ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language- Naming of smells.

By Balovera Edwin Ongacho Olunyala (K) has names for different smells. The following are the names. Ekhe - smell from aquatic vertebrates such as fish. Engekhene- smell of rust especially when in liquid or viscous form.. Embiye - bad belch smell. Emisu - smell from unwashed hands and utencils after eating a meal such as meat, chicken and fish. Epundi - smell from human urine. Esinokho - after s3x smell. Esinyololo - smell from urine of domestic animal. Esiobe - bad smell from nose mucus. Eteko - dead human's smell. Olubululu - smell of frying fat. Oluchaai - the smell of exposed blood from human or animals. Oluchulilisi - smell from a fart. Olufube - smell of rotten eggs. Olufundu - decomposing smell of item that is covered for some days. Olufululu - aroma of roasting meat. Olukakha - smell of wound or scabies on body. Olukekhi- smell of a mongoose Olukhenenu - vaginal smell. Olukhole - the smell of a he-goat. Olukukhulu - smelling mouldy ...