Abanyala ba Kakamega: Names of grass species.

Abanyala ba Kakamega have names for various grass species found within their environment.
The following are the  names of the variousgrass species known among the Abanyala ba Kakamega.
  1. Amakata- phragmite karka. Used by children in making flutes.
  2. Amakale makhasi- sorghum arundinaceum 
  3. Amakale masacha-Hyperrhenia rufa, cymbaria 
  4. Amasakhwe
  5. Amasinde- refer to owukusinde.
  6. Amatware- bead reeds. Found near rivers.
  7. Ebaye nawule- eleusine indica. 
  8. Ebisera-
  9. Emuli- echinochloa pyramidalis or antelope grass. Good for house making. House made from these were held in high esteem. 
  10. Esikabembe-
  11. Esikondi-
  12. Esikondo- chloris goyana or rhodes grass. 
  13. Esipwoyo- Bothriochloa insculpta
  14. Esiyeri- brachiaria brizantha 
  15. Namawo- pennisetum polystachion
  16. Nasiwumbu- chloris roxybarghiana
  17. Olubembe- imperata cylindrica 
  18. Olubindu- Sporobolus pyramidalis. The root is used in the treatment ear problems, swelling on skin and boil. The leaves also help to stop bleeding from cuts. 
  19. Olukhafwa- star grass 
  20. Olukhalasi- rollboellia cochinchinensis 
  21. Olumbuku- digitaria scalarum 
  22. Olung'eresi- leersia hexandra 
  23. Olupwoyo- bothrichloa insculpta
  24. Olusanyi- panicum maximum
  25. Olusere- swamp reeds  
  26. Olusesirari- phragmite karka.
  27. Olusiaka- penniselum purpureum
  28. Olusinyande- seleria incrassata 
  29. Olutiro- coix laryma-jobi
  30. Olwendo- salaria sphacealata 
  31. Olukuku- pycreus nitidus 
  32. Oluwonga- thatching grass of Hyperrherna pilgerana ssp. 
  33. Oluyiambo- papyrus reeds. Used for making baskets and eyiambo (jambi)
  34. Omwoka- Cyperus kyllingiella, Kyllinga alba
  35. Olumunyi- Echinochloa pyramidalis
  36. Omuchuwa- Water reed used to make traditional salt called omunyu omufume
  37. Omutombwe- Typha Latifolia.
  38. Oweywe- laudetia kagerensi 
  39. Owuchale-
  40. Owukondi- planted in lawns
  41. Owukusinde- cymbopogon nardus. Mostly used for making brooms, sieving milk and snakebite antidotes 
  42. Owusubangira- eragroslus curvula 
  43. Owusuuna- crabgrass. 
  44. Owutikhi- Themeda triandra
  45. M

  1. Grass as animal feed- cattle, goat, sheep's, donkeys and goats fed extensively on grass.
  2. Grass for medicine- most grass species were good in treating skin deseases, stamachache and wading off evil spirits.
  3. Grass for building- thatching of houses was done using specific varieties of grass.
  4. Grass for sitting on- good compound lawn were made from specific grass.
  5. Grass for making household items- ropes, head rings, bedding, hats and other household items were made from grass.
  6. Grass for fire- setting up fire started with the use of grass..


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