ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language- Vowel Letters, vowels sound and punctuations

The following is an exposition of vowel letters and vowel sounds found in Olunyala (K). The Olunyala (K) is a sub-dialect of Luhya language spoken by the Abanyala in Kakamega. Olunyala (K) is internationally coded as ISO 939-3 nle.

Vowel letters used in words to respresent sounds in Olunyala (k) are only five. These five letters that appear in Olunyala (k) orthography are as listed here:
  1. a as in abana for children
  2. e as in esicheme for that which has been cut.
  3. i as in esikingi for a hill. The letter 'i' does not appear at start of Olunyala words unless it is atached to w or y.
  4. o as in omusolo for a game
  5. u as in omusulu for soot. The letter 'u' does not appear at start of words of Olunyala (k) unless it is preceeded by w or y.
a) Short vowel sound from the five vowel letters
  1. a as /a/ in aka
  2. e as /e/ in eke
  3. i as /i/ ekhirikhikhi
  4. o as /o/ as in owulolo for chicken mite
  5. u as /u/ as in mululu  for it is bitter tasting
Olunyala (k) does not have the vowel í and ù since they are realised as /i/ and /i/.

b) Long vowels sounds from the five vowel letters
Each of the five short vowel sound has got its long version
  1. /a:/ for example we have olwala /olwala/ for finger then olwala /olwa:la/ for you are sick, amala /amala/, /ama:la/ for interstines and smearing respectively.
  2. /e:/ for example we have amabere /amabere/ for sorghum and amabere /amabe:re/ for milk, embere /eᵐbere/, /eᵐbe:re/ for breasts and that which is young respectively.
  3. /i:/ for example we have sima /sima/ for extinguish fire and esima /esi:ma/ for I love respectively.
  4. /o:/ for example we have mola /mola/ for crowl and mola /mo:la/ for smear with oil, loba /loβɑˌ/; /lo:βɑ/ for refuse and ask for a debt respectively.
  5. /u:/ for example we have kula /kula/ for buy and kula /ku:la/ for roof, embula /eᵐbula/; /eᵐbu:lɑ/ for wax and I am threshing respectively
c) Vowels based on tone
All the five vowels have two dinctinct vowel sounds based on tone.
1. [à], [è], [ì], [ò], [ù]
enda /èndà/ louse
enda /ándá/ stomach.
2. [á] [é] [í] [ó] [ú]


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