ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language- Naming of smells.
By Balovera Edwin Ongacho
Olunyala (K) has names for different smells. The following are the names.
- Ekhe- smell from aquatic vertebrates such as fish.
- Engekhene- smell of rust especially when in liquid or viscous form..
- Embiye- bad belch smell.
- Emisu- smell from unwashed hands and utencils after eating a meal such as meat, chicken and fish.
- Epundi- smell from human urine.
- Esinokho- after s3x smell.
- Esinyololo- smell from urine of domestic animal.
- Esiobe- bad smell from nose mucus.
- Eteko- dead human's smell.
- Olubululu- smell of frying fat.
- Oluchaai- the smell of exposed blood from human or animals.
- Oluchulilisi- smell from a fart.
- Olufube- smell of rotten eggs.
- Olufundu- decomposing smell of item that is covered for some days.
- Olufululu- aroma of roasting meat.
- Olukakha- smell of wound or scabies on body.
- Olukekhi- smell of a mongoose
- Olukhenenu- vaginal smell.
- Olukhole- the smell of a he-goat.
- Olukukhulu- smelling mouldy
- Oluliingo- Smell from a dead animal
- Olumemo- smell from some rodents
- Olumisi- specific smell of specific animal or ones personal smell.
- Olumiulu- smell of ugali being cooked
- Olumonya- pungent smell from some ants called emoonyo and some tree called omumoonyo.
- Olumusiyu- smell of bad breath; halitosis.
- Olusaambo- fragrance smell
- Olusaho- smell of sour milk.
- Olusee- smell of offals
- Olusu- smell from dirty sweat of human body.
- Oluwochololo- smell fry frying food.
- Oluwoowo- nice smell from flowers
- Oluwunyo- any type of smell.
- Oluwutukho- strong stench from rotting item.
- Omulakho- stinking smell; smell of corpse.
- Omulingo- smell of buirning starchy food like potatoes.
- Owiwo- smell of newborn baby.
- Owufuniyu- smell of smegma.
- Owukundu- strong unnatural fawl smelling fart arising from sickness such as bloat.
- Owuluuho- smell of vegetable such as black night shade that remains in a pot long after cooking. Eyatekha namasaka; siyiwamo owuluuho.
- Owunusu- the smell of something being hunted picked by a trained sniffing dog.
- Owuwolo- rotting smell
Always educative and exciting to learn this amazing language of ours
ReplyDeleteOli musacha mwana wa papa. However, publish on esimo cha banyala.