ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language- Names of Fluids
The Olunyala (K) is a sub-dialect of Luhya language spoken by the Abanyala of Kakamega. The Language is internationally coded as ISO 939-3 nle.
Among Abanyala ba Kakamega, any liquid is known by its specific name. The following are some of the names.
- Amabanga- blood from human body.
- Amabere - milk
- Amabere-k'omwembi- sour milk with some added sweetened ash from leaves of a shrub called omubinubinu; similar to mursik of the Kalenjin.
- Amabere-mawowu- sour milk
- Amabere-mayu- fresh milk
- Amache- saliva
- Amache k'enjukha- salivary insect exudes found on plant stems.
- Amachekhe- wet brew dregs
- Amachi- water
- Amachundukha- badly fermented brew
- Amafucha- oil
- Amafunyo- soft solid mucus.
- Amakholoole- phlegm
- Amakhumwa- concoctions made to boost body immunity from leaves of esikhuuma and other herbs.
- Amalasire- animal blood
- Amaloholo- substance from bringing up wind
- Amalusi- vomiting
- Amalwa- alcohol
- Amamira- very watery mucus.
- Amanyi- urine
- Amaomoli- body massaging fluid made from plant leaves and commonly used by midwives.
- Amasalule- milk cream
- Amasi- feaces
- Amasika- tears
- Amasira- pus
- Amaasusa- fluid concoction made from a mixture of leaves; used as herbal medicine.
- Amatonde- eye rheum
- Ebisaho- beer
- Efuchakirisi- fuzz
- Efuniyu- smegma
- Efwiro- foam
- Efwobe- froth
- Ekoonga- seminal fluid
- Embaha- meconium; first poop of baby
- Embula- wax found in ears
- Embuu- milk turned into whey.
- Emwanyi- coffee drink
- Enduse- bile
- Engingiri- falling light snow.
- Enguli- distilled millet bear
- Enjabandukha- bloody watery feaces
- Enjonyakirisi- insect exudes
- Enyanja- amniotic fluid before breaking
- Esitieni- cooked beans paste.
- Esunge- amniotic fluid after breaking out at birth.
- Etibini- wine
- Ewobe- viscous mucus
- Ewonda- butterfat milk
- Kangara- watery residues from chang'aa.
- Esinyololo- urine from young children
- Ekwete- distiled beer of second quality from mixture of maize and malted millet flour.
- Epelele- very concentrated and distilled brew. The one that comes out from first distillation. It is a type of chang'aa.
- Epusaa- Brew made with yeast ready to drink
- Eworichi- less potent pelele that is a product of second or third repeat distillation process after the concentrated one is made. It is a type of chang'aa.
- Emuuna- busaa at the stage just before adding yeast.
- Emwayi- cofee drink.
- Esipeto- pool of urine.
- Oluwubi- film layer on top of a liquid.
- Omusoka- brew-smelling water used to cool chang'aa vepour during distillation. Also used for brew with too much water.
- Omukaafu- tasteless tea.
- Omung'etu- viscous fluid.
- Omwenge- ale.
- Owunulu- sugary sap
- Owusandu- sticky exudes from tubers or stems.
- Owusera- porridge
- Owutooki- banana sap
- Oluchwara- weak feaces due to diarrhea.
- Olufuuwe- urine from a bladder during slaughter
- Olukewo- squirt liquid
- Olulekhe- slimy drooling saliva
- Olulekhelekhe- synovial fluid
- Olume- dew
- Oluniokose- blood of an insect.
- Olupapake- bubble
- Olusaa- excess saliva due to urge to eat
- Oluswamire- menstrual fluid
- Olutabalia- watery mud paste.
- Oluwusi- slimy liquid that oozes out of manhood due to syphilis's infection.
- Omubisi- bitter fruit juice; banana juice.
- Omuchafwa- tea
- Omuchalalia- saltless and tasteless soup
- Omuchalwa- water in salt soil called esirongo.
- Omuchiwa- left over beer in a pot
- Omukhebano- specially distilled ash filtrate
- Omukherekha- ash filtrate
- Omuluta- excess saliva due to food desire
- Omung'etu- sweet fruit juice
- Omuniobo- groundnut paste.
- Omunjinji- nectar
- Omunyeenya- hot dripping fat from meat.
- Omunyu- salty vegetable or food soup
- Omutekete- simsim paste.
- Omutoba- paste used for body decoration made from concoction of shrubs.
- Omutokha- colostrum
- Omuuya- air
- Omwayu- fat from sheep's tail.
- Omwenge- distilled beer from bananas. It is a type of chang'aa.
- Omwololu- blood that oozes out of the nose.
- Onjiwo- honey from small bees of meloponini sculellary sp
- Owongo- brain.
- Owufisi- venom from snake, scorpion etc
- Owukhi- honey from bees
- Owukombe- milk sap from tree fruits or stem.
- Owukore- honey from mlipona beecheli.
- Owukusa- milky sap found in millet, sorghum and maize.
- Owulusi- mouth rheum
- Owunyalu- aqueous humour
- Owusambafu- lymph fluid
- Owuse- chyme from stomach offal.
- Owusera-wuchanwa- porridge with acidic fruit and leaves' juice added.
- Owusera-wupakhe- fermented porridge
- Owusera-wuwulunguchu- non fermented porridge
- Owutioki- normal virginal secretion
- Owutoki- banana sap
- Owutunduli- borne marrow
- Owutye- vaginal fluid due to sexual excitement
- Owutyu- sperms
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