ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language- Onomatopoeia and Idiophonic Words
The following is an exposition of onomatopoeia and idiophone found in Olunyala (K). The Olunyala (K) is a sub-dialect of Luhya language spoken by the Abanyala in Kakamega. Olunyala (K) is internationally coded as ISO 939-3 nle.
Onomatopoeic words in Olunyala (K) are words that are an imitations of the sounds they represent. From the list it will be noted that most of them are attributive nouns. They perform the gramatical function of being both nouns and verbs: they name the immitated sound in the action of the verb therein and at the same time they are adjectives for they describes the sound named therein.
These attributive nouns are formed by adding the prefix omu~ and a suffix ~o to an onamatopoeic verb to add meaning of sound-manner related to the verb. In the list, the ideophone is provided next to the verb in brackets.
Onomatopoeic words in Olunyala (K) are words that are an imitations of the sounds they represent. From the list it will be noted that most of them are attributive nouns. They perform the gramatical function of being both nouns and verbs: they name the immitated sound in the action of the verb therein and at the same time they are adjectives for they describes the sound named therein.
These attributive nouns are formed by adding the prefix omu~ and a suffix ~o to an onamatopoeic verb to add meaning of sound-manner related to the verb. In the list, the ideophone is provided next to the verb in brackets.
- Omuaano- sound related to the cry of cattle or donkey in need of something. (Okhuana moo)
- Omubatabato- sound like one walking with dificult due to abesity. (Okhubatabata bati bati)
- Omubeechakalo- sound related to action of belching (okhubechakala byee)
- Omubetiabetio- sound of one dragging and partly carrying an item. (Okhubetiabetia kukuru chwaa)
- Omubindukho- sound immitating loud sigh under burden. (Okhubinda nda nda)
- Omubiriro- sound of explosions of many small bubbles of froth (Okhubirira yaaa)
- Omubibiro- sound of overflowing froth thatthadue drops in fire due to heat ofof water or milk. (Okhubibira bii bii)
- Omuchangalio- sound imitating the clinking of metallic objects. (Okhuchangalia chingili)
- Omuchikhino- sound related to injecting through thre flesh (Okhuchikhina chii)
- Omuchokocho- sound of bubbling during cooking. (Okhuchokocha kocho kocho)
- Omuchiriribo- sound lo ike trumpets (Okhuchiririba chirii)
- Omuchololokho- sound of sleathing like a snake (Chololokha cholololo)
- Omuchumbukho- sound related to hitting water when digging. (Okhuchumbukha chumbu)
- Omuchululukho- sound related to the continuous downward flow of liquid (okhuchululukha chululululu)
- Omufuucho- sound related to spitting (Okhufucha khaa chu)
- Omufukhulo- sound related to act of removing soil from hole. (Okhufukhula fukhu fukhu)
- Omufumukho- sound related to beating something hollow with soft club (Okhufumukha mbufu)
- Omufuunyulo- abrupt whisper fart sound. (Okhufunyula fuu)
- Omufutukho- sound related piercing air filled item. (Okhufutukha futu)
- Omufuuwo- blowing sound like a hippopotamus (Okhufuuwa fuu)
- Omufuyusio- a sound imitating low continuous whisper-fart (Okhufuyusa fuyu)
- Omufwakhalo- sound imitating the shuffling sound through dry leaves. (Okhufwakhala fwaa)
- Omufwekhero- sound of heavy breathing via blocked nose. (Okhufwekhera fuu)
- Omufwonolo- sound of dislocating joint. (Okhufwonola fwo)
- Omubalakacho- sound of scraping open metal surface (Balakacha kere kere)
- Omubechakalo- belching sound (okhubechakala byee)
- Omubetiabetio- sound of footsteps of one carrying a heavy load by lifting it slightly off the ground. (Okhubetiabetia be be be)
- Omukekerukho- sound like a guinea fowl (Okhukekerukha keke keke)
- Omukhofwokho- sound of crow (Okhukhofwokha kho kho kho)
- Omukhokoro- scratching sound in an almost empty container (okhukhokora koro koro)
- Omukhoolocho- sound like a dying cattle. (Okhukhoolocha khoo)
- Omukhombolio- sound from loud licking (Okhwikhombolia pyakha pyakha)
- Omukhomo- sound of hammering (okhukhoma nga nga)
- Omukhong'ondo- sound due to knocking or tapping (Okhukhong'onda ngo ngo ngo)
- Omukhonjio- sound of shaking grain up and down to remove chaff (Okhukhonja chwa chwa chwa)
- Omukhonokho- sound of joint snapping back into position after sittingsitting for long (Okhukhonokha khoto)
- Okhukhumula- sou of splilling of small lilight partickes of items by shaking. (Okhukhukhumula khuu)
- Omukhumulo- bellowing sound from bull or dove (Okhukhumula khuu)
- Omukhupako- threshing sound (Okhukhupaka pakata pakata)
- Omukomangomo- sound of rolling wheeled item. (Okhukomangoma kukuru)
- Omukuchumbulo- sound of shaking water in an empty cotainer or mouth (Okhukuchumbula kuchu kuchu)
- Omukukulikho- sound of loaded items msking noise as truck moves. (Okhukukulikha kukukuku.
- Omukhoocho- sound of removing branch from main stem by pulling it once. (Okhukhoocha khocho)
- Omukhoolo- sound of removing maize or sisal bud from main stem. (Okhukhoola khoo)
- Omukhwayukho- sounding siren-like. (Okhukhwayukha khwayu khwayu)
- Omukuwulo- sound of elbowing. (Okhukuwula kuwu)
- Omukwekwero- sounds from chicken or ducks in danger (Okhukwekwera kwe kwe kwe)
- Omumeerero- bleat (okhumeerera meee)
- Omumiawulo- sound of miaw as a cat or wild cat or gennet (Okhumiawula miau)
- Omumiayulo- sound of yawning. (Okhumiayula miayu)
- Omuming'inyo- sound of pressing hand on wyelid and rubbing. (Okhuming'inya ming'i)
- Omumoololo- mooing sound of cattle (Okhumoolola moooo)
- Omung'eng'eerukho- sound like a big mosquito (Okhung'eng'era ng'eeng'eeng'e)
- Omung'unyo- to hum like a mosquito or flies (Okhung'unya ng'unyung'unyu)
- Omunyalalo- sound of diarrhoea. (Okhunyalala paraaa)
- Omunyalusio- sound of the bursting of item that is full of liquid (Okhunyalusia nyalu)
- Omunyiriro- continuous light sound of rain (Okhunyirira che che che)
- Omunyookhosio- echo (Okhuniokhosa nio nio nio nio)
- Omunywekero- sound of kiss. (Okhunywekera nywa)
- Omupakatio- gulloping sound on dry land. (Okhupakata pakata pakata)
- Omupambulukho- sound of ambush.(Okhupambulukha pupuru pupuru)
- Omupapalukhano- sound thunder (Okhupapalukhana pialalaaa)
- Omupepenukho- sound of eating hard food (Okhupepenukha peketu peketu)
- Omupepeero- sound like a he-goat on heat. (Okhupepera pee pee)
- Omupupukho- sound of starting massive fire. (Okhupupukha pupupupu)
- Omupukuto- sound of gulloping on wet land. (Okhupukuta pukutu)
- Omupupuliro- sound of covering oneself with blanked. (Okhwipupulira pupuru pupuru)
- Omupurukho- sound of flying bird (Okhupurukha puruuu)
- Omupusulyo- sound of auick grabbing or snatching of an item. (Okhupusula pusu)
- Omupuumulo- a loud booming fart (Okhupuumula puumu)
- Omupwakulo- sound of splitting a dry item into two. (Okhupwakula pwa)
- Omusaamulo- loud heavy blows. (Okhusaamula saa)
- Omusakusulo- sound of shaking dust off cloth (Okhusakusula saku saku)
- Omusalulukho- frying sound (Okhusalulukha salalalala)
- Omusamando- sound of open slap (okhusamanda nda)
- Omusambulukhano- loud sound from birds flying off (Okhusambulukha puru puru)
- Omusasako- crashing with heavy mallet (Okhusasaka ka ka ka)
- Omuswandukho- sound of beating with small whips (okhuswandula swatu swatu)
- Omutechero- sound from chicken nearing the time of laying eggs (Okhutechera koo ko koo)
- Omutechukho- rumbling of falling soil (Omutechukho tiririri)
- Omuterero- sound from elephant (Okhuterere tee)
- Omutetukho- snapping sound. (Okhutetukha tya)
- Omutichiro- loud strong quick footsteps (Okhutichira tiririri)
- Omutindulo- sound from strapping a string ( Okhutindula tindi tindi)
- Omutoololo- bellowing of cattle (Okhutololo tooo tooo)
- Omututumo- loud blazing from fire (Okhututuma tutututu)
- Omutwiitwiiso- sound of high pitched fart. (Okhutwitwisa twii)
- Omuwuumo- sound from car, plane or motorbike (Omuwumo wuuumu)
- Omuwololo- sound of flooding water (Okhuwolola wooo)
- Omuwukaawuko- sound from nightjar (Okhuwukawuka ku ku ku)
- Omuwukumo- sound of roar from lion (Okhuwukuma woooaaa)
- Omwatulukhano- loud thunder (Okhwatulukhana tula)
- Omwayulo- loud wail (Okhwayula waayu)
- Omwechamuulo- sound produced after swallowing sweet meal (Okhwechamula cha cha)
- Omwechichino- cry like rat or mole (Okhwechichina chi chi)
- Omwekhando- bite a junk of meat noisely. (Okhwekhanda kha)
- Omwekhanjo- click sound (Okhwekhanja ncha)
- Omwelikiso- hiccups (Okhwelikisa kis' kis')
- Omwesikho- sigh of anger (Okhwesikha sikh' sikh')
- Omwesisikho- sound of ecstatic sighs of pleasure (siikh' siikh')
- Omwikholoolio- remove septum and phlegm from throat (Okhwikholoolia khoo ptsu)
- Omwing'uo- snorting (Okweng'uaI khuru khuru)
- Omwisawuso- sound of brushing ones hands against the skin. (Okhwesausa sa)
- Omwinyambo- sound of a fart (Okhwinyamba mbuu)
- Omwiyakalo- scratch sound (Okhwiyaka khayu khayu)
- Omuasako- sound of splitting firewood. (Okhuasaka pa)
- Omuasimulo- loud sneeze (Okhuasimula tisia)
- Omubechakalo- belch (okhubechakala bye)
- Omubindukho- thud (Okhubindukha ndufu)
- Omuchambakiro- sound of light steps in water (Okhuchambakira chapu chapu chwaa)
- Omuchangalio- jingling (Okhuchangalia changili)
- Omuchararo- chatter (Okhuchachara chara chara)
- Omuchengo- sound of earth quake (Okhuchenga tu tu tu tu)
- Omuchokhonio- squelching sound. (Okhuchokhonia chokho chokho)
- Omucholiolio- sound produced by stomach or peeing. (Okhuchololia cholololo)
- Omuchonyakalo- sound of slow dripping (Okhuchonyakala cho-ndo cho-ndo.
- Omuchopolio- sound like something diving in water. (Okhuchopolia chupulyu)
- Omuchukhululo- sound of pouring (Okhuchukhulula churururu)
- Omuchundukho- sound of loud explosion. (Okhuchundukha tula)
- Omuchuwulo- sound of igniting matchstick (Okhuchuwukha chuwu)
- Omuchwiro- squeaking sound (Okhuchwira chwi)
- Omufufuyulo- flutter (okhufufuyula fuyu fuyu)
- Omufumukho- loud soft fall (Okhufumukha puu)
- Omufumbulukho- sound of ambush. (Okhufumbukha mbu)
- Omufututukho- gush (Okhufutukha futu)
- Omufwafwachano- huff, shuffle (Okhufwafwachana fwa fea fwa)
- Omufwakhalo- swaffle (okhufwakhala fwaa)
- Omuhechero- wheeze (Okhuhechera chwii)
- Omuhehecho- pant of dog (okhuhehecha hahaha)
- Omuhemukho- ahem (okhuhemukha hee hee)
- Omukhako- minor cracking sound (Okhukhaka ka ka)
- Omukharakachio- screeching sound. (Okhukharakachia karaa)
- Omukhaukho- sound like one eating easily breakable items like row potato or biscuits.
- Omukhenulukho- sound of pouring out last liquid from a jar. (Okhukhenulula chioliolio)
- Omukhenyo- sound of one loud sighs (Okhukhenya mh)
- Omukhenyo- sound of loud sigh under heavy load (Pkhukhenya wuchuu)
- Omukholiokho- crowing (Okhukholiokha kokoliokoo)
- Omukhong'o- gong sound (Okhukhong'a ngong'u)
- Omukhoonjio- sound from grains on tray having chaff removed by up and down shaking (okhukhoonja chwa chwa chwa)
- Omukhulukhunyo- sound from rubbing using a blunt object (Okhukhulukhunya khuru khuru)
- Omukhumulo- loud deep sound (Okhukhumula hukuu)
- Omukhumukho- coo (Okhukhumukha kwa ngwa nguruuku)
- Omukhumuukho sounds of birds flying off at once. (Okhumuukha khuu)
- Omukhupo- sound of lapping water (Okhukhupa pa)
- Omukhuyo- sound from swinging item (Okhukhuya khuyu khuyu)
- Omukhwayukho- scissors' sound. (Okhukhwayukha khwayu khwayu)
- Omukhwekhwenukho thunderous laughter. (Okhukhwekhwenukha khwe khwe khwe)
- Omukhwekhwero- sound of chicken in danger (okhukwekwera kwee kwee kwee)
- Omukomangomo-sound from rolling item (Okhukomangoma koko koko)
- Omukopolyo- sound from gulping down (Okhukopolia kopo kopo)
- Omukukulikho- sound like steam engine on rail (Okhukukulikha kukuru kakara)
- Omukukumo- low thunder (Okhukukuma kukukuku)
- Omukukuno- gnaw (okhukukuna kukutu kukutu)
- Omukwakwalikho- quack (okhukwakwalikha kwaa kwaa)
- Omuliembulo- sound of parting lip by blowing air out to call cattle or donkey (Okhuliembula mba mba)
- Omulikiso hiccup (okhulikisa hiki hiki)
- Omulikukho- loud sudden repeated sound of rain (Okhulikuha chwe che che)
- Omulimisio- stammering sound (okhulimisia mimimi)
- Omumeerero- sound of goat and sheep (Okhumerera mee)
- Omumiawulo- the meow sound of cat (okhumiawula miau)
- Omumisyo- loud nose blowing (Okhumisa fuu)
- Omumondokho- sound of small hard object falling on hard surface. (Okhumondokha ndo)
- Omung'eng'erekhano- sound of dogs or hyena or birds fighting over a meal. (Okgung'eng'erekha ng'e ng'e ng'e)
- Omung'erekho- sound of crying with mouth semi open. (Okhung'erekha ng'ee.
- Omung'ong'ofulo- nonsensical norsal talk or twang(okhung'ong'ofula ng'o ng'o ng'o)
- Omung'unyo- sound from flies and bees (okhung'unya ng'unyung'unyu)
- Omunionioso- echo (Okhuniokhosa nio nio nio niono)
- Omunyafulo- sound of chewing soft airfilled food (Okhunyafula nyafu nyafu)
- Omunyekenyo- sound of continious slow rain.
- Omunyirisio- sound of liquid spiting out of small hole in bits (Okhunyirisia chiri)
- Omunyululusio- dribbling and sprinkling sound (okhunyululukha churululu)
- Omupakhalo- shuffle and rustle (Okhupakhala paa paa)
- Omupapakiro- babble (okhupapakira paka paka)
- Omupapalo- flapping sound (okhupapala papa papa)
- Omupapio- sound like light slaps. (Okhupapia pia)
- Omuparachako- prattle (Okhuparakacha papara papara)
- Omupatapato- patter (Okhupatapatab pata pata)
- Omupaatukho- snapping sound from dry seed pots (Okhupaatuka patu)
- Omupingirikhano- roll (Okhupingirikha pingiri pingiri)
- Omupotokho- snapping (Okhupotokha poto)
- Omupufulukho- puff or bellow of hipo (Okhupufulukha pufu pufu)
- Omupumulo- loud fart or boom (Okhupuumula puumu)
- Omupururo- purr (okhupurura puru puru)
- Omupwalikho- loud sound from water waves hitting shore or pouring a lot of water. (Okhupwalikha pwaa)
- Omupwangalikhanio- sound from falling of many metal items (Okhupwangalikhana pwangalia)
- Omupwekukho- short bark from dog, wolf or jackals (okhupwekukha pwe)
- Omusalalalo- sound from froth or moving safari ants (Okhusalala salalala)
- Omusacho sound of churning milk in gourd (Okhusacha kacha kacha)
- Omusamo- sound of normal barking (Okhusama wahu wahu)
- Omuseeso- sound of grains shaking of tray (okhuseesa see see see)
- Omusenchukho- scrapping weeds or grass from courtyard or path (Okhusenjula swa swe swa)
- Omusiemulo- sound like saw cutting timber. (Okhusiemula sie sie)
- Omusisiolo- hiss (Okhusisiala ssss)
- Omusuuwo- sniff (Okhusuwa suu)
- Omuswandulo sound of beating with small long sticks (Okhuswandula swa)
- Omutatakiro- sound of open engine (Okhutatakira tatatata)
- Omutechero- sound of chicken laying eggs (Okhutechera kwee kwee)
- Omutechukho- sound of falling building (Okhutechukha turuturu)
- Omutekero- sound due to vibration (Okhutekera tiririri)
- Omutererekho- trumpeting (Okhuterera tweee)
- Omutienukho- tear (Okhutienukha tyeee)
- Omutifulanio- sound of soft item being hit or falling in sand. (Okhutifulana tifu tifu)
- Omutoololo sound of water fall. (Okhutolola hoo)
- Omutotokho- sound of shelling maize (Okhutotokha twa twa)
- Omutumbukho- sound like stone falling in water. (Okhutumbukha tumbu)
- Omutundukiro- throb (Okhutundukira tu tu tu)
- Omututumo- low continuous thunder or blaxing fire (Okhututuma tutututu)
- Omutwekhero- sound from trumpets or flying locust (Okhutwekhera twee)
- Omutwerekho- sound of flying locust. (Okhutwekhera twee)
- Omutwing'o- sound of air being forced into a ball or tyre from pump. (Okhutwing'a twii)
- Omutyenukho- loud tear (Okhutyenukha tyee)
- Omuwanjulo- sound from light whip (Okhuwanjukha chwa)
- Omuwawakho- waa sound of warble, wafting or whirling type (Okhuwawakha waa)
- Omuwawaso- jeering sound (Okhuwawasa waa woo)
- Omuwewecho- murmur or whispers (okhuwewecha wee)
- Omuwukukho- sound of brooding chicken (Okhuwukukha ku ku ku)
- Omuwumukho- sound like an owl or de brazzar's monkey (okhuwumukha)
- Omuwuumano- boos (Omuwuumano mbuu)
- Omuyaalo- yammer of ants or sea(Okhuyaala yaa)
- Omuyiricho- snore (Okhuyiricha khuru khuru)
- Omuyiriikho- sound of engene under load. (Okhuyiriikha yii)
- Omuyiriro- sound from boiling pot that is covered (Okhuyirira yiii)
- Omuyoboyo- babble of baby (Okhuyoboya buuu)
- Omwatulukho loud thunder after striking (Okhwatulukha tula)
- Omwatikho- loud burst or crack (Okhwatikha pwa)
- Omwechabalio- sound of item falling or walking in water (Okhwchabalia chapalia)
- Omwechamulo- sound produced by explosives move of cheeks after eating something sweet. (Okhwechamula chwa chwa)
- Omwechichino- sound from rat, squirrel and mole (Okhechichina chi chi chi)
- Omwefulungulio- sound of turning items up and diwn in search of another (okhwefulungulia funguliu)
- Omwekhamulo- hamming sound accompanying one bite against something. (Okhukhamula khamu)
- Omwekokocho- vomiting soundcackle, gaggle (Okhwekokocha ko ko ko)
- Omwekotiolo- sound of loud swallowing (Okhwekotiola kotyo)
- Omwembo sound from most birds like parrots and skylark
- Omweng'uo- sniffle (Okhweng'ua khuu)
- Omweng'uwiriso- snorting sound ,(Okhweng'uwirisa khurukhuru)
- Omwemikinyo- sound of ribbing eyes with closed eyelids. (Okhwemikinyamikinya minyi minyi)
- Omwepangalikhanio- sound of falling wide metal. (Okhwepangalikhania pangalia)
- Omwepungulikhanio- sound of falling utensils (Okhwepungulikhania punguliu)
- Omwepwakhiro- sound of grabbing something in air (Okhwepwakhira pwakha)
- Omwesindukho- loud sigh due to shock (Okhwesindukha mh)
- Omwesiniolo- sound produced to show dislike (Okhwesiniola tyuu)
- Omwesisikho- sigh causing vibrating the body (Okhwesisikha si si si)
- Omwetibalio- splashing sound shallow water. (Okhwetabalia tabalia)
- Omwetondolio- sound of blabbering. (Okhetondola pere pere)
- Omwewutumo- whining sound of regretting Okhwewutuma mmm mm)
- Omwewuyunguyo- sound from swinging item in air
- Omweyakalo- scratching sound (Okhweyakala khuru khuru)
- Omwechonjolio- sound of song birds (Okhwichonjolia choli choli choli)
- Omwikhaaso- sound of clearing throat with open mouth (Okhwikhaasa khaa)
- Omwikulukulio (omwekokopolyo)- sound of gobbling from turkey. (Okhwikulukulia kulukulu)
- Omwilolobo- sound of swallowing air and liquid at ago (Okhwiloloba kobo kobo)
- Omwepatasio- sound made by one sitting down at once. (Okhwipatasa pata)
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