

2831.    okhutyukhulula [oxutjuxulula] ; [oxutjuxulla] verb - to emit semen, ejaculate. Mutembete achaakire okhutyukhulula.

2832.    okhuwa [oxuwá] verb - to give, provide, . . (see; v. okhuwa) PROVERB: Esi ochalianga, owaa abasilianga. Whatever meal that you do not eat; give to those who eat to eat.

2833.    okhuwa [oxuwàˊ] verb - to gradually come to to end. (see; v. okhuwa) Owukhi wuli okhuwa nusiri okhuwa mama? PROVERB: Ebilahi sibiliwa. The best things in life will always be there.

2834.    okhuwaaba [oxuwa:βa] - curse, expose one's nakedness. Waba niwenya okhuwaaba abaana olakhupwa.

2835.    okhuwaala [oxuwa:lá] verb - to make soft repetitive sound of rain on roof. . (see; v. okhuwala) Efula yichakire okhuwala ne naye achaka okhuwala abasie nende oluwaya.

2836.    okhuwaala [oxuwá:lá] verb - to visit for the purpose of giving news of a death; break news. Namutiru achia okhuwaala e'Lumani.

2837.    okhuwaalikha [oxuwa:lixa] verb - to loudly pour in torrents. Efula yenya okhuwaalikha.

2838.    okhuwaamba [oxuwa:ba] verb - to ignite; get sexually excited. Omuliro kwenya okhuwaamba

2839.    okhuwaanya [oxuwa:ɲa] verb - to sprinkle water, to break the river bank, broadcast seeds. Recho achia okhuwanya owule. PROVERB: Omukhula kuwanya amachi kubichanga mumaywaywe. Rain water that is flooding flows down the gradient of the slop and never goes up raised grounds.

2840.    okhuwaanyula [oxuwa:ɲula] verb - to splash, sprinkle water anyhow. Lekha okhuwanyula amachi. khu'bakeni.

2841.    okhuwaasula [oxuwa:sula] verb - to quickly tear a small junk of soft meat from the main one during eating or small bits from the main stock. . (see; v. okhuwaasuula) Ali okhuwaasula omuwasu omutiiti namwe wenya okhuwaasaula wusa omukali?

2842.    okhuwaasuula [oxuwa:su:la] verb - to slowly tear a big junk of soft meat or soft staff from the main stock. . (see; v. okhuwaasula) Ali okhuwaasula omuwasu omutiiti namwe wenya okhuwaasuula wusa omukali? PROVERB: Eya'moya mangi; siyiwaasuukhakho enyama nyingi. That (bird) with many feathers does not yield a lot of meat.

2843.    okhuwaata [wa:ta] verb - to scratch a small part of the skin surface, prick. (see; v. okhuwata) Lekha okhuwata embiro oli okhuwaata omwana nende omusumari.

2844.    okhuwaatuula [oxuwa:tu:la] verb - to prick a longer wound on skin. . (see; v. okhuwaatuula) Lekha okhuwaatuula omuwaasu khu’chango n’oluika nende okhuwatula embala khubikiye nende esindano.

2845.    okhuwaayuula [oxuwa:ju:la] verb - to wail. Lekha okhuwaayuula hano.

2846.    okhuwacha [oxuwaʧa] verb - to shout. Lekha okhuwacha.

2847.    okhuwala [oxuwala] verb - to beat using a hard thin item until the skin becomes bruised, whip. . (see; v. okhuwaala) Efula yichakire okhuwaala ne naye achaka okhuwala abasie nende oluwaya.

2848.    okhuwalula [oxuwalula] ; [oxuwalla/verb - to beat with a skin strap or sisal rope; run very fast. Wanyenje ali okhuwalula engombe olukhoba.

2849.    okhuwana [oxuwana] verb - to blow into fire, light fire, incite. Lukhafwa ali okhuhaana ekhwi echia okhuwana omuliro.

2850.    okhuwanda [oxuwaⁿda] verb - to make s.t stick (on, to) Ekorokocho liri okhuwanda mu'matosi.

2851.    okhuwanjukha [oxuwaⁿdʒuxa] verb - to shed leaves. Omusala kwanjire okhuwanjukha amasafu.

2852.    okhuwanjula [oxuwaⁿdʒula] verb - to rip, beat. Liaka ali okhuwanjula amasafu ka'matumwa.

2853.    okhuwara [oxuwara] verb - to hire, buy in large quantities. Njanu oli okhuwara amalwa?

2854.    okhuwata [oxuwata] verb - to break through blindly. (see; v. okhuwaata) Lekha okhuwata oli okhuwaata omwana nende omusumari

2855.    okhuwatula [oxuwatula] verb - to cause pain when playing sex, prick a smaller wound. . (see; v. okhuwaatula) Olekhire okhuwatula abaana batiti nende nende esindani ochiye okhuwaatula eng’ombe omikhala nende oluika?

2856.    okhuwawaasa [oxuwawa:sa] ; verb - to boo. Lekha okhuwawaasa omwami.

2857.    okhuweewecha [oxuwe:weʧa] verb - to whisper. Lekha okhuweewecha bali okhuchuwona. PROVERB: Okhulanga maweewecha, ofukirira maweewecha. One who calls you quietly answer him quietly

2858.    okhuwererera [oxuwe:rerera] ; [oxuwe:rerra/verb - to decrease gradually, decline, diminish by itself. Ekina lichakire okhuwererera.

2859.    okhuweresa [oxuweresa] verb - to give (to s.o.). Nje anu oli okhuweresa Kobulo esende? PROVERB: Amekhaliro (amatakho) masiru, amakulu kakhuwa si olia. Better be on your feet searching for daily meal than on your sitting apparatus. Never sit idle, be on your feet to fend for yourself.

2860.    okhuwikha [oxuwixa] verb - to cover, thatch. Ese embara enji wenya okhuwikha esiaki ne khane olikho wikha? PROVERB: Owoluswa kewikhulaka; kabeyera omuyaka. A bad mannered one will flip up the cloth to expose the nakedness only to claim it was caused by the wind.

2861.    okhuwikhirira [oxuwixirira] ; [oxuwixira/verb - to cover s.t without the cover cover touching on it eg umbrella. Namachimba ali okhuwikhirira esiswa.

2862.    okhuwikhula [oxuwixula] verb  1. to uncover, reveal the body 3. to reveal details about s.t hidden, 2. to remove the thatch. Lekha okhuwikhula omwana.

2863.    okhuwocha [oxuwoʧa] verb  1. to peck; pick or bite using beak. 2. to practice hit marriages (men). Ewe wenya okhuocha omuliro ne engokho chienya okhuwocha eswa. PROVERB: Esinia-muliro sibaho nende esisiwocha. The bombardier insect has it eater too.

2864.    okhuwochakula [oxuwoʧakula] verb - to peck at an item consistently. Engokho chienya okhuwochakula amatumwa.

2865.    okhuwochola [oxuwoʧola] verb - to be spiked, be twisted. Lekha okhuwochola esimbo.

2866.    okhuwocholola [oxuwoʧolola] ; [oxuwoʧolla] verb - to smell aromatically due to frying. Omuya kw'enyama kuli okhuwocholola owulayi. PROVERB: Eyiwocholola, yiwochololera omusaambi kho yawochololera abaandi. The one who roasts the meat is the first to know if it was rotting.

2867.    okhuwofula [oxuwofula] verb - to be blind, lose sight. Oli okhuwofula emoni.

2868.    okhuwokaawoka [oxuwoka:woka] verb - to walk around lazily, walk dizzily, walk as if lost. Lekha okhuwokawoka kuka. PROVERB: Akhakokho olukhewokawokera halukongo, ochakhalangira esimba. Never call a mongoose to devour your neighbour's chicken even if it walk around as if lost. The same chicken can be given to you when you are in need

2869.    okhuwola [oxuwola] verb - to rot, to go bad, to putrefy. . (see; v. okhuwola) Khanu wenya okhuwoola ochi khasookhere yenya okhuwola?

2870.    okhuwolakukha [oxuwolakuxa] verb - to biodegrade. Owufwisi wuli okhuwolakukha ne khuchakamo emisaala.

2871.    okhuwolola [oxuwolola] ; [oxuwolla/verb - to get back the cattle one has paid as dowry, in breaking off a marriagr engagement. (see; v. okhuwoolola) Eng’ombe chichanikhire okhuwoolola nje echikhweenya okhuwolola?.

2872.    okhuwololosa [oxuwololosa] verb - to break up cold ugali left over to make new ugali or porridge. Mama ali okhuwololosa owukeni.

2873.    okhuwomba [oxuwoba] verb - to decrease in number, become scarce. Waomba kakulikhwa abaana nibachaakire okhuomba mu'ngo.

2874.    okhuwomoola [oxuwomo:la] verb - to massage with oil, smear with oil. Chekerere keenya okhuwomoola Nasike amafucha.

2875.    okhuwona [oxuwona] verb  1. to get healed, to heal, to recover, 2. escape, get salvation, get saved, avoid a danger. PROVERB: Amasaka amabisi; kawonananga kaonania. Green tree branches see each othe and save each other. Those still depending on a common resource will meet and save each other. 3. to see, to perceive in mind. PROVERB: Ochaona ng'ina owukhana awola achi echibakhwa mama chiali chiwuma omulimo. Whoever did not see the mother during hey days will always say the father wasted dowry. <na><ekha><ekhana><ia>

2876.    okhuwondawonda [oxuwoⁿdawoⁿda] verb - to walk stealthily stooped over. Njanu owenya okhuwondawonda ni achia engo?

2877.    okhuwondiokha [oxuwoⁿdjoxa] verb - to walk in a sickly manner as if you do not want to be seen. Omulwaye ali okhuwondiokha n'achia mu'siaki.

2878.    okhuwonekha [oxuwonexa] verb - to appear, seem, be visible. Lero walekha okhuwonekha ewefwe?

2879.    okhuwonera [oxuwonera] verb - to see for the first time and copy. Bino oli okhuwonera khu’kukawo

2880.    okhuwoola [oxuwo:la] verb - to state, talk to, speak, tell, say. (see; v. okhuwola) Khanu wenya okhuwoola khasookhere yenya okhuwola? PROVERB: Engira si yiwolera okenda. The path never directs the one walking on it.

2881.    okhuwoolana [oxuwo:lana] verb - to talk to each other, have a discussion, confer, consent to each other. Okwamo ali okhuwoolana nende Wakhisi.

2882.    okhuwoolera [oxuwo:lera] verb - to inform, tell, report. Oli okhuwoolera kukao ochi embukuye enyama yibaye yeenya okhuwolera mukabati? PROVERB: Emboolerwa embi, yalemasa omwoyo. Hearsays makes the heart sorrowful. It is bad to base on hearsay. Never just base on what you have been told but not witness to tale a tale unless you too witnessed.

2883.    okhuwoolola [oxuwo:lola] ; [oxuwo:lla/verb - to make sound of water passing over stones, make a fright sound to motivate others to fight (cattle). (see; v. okhuwolola) Eng’ombe chichanikhire okhuwoolola nje echikhweenya okhuwolola?

2884.    okhuwoomberesa [oxuwo:beresa] verb - to persuade, lie using fair words. Lekha okhuwoomberesa omwana.

2885.    okhuwoombookha [oxuwo:bo:xa] verb - to walk slowly and lazily; to prowl. Njanu awanjire okhuwoombookha oyo?

2886.    okhuwoombya [oxuwo:bja] verb - to give a litle to taste. Oli okhuwoombya efwe amalwa?

2887.    okhuwoonga [oxuwo:ᵑɡa] verb - to delay to come, stay at home from duty, stay long at a place. Lekha okhuwonga.

2888.    okhuwooya [oxuwo:ya] verb - to woo another person's wife. (see; v. okhuwoya <-ia>, <-kania>, <-erera>- <-kania>). Lekha okhuwooya abakhasi ba beene nga ta khuli okhuchaka okhuwoya abakhasi khu’mikoye.

2889.    okhuwosya [oxuwo:sja] verb - to woo to marry, seduce. Lekha okhuwoosya abakhana abangi.

2890.    okhuwotaawota [oxuwota:wota] verb - to walk in a tired lazy and confused manner due to old age. Omusiere oli okhuwotaawota ni owawo?

2891.    okhuwotookhana [oxuwoto:xana] verb - to go round, rotate, revolve, circumnavigate. Esialo siri okhuwotookhana.

2892.    okhuwowa [oxuwowa] ; [oxuŵwa] verb - to curdle, be thick liquid, coagulate. Amabere kachaakire okhuwowa?

2893.    okhuwowakanya [oxuwowakaɲa] verb - to tie string or a rope into a bundle. Makheti ali okhuwowakanya omukoye.

2894.    okhuwowookana [oxuwowo:kana] verb - to be noisy. Lekha okhuwowookana hano.

2895.    okhuwoya [oxuwoja] verb  1. to tie with rope or string; 2. to imprison or put under quarantine. PROVERB: Owusera wunakhusambe owubi; wuwoya oluwubi. Hot porridge has a cool coat. 3. to put in brackets. (see; v. okhuwooya) Lekha okhuwooya abakhasi ba beene nga ta khuli okhuchaka okhuwoya abakhasi khu’mikoye. PROVERB: Enjukha yiba niyichalumanga; abachenyi bakhawoweye ekhwi. If a snake could not bite; it would have been used to tie firewood. If actions had no repercussion; people would have dared do what can affect others. <-lola>, <-ikha>-

2896.    okhuwoyaawoya [oxuwoja:woja] verb - to be soft shelled egg. (see; v. okhuwoya <reduplication>). Engokho ni yasiima okhuwoyaawoya amaki; kenyekha ochalukhe okhuwoyawoya engokho yeene khu’mukoye.

2897.    okhuwoyakania [oxuwojakanja] verb - to spin; twist together, tie without keenness. (see; v. okhuwooyakania) Ali okhuwoyakania eng’ombe khu’sichikhi ni achiye okhuwoyakana abakhaana?

2898.    okhuwoyawoya [oxuwojerera] verb tie quickly without keenness . (see; v. okhuwoyaawoya) Engokho ni yasiima okhuwooyerera amaki; kenyekha ohalukhe okhuwoyawoya engokho yeene khu’mukoye.

2899.    okhuwoyerera [oxuwojerera] verb - to use herbs to prevent death of baby, deny self comfort . (see; v. okhuwooya <-erera>) Ewe ni wasiima okhuwooyerera abakhasi; okhoya okhuwoyerera omwana omalesi mu’siuno.

2900.    okhuwuba [oxuwuβa] verb - to feel jealous fear and suspicion caused by rivalry. Ewe ni ochaaka okhuwuba mana wuba wulayi nowo?

2901.    okhuwubaala [oxuwuβa:la] verb - to be dazed. (see; v. okhubala <okhu-+wu->) Owoba wuno oli okhuwubala wosi kho olekhe okhuwubaala n'akhupwa.

2902.    okhuwuchirisa [oxuwuʧirisa] verb - to fan. Mama alikho awuchirisa omwana.

2903.    okhuwuchuchira [oxuwuʧuʧira] ; [oxuwuʧʧira/verb - to hate and always chase away the weak, always defeat during a fight. Lekha okhuwuchuchira owasio. PROVERB: Embwa ekhasi yawuchuchira esacha. A female dog always defeat the male dog in a fight. Use a woman (wife) and you will get something from a man.

2904.    okhuwuchula [oxuwuʧula] verb - to give birth to a big baby. Enjofu yiri okhuwuchula okwana okukali?

2905.    okhuwuchulukha [oxuwuʧuluxa] verb - to relax your feelings after tension. Oli okhuwuuchulukha khonuwo olie?

2906.    okhuwuchuunjukha [oxuwuʧu:ⁿdʒuxa] verb - to hatch into many young grasshoppers; nymphets. Amatete kali okhuwuchuunjukha.

2907.    okhuwuka [oxuwuka] verb -  1. to marvel, exclaim, be shocked, wonder, be surprised, be amazed, be puzzled; cry like baboon. 2. to warn against wrong doing. (see; v. okhuwuuka) Wesi ochakire okhuwuka ne’sibeera nende okhuwuka omwana achanikhire okhuwuuka nga oluwukawuka? <-isa>, <-ia>, <-wa>

2908.    okhuwukaana [oxuwuka:na] verb - to meet, to come upon; fellowship. Kuli okhuwukaana ewa Jairo.

2909.    okhuwukaawuka [oxuwuka:wuka] verb - to be unsettled. (see; v. okhuwuka <reduplication) Lekha okhuwukawuka wuli bikha sing owasiima okhuwukaawuka musibala nga oluwukaawuka. PROVERB: Oluwukaawuka lwakeraka esoko. The small nocturnal silent nightjar advised the noisy weaver bird.

2910.    okhuwukukha [oxuwukuxa] verb - to cry like an owl, make noise like a cock that has sighted a predator to warn others. Amakhirikhikhi keenya okhuchanikha okhuwukukha.

2911.    okhuwukula [oxuwukula] verb - to take. Lekha okhuwukula esende chya mama. PROVERB: Osaba ey'omuchii, asaba n'awukula. One requesting something from a coward; requests while taking it.

2912.    okhuwukuuma [oxuwuku:ma] verb - to warn. (see; v. okhuwuukuma) Upande ali okhuwukuuma omwibi efula ni yeenya okhuchaaka okhuwuukuma. <-ka>, <-na>, <-ia>, <-sira>

2913.    okhuwukya [oxuwukja] verb - to sing and dance during pre-circumcision ceremony when having early practising. (see; v. okhuwuukia) Linyala okhuwukia mbo timbiti yesi achiiye okhuwuukya abasinde.

2914.    okhuwula [oxuwúlá] verb - to make a debut in s.t. (see; v. okhuwuula)

2915.    okhuwula [oxuwulá] verb - to reveal, report disclose, give information. (see; v. okhuwuula) Anona ali okhuwula achi Biketi nje ochanikhire okhuwuula amabere.

2916.    okhuwuleera [oxuwule:ra] verb - to keep quiet, be silent. Oli okhuwuleera fwesi khulomalome? PROVERB: Okhupa owuwe ni amwibiye, akhuba nawuleeye. Whoever is punishing a thieving child, does it without shouting that the child is a thief. Corrects without announcing the ills to everybody.

2917.    okhuwuliirisania [oxuwuli:risania] verb - to live or associate with others in unity, agree with one another, get on well together. Njanu oli okhuwuliisania naye.

2918.    okhuwulikha [oxuwulixa] verb - to in bad health, ailing, be bedridden. (see; v. okhuwuula <-kha>) Eloko lienya okhuchaaka okhuwuulikha mu’mbakha omulawe nikakhaanja okhuwulikha nende owulwaye. PROVERB: Owakisa owulikhire okhulwaala, amaliro kamuwula. If you hide a sick person then moaning that comes out upon the person's death will reveal that the person was sick. Never hide facts.

2919.    okhuwulira [oxuwulira] verb - to hear, to get details by listening, perceive by ear, get audible sound, know by hearsay, perceive with senses, feel. Lekha okhuwulira embemba. PROVERB: Namunyu kaolera ekina achi luulera ouliye. The hyena told the stone that it had heard even if it kept quiet

2920.    okhuwulukha [oxuwuluxa] verb - to arrive, appear suddenly and unexpectedly. Abakeni benya okhuwulukha.

2921.    okhuwulukhuma [oxuwuluxuma] verb - to growl. Embwa chiri okhuwulukhuma wusa. PROVERB: Embwa yiri nesikumba mumunwa yiwulukhuma, siyikhuluma. A dog carrying a borne in its mouth rarely bite.

2922.    okhuwulukucha [oxuwulukuʧa] verb - to move around in a harpharzard manner. Embulukuchu yewulukucha niyichia.

2923.    okhuwulukusa [oxuwulukusa] verb - to roll round, roll into bollus. Embungamasi yenya okhuwulukusa amasingo.

2924.    okhuwulula [oxuwulula] ; [oxuwulla/verb -  1. to scrape off dirt from the body using a stone or rough material, 2. give birth to many small ones before the right age. Embwa iri okhuwulula ebiana nibisiiri okhwola?

2925.    okhuwululusa [oxuwulukusa] ; [oxuwullusa/verb - to whistle in a melodious manner. Lekha okhuwululusa omuluse eng'ombe chilime

2926.    okhuwuluukha [oxuwulu:xa] verb -  1. to rest; have a nap, relax a bit, have freedom from anxiety, pause in a game, have a holiday. Abaana bachia okhuwuluukha. 2. pass on peacefully; 3. give birth. (see; v. okhuwulkha) Ali okhuwuluukha nikakhamala okhuwulukha.

2927.    okhuwuluumba [oxuwulu:ba] verb - to make solidly spherical. Njanu oli okhuwuluumba owusuma?

2928.    okhuwuluungucha [oxuwulu:ᵑɡuʧa] verb - to become tasteless. Lekha okhuwuluungucha owusera wubekho owusera wuchaanwa.

2929.    okhuwuluungukha [oxuwulu:ᵑɡuxa] verb - to disintegrate, crumble into small pieces; fall of crumbled pieces. Amasafu keenya okhuwuluungukha.

2930.    okhuwuma [oxuwuma] verb - to be absent, be missing, be non-existent, not be there, be without, lack. (see; v. okhuwuuma) Efwe khwolanire okhuwuma omutoka okunyala okhuwuuma? PROVERB: Olufu luwuma amaofu. Nobody yearns for death.

2931.    okhuwumba [oxuwuba] verb - to heap soil for planting potatoes, pile; make soil items. (see; v. okhuwuumba) Ewe chanikha okhuwumba amasingo k’emosi yichakire okhuwuumba amawuumba?

2932.    okhuwumbukha [oxuwubuxa] verb - to break (soil clods) into fragments. (see; v. okhuwumbuukha) Amawumbu kalikho kawumbukha ne evimosi vyosi byolanire okhuwuumbukha.

2933.    okhuwumbwa [oxuwubwa] verb - to grow mould. Amatumwa kali okhuwumbwa.

2934.    okhuwumiya [oxuwumija] verb - to suffer, be in pain, be hurt or injured. Oli okhuwumiya mwana ewe ne nafwe khuli okhuwumia wusa khuchi oli omubi.

2935.    okhuwumuula [oxuwumu:la] verb - to kick ball with a lot of energy. Lekha okhuwumuula omupira.

2936.    okhuwuna [oxuwuna] verb - to gore, pierce, stab. (see; v. okhuwuuna) Eng'ombe yiri okhuwuuna makherebende okhuwuna eyasie nende oluika lumemu? PROVERB: Echikhombana amachumba nche echiwunana. Cattles that are seen lovely licking at each other are the same that are seen goring each other after some time. Even friends have small differences among them. <-ikha>, <-na>, <-ia>,

2937.    okhuwunama [oxuwunama] verb - to look down, be sad, be unhappy and lonely. Lekha okhuiwunama.

2938.    okhuwundawunda [oxuwuⁿdawuⁿda] verb - to walk in slow confused manner. Ewe chaka okhuwundawunda ni ochia.

2939.    okhuwundula [oxuwu:ⁿdula] verb - to beat with a fist on the stomach or back. Basecho ali okhuwundula embwa.

2940.    okhuwundulala [oxuwuⁿdulula] ; [oxuwuⁿdulla] verb - to stare with fixed eyes, gaze blankly, be dull. Lekha okhuwundulala. 

2941.    okhuwungeresa [oxuwuᵑɡeresa] verb - to gather up, to gather together, to collect. Achia okhuwungeresa enjuku.

2942.    okhuwungikha [oxuwuᵑɡixa] verb - to collect into one place, pile up. Lekha okhuwungikha esuku.

2943.    okhuwungukha [oxuwu:ᵑɡuka] verb - to soar; swing s.t around. Ekhongocha lienya okhuwungukha ano.

2944.    okhuwungula [oxuwuᵑɡula] verb - to doze off. Lekha okhuwungula olie.

2945.    okhuwungulula [oxuwuᵑɡulula] ; [oxuwuᵑɡulla] verb - to make to drop off, remove maize seed from cobs, to be shaken off, e.g., leaves from a tree. Amasafu keenya okhuwungulukha.

2946.    okhuwunguukha [oxuwuᵑɡu:xira] verb – to glide. Amayoyo Kenya okhuwuungukha khu maachi.

2947.    okhuwunguukhira [oxuwuᵑɡu:xira] verb – to say absent minded, give inaccurate information due to failure to comprehend. Lekha okhuwunguukhira amakhuwa.

2948.    okhuwunjera [oxuwuⁿdʒera] verb - to calm dawn as of lake or storm, lie still, be stagnant. Amachi keenya okhuwunjera. PROVERB: Omwana muwujeefu oyo; yiba enda niyo. A child is only good if it is satisfied or if it makes elders satisfied.

2949.    okhuwunuuna [oxuwunu:na] verb - to harvest a little of a crop etc, before the crop is all ripe and mature. Lekha okhuwununa amatumwa. <nia>, <nikha>,

2950.    okhuwunya [oxuhuɲa] verb -  1. to smell pleasantly. PROVERB: Olusu lw'omwene; siluwunyira omwene. The smell from a person does not affect the same person; 2. to smell unpleasantly, stink. PROVERB: Omwana alawunyanga esyaliye. A child reeks of what he has eaten (hence no need of asking) However, mature people will wash the smell off. That it is very hard for children to cheat and hide the truth forever.

2951.    okhuwunyiirisa [oxuwuɲi:risa] verb - to sniff. Lekha okhuwunyiirisa.

2952.    okhuwurawura [oxuwurawura] verb - to react with some element of insanity to an idea. Lekha okhuwurawura ano.

2953.    okhuwusa [oxuwusa] verb - to rebuke an animal, shout at an animal to stop. (see; v. okhuwuusa) Lekha okhuwusa wusa eng'ombe wuusa nichienya okhuwuusa amasingo.

2954.    okhuwusubala [oxuwusuβala] verb - to feel ashamed after being denied a meal. Lekha okhuwusubala ochio. 

2955.    okhuwutikha [oxuwutixa] verb - to stack. Nje anu oli okhuwutikha amatumwa mu’mukunda?

2956.    okhuwutuba [oxuwutuβa] verb - to hatch into many young fish. Amawuyiani kali okhuwutuba.

2957.    okhuwutukha [oxuwutuxa] verb - to have bad stench. Enyama yanjire okhuwutukha omuuya omubi. PROVERB: Namukha kuwutukha musiminyu, nundi kuwutukha mufula. Namukha the insect that smells during dry season will still smell in wet season. Never enter a love relationship with a person expecting to change the behaviour of the person

2958.    okhuwutuuta [oxuwutu:ta] verb - to play a horn to communicate a coded confidential message. Micha ali okhuwutuuta olwika.

2959.    okhuwuucha [oxuwu:ʧa] verb -  1. to blow as wind or cold breeze. 2. to chat stories with visitors. (see; v. okhuwucha) Omuyaka kuchanikhire okhuwuucha lukali abakeni aba okhuwucha mu’baana nibakhachaaka okhuwuucha.

2960.    okhuwuuka [oxuwuka] verb - to move in a directionless haphazard manner. (see; v. okhuwuka) Wesi ochakire okhuwuka ne’sibeera ni owona singa omwana ono achanikhire okhuwuuka nga oluwukawuka?

2961.    okhuwuukha [oxuwu:xa] verb - to work in synergised manner. Abawukha bali okhuwuukha m'mirimo.

2962.    okhuwuukuma [oxuwu:kuma] verb rumble at a far distance. (see; v. okhuwuukuma) Efula yichakire okhuwuukuma; nawe chaaka okhuwukuuma abaana bafuuru bachie engo.

2963.    okhuwuula [oxuwu:la] verb - to thresh (grain), beat with heavy blows. (see; v. okhuwula) Anona ali okhuwula achi Biketi nje ochanikhire okhuwuula amabere.

2964.    okhuwuuliekha [oxuwu:ljexa] verb - to be blurred, hazy, unclear, be tinted. Esialo siri okhuwuuliekha engolobe.

2965.    okhuwuulirira [oxuwu:lirira] ; [oxuwu:liřra/verb - to reveal before it is time to do so. Lekha okhuwuulirira elicha li’omukeni.

2966.    okhuwuulula [oxuwu:lula] ; [oxuwu:lla/verb - to uncover ripening bananas. Lekha okhuwuulula amachemwa.

2967.    okhuwuuma [oxuwu:ma] verb - to sigh, roar, bellow, buzz (of moving bees), hum. (see; v. okhuwuma) Efwe khwolanire okhuwuma omutoka okunyala okhuwuuma?

2968.    okhuwuumba [oxuwu:ba] verb - to develop east coast fevour. (see; v. okhuwumba) Ewe wumberesa ese okhuwumba amasingo k’emosi yichakire okhuwuumba amawuumba

2969.    okhuwuumbukha [oxuwu:buxa] verb - to get cured from East Coast Fever in calves, go beyond age of developing East Coast Fever. (see; v. okhuwumbulukha) Amawumbu kalikho kawumbukha nibalima ne nabyo ebimosi byosi byolanire esikikero esia okhuwuumbukha.

2970.    okhuwuumbula [oxuwubula] verb -  1. to flower or come out of buds. Amakanda kachaakire okhuwumbula ebimuli. 2. break up big soil clots, 3. grow past adolescence into a lady or lad.

2971.    okhuwuumbulukha [oxuwubuluxa] verb - to reduce swelling; dissipate anger. (see; v. okhuwumbulukha) Ebimba liri okhuwuumbulukha ne amawumbu nako kali okhuwumbulukha.

2972.    okhuwuumia [oxuwu:mjá] verb - to blow into pipe woofers as musical instruments. Efwe khuli okhuwuumya khuchi Sifunjo nje oli okhuwuumia amawuumi.

2973.    okhuwuumia [oxuwú:mjá] verb - to confirm; do an acclamation. Esikhasio siri okhuwuumia mbo awuye.

2974.    okhuwuumukha [oxuwu:muxa] verb - to boom from enclosed area. Omwenya kwenya okhuwuumukha omwo.

2975.    okhuwuumula [oxuwu:mula] verb - to beat with soft club; use a lot of energy to dig. Kuka achia okhuwuumula omuka.

2976.    okhuwuuna [oxuwu:na] verb - to arrive or wake up early. (see; v. okhuwuna) Eng’ombe yiri okhuwuuna mu’maweeriweeri okhuwuna omwaana? PROVERB: Owakonaho; akhira owawunaho. Whoever kept you company during night vigil is better than whoever came early and went. A friend in need is a friend indeed. <kho><na>, <ia>, <ikha><irira><ira>

2977.    okhuwuundulala [oxuwu:ⁿdulala] ; [oxuwu:ⁿdulla/verb - to stare with fixed eyes, gaze blankly, be dull. Lekha owuwundulala ano.

2978.    okhuwuunga [oxuwu:ᵑɡa] verb -  1. to support 2. to put together, store, assemble, heap up, body build. Achia okhuwuunga amatumwa.

2979.    okhuwuunyula [oxuwu:ɲula] verb -  1. to spear an animal the second time during killing in honour of a rite. 2. to throw down a person during wrestling. Njanu oli okhuwuunyula eng'ombe?

2980.    okhuwuurusia [oxuwu:rusja] verb - to throw using a sling. Nalondo ali okhuwuurusia amakina.

2981.    okhuwuusa [oxuwu:sa] verb -  1. to collect together. 2. harrow. (see; v. okhuwusa, iwuusa) Lekha okhuwusa wusa eng'ombe wuusa nichienya okhuwuusa amasingo.

2982.    okhuwuusubala [oxuwu:suβala] verb - to feel the shame after being found in any evil act. Lekha okhuwuusubala ano oweho.

2983.    okhuwuuwusa [oxuwu:wusa] verb - to blow using a bellow. Nambale ali okhuwuuwusa omukuba.

2984.    okhuwuuya [oxuwu:ja] verb - to move into a different house or place, migrate, immigrate. (see; v. okhuwuya <-ia>, <-sia>, <yira>, <-aka>) Niwenya okhuwuuya, si olekha okhuwuya owule. PROVERB: Enchu yali yiyya; esiolo yichi ‘ese nanala, eliisi liwuuya.’ The house was on fire and the lizard thought it was the smoke migrating. It neglected timely warning and suffered,

2985.    okhuwuuyiana [oxuwu:jana] verb - to send out signal waves from guards during witchcraft acts; move like clouds. Enyengo chiri okhuwuuyiana hano.

2986.    okhuwuya [oxuwuja] verb - to winnow by moving the tray in circular motion for rubbish to be skimmed off the surface. (see; v. okhuwuuya <-ia>, <-sia>, <yira>, <-aka>, <-kana>) Niwenya okhuwuuya, si olekha okhuwuya owule. PROVERB: Omukeni muwuyi, achamwachira esibaange. Never break the visitor's dish plates as a sign of telling him he has overstayed his visit for it is you who will go at a loss.

2987.    okhuwuyaawuya [oxuwuja:wuja] verb - to chew without teeth. Ewe ochanikhire okhuwuyawuya omwoyo nende okhuwuyaawuya embande mu’munwa singa owasiima okhuwuyawuya.

2988.    okhuwuyawuya [oxuwujawuja] verb - to be raring to go. (see; v. okhuwuyaawuyaa) Ewe ochanikhire okhuwuyawuya omwoyo nende okhuwuyaawuya embande mu’munwa singa owasiima okhuwuyawuya

2989.    okhuwuyira [oxuwujira] verb - to praise excessively. (see; v. okhuwuuyira) Lekha okhuwuyira omukunda oku Were keenya okhuwuuyira.

2990.    okhuwuyuunguya [oxuwuju:ᵑɡuja] verb - to twirl around, swing round, revolve rapidly, to spin. Lekha okhuwuyuunguya emburusi.

2991.    okhuya [oxuja] verb -  1. to be hot, burn, be fully cooked. Oli okhuya. 2. to get a loss. 2. to be extremely angered. Omwana ali okhuya mu’maika.

2992.    okhuyaala [oxuja:la] verb – 1. to yammer. Ewe yaala owuliri khu’makata owulire nga amake kachanikha okhuyaala omwami ni asiri okhuchaka okhuyala amakoso kako.

2993.    okhuyaasa [oxuja:sa] verb -  1. to give a chorus. 2. to support an idea, do an acclamation. (see; v. okhuyasa) Bano bali okhuyaasa olwimbo ne naye ali okhuyasa ni bachia okhumala.

2994.    okhuyaaya [oxujaja] verb - to snatch, take by force, grab in a greedy way, scoop in large quantities. (see; n. yaya) Ewe yaya, yayawo ono ali okhuyaaya eliani liefwe.

2995.    okhuyaba [oxujaβa] verb -  1. to dig up; make a hole; excavate, 2. harvest tubers. 3. to talk ill about a given person to others. Yaba mbo Sipeto ali okhuyaba eloho, khuba khuli khusibi.

2996.    okhuyabaayukha [oxujaβa:juxa] verb - to spread, become large by breaking on sides- used of hole, ulcer, etc Ekonjo lili okhuyabaayukha?

2997.    okhuyabira [oxujaβira] verb -  1. to put a post in dug hole and cover part of it with soil, 2. to dig a foundation. 2. to harvest tubers piece-meal. Bali okhuyabira emisala kia okhusicha muchuli? PROVERB: Owiwula oba ne'mbako (yokhuyabira). If you give birth to children, ensure you owns a jembe. At times you may be the one to bury them.

2998.    okhuyabisira [oxujaβisira] verb - to start harvesting root tubers before they mature. Nawambisa achaakire okhuyabisira esipwoni.

2999.    okhuyabukha [oxujaβuxa] verb - to dig up weak soil, have weak solid sides. Esobere yiri okhuyabukha.

3000.    okhuyala [oxujala] verb - to judge in court, listen to a case. (see; v. okhuyaala) Yala owuliri okone owulire amake nikachanikha okhuyaala kachi yaa omwami ni asiiri okhuyala omwibi. PROVERB: Eli ewe owola; nje elikhuyala. Whatever you say is what can be used to judge you.

3001.    okhuyasa [oxujasa] verb - to give a shout to scare. (see; v. okhuyaasa) Oli okhuyasa esimba abasio nibachaaka okhuyaasa olwimbo?

3002.    okhuyawula [oxujaβula] verb - to dig long trenches, to uproot posts from ground.. Mwombe ali okhuyabula ekholobani.

3003.    okhuyebayeba [oxujeβajeβa] verb - to be large size; unfitting. Enguwo yino engali yiri okhuyebayeba mu'siuno.

3004.    okhuyebuya [oxujeβuja] verb - to be loose soiled. Eloba lia e’Lufwosi liasima okhuyebuya.

3005.    okhuyeera [oxuje:ra] verb -  1. to breath, 2. get satisfied upon completion of a task. (see; v. okhuyera) Ewe osiri okhuyera enda lekha okhuyeera lukali?

3006.    okhuyeesa [oxuje:sa] verb - to bend towards the ground, first plough; harrow. (see; v. okhuyesa) Kikomba ali okhuyeesa endalo muchuli nawe oli okhuyesa okhuchenya okhwi.

3007.    okhuyeeyera [oxuje:jera] verb - to run slowly and steadly, jog. Ndombi kasiima okhuyeeyera?

3008.    okhuyeka [oxujeka] verb  1. To provoke one who is in total nedd of, 2. to eat small bit of s.t after completion of cooking. Lekha okhuyeka eliani. PROVERB: Esingi siawera okhuyoota/oluyeko. That which was a lot got finished by being constantly tested.

3009.    okhuyekha [oxujexa] verb - to lean. Lekha okhuyekha.

3010.    okhuyekhera [oxujexera] verb -  1. to lean against, 2. to support or fevour one side, 3. tip the scale of justice out of favour. Bino biri okhukhuyekhera.

3011.    Okhuyenga [oxujeᵑɡa] verb  1. to move around in a swampy muddy place; 2. to have many frogs or toads on swampy area. Amakhere kasiima okhuyenga Esiyenga. PROVERB: Amakhere nikayenga; sikakhaywamo enenga. A procession of toads in mud place cannot lack frogs.

3012.    okhuyengayenga [oxujeᵑɡajeᵑɡa] verb - to be wavy, ripple. Lekha okhuyengayenga olwakho.

3013.    okhuyengera [oxujeᵑɡera] verb -  1. to be unstable; 2. to be at war, 3. to jump around in mass. Esialo sichakire okhuyengera.

3014.    okhuyengula [oxujeᵑɡula] verb -  1. to make solid watery by use of solution of water or other solvent 2. to come in spasms or waves, 3. to cause fear or make anxious. 4. to overflow with maggots. Owusiba wuli okhuyengula munda okhuola olire. <sa>

3015.    okhuyenya [oxujeɲa] verb - to expose your teeth. Chisaina ali okhueenya okhuyenya ameno. PROVERB: Enani etocho liacheba ekofu mbo koo, 'Oyenyanga ameno ka sina?' Enani ekofu liawola lichi koo, 'Ewe cheba, wesi olikofula.' A young hyena wondered why the old hyena walks with open mouth and it was told it just come by age.

3016.    okhuyenyama [oxujeɲama] verb - to bend sideway. Lekha okhuyenyama khu'mukuchu.

3017.    okhuyera [oxujera] verb - to conceive a child, become pregnant. (see; v. okhuyeera) Ewe osiri okhuyera enda lekha okhuyeera lukali?

3018.    okhuyesa [oxujesa] verb - to collect enough of. (see; v. okhuyeesa) Kikomba ali okhuyeesa endalo muchuli nawe oli okhuyesa olukhaanya lwe’khwi.

3019.    okhuyeta [oxujeta] verb - to assist, sponsor, help. Njanu oli okhuyeta Tuta?

3020.    okhuyiiba [oxuji:βa] verb - to shout angrily, talk in a loud voice. Kukuni ali okhuyiiba nikakhawona abaana batakha okhuiyiba.

3021.    okhuyiimana [oxuji:mana] verb - to search with an aim of revenging or causing harm to each other. Kulundu nende wafula benya okhuyimana.

3022.    okhuyiisa [oxuji:sa] verb - to aggravate, accelerate sickness of a given person intentionally, cause to be worse. Namukuchu achaakire okhuyiisa omulwaye. <-ikha>, <-ia>, <-iana>, <lula>, <-wa>

3023.    okhuyiiya [oxuji:ya] verb - to go aimlessly from place to place. Enguwo eyo yirikho yiya esikira Titi achiiye okhuyiiya khu’siiro. PROVERB: Owokukwe okwo; ayiiya (akenda) ninakwo. Nobody leaves his behavour behind when moving from one place to another. <-ana>

3024.    okhuyika [oxʷi-] ; [oxujika] verb - to reach a time of need or help. Ali okhuyika mbo nikusi ne kamberesa emioko.

3025.    okhuyikikana [oxujikikana] verb - to argue in order to avoid your turns in performing a task. Lekhananga okhuyikikana owasio ni wuli owuwo.

3026.    okhuyikikha [oxujikixa] verb -  1. to start, launch, anaugurate 2. put items in patterns. 3. to support, prop up, steady. Nawambisa ali okhuyikikha eyika.

3027.    okhuyima [oxujímá] verb - to develop an enlarged spleen. (see; v. okhuyiima). Mukwe achanikhire okhuyima eyima mu’nda ne mana achia okhuyiima nende Maloba

3028.    okhuyima [oxujimá] verb - to hunt, look for. (see; v. okhuyima) Mukwe achanikhire okhuyima eyima mu’nda ne mana achia okhuyima nende Maloba.

3029.    okhuyina [oxujina] verb - to scold teasingly, inisinuate. Ewe Wetumbire, yiina Wekesa mu’machi alekhe okhuyina Mulefu amayino mabi. PROVERB: Olakhuyine elia wusa, alanga embenya yiyo achi olwasa. Whoever would like to satirize you will claim that your nice diastema is a gap. Whoever would like people to be against you will magnify your flaws or turn your good deed into mistakes.

3030.    okhuyindiala [oxujiⁿdiala] verb - to be couragious. Tekeyi keenya okhuyindiala mu'masika mno. PROVERB: Abachi b'olufu; bekesa ebirindwa bya abayindafu. The cowardly lived to show the graves of the war-mongers. The cowardly live longer

3031.    okhuyindikha [oxujiⁿdixa] verb - to be busy, have many duties to perform. Khaoma owoye achi ali okhuyindikha nyanga ino.

3032.    okhuyindira [oxujiⁿdira] verb - to live for very long, become successful in life. Nikaba mbo sinyindirata, endira Wangia. PROVERB: Wechichikanira, wayindira. Cowards live longer.

3033.    okhuyindula [oxujiⁿdula] verb - to open eyes wide. Kulundu keenya okhuyindula emoni.

3034.    okhuyinga [oxujiᵑɡa] verb -  1. to compel; tighten, force, pull a bow, persuade rather forcefully. 2. overcharge. 3. to be adamant. Opinyi keenya okhuyinga owukusi. PROVERB: Khayiinga welanga owamani; kakenda khu kwa'manani. The rude obstinate person walked on ogres's path.

3035.    okhuyingana [oxujiᵑɡana] verb - to argue (with one another), dispute, debate, quarrel. Wekhuchu alekhe okhuyingana nende Makwali.

3036.    okhuyingira [oxujiᵑɡira] verb - to make false accusations spread false reports of s.o., libel, slander. Ewe yingira mu’Makale alekhe okhuyingira Nato.

3037.    okhuyingula [oxuji:ᵑɡula] verb - to release an arrow from a bow, to energetically release strokes of the cane. Misiko ali okhuyingula ekhisi.

3038.    okhuyira [oxujira] verb -  1. to marry. 2. to take s.t. (somewhere), send in the care of another. Oli okhuyira omwana ewawe.

3039.    okhuyirana [oxujirana] verb - to marry relative, to marry each other. Abaana bano bayirana?

3040.    okhuyiriicha [oxujiri:ʧa] verb - to snore, purr. Omwana keenya okhuyiriicha lukali.

3041.    okhuyirira [oxujirira] verb – 1. to produce low continuous snoring sound while asleep. Ukhebi ali okhuchaka okhuyiriira. 2. to produce boiling sound when partially covered. Enyungu yino yenya okhuchaka okhuyirira. PROVERB: Eyitekha ebiya, yiyirira niyikhuhupa omuya. A covered boiling pot never stops to release pressure. Used as an excuse when one has passed wind.

3042.    okhuyita [oxujita] verb - to be difficult, be at peak of a challenge, complicated. Kangulula embusi efula yichakire okhuita. PROVERB: Eyiyitire, nche eyibichira. The clouds that comes with a high probability of raining is the same that never rains.

3043.    okhuyoba [oxujoβa] verb - to be restless, be in haste, be in hurry. Lekha okhuyoba. PROVERB: Owa'mayoba; eng'oma sikeba. The impatient one cannot steal a drum. He will play it emediately.

3044.    okhuyoboya [oxujoβoja] verb - to bubble like a child attempting to talk, speak motherase. Omwana achaakire okhuyoboya oyu ali okhulomaloma wangu.

3045.    okhuyokera [oxujokera] verb - to make a noise, shout, speak loud. Lekha okhuyokera eyi ochiiye okhuiyokera. PROVERB: Echu liaolera esanja lichi koo, 'Oyokeranga sina?' Esanja nalio liola lichi koo, 'Mwana ewe, kali emberi wesi olikawona." A green banana leaves laughed at the noise made by the dry leaf but it had no idea it was soon going to dry and make the same noise.

3046.    okhuyomboola [oxuyobo:la] verb - to pour torrents of liquid or flour on ground. Oli okhuyomboola amaachi kalimo amachekhe.

3047.    okhuyonja [oxujoⁿdʒa] verb  1. to put into quail baskets in order to trap other quils. 2. To arrange items in a pattern. Wekulo ali okhuyonja ebiyonjo ebirimo esindu khu'siro.

3048.    okhuyookha [oxujo:xa] verb - to droop, hang down in an ugly way. Kuka kanjire okhuyookha esaya.

3049.    okhuyoola [oxujo:la] verb -  1. to take out in small quantities using both palm, give part of stored cereals to a person. 2. pay legal damages. Ebise nibyeena okhuola, oli okhuyoola owusie ofuke abasakhulu balie.

3050.    okhuyoongobera [oxujo:ᵑɡoβera] verb - to live as a parasite to the host. Oluyongo luli okhuyoongobera amatumwa ka Sitawu.

3051.    okhuyoonja [oxujo:ⁿdʒa] verb - to adorn, bath and clean to excellent standards. Sikumo ali okhuyoonja omukeni wo’luyali nende amawuwa.

3052.    okhuyoota [oxujo:ta] verb - to consistently have piecemeal use of s.t, eat by tasting bit by bit. PROVERB: Esingi, siwera amayoota mangi. What may seem to be a lot may get finished by frequent testing.

3053.    okhuyota [oxujótá] verb - to spy. Abayoti bali muno balekhe okhuyota embosi chi'efwe.

3054.    okhuyuka [oxujúká] verb -  1. to subject skin to stinging leaves and cause irritation on skin- cured by sap from same stinging leaves; 2. be a marijuana addict. (see; v. okhuyuuka). Kundu achaakire okhuyuka abaana omuyuke nende okhuyuuka ni akenda? PROVERB: Mayiwo nachali ahambi, ow'owasio akhubiya nakhuyukia ne'saambi. If your mother is not around, another person's mother may wipe your dirt using stinging leaves.

3055.    okhuyuma [oxujúmá] verb - to become lively. Omubayo kuli okhuyuma nikuchia okhuwa.

3056.    okhuyumba [oxujúbá] verb - to turn into lonely place; sombre. Engo yino yiri okhuyumba.

3057.    okhuyusya [oxuyúsyá] verb - to show eloquence and humour in speech, narrative or song, . Kuka Mayuusi kamanya okhuyusya amakhuwa. PROVERB: Emero yinusia Olunyala, ni khuyusya n’engero. The nature and sweetness of Olunyala, lies in the eloquence of its provebs.

3058.    okhuyuuka [oxuju:ká] verb - to walk fast. (see; v. okhuyuka). Kundu achaakire okhuyuka abaana omuyuke nende okhuyuuka ni akenda?.

3059.    okhuyuukhira [oxuju:xira] verb - to act impulsively. Lekha okhuyuukhira amakhuwa.

3060.    okhuyuula [oxuju:la] verb  1. to bypass quickly. 2. to have slightly more than another. Makhakara ali okhuyuula abasie enaseende. PROVERB: Okhukhira ekhwi; okhuyuula ekokhe. Whoever has more firewood than you, will beget more ash than you.

3061.    okhuyuunga [oxuju:ᵑɡa] verb - to unflinchingly follow a given course; hasten. Eng'ombe chiyungire chiwawo.

3062.    okhuyuungubala [oxuju:ᵑɡuβala] verb - to be mischievous. Lekha okhuyungubala hano.

3063.    okhuyuuya [oxuju:ja] verb - to hurry in performing a task; shake, e.g. the head. Lekha okhuyuuya omuchwe.

3064.    okhuyuyuukhana [oxujuju:xana] verb - to hurry, bustle. Lekha okhuyuyuukhana.


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