Personal pronouns are words used by the speakers to to refer to themselves, to whom they are speaking; or to people, place, object or ideas about whom they are speaking. 


The main pronouns in Olunyala (K) are as hereunder:

A] First person pronouns.

  1. Ese- I/me.
    1. Ese endi okhukhupa Okava
      1. I will beat Okava.
  2. Efwe- we/us
    1. Efwe khuli okhukhupa Masika.
      1. We will beat Masika.

B] Second person pronouns. 

  1. Eweyou (singular)
    1. Ewe oli okhukhupa Maulo.
      1. You will beat Maulo.
  2. Enywe/emwe (nanywe) - you (plural)
    1. Enywe muli okhukhupa Kirato
    2. Kirato ali okhukhupwa ni nanywe. 

C] Third person pronouns.

They form personal pronouns by using the third person prefix ni~, the noun concord prefix, then the final vowel ~o.

(i) They went with dogs.
(ii) Nibo bachia nende embwa.

  1. He/she/him/her-  exist in different forms based on the different singular and plural of human-noun classes.
    1. Niye. Pronoun used for normal case as in words such as omusacha, omukhasi, omuana, omusolili etc. E.g. Niye ali okhukhacha eliani.
    2. Nikho. Pronoun used for diminutive case as in words such akhana, akhakhasi, akhasacha, akhasolili etc E.g.  Nikho khali okhukhina chilumbe.
    3. Nisio. Pronoun used for diminutive and despising case as in words such as esiana, esikhasi, esisacha, esisolili etc. E.g. Nisio sili okhukhacha eliani.
    4. Nikuo. Pronoun used for plural of argumentative case in words such as okusacha, okukhasi, okukhana, okusolili etc. E.g. Nikuo kuli okhukhacha eliani.
    5. Nilio. Pronoun used for argumentative, dehumanizing and despising case as in words such as ekhasi, esacha, ekhana, esolili etc. E.g. Nilio lili okhukhutekha ewanu?
  2. Them (human) 
    1. Nibo- Pronoun for normal plural of human nouns as seen in words such as abasacha, abasolili, abakhasi etc. E.g. Nibo bakhina owukhino.
    2. Nibio- pronoun used for diminutive-good nouns such as ebikhasi, ebisacha, ebisolili, ebilosi etc. E.g. Nibio bitekhire owulayi.
    3. Nichuo. Pronoun used for plural deminitive-bad case as in ochwana, ochukhasi, ochusacha, ochusolili etc. E.g. Nichuo chuli okhukhacha eliani.
    4. Nikio- pronoun used for aurgumentive case for human such as emisacha, emikhasi, emiana, emisolili etc. Eg. Nikio kifukire owusuma.
  3. It/them/they- for these, each nouns in each of the fifteen non-human noun classes form its personal pronoun as below
    1. O-ABA
      1. Class for human.
    2. OCHU-EBI
      1.  Nichuo. Deminitive form of it for mass items such as ochusie, ochulasire, ochuchi, ochulwa etc eg. Nichuo chuitikhire?
      2. Nibio. Pronoun for plural form of the above word class as in words such as ebisie, eblasire, ebichi, ebilwa etc. Eg. Ebisie biweye.
    3. AKHA-OCHU
      1. Nikho. Deminitive singular of above word class for words such as akhamwero, akhapusi, akhateru, akhakoye etc. E.g Nikho khafutukha.
      2. Nichuo.Plural of above as in words such as ochumwero, ochupusi, ochuteru, ochukoye. Nichuo chuakutukha.
    4. OKU-EKI
      1. Nikuo. Aurgumentive singular of words class with words such as okumwero, okuteru, okukoye, okupusi etc. E.g  Nikuo kuichuyie.
      2. Nikio. Pronoun for plural of above word class as in words such as emimwero, emiteru, emikoye, emipusi etc. Nikio kikochire.
    5. ELI-AKA
      1. Nilio. Pronoun for singular of words in word class with words such as esafu, esero, ekhala, ekhaniafu etc. Eg. Nilio likwiye.
      2. Niko. Pronoun for pllural of above class for words such as amasafu, amasero, amakhala, amakhaniafu etc. Niko kakochire.
    6. EYI-ECHI
      1. Eyio. Pronoun for singular for words in the word class with words such as eng'ombe, enguwa, epusi, efukho etc. E.g. Eyio yikochire.
      2. Echio. Plural of the above class with words such as eng'ombe, efukho, epusi, enguwa etc. E.g. Echio chifwiye.
    7. ESI-EBI
      1. Esio. Pronoun for singular of words in this class with words such as esisanda, esimuelo, esikamiri, esiwulukh etc. Eg. Esio sifwiye.
      2. Ebio. Plural of the above class with words such as ebisanda, ebimuelo, ebikamiri, ebiwulukhu etc. Eg Ebio bifwiye.
    8. OLU-OWU
      1. Oluo. Pronoun for singular this class with words such as oluyefwe, oluoba, olukochwe, oluoya etc. Eg Oluo lulamukhire.
      2. Owuo. Plural of above class with words such as owuyiefwe, owuoya etc. E.g. Owuo wumamukhire.
    9. OLU-ECHI
      1. Oluo. Pronouns for singular of words in this class with words such as olusia, olukherekho, olukataalakaso, oluchio etc. Eg Oluo luatikhire.
      2. Echio. Plural of the above class with words such as esia, ekherekho, engalakaso, enchio etc. Eg. Echio chianu?
    10. OKHU-OKHU
      1. Okhuo. Pronoun for both singular and plural of words in this class such as khumuliango/khumiliango, khumuchwe/ khumichwe, kumukongo/ khumikongo etc. E.g. Okhuo khutochire.
    11. AHA-AHA
      1. Haho. Pronoun fir both singular and plural of words in this class for words such as hamukuchu/ hamikuchu, hasikuri/ habikuri, hasikhongo/ habikhongo etc E.g Haho hasambirwe.
    12. OMU-OMU
      1. Omuo. Pronoun for both singular and plural of words in this class for words such as mumukuchu/ mumikuchu, mumuchwe/ mumichwe, mumualo/ mumialo etc. E.g Omuo mupobokhire.
    13. AKA-AKA
      1. Ako. Pronoun for plural and sungular of words in this class for words such as amachi, amasira, amalasire, amaobe etc. Eg Ako kachulire.
    14. ELI-ELI
      1. Elio. Pronoun for plural and singular of words in this class for words such as eliani, elisi, eling'ong'we etc Eg. Elio liweye.
    15. OLU-OLU
      1. Oluo. Pronoun for singular and plural of words in.this class for words such as olusolili, olutocho,olukhana, olusacha etc. Eg  Oluo luabicha.
    16. OWU-OWU
    17. Owuo. Pronoun for plural and singul of words in this class for words such as owusie, owukhu, owusuma, owusera etc. Eg Owuo wuweeye.
When person pronouns are preceded by word "with", (usually in subjective) then the prefix ni~ is used.
Niye achia ne Ngolobe.
Ngolobe achia ne naye.
The following is a comprehensive list of all the possible pronouns so formed. 

  1. Me/us
    1. Nafwe- us. Yicha olie ni nafwe.
    2. Nanywe. Yichie khulie nI nanywe.
    3. Nase (nange)- me. Yicha olie ni nase.
  2. Him/her
    1. Nakho. Kamasia achiye ni nakho. (Akhakhasi)
    2. Nakuo. Osakhala achiye ni nakwo. (Okukhasi)
    3. Nalio. Nawebere achiye ni nalio. (Ekhasi)
    4. Nasio. Biketi achiye ni nasio. (Esikhasi)
    5. Naye. Wekulo achiye naye. (Omukhasi)
  3. Them (human)
    1. Nabo. Mahando achiye nabo. (Abana).
    2. Nabio. Kamasia achiye ni nabio. (Ebiana)
    3. Nachuo. Kunguru achiye ni nachuo. (Ochuana)
    4. Nakio. Osakhala achiye ni nakio. (Emiana).
  4. It/Them for non-human
    1. OCHU-EBI (ochukhutu- ebikhutu)
      1. Nachuo. Mwangala achiye ni nachuo.
      2. Nabio. Burudi achiye ni nabio
    2. AKHA-OCHU (Akhachemwa- ochuchemwa)
      1. Nakho- Mekhala achiye ni nakho.
      2. Nachuo- Mulindi achiye ni nachuo.
    3. OKU-EKI (Okukina-emikina)
      1. Nakuo. Nambale achiye ni nakuo.
      2. Nakio. Oyemba achiye ni nakio.
    4. ELI-AKA (Ekina-amakina)
      1. Nalio. Namachemo achiye ni nalio.
      2. Nako. Mutioko achiye ni nako.
    5. EYI-ECHI (Eng'ombe)
      1. Nayio. Wekesa achiye ni nayio
      2. Nachio. Mulefu achiye ni nachio.
    6. ESI-EBI (esisero-ebisero)
      1. Nasio. Mukhiyi achiye ni nasio.
      2. Nabio. Sambula achiye ni nabio.
    7. OLU-OWU (oluoba-owuoba)
      1. Naluo. Rosina achiye ni naluo.
      2. Nawuo. Anjerina achiye ni nawuo.
    8. OLU-ECHI (olufuyiro-efuyiro)
      1. Naluo. Muchere achiye ni naluo.
      2. Nachuo. Ndombi achiye ni nachio.
    9. OKHU-OKHU (khulwanda)
      1. Nakhuo. Nauchebi ali ni nakhuo.
    10. AHA-AHA (hango)
      1. Naho. Yabemba ali ni naho.
    11. OMU-OMU (Muweru)
      1. Muheba ali ni namuo.
    12. AKA-AKA (amasika)
      1. Abayirifuma bali ni nako.
    13. ELI-ELI (ekhwe)
      1. Nalio. Mukhobi ali ni nalio.
    14. OLU-OLU (olusolili)
      1. Naluo. Pirikoko ali ni naluo.
    15. OWU-OWU (owusie)
      1. Nawuo. Nawambisa ali ni nawuo.
One pronoun can be used in both the subjective and objective positions in sentences.
    1. Nawe olikhulia owusuma.
    2. Yicha khulie ni nawe.
In the above, the two sentences have made use of the pronoun nawe. During articulation, the tonal articulation of the two is slightly different.

Other few examples can illustrate this.
  1. Nanywe
    1. Nanywe mulie owusuma.
    2. Khuenya okhulia ni nanywe.
  2. Nalio
    1. Nalio likwiye.
    2. Yicha ni nalio.
  3. Nafwe
    1. Nafwe khung'aang'aye.
    2. Yicha olie ni nafwe.
  4. Nabo
    1. Nabo bachekha sina?
    2. Chia osole ni nabo.


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