ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language- Collective Nouns.

Abanyala ba Kakamega have names that refers to a group of things in their language: Olunyala (K). The folowing are some of the collective nouns. Abasinde- group of singers escorting a circumcision candidate. Ebiteki bia emikachi- stacks of sugarcane. Ebipoliko bia enyungu, esongo and ebibaange. This is a collective name for earthenwares. Ebikhali vya enuni- bundles of twigs of simsim sticks. Ebiutikha (ebiteki) bia amatumwa, emikachi- stacks of maize Eicho lya enyuni- flock of flying birds. Ekanya la enjukha- coil of snakes. Embumbu ya amakonge- collection of sisal leaves. Emoni chya owule, amabere, amatumwa. (Grains of sorghum, millet or maize) Emuma ya enuuni- a ball of simsim. It was joined using honey. Engopi ya amachi- one gulpful of water. Enjala chia owule- (Millet) Enjoli ya enjofu- a heard of elephants. Nanjakambirwa kakona khu mwanda kwa enjoli. Enungo ya ekhwi- large bundle of firewood on...