ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Names of Human Body parts.

a) External parts of the head.
  1. Amakale- hairline on forehead
  2. Amakhanya- face wrinkles
  3. Amalalakhiro- below the lower jaws.
  4. Amalefu- sideburns
  5. Amasangu- folds of skins just behind the chin on lower jaw.
  6. Amasinini- gums
  7. Ameno- teeth
  8. Ameno ka amachimo- false teeth.
  9. Ameno ka engekwe- premolars
  10. Ameno amakeko- molar
  11. Ameno ka enyanda- teeth that grows after milk teeth.
  12. Ameno ka embalo- incisors
  13. Ameno ka esengo- last molar tooth called wisdom teeth
  14. Ameno amakhandiachaki- canine teeth.
  15. Ameno ka owuchichii- milk teeth.
  16. Ebikiye- Eye lashes 
  17. Ebikwoki- eyelid 
  18. Efwiri- hair
  19. Ekhong'o- towering back head at the parietal bone area. Also parietal bone.
  20. Ekhoole- gap in lower teeth caused by removing teeth as part of culture.
  21. Ekhoono- deep space at back of head where the neck joins the head.
  22. Eliolu- nose
  23. Embakukha- gap between two front teeth on the lower jaw.
  24. Embenya- natural gap in two front teeth on the upper jaw. 
  25. Embuchi- grey hair
  26. Emoni- eye
  27. Endefu- beard
  28. Endoliro- pupil
  29. Engooro- protruding back part of the occipital bone on head. Also occipital bone.
  30. Esinwanwa- chin
  31. Esiole- bald head
  32. Esiunchu- Temple area. Also the temporal bone found between ear and face. To sleep on the sides is called kona siunchu- sleep resting your head on temporal bone.
  33. Esitusyu- dimple
  34. Esiumo- towering forehead at the frontal bone. Also for frontal bone.
  35. Mumoni- face
  36. Okhuchwi- ear
  37. Oluleecho- moustache
  38. Olulimi- tongue
  39. Olunyanyiro- lower jaw
  40. Oluotosi- tip of head; frontnel.
  41. Olupang'a- toothless gums of mature person. 
  42. Olusaya- cheek muscles and the bone on which they are attached.
  43. Olwasa- gap between teeth due to missing teeth. 
  44. Olwope- toothless gums in children before they grow milk teeth. 
  45. Olwotosi- frontanel or top of the head.
  46. Omuchwe- head
  47. Omukuba kwa molu- nose ridge and other nosal bones.
  48. Omunwa- lip (upper or lower lip)
  49. Omunwa- mouth
  50. Oweni- forehead
b) Internal parts of human skull
  1. Ekhong'o- bone that forms the forehead called perietal bone.
  2. Ekhoono- mastoid process
  3. Engocho- space between mastoid process projections where the backbone attaches to head bones.
  4. Engoro- occipital bone
  5. Esianganga- skull
  6. Esing'ang'a- bones on which upper teeth are attached. Also called maxilla
  7. Esiunchu- temporal bone
  8. Esiumo- frontal bone
  9. Olukino- sphenoid bone.
  10. Olunyanyiro- mandible (lower jaw) bone
  11. Olusaya (esia olusaya)- Zygomatic bone.
  12. Omukuba- norsal bone.
  1. Ebachwa- hounch bone
  2. Echango- thigh
  3. Ekhengo- toe joint
  4. Ekhumbo- knee
  5. Endekwe- muscles at back of thigh
  6. Endukhu- sides of the thighs below the hip
  7. Enjala- toes
  8. Enjalanjumbu-  calf extensions on sides of leg called soleus muscles
  9. Enjasi- the four thigh muscles. That is why the say, "Ochia embasi; kesika enjasi."
  10. Enjeke- fold behind the knee
  11. Enjumbu- calf
  12. Esibaabi-  flat part of feet before toes
  13. Esifwonolo- joint
  14. Esikheng'enjere- ankle joint.
  15. Esikhuulu- hip ball joint bone
  16. Esisisiro- heel
  17. Esio- kneecap (patella)
  18. Esitiengetie- ankle knot bone
  19. Eteche- nail
  20. Esikhandakiro- group  of footbones
  21. Mumakapia- lower flat part of foot.
  22. Okhukulu- leg 
  23. Oluala- toe
  24. Oluala lukhumwa- big toe.
  25. Olukina- trochlear groove
  26. Omululi- shinbone (tibia)
  27. Omuluku- bone behind shinbone (fibula)
  28. Omukotio- heel tendon (achilles tendon)
  1. Ebeka- shoulder
  2. Ebikhumbu- metacorpophalangeal joints where fingers join the palm.
  3. Embambala- upper arm
  4. Esiaba- palm
  5. Ekhong'i- knuckles
  6. Enyingo- second interphalangeal finger joint
  7. Enyingo ekhong'i-  first interphalangeal finger joints.
  8. Epooki- bone and muscles between finger joints
  9. Esifusi- fist
  10. Esikalabaya- outside of the palm
  11. Esikhumbo- elbow.
  12. Esikutulu- wrist bone
  13. Okhwaha- armpit.
  14. Omukhono- forearm.
  15. omukhono omusacha (omulungi)- right hand
  16. Omukhono omulungi (omukota)- left hand.
  17. Oluala- finger. 
  18. Oluala lusacha- thumb.
  19. Olwala lwa kongonia- index finger.
  20. Olwala lwa khumbatete- middle finger.
  21. Olwala lwa pusiu-pusiu- ring finger.
  22. Olwala lwa esobi- little finger.
  1. Amafwefwe- love-handles 
  2. Amaswa- body hair.
  3. Ekosi- neck
  4. Embambari- strong chest muscles.
  5. Enda- tummy
  6. Esikanga- fat back part of the neck
  7. Esikhukunyu- lower back towards buttocks
  8. Esirifu- chest
  9. Esiuno- waist.
  10. Esuundi- exeggeratively protruding buttocks.
  11. Etondo- navel
  12. Elingolingo- colar bone.
  13. Mukhwaa- arm pit
  14. Olubafu- rib
  15. Olubere- breast
  16. Olukongofuma- backbone
  17. Olununiro- nipple
  18. Olusese- tummy
  19. Omukongo- back
  20. Omulisi kwa ekosi- nape
  1. Akhacholocholo- penis of a toddler.
  2. Akhatete- penis for an infant.
  3. Amanianiafu- scrotum.
  4. Amaswa- hair on skin surface on body.
  5. Efuli- labia.
  6. Efunga- foreskin.
  7. Ekanda- clitoris.
  8. Endene- uncircumcised penis of a mature person.
  9. Eneke- testicle.
  10. Eng'ati- inner space between thighs.
  11. Engomo- glan of penis.
  12. Esipoto- vagina area of young girls- usually hairless.
  13. Esinyi- Vagina area of mature girls- usually with hair.
  14. Etakho- buttock.
  15. Embolo- circumcised penis.
  16. Mumwena- cervix
  17. Oluchandasi- frenullum of penis.
  18. Olufututusi-urethra.
  19. Omuchulumbu- penis shaft.
  20. Omukute- ridge space between buttocks.
  21. Omutwi- anus.
  22. Omunie- vagina.
  23. Omwena- groin.
  24. Owoya- groin and armpit hair.
  25. Owukhasi- collective name for the external female reproductive organ.
  26. Owusacha- collective name for external male reproductive organ.
  1. Amachukhu- lungs.
  2. Amala matiiri- large intestine.
  3. Amala matiti- small intestine.
  4. Emilisi- muscles ( singular is omulisi)
  5. Emisi-veins.
  6. Amasinya- body fat.
  7. Emisi kia mulwotoosi- arteries.
  8. Endabasi- sphincter muscles at the anus.
  9. Engobi- placenta.
  10. Ehima- spleen.
  11. Ekhandia- ligament . Attaches bone to another bones. Found in various joint areas.
  12. Ekhanu- sinew or tendon. Tough muscles found between normal muscle and bone. Found in various parts of body joints such as jaws, knees, ankle, shoulder, neck etc
  13. Ekirimi- long epiglottis.
  14. Ekokopiro- gullet or esophagus.
  15. Ehololero- windpipe.
  16. Endusie- gall bladder. (At times together with the spleen)
  17. Esambafu- lymph node.
  18. Esaye- ovary.
  19. Esikhunja- Fallopian tube.
  20. Esikumba- bone.
  21. Esimilamilo- uvula
  22. Esipepenu- cartilage.
  23. Esiporo- spleen
  24. Esitutumiro- voice box.
  25. Esombo- stomach. 
  26. Esiko- kidney.
  27. Esini- liver.
  28. Ewunya- bladder.
  29. Ewuyu- ova
  30. Olubekhero- uterus.
  31. Oluechero- bronchus.
  32. Olufukuchi- small portion of umbilical chord that remains on baby after cut.
  33. Olulera- umbilica chord at birth before cutting.
  34. Olusombo- duodenum.
  35. Olutako- pancreas.
  36. Olulimi- tongue.
  37. Olwikalisi- diaphragm.
  38. Omukhobio- rectum.
  39. Omwoyo- heart.
  40. Owongo- brain.
  1. Amabanga- human blood (Amalasire is blood from non human).
  2. Amabeere- milk.
  3. Amache- saliva.
  4. Amakholiolio- septum.
  5. Amaloholo- liquid bubbled out by a child after feeding.
  6. Amalusi- vomited stuff.
  7. Amaobe- mucus.
  8. Amasi- faeces
  9. Amasika- tears.
  10. Amasira- pus.
  11. Amatonde- solidified exudes from eyes when asleep.
  12. Amanyi- urine.
  13. Efuniu- smelly whitish substances that form below foreskin
  14. Ekonga- seminal fluid.
  15. Embula- thick earwax
  16. Enduse- bile
  17. Enyanja- intact amniotic fluid before baby birth.
  18. Esunge- amniotic fluid after breaking at baby birth
  19. Olulekhe- slimy saliva that drools out of the mouth.
  20. Olulera- part of ambilical chord that remains after cutting.
  21. Olukeo- squirt liquid
  22. Oluswamire- menstrual fluid.
  23. Oluwusi- slimy liquid oozing from the manhood of a person suffering from syphilis.
  24. Owulusi- saliva that comes out when one is asleep.
  25. Owutunduli- Bone marrow.
  26. Owutyoki- normal virginal fluid.
  27. Owutye- virginal fluid when sexually aroused..
  28. Owutyu- Semen.


  1. Amalefu- sideburns
  2. Amaswa- general body hair on hands, arms, legs, thighs, chest and back.
  3. Ebikiye- eye lashes
  4. Ebikolo- hair tufts in ears.
  5. Efwiri- black hair on head.
  6. Embuchi- grey hair on head.
  7. Emuli- head's grey hair or spots of grey hair that comes when young.
  8. Endefu- a beard
  9. Olulecho- moustache.
  10. Olunanwa- goatee
  11. Owoya- groin hair
  12. Owunyuusi- grey or white eye lashes.
  13. Owufumbo- hair in the nose.
  14. Owukeye- excess hair on manhood shaft
  15. Owukooki- eye-brows.
  16. Owumesia- first groin hair.
  17. Owuyeeye- armpit hair.


  1. Esie ndi omunyala wa (ngochwa balanga batie Kabras ) Abanyala ba ndombi mulI hawene. Hata fwesi abanyala Kabras khulanga tsa shinga mwesi mulanganga omubiri kwo mundu.

  2. This post help me a lot. Thank you for writing this. Now I know the english vocabulary and the name of human body parts name in English


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