ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Specialised Skills and Jobs.

Most of the activities done by Abanyala ba Kakamega required some specialized skills. People who possessed such specialized skills were given a sill related name. The following are the names of the various people who possessed these skills.

a)  Animal related Skills and Jobs
  1. Omuuakakumba- one who treats fractured bones.
  2. Omubaaki- an expert at skinning animals.
  3. Omuchanji- an expert in branding and vaccinating animals by making tatoos on skin into which drugs are put.
  4. Omukhami- an expert at milking animals.
  5. Omulati- an expert in castrating animals ising a knife.
  6. Omulondi- an expert in directing oxen during ploughing.
  7. Omulobi- an expert in fishing using hook.
  8. Omunaabi- an expert in fishing using a net or bare hands.
  9. Omunati- an experts in buying and selling of animal.
  10. Omusambi- an expert at meat roasting who roasts meat during cultural functions.
  11. Omutisi- an expert at holding the slaughtered animals during skinning especially during cultural functions.
  12. Omuyiimi- an expert in hunting using dogs.
  13. Omwayi- an expert in hearding of animals.

b)  Food related skills and Jobs
  1. Omufuki- an expert in cooking ugali for many people well.
  2. Omufuluki- an expert who cooks poridge well.
  3. Omukoyi- an exper in making of traditional beer.
  4. Omulimi- an expert in crop farming.
  5. Omunyonyeresi- expert food taster for important leaders in traditional societies.
  6. Omutendi- expert in serving and acting as ushers to vistors.
  7. Omutekhi- expert in cooking or a chef

c)  Ceremony and culture related Skills and Jobs
  1. Namachengeche- female who is tought the expertise to help prepare food for a circumcised boy.
  2. Namakhala- male boy who is tought the expertise to run erands for an elder rcumcised boy.
  3. Omukhebi- circumciser who has the expertise of doing the cutting
  4. Omung'ooli- an expert in removing teeth.
  5. Omupeni- an expert in playing a musical instrument during a dancing session.
  6. Omusisi- the key person at a beer drinking ceremony whose permission was vital before being allowed to take beer 
  7. Omusiondo- spokesman
  8. Omutiisi- circumciser whose work is to hold or do dusting during the circumcision process.
  9. Omwemberesi- soloist during any singing.

d)  Manufacturing and production.
  1. Omubaachi- an expert in curving wooden items such as handles, stools, drums
  2. Omubumbi- an expert in making clay items.
  3. Omuchongi- an expert in working with stones and bones to make stone and bone items.
  4. Omulukhi- an expert in weaving items such as rope handles,  baskets, buckets and brooms.
  5. Omukulasiani- An expert participant in batter trading activity.
  6. Omunyikhinyi- an expert in writing information on soil or stone material. Also for one who drew objects.
  7. Omwichanyi- an expert in metal working

e)  Spirit knowledge associated skills
  1. Omubini- night runners
  2. Omubaakusi- one with spirit of haruspincy. They have ability to look at the features of entrail of animals and predict the future.
  3. Omuengera- expert in telling the truth using a special wooded bar.
  4. Omufumu- expert with knowledge of telling people the cause of sickness
  5. Omulakusi- experts with the knowledge and spirit of necromancy
  6. Omulochi- experts with kniwkniwspiritledge and spirit of oneiromacy. 
  7. Omulosi- witch
  8. Omukeenga- experts having the knowledge and spirit of libanomancy. 
  9. Omukimba- Experts with the knowledge and spirit of rain making, stopping hailstorm and dangerous winds.
  10. Omung'enieresi- expery with the knowledge and spirit of astrology.
  11. Omung'osi- prophet
  12. Omusisira- lady who refuses to marry due to spirits or spiritual influence.
  13. Omusosoroti- one who refuses to marry due to spirits or spiritual influence.
  14. Omuyia- miracle performer.
  15. Omweremi- expertise swimming, saving drowning items and locating drowned bodies.

f)  Leadership
  1. Omuchuki- experts with knowledge of good leadership.
  2. Omukasa- expert with knowledge and annointed spirit of leadership
  3. Omukuka- expert advisors who are elderly in society
  4. Omulobera- body-guard of a leader who prevented physcal and spiritual evil
  5. Omusiyenga- law enforcers usually attached to a leader.
  6. Omwami-

g)  Justice
  1. Omubeeri- witness in a celebration or agreement or personal defence witness 
  2. Omuhabini- a lawyer; an advocate in a case.
  3. Omukayi- a skilled mediator
  4. Omuloli- eye witness in a case
  5. Omulomeresi- spokesperson of a given group.
  6. Omukhalaki- judge who gives a rulling.
  7. Omusolovya- the accuser
  8. Omusolovywe- the accused person
  9. Omuyaali- prosecutor in a case.
h)  Medicine and herbs related jobs
  1. Omukeri- expert in treating boils using hot wire and herbs
  2. Omulumikhi- expert who treated effects of evil spells
  3. Omusalaki- expert at tatooing and adminstering medicine via tatoos.
  4. Omusirikhi- general name for an expert in traditional healing by concoction..
  5. Omuomoli- treats by adminstering herbs and massaging the body. 
  6. Omutiang'i- Expert in adminstering herbs that reduces sensitivity in nerves leading to improved courage before circumcision or war.
  7. Omwinukusi- person send with herbs to take to the sick and give instructions on how to use them.
i)  Rank in society
  1. Omuyooti- experts in skills to spie
  2. Omwami- one in a leadership position in a clan 
  3. Omwirachi- main speaker in a religious cultural function. 
j) Jobs and names related to daily general chore 
  1.  Omubeki- barber
  2. Omuchumwa- news bearer
  3. Omuchongoli- expert in making of construction tree material.
  4. Omuhocheresia- counsellor
  5. Omukachererwa- tree climber.
  6. Omukhalabani (omukholi)- paid servant
  7. Omukhasi- adds water in beer.
  8. Omukhonyi- unpaid servants
  9. Omukhosi- light or flame carrier.
  10. Omukoma- expert in drumming
  11. Omulakasani- expert commentator.
  12. Omulesi- exprt baby sitter
  13. Omulindi- expert foreman
  14. Omuloobi- tax and debt collector
  15. Omumaali- expert in smearing floors and mudding walls.
  16. Omunabi- tailor
  17. Omunoneresi- journalist.
  18. Omuombakhi- an expert in building houses.
  19. Omusekeyi- expert in gossiping, rumour monger
  20. Omusuki- an expert in plaiting hair
  21. Omusomesia- an expert in teaching. 
  22. Omususumi- an expert in begging either due to poverty or behaviour.
  23. Omuswaali- expert in making house mudding soil
  24. Omuwikhi- an expert in thatching houses using grass. 
  25. Omuyabi wa eng'ani- an expert in grave digging.
  26. Omwiririsi- expert in smearing and decorating house walls.
  27. Wangira- go between in a relationship.


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