
Showing posts from March, 2020

ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language- Collective Nouns.

Abanyala ba Kakamega have names that refers to a group of things in their language: Olunyala (K). The folowing are some of the collective nouns. Abasinde-  group of singers escorting a circumcision candidate. Ebiteki bia emikachi- stacks of sugarcane.  Ebipoliko bia enyungu, esongo and ebibaange. This is a collective name for earthenwares.  Ebikhali vya enuni- bundles of twigs of simsim sticks.  Ebiutikha  (ebiteki) bia amatumwa, emikachi- stacks of maize Eicho lya enyuni- flock of flying birds.  Ekanya la enjukha- coil of snakes.  Embumbu ya amakonge- collection of sisal leaves.  Emoni chya owule, amabere, amatumwa. (Grains of sorghum, millet or maize) Emuma ya enuuni- a ball of simsim. It was joined using honey.  Engopi ya amachi- one gulpful of water. Enjala chia owule- (Millet) Enjoli ya enjofu- a heard of elephants. Nanjakambirwa kakona khu mwanda kwa enjoli. Enungo ya ekhwi- large bundle of firewood on...

ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Names of Reptiles and other Common Creatures

REPTILES AND OTHER CROWLING ANIMALS REPTILES Ekhaniafu- Chameleon. It was a taboo to kill it. Ekhere- toad. It was a taboo to intentionally kill a toad. Ekhere lya namakanda-  african giantfrog  Ekhutu- tortoises  Ekwena- crocodile  Embulu- monitor lizard. Its skin was used to make omutindi drums. Enenga- frog  Enenga Eng'ala- turtle.  Esikekhi- tree frog. It is poisonous when ingested by cattle. Esikekhi Esindusa balimi Esiolo- lizard. Uncircumcised boys were discouraged from killing it. Epongole- agama lizard Makasi- scorpion. Also used for giant crabs. Mukhobe- blind snake  Namukhokhome- gecko  Namurwekana- salamander  Namutungutu- wall gecko Omwambo- earthworm  Enjukha- general snake. There are hundreds of snake types based on appearance. Ebaka- python Efulukundu- puff udder  Ekhendu- green snake Ekhirakhima- black cobra. Embirikong'o- cobra species; v enomous fange...

ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Specialised Skills and Jobs.

Most of the activities done by Abanyala ba Kakamega required some specialized skills. People who possessed such specialized skills were given a sill related name. The following are the names of the various people who possessed these skills. a)  Animal related Skills and Jobs Omuuakakumba- one who treats fractured bones. Omubaaki- an expert at skinning animals. Omuchanji- an expert in branding and vaccinating animals by making tatoos on skin into which drugs are put. Omukhami- an expert at milking animals. Omulati- an expert in castrating animals ising a knife. Omulondi- an expert in directing oxen during ploughing. Omulobi- an expert in fishing using hook. Omunaabi- an expert in fishing using a net or bare hands. Omunati- an experts in buying and selling of animal. Omusambi- an expert at meat roasting who roasts meat during cultural functions. Omutisi- an expert at holding the slaughtered animals during skinning especially during cultural functions. Omuyiimi- an exper...

ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Animal Housings, Human Houses Structural Parts

Abanyala ba Mukhamba who live in Navakholo Sub-County speak Olunyala (K). The language has names for special dwelling places for various animals. The following are the names for the dwelling places. GENERAL ANIMAL DWELLING PLACES Echibi - a man's house in the home. Ekacha - chicken's nest.  Ekhambalia - house for tortoise. Ekhombe - house for birds as holes on tree trunk.  Ekubiri - widow's house. Ekhongoiko - snail shell. Ekwaali - a house for a widower before remarriage. Eloho - house for black ants Enchu - house for human beings especially the married one. Erumbi - house used by initiates after circumcision. Esibikhwa - housing for white ants called embikhwa Esichenyakhwi - house for buginsect  Esifundukusi - house for dung beetle and mole Esifwo - sleeping place for nightjar. Esikaali - temporary house structure. Esikeke - nest for smallest white ants called owulingiri . Esikhuwe - housing for white ants called amakhuwe Esikuukha - house of b...