ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language 8- Conjuctions and Conjuctives of Olunyala

The following are conjunctions and conjuctives found in Olunyala (K). The Olunyala (K) is a sub-dialect of Luhya language spoken by the Abanyala in Kakamega. Olunyala (k) is internationally coded as ISO 939-3 nle.

Olunyala Conjunction and Conjuctives are words of Olunyala (k), just like in English or Kiswahili, used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in a construction.

The following are the main examples of the conjunctions and conjuctives categorised basing on their function.
1. Conjunctions and conjuctives of addition.
  1. ~achio~achio nende (as well as/ vilevile) Students as well as teachers got a beating from the madman. Abasomi bachiobachio nende abalimu banyoye esikhupo okhuchula khu mulalu oyo.
  2. Ako elubeka (fauka ya hayo/ besides that) Besides that, this child is a thief. Ako elubeka, omwana ono mwibi.
  3. Bombi...nende... (Both...and) Both Mulati and Sichaki are tall. Bombi Mulati nende Sichaki balehi nibo.
  4. Bontachu...nende... (The three..) The trio Musa, Sikuku and Mukhobi are thieves. Bontachu Musa, Sikuku nende Mukhobi bebi nibo.
  5. Esisasio (Pia/together with) Lusaba will beat your brother together with you. Lusaba alikhukhupa wandayo, esisasio ekhukhupe wesi.
  6. Halala nende (Pamoja na/together with) A thief has stolen a pot together with a calabash. Omwibi kebire esongo halala nende esanda.
  7. Khumukulu khwa... (juu ya/) To add on the thorough beating, Mwamutu was rendered lame. Khumukulu khwa esikhupo, Mwamutu anyoye ouleme.
  8. Kano elubeka... (mbali na/besides that) Besides that, I will build a house for you at Lutaso. Kano elubeka, endi okhukhwombakhira enchu Elutaso.
  9. Khu... (Juu ya/besides) Besides the beating, Mwenya incured a loss of cows. Khu sikhupo, Mwenya anyoye asara ya eng'ombe.
  10. Lekhana nende... (leave alone/aside...) Leave alone high taxes, we are wallowing in real poverty. Lekhana nende emichooso kya hamukulu, khulefufulanga mu wutambi wa tyeri.
  11. Lundi (tena/then) I will beat you then I pay you. Ndakhukhukhupa lundi ekhulipe.
  12. Mana (then)  Go to the water spring then come back before noon. Chia mu'sobere mana okole ebikha nibisiri okhwola musi.
  13. Ne (kwa/ with) Ndiye owusuma ne eliani. (It is wrong to say nende eliani)
  14. Nende (na/and) Grandfather, grandmother and aunty have visted my mother. Kuka, Kukhu nende Senge bakeniyire mama.
  15. Noho ...ta (Wala/nor) We have neither taken tea nor eaten porridge. Si khunyweye omuchafwa noho owusera ta.
  16. Nundi (kisha) Not only is Mulongo short but also thin. Mulongo mukutu nundi mung'au.
  17. Ochi...~ng'ene, fwana lundi.... (Not only...but also...) Luka is not only known for farming but aklso for stealing. Ochi Luka kamanyikhana khulwa owulimi wong'ene, fwana lundi owunabi. 
  18. Okhumeta khu ako (Zaidi ya hayo/ in addition/ To add on...) In addition to this child being bright, he is couragious. Omwana ono mukesi okhumeta khu ako muyindafu.
Conjunctions and conjuctives to show contrast.
  1. Aula (ila) Nakhachiye aula embuma esende
  2. Akachali (but) Give me money but wait up to evening for me to give you the chicken. Mberese esende akachali olinde okhwola engolobe kho ekhuwe engokho eyo.
  3. Akachasi mbo (isipokuwa/ only that) I would have bought a car only that I do not have money. Nakhakulire omutoka, akachasi mbo embuma esende.
  4. Ata khaba (nevertheless) I visted Balongo, nevertheless I did not find him. Engeniyire Balongo, ata khaba si emunyoyeyo to.
  5. Ata kachio... (Nevertheless) They would have given you a plateful of ugali, nevertheless, just eat yams. Bakhakhuwaye esiteru sya owusuma, ata kachio, lia usa amatolotolo.
  6. ~chali (bila) Amukhupire esifusi esichali nende esifune.
  7. Ata ~akhaba mbo (ingawaje). Ndi okhumukeniya ata kakhaba mbo embuma esifune.
  8. Lukano nende (kinyume na) As opposed to what I thought, the child became pregnant. Lukano nende echomo liange, omwana kanyoye esisombo.
  9. Makacho nende (contrary to) Mungolobe efula ikwiye makacho nende owung'osi wa abakimbi.
  10. Mbachamo nende (Against expectations) Against our expectations, grandfather has finished yams for the child. Mbachamo nende amaparo kefwe, kuka amaliyekho omwana enduma.
  11. Mbanga nende (kinaya na/ironical to) Mbanga nende amaparo kefwe, mama okhupire kuka.
  12. Ako elubeka (fauka ya hayo/ besides that) Ako elubeka, omwana ono mwibi.
  13. Owubi mbo (ijapokuwa) Khwakhakonire owubi mbo khuli nende abatocho.
  14. Ne (but) He is fat but light. Mukhomefu ne mwangu.
  15. Ne khaba ta/lakini (lakini) Chia ne khaba ta okole. Chia lakini okole.
  16. Ne khane (yet) She came like an engel yet she was a devil. Kecha singa engelosi ne khane kali nababa.
  17. Ne mana (ilhali) Esende chikochire ne mana nali echibikhire owulayi.
  18. Ne na~ ngalu...(when) Nachuma omwana ne naye ngalu kali nalya.
  19. Ne naye/syo/kyo (whereas) Saupa is tall whereas Titi is short. Saupa mulehi ne naye Titi mukutu.
  20. Okhuchusakho (isipokuwa/except) Abana boosi bakooye okhuchusakho Wanimo.
  21. Olunyuma lwa (mighairi ya) Okholire owoni olunyuma lwa okhwirwachirwa?
  22. Sibacho nende (tofauti na) Sibacho nende elikhuparirenge, kewuye omwana owa esisoliri.
Conjunctions and conjuctives to give a reason
  1. Baachi (that) Khayongo talked covering his face that he may not be seen. Khayongo kalomalomirenge nikewikhire mumoni bachi alobe okhumanyikhana.
  2. Esikira (sababu/because/for) He took my chicken because I cut his child. Awukuye engokho yange esikira nakhupire omwana wuwe olukuma.
  3. Esikira mbo (kwani) Luka alikho kekisa esikira mbo sikenya Maocho amuwone ta.
  4. Esifune mbo (kwa maana, kisa) Abasikari batira Kabete esifune mbo mwibi.
  5. Khu (kwa) Amuweresisekho wusa esende khu sisa sisye.
  6. Kho (So) I wanted to get firewood, so I bought a tree. Nenyirenge okhunyola ekhwi, kho engulire omusala.
  7. Kho mbo (so that) Machio gifted Nafuna a necklace so that she can love him. Machio kakhiina Nafuna amatongolo kho mbo Nafuna amusime.
  8. Khoniwo (ili) Emulangire akeniye khoniwo emubanje esende chiange.
  9. Khulwa okhuba (kwa vile) Mang'oli awuleye khulwa okhuba Mutembete amwimanire esiokhulia.
  10. Mbo (ili) Elengereye mu malobero mbo awone abakhina amabega mu weru.
  11. Kho (Kusudi) Kombakha enyumba engali kho alombemo echoo.
  12. Ne kho nekho (madamu) Abakhasi si balia engokho ta ne kho nekho emondo.
  13. Nende echomo lya (kwa minajili ya) Chapurukha kakenda olukendo oluleyi nende echomo lya okhuwona Namuma.
  14. Okhuba mbo (Kwa kuwa) Okhuba mbo endi omukutu, si engeraka enungo?
  15. Okhuchulana nende (since) He took my cattle since I had commited a crime. Omusacha oyo kawukula eng'ombe okhuchulana nende omusango okunakhola.
  16. ~chali nende (pasipo) Wekulo alefumire Nanjekho embi ni anchali nende esisa.
  17. ~onekhana (yakini) Kaonekhana Wambale ono alwala okuhere, ayiricha lukali.
  18. Ochi fwana (as though) Oyweri followed me as though I had his hut. Oyweri kanondakho ochi fwana nali nende ekutwa yiye.
  19. Okhubera (because) Namenge cooks busaa because her husband, Biketi, died. Namenge atekhanga busaa okhubera wamwe, Biketi, kafwa.
  20. Sikira (because) Musiondo will beat Namukuchu because she took his groundnuts. Musiondo aliokhukhupa Namukuchu esikira kawukula amaito kake.
Conjunctions and conjucties to show results or consequences
  1. Kho-khanu (ndiposa) Wunangirenge kho khanu wukhupe?
  2. Kho....~o (basi) Aliye eng'ombe yosi kho nakwo omukhira kwakhamukhaya?
  3. Khu-lwako (kwa hivyo) Anyolekhanire nende omusango kwa okhuba echemwa khu lwa ako alikhuchia mu lumaale Navakholo.
  4. Khoniwo (Ndipo) Kandukhire achi endi embwa khoniwo namukhupa ne'simbo.
  5. Okhuchulana khu (kutokana na) Kwoba si akolanga ewa Nakhayo okhuchulana khu sikhupo esikanyolayo tawe.
  6. Okhwola (hadi/until) Lena kamukhayiyekho okhola kachia ninaye ewa Masika.
Conjunctions and conjuctives to show comparison
  1. Biakana singa (sawa na) Okhumwenya mu sirima biakana nga okhukhola okwa kirimiti.
  2. Bikhira (zaidi ya) Ekhabi ya owasio yikhira olukondo.
  3. Okhulondekhana nende (Ese ekhola emirimo okhulondekhana nende amalako.
  4. Okhubicha khu (kuliko) Oli okhunyola esikhupo okhubicha khu sia embwa mu sibakiro.
  5. Singa (kama) Okhunywa amalwa wuli nyanga khuli singa okhutukha Nyasaye.
  6. Singa olu (vile) Omufumu Saulo asirikhanga singa olu kekeswa nende kuka wuwe Khafumi.
  7. Singa olu....nche olu...(just as....so...) Singa olu Kadenge kakhupanga omupira nche olu omwana wuwe yesi akhupanga.
Conjunctions and conjuctives to show one as part of the other
  1. Abangi mu (most of) Abangi mu enywe mwakochwa okhunyikhinya Olunyala. 
  2. Balala mu (miongoni mwa) Balala mu enywe balosi.
  3. Batiti mu (Baadhi ya) Batiti mu enywe muli nende enda munguo.
  4. Hakachi wa (Kati ya) Hakachi wenywe omuntu afuyusisekho.
  5. Mulala mu (one of you) Mulala mu enywe mutofu niye.
  6. Ne naye (huku) Kuka alima ne naye kukhu abisia amatumwa.
Conjunctions and conjuctives to show one happens after another or almost at same time
  1. Ena'menukha (hatimaye) Mukhupe ena'memukha omusirikhe.
  2. Enyuma wa (baada ya) Enyuma wa emirembe, nyola ekhabi okhuchula khu kukhu Recho.
  3. Ngalu...nche olu... (Vile...ndivyo...) Ngalu kakhesisenge nowusangafu, nche olu aweyengewo?
  4. Olukhale /o'luxale/ (baadaye) Kamberesise olupanga, olukhale kanula. 
  5. Ne mana (halafu) Muwerese ne mana omunuule.
  6. Olunyuma (kisha) Mukhupe olunyuma omutimanie.
  7. Okhwola khu bikha (By the time) We had eaten potatoes by the time Mariko come in. Efwe khwali khwalia amapwoni okhwola khu bikha bi Mariko kengiramo
  8. Wakana (
Conjunctions and canjuctives to show one thing happens almost at the same time
  1. Si'pyulo nende (At same time with) Sipyulo nende esikhupo khu Nandikobe, basamba esiaki siisye. (Si'pyulo is for esiri esipyulo to mean that which happens quickly)
  2. Si'khwana nende (alongside) Sifuma will receive a thorough beating alongside his girlfriend Namalero. Sifuna alikhonyola esikhupo tikini si'khwana nende khalinjola wuwe Namalero. (Si'khwana is from esiri sikhwana to mean that which is twin.)
  3. Nga~....nche~ (Nosooner.....than) Nosooner had he entered the house than he received a thunderous slap. Ngalu kengira munchu nche olukanyola oluyi lwatulukhana.
Conjunction and conjuctives to show that one thing happens in place of the other
  1. Awukhala wa (in lieu of) Musi kawaye Birahimu  amatumwa awukhala wa eng'ombe.
  2. Awuleka wa (kwa niaba ya) Musa kachia mu wusikari awuleka wa wandaye Wandiri.
  3. Mu bikhe bino (meanwhile) MeanwhileMeanwhile, eat poridge as you wait for ugali. Mu bikhe bino, nywa owusera ni olindire okhulia owusuma.
  4. Mu wiyangu wa (badala ya) Wanyanga kayirire esipichu Nanjala mu wiyangu wa nasikoko Namulunda. 
Conjunctions and conjuctives to show alternative possibility.
  1. Naomba/nao (au/or) Khama amabere mu ng'ombe nao okule aka khusoko.
  2. Aundi (pengine) Aundi mama wa Namuma achiye mu mwalo.
  3. Fwana (Angalau) Endi okhukhukeniyakho Kulundu fwana anyala kanjutirakho.
  4. ~nyala...namwe... (either..or...) Either you accept we forgive you or we beat you. Onyala wiyame khukhubere namwe khukhukhupe.
  5. Namwe (ama/or) Is this child Tembula a good one or a thief? Omwana Tembula ono mulayi namwe mwibi niye?
  6. Nikanyalikhana (labda/maybe) Embuma esende, nikanyalikhana wiche muchuli.
  7. Wulayi....okhukhira. (Rather....than.../Heri...kuliko...) Rather mary a nightrunner than a gossiper. Wulayi otesie omubini okhukhira owa ebitina.
Conjunctions and conjuctives creating conditionals 
  1. ~a....ne~ (If....then) If you touch him on the ear, then a fight will start. Wamutira wusa khu khuchwi, ne esikhu sisikikha.
  2. Manyanga (Laiti) Mayanga manyakho, sinakhamuwayekho tawe.
  3. ~aba....andu... (Had beeen ... would) Had stones been cattle, I would have been rich. Kakhabanga mbo amakinga eng'ombe nichio, andu nakhali omuyinda.
  4. Ata (hata) Ata wumberese emitoka kiosi, ese si embukula ta.
  5. Chakhasi....andu... (Were it not for...would...) Chakhasi endie owusuma, andu nakona enjala.
  6. ~be .....namwe (whether...or) You give me the maize whether it is dry or wet. Mbe amatumwa kabe amabisi namwe amomu.
  7. Ibanga mbo (If had...andu...) Ibanga mbo kamukhupa, kakhawene aka okhuwuka.
  8. Lekha (ijapo/even if) Si ekhuweresa esiokhulia tawe lekha wukhupe.
  9. Nawulayi (bora) Si ekhusaba ta nawulayi wamberesa.
  10. Nucha (unless) Unless you tell him off now, he will be requesting it from you every late afternoon. Nuchamukania akhanu ta, alikhukhusabanga wuli mu sichiambo.
  11. Khu mukwangwasiano mbo... (on condition that) On condition that you will marry daughter, you will pay me dowry. Khu mukwangasiano mbo olatesie omwana wange, olakhwere.
  12. Khukobya (bora) Luchangeniya tawe Wakhisi enkobya owulamu.
  13. Khuole mbo... (Supposing...) Suppossing he makes noise at night, he will be thrown out of the room. Khuole mbo nakhupa oluyoka musiro, alasukunwa elwanyi wa enchu.
  14. Nga ta (la si hivyo/or else/lest) Give me a sufuria lest I take a pot. Mberese esifulia nga ta, embukule enyungu.
  15. Ni.....si/ne...(If....I will/not...) Ni wumberesakho emotole, ne ekhukhinirakho owaro.
  16. ~Kho...~a (if you had... I would have..) Namunyu kakhupirakho olusimu, kakhawuliye aka endabarwa.
  17. Khu lwa... (But for) But fir his stupidity, prostitutes took his wallet. Khu lwa owusiru wuwe, anang'angule kawukuye esiloloti.
  18. Khuwone ~ona....(If you see that...) If you see that it is hard to move, we will make you move by beating you. Khuwone owona bitinyu okhusuta, khulakhusutia nende esikhupo.
  19. ~angakho.....~akha (If...were, ...) If I were you, I would have gone home with the lady. Mbechangakho ewe, nakhachie engo ne'sipichu esio.
  20. Nikaba (ikiwa) Nikaba oli okhuchia khu sokoni, yicha ekhuchume.
  21. Nikali kachio (if that is the case/) Nikali kachio, mungosere esende chiange.
  22. Ni kanyalikha mbo (provided that) Provided that you pay full dowry, you will go with the bride. Ni kanyalikha mbo oli okhukhwa mu bwichufu, olikhuchia nende omweya.
  23. Okhwola mbo (as long as) As long as I am your father, you will not come home at night. Okhwola mbo esiri babawo, si olikolakho mu engo muno musiro ta.
  24. Olu..sa (Pindi) Olukambona wusa, nekafumula oluyi.
  25. ~siosi (whatever, whenever,wherever) I will give you watever you want from me. Endi okhukhuweresa siosisiosi esi oba ni wenya khu ese.
  26. ~aba mbo (iwapo) Nisiba mbo oli okhulira, ochakhewa ta.
  27.  ~loba...nakha~ (If had not...would...) Aloba khunyola enda kakhabayiye khu Mukopi ta.

Some conjuctions  and conjuctives are correlative in nature-they always work in pair that vome at separate points in the sentence.
  1. Chakhasi...andu. (If ...would) Chakhasi endie owusuma, andu nakona enjala. 
  2. Bombi...nende (Both...and....) Bombi Wekulo nende Wanyama bama ba Nyikuri. 
  3. Bontachu...nende (The trio...and..) Bontanchu Ayibu, Mukhiyi nende Wawire bana ba Wechuli. 
  4. Aundi....namwe (Either...or) Either Makokha is mad or he is sick. Aundi Makokha mulalu namwe mulwaye. 
  5. ~nyala silala khu....namwe... (either...or...) Either you go home or stay here hungry. Onyayala silala khu okhuchia engi namwe wikhale hano enjala yikhulume.
  6. Ochi...~ng'ene, fwana lundi.... (Not only...but also...) Luka is not only known for farming but aklso for stealing. Ochi Luka kamanyikhana khulwa owulimi wong'ene, fwana lundi owunabi. 
  7. Noho....ta (Neither...nor) Sikumo neither went to the shamba nor to the river. Sikumo achieye mu mukunda noho mumwalo ta
Some conjunctions and conjuctives can only be used within the sentence and not at the start.
  1. Nende (and...) Mama nende kukhu baliye ousuma.
  2. Ne (but...) Kundu mukhomefu ne Nguti munyerere.
  3. Ne khane (yet...) Wunganiyanga ne khane oli mwibi.
  4. Esisasio (Pia/together with...)  I will beat your brother together with you. Ndakhupa wandayo esisasio ekhupe wesi.
  5. Halala nende (Pamoja na/together with...) A thief has stolen a pot together with a calabash. Omwibi kebire esongo halala nende esanda.
Some conjunction and conjuctives can come at the start or be in the middle of words or clauses being joined

  1. Lekha (ijapo/even if) Si ekhuweresa esiokhulia tawe lekha wukhupe or Lekha wukhupe, si ekhuweresa esiokhulia tawe.y
  2. ~kobya (bora) Luchangeniya tawe Wakhisi enkobya owulamu or Engobia owulamu, oluchangenia tawe Wakhisi.
  3. Nikaba (ikiwa) Nikaba oli okhuchia khu sokoni, yicha ekhuchume or can be Yicha ekhuchume nikaba mbo olikhuchia khu sokoni.
  4. Nikali kachio (if that is the case/) Nikali kachio, mungosere esende chiange or can be Mungisere esende chiange nikali kachio.


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