ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Names of Shapes, area, volume and Iines in Olunyala (K)

Abanyala ba Kakamega have shapes and lines for most of the items they make. The Olunyala (K) is a sub-dialect of Luhya language spoken by the Abanyala of Kakamega. The Language is internationally coded as ISO 939-3 nle.

a) Names for shapes

The following are names of various shapes, emero, and lines in Olunyala ((K). A noun concord prefix esi~ used to stand for something which is is hereby used to prefix the word for each of the words for shape.

  1. Esichalo'mwesi- crescent shaped
  2. Esichangi- wedge shaped
  3. Esichulumbe- Circular cone with space inside. That with no space is called esitiololombe.
  4. Esiforombe- tapered cylinder shape
  5. Esifumunde- spheroid with wide middle area
  6. Esifutiefule- dome shaped

  7. Esifumunde- prorate spheroid
    Eondo eumunde (with esiumo)

  8. Esifwochole- diamond shaped
  9. Esikache- torus shaped 
  10. Esikarangaranu- circular
  11. Esikomole- wedged from one side. 
  12. Esikungumirisi- prism
  13. Esing'eniesi- star shaped
  14. Esimolio- triangular shaped
  15. Esipapi- square shaped
  16. Esipongolio- cylindrical rostrum shaped with open end
  17. Esipooki- cube shaped
  18. Esisiringiche- solid rod shaped
  19. Esisonde- cuboid shaped
  20. Esitiololombe- circular cone shape with no space inside.
  21. Esiulio- oblong shape
  22. Esiwulumbe- cylindrical and long
  23. Esiwumbe- spherical without space inside.
  24. Esitiolole- pyramid shape
  25. Esiwochole- twisted shape
b) Names of area and volumes 
  1. Oubambali- surface area
  2. Oukutu- width
  3. Ouleyi- length
  4. Oufuuma- space enclosed by sides. (Volume)
  5. Ouparipari- space between two enclosed lines (area)
c) Names of lines in Olunyala (K)
A noun concord prefix ~olu~ used to concord with oluringisi is hereby used to prefix the word for line 
  1. Olubaka- V shape.
  2. Oluchabachia- diagonal line
  3. Oluchalo- ark mark
  4. Olufutu- semicircular line
  5. Olukhikha- cross-bisecting 
  6. Olukhuro- line
  7. Olulehi- the length line.
  8. Olungoroti- zigzag line.
  9. Olunyiriri- doted line
  10. Olu'itari- one of the parallel line
  11. Oluringisi- straight line
  12. Oluyingo- curved line
  13. Olukuulo- hypotenuse line
  14. Olulambalo- horizontal line
  15. Olusiiro- perpendicular line
  16. Olusirigiche- coiled line.
  17. Olusitaari- borrowed from Swahili for line.
  18. Olutungerere- vertical line
  19. Olusiringiche- curly line
  20. Oluyengoyenygo- wavy line



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