ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Punctuation Marks in Olunyala (K)

By Balovera Edwin Ongacho POSSIBLE WORDS FOR PUNCTUATIONS A keen listener of Olunyala (K) will notice that it observes punctuation marks in spoken. The following are the possible translations of the names of punctuation marks. The use of these punctuations is similar to their use in Kiswahili and English. Ebinioniosi - invarted coma. "Njanu okhuchumire esawuni?" Mulongo kacheba Kaula. "Mbekho enyama," Omunasolo kasaba Fita. Endung'u - dash. Esimuka- esirikho olukhunja- sia Petero. Mwemwenda- nje okhukhosa owulafu owufuliefu. Esichebo - question mark. Wenya owusera? Nj'anu okhuchumire esawuni? Esichemo - colon Eli nende emisambwa kibiri: owukhebi nende owulakusi. Omulakusi aliyo mulala omuhalaba: Omwami Mungosi. Esichemo sititi - semi colon Khupe oluyi olufundefu; ekhuloke. Owekana emiero; kocha esimbo. Esichong'i - exclamation mark. Lecha amachi! Keta embwa eyo! Esikhombi - fulstop. Nyasaye anyala biosi. Wanjala alikho anyalala. Esing...