ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language- Collective Nouns.
Abanyala ba Kakamega have names that refers to a group of things in their language: Olunyala (K). The folowing are some of the collective nouns.
- Abasinde- group of singers escorting a circumcision candidate.
- Ebiteki bia emikachi- stacks of sugarcane.
- Ebipoliko bia enyungu, esongo and ebibaange. This is a collective name for earthenwares.
- Ebikhali vya enuni- bundles of twigs of simsim sticks.
- Ebiutikha (ebiteki) bia amatumwa, emikachi- stacks of maize
- Eicho lya enyuni- flock of flying birds.
- Ekanya la enjukha- coil of snakes.
- Embumbu ya amakonge- collection of sisal leaves.
- Emoni chya owule, amabere, amatumwa. (Grains of sorghum, millet or maize)
- Emuma ya enuuni- a ball of simsim. It was joined using honey.
- Engopi ya amachi- one gulpful of water.
- Enjala chia owule- (Millet)
- Enjoli ya enjofu- a heard of elephants. Nanjakambirwa kakona khu mwanda kwa enjoli.
- Enungo ya ekhwi- large bundle of firewood on store.
- Esiaku sia echemwa (a bunch of bananas)
- Esiasia sia omwoko. (A slice of cassava)
- Esibika sia amasi. (Feaces)
- Esifumbacha sia esekhe- a bundle of beer drinking straws.
- Esikanda sya abanchu- a crowd of around fifty people.
- Esikata sia amavere- collective stems of sorghum in farm.
- Esikhwana sya echemwa- twin banana finger
- Esifumbikha sia ekokhe, amakina, omunyu, omuyekhe. (Ash, salt)
- Esifundo sia amasero. (Baled skins)
- Esifundukusi sya eswa, esusi (white ants)
- Esifwakanya sia eliani etekhe. (Cooked vegetable)
- Esikhanyama sia enyama. (Meat)
- Esiikhasio sya abanchu. (Committee, jurry)
- Esikhaanya sia owunyasi- tuft of grass.
- Esikondi sia efwiri- a ball of shaved hair.
- Esikoko sia amachemwa. (Banana stems)
- Esilaalo sia embusi nende amakondi - heard of sheep or goat.
- Esiliinga sia esende. (Coin money arranged into column)
- Esinywa sia owule. Bandle of sorghum.
- Esisungwacha sya wambunda- hunging group of bats.
- Esipana sia eng'ombe. (Four oxen)
- Esipumba sia owusi, owukokhwe, owukoko. (Wool, sisal fibre)
- Esipumbulu sia owusemwa, owunyambarwa. (Fruits on bunch)
- Esipupu sia abanchu (group or mob)
- Esisakasaka sia ebichuma. (Metalic items)
- Esisaka sya ebilio- bunch of fruit berries
- Esisakanya sia chumbe. (Salt tied in banana leaves)
- Esisali sya eliani. (Vegetable)
- Esiseke sya engeji. Bandles of noted.
- Esisichu sya emisala- a bush of trees
- Esisiina sia amasingo- a heap of cowdung
- Esitukhuulu sia olufu. (Cloud of dust.)
- Esitundwe sia ebimuli. (Bunch of flowers)
- Esituma sia abasangi (congregation)
- Esituuli sia esolo, abanchu
- Esiumba sia enjukhi, ekhawukhawu, onion
- Esiwoho sia omunyu, eliani,
- Esiwulukusi sia embulukusie (small heap of goat or sheep dung.)
- Esiwumbuli sya ebimuli. (Open bud of flowers)
- Esiwutikha sia amakokha, amasiriokokho, amasingo. (Pile/heap)
- Esiyande sya echungwa- slice of orange
- Etolito lya owusie- a lump of flour usually in cooked porridge or ugali.
- Etuuta lya efwiri/ owunyasi- a tuft of grass.
- Olukeka lwa esike. (Swam of locust)
- Olukhaanya lwa ekhwi. (Bundle of firewood)
- Olukhanjo lwa ekhwi- a pile of wood.
Olukhanjo - Olukhibiryo- a shoal of fish.
- Olukhilende- a heard of donkeys.
- Olukhungu- a group of people with common interest.
- Olukhututu lwa enguke, embumuli or amakhene. A troupe of monkeys or baboons.
- Olunyali lwa emitoka, epikipiki- a convoy of cars.
- Olunyululo lwa owuchwasi, amamoonyo, endukusi.
- Oluyeenga- a group of frogs or toads.
- Olwebe lwa amalamba- a colony of wasps.
- Olwisi lwa eswa. (Swam of white ants)
- Omuchwe kwa owunyasi. (Grass bundle)
- Omufuuma kwa enguwo, ebitasi, (Bale of)
- Omukhuuli kwa esende. (Stack)
- Omukanda kwa abanchu. (A crowd if about 50 people)
- Omukhoosi kwa eng'eniesi. (Constellation of stars)
- Omukhululo kwa abanju. (Procession of people)
- Omulaki kwa esindu- a flock of quails.
- Omuraanda kwa enyama- (meat)
- Omutikha kwa emilambo. (Many dead bodies)
- Omuswasu kwa enyama. (Meat muscles)
- Omweka kwa eng'eeni (shoal of fish)
- Omweeka kwa owule- a heap of millet.
- Omwera kwa omukhuchi- a heap of chaff.
- Owali owa abakhongo- high table guest group.
Beautiful work. Recording and storing African indegineous languages. I'm so proud of you.