ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Names of excrements

By Balovera Edwin Ongacho

Olunyala (K) has specific names for each animal waste product. The following are the common ones.
  1.  Amafulukhunie- dungs from rottents such as moles, hare and squirrel
  2. Amafumula- droppings from elephants and hippos. 

  3. Amaluse- vomitted staff by cats, human or dogs.
  4. Amang'uulo- scats droppings from non domestic carnivores such as mongoose, lions, hyena and civet.
  5. Amaniokoso- waste removed from the intestines or gizzard of chicken during preparation.
  6. Amasi- general term for faeces.
  7. Amasingo- wet cowdung, buffalo dung. 
  8. Amasiriokokho- droppings from chicken. 

  9. Amasisie- dry cow dung used as fuel.
  10. Amataafu- collective name of waste removed from the intestines of fish.
  11. Amatonde- eye rheum.
  12. Embaha- first excrement from child or calf; meconium.
  13. Embolera- rotting mixture of faeces and plants
  14. Embula- ear wax.
  15. Embulukusie- droppings from sheep and goat. 

  16. Embundio- bat feaces
  17. Emburukusie- droppings from domestic pigeons.
  18. Empooki- droppings from donkey. 

  19. Enchekhere- dry human feaces.
  20. Esibika- fresh deficated dough from human
  21. Esimolio- dogs and cat feaces.
  22. Oluchuara- diarrhoea faeces from cattle
  23. Oluchukho- diarrhoea faeces with blood in it.
  24. Olunyalukho- immature faeces got from human interstine.
  25. Oluparasio- deficate that come out in small bit due to fear or pain.
  26. Olutendenie- excrete ftom earthworms. 

  27. Omunyalalo- diarrhoea excrement from human
  28. Omutiara- coloured watery droppings from  birds such as quinea fawl, ducks, chicken and quails. 

  29. Omutiomera- very black chicken droppings.

  30. Owuse- remains extracted from the stomach of ruminant's offals after slaughter.


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