ABANYALA BA KAKAMEGA: Specialised Skills and Jobs.
Most of the activities done by Abanyala ba Kakamega required some specialized skills. People who possessed such specialized skills were given a sill related name. The following are the names of the various people who possessed these skills.
a) Animal related Skills and Jobs
b) Food related skills and Jobs
c) Ceremony and culture related Skills and Jobs
d) Manufacturing and production.
e) Spirit knowledge associated skills
f) Leadership
g) Justice
a) Animal related Skills and Jobs
- Omuuakakumba- one who treats fractured bones.
- Omubaaki- an expert at skinning animals.
- Omuchanji- an expert in branding and vaccinating animals by making tatoos on skin into which drugs are put.
- Omukhami- an expert at milking animals.
- Omulati- an expert in castrating animals ising a knife.
- Omulondi- an expert in directing oxen during ploughing.
- Omulobi- an expert in fishing using hook.
- Omunaabi- an expert in fishing using a net or bare hands.
- Omunati- an experts in buying and selling of animal.
- Omusambi- an expert at meat roasting who roasts meat during cultural functions.
- Omutisi- an expert at holding the slaughtered animals during skinning especially during cultural functions.
- Omuyiimi- an expert in hunting using dogs.
- Omwayi- an expert in hearding of animals.
b) Food related skills and Jobs
- Omufuki- an expert in cooking ugali for many people well.
- Omufuluki- an expert who cooks poridge well.
- Omukoyi- an exper in making of traditional beer.
- Omulimi- an expert in crop farming.
- Omunyonyeresi- expert food taster for important leaders in traditional societies.
- Omutendi- expert in serving and acting as ushers to vistors.
- Omutekhi- expert in cooking or a chef
c) Ceremony and culture related Skills and Jobs
- Namachengeche- female who is tought the expertise to help prepare food for a circumcised boy.
- Namakhala- male boy who is tought the expertise to run erands for an elder rcumcised boy.
- Omukhebi- circumciser who has the expertise of doing the cutting
- Omung'ooli- an expert in removing teeth.
- Omupeni- an expert in playing a musical instrument during a dancing session.
- Omusisi- the key person at a beer drinking ceremony whose permission was vital before being allowed to take beer
- Omusiondo- spokesman
- Omutiisi- circumciser whose work is to hold or do dusting during the circumcision process.
- Omwemberesi- soloist during any singing.
d) Manufacturing and production.
- Omubaachi- an expert in curving wooden items such as handles, stools, drums
- Omubumbi- an expert in making clay items.
- Omuchongi- an expert in working with stones and bones to make stone and bone items.
- Omulukhi- an expert in weaving items such as rope handles, baskets, buckets and brooms.
- Omukulasiani- An expert participant in batter trading activity.
- Omunyikhinyi- an expert in writing information on soil or stone material. Also for one who drew objects.
- Omwichanyi- an expert in metal working
e) Spirit knowledge associated skills
- Omubini- night runners
- Omubaakusi- one with spirit of haruspincy. They have ability to look at the features of entrail of animals and predict the future.
- Omuengera- expert in telling the truth using a special wooded bar.
- Omufumu- expert with knowledge of telling people the cause of sickness
- Omulakusi- experts with the knowledge and spirit of necromancy
- Omulochi- experts with kniwkniwspiritledge and spirit of oneiromacy.
- Omulosi- witch
- Omukeenga- experts having the knowledge and spirit of libanomancy.
- Omukimba- Experts with the knowledge and spirit of rain making, stopping hailstorm and dangerous winds.
- Omung'enieresi- expery with the knowledge and spirit of astrology.
- Omung'osi- prophet
- Omusisira- lady who refuses to marry due to spirits or spiritual influence.
- Omusosoroti- one who refuses to marry due to spirits or spiritual influence.
- Omuyia- miracle performer.
- Omweremi- expertise swimming, saving drowning items and locating drowned bodies.
f) Leadership
- Omuchuki- experts with knowledge of good leadership.
- Omukasa- expert with knowledge and annointed spirit of leadership
- Omukuka- expert advisors who are elderly in society
- Omulobera- body-guard of a leader who prevented physcal and spiritual evil
- Omusiyenga- law enforcers usually attached to a leader.
- Omwami-
g) Justice
- Omubeeri- witness in a celebration or agreement or personal defence witness
- Omuhabini- a lawyer; an advocate in a case.
- Omukayi- a skilled mediator
- Omuloli- eye witness in a case
- Omulomeresi- spokesperson of a given group.
- Omukhalaki- judge who gives a rulling.
- Omusolovya- the accuser
- Omusolovywe- the accused person
- Omuyaali- prosecutor in a case.
- Omukeri- expert in treating boils using hot wire and herbs
- Omulumikhi- expert who treated effects of evil spells
- Omusalaki- expert at tatooing and adminstering medicine via tatoos.
- Omusirikhi- general name for an expert in traditional healing by concoction..
- Omuomoli- treats by adminstering herbs and massaging the body.
- Omutiang'i- Expert in adminstering herbs that reduces sensitivity in nerves leading to improved courage before circumcision or war.
- Omwinukusi- person send with herbs to take to the sick and give instructions on how to use them.
- Omuyooti- experts in skills to spie
- Omwami- one in a leadership position in a clan
- Omwirachi- main speaker in a religious cultural function.
- Omubeki- barber
- Omuchumwa- news bearer
- Omuchongoli- expert in making of construction tree material.
- Omuhocheresia- counsellor
- Omukachererwa- tree climber.
- Omukhalabani (omukholi)- paid servant
- Omukhasi- adds water in beer.
- Omukhonyi- unpaid servants
- Omukhosi- light or flame carrier.
- Omukoma- expert in drumming
- Omulakasani- expert commentator.
- Omulesi- exprt baby sitter
- Omulindi- expert foreman
- Omuloobi- tax and debt collector
- Omumaali- expert in smearing floors and mudding walls.
- Omunabi- tailor
- Omunoneresi- journalist.
- Omuombakhi- an expert in building houses.
- Omusekeyi- expert in gossiping, rumour monger
- Omusuki- an expert in plaiting hair
- Omusomesia- an expert in teaching.
- Omususumi- an expert in begging either due to poverty or behaviour.
- Omuswaali- expert in making house mudding soil
- Omuwikhi- an expert in thatching houses using grass.
- Omuyabi wa eng'ani- an expert in grave digging.
- Omwiririsi- expert in smearing and decorating house walls.
- Wangira- go between in a relationship.
Great job my bro!!!