ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Language- Collective Nouns.

Abanyala ba Kakamega have names that refers to a group of things in their language: Olunyala (K). The folowing are some of the collective nouns.
  1. Abasinde- group of singers escorting a circumcision candidate.
  2. Ebiteki bia emikachi- stacks of sugarcane. 
  3. Ebipoliko bia enyungu, esongo and ebibaange. This is a collective name for earthenwares. 
  4. Ebikhali vya enuni- bundles of twigs of simsim sticks. 
  5. Ebiutikha (ebiteki) bia amatumwa, emikachi- stacks of maize
  6. Eicho lya enyuni- flock of flying birds. 
  7. Ekanya la enjukha- coil of snakes. 
  8. Embumbu ya amakonge- collection of sisal leaves. 
  9. Emoni chya owule, amabere, amatumwa. (Grains of sorghum, millet or maize)
  10. Emuma ya enuuni- a ball of simsim. It was joined using honey. 

  11. Engopi ya amachi- one gulpful of water.
  12. Enjala chia owule- (Millet)
  13. Enjoli ya enjofu- a heard of elephants. Nanjakambirwa kakona khu mwanda kwa enjoli.
  14. Enungo ya ekhwi- large bundle of firewood on store.
  15. Esiaku sia echemwa (a bunch of bananas) 
  16. Esiasia sia omwoko. (A slice of cassava)
  17. Esibika sia amasi. (Feaces)
  18. Esifumbacha sia esekhe- a bundle of beer drinking straws.
  19. Esikanda sya abanchu- a crowd of around fifty people.
  20. Esikata sia amavere- collective stems of sorghum in farm.
  21. Esikhwana sya echemwa- twin banana finger
  22. Esifumbikha sia ekokhe, amakina, omunyu, omuyekhe. (Ash, salt) 
  23. Esifundo sia amasero. (Baled skins)
  24. Esifundukusi sya eswa, esusi (white ants)
  25. Esifwakanya sia eliani etekhe. (Cooked vegetable)
  26. Esikhanyama sia enyama. (Meat)
  27. Esiikhasio sya abanchu. (Committee, jurry)
  28. Esikhaanya sia owunyasi- tuft of grass. 
  29. Esikondi sia efwiri- a ball of shaved hair.
  30. Esikoko sia amachemwa. (Banana stems)
  31. Esilaalo sia embusi nende amakondi - heard of sheep or goat.
  32. Esiliinga sia esende. (Coin money arranged into column)
  33. Esinywa sia owule. Bandle of sorghum.
  34. Esisungwacha sya wambunda- hunging group of bats. 
  35. Esipana sia eng'ombe. (Four oxen)
  36. Esipumba sia owusi, owukokhwe, owukoko. (Wool, sisal fibre) 
  37. Esipumbulu sia owusemwa, owunyambarwa. (Fruits on bunch)
  38. Esipupu sia abanchu (group or mob)
  39. Esisakasaka sia ebichuma. (Metalic items)
  40. Esisaka sya ebilio- bunch of fruit berries
  41. Esisakanya sia chumbe. (Salt tied in banana leaves)
  42. Esisali sya eliani. (Vegetable)
  43. Esiseke sya engeji. Bandles of noted.
  44. Esisichu sya emisala- a bush of trees
  45. Esisiina sia amasingo- a heap of cowdung
  46. Esitukhuulu sia olufu. (Cloud of dust.) 

  47. Esitundwe sia ebimuli. (Bunch of flowers) 

  48. Esituma sia abasangi (congregation) 
  49. Esituuli sia esolo, abanchu
  50. Esiumba sia enjukhi, ekhawukhawu, onion 
  51. Esiwoho sia omunyu, eliani, 
  52. Esiwulukusi sia embulukusie (small heap of goat or sheep dung.) 

  53. Esiwumbuli sya ebimuli. (Open bud of flowers)
  54. Esiwutikha sia amakokha, amasiriokokho, amasingo. (Pile/heap)
  55. Esiyande sya echungwa- slice of orange
  56. Etolito lya owusie- a lump of flour usually in cooked porridge or ugali.
  57. Etuuta lya efwiri/ owunyasi- a tuft of grass.
  58. Olukeka lwa esike. (Swam of locust) 
  59. Olukhaanya lwa ekhwi. (Bundle of firewood) 
  60. Olukhanjo lwa ekhwi- a pile of wood. 

  61. Olukhibiryo- a shoal of fish.
  62. Olukhilende- a heard of donkeys.
  63. Olukhungu- a group of people with common interest.
  64. Olukhututu lwa enguke, embumuli or amakhene. A troupe of monkeys or baboons.

  65. Olunyali lwa emitoka, epikipiki- a convoy of cars. 
  66. Olunyululo lwa owuchwasi, amamoonyo, endukusi. 
  67. Oluyeenga- a group of frogs or toads.
  68. Olwebe lwa amalamba- a colony of wasps.
  69. Olwisi lwa eswa. (Swam of white ants)
  70. Omuchwe kwa owunyasi. (Grass bundle)
  71. Omufuuma kwa enguwo, ebitasi, (Bale of) 

  72. Omukhuuli kwa esende. (Stack) 
  73. Omukanda kwa abanchu. (A crowd if about 50 people)
  74. Omukhoosi kwa eng'eniesi. (Constellation of stars) 
  75. Omukhululo kwa abanju. (Procession of people)
  76. Omulaki kwa esindu- a flock of quails.
  77. Omuraanda kwa enyama- (meat) 

  78. Omutikha kwa emilambo. (Many dead bodies)
  79. Omuswasu kwa enyama. (Meat muscles)
  80. Omweka kwa eng'eeni (shoal of fish)
  81. Omweeka kwa owule- a heap of millet.
  82. Omwera kwa omukhuchi- a heap of chaff.
  83. Owali owa abakhongo- high table guest group.


  1. Beautiful work. Recording and storing African indegineous languages. I'm so proud of you.


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